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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1979)
Job Corps graduates Debutantes presented at the "Starlight Cotillion were (left to right): Emmaly Williams. Lori Smith. Jacquelyn Renfro, Johnette Every. Maureen Chavis. Freda Walker, Patricia M cGuire. Terri Elaine Jamison. Trudy Gerald. Pattie Miles. Jacqueline Solomon. Joanne Winchester. Lori Reynolds. Lisa Brown, and Michelle Mitchell Escorts: (left to right) Derek Brown. Andrew Baldwin. Dwayne Hammond. John Garlington III. Terry Peterson. Larry Caldwell. Bryon Walden. Cleveland Haynes. Anthony Nunley. David Lewis. Steve Locke. John Talbert. Kenneth Scott. Lance Brown, Edwin Fauria, Andre Pruitt, and Brett Tanner. (Photo: Jack Tarver) Links present debutantes to the co m m u n ity The second annua) “ Starlight Co tillio n " was presented by the Port land Chapter o f Links to more than 1.500 guests ia the Grand Ballroom o f the Sheraton Hotel, Lloyd Center, Sunday night, February 18th. Fnends and relatives o f the debutantes traveled from the states o f Washing ton and California to help welcome the young ladies and their escons to society. The fifte e n young ladies were dressed m beautiful white gowns and carried a red and w hite hand bouquet. Each was escorted by a young man in full dress attire and white boutonnieres. M rs. R o llin Chnstian, President o f the Portland Chapter o f L in ks, welcomed the public and introduced the general chairperson, Mrs. Ernest Hartzog who introduced the debutantes. The young lady entered the stage through a white arch, laden with flowers and green bows accompanied by her escort, paused while Mrs. Hartzog read a brief resume, including the many activities and accomplishments in her school, church and com m unity. From a deep curtsy, the debutante was escorted onto the dance floor where her parents wait ed. Then the audience was enter tained by a graceful synchronized waltz, choreographed and directed by Mrs. Hartzog and followed by the debutante dancing with her father. Last, all o f the guests joined to enjoy a night o f dancing to the music of Mel Brown. Gene Brendler o f K P T V and camera crew Filmed the entire presen tation which can be viewed on Sun day. March 4, 1979 at 9:00 p.m. A personal interview with the young ladies w ill be a part o f the broadcast. The C o tillio n is a "Services to Y o u th ” project presented by the Links as a non-profit-m aking en deavor. A n o th e r p roject “ The Ebony Fashion Fair” a fund raising event w ill be staged at the C ivic A uditorium , Easter Sunday, A pril 15, 1979, at 7:00 p.m. More than one hundred students w ill graduate from the Portland Job Corps, Friday, February 23rd at 1:00 p.m. The ceremony w ill take place in the First Baptist Church. 909 SW 11th with a reception to follow in the church’s Fellowship Hall. M ultnom ah C ounty a u d ito r, Jewell Lansing w ill give the com mencement address. She w ill speak to the students about vocational and career changes. The graduation ceremonies honor those students who have completed vocationa l tra in in g program s or graduate equivalency diplom a (G .E .D .) d u rin g the past twelve months at the Portland Job Corps Center. For the first time, many o f those graduates w ill be or are now enroll ed in college classes — the result o f a new Job Corps program. Started in January o f 1978, the program allows students who have completed training at the Job Corps to enroll in a community college to further their vocational training. Twenty students who are graduating this year are taking part in the advanced training program. The Portland Job Corps serves about 300 young men and women, most o f whom come from the local m etropolitan area. Corpsmembers must be between the ages o f 16 and 21, be w ithout history o f serious behavioral problems and be in need o f vocational training to get a job. The Portland Job Corps offers vo ca tional tra in in g in A u to Body repair, Agro-Business, C le rica l, Food Service, M o to rc y c le /s m a ll engine repair. Welding and Dental Assisting and Nursing Assisting. Campus sites and dormitories are located in Springdale, just outside o f Troutdale, and at 1022 SW Salmon in downtown Portland. The P ortland Job C orps is operated by the P ortland Public Schools for the U.S. Department of Labor. “ I C a re about Y o u r E ye C a re ” TOUR PRECIOUS VISION... Detarves the finest of Optometric Core! Hera a t SE M IE R 'S your Eye» receive Prolem onoi Examination . . Precision Ground lente» plus Expert Fitting for "Personality" Frame». f e e * 1« 4( l e e r < a e r n k m c r N O APPOINTMENT NEEDED In s u ra n c e P a tie n t* W e lc o m e CREDIT O ffu et n ~ .lI7.7M 0 semler O ptometrists event* O ffic e * DOW NTOW N S.W. 3RD & YAMHILL POEHANO ¿ M R rR R le iA a r lo /8 o f O ptom etry - P O R T L A N D OR LARRY M A A L I R - DR M R IL L Y DR J M R R Y DR M HATTRR (JpMMMraMa In < M M J t Off»rw l ^ to é e DR M W i l l - DR R HULL - OR R CARL * • * • • • • • • • • • "Me PRODUCE CCNTKR OF PORTLAND" R TOMATOES SROO : • Æ! • • lb s . ■ • ■■ a w : • • • • • SALAD op February 25th from 2:00-5:00 p.m. The Tea is sponsored by State Senator Bill McCoy, County Commissioner Gladys McCoy, and C ity Commissioner Charles Jordan. The American Bridge Association has organized a unit in Portland for all in terested bridgeplayers. We are inviting all to come join and/or play on Sun day, February 25th. irom 2:00-5:30 p.m. at the EXODUS, 1223 N.E. Alberta. Questions and answers relating to purpose o f the A .B .A . w ill proceed the card playing. You can beat the Winter doldrums and get a head start on Spring by enrolling in dance classes at Dancers' Workshop. Modern, ballet, jazz, and Afro-Cuban-Haitian dance as well as special stretch and placement classes. Call Dancers' Workshop, 221-0569, or come by 30 N.W . First in Old Town, for details. Thursday, March 1st, 8:00 p.m., Eliot Building, Room 314, Reed College Religion Lecture. "T he Conditions for Civil Religion: The USA and Mexico” w ill be discussed by Phillip E. Hammond, professor o f religious studies. Uni versity o f California, Santa Barbara, sponsored by the Reed College Depart ment of Religion. This is a free lecture. The Northwest Regional Indoor Bicycle Moto-Cross (Y —B M X) races spon sored by the YM C A o f Columbia-Willamette for boys and girls ages 5-18 will be taking place February 17th and 18th. Clackamas County Fairgrounds in Canby w ill be the site o f the races, which start at 10:00 a.m. and are open to the public free o f charge. The Pacific Coca-Cola Bottling Company o f Portland is co-sponsonng the event. For more information, call the North Clackamas YM C A at 653-2464. On Saturday, February 24th, at 8:00 p.m., the Catlin Gabel community o f students, teachers, and parents w ill proudly present its Talent Show for the benefit o f Catlin Gabel School’ s 1979 Summer Day Camp for inner city children. Both classical and modern musical selections plus theatrical skits will fill the program. Tickets will be sold at the door o f the Cabell Center for the Performing Arts the night of the performance: students and senior citizens — SI; adults — S I.50; families — 55. The Summer Day Camp for inner city children was begun in 1968 following the death o f Dr. M artin Luther King. It is a five-week program staffed by volunteers, offering these youngsters a chance to share in arts, crafts, and sports activities. The public is invited to experience a pleasam evening in the support o f a worthy cause. PAKK n n L A « « i_ i U U l PEU Connuuuhf CaltodM --------------- In order to better acquaint students with the world o f work, the BOOST Educational Talent Search Program w ill be sponsoring a “ I can be what I want to b e " workshop Tuesday, February 27th at 7:30 p.m ., in the King School Cafeteria. Native Portlanders from various professions have been invited to speak on their occupations. They w ill address such topics as educational re quirements, salary advancement and career opportunities for the future. A question and answer session w ill follow the presentations. I f you have any questions concerning the BOOST Program or the workshop, please call 229- 3815. The BOOST staff is looking forward to seeing you at the workshop. Meeting to be held February 28th. Bureau o f Planning. Town H all meeting on Comprehensive Plan Discussion Draft, 7:30 p.m., Roosevelt High School. 6941 N. Central. Wednesday, February 28th at OMS1, symposium on The Sun — Sustaining Force, Past, Present, Future. Call 248-5920 for information. The Wilson High School drama department, under the direction o f Julie Ac- cuardi, will present the award-winning classic Broadway musical, "The Sound o f Music " A ll performances w ill take place at 8:00 p.m., March 2nd, 3rd, 9th and 10th, m the Wilson High School Auditorium , 1151 S.W. Vermont Street. Tickets w ill be available at the door. Call 246-3311 for more information. Displacement: A Critical Housing Issue. An Oregon forum exploring the ethical and practical implications related to housing and displacement in the ur ban environment. To be held March 3, 1979 at Cascade Center, Portland Community College, 705 N. Killingsworth. For further information call CUE, 221-0984. Inauguration o f Brother Raphael Wilson, C.S.C., as the 16th president o f the University o f Portland w ill be held March 11th. Observances on March 11th. include an inauguaral mass at 10:00 a.m. and the inaugural ceremony at 2:00 p.m. Both the mass and the inauguration ceremony w ill be held in Howard Hall. Participating in the inauguration will be Archbishop Cornelius Power, Archbishop o f Portland, Governor Victor Atiyeh, Multnomah County Com mission Chairman Don Clark and Portland M ayor Neil Goldschm idt. Reverend Ernest Bartell, C.S.C., Director, Fund for Improvement o f Post Secondary Education, HEW, w ill deliver the inaugural address. The Trojan Decommissioning Alliance in Portland has set up orientation sessions and non-violence workshops for people interested in getting more in volved with anti-nuclear activities. The Non-Violence Training Workshops w ill be held the first and third Saturdays o f each month, beginning at noon. The Orientation Sessions are held the second and fourth Fridays, starting at 7:00 p.n Sessions w ill be held at the TD A office. Call for more information. " A ll About Sugar" is the theme o f a lecture given by Dr. Arn Strasser, a Portland chiropractic physician. The lecture deals with the often misunder stood emotional effects o f eating sugar and why our body craves more. A look at hypoglycemia (Low blood sugar) and how we can prevent it. This free lec ture will be at Victoria’ s Nephew, 212 S.W. Stark at 7:30 p.m. on February 27th. For more information call The Family Clinic at 231-1235. A "Green Tea. ” a fundraiser for the election campaign o f Evie Crowell for School Board Position #5, will be held at the PCC Cascade Cafeteria on M e d ic a re ■ W e lte r * A L ib e ra l Sem ier ROMA • U. S. NO. 1 MEDIUM SPRY ONIONS.... m n o m e D C A U 1 I tarpet and •APPLES.. bakaie Ä C H O IC E N A V cL Ridi m Vrtamwi X' •ORANGES J ZUCCHINI : SQUASH Z 3 DIAMONDS L BEEF & CHICKEN HOODY'S • PINEAPPL E : s 1 ■ 2Í MUSTARD £ 3 1 (< I ,.4 9 ‘ : J $ f i U BW TINS Casa et 3 4 . . . *4.»4 IS P LIVERS F Q Vi or whole Q W hile they lost! ® STIDDS BROTH • 5 J100 • Ä ^7 <• * VALCHRIS 5 TURKEY 490 » ! KZS GOOO THRU SAT FEB 24. 1979 ■ ■ ■ ■ SHERIDAN FRUIT Co. UN IO N Ä OAK 2 3 5 -9 3 5 3 ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 N.E. Alberta Street Reverend Bertram Griffin, Pastor 281-4429 M asse* 0 0 p m V ig il — S atu rd ay 10 0 0 a.m C h o ir — Sunday 12 00 p m . Folk — Sunday 5 ST. ANDREW COM M UNITY SCHOOL 4019 N E 0th A ve N o rite K elly. Principal Phone 284 1620 Grades 1 th ro u g h 8 ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00a.m. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, Minister HUGHES MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH REV A U STIN V R AY. M INISTER 111 N.E. FAILING D e l A Prayer 284 0064 Worship 1 1 0 0 a m Church School 9 46 a m Office 281 2332 Specializing In Individual * Marriage and la m itji • Group Therapy T h t C hu rch W ho re N o S tran g er Feel* S trang e' I < NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH REVEREND A BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED You are Welcome to Worship at THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD PENTECOSTAL, INC Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Service 2nd. 4th end 5th Sunday* Communion le t Sunday W ed - Family Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Friday - Brotherhood fellowship Service with Morning Star 3rd Sunday Prayer and Pastor Phone 2814476 Church Phone 281 -0163 3725 N. Gontenboin Avenue, Portland, Oregon YHZ1 "A warm spirit o f fellowship alw ays" The Honorable Bishop U.V. Peterson, U D. “ The Holiness Preacher," Pastor Sunday Sunday School Morning Worship "Show er* ot Blessing* KGAR 1560 YPBC Evangakatic Worship Tuesday Friday 9:16 am 11:15 am EfQMl" 11:30am 12 30pm 6:30 pm 8:00 pm Noon Day Prayer 1 uesday B'bla B en d/Jr Church Wednesday Choir Rehearsal Friday The Pastor Speaks" 84 NE Killingsworth 28, 0498 7:3upm 1 00 pm 7 3Qpm