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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1981)
More than a baker's dozen G ra ssro o l News N .W . - There are m any non- tra d itio n a l jobs where the com m on stereotype negates the complexity involved. A baker is included in this mis conception but the life o f A le xa n d a r H a ll, J r., as a baker really breaks the mold. His career as a baker is tru ly remarkable. He rose from a bricklayer to become a well known professional and one o f the P acific N o rth west’ s foremost bakers. He started out as a clean-up man for a bakery owned by a parnership. One o f the owners suggested that they tra in H a ll to assist in the day to day fu n ctio n s o f the bakery. Soon afterwards, the parnership dissolved and he stepped into the shoes o f the baker This was my big break to ru n the place a lone. The fe llo w w ho was teaching me never showed me all the formulas but each night I w ould take little by little o f what went in each item. I would jo t this down and soon I was completing formulas. I kept the place going until a fire destroyed it. A t th a t tim e , 1 received fo u r o ffe rs fro m b a k e r’ s because in the early 60s there were very few Jewish bakers and my basic products were Kosher pastries - Your C hallah, Egg breads, Applestroudles and bagels. These were all new to the Portland area in commercial bakeries.” R e a lizin g the a d d itio n a l know ledge . eeded to become a baker producing a specialized p ro d u ct, he went to C a lifo rn ia and worked fo r six weeks free. He worked at another bakery fo r three years prior to going to Rose's in Portland. " I was in tro d u c e d to Rose b e fore she sold her business. She had heard o f this Black baker and had seen my merchandise and liked it. She to ld my w ile if she had met me a year earlier she would have never sold. I accepted the jo b and helped the business to expand fro m a restaurant to a fu ll-tim e bakery. I developed my own formulas fo r Russian Bread in addition to what Rose had. I also created the fru it and cheese strip, along w ith the coconut haystack.” It w asn't u n til M r. H all developed these items six years ago, that other bakeries put these pasteries aside as commercial items. A baker is an unique p ro fe ssio n a l as M r. H a ll ex p la in e d . “ On most jo b s , you can ta ke y o u r w o rk home w ith you. or defer your w ork u n til morning, and even take a coffee break. A baker can’ t do that. You have to produce at a ll tim es and be a good th in k e r. Y o u ’ re m ix in g som ething over here, you also have something else in the oven and in your m ind, y o u r’ re preparing the item you w ill fix three hours fro m now, and you must remember that so many ingredients are perishable, so you must watch everything. " A baker must want to be a baker and put his all into it. Our main purpose in life is to live and make the best o f it we can. I know people who mow lawns and are ju n k m e n but they are d o in g som ething they lik e . Remember, there are d o c to rs and law yers do w n on Burnside.” "B akery is one profession where you can take all the credit fo r your w o rk .” Mr. Hall feels that there is always a demand fo r good bakers. "1 don’ t mean someone who comes in and says they’ re a baker, but someone who can fo llo w in stru c tions and form ulas w ill always be able to fin d a jo b .” According to H all, a baker is not lim ited to the kitchen. Careers include purchasing, d e m o n stra tin g new p ro ducts and b a kin g chem istry. H a ll is also a successful property owner and a solid member o f Sharon Seventh Day Adventist Church. Decision making workshop scheduled Decision making w ill be the locus ot a one-day P ort land C om m unity College Careers workshop Saturday, July 25, from 9 a m. - 5 p.m ., at the PCC Sylvania cam pus, 12000 S. W. 49th Ave. C atherine S ills, PCC careers counselor, w ill teach techniques on how to come to decisions re g a rd in g home, fam ily, educaiton and careers. T u itio n is $17.50 fo r the one credit w orkshop which can also be audited or taken fo r pass-fail. For registration in fo rm a tio n call the PCC Sylvania Careers department at 244-6111. Veteran's seminar A veterans E m ploym ent Seminar sponsored by the N ational A lliance o f Business w ill be held on f riday, August 7th from 1:30 to 4: JO pm at the Public Service Building, 2nd Floor A uditorium , at 920 S. W 6th Ave. Interested in a career with a people-oriented company? Blue Cross of Oregon offers opportunities in these areas: Dress for success D ressing fo r success gives every in d ic a tio n ot becoming an increasingly important part o f the business world in the 198O’ s. The move toward higher standards o f grooming does not necessarily mean a return to tra d itio n a l or fo rm a l dress, a c co rd in g to Jack I. co p e la n d . P resident o f N ational E ducational Media, In c., (N E M ). ‘ O ur con tacts with business communities everywhere suggest that increasing amounts o f business w ill be conducted inin- fo rm a l a tt ir e ," he says. C opeland’ s firm makes and distributes a wide range o f training film s in America and more than 100 countries abroad. “ Y o u r P ersonal A p p e a ra n ce ,” a 10-m inute c o lo r film , emphasizes the fact that it is in the first seconds o f contact that customers or business associates gain their impression o f the company and people with whom they A le x a n d e r P a u l, J r ., re a d ie s p a s trie s fo r t h e - oven. (Photo: Richard J. Brown) • Claims processing • Data processing • Accounting • Professional relations Call us at 225-5364 or visit our Personnel Department at 100 S.W. Market. arc about to do business. “ Personal G room ing and H ygiene.” is an 11-minute co lo r film w hich N E M says p rovide men and women w ith concise but detailed suggestions fo r developing basic routines. Inform ation on the film s and supplemental materials can be obtained by w riting National Educational Media, In c ., 15760 V entura B oulevard, E n cin o , C a lifo rn ia , 91436, or by calling (800) 423-3050. Page 10 Section II Portland Observer. Thursday. July 16. 1981 Blue Cross ot Oregon An equal opportunity em ployer M'F