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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1979)
Organic gardening requires time, patience office« o i ihc <^eTon s J X '° u iiv ? iy vcntlon«1 - «hould use organic mat- C o m m e rc ia l o rg an ic fe sity Extension Service are any in- dication. more people are becomina interested in organic gardening * 7 " L . f arden ’ ° ‘l ,o ,mprove its *« « r-h o ld in g capacity and its ability supp y n u,' lent» Everyone should <such “ blood me* ’. rock ph wood ashes) seldom contain o f the prim ary nutrients plar “ I t ’ s hard to find an unbiased comparison o f organic and conven- tional gardening techniques ” says Ray M c N e ila n , O S U Extension home gardening coordinator I f oeoolc warn in b i -« w „ a organically M c N e ila n enen? S o t o » £ h, “ “ * m* nure and com poi‘ “ much as „ But organic materials alone will J Pr« lu c e a fertile soil in one gar- J 8, ’ ea* m - h ' • * « lim e F or example, only about SO per cent o f ?he nutrient« '» manure are available “ > I” “ » <‘ “ » « n ™ v « r And n itro g en , phosphorus anc »>“ «"• So don’t count on source o f fertilizer to do tt jo b ,” says McNeilan. Organic gardeners may avo id crops th a t a re es susceptible to insect attac « o p , , w d . „ p o n to n .n d that time and »alienee requirement, forP,uwess ‘ he rate the nutrients are available to p lln is d if f e r - Crenereily, p o u ltry and cole crops, such as r cauliflow er, cabbage, broc. S S A ll w t o t o r . - p '“ ’‘‘'x '* ’ J<M organic end con- «bm i X " * V* " * b'‘ ’" ' P o rtla n d O b server T h u rs d a y , J u ly 12,1979 P age 7 On the other hand, beans, peas, ch a rd , spinach, squashes and cucumbers are more insect tolerant. Interplanting several crops in the same row rather than having a solid block o f the same crop can isolate in sect infestation and reduce damage. And in a small garden, insects can be handpicked and destroyed. A strong stream o f w ater w ill te m p o ra rily wash away insects. A nd a simple s^ray o f soap and water can reduce some insect infestations. Several naturally-derived insecti cides may be acceptable to some gar deners. Bacillus thuringiensis is a ‘ bacterial insecticide that helps con tro l cabbage worms on b ro c c o li, brussel sprouts, cabbage and c a u liflo w e r. I t does not harm humans, wildlife or non-related in sects. Trade names include Dipel and Thuricide. Tw o other effective “ natural” In secticides are pyrethin and rotenone. Both are non-toxic to warm-blooded animals and can be used safely just before harvesting the crop. Rotenone is considered to be the best g en eral-p u rp o se insecticide available to organic gardeners and it kills a wide range o f insects such as FOOTBALL ®SS R»»»ry»d « «•,« via kmtrack flood aaaia In lower level Oe- paila Portland Station 8 30 a m SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 2 1 SAVE TIME SAVE GAS SAVE MONEY SAN DIEGO CHARGERS W F r e d M e v e rT o u r s 231-1100 r ONE STOP SHOPPING u CENTERS Prices Good Wednesday, July 11 thru Saturday July 14,1979 Natural Jute c a te rp illa rs , aphids and certain beetles. Nicotine is another plant-derived insecticide. It controls aphids and other soft-bodied insects, thrips and c a te rp illa rs . I t can be used just before harvest. However, it is u very toxic chemical and is sold in concen trated form . It should be used with great care. Biological co ntro l methods are lim ite d to th e ir effectiveness. Ladybugs and preying mantis may do some good, but not for any ex tended period. Light traps kill both good and bad insects and may bring in more insects than they kill. Companion planting o f marigolds and other plants which are supposed to repel insects aren’t reliable. W hat works fo r one g a rd e n e r hasn’ t worked for another. “ The key here is maintaining the garden in a virgorous state o f growth with adequate nutrients and water. W hether or not the nutrients are fro m an o rg anic source is im m aterial,” says McNeilan. There also is a widespread belief that organically-grown food is more n u tritio u s than th a t g ro w n w ith chemical fertilizers. Regardless o f its original source, fertilizer in the soil must be broken down into its simple ionic form before plants cat? use it. The ions which are absorbed by the plants are identical, whether they come from an inorganic or organic source. Lions celebrate ten years The A lbina L io n ’s Club will cele brate its tenth anniversary, Sunday, July 15th at the F lam in go M o te l from 4:00 p .m .-10:00 p.m . Highlight o f the gathering will be the elected officers for the 1979-1980 year o f the L io n ’s Club as well as the W om en’s A uxiliary. The L io n ’s C lub, identified in the community by its beneficial commu nity activities o f Food Baskets for the needy and aid to the Sight Foun dation, hopes to expand their activi ties this coming year. Haarth baking it actually an Old World method of baking which da, a t back many yaart ‘o the days ol stone Grant and open haartha Tna kay Id Hearth Baking II heat and (team Thia combination gives tbs cruet a thin, fragile crispy M alt tna bread a unique tairura and Savor untlka other breads you've triad Ml« and match your choice of S great Eranch breads Food Sections For your liber arts protects balls ^ lo tlo n a S e c h o n a Walnut Park Grand Re-Opening Savings Bounty --------- Sllverstone Cookware A ll Item s *1 OFF WITH COUPON Workshop studies women's work S et ’5 OFF WITH COUPON FredMeyer, “ Women in Today’s Labor Force,” a one-day conference sponsored by the W om en’s Bureau o f the U .S . De partment o f Labor and the Oregon Bureau o f L a b o r’s Apprenticeship Outreach Program, is set for W ed nesday, July 25th from 9:00 a.m . to 3:30 p.m . in the West Ball Room o f the Sheraton M o to r Inn, Lloyd Cen ter. T h e conferen ce w ill p ro v id e a range o f views on women in non- traditional occupations, defined as jobs where women constitute 25 per cent or less o f the workers. O reg o n L a b o r C o m m is s io n e r M a ry Wendy Roberts w ill open the conference with the welcome address at 9:00 a.m . O ther speakers include: Charles Ganter, director o f the Bureau o f L abo r’s Apprenticeship and T ra in ing D ivision, to discuss “ W h a t is Apprenticeship;” Lazelle Johnson, reg io n al a d m in is tra to r o f the W o m e n ’ s B u re a u , to discuss “ W om en’ s Job Rights and the Job M a r k e t” ; and D r . P am M u n te r, psychologist and associate professor at Portland State University, to dis cuss “ Self-Image and Its Impact on C areer C hoices and C areer Suc cesses.” SMversf one Cookware by Bounty A ita m i W a ln u t P a rk S to re O n ly With Coupon Professional hair care Cosmetic Sections Complete Set With Coupon • C u b VMM t/2 0 th of 1* • Valid thru July 21. ,»79 • Food or Variety Sac,Ions Your d o llar goes farth er w hen you shop a t Fred Meyer! Fred Meyer Coupon Fred Meyer Coupon Chnio0 heavy du« motor ou I First 4, all additional ÌR eguiarPrice Reg. 27C Record Ì Ivory • Walnut Park only • With coupon • Caah value 1 /2 9 ,h of I t • Valid Wad.. July 11 thru Set.. July 14 1979 • Photo-Sound Sacliona FM-0C • With coupon • Walnut P • Caah value 1/20lh o l 1« • Valid Wad.. July 11 thru Saf., July 14. 1979 • Food Secllona FM-00 Plastic Head Pins 375^ Orli»« brand ball point pina Specially made for u h on knlla, symherica and eiaetica Nolione Sactiona Blacfi Flag FredMi M otori Ant Traps Chooae from Heavy Oufy 20. 30 or 10/40 oil Slock up now ano aava 3 Irapa lo a card Rid you' home ol ante the easy Black Flag way Kiila awaat. g'aaaa and lira an,a GAT Qardan Camera S Houaawara Secllona ^AuioSacbona i\\ SALE PRICED Interested persons are encouraged to f reregister by calling the Appren ticeship Outreach Program at 229- 5125. Registrations will be accepted at the door. The $10 registration fee includes lunch. SAVE 99 Good tor 2 aon'sswns naa'ar and guest W lu e S ’ admission one »me only Stanley Vacuum Bottle Unbreakable, 1 q, all steel case, stainless s’ eel lining Keeps con tents steer’Ing hot or frosty cold all day long PA944C Housewares Sections M-943 Rave Soft P erm Kit No Odor No frizz A sturdy seamless polyethelene wading pool for little people As sorted patterns and colors Cosmetic Sachons Variety Sections Each of these advertised items must be readily available for sale at or below the advertised price in each Fred M aytr store, except as specifically noted m this ad F T t^ IS lF ' THRU« AUG.I8THS POSTUME I AT7 3 0 PM ! Coleto 48 Poly Pool Variety Sections except Momspn Food Sections except Morrison Beaverton and S E ,’J2nd and Sta/K Apparel Sections except Moer,Son. Walnut Park and Stark < J .. .• - Notion« Sections except Gateway Hose City. Stadium and Morrison Fabric Centers except Gateway. Hose City, Raleigh Hills. Rockwood Hollywood Stark. Stadium Walnut Park and O M f STOP SHOPPING P C t N T l PS . Air Conditioned Cur. Skyvtew •n FtxR rxj NE 223rd and Hawey Si * Sorry children under 12 noi admitted — Racing Monday through Saturday “ |M UtTNO M A H|