AUTO Professiona;I Services ' FNtunng M111 Jackaon'a Automative women 2105 N Klll1ng1worth Portland. OR ffl17 :11& 733a 317 S.W. Stark Portlend. OR AUTOMOTIVE lntroduc• BONNIE HOWE (Formerly Eal1port Pluel FIIEE comb-out woth purch- of 1 , _ wig and ... locltld 1n: Uoydl Center c----•- --- ..,.__._..,...,..,_,,._ """ - Ave. llOO N ° M " IHIN lppl Portland. , o 17227 ATIORNf:Y AT LAW C...-al PractlCI Open 11m 11pm Mon-Fri. 11D N . Klllfntlewo,th Portland. 011 f7211 716 N. Alberta Portland, Oregon ¥7.1713 503 284-0804 225-1 AC M CCEAN ERS & CUSTOM TAILORS Mon Fri 7am 8pm Set 10.m .fpm We clNn on S.turdeys 1001 N. RE ANT ~r 0, $2.00 L BREAKFAST SPECIAL 7-9A M only ay N. nlon DEVLIN 'S CAFE ELK C thia work &LA --~• - -.--. ,...,. '°"'IMIIII .... ,.. pro111d1ng Qu at rea10nebl 311 N .E. Shaver St Portland, Oregon m12 m1121 G JASPER L. AMBERS OSBORN'• CLEANERS Curt C~ 11lon Hr111cH for men end OU -2486 1014N. Open 5 00.m to 7 00pm FOOdtogo 1332 Skidmore 0 Make thia directory work for you ftliif Kenneth C. Dixson p llel11ble • By appointment or calll Outpatient alcohol treetment for 1nd1111du1l1 ■nd lam1hH apeclll PfDgram for women. 1m NorthNet lroedway 3536 N. William s Ave . Portland, OR 17m ATTORNEY AT LAW 503 281 6566 __ (I03121M-ll004 Walnut Park Detttal Center Serv1"9 the community woth qualtty work qu■lny -,i,ce ".., • • IOPO"""-" 5:111 N. Vancouver Portland, Oregon Ph: 1-8110 .. . °" mn REMCO Rental Management Company. Competence, and honelt. m-1111 REMCO PROPERTIES Walter C Revnolds, M 0 Kalpen■ H . Raidlv, M D Phy11C1an1 & Surgeons 115 N. M orrie St. 19 BARDY TROPHY CO. Makethi ■ T roph191 • Piequn • emblem, directory work f or you call 283-2486 519 NE Broadway p r I nd. OR 97213 -··- ., ··- IR'l1 N. Wlltlema Ave . Portland. Ck . . PHIL REYNOLDS MEDICAL CLINIC· 2709 NE 7th Complete Care Center Atlas Products Towing Serv,c na VANN'I MORTUARY __ R. CHARLES ONEY BOOKER T LEWIS. JA DOS __ _ ,. -- .............. .,, ... ___ ,._,,._ • •-- , ROBERT A . BVT Grocery-Cold Bear and W ine 2U-7480 call283-2486 ------ ' AMILY "91AC'ncl • IIIIIDUITIIIAl CUNIC l411N . I . Broedw■y Portl■nd , OR 17m 3133 N E PrHcOtl Portland Oregc , 17211 281 31110 Phone • c - , JlmS.sNl09 NOflTH '°"71.M1D Tr.ave! ltobem TrophtN • name platei Place your ad her Call 283-2487 1440 N.E. Broadway Portland, OR 17232 'lll1.-T1fl7 Dr. lamuel J. l rDWn Jr. e L. ......, _ DENTIIT __ __,, Dr. Cerio■ VIINkly. Mlll•• ·N......., , 2209 NE KUlingaworth PorUand, o,_.011 1721:Z - · Make thi ■ directory work for you r.1111283 2486 Shoe repair • Leather repatr Vinyl repair • Shoe dyed Free pick up & Delivery New owner Falstaff Beer 1912 N.E. 122nd E. ERNEST GUILE. Buaineu 21 yea,.. Body damage repai,., complete paint jobe 0 .M .D .. M .P.H. FAMILY DENTISTRY Coneutac,ona Insurance accepted. Weekend & Evan,ny 1 hour ■ . m4 Lloyd Center FOf IPD()lntmant call CH UC .'S CAR STEREO Make th i ■ directory work for you call 283-2486 Sales Servi( a lnstaMation 630 N.E. Union Ave Ph 231 8106 Hour■ 10 6 M f Prncript,ona We accept .All Medical Carda Pets & Veterinary Supp li■a " WE CARE' 2118-3311 ' BEAUTY WHY BE BALD? Broedway DEA N'S BEAUTY SALON ft I ARIIR Dnlgnar■ Halrwaavafl ft Beauty Solon ha■ th■ aalutlon . for the baat in tw, c;.,. CGfflll'" end thecll wt out We •Cillf'vl 1634 N.E. 7th at Broadway 213-2111 N .E Hancock Portland Oregon 2112 3379 281 -9.4!16 NICK'S CLEANERS M l ll ffl TWIii "'11 1 1'11 . . N . Wllllema 217-82116 lli12 NE 111th Portland. OR 97'01 N E Bro■dway Portland, OR at affordable prices , /,,,, I A UNISEIC SALON - PRMCCLINIC PHA:IMACY P & J 'a TIPPIN INN TA VERN __ ,.,,,,._...,. .._.c..,,, • ...,,.,._ 111 N . Morrie St. Portland. Oregon t7Zl7 211-tal FRENCH'S RESTAURANT Family Atmo1phere Open 7s m to10p m Breaktut Lunch-Dinner Ip m ''"' Z701 N .E. 71tl Portland. Or" Oft 17212 211-MCIO 7331 N E U NION ( .,/, .,.._ F'-) - • s-ao.. 1119N.E. Broadway . .... o.. ..... - 17211 t • . I NE UNION & OE'<UM 2 ~ Kllllngaworth Portlend, Oregon 17217 _ _ .1:_ RESTAURANTS 249-0353 J ,I Portland. Or . . on 17m II0312'2·Ml3 I ~ra J. Thomas A MARTINIZIN 11.,, Scarv" & Accesaor,n Stvltng The moat in dry cleaning! F11turing ■ame day cleaning , ■nd laundry llnlice, , 1419 N. . ,fl"emo n1 .281'·1133 707 N E FREMONT oow,.,nw,., 12• s w W•.t•ing1on Po11tand Or-.,., I Pt,o,,e22J191s WASHINGTON SQUARE Phone639 1622 c - 1 n - - • - " " -· New owner Peggy & Jim Falstaff e .. , GlaM 35C MIiier Gl1M 45( 838 N. Killingsworth 283-2221 2861 N L Union 211 0619 11493 S E. 82nd 163 7132 4220 S E H1wthorne 2:111010 OREGON RUG & MATTRESS CO. Since 1932 1 • N. Lombard Portland, OR 17217 Ph 956' Make this directory work for you call 283-2486 Sales and aervice Eureka Electric Co. 1I04 N E. Union Portland, OR 287-9420 VARIETY TASTE TICKLER JOHN REED BOOKSTORE Submarine Sandwich. 11-5 Mon . Fri. 12-!i Saturday. ...... Dekum Bulldlng Sheth Floor 11118.W . 3rd Ave. Portland, Oregon m -au:z 14th & NE Broadway Phone Or<leta 21:2 • 1 .. , ~ , lnlePM- lrl CUINftl banal The City of Portland will submit a grant application to the Employment and Training Admini1tration , U. S. Department of Labor, to provide em- ployment, training and related service, authorized under Comprehensive EmploymS'lt and Training Act ICET Al Titlea II, IV and VII to unemployed, underemployed and economically diaadvantaged re1ident1 of the City of Portland. Funding is by formula and will total eppro,cimately tl, 798,000. The grant year is October 1, 1981 through September~. 1982. (SALEM . JUNE 24, 1981) The Oregon State Employment and Training Council will meet in work session at 12:00 noon. Wednesday, July 16, 1981 in Salon, A and 8, at the Marriott Hotel, 1401 SW Front, Portland, Oreg~n 9720 1. The agenda will include I discua■ ion of'committee reports; in- dividual requetta for fY81 project funding; recent reduction of FY81 Governor•• grant funding level; FYB2 Governor'• grant preliminary annual plan and projected budget and a report of the Governor's special summer youth project. Notice of 1ub1equent modification, to the grant application will not be publilhed. lnteretted groupa, organizations or individuals may notify the Training and Employment Division lat the above addreu) of their desire to review any 1ubteqent modification Isl during the grant year. The Training and Employment Diviaion will maintain a list of 1uch notification• and will provide coptaS of any modiflcation(sl. Bethel A. M .E. Church: Annual Women's Day Observance July 12th. All women or the church have been requested to contribute SH.00. All men SI HXJ. Everyone 1s cordially invited to attend the 11 :00 a.m. services. Plannlng Commltalon: July 7, 1981 7:30. Comprehensive Plan Map amendment, residential to industrial, ror St. Johns Urban Renewal Arca; Comprehensive Plan amendment initiation process, and amendment at S.E. 37th and Francis; Banricld Station lnnuencc Area Boundaries; zonin1 code r~ schedule Noon, 621 S. W Alder. ST. ANDR EWS CA THOLIC CHURCH 806 NE ALBERTA STREET Reverend Be"ram Griffin, Sat OOamClt 12 ~ foll I P■1tor J Sundlly Sundlly C h o l i l ~t K - - - •llot _ f _ , fl '"""~- - - ..... 12,.. f'ed LJC 121NE Ru11all Portle nd, Oregon REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Notice it hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Tranaportation District of Oregon ITri-Metl will receive propouls until 4:00 p.m .. Pacific Daylight Time on July 24, 1981, at 4012 S. E. 17th Avenue in the Ptanning and Development Diviaion, Third Floor, Portland, Oregon 97202, Attention: Dean Phillipi, Senior Contract Specialist. Propoaals will be evaluated sub- Nquent to the above time and date for: Tri-Met'1 Special Tran1portation Service, which will provide• tranapor- tation tervice to eligivle elderly and disabled residents of Waahlngton Coun- ty, 11 well as member• of the general public residing in the non-urbanized areas of the County. SucceHful propo1ers will be required to comply with all the applicable Equal Opportunity laws and regulatlona. (SALEM . June 30, 19811 The Oregon St ate Employment end Training Council'• Program Plan Review Committee will meet In work 1■aaion et 12:00 noon, Thuraday, July 9, 1981 at the Portland Marriott Hotel, 1401 S.W . Front, Portland, Oregon, 97201. The agenda will include a ditcuasion of the effect that the recent Govemor'a grant cutbacks will have on preeent and future project funding recomme ndation■ . Alao d iacu1aed will be general concepta of how future project■ will be aolicited. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Notice ia hereby given that the Tri• County Metropolitan Tranaportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) will receive propoaals unt il 4:00 p.m., Pacific Daylight nme on July 24, 1981, at 4012 S. E. 17th AvS'lue in the Plen~ing and Development Diviaion, Third Floor, Portland, Oregon 97202, attention: Dean Phillipa, Senior Contract Specialiat. ProPONII will be evaluated aub- Nquent to the above time and date for: Tri-Met'a Special Transportation Service, which will provide transportation tervice to eligible elderly and diaabled reaidents of Multnomah County, as well as members of the general public reaiding in the non-urbanized 1reas of the County. Succesaful propoaera will be required to comply with all the applicable Equal Opportunity laws aNO REGULATIONS. All proposers will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. The Tri-County Metropolitan Tranaportation Di1trict of Oregon will not dl1criminate with regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin, in con- sideration for contract award. The Request for Propoul may be obtained from Mr. Phillipi at 4012 S. E. 17th Avenue. Portland, Oregon 97202, Phone: 15031238-5871. TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSP0RATI0N DISTRICT OF OREGON Jolin R. Prut, Director Engineering & Contracta I • , ..... , . . • cenllal Northeeat Nel9hborhood Leederahlp Conference . 10 a. m .• Kini Neiahborhood Facility, 4815 N. E. Seventh. S3 fee includes lun~h. July 11, 1981 ~Lu)~ le .ftnu 1'ott l111111on1rP •at1111 (burrlJ na II o .. i.. .. ,. 111n1e DS.,OHO"' " " OLo■ r o, ODD' A • -. r.n1u•. ONDa nm • I I MN .,, I\ ....... ~I.I\A.,11\. · , . _ Sunday S.-hool 9 )0 A.M . MC1rnln1 Wonltip 10 )0 A. M . H,bl~ r ra1n1111 Union fl 00 P. M. Emtifts Worltup ST. ANDR EW COMMUNITY SCHOOL 284-8463 NOTICE OF PUBLIC M EETING The Tri-County Metropolitan Trenaportatlon District of Oregon will not diacriminate with regard to race, color, creed, se11 or national origin, in con- aideration fo, contract award. TRI-COUNTRY METRO POLIT AN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON Jolin R. Prut, Directo, Engineering & Contrecia PLASTERING Erickson '• Plastering Specialtie1. Pla ■ tering of all kinds. 2111930 All propoaers will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's lilt of ineligible contrectort. The Requnt for Propoul may be obtained from Mr. Phillipi at 4012 S. E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202, Phone: 15031238-5871 , DOM ESTIC I Houae cleaning by the hour . Experienced • 283-~76. (SALEM . JUNE 26, 1981 ) The Oregon State Employment and Training Council'• private sector committee will meet in work session at 1 :00 p.m., Wednesday, July B, 1981 in the second floor conference room at board of trade building 310 SW Fourth, Portland, Oregon. The agenda will include a diacuuion of the private sector placement concept. "Tlfl rrTlflMO u •••clf 281-"29 GRACE COLLINS MEMORIAL CENTER ¥7-107' NOT ICE OF PUBLIC M EETI NG N eed ty p ea et tlng d one? Call 283-2481 today! NOTICE OF PUBLIC M EETI NG Written comments are to be 1ubmitted to the above addreas in care of Jimmy Brown, Program Planning Director, within 30 daya of this publication. The final grant application will be 1ubmitted to the Department of Labor on September 1, 1981. SUE WICKLUND TRAVEL 1734 N.E. Broadway Portland, OR 97232 KEN TUTTLE (5031249-8303 \IACCUM & SEWING Vacuum Cleaner Sewing M achine PUBLIC NOTICE The grant application ia available for review between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM at the Training and EmploymS'lt Diviaion of the Human RB10urces Bureau located at 522 SW Fifth Ave., Eighth Floor, Portland, Oregon 97204. telephone 248-4710. B■er 311 N .E. Shaver St. Portland , Oregon 97212 2B7-B&29 - - -- W.•quolty- Lo,1,_ Jen•N'II ...,....,. Jemc:• H•r1 s, ... J _ 41i1io4 NE Union 284 0866 - ·~ Hair Oea,gn Canter ~lf'IGRelellW.(.9rf'f ptoduc. - ..... 1ft ..... and lbon, RHdy to Finish 6118 NE Union Ave. Portland, OR 97211 2112- SPORTSMAN'S FRIDAY'S BEAUTY SUPPLY NATURAL FURNITURE Laundry & Alteration. Block - ing, pick-up & deliver. Mon•Fri lem-tpm • Sat., 91m-!ipm. ..... ,.,.. ...... _ , PEGGY'S HIDEWAY 7 JOP.M. Mrihattd •1th tht National llapti11 (.'0ft•tntion or "mtt1,:a end the Southern llep1i11 Con•tnllon N ,W,., .ti I" •f,lrt uJ .ti " " r, , r ....,..,JMffl "' .. ,,.,,,,,.