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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1979)
P ortland O bserver Thursday. M a rc h 16,1979 Pnge7 Portland Observer JOB FINDEN TRAFFIC ENGINEER C IT Y ENG IN EER City of S alem , «1858 City of S alem , «1858 $2356 Administration of «2356. Professional and Engineering Division in adm inistrative w ork in planning, controlling, or volving planning, design, execution and control of ganizing and directing all civil engineering pro Traffic Division Prepare jects. Responsible for and c o n tro l b u d g et. M in im u m 5-yrs e x p e r d iv i s io n a l p o l ic i e s , development of capital ience in management of projects end resolving traffic engineering pro gram; minimum 5-yrs su administrative and tech meal problems. Coordi p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n c e . nates work w ith other Thorough knowledge of departm ents and state traffic engineering prin ciples, practices, related officials when required. construction and mainte Prepare division budget, nance practices. Regi a d m in is tra tiv e reports as P ro fe s and studies. Provide stratio n sional Engineer in state overall control of project of Oregon Closing date: m anagem ent and scheduling. Experience 3 /2 3 /7 9 . Apply: City of in civil engineering work Salem, Per». D ept., 555 and land survey methods Liberty SE, Salem, Ore. as related to public 97301. A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity works plans and specifi E m p lo y er cation s. A b ility to provide leadership and CITY OF PORTLAND establish effective office CASE MANAGEMENT procedures. A b ility to SUPERVISOR adapt engineering prin «1,251 a p p ro x , m o. ciples to variety of public Employees will work in works projects Registra the E m p lo ym en t and tion as professional Training Division of Hu- engineer by state of [ man Resources with re O regon. Closing date: sponsibility for admini- .3 /2 3 /7 9 . Apply Ctty of | stratio n and m an Salem, Pars Dept., 556 ag em en t of a variety Liberty SE, Salem, OR of federally funded pro 97301. grams in the Portland I area. Primary responsi A n E q u a l O pp o rtu nity bility will be to supervise, E m p loyer direct and coordinate a team of specialists in the Case Management Sec tion. Supervisor will as sign caseloads, coordi n a te in fo r m a tio n ; CITY OF PORTLAND develop, m aintain and OFFSET DUPLICATOR evaluate procedures and OPERATOR TRAINEE performance Applicants «702 ap p ro x, m o. must possess consider Entrance level work able kn o w le d g e and which includes prepar skills in supervisory prac mg darkroom negatives tices; management prin and work lay-outs, bin ciples; employment and dery work and operating training d elivery sy- less com plex o ffset , stems; fair employment d up licatin g m achines. practices; and interview Requires Borne basic ing and counseling tech knowledge of print shop niques operations. Employee re ceives train in g in the APPLY skillful operation of all P ortland Civil S ervice duplicating machines in Board order to prepare for ad 510 S.W . Montgomery St. vancement to a higher Portland, OR. 97201 classification. APPLY P ortland Civil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portlend. OR. 97201 No later than Tuesday. March 2C, 1979 An E q u a l O pp o rtu nity E m p loyer C O U N S E LO R Fo counsel drug depen lent clients Good writ en and verbal communi- ;ation skills and some raining or experience re sted to counseling, plus ibility to learn advanced : o u n s e l in g s k il ls squired. Starting salary >699 month plus excel- ent benefits and oppor- unities for prom otion. Contact Jim Kenney at CODA, 241-0225 A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity / A ffirm a tiv e A ctio n E m p lo y er N o later th an Friday, March 16,1979. A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er SYSTEMS ANALYST The Port of Portland has an im m ediate vacancy I for a Systems Analyst. E m p lo y m e n t r e q u ir e ments are: prior exper isnce in both com m er cial program m ing with high level languages and systems analysis; a BS degree in co m p u ter science or an equivalent com bination of educa- i bon and experience; and the ability to communi cate both verbally and written with all levels of m anagem ent. A pply in p erson, 15th F I., 700 N .E . M u ltn o m a h ; or send resume and salary req u irem ents to : P .O . Box 3529, Portland, OR. 97208. A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er ACCOUNTANT >991 month + excellent ringes. S tro n g semi lenior accountant need id Ability to assist and :onversion to on-line :omputer system. CPA :andidate preferred. Ac- :ounting d egree or 3 'ears extensive account ng e x p e rie n c e . Bring esume to apply at 1805 4.E. 46th. Ml qualified applicants will receive consideration vithout regard to race, olor, religion, national irigin, age, sex, sexual mentation or political af- iliation. An E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p loyer 3 PARTY GARAGE SALE 2/05 N. K illin g s w o rth , iaturdey, March 17, 9-6 285-0719). NURSE — RN Part-Time To dispense methadone to drug dependent clients Observe client behavior and provide nursing ser vices in an o u t-p atien t clinic. S ta rtin g salary « 6 .8 5 / h o u r . C o n ta c t CODA M e th a d o n e Clinic. 241-0242 A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity / A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n E m p lo y er business O PPO R TU N ITIES UNLIMITED EARNINGS' Incom e p ro gram , g u a ranteed! Free details . . . Rush sta m p e d self- addressed envelope to: Am een Executive Ser vioee. 4843 N .E. Union, Portlend. 97211. CITY OF PORTLAND LEGAL SECRETARY « 4 .9 6 approx, hr. Will perform production typing and related office functions in secretarial pool in City A ttorney's office. W ill be respon sible for th e rapid and accurate typing of legal documents, operation of mag card machines, and responding to the public. APPLY P ortlan d Civil S ervice Board 510 S .W . Montgomery St. Portland. OR. 97201 No later th an Friday, March 23, 1979. A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er CITY OF PORTLAND SEASONAL LABORER «4.98 approx, hr. Work will last from one week to five months be tw e e n M a rc h 1 and Labor Day. Must be will ing and able to perform m anual labor for eight hours in all w e a th e r. Must also pass physical scheduled by Civil Ser vice Non residents will be considered only after all City residents have been considered. APPLY P ortlan d Civil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 N o later th a n June 1,1979. IN V IT A T IO N I O BID STENOGRAPHER M u s t be p ro fic ie n t in typing and shorthand, th e re are also various technical duties to per fo rm m aking this a I c h alleng ing jo b . M e rit | salary increases each y e a r. E xcellent frin g e benefits. M r. Brown 226- S U B -B ID S REQUESTEDl For GLENCOE ROAD HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT HILLSBORO, OREGON Bid Date: March 21,1879.7:30p.m. DONALD M. DRAKE COMPANY 1740 N.W Handers. Portland, OR. 97209 503/226-3991 1. W e are an equal opportunity em ployer an d request sub-bids fro m m in o rity subcontractors. A n Equal Opportunity Employer TYPIST S U B -B ID S REQUESTED D o w n to w n in s u ra n c e co m p any has o pening for accurate typist, 55 w p m , transcribing e x perience preferred. Ex cellent salary, benefits and working conditions. Call M s . H in kho u se, USFErG Company, 221- 0221. For CENTRAL MALL OFFICE BUILDING SALEM. OREGON Bid Date: April 4 .1 9 7 9 ,2 :3 0 p .m . Donald M. Drake Company 1740 N .W . Handers. Portland, OR. 97209 503/226-3991 W e a re an equal o pp o rtun ity em ployer a n d request sub-bids fr o m m in o rity subcontractors. A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er M /F Employee Relations Good Samaritan Hospi tal and Medical Center 2183 N W . Northrup A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er COUNSELOR - PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT, 3 P ositions. «6.31/h r. W a s h in g t o n C o u n ty (HIHsboro) — 1 perm a nent, 1 temporary until Oct. 31. Intake, eligibi lity, monitoring duties in PSE (C E T A ) program . Degree with course work and co un selin g or 2 years e x p e rie n c e in social services working with low-income people, experience conducting interviews preferably in em ploym ent counseling se ttin g . K now ledge of C E TA and EEO preferred. Own transpor tation and valid Driver's License Bilingual (S p a nish/E nglish) re q u ire d fo r te m p o ra ry p o sitio n in W e s h in g to n C o u n ty o niy. Multnomuh County (NE 122nd A ve.) — 1 tem p orary u ntil O c t. 31. Requirem ents as listed above. To apply: Need not be CETA eligible. M ust be available for personal in terview. Send reaumee s p e c ify in g e x p e rie n c e and skiMs relevant to job REFER TO JO B N O . PWE53 and indicate po sitions applied for. Send resumes to: M ult-W ash CETA Consortium , 806 S .W . B roadw ay. Suite 3 25, P o rtle n d , OR . 97206. Closes March 21, 5pm . A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p loyer B ID N O . D E S C R IP T IO N B ID O P E N IN G D ATE 0 3 /2 2 /7 9 Sludge L agnon Rehabilitation Installation of North Vannruivnr Wav Wator Main 113 ____ 114 Furnishing Two 3-4 Yard Dump Trunk lib Furnmhinu Three 8-10 Yard Dumn Trunk U fi . Furnishing Two 1 /2 Yard Low Bad Dump Trunk 112 ------EumahingQnB Tractor Backhoe I oarinr/WhaN Type 118 1 uà 122 A 123_ 124 125 12Q Construction of Cathnrlic Protection Stations Construction of M t. Tabor b Washington Park Chlorination Buildings Furnishing 24" Ductile Iron Pipe RFP Wastewater Sludne Diansfer G a s Study Ft Dasian Attention CONSERVATION SPECIALIST (P ro g ra m E x ecutive I) «1,386-41,746/m onth, in Salem . Im m ediate fu ll tim e opening to im ple ment State Energy M an a g em en t P ro gram fo r stste buildings and to en courage energy-efficient b u ild in g c o n s tru c tio n practices. BA or BS de gree or 3 years related re sponsible experience + 2 years technical staff exp erien ce in related energy conservation or building code implemen tation. Applications and job announcements from P e r s o n n e l D iv is io n , S ta te of O re g o n , 775 Court S t., Salem , OR. 97310. Deadline April 2. A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y e r Soaking interested parties for sub-contracting on the South Beach Marina Project Newport. Oregon Specifications and Plans available by calling Everett Finch, 864-3104 m /n /io JOJ2D/79 ta/yorra 0 S /m /7 A m /Tn /TB 0 3 /2 0 /7 9 on/7n/7a 0 4 /0 1 /7 9 0 3 /2 7 /7 9 0 4 /1 0 /7 9 0 3 /2 0 /7 9 0 2 /2 3 /7 9 IN V IT A T IO N T O B ID O N E Q U IP M E N T TO BE F U R N IS H E D C IT Y OF B EN D , O REGO N The City of Bend, Deschutes County, OR, hereinafter called the Owner, through BECON, hereinafter called the Engineer, is inviting separate Proposals to furnish and deliver the following equipment: Contract No. 24A: AERATION BLOWERS Contract No. 24B: AERATION EQUIPMENT Bids are to be submitted by March 27,1979. CLERK TYPIST FILE CLERK Opening with North Pa c ific Insurance C o m pany. Requires accuracy with numbers and good typing skills, 40-50 wpm . «600 m onthly to start. Excellent benefits. Call Personnel 643-7661. Opening with North Pa cific Insurance C o m pany, light typing. Re quires being on fe e t. «525 m onthly to start. Excellent benefits. Call Personnel between 8:30- 4:30,643-7661. A n E q u a l O pp o rtu nity E m p lo y er A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y e r Contract No. 27: PLANT WATER PUMPS Sealed Proposals addressed to James W . Kerfoot, Recorder-Treasurer of the City of Bend, Deschutes County, 710 Wall Street, Bend, OR 97701, will be re ceived at the office of James W . Kerfoot, Recorder-Treasurer of the City of Bend, 710 Wall Street, Bend, OR 97701, until 10:30 a.m ., local time, on the 17th day of April 1979, at which time they will be publicly opened and read in the City Commission Room at 720 Wall Street, Bend, OR 97701. The Contract Documents for the Owner s purchase of equipment include the Bidding Requirements, the Proposal, the Contract forms, the General Con ditions, the Supplementary Conditions, the Specifications, and the Plans. Copies of the Contract Documents may be reviewed or obtained at the office of BECON (Bend Engineering Consultants), South Highway 97, Bend, OR 97701. Questions about the content of these Contract Documents should be directed to M r. Scott Hicks, BECON, P.O . Box 1174, Bend, OR 97701, (503) 382-4114. Each Proposal must be accompanied by a certified check or Bid Bond executed on the prescribed form, payable to the City of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, in an amount not less than 10 percent of the amount bid. LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINEES Apply between 9 am to 2 pm. Formal Bid Projects presently advertised : 99 A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er Full time positions, 7 am to 3:30 pm. Able to push heavy carts up to 1,000 lbs Salary «4.01 hr. Ex cellent benefits. For information on the formal bids listed below or City purchasing in general con tact the Purchasing and Stores Division, Room 113, City Hall, 1220 S W 5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204 or phone 248-4001. n Friday, DELIVERY PERSONS The City of Portland encourages bidding by Minority and smell business enter prises and will assist you In understanding and participating in the City's bid process. CETA has openings for Law E n fo rc e m e n t Trainees with the Port land Police Department. If you are between the ages of 21-29, live within C ity Lim its and have been unemployed for ten out of the last 12 weeks or 15 out of last 20 weeks and really w a n t to become a police officer, please contact the CETA office. 522 S .W . 5th, 6th FI. You must be a H .S . g ra d u a te or received your G .E.D . Applications will be taken March IB- 30, 1979 u ntil 4 p .m . each day. W om en and minorities are urged to appiy. SUBSIDIZED ELDERLY HOUSING ROSELYN APARTMENTS W e are now taking applications for our elevator structure on N W 21st in Portland. W e have 30 ef fidency units. You must be over 62 or handicap ped to qualify. Your annual income must be under «9,460 for a single person or «10,800 for a couple. Rent will be approximately 2 5% of your adjusted monthly income. Prices quoted in the Proposal shall remain firm for a period of 90 days after the date stated for opening of Proposals. Complete descriptive literature, as required by the Contract Documents, shall be submitted with the Bidder's Proposal for the Engineer's review and evaluation. Prices quoted shall be f.o .b . factory with freight and full insurance paid by the Bidder to the City of Bend, OR 97701. The successful Bidder for the following Contract will be required to furnish a Per formance and Payment Bond for faithful performance of the Contract in the full amount of the Contract price. Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the provisions of the President's Executive Order No. 11246 and requirements issued thereunder. The requirements for bidders and contractors under this order are explained in the Contract Documents. For application please write: Tom Walsh Er Company 3015 BW 1st Portland, OR. 97201 or phone 222-4375 A pre-application form plus further information will be sent. Personal interviews will begin March 19,1979. The right is reserved to reject any or all Pronosals for each bid items, and to con sider that Proposal for any individual item of equipment which is to the beat in terest of the Ow ner. Dated this 14th day of March 1979. P A R T -T IM E TYPIST CITY OF BEND, OREGON N eed good a c c u ra te ty p is t w ith s ta tis tic a l b a c k g ro u n d . H ours 9 am -2 pm, «4 an hour to start. Excellent benefits. Cedar Hills location. Call Personnel 643-7881. mMtOTORWSTYHOUaNG by the Stata tri Omgen Mousing Dhriaion A n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y er Jamas W . Kerfoot Recorder-T reasurer HUGHES M EMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH REV A USTIN V RAY. MINISTER 111 N.E. FAILING ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Dial A-Prayer 284-0884 Worship 11.00a.m. Corner of 9th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30a.m. Church School 9:46 a m. Office 281 2332 Spectahitnit In Individual • Marriage and Family • Group Therapy Sunday Worship 11:90a.m . "T h e C hurch W here N o S trang er Foafa S troog o" Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, Minister ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH 908 N.E. Alberta Street Griffin, 6:SO p .m V ig il - S atu rd ay lO S O a .m . C hoir — Sunday 1 2 ® p . m Folk - Sunday ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL Phono SB* Oradoo 1 th ro u g h 8 4 S I« N .E . Sth A vo. N orf ta KoHy. P rincipal You are W e lc o m e to W orship a t NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH THE ARK OF SAFETY C H UR CH OF G O D IN CHRIST REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED Sunday School a a-- - sas-----*- i Morntng worsnip cvsntny osrvice zn a , #<n sna 6th Sundays Communion 1st Sunday - FomMy Prayer MaoMng 8®o.m . 1 0 ® a.m 7:00p .m . 6:00 p.m. * ’ 7 ® p.m . Morrang S'ar 3rd Sunday Prayor a n d ! Church Phana: 381 -0103 7:00p .m . ‘ 'A w arm spirit o j J ello wship a l wavs ’ ‘ The Honorable Bishop U .V. Peterson, D .D . “ The Holiness Preacher,” Pastor Sunday Sunday School Morning Worship 9:16 am 11 • 1b am Showers of Blastings Broadcast’ KGAR1660 11:30am 12 30pm YPBC 6:30 pm Evangelistic Worship 8 00 pm Tuesday Friday Noon Day Prayer Tuesday » ‘hie Bann z Jr C hurch I WÖIID6SU6V Az Ail.. Choir Rehearsal Friday: The Pasroi Speaks ' 84 NE KiMingsworth 281 04SB 7 30 pm 7 00 pm 7 30 pm