AUTO Professiona;I Services ' FNtunng M111 Jackaon'a Automative women 2105 N Klll1ng1worth Portland. OR ffl17 :11& 733a 317 S.W. Stark Portlend. OR AUTOMOTIVE lntroduc• BONNIE HOWE (Formerly Eal1port Pluel FIIEE comb-out woth purch- of 1 , _ wig and ... locltld 1n: Uoydl Center c----•- --- ..,.__._..,...,..,_,,._ """ - Ave. llOO N ° M " IHIN lppl Portland. , o 17227 ATIORNf:Y AT LAW C...-al PractlCI Open 11m 11pm Mon-Fri. 11D N . Klllfntlewo,th Portland. 011 f7211 716 N. Alberta Portland, Oregon ¥7.1713 503 284-0804 225-1 AC M CCEAN ERS & CUSTOM TAILORS Mon Fri 7am 8pm Set 10.m .fpm We clNn on S.turdeys 1001 N. RE ANT ~r 0, $2.00 L BREAKFAST SPECIAL 7-9A M only ay N. nlon DEVLIN 'S CAFE ELK C thia work &LA --~• - -.--. ,...,. '°"'IMIIII .... ,.. pro111d1ng Qu at rea10nebl 311 N .E. Shaver St Portland, Oregon m12 m1121 G JASPER L. AMBERS OSBORN'• CLEANERS Curt C~ 11lon Hr111cH for men end OU -2486 1014N. Open 5 00.m to 7 00pm FOOdtogo 1332 Skidmore 0 Make thia directory work for you ftliif Kenneth C. Dixson p llel11ble • By appointment or calll Outpatient alcohol treetment for 1nd1111du1l1 ■nd lam1hH apeclll PfDgram for women. 1m NorthNet lroedway 3536 N. William s Ave . Portland, OR 17m ATTORNEY AT LAW 503 281 6566 __ (I03121M-ll004 Walnut Park Detttal Center Serv1"9 the community woth qualtty work qu■lny -,i,ce ".., • • IOPO"""-" 5:111 N. Vancouver Portland, Oregon Ph: 1-8110 .. . °" mn REMCO Rental Management Company. Competence, and honelt. m-1111 REMCO PROPERTIES Walter C Revnolds, M 0 Kalpen■ H . Raidlv, M D Phy11C1an1 & Surgeons 115 N. M orrie St. 19 BARDY TROPHY CO. Makethi ■ T roph191 • Piequn • emblem, directory work f or you call 283-2486 519 NE Broadway p r I nd. OR 97213 -··- ., ··- IR'l1 N. Wlltlema Ave . Portland. Ck . . PHIL REYNOLDS MEDICAL CLINIC· 2709 NE 7th Complete Care Center Atlas Products Towing Serv,c na VANN'I MORTUARY __ R. CHARLES ONEY BOOKER T LEWIS. JA DOS __ _ ,. -- .............. .,, ... ___ ,._,,._ • •-- , ROBERT A . BVT Grocery-Cold Bear and W ine 2U-7480 call283-2486 ------ ' AMILY "91AC'ncl • IIIIIDUITIIIAl CUNIC l411N . I . Broedw■y Portl■nd , OR 17m 3133 N E PrHcOtl Portland Oregc , 17211 281 31110 Phone • c - , JlmS.sNl09 NOflTH '°"71.M1D Tr.ave! ltobem TrophtN • name platei Place your ad her Call 283-2487 1440 N.E. Broadway Portland, OR 17232 'lll1.-T1fl7 Dr. lamuel J. l rDWn Jr. e L. ......, _ DENTIIT __ __,, Dr. Cerio■ VIINkly. Mlll•• ·N......., , 2209 NE KUlingaworth PorUand, o,_.011 1721:Z - · Make thi ■ directory work for you r.1111283 2486 Shoe repair • Leather repatr Vinyl repair • Shoe dyed Free pick up & Delivery New owner Falstaff Beer 1912 N.E. 122nd E. ERNEST GUILE. Buaineu 21 yea,.. Body damage repai,., complete paint jobe 0 .M .D .. M .P.H. FAMILY DENTISTRY Coneutac,ona Insurance accepted. Weekend & Evan,ny 1 hour ■ . m4 Lloyd Center FOf IPD()lntmant call CH UC .'S CAR STEREO Make th i ■ directory work for you call 283-2486 Sales Servi( a lnstaMation 630 N.E. Union Ave Ph 231 8106 Hour■ 10 6 M f Prncript,ona We accept .All Medical Carda Pets & Veterinary Supp li■a " WE CARE' 2118-3311 ' BEAUTY WHY BE BALD? Broedway DEA N'S BEAUTY SALON ft I ARIIR Dnlgnar■ Halrwaavafl ft Beauty Solon ha■ th■ aalutlon . for the baat in tw, c;.,. CGfflll'" end thecll wt out We •Cillf'vl 1634 N.E. 7th at Broadway 213-2111 N .E Hancock Portland Oregon 2112 3379 281 -9.4!16 NICK'S CLEANERS M l ll ffl TWIii "'11 1 1'11 . . N . Wllllema 217-82116 lli12 NE 111th Portland. OR 97'01 N E Bro■dway Portland, OR at affordable prices , /,,,, I A UNISEIC SALON - PRMCCLINIC PHA:IMACY P & J 'a TIPPIN INN TA VERN __ ,.,,,,._...,. .._.c..,,, • ...,,.,._ 111 N . Morrie St. Portland. Oregon t7Zl7 211-tal FRENCH'S RESTAURANT Family Atmo1phere Open 7s m to10p m Breaktut Lunch-Dinner Ip m ''"' Z701 N .E. 71tl Portland. Or" Oft 17212 211-MCIO 7331 N E U NION ( .,/, .,.._ F'-) - • s-ao.. 1119N.E. Broadway . .... o.. ..... - 17211 t • . I NE UNION & OE'