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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1978)
Portland Observer Thursday, November 23,1978 Page 5 INVITATION TO BID Portland Observer INVITATION TO BIO The City of Portland encourages bidding by Minority and small business enter prises and will assist you in understanding and participating in the City's bid JOB FINDER Tektronix Opportunities Food Service A ttendant On call, temporary cafeteria work available both day and »win* Sift. Prior experience in food preftaratutn and aerv in | helpful 7'heae job« ran lead MFpermanent positions Keypunch Operators We have immediate permanent openings for swing ahift Keypunch Operators. Formal keypunch schooling or equivalent work experience required Familiarity with J29 IB M card punch or Inlorex key to disc desirable P a rt Time Assembler Part time positions available for electronic assembly work Good vision and the ability to do detailed work required Training will be provided Clerk Typist Will perform diversified clerical, stallatica), skilled duties Average typing ability required W ill perform advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties Two years secretarial training or experience required Above average typing ability, and shorthand or transcription skills necessary. Benefits include liberal insurance and retirement programs, educational support and profit sharing plan Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park or write to T E K T R O N IX . IN C . P.O Box 500 P, Beaverton. OR 97077 An equal opportunity employer m /f. Tektronix i r m i to r a r a u tN U CITY OF PORTLAND PERSONNEL ANALYST I To do basic professional and technical personnel w ork in re c ru itm e n t, examining and classifica tio n . Required k n o w ledges include public personnel w o rk , test construction and admini stration and position c la s s ific a tio n . S a la ry starts at $1,328 with an nual increases to $1,579 in 3 years APPLY Portland Civil S ervice Board 510 S.W Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than November 27,1978 For information on the formal bids listed below or City purchasing in general con tact the Purchasing and Stores Division, Room 113, City Hall, 1220 S W 5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204 or phone 248-4001 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR $27,600 $36,375. M in i mum of 5 years of ad m inistrative experience in a Public Works activity which includes working k n ow led g e of public works, including water, sewage tre a tm e n t and sewer utility functions in a public agency exper iencing rapid g ro w th . T w o years of that e x perience must include d irect supervision of p r o fe s s io n a l and te c h n ic a l e n g in e e rin g staff. A degree in civil engineering and exper ience in formulating and administering standards for private development are p re fe rre d . Send resume to the City of S a le m , P e rs o n n e l Department, 555 Liberty St. SE, Salem, Oregon 97301 by November 30, 1978. TOP EARNINGS W e need assistance in evaluating short stor ies submitted by ama teur authors through out the state. No ex perience necessary. Free training provided at home, salary $4.87 per hr. work at home. For co m p lete in fo r mation send printed name and address to A s s o c ia te d W rite rs Guild, Inc., Classified A1, P .O . Box 3137, Portland, OR. 97208. Formal Bid Projects presently advertised: DESCRIPTION BID NO. BID OPENING DATE $1235-$1575/month, col lege-level trng. in social service admin., program e v a lu a tio n , or g e ro n tology; training in nutri tion a n d /o r d ie te tic s , exp. in fo o d service m g m t, exp . w orking w ith senior program s p referred or equiv. comb, of exp. and trng., must possess an Oregon drivers license. Last filing date, Dec. 1, 1978. A p ply Washington County Civil Service, 150 N. First A ven u e, Room 305, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123. An EO E m p lo yer, women and members of minorities urged to ap ply. The U .S. Civil Service Commission is seeking ap plications for: Clerk, Diet. Mach. Trans., G S -3/4, Portland; Data T ran s., G S -3, Portland; M ed. Radiology Tech., GS-5, Oregon & Washington; Med. Technologist (general), GS-7, Oregon & Washington; Stenographer, G S -3 /4 , Portland; Test M o n ito r (p a rt-tim e ), G S -2 , Portland; Telephone Operator, GS-3, Portland; Typist, GS- 2 /3 /4 , Portland. Salaries. GS-5 - $10,507 GS-2 - $7,422 GS-7 - $13,014 GS-3 - $8,366 GS 4 - $9,391 For more information call the Federal Job Infor mation Center in Portland Metro area, dial 221- 3141 Other locations in Oregon call toll free 800 452-4910. From Southwest Washington call toll free 800 642 9027. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A r^ ^ u u ^ p p o n u ru t£ ^ m p lo y e r^ ^ ^ B ^ ^ Assist the personnel manager ui providing a full range of personnel services at a site with over 2.000 employees Corporate personnel resources available Must be experienced in most major areas of personnel! Recruiting/employment. training/ development, compensation, employee relations, employee communications, etc Must be effective with employees at all levels, oral and written communications, formal presentations, and time management Send complete resume and salary history to M .ry Walhood, T E K T R O N IX , IN C . P O Box 500, M30. Beaverton, Oregon 97077. An equal opportunity employer m /f/h . Ttektronix rto roexauew» CITY OF PORTLAND CONTRACT COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST $15,080 to $17,971. M o nitors and evalutes grant programs for compliance w ith law s, rules and regulations. Serves as a technical resource per son for Bureau M a n a g e r s . C a n d id a t e s should possess e x te n sive knowledge of EEO principles and re g u la tio n s , m a n a g e m e n t systems, and be skilled in technical writing. APPLY Portland Civil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than December 1, 1978. A n Equal Opportunity Employer ENGINEERS Engineers-resident con struction inspectors and surveyors w a n te d by local civil sanitary engi neering firm . Require ments: minimum 3 years experience on construc tion projects as c o n s tr u c t io n in s p e c to r . Prefer sewer or pipe line experience. Salary: open D .O .E . M ail resumes, salary requirem ents in 1st letter to: Classified A1, P.O. Box 3137, Port land, OR. 97208. 1 1 /2 8 /7 8 39 Construction of Pressure Reducing Station, Dam #2 1 1 /2 8 /7 8 40 Furnishing Hydro-Electric Turbines & Generators 1 2 /1 2 /7 8 59 RFP-Consultant Services, Planning Studies 1 1 /2 9 /7 8 67 Furnishing Compact Police Patrol Sedans 1 1 /3 0 /7 8 68 Furnishing Compact Sedans 1 1 /3 0 /7 8 69 Furnishing 3-Wheel Utility Vehicles 1 1 /3 0 /7 8 71 Furnishing Flatt Gutter Broom Wire 11 /2 8 /7 8 Each Proposal must be submitted on the prescribed form and accompanied by a certified check or bid bond executed on the prescribed form , payable to the City of Bend, Oregon, in an amount not less than 10 percent of the amount bid. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish the necessary additional bond(s) for the faithful performance of the Contract, as prescribed in the Contract Documents. -Annual Supply Contracts — 1979 Calendar Year 48 A Cement, Domestic Portland 11 /3 0 /7 8 49 A Concrete, Mixed 1 1 /3 0 /7 8 50-A Asphalt, Cold Mix 12 /0 5 /7 8 51-A Asphalt, Emulsified & Liquid 11 /3 0 /7 8 52-A Inlet Frames b Grates 1 1 /3 0 /7 8 53-A Manhole Frames & Covers 11 /3 0 /7 8 Reinforcing Steel 11 /3 0 /7 8 55-A Sign Blanks, Aluminum 12 /0 5 /7 8 56-A Sewer Pipe, Concrete 12 /0 5 /7 8 57-A Sand, Gravel & Rock 1 2/05/78 58-A Fertilizer, Commercial 1 2/05/78 64-A Anhydrous Ammonia 1 1/28/78 65 A Lubricating Oils, Greases & Turbine Oil 1 1/28/78 66-A Industriai/Medical Gases & Welding Supplies 1 1/28/78 BRANCH MANAGER I. II. and III State of Oregon, Adult and Family Services Di vision is now accepting applications for Branch Manager positions. The Branch M anager is re sponsible for the super vision and management of an office that provides fin a n c ia l and m edical assistance to individuals and families and social services to adults within the area served. Salaries may range from $1300 monthly - $2108 monthly based upon the size and complexity of the Branch Office. 221-0598 B irthright fret confidential counseling for pregnant girls Mayer Building al 1130 S.W Morrison The bidder's attention is directed to the provisions of these Documents that relate to the utilization of minority business enterprises during the performance period of the Contract. The Environmental Protection Agency Region X has adopted the following goals for this Contract: — Ten to fifteen percent of construction work (on a dollar basis) shall be per formed by minority subcontractors. Ten to fifteen percent of construction supplies and materials shall be procured from minority-owner suppliers. Prior to award of a contract, EPA will review the proposals with respect to the bidder's degree of Compliance with the above goals; a low bidder who has not achieved these goals must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director, Office of Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, EPA Region X, that the goals are not attainable on the Contract work. The attention of Bidders is directed to the federal and state governm ent requirements and conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the Contract. Before a Contract will be awarded, compliance with all EPA requirements specified in the Contract Documents will be subject to EPA review and approval. For information concerning the proposed work, or to arrange for a visit to the site of the proposed work, contact Bend Engineering Consultants, telephone 503- 382-4114. A pre-bid conference for representatives. Bidders, and potential Bidders will be held prior to the date of bid opening. Information on the date, time, and place for the pre-bid conference will be sent by certified mail to all known holders of Bid ding Documents. The Owner reserves the right to reject all Proposals or any Proposal not conform ing to the intent and purpose of the Contract Documents, and to postpone the award of the Contract for a period of time which, however, shall not extend beyond 90 days from the bid opening date. Dated this 18th day of November, 1978. CITY OF BEND, OREGON By James W . Kerfoot Recorder-T reasurer Mr. Vern Phillips BASF Wyandotte Corporation 871 N. Park Ave., Oak Harbor, Washington 98277 VW l»ORK FOR THE FUTURE WITH YOU IN MIND CITY OF PORTLAND INVESTMENT ANALYST $17.077 approx, BASF A n Equal Opportunity Employer Bidders on this project will be required to comply with the provisions of the President's Executive Order No. 11246 and requirements issued thereunder. The requirements for Bidders and Contractors under this Order are specified in the Contract Documents. Could this be YOUR next stop to opportunity? fq u a / Opportunity Emptoyor M /F No later than November 29, 1978 Before a Contract will be awarded for the work contemplated herein, the Owner will conduct such investigation as is necessary to determine the performance record and ability of the apparent low Bidder to perform the size and type of work specified under this Contract. Upon request, the Bidder shall submit such infor m atio n as deem ed necessary by th e O w n e r to e v a lu a te th e B idder's qualifications. FABRIC CARE SPECIALIST W e are rapidly growing and highly diversified manufacturer of chemicals. Professional growth is in step with our corporate climate. Forward your resume in complete confidence to: W e are an Equal Oppor tu n ity /A ffir m a tiv e A c- •ion Employer. annual salary D eterm in es the C ity's cash balance on a daily basis, invests surplus funds, manages portfo lios, supervises the daily operations of the tre a sury division. Analyzes fin a n c ia l s ta te m e n ts and m arket trends to maximum returns on in vestments. Plans and Specifications may be examined in the office of the Engineer, Bend Engineering C onsultant (B E C O N ), 61360-S H ig h w a y 97, B end, O regon. Questions regarding the content of these Contract Documents should be direct ed to Mr. Kent Baker, BECON, P.O. Box 1174, Bend, OR. 97701, (503) 382- 4114. A copy of the Documents may be obtained at the Engineer's office upon payment of $30 for each Document. No refunds will be made. Any Contract awarded under this IN VITATIO N TO BID is expected to be funded in part by a grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Neither the United States nor any of its departments, agencies, or employees is or will be a party to this IN VITATIO N TO BID or any resulting Contract. W e need a professional Fabric Care Specialist to enhance our position in the commercial laundry market. Our ideal candidate will possess a college degree or equivalent in experience, specifically, calling on hospitals and commercial laundries, or know the operations end of the business. This could be the way to increased income. You will receive a base salary, commissions, a company car plus expenses. Opening is in the Washing ton/Oregon. A n n o u n c e m e n ts an d ap plicatio n s for these positions are available at: 136 State Office Bldg. 1400 S .W . 5th Ave. Portland, OR. 97210 APPLY P ortland Civil S ervice Board 510 S.W . Montgomery St Portland, OR 97201 She’s unmarried. She’s pregnant. She needs help. She should call The work contemplated consists of constructing the primary treatment system structures including the heedworks, primary clarifiers, waste sludge thickener, sludge digesters, supernatant degasification basins, and the maintenance building. The work contemplated also consists of installation of Owner-furnished equipment, miscellaneous piping, and fabricated metal. The site work will be done by others. Furnishing Motor Control Center — 162 Ave. Pump Station 28 NUTRITION PROJECT DIRECTOR A n Equal Opportunity Employer io m m it process. Sealed Proposals for the construction of Bend Sewage Collection and Treatment Facilities Contract No. 18, W ater Pollution Control Plant, Primary Treatment System, addressed to the Recorder-Treasurer, City of Bend, Oregon, will be received at the office of the Recorder-Treasurer, City Heli, Bend, Oregon, until 10:30 a.m ., local time, on the 14th day of December, 1978 and then will be publicly opened and read in the City Commission Room, 720 Wall Street, Bend, Oregon. BANK - PROOF MACHINE OPERATORS 10-Key Adding Machine Skills Preferred. Will Train On Proof Machines. Free Parking, Employee Cafeteria. Excellent Benefit Program. PARK RANGER $ 9 6 7 -$ 1 2 3 5 /m o n th , 2 yrs. exp. in park maint., general c o n s t., la n d scaping or related field. Education to carry out necessary d uties of program or equiv. comb, of exp. and trng. Last filing date, Dec. 1, 1978. A p p ly W a s h i n g t o n County Civil Service, 150 N. First Avenue, Room 305, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123. A n E O E m p lo y e r, w o m e n and m em bers of m inorities urged to apply. CHILD CARE WORKER N.E. Portland, $528 per month to start. CLERICAL N.E. Portland, $600 per m onth during p ro b a tion ary p erio d , firs t 6 months. Resumes accepted P.O. Box 11531, P ortlan d , 97211. COUNSELOR Degree or experience. Send resumes by Nov. 30th to the Albina Youth O p p o r tu n ity S c h o o l, 3710 N. M ississippi, P o rtlan d , 97227, 288- 5813. QUALITY Home Remodeling Cedar Decks Fencing Storm Windows 284-2607 H U G H E S M E M O R IA L U N IT E D M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H SCH E D U LE S : Part-time — 3:30 pm to finish, 3-5 nights per week Mon-Fri. S A LA R Y : Part-time trainees — $3.15 hr plus 1 '/t % for night differential. Apply Personnel Dept. 1 0 -2 :3 0 pm U.S. NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON U .S. B A N K P L A Z A -5 5 5 S W O A K A n Equal Opportunity Employer M / F A LLEN TEMPLE C M E C H U R C H Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 a m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand. M inister REV AUSTIN V. RAY MINISTER 111 N .E. F A ILIN G Dial-A Pray er 2 W 0664 (h u rrh School 9:45 a m . Worship 11:00 a.m. Office 281-2332 Specializing In Individual • Marriage and fam ily • Group Therapy "The Church Where No Stranger Feels Strange" New Hope Missionary Baptist Church REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS. PASTOR T H E CH U R C H D E S IG N E D TO M E E T YO U R N E E D Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30a.m Evening Service 2nd. 4th and 5th Sunday s Communion 1st Sunday Wed - Family Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Friday -- Brotherhood Fellowship Service with Morning Star 3rd Sunday Praver and Pastor Phone: 281 «476 ( hurrh Phone: 281 0163 7:00 p.m. 5:00p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. ' 3 7 2 5 N. Gentenbeln Avenue, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 2 7