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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1980)
Portland Observer JOB OPENING JOB FINDER MULTNOMAH COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Department ot Human Services $1,131 1,653 monthly. Serves as administrative assistant to the Chief Ot tice ot Adm inistration, Department ot Human Services. Duties include research and report w riting, analyzing data and preparing narrative s u m m a rie s , d ra ftin g tormulative policies and procedures, editing and w ritin g reports, atten ding m eetings, and related work as required. This position serves as the primary affirmative action coordinator tor the department and in volves liaison w ith d iv is io n a l re p re se n tatives. To Q ualify ap plicants must have two years ot experience in which they have demon strated the fo llo w in g: some knowledge ot a human services agency; the a bility to gather facts, analyze data and make recommendations; the ability to work ettec tively w ith individuals from other agencies, and knowledge of local g o v e rn m e n t ad m inistration, including personnel and a ffir mative action. W AREHOUSE WORKER Delivery Driver $969 1,091 m onthly. This is manual and clerical work receiving, storing, recording, in ventorying and d is tri buting goods and sup plies. The position is located at Ford Building, 2505 SE 11th. To Q ualify 1) six months of experience in w are housing and storekeep ing work, preferrably in volving pharmacy sup plies. 2) Valid Oregon d river's license at the time ot appointment. DRIVER $860 969 m onthly. I Drivers are responsible for the sate pick-up and I delivery of passengers w ho are elderly, low- income or disabled. Some passengers are contined to wheelchairs, requiring the driver to either handle the wheelchair bound passenger to and from the destination, or to move the passenger out ot the wheelchair and in to the vehicle, and back. Some ot the vehicles are equipped with a lift tor w h e e lc h a ir s . O th e r vehicles include a passenger car and a car penter bus. The utility driver works under the T ra n sp o rta tio n Coor dinator for the M ult nomah County Com muntity Action Agency. The positions are located at the Gresham Senior Center, 50 NE Elliot, Gresham. This list established will be used tor any vacanies during the next six m onths. Current openings are available tor part tim e assignments with ability to substitute required. To Q ualify II applicants must possess a valid chauffeur s license, or be able to obtain a valid chauffeur's license by the time ot appointment. 2. In addition applicants must have: a) The ability to safely operate a light motor vehicle up to the size ot a carpenter bus (small school bus), b) The ability to understand and carry out both oral and written instructions, c) The ability to com mumcate effectively with passengers and workers in agencies sending or receiving passengers, d) The a bility to read a street map. e) The ability to lift passengers who are in a wheelchair or who need to be moved from a wheelchair to a vehicle and back to the wheelchair. 3. A knowledge ot the East Multnomah County area is highly desirable. A p p ly for the above positions no later than 4:30 PM, Friday, June 27, 1980 W here To Apply: M ultnom ah C ounty Personnel O ffice 426 SW Stark 7th Floor Portland, OR 97204 Phone: (503)248 5015 A n Equal Opportunity Employer -------------------------------------- i- Bori»» Repair PSNS Eitb. 189, Unified Sewerage Agency ’ m a t h e m a t ic s / physics instructor ' $2091 per m onth w ith I Length of Employment: periodic step increases, | Full time, 9 months per year B.S. degree in civil, M inim um Selection Criteria: chemical or related I Education Master's Degree with a minimum ot 30 e n g in e e r in g . w ith graduate hours in Mathematics or Physics Ex minimum ot tour years perience Candidate must have previous experien experience in plant ce teaching both college and vocational e n g in e e r in g a n d / o r ' mathematics and vocational physics. water quality analysis. STARTING DATE: Experience to include I September 15, 1980 management ot a variety Salary Range ot technical programs $15, 780 $19,428 (80 81 Faculty Salary Schedule) Must be able to obtain | Initial placement based on experience and an Oregon P.E. license. I educational background, plus full benefit INSTRUMENT program. FILE CLERK Looking tor responsible mature person to work in our tile departm ent. This position requires physical exertion and being on feet all day Must be familiar with the typewriter keyboard Hours 8 30 to 4 30 M F. Excellent benefits, Cedar Hills location. $600 00 month Free parking and em ployee cafeteria Equal Opportunity Employer NORTH PACIFIC/ OREGON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY TEC H NICIAN 2 Unified Sewerage Agency $1515 per m onth w ith I periodic step increases, 3 | yrs experience in main tenance and repair ot I telemetric tf electronic | instrument systems, in eluding hydraulic and I pneumatic components, b experience to include analysis of instrum ent problems and report preparation, ability to secure valid Oregon Chauffeur's license Last | tiling date June 27, 1980 1675 S.W. MARLOW PORTLAND. OREGON 97225 ENGINEERING ENGINEER QUALITY CONTROL We seek a Quality Control Engineer to manage process testing, product evaluation, corrective ac tion and product release tor our Biomedical elec tro mechanical devices Supervision includes In- Process and Test Inspectors and Quality Technicians with a team building approach. A degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering, or a technical discipline is necessary, or, strong ex penence is required. Previous biomedical ex perience or ASQC Certification is a plus. ELECTRICIAN 2 Unified Sewerage Agency $1515 per m onth w ith I periodic step increases, 4 | years ot responsible ex perience in industrial I electrical work and must know national and local Our benefits include medical dental lite insurance; electrical codes ability Tuition reimbursment; savings plan; and many to trouble shoot work | others. fr o m b lu e p r in t s ; graduation from high I To apply, contact our Human Resources De school, or any equivalent | partment: com bination ot ex perience and training. Should have a general I journeyman electrician s | B D DRAKE WILLOCK license and ability to ob 1352Ü SE Pheasant Ct tain and Oregon Chaut Portland, OR 97222 teur s license Last tiling | (503) 659 3355 date June 27, 1980 BOOKKEEPER An Equal Opportunity Employer m-J'-h PART TIME Unified Sewerage CITY OF PORTLAND Agency LEGAL SECRETARY CITY OF PORTLAND $/88 per m onth w ith | Medium size law office CREDIT RELATIONS periodic step increases; seeks com petent legal REPRESENTATIVE one year ot experience in I secretaries w ith ex $11,523 to $15,226 with general o ffice work perience in civil excellent fringe benefits which includes fiscal litig a tio n , p lu s including full family record keeping and/or knowledge ot state and medical and dental bookkeeping; graduation federal courts and Customer credit work in from a senior high school | memory/playback type the W ater Bureau including or supplemen writer experience. Ability revenue section. Han ted by courses in | to lead and guide trial at dies all customer credit bookkeeping methods; torneys through morass activities from the over accuracy and ease in ] ot forms and schedules due billing process over statistical typing, ability indispensable! Full time the telephone or at the to type 40 w.p.m with and part time positions credit counter accuracy and operate a available. $935/mo. to APPLY calculator by touch. Last | $115U/mo. Terrific fringe Portland Civil Service tiling date June 2/, 1980. benefits. Contact Lynn 510 S.W Montgomery HOMEMAKER 1 Schumann at the City Portland, OR 97201 $680 $869 per month, I A ttorn ey’s office, 248 No later than Friday, desire to participate in a 4578. June 27, 1980 Women service program tor the An Equal Opportunity and m inorities are en e ld e r ly , s u f f i c i e n t Employer couraged to apply. vnrking experience to | A n Equal Opportunity PART TIME demonstrate reliability, Piece work W ebster, I and graduation from a Employer America's foremost dic senior high school, or | tionary company needs any equivalent co m home workers to update bination ot experience I local mailing lists. All J and training. Must have ages, experience un- possession of a current necessary. Send name, Oregon driver's license address, phone number and have use ot an to: automobile Preference WEBSTER will be given to certified 175 5th Ave or e x p e rie n c e d Suite 1101-1894 C homemakers. Apply for New York, N.Y. 10010 above positions at: CHALLENGING OPPORTUNITIES Experienced Journey/Limited For work on Submarines, Aircraft Carriers and other types of surface vessels • Electricians (m arine) • Boilermaker» (boiler repairs) »P ipefitter» • Insulators (pipe coverera) U.S Cifixenthip Required All federal Civil Service Benefits. Liberal vacation allowance, paid sick le a v e , p a rtia lly e m p lo y e r fu n d e d life Ef h e la th in su ran ce programs, excellent retirem ent plan. For M ore Inform etlon: Call toll free 1 800 426 5996 (You may Isave a message at these numbers outside of our w orking hours. Messages recorded after w orking hours. I OR M A IL RESUME TO: PUGET SOUND NAVAL SHIPYARD ATTN: Code 170.2 (PP) BREMERTON. W A 98314 Portland Observer June 19, 1980 Page 9 D IV IS IO N ENGINEER C H ILD C A R E WORKER W anted in alternative day care center. Must be CETA eligible. Call 233 2246 afternoons. C H ILD C A R E WORKER I W ashington County Personnel. Room 305 150 N. First Ave. Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 1648 8606) Women and m inorities urged to apply. A n Equal Opportunity Employer For group home. Full and part time. For infor mation call 234 9211. JOB OPENING W ORK COM P CLERK I We have an immediate opening tor a permanent applicant. Filing, light typing (30-35 WPM) and miscellaneous duties for both Work Comp and Audit Departments. Cedar Hills location. Excellent benefits. $675.00 month. Call Personnel 643 7661 8:30 to 4:30. Equal Opportunity Employer. NORTH PACIFIC/ OREGON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY 1675 S.W. MARLOW PORTLAND, OREGON 97225 "n SOCIAL WORKER 20 hours per week Provide counseling to families and individuals under Domestic Violence Project. M.S.W and considerable experience required To $8.000 depending on experience; good benefits Resumes by June 25 to: Metropolitan Family Service 2281 N W Everett Street Portland, Oregon 97210 Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative Action Employer Application Deadline June 27, 1980 EMPLOYEE Et M A N A G E M E N T DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST Length ot Employment: Halt time, 11 months per year (20 hours per week) M inim um Selection Criteria: BA Degree required. Two (2) years experience in I business or industrial training, and/or community education. Starting Date: July 1, 1980 Salary Range $1,173.00 $1,290 00 per month approximately. 180 81 Support Staff Salry Schedule H) Application Deadline: June 20, 1980 STUDENT OUTDO O R /R EC R EA TIO N SPECIALIST Assistant Men's Track Coach/Cross Country Coach Length of Em ploym ent: Full time, 12 months per year M inim um Selection Criteria Bachelor s Degree and experience in working with I small group and/or individuals. Programming ex perience in Outdoor/Recreation areas desirable Starting Date: July 1, 1980 Salary Range: Approximately $1,280.00 per month (80 81 Sup port Staff Level H plus Coaching Schedules) A p plication Deadline June 20. 1980 PBX OPERATOR Length ot Employment: Full-time, 12 months per year M inim um Selection Criteria: Candidates must be a high school graduate or I equivalent. Typing 40 words per minute. One (1)1 year previous sw itchboard experience w ith operating knowledge ot the 400 PBX Dimension [ System is desirable. Starting Date: As soon as possible Salary Range: $790 $869 per month (approximate 80 81 salary ] schedule) Application Deadline Open until sufficient applications are received. JO U R N A LIS M IN STR U C TO R / PUBLICATIO NS A DVISOR SALES LEGAL A ID SERVICE KEX Radio is accepting applications tor a co op/merchandising sale person. Responsibilities include developing files and client lists. Can didates should have two years experience in retail co op sales Job opening is subject to manage ment approval. Send resumes to: Paralegal to handli- telephone screening, in terviewing, referral ani advice in the areas of tenant and consumer rights Must be eligible to r M u ltn o m a h W a s h in g to n C o u n ty C E T A C o n s o r tiu m Salary $700 Family h e a lt h . T r a in in g available. Resumes to. 4949 S.W. Macadam Portland, OR 97201 KEX radio/Golden West Broadcasters is an Equal O pportunity Employer m /f. Master's Degree required in Journalism or Com munications and/or three (3) years experience on a newspaper or other publication, or teaching | journalism courses. Salary: Paid from part time salary schedule (Approx. 14,000 $5,000 for Fall term) Starting Date: September 15, 1980 Application Deadline: July 7, 1980 (postmarked by) ASSISTAN T COACH W O M E N S TRACK A N D | FIELD TEAM GENERAL CLERK I Full time permanent position for applicant with good typing skills, accuracy with figures, good math ability and calculator experience. Cedar Hills location. Excellent benefits. $675.00 month. Call Personnel 643 7661 8:30 to 4:30. Equal Oppor tumty Employer. NORTH PACIFIC/ OREGON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY 1675 S.W. MARLOW PORTLAND, OREGON 97225 M ED IC AL A SS IS TA N T INSTRUCTOR N U R SIN G LAB INSTRUCTOR Length of Employment: 75%, 9 months per year. Additional work may bej available on a quarterly basis. M inim um Selection Criteria: Bachelor's Degree, preferably in Nursing, plus| current RN licensure in State of Oregon. Starting Date: September 15, 1980 Salary Range: $15,780 - $19,428 (80-81 Faculty salary schedule),! initial placement based on educaional background! and experience, plus benefit program. Application Deadline: July 7, 1980 (postmarked by) OFF C A M P U S TEA C H E R /P R O G R A M COORDINATOR ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS Length of Employment: Full-time, 9 months per year M inim um Selection Criteria: BA or BS Degree and training or experience m l basic skills or GED instruction. Master's Degree is | desirable. Starting Date: Length ot Employment: January 2, 1981 June 6, 1981 M inim um Selection Criteria: Bachelor's Degree. Coaching experience in field I events: shot put, discus, javelin, at high school or | collegiate level. Salary: 310 S.W. Fourth Portland. OR 9/204 Minorities, women and h a n d ic a p p e d en couraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer JOB OPENING Length of Employment: Fall Term 1980 only (Temporary Replacement) M inim um Selection Criteria: Phil Block Don Breede KEX RADIO September 15, 1980 Salary: $15,780 - $19,428 (80 81 faculty salary schedule), initial placement based on education background! and experience, plus full benefit program. Application Deadline: June 27, 1980 Dependent on qualifications Starting Date: CATALO GING LIBRARIAN January 2, 1981 Length of Employment: Full-time (40 hours per week), 9 months per year, I mid September through m id-June Vacation periods taken during school recess. (Christmas | | and Spring breaks) Application Deadline: September 2. 1980 INSTRUCTOR FOR VIDEO A U D IO VISUAL TECHNOLOGY Length of Employment: Full-time, 9 months per year M inim um Selection Criteria: A Baccalaureate Degree in Mass com- I munications, Communications Technology or the | equivalent experience in sound M inim um Selection Criteria: I Must have MLS degree, must have had experien ce in cataloging, using the LC Classification I System, must be familiar with AACR II and library automation, must hve had at least two year’s | | library experience, preferably in cataloging. Starting Date: Starting Data: September 15, 1980. September 15, 1980 Salary: Salary Range: I From $14,244 to $17,544 (1979-80 salary schedule) | | $15,672 to $19.296 (approx 80 81 salary schedule) $15,780 - $19,428 180-81 faculty salary schedule) initial placement based on edcuation and ex perience, plus benefit package. Application Deadline: July 20, 1980 (postmarked by) Contact C U k K A M /tf Community Coilcg« P e rs o n n e l O ffic e 19600 S. Mollalla Ave . Oregon City, Or. 97045 666 2631. Ext 318 Clackamas Community College is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer i Application Application Deadline: I Closing date - June 18, 1980. Screening will take | | place June 24, 25, and 26 I Contact C L A d ^ M A i Community Coikgn Pertonnel Office 19600 S MoUeKx Ave., Oregon City, Or 97046 686-201. Ext 318 Clackamas Community College a An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer