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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1979)
p®ö• 2 Portland O b u rv « r Thursday. M arch 22. Ig fl) — EDITORIAL/OPINION — Jim Crow extended to South Africa by N. f-ungai Kumbula Don't skip this this one! On a number o f occasions, the week, for a six day work week during gives him two days o ff per week but U.S. government has expressed op which they are on call 24 hours a her neighbors paid their servant less position to South Africa's apartheid day. for more hours o f work. ‘ Americans On April 3rd, the citizens of School District No. system and called for a peaceful solu in the May Primary - asked the Legislature to In South A frica , projecting the need to be warned about the dangers 1 will elect a new School Board. Four members of change their election date so nobody would tion to the country’s race problems. image o f ‘ excellent’ race relations o f generating hard feelings among However, when called upon to take the Board are up for re-election and any changes back home, the U.S. embassy was come. They have a decided advantage if the the necessary steps to facilitate this neighbors by overpaying,* she con generally seen as the most likely could bring a change in the balance of power. tends. grass roots” voters stay home and only the elite peaceful resolution, the U.S. has place where South A fr ic a ’ s Many citizens from all parts of Portland have Sue Gordon, however, feels that if venture forth to play Democracy. backtracked, sidestepped and, segregatory laws would be first chal foreigners coming into the country complained about the School Board, not only There is no excuse to skip this one — our generally refused to meet the lenged This booklet, which is being would treai their employees more hu about the decisions it makes but about the way it problem head on Blacks in Africa, children deserve better. passed out over the embassy counter, manely, more decently and pay them the U.S. and the rest o f their sympa treats the public. Frank McNamara's sarcastic has exploded that myth. It urges a reasonable wages, they could act as a thizers around the world have repeat remarks and Jonathan Newman's enormous •practical respect fo r the reasons powerful pressure group to improve edly called on the 350 American cor behind this way o f doing things’ in yawns do nothing to foster faith in the Board. things in South Africa. It could have porations to withdraw their S3.5 explaining the government’s restric a ripple effect across the country. No matter where people live or what issues Each prisoner leaving an Oregon penal or cor billion in investments and for the tions on domestic workers. Since More advice from the guide: concern them, they are upset and angry with the rectional institution gets $100 a the gate. This is government to close its embassy in they have to live in the "servants' “ Be kind and generous.” The Board. Pretoria but. these simple measures supposed to get him through those first difficult quarters” at the back o f the em booklet advises, “ to a point . . . pass Now is the time to make this anger felt. ployer’s house, they arc not allowed weeks - when he has no job, no home, no have been conveniently ignored. along used clothing, utensils, and ex Even the Carter Adm inistration’s Citizens can sign petitions, can speak at school to bring their spouses or children money - and is out of touch with the present. tra foodstuffs but not in excess. human rights stand does not seem to with them and their movements are meetings -- but the only way to make changes is “ They (the servants) have a ten How long can a person who has no family, or have been extended to Southern severely restricted through the pass to throw them out. dency to take you for granted,” says whose family is already overburdened just trying A frica . Economic sanctions were laws. Penn. " I f you give your boy a coke And what is the projected response to this to survive - live on $100. How long before he passed against Uganda because o f Jane Penn, AW C president, de on a hot day, he w ill expect three the great opportunity? About 10 to 15 per cent of the human rights violations but similar feels the pressure to commit another crime? fends the booklet and terms it neces next day.” (Doesn’t this sound dis registered voters will bother to go to the polls. sary to avoid violating South African HB 2865, sponsored by Rep. Sandy Richards, action on South Africa was blocked. turbingly familiar???) Now, this insult to all Black people Those most affected by the School Board's laws and being ripped o f f by W illiam Johnson, the U.S. Coun would increase the "gate” payment to $350 - has been taken a step further by the dom estic servants. Sue C o rd o n , decisions - and those most insulted by its mem sel General to South Africa, ques more realistic but hardly adequate. HB 2861, actions o f the U.S. consulate in National Organizer o f The Institute bers - will stay away. tioned about the A W C booklet sponsored by Rep. Wally Priestley, would boost South Africa. o f Race Relations Domestic W ork denied any official sponsorship and One reason people will forget this election is There is a booklet being circulated the payments to $500. These bills need your sup ers Employment Project, disagrees claimed the book had never been that it is all by itself on April 3rd. The School in Johannesburg among the wives o f port. The hearing on HB 2865 is March 30th contending that when one comes into subm itted to the consulate fo r American housewives telling them Board - fearing that great outpoaring of voters an exploitive situation, one does not 8:30, Room 350. review. Doesn’ t that sound like a how to treat their domestic servants. necessarily have to jo in in. “ I t ’ s lame excuse to you? LUTHER It details how to handle them, what shocking how q u ic k ly overseas By Brumsic Brandon. Jr. Mrs. Tutu secs it that way. “ I f the to pay them, what hours they work people get corrupted by this U.S. consulate gives it out and the ... I DIDN'T WANT per day, how much time they can system.” hardcore , consulate is the official representa TD CREATE A have oft and, above all, to ‘ respect YOU FAILED THIS Some excerpts from this notorious CREDI » L IT T GAP tive o f the U.S. it doesn't matter the laws o f South Africa that govern TEST.. JUST AS I TOLD guide offer a clear insight into the FOR TOO whether one person actually wrote it. THE CLASS TOU the movements o f the Africans.’ The racism inherent in the authors): It becomes the American way.” WOULD blatantly racist booklet, put together The guide repeatedly refer to A fri Further questioned why the con by the American W om en’ s C lub cans as “ b a n tu ” , a term that sulate distributes the guidebooks (AW C ) is taken right out o f 'Jim Africans hate, according to Mrs. which are clearly offensive to Blacks. Crowland.’ The cover bears the stars Leah Tutu, Director o f DWEP who Johnson explained that that was be and stripes even though the Ameri goes further to point out that even cause it was the only guide available. can consulate denies that it is an of the South African government has I--- I v 1, for one. feel that the State Depart ficial publication. excised the term from all its official ment which o ffic ia lly opposes The book is aimed at American publications. racism, should take appropriate ac direction. “ Nearly everyone I'v e Coalition to find the best ways to housewives and tells them points on The guide also quotes $115 as the tion against Johnson. He may not be talked to agrees that the scattering is adopt the Coalition’s propoasls and how to set up home in Johan amount necessary for a family o f five directly responsible for the booklet to reopen discussions o f student unfair. Most agree that it’s not fair to nesburg. The section that Africans (Continued from page 1 col. 3) to live above the Poverty Datum but he is guilty by association. desegregation. At the same time he put all o f the burden on Black fami have found most offensive is the one He would not advocate election of Line (PDL). This figure is $78 below Would he be passing it out i f it lies. These people could be mobilized would w ork w ith the white com dealing w ith ‘ domestic servants.’ advisory committee members, but that quoted by the Johannesburg contained a n ti-w h ite epithets? to participate in a good program." m u n ity to b u ild support, since These people cater to all the needs of would attempt to influence the selec Cham ber o f Commerce which Would he allow his office to handle whatever m ethod is used it w ill Scott prefers a volunteer solution but these housewives: cooking, cleaning, tion o f persons who would have di quoted $193. W hat the A W C it i f it contained Nazi anti-Jewish li if that is not forthcom ing would require the involvement and support dishwashing, laundry, car washing, verse opinions and who would exert booklet was recom m ending was terature? Somebody needs to ask the support a desegregation program o f a large segment o f the w hite gardening, everything. As one South leadership. paying domestic servants an average State D epartm ent why it has population. that is mandatory for whites. A fric a n Black put it, ‘ We do One area where Scott advocates $28.75 a week. M rs. Penn says, remained silent when one o f its em As a member o f the Board he V erbout likes neighborhood everything for the white man except more citizen input is in the budget “ Americans have a tendency to over ployees has so clearly violated State schools and does not favor middle would encourage the Board to work breathe for him .' These ‘servants’ process. He favors citizen budget pay." She says she pays her “ boy,” Department policy. Could it be be schools. “ Most people want their with the Coalition and others to find make as little as $40 a month or $10 a task forces that would participate in a 35ish Zimbabwean $86 a week and cause the victims are Black? an equitable program. children - especially small children - form ulating the budget. C urrently to go to school near home. There is a Scott believes he would effect the the budget is drawn up by the ad great interest in Portland in neigh Board as a leader. Experience in m inistration, w ith m inor changes borhoods -- in preserving and planning, budgeting, community in made by the Board. Scott would revitalizing them - and the school is volvement gives him a perspective prefer a process that would allow important to the neighborhood. No and self-confidence that would not citizens to determine the use o f funds school should be closed, but every allow him to become “ one o f the in the local school, at the area level, To the Editor: effort should be made to find shared fam ily” but he would remain inde Federal government could create for deserves our thanks. and in the central administration. uses for the buildings to keep them pendent. “ There are some followers Oregonians i f they pre-empt local I have introduced a resolution “ In the current process no one A California Federal Judge recent open.” Although not a proponant o f on the Board and I think I could get control. In New York the Federal (H JM 4) in the Oregon legislature to looks at the individual school to see ly struck down a state statute requir some o f them to follow me.” middle schools because he sees no government recently abandoned a support this amendment and to give how the money is used, whether the ing a proven system o f handling educational advantage, Verbout said nuclear waste storage facility. The Oregon, and all states, the right to staffing is done in the best way to highly dangerous radioactive wastes if a neighborhood came to the Board New York taxpayers are now being veto such federal decisions. promote better education. I doubt be implemented before more nuclear w ith overwhelming support fo r a forced to pay more than $1 billion in I f you agree that Oregon should be that School Board members ever get reactors may be sited. This is an ill middle school, he would not deny decontam ination costs. This cost able to override such federal man out to many schools. I wouldn't ex (Continued from page I col. 5) wind which may blow our way. their request. figure is the Federal governments dates, please write me at the State pect them to lo o k closely at 95 over town would have sent their The Federal government, since it Verbout deplores the attitude o f own estimate and the cost could be Capital in Salem. Also write your schools but the local people could children there. It wouldn’t matter began the headstrong rush to make much higher. the district adm inistration toward look at each school.” own state legislators and congres where the school was located if the our country dependent on highly teachers. Teachers are not respected One chance exists to preserve state sional representatives urging them to The budget process, he believes, is eduation program were superior.” questionable unproven nuclear tech for their ability and those who get c o n tro l. An amendment to the support this local control. the best way School Board members The same would be true o f the nology, promised a “ solution” to along best are the ones who obey and Department o f Energy authorization can learn about the numerous school elementary schools in Albina - if the the radioactive waste problem. To bill would give states the veto power ask no questions. Those who “ rock programs and evaluate whether they Sincerely yours, educational programs were superior, date the millions o f tax dollars speni the boat” arc pushed out. over federal decisions in siting waste should continue. For that reason the Rick Bauman there would be little white resistance on these problems have produced no facilities. Senator Mark Hatfield has The d istrict lacks planning, he budget process should be a major State Representative to desegregation. In fa ct, white advancement towards a solution. believes. Most programs are thrown co-sponsored this amendment and endeavor o f the Board and should parents would move in to take ad Even when a solution is found, if together to meet a crisis, with no heavily involve the public. vantage of the schools. ever, the expense o f implementing it long range plans. Programs are ad W HO EVER SAID T hta bkic k woman could be Scott is concerned about the per Verbout considers desegregation will be staggering. THE « A N W HO DISCOVERS A m en ta sh o p * shes a United ded or taken away with little con formance of the classroom teacher. Megfo College F und graduate to be a complicated problem that A CURE FOR CANCER The Federal Departm ent o f sideration o f their reltionship to the wlio < ould d ed r ate her hie io IS GOING TO BE W H ITE “ T oo much emphasis is put on requires the efforts o f the city, coun r in d in g a cure for can* er A cure Energy now wishes to deny the states school. This lack o f planning affects OR EVEN A M A N ’ tr>a« c. ould save thousands of curriculum and not enough on teach ty and school district. He is not sold any rights over the question o f siting hves each year And Fill every hiring. I f the district had educational ing,“ he said. “ A good teacher will block person » head with pride on bussing, at least in its present permanent nuclear waste storage goals, it could hire teachers whose So support black education teach. The assumption seems to be form. “ I was shocked when I first Send your check to the United fa c ilitie s w ith in the states. This training would suit them to fu lfill ^fegm College F und B o xQ 500 that teachers have a minimum com saw the C o a litio n 's map showing would override the existing Oregon F as t62 n d S t fNewVork N Y 100?» those goals. petency and that curriculum develop the scattering of King students, it is law which p ro h ib its permanent The realtionship o f the Board to GfVF TO TH! ment will help them teach better. The inconceivable that a school district U H IT I D NEGRO COLL FGI FUND storage o f nuclear wastes in Oregon. the Superintendent and the public is A O H ndis a I l v r i q I n west system provides the m ediocre.” could do that to children and call it One can see the problem s the another concern. Verbout considers « »Re Aaw«i«s>na Caw»«>> ' Scott says the district does not have integration. There is no child more the Board to be arrogant in its an aggressive teacher recruitm ent isolated than the one or two Black dealings w ith the p ublic. The program and even hires teachers in children in a white school.” Citizens Advisory Committees and the fall, while most other districts A lthough he opposes massive the school advisory committees are let Place hire in the spring. bussing, Verbout strongly favors in used to dem onstrate citizen par Community Service There is no incentive provided for tegration. " I think there are better ONPA 1873 The Portland Observer IU S PS 968 «801 is published every Thur» ticipation that doesn’ t exist. The the good teacher and no rewards. No ways to do it - changing boundaries, day by Exie Publishing Company. Inc., 2201 North Killingsworth members o f the CAC are selected effort is made to retain proven teach let Place Portland. Oregon 97217. Poet OH.ce Box 3137. Portland. Oregon developing magnet schools, and because o f their relationships to the Beat Ad Results 97208 Second cleat postage paid at Portland. Oregon ers, and when they leave they are not maybe some bussing. 1 think the Board members or their pliability. ONPA 1873 even asked why or invited to return. money spent on bussing could better Subscriptions 17 50 par year in Tr( County area 1 8 0 0 par year Many are frustrated because o f their A member o f the C om m unity be spent on education, but that 6th Piece Tri-County Area P o a tm a e te r Sand sddrea» changes «o in a b ility to be effective. Verbout Beet Editorial C oalition fo r School Integration, the Portland O b s e rv e r. P O Box 3137, Portland, Oregon 97208 doesn’ t mean that segregation can would investigate new ways o f selec NNPA 1873 Scott opposes the current desegre continue." Bussing, in whatever way The Portland Observer's oHicial position is expressed only in ita ting advisory boards - perhaps gation program of scattering Black it is done, is a temporary answer and Honorable Mention Editorial column Any other material throughout the paper i t the having the board appoint some children among the districts schools. Herrick Editorial Award the eventual solution has to be in opinion of the individual w riter or subm itter and does not members and having others selected NNA 1873 necessarily reflect the opinion of the Portland Observer He is dissatisfied with the School tegrated housing. This is the proper by neighborhood associations or Board’ s reaction to the Coalition role for the city and other govern 2nd Place specified community organizations. recommendations, but feels that the ments - to bring new housing into Beet Editorial National Advertising Representative Verbout’s initial role on the board ALFRED L HENDERSON Board has made some concessions. 3rd Place Amalgamated Publisher! Inc A lb in a that w ould prom ote in would be one o f questioning. “ I have Editor/Publisher Community Leadership New York He would like to see the Coalition act tegration. And the school district ONPA 1878 been a classroom teacher for a long aggressively to force the Board to must provide good schools that will time and I know what questions to negotiate the recommendations and 3rd Place attract families ask. I don't know all the answers, Community TJfìr* not allow the Board to set the limits Verbout was favorably impressed but I know how to find them.” Ver ONPA 1878 o f the discussions. m i Mam with the Coalition’s study. “ It made bout would provide an independent He thinks the Board is misjudging Oregon the School Board look rediculous.” voice on the board - not afraid to Newspaper the public’s resistance to desegrega As a School Board member he would ask questions and not a fra id to Publishers tion and that it should lead in that prom ote discussions w ith the Aaaociaiien • founded 1888 disagree. Association How much is enough? Bill Scott Letters to the Editor Support state control of nuclear wastes Mike Verbout PORTLAND OBSERVER «watt» IW