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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1979)
1 Portland Observer December 6. 1979 Page 7 Holiday foods can be nutritious Old Fashioned Burgoo Souper Suppers When that bone-chilling late win ter wind is w histling outside and frost is in the air, few dinner meals give as much sustenance to the body and spirit as a large, steaming bowl of good soup. Essence food editor, Venezuela Newborn, suggests using leftovers (vegetables and meat) to prepare one o f her own m ou th watering soup dishes your family will long remember: rabbit are tender enough to remove meat from bone. When chicken and rabbit are cool enough to handle w ith fingers, remove meat from bones and return meat to pot. Bring to boil again. Add tomatoes, corn, carrots, onions and cabbage. Simmer fo r 2 hours. Add rem aining vegetables and seasoning. Cook for another hour until all vegetables are done. Add brandy. Burgoo is self thickening. Serve with onion spoon bread. Serves 12. OLD FASHIONED BURGOO (Pictured) 21 lbs. chuck (cut in 1-inch cubes) 1 stew ing chicken, quartered 1 rabbit (skinned and quartered) % lb. salt p ort (diced) 3 large cans beef bouillon 1 large can w h o le to m a to e s (2 lbs. 3 oz.) 4 cups w hole kernel corn (canned or frozen) 2 cups sliced carrots 2 cups onion, coarsely chopped 4 cups sliced cabbage 4 cups diced w h ite potatoes 3 cups green lim a beans (fresh or frozen) 2 cu p s o k ra , s lic e d (fre s h or frozen) 2 tablespoons salt 1 tablespoon black pepper 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 teaspoon ground sage 1 pod red or green h o t pepper (chopped) 3 ta b le s p o o n s W o rc e s te rs h ire sauce % cup brandy Place chuck, chicken, rabbit and salt pork in 8-10 quart pot. Add bouillon and 3 cans o f water. Sim mer about I hour until chicken and "B e s ile n t a lw a y s ONION SPOON BREAD 2 cups ye llo w cornm eal 2 cups boiling w ater 2 cups m ilk 2 teaspoons salt 3 teaspoons baking pow der 4 teaspoons butter 1 cup chopped onions 4 egg yolks, w ell beaten 4 egg w hites, s tiffly beaten In large saucepot, combine boiling water and I cup o f milk; gradually stir in cornmeal, making sure the m ixture does not become lumpy. Cook 10 minutes (mixture will look like mush). Remove from heat, add salt, baking powder and remaining m ilk. Melt butter in skillet, saute onions in butter for 5 minutes until transparent but not brown Remove onions from heat and add to cor nmeal. M ix in beaten yolks, stir vigorously, fold in s till egg whites. Grease a 9” X 13” X 2” baking pan or I'/i-q u a rt souffle dish well with shortening or lard; pour mixture into pan or so uffle dish. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven fo r I hour. Spoon into soup bowl and add Burgoo. Serves 12. w hen you doubt Head& J Filling: 2 eggs, separated ’A cup honey 1 tablespoon lem on juice 1 teaspoon grated lem on rind 'A teaspoon vanilla 2 blocks to fu Topping: 2 tablespoons cornstarch 3 cups chopped straw berries 1'A cups juice of straw berries w ith w ater '/» cup honey '/« teaspoon salt M ix crust ingredients. Press into bottom o f 9-inch Springform pan. r I l i v i n 1 g 9 t o o I 2 D y in g to o lo n g soon for and and TW T W ( O l if e s g o in g G R EA TES T RISKS b ro k e le a v in g your f a m ily b ro k ^ ^ C liffo rd J. Campbell, Jr AGENCY MANAGER I j MONEY CONCEPTS INTERNATIONAL J TAX SHELTERS. S A V IN G S X. R E T IR E M E N T PLANS 2 8 8 -3 4 4 6 s «« n 0^3 S h re d d e d W heat Pancake M ix ^xOBK ' 99« Q '*42 s ... « a _ $1 J Pet U pet I 98e I Plufc Taco Shells k S i " e s Bia^tJ P-e »-.»med S i; s«.. M 5 « Savo M> ' ea 2 2 *1 C oke or Tab 1 2 P ac k Beer In i M $4 39 02 ’2 0/ Can P'us Dep .s ' Q i MMM t i LWU m » S a n 'l 8 *1 M ilk E» apoaied Mit« ’ 3-02 Can San IT 36 Limit) P A n o rtad Brach ^Ä<0FF nciudinoChristmasCandy or Boies 3 Plus 9 Limit I Orposi ’ C a n 6 - P t t '2 2 S P I t , l D « l l Brand Super Savers Save You More ** D isp o sab le 4 D ia p e rs Be ji> Asso'trd U u2 S ' ’ *i 02 Savo F acial Í35 Tissue TOMATO T o m a to Soup Fears M 79 C anned P e a rs ’ -wr HouW 2,51 2 -lb . Cheddar $ *549 rro z e n 02 cr Savo 12 ' aa S 1 S a » 21 aa 2 San I uncheon M e a ts 'jUfMlIuV 98* W v a p o r a te d M ilk < / N u -m a d e S a la d O il L 2 *1 S'’**1 *\ _____ 7 ™ San P A M P A N Y 3 s a a la» 40 Jiffy Corn Muffin M ix D E N T A L IN S U R A N C E IS A VALU ABLE A S S E T . . . YOUR HEALTH AND APPEARANCE 8.5-oz. Pkg. Save 30* COMPLETE COOPERATION ON ALL DENTAL INSURANCE CLAIMS Round Steak Grapefruit Family Circle CREATIVE COOKBOOK Fast Meals and Turkey & Chicken , U»* , n u r;/« P R lC f ÿ no appointm ent needed Come in at your convenience PARK FREE —Any Park n Shop Lot lr ? HO URS: Weekdays 8 30am to 5pm Saturdays 8:30am to 1pm Everything you want from a store D r. J e ffr e y B R A D Y , D e n tis t ...and a little bit more S W 3RD & Y A M H ILL ST., P O RTLAND. OREGON TAKE ELEVATOR TO 2ND FLOOR 3RD ST. ENTRANCE a SA H W A T cooeow ^: PîllebJvV y o u r s e n s e ." A le x a n d e r P o p e WE HANDLE ALL THE DETAILS OF COMPLETING YOUR CLAIM FORMS IN S U R A N C E Variety of National Brands fc « i)2 ’ -it* 8-02 *1 881 p l a n n in g 1 T o o th p a s te M f in a n c i a l ” I A im $879 Savo 26' oa 2 I IM ir tM n o Crust: 1'A cup honey graham cracker crum bs 3 ta b le s p o o n s m e lte d m argarine 1 tablespoon honey In a small bow l, combine the falafel mix and water; let stand 10 minutes. Mix in beef or turkey and onion. Shape mixture into 36 meat balls, each 1 inch in diameter. Place meatballs on a 10X15 shallow rim med baking pan and bake in a 450 degree oven for 10 to 15 minutes or until browned. Remove from oven; set aside. In a 10-inch frying pan over medium heat, melt the margarine. Add the mushrooms and saute until golden brown, about 8 minutes. Assemble each appetizer by S h o u ld ers Save 79' © iC iarof Final Me» STRAWBERRY TOFU CHEESECAKE FALAFEL M EATBALLS AND MUSHROOMS 'A cup dry falafel mix '/« cup w ater 1 pound ground beef or turkey 'A cup fin e ly c h o p p e d g re en onion, tops included 2 tablespoons margarine 3 dozen (1 '/« pounds) small w hole m ushroom s S afeway ] Big Bake in a 300 degree oven for 5 minutes; cool. Blend egg yolks, honey, lemon juice, rind, vanilla and half o f tofu u n til sm ooth. Add g ra d u a lly, remainder o f tofu (chopped), con tin u in g to blend u n til m ixtu re is smooth. Beat egg white u ntil s tiff and fold blended m ixture into egg whites. Pour over graham cracker crust and bake at 300 degrees fo r 60 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Turn o ff oven; open door to cool, leaving cake in oven to prevent center o f cake fro m d ropping. When fu lly cooled, remove from oven and remove side o f pan. Dissolve cornstarch in liquid and add honey. Cook over medium heat u n til b o ilin g , s tirrin g constantly. Add strawberries and salt; stir until m ixture boils again and thickens. Remove from heat, cool. Spoon cooled topping over cake, letting it drip down sides. Cool thoroughly before serving. This recipe is from the Oregonian and credited to the National College o f Naturopathic Medicine. spearing a mushroom and a meatball with a sturdy wooden pick. O ffer a bowl o f tomato-based chili sauce for dipping the appetizers. Makes 36. and a typing teacher at Portland Community College. "People have to be very confused about nutrition these days with all the conflicting inform ation coming out in the papers," she said. " I f I am confused then I am sure other people must be. 1 hope the workshop can clear up some o f the inform ation." M rs. Bales said she "c o o k s healthier, but not health foods." I've always cooked from scratch and never used mixes so these holiday foods are really nothing very different for us,” she said. During the holidays she entertains fa m ily and friends w ith b uffets, cocktails parties and a number o f dinner parties at the Bate’ s Hillsboro farm which includes an apple o r chard, berry garden and vegetable garden. Here are some o f Mrs. Bates recipes which she w ill share in her holiday entertaining workshop: H olida y foods can be low in calories, high in nurtrition and high in elegant taste in the opinion ot Susan Bates, a Portland Community College workshop teacher. Some o f Mrs. Bates suggestions include: -Substitute neufchatel cheese for cream cheese for lower fat and lower calorie cooking. -Substitute yogurt for recipes which call for sour cream. -Use tofu-a custard-like soy bean product-instead o f either cream or sour cream fo r a lo w -fa t, high protein dish. -Try falafel, a middle eastern flour made o f dried garbanzo beans, in stead o f meat for a crunchy low-fat meatball dish. “ The typical holiday foods have lots o f butter and cream and calories, but I think my recipes are every bit as flavorful,” Mrs. Bates said. “ They are not part o f the skim milk syn drome, but very full and tasty so you aren't aware o f the low calories at the time.” Mrs. Bates tries out recipes on her 15-year old son. He is a tan ot her falafel meatballs. “ Anything my 15- year old loves I just know others would like,” Mrs. Bates said. Her recipes fo r holiday enter taining, which she w ill distribute during the workshop, include the falafel meatballs, strawberry tofu cheesecake, curry-tuna-tofu dip, ap ple fruitcake, Chicken Italian and peanut sticks, Mrs. Bates said she has collected recipes for years which she believes will help her family eat better. “ None of us is overweight and we least out very well on low cholesterol," Mrs. Bates said. She is a home economist and sub stitute teacher in Beaverton School District. Mrs. Bates is also a master’ s degree candiate in business education I SAFEW AY Prices effective Wed., Dec. 5 thru Tues., Dec. 11 at your nearby N.E. Union and Ainsworth Safeway Store Nowon^9TD Sale 5*1 Funk & Wagnalls W ildlife E n c y c lo p e d ia V olum es 17 & 18 Each LOW ■ D O S A FEW A Y COUPON R edeem able th ru Dec. 1 1 ,1 9 7 9 M C o lo r F ilm D e v e lo p in g O f f e r 1