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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1979)
1 I / • Portland Observer Thursday. February 8. 1979 Grigsby selected Athlete Jackson H igh senior Kevin Grigsby was selected as Jackson's Athlete o f the Month for January. The 6*1” forward is the leading re- bounder fo r the Raiders’ varsity basketball team with a 10.1 per game average. He is noted by the Jackson coaching staff for his aggressiveness, but more so fo r his leadership abilities. Head Coach Dick Beachell stated that Grigsby is “ . . . a tremen dous leader on and o ff the court with a positive attitude. Kevin is the type o f athlete who works hard to strive for perfection. He always expects a lot from his teammates, but at the same time, he expects more from himself.” Jackson line coach Jim Mac- Dicken stated that G rigsby, who gained all-city recognition as a defen sive end, “ Kevin is the type o f unsel fish athlete coaches enjoy being around; a hard w orking self- IN V IT A T IO N TO BID ON E Q U IP M E N T TO BE FURNISHED CITY OF BEND, OREGON The City of Ban J, Deschutes County, OR, hereinafter celled the Owner, through BECON, hereinafter called the Engineer, is inviting eeparete Proposels to furnish and deliver the following equipment: Contract No. 26A: RETURN SLUDGE PUMPS Contract No. 26B: WASTE SLUDGE PUMPS Seeled Proposals addressed to James W . Kerfoot, Recorder-Treasurer of the City of Bend, Deschutes County, 710 Wall Street, Bend, OR 97701, will be received at the office of James W . Kerfoot, Recorder-Treasurer of the City of Bend, 710 Well Street, Bend, OR 97701, until 10:00 s.m ., local time, on the 8th day of March 1979, at which time they will be publicly opened end reed in the City Commission Room st 720 Wall Street, Bend, OR 97701. The Contract Documents for the Owner's purchase of equipment include the Bidding Requirements, the Proposal, the Contract forms, the General Con ditions, the Supplementary Conditions, the Spécifications, and the Plans. Copies of the Contract Documents may be reviewed or obtained at the office of BECON (Bend Engineering Consultants), South Highway 97, Bend, OR 97701, ATTEN TION Mr. Scott Hicks, Phone (503) 382-4114. Kevin Grigsby disciplined leader.” Grigsby is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. L. Grigsby. Prices quoted in the Proposal shall remain firm for a period of 90 days after the date stated for opening of Proposals. Harry Bridges dinner guest T .J . Rhodes. Jr. at 115 pounds, is a contender for the city title in his w eight class. The 17-year-old Roosevelt sophom ore, w on the W est sub- district championship as a freshm an but was defeated In the city m eet. Rhodes has w on 13 and lost one this year. Roosevelt fans are looking forw ard to the city championships and plan to taka home the championship. GIVE TO THE UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 N.E. Alberta Street Reverend Bertram G riffin, Pastor 281-4429 5 :0 0 p.m V igil - S atu rd ay 10:00 a.m C hoir - Sunday 12:00p.m Folk — Sunday ST. ANDREW COMM UNITY SCHOOL 4919 N.E 9th A ve N on ta Kelly Principal Phone 294 1620 Gradea 1 th ro u g h 9 NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED Sunday School 9:30a.m . Morning Worship Evaoing Service 2nd. 4th and 5th Sundays Communion 1st Sunday Wad — Family Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Friday — Brotherhood Fellowship Service with Morning Star 3rd Sunday 10:30 a m EUGENE — Harry Bridges, the elder statesman o f American labor and president emeritus o f the Inter national Longshoremen’s and Ware housemen's U n io n , w ill be the featured speaker Friday, February 16th, at a benefit fo r the Wayne Morse Chair in Law and Politics at the University o f Oregon. The dinner, to be held at the Rodeway Inn in Springfield, is spon sored by Oregon labor leaders, in cluding lrv Fletcher, executive sec retary o f the Lane County Labor Council, and Pat Randall, secretary- treasurer o f the Oregon AFL-CIO. The occasion is to honor the memory o f Wayne Morse and to raise funds to endow a permanent rotating all- University chair in his name. Morse died in 1974. Morse, who served fifteen years as a member o f the faculty and dean of the University o f Oregon School o f Law and 24 years in the U.S. Senate, was considered by many, including labor leader George Meany, to be a friend o f labor. Meany said it was “ not because Morse was beholden to labor, but because his largeness of heart and mind made him a cham pion o f the plain people, the advo cate o f the little man surrounded by forces and aspirations beyond his reach.” The establishment o f a Wayne Morse Chair in Law and Politics at the U n ive rsity o f Oregon is to “ honor his achievements and carry forw ard the principles o f one o f America’ s most distinguished legal scholars and public servants.” In August 1977 Congress authorized an appropriation o f up to $500,000 to match private donations one-to-one. Harry Bridges was president o f the ILW U for 43 years, retiring in 1977 at the age o f 75. In the late 1930s he appeared before Morse in 20 or 30 labor arbi trations, and was a party to ten or fifteen more. Morse, who was dean o f the University o f Oregon Law School at the time, was appointed in 1938 as the National Labor Relations Board A rbitrator for the shipping industry in the Columbia River area. A year later he was named per manent a rb itra to r fo r the West Coast, a position in which he earned the respect o f both the ILW U and the employers’ representatives, now known as the Pacific Maritime Asso ciation. The benefit dinner for the Morse Chair begins with cocktails at 6:30 p.m. Dinner w ill be served at 8:00 p.m. The $15 contribution included in the $25 per person price is tax- deductible. Reservations deadline is February 9th. Checks should be made payable to Wayne Morse Chair, University of Oregon Foundation, P.O. Box 3346, Eugene OR. 97403. Grice (Continued from Page 1 Column 6) People,” an oral history program on the ministry o f Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “ Our idea is the prom otion o f art,” said Grice, “ but we are also honoring a great American — Dr. DuBois. He had a beautiful vision of Black life in this country,” the 31- year-old graduate o f Grant High School indicated. Saying he hopes many will come to PSU ’ s L in c o ln H a ll to see “ DuBois,” Grice shares his enthu siasm: “ We are creating this for our community. It's a rare treat — one that w ill expand everyone’ s aware ness o f the beauty o f Black thought in America.” HUGHES MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH REV. A U S T IN V. RAY, M INISTER 111 N.E. FAILING 7:00p .m . 5:00p.m . D m A Prayer 284 0684 Worahip 11:00 a.m . 7 : » p .m . Church School 9 45 a.m . Office 281 2332 Specializing In Individual • M arriage and Family • Group Therapy "T h e C h u rc h W h e re N o S tran g er Feels B tran g e” 7:00p .m . Prayer and Pastor Phone 281 -6476 Church Phone 281-0163 ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH 3726 N. Gantenbein Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97227 Corner of 8th and Skidm ore Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) Services personalized to your family's lifestyle... and finances Cateaiay N. Killingsworth N.E Halsey at 106th 256-0606 430 N. Killingsworth 2 8 3 -1 97 6 N. Lombard 3018 N Lombard 283 0525 Southgate Services. 10305 S.E 82nd Ave. 777-1465 Prices quoted shall be f.o.b. factory with freight and full insurance paid by the Bidder to the City of Bend, OR 97701. The successful Bidder for the following Contract will be required to furnish a Per formance and Payment Bond for faithful performance of the Contract in the full amount of the Contract price. Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the provisions of the Presi dent's Executive Order No. 11246 and requirements issued thereunder. The re quirements for bidders and contractors under this order are explained in the Con tract Documents. The right is reserved to reject any or all Proposals for each bid item, and to con sider that Proposal for any individual item of equipment which is to the best in terest of the Owner. Dated this 7th day of February 1979. CITY OF BEND, OREGON James W . Kerfoot Recorder-T reasurer IN V IT A T IO N TO BID Sealed Proposals for the construction of Bend Sewage Collection System, Con tract No. 10, West Side Pump Station, addressed to the Recorder-Treasurer, City of Bend, Oregon, will be received at the office of the Recorder-Treasurer, City Hall, Bend, Oregon, until 10:30 a.m ., local time, on the 6th day of March, 1979 and then will be publicly opened and read in the City Commission Room, 720 Wall Street, Bend, Oregon. The work contemplated consists of construction of a raw sewage pump station and the installation of miscellaneous piping, fabricated metal, and Owner-fur nished equipment. Plans and Specifications may be reviewed at the office of the Engineer, Bend Engineering Consultants (BECON), South Highway 97, Bend, Oregon, phone (503) 382-4114. Questions regarding the content of thee* Contract Documents should be directed to Mr. Scott Hicks, BECON, P.O. Box 1174, Bend, OR 97701, (503) 382-4114. A copy of the Documents may be obtained at the office of the Engineer upon receipt of $30 for each Document. No refunds will be made. Before a Contract will be awarded for the work contemplated herein, the Owner will conduct such investigation as is necessary to determine the performance record and ability of the apparent low Bidder to perform the size and type of work specified under this Contract. Upon request, the Bidder shall submit such infor mation as deemed necessary by the Owner to evaluate the Bidder's qualifica tions. Each Proposal must be submitted on the prescribed form and accompanied by a certified check or bid bond executed on the prescribed form, payable to the City of Bend, Oregon, in an amount not less than 10 percent of the amount bid. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish the necessary additional bond(s) for the faithful performance of the Contract, as prescribed in the Contract Do cuments. Bidders on this project will be required to comply with the provisions of the Presi dent's Executive Order No. 11246 and requirements issued thereunder. The requirements for Bidders and Contractors under this Order are specified in the Contract Documents. The bidder's attention is directed to the provisions of these Documents that relate to the utilization of minority business enterprises during the performance period of the Contract. The Environmental Protection Agency Region X has adopted the following goals for this contract: — Ten to fifteen percent of construction supplies and materials shall be pro cured from minority-owned suppliers. Prior to award of a contract, EPA will review the proposals with respect to the bidder's degree of compliance with the above goals; s low bidder who has not achieved these goals must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director, Office of Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, EPA Region X, that the goals are not attainable on the Contract work. The attention of Bidders is directed to the federal and state government require ments and conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the Contract. Any Contract awarded under this INVITATION TO BID is expected to be funded in part by a grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Neither the United States nor any of its departments, agencies, or employees is or will be a party to this INVITATION TO BID or any resulting Contract. Before a Contract will be awarded, compliance with all EPA requirements spe cified in the Contract Documents will be subject to EPA review and approval. For information concerning the proposed work, contact Bend Engineering Con sultants, telephone (503) 382-4114. You are W elcom e to W orship at THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD PENTECOSTAL, INC. Mortuary • Crematory • Calcinatory Complete descriptive literature, as required by the Contract Documents, shall be submitted with the Bidder's Proposal for the Engineer's review and evaluation. — Ten to fifteen percent of construction work (on a dollar basis) shall be per formed by minority subcontractors. Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, Minister For complete details, call or atop at any of our convenient locations You’ll find that we are sensitive to your needs— as we have been to Portland families for more than 40 years Credit terms and trust planning available "of the (jumes Each Proposal must be accompanied by a certified check or Bid Bond executed ■ on the prescribed form, payable to the City of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, in an amount not less than 10 percent of the amount bid. A pre-bid conference for representatives, Bidders, and potential Bidders will be held prior to the date of bid opening'. Information on the date, time, and place for the pre-bid conference will be sent by certified mail to all known holders of Bid ding Documents. "A warm spirit o f fellowship always” The Honorable Bishop U .V. Peterson, D.D. “ The Holiness Preacher,’ ' Pastor Sunday Sunday School Morning Worship 9 15 am 11:15 am "Showers of Blessing* Broadcast 11:30 am 12:30 pm KGAR 1560 6:30 pm YPBC 8:00 pm Evangelistic Worship Noon Day Prayer Tuesday Friday 1ueeday Bible Band/Jr. Church Wednesday Choir Rehearsal Friday: "The P etto, Speaks" 84 NE Killingsworth 281 0499 7:30 pm The Owner reserves the right to reject all Proposals or any Proposal not conform ing to the intent and purpose of the Contract Documents, and to postpone the award of the Contract for a period of time which, however, shall not extend beyond 90 days from the bid opening date. 7:00 pm Dated this 3rd day of February, 1979. 7:30 pm CITY OF BEND, OREGON James W . Kerfoot Recorder Treasurer <