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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1979)
Page 10 Portland Obaarvar Thursday. July 12,1879 Community Calendar Hare you checked your “ roots” ? Peninsula Senior Center, 7508 N. Here ford, on lo m b a rd , w ill present 'o n , Olson, o f the Multnom ah County Library, as guest speaker on Geneology. Monday, July 16th a’ 12:00 noon. He w ili offer information on the means available to trace your ancestors Bring what data you now have, and a sack lunch. “ Sap-sere," our sister-city, is the theme o f the monthly party at Peninsula Senior Center, on Friday, July 20th, at 2:00 p.m. We welcome our Japanese guests, and the North Portland delegates, who w ill travel to Japan next month Us form a sister-neighborhocxl in Sapporo. C liff Nelson and the "Y oung Fellows'’ w ill play the good old times for your dancing pleasure. Seniors are invited to jo in the Tuesday Cruft Class, between 1:00 and 3:30 rum., for rug scrap wall liangings and beginning macramc. Pick up a calendar o f coming events, or phone 289-8208 for inform ation regarding new Bridge Groups on Mondays and Fridays; Pinochle on Wednesdays, and Penny Bingo on Thursdays. New summer hours fo r Kelley Point Park have been announced by the Pori o f Portland. During July through September, Kelley Point w ill be open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., seven days a week. July !2th— North Portland Citizens Committee community meeting, w ill discuss: 1) Comprehensive Plan, 7:30 p.m.. University o f Portland. Buckley Center, 5000 N. Willamette. July 16th—North Portland Citizens Committee meeting: 1) Sapporo Film: 2) Economic Development Policy: 7:30 p.m.. Neighbors North, 7508 N. Here ford. July 17th—Northeast Coalition o f Neighborhoods meeting, 7:30 p.m .. King Facility, 4815 N.E. 7th. July 17th— Urban Development Action Grant Advisory Committee meeting, 7:30 p.m., Neighbors North, 7508 N. Hereford. Life Center, serving North and Northeast Portland, w ill have a garage sale July 14th that w ill be larger than most, for two reasons. First is the location. It w ill be held from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Pacific Northwest Bell’s installation and repair vehicles garage. 1505 N. Bryant. Second, is the big hand that PNB’ s Northeast Portland Community Relations team is providing in putting on the sale. Purpose o f the garage sale is to raise funds for non-perishable food items. Portland Community College district residents who have reached the age o f 65 may attend a credit class free o f charge by obtaining a tuition waiver, but the free classes w ill be restricted to those who wait for open registration. I f senior citizens want to be assured o f a place in a class they must preregister, receive a registration appointment and pay the tuition ana lab fees. In all cases seniors w ill be required to pay lab fees. For noncredit classes those over 65 may also enroll at no tuition cost. They must first apply for the Senior Citizen Identifi cation Card and, after receiving that, may use the mail-in registration form. A ll lab fee assessments must also be paid for noncredit classes. Cleveland High School’s Class o f 1949 (Portland) w ill hold its 30th Anniver sary reunion on August 25th, at the Elks Lodge, 1515 S.W. Morrison in Port land. Activities for the event w ill start Friday evening, August 24th. For more details, interested graduates may contact Marilyn Zumwalt bv calling (503) 254- 4776 or writing her at 3105 N.E. 85th, Portland, 97220. "Dialogue,” with host/producer Ullysscs Tucker Jr. w ill be speaking on the subject o f "Careers In Sales", July 22nd at 10:00 p ut., Channel 12. Guests: Peter Gayton, Account Executive for KPAM -Radio; Claudia Brown, Vice President o f Brown, Dugan and Associates Advertising Agency; and Connie M artin, National Sales Manager for KPTV, Channel 12. July 12th—MSD Council meeting, 7:00 p.m., 527 S.W . Hall. July l l t h —M etropolitan Human Relations Commission meeting, 12:30 p.m ., 321, City Hall. Julv n th —Portland Development Commission meeting, 10:00 a.m., 1500 S.W. 1st. Attention parents! Come and speak out for children. Parent Involvement Forums: Thursday, July 12th and July 19th, 7:00 p.m. at King Neighborhood Facility, 4815 N.E. 7th. What is your child doing in school? What is school doing to your child? What are the clues you should watch for? Who to turn to for help? These and many more questions w ill be answered. It’s time to work for tomorrow. Sponsored by Committee for Community Education. FAMILY ADVOCATES Parent education p ro gram for low-incom e families w ith 6-3 age children has openings for 1 Family Advocate and 1 Special Education Family Advocate. JOBS & training Family Advocate respon sible for child care de velopment, group coun seling work with parents. Applicants must have experience in child de velopm ent and parent c o u n s e lin g . S a la r y $11,000 per year. Appli cation deadline July 27. Position begins Sept. 4. WHEN: First phase training starts August 1, taking 18-32 weeks, depending on tob lull-time ictoe start March I. i960 WAGES: Eligible Ire n e « , receive tran in y allowances for training progiam, starting wages vary ¿»pending on iob HOURS: Plant ».ill run 3 shifts daily. 7 days a weak, employees work rotating shift schedule ELIO: No experience required To be eli gible to apply tor training program you must be BRING Apply: Parent's Child Services 2710 N.E. 14th Ave Portland, OR 97212 Or Call , 284-6267 TK* F n a n d im l If, Twww S.«t« ,»O« » .I M 'l w e w h '« • 1 2 2 « W A N I O l> » « n • N L o m b a rd « * G r » « l« y • H ill» H e r e • 1 «2 ¿4 •* S I • Effective July 10, 1979 no further applications from potential ranters (0- 1 bedroom) will be ac cepted by the Housing Authority of Portland for the federally funded housing assistance pro gram (Section 8). Public notice will tie given when the program is reopened to new applicants. • Social Security Card. • Proof of last 6 months family income, • Proof of Residency/Address, A n Equal Opportunity Employer It • • • • GIVE Praying for financial HELP to get our church off the ground and into m otion. Ail donations GRATEFULLY accepted and prayed over. W ill acknowledge all. appropriate also bring Alien Work Permit. Unemployment Claim Card. Public Assistance Card. Vcterar Status Papers APPLY: ----------- ------- Alfie, lovable coliie-ter- rie mix, 9 years, brown long hair w ith black streaks, medium height, a little graying on face. Reward, 287-8235, if no answer call 287-9100. L__________ Truth is on its Way, by Nicki Giovanni; Sophis ticated Lady, by Lon Donaldson. Buy. W ill pay premium price. 283 2486 ) ENERGY. W e can't a ffo rd to w aste it. H O W TO GET BETTER MILEAGE FROM YOUR C A R ... As a savings professional, you wili qualify for: full employer paid benefits including Durformance bonus, and rapid advancement. Apply in person 10-3 Monday- Friday. Or call 231-4550. Fred Meyer ,, Savinas £r loan. 815 NE Davis (Between 8th and 81h on Davis) Portland. OR 97212 An Equei Opportun«/Emptcyei For information on the formal bids listed below or City purchasing in general contact the Purchasing and Stores Division, Room 113, City Hall, 1220 SW 5tf Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, or phone 248-4001. Form Bid Projects presently advertised: BID NO. Three records: Some thing Else by Miles Da vis. Cannonball Addlev: 8875 to $1250 Seeking rosponslble management candidates to supervise aavings branch operations. Individuals should possisa leadership and communication skills, be maiket- ing oriented, and have a minimum of 1 year's experience in bank or Sftl. branch operations with sup ervisory responsibilities. The City of Portland encourages bidding by Minority and small business enter prises and will assist you in understanding and participating in the City's bit process. WANTED DOG MISSED! Savings Manager | INVITATION TO SID Call the Training and Employment D ivision of C lly of P o rtla n d 248-5848 or come to 310 SW 4th. 2nd floor. Board of T rade Building, to arrange intake appointment Ap plications open through July 16 M in o ritie s veterans, d is p la ce d homemakers women, handicapped urged to apply The Tramino * EmjVoymenl Division la an Eqoai Opportunity Aoency V Banking Invitation to Bid Call 248-5878 to learn more a b o jf documenting your eligibility 1 2 LAI . 3 (A) 4 (A ) 5JA1____ 6 198 DESCRIPTION BID OPENING DATI 0 7/3 1/7 Furnishing 48-inch Pressure Reducing Valve - 2 7 /2 4 /7 Furnishing Cast Iron Valve Boxes b Lids - Furnishing Ductile Iron Pipe 0 7/3 1/7 0 7 3 1 /7 Furnishing Water Meters 0 7/3 1/7 Furnishing Large Survir-.e Meters Furrusluno Fire Hose ÛZ/24/7 RFP-Financial Consultant Services for 0 7/2 0/79 - 5 Ph Qualification Statements Relative to Preparation & Sale of Revenue Ronds for Sawaoe Disoosal Facilities NOTICE OF M ODIFICATION OF DEADLINE DATE FOR RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS UNDER NOTIFICATION OF FUND AVAILABILITY OR16-OX The Department of Housing and Urban Development will accept Preliminary Pr posais for newly constructed housing units under the Section 8 Housing Assi tance Payments Program, to be located in Eugene SM SA (All of Lane County). Proposals may be submitted by private owners of Public Housing Agency (PHi Owners for direct contracting with HUD, or by PHAs on behalf of Owners wi whom the PHA proposes to contract pursuant to an Annual Contributions Co tract with HUD. FOR A !•*♦ HOUSING PROGRAM FILLED Applicants must bring documents to verify eligibility. Items should include: BRA N D S you know V A R IE T IE S yo u lik e SIZES yo u w a n t • An Equal O pportunity/ A ffirm ative Action Employer • unemployed or underemployed. • 16 years of age or older. • a U S citizen or alien w th work permit • with-in U S Dapt of Labor low- irtcome standards. • a resident of City of Portland lENOW 'S • »411 COUNSELOR Provide counseling ser vices to drug-dependent clients in a minority neighborhood clinic. Sa lary range $880 $1239 monthly. Excellent fringes and opportunities for promotion. Requires 2 years experience. One year of related education may be substituted for 1 year experience. Call Mark Pickney at CODA 241-0242 Training at Portland Community Collage. |obs on St Helens Road near St John's Bridge WHERE: Obey the 55 mph speed limit. 1 SHOP JOB FINDER Training and placemen! program tor production jobs with major elec tronics company naw to Portland: lobs related to growing, slicing, polishing silicon crystals WHAT: Special Education Family Advocate. Responsible for design and im p le m entation of special education program for families with handicap c h ild re n . A p p lic a n ts must have 2 or more years experience w ith handicap children and their fam ilies. Salary $11,000 per year Appli cation deadline July 27. Position begins Sept. 4. Send all donations to: Universal Life Church s /o Rev. Julius D. Snowoen P.O. Box 3767 Eugene, OR. 97403 Portland Observer Contract authority in the amount of $528,000 end a special allocation to meet tl Areawide Housing Opportunity Plan of $301,000 are being made available to pr vide assistance for an estimated 215 units. The assistance to be provided for tl various household types is estimated to be 21 units for the eldq/ly and handica pad with contract authority of $73,584; 27 units for large families (3 or more be rooms) with contract authority of $121,500; and 167 units for dther families wi contract authority of $633,916. IA E A A S I • 2 1 r 4 A H i * •« •« •« • A S I O4 v 4»4« a • 23r4 A • LaHa Q>■•><» • K i « b C ity M««»»«« oa i a e ’ 19 ( « X I I I For a free booklet w ith more easy energy-saving tips, w rite “ E n erg y,” Box 62, Oak Kidge. T N 37830. ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of 8th end Skidmore HUGHES MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School 9:30a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) REV AUSTIN V. RAY, MINISTER 111 N.E. FAILING Dtal-A-Prayer 284 0684 Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, Minister Church School 9 45 a.m Worship 11:00 a.m . Office 281 2332 Speoaliting In Individual • Marriage and Family • Group Therapy Proposals must be received by 4:00 p.m., on August 16, 1979. This deadline mi be shortened or extended by HUD. In such case HUD will notify all parties wi have previously registered with the field office requesting such notification. A provable applications received prior to initial deadline date will receive priority funding. Submission deadlines shall not apply to Proposals for projects in which the nur ber oi assisted units shall be limited to 20 percent or less of the dwelling unil However, such proposals received after the deadline will be reviewed only if sl ficient contract authority remains from this Notification to fund the proposal Appropriate instructions, forms and other program information are contained in Developer's Packet which may be obtained from the Portland Area Office, Hou ing Division, Cascade Building, 520 S.W . 6th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204. "The Church Where No Stranger Feele Strange'' ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 N.E. Alberta Street Reverend Bertram Griffin. Pastor M b SC« . 281 -4428 1200 Square feet of 215# Fiberglass 3 tab self sealing shingles. 22tY' Lin. feet Hip b Ridge 9" x 12” , 45 Boxes of 1 ’A ” zinc coated roofing nails 50# per box. Boxes of 7 /8 ” zinc coated roofing nails 50# per box. 5 00 p.m Vigil - Saturday WiOCa.m. Choir — Sunday 12 00 p.m Folk - Sunday ST ANDPFW COMM UNITY SCHOOL 4919 N.E 9th Ave Norite Kelly. Pr.ncipel The Housing Authority of Portland will accept sealed bids until 2:00pm (PD I Monday, July 16, 1979, for the following: Rhone: 2B4 1820 Grades 1 through 8 Bid forms and specifications available at the Housing Authority of Portlan Maintenance Department, 8910 N. Woolsey Ave, Portland, Oregon. Or call V Max Fagg at 249-5555. Bids will be accepted at 1605 N.E. 46th, Portland, Oregr 97213. You are W elcom e to W orship at NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED "A warm spirit o f fellowship alw ays" The Honorable Bishop U.V. Peterson, D.D. “ The Holiness Preacher,” Pastor Sundiy Sunday School Morning Worship 6: 15 am 11:15am "Shower* of Blessings Broadcast" KGAR 1660 11:30am-J2:30pm YPEC 6 : » pm Evangelistic W o rship 8.00 pm Tuesrtey-Friday Noon Day Prayer Tuesday: Bible Bend/Jr. Church Wednesday Choir Rehearse* Friday: -•The Pastor Soeeks" 34 NE Killingewurth 281 0499 7:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Sunday Schoo* 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship Everting Service 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays Communion 1st Sunday Wed. — Family Praye'Meeting ano Bible Study Finlay - Brotherhood FaHowahip Service with Morning Star 3rd Sunday 10:30 a m 7:00p m. 5:00 p.m. 7:30p.m. 7 :0 0 p m . Prayer and Pastor Phone: 281 8476 Church Phone : 281-0163 3725 N. Gantenbein Avenue, fortland,. Oregon 97227 I 700 NE Multnomah. Suite 400 Portland, Ore. 87232 231-4724 JOHN R. PARIS Field Underwriter