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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1978)
Page 8 Portland Observer Thursday, November 16, 1978 Community Calendar Consider runner-up elimination by B ill Schaffer It's probably unwise and maybe even a little u n fa ir to draw any definite conclusion from the open ing ound o f the Class A A A high school fo o tb a ll p la y o ffs . But i f the idea was to gather the state’ s top 10 high school teams under one roof, so to speak, it's back to the drawing board fo r that plan's patrons. Take Benson Tech, fo r example. By no stretch o f the imagination can Tech be included in the state's top 26 Class A A A teams, much less the top 16. Benson finished second in the extremely weak Portland Interscho- lastic League and fo r its trouble was drubbed by Valley League champion Corvallis, 40-7. Before 1 am accused o f being too harsh on Benson, ju s t consider. South Albany, which did not win one game in the Valley League this fall, scored a total o f seven touchdowns in its games with league champion C orvallis and runner-up Crescent Valley. Benson could put only one T D on the board last week and that one a 60-yard run with a fumble. What to do? Why not conduct the playoffs w ith only the district cham pions competing? Maybe being No. 2 makes you try harder but the results are predictable usually. O f the eight run ne rs-u p p a r ticipating in the opening round only tw o — Roseburg and Dallas — won. Roseburg topped A lo h a w hich claimed the Metro League's No. 1 position by virtue o f a coin flip with co-cham pion Sunset and D allas eliminated Intermountain Conference champion LaGrande by one point w ith a co m e -fro m -b e h in d to u ch down in the final two minutes. There may be some merit in a 16- team high school football champion ship but not much. W ith the increase in population we may someday see high schools engaged in a p la y o ff system modeled a fte r that o f the N ational Basketball Association or even worse — the National Hockey League. Just imagine. We may be given the choice o f watching the state high school fo otball championship game or the Rose Bowl game. In the next week or so, readers o f the state’ s daily sports pages in the newspapers can expect to be deluged by reports o f the upcoming “ C ivil W ar” football game pitting Oregon State against Oregon. Next to that im p la u s ib le p re fix the m ost ridiculous aspect o f the game w ill be the propoganda preceding it. On the other hand, the collegiate “ Game o f the Year” in Oregon, unhappily, w ill not be played. That would be the one pitting unbeaten Linfield against once beaten Oregon College o f Education. Ironically, the game was scheduled The Senior Usher Board o f Bethel A .M .E . Church is sponsoring a Bazaar on Saturday. December 2nd — 9:30-5:00 p.m. Bethel A .M E. Church, 5828 N.E. 8th. Portland's first annual City-wide high school talent show w ill be held Friday, December 1st in the Adams High School A uditorium at 7:30 p.m. The “ A ll High School R eview " w ill feature perform ing artists from Adams, Jackson. Jelferson, Roosevelt, Wilson, W ashing ton, Monroe, and the Albina Youth O pportunity School. Cover charge fo r the show is adults ?5c in advance, and $1 at the door; and eighteen years and younger 50c in advance, and 75c at the door. There w ill be a People o f C olor Against Discrim ination meeting to be held Tuesday. November 21st at 7:00 p.m ., 8 N.E. Killingsworth. Albina Women's League. “ Positive action discussion on racial discrim ination.” Is stress killing you? Are the pressures o f fam ily and work getting you down? Don i give up. A ttend the Stress C ontrol C linic fo r answers and suggestions to help yotl deal with your stress problems. Six evening sessions beginning November 27ih, 28th, 29th and December 4th, 5th, 6th from 7:30-8:30 p.m. S5 fo r materials. For inform ation and recommended registration call 232-6018 between 8:00-12:00, Monday-Friday. u Th* M ig hty H mgs o f Faith w ill celebrate their 3rd anniversary from Decem ber lst-3rd. A musical program w ill be held at Irving Park Christian Church. I N.E. Fremont, at 7:30 p.m. December 1st. On December 2nd at 7:30 there w ill be a banquet at St. Johns Kings Table. December 3rd w ill bring a Sunday afternoon service at Irving Park Christian Church (281-69061. fo r this Saturday with the provision that it would not be played i f either one o f the teams received a post season bid. Linfield, 8-0, w ill play C arroll College o f Montana Satur day in a N A IA Division 2 quarter final game. OCE, meanwhile, ended the regular season a week ago with an 8-1 record and was h op efu lly waiting fo r a p la y o ff game as this was written. The last three or fo u r L in fie ld - OCE games were good hit, no field affairs with the teams scoring almost at w ill. A game this year probably w o u ld have been no d iffe re n t because b oth teams boast high- powered explosive offenses. So, while we’ ll be reading about the " C iv il W ar” game, some o f us w ill be thinking about the game that might have been. Sometimes, they're the best kind. 221-0598 B irth rig h t free confidential counseling for pregnant girls Mayer Building at 1130S.W MSrrison friend > friend help I J 1 ___ - - .q 5250.000 less Beef Roast N a m ie n USDA Otelee ewwd Tig - PLUS - I k I i m »I fra ia a Narba»«. B attarball. SaMaa M a r . . . . . . l a a j Back» aa4 t a a a a u AT Law SAFIWAY csearrrrivi eaicis ODDS CHART* •a z t VALUI SI 000 100 20 10 5 1 TOTALS O MIZES OOOS » TCMIT 58 217 231 777 7.067 52,132 60 482 ’ *» 151.379 1 «e 40 4 6 ’ 1 m 38.009 1 m 11.300 1 m 1.242 1 m 168 1 « 146 nuhri ScfcnàiifcMl tarmisotto« doti M p w d kam is aacestary. OOO5 13 n o m 1 » ’ 1 1 1 1 m 11.844 *• 3.112 * 2.924 * 860 *» 96 m 13 m 11 Sliced Bacon Boneless Hams Effective 1978 k ov 4 00 0 5 20 TCKfT5 P ie rc e * W ater , 1 * 5,822 1 * 1.556 1 m , 462 1 -c 435 1 m 48 In 7 1m 6 Old F eitkfvl fer Tewderweu (Smek-A-Reai Nam lb. 8 1 .9 t) 1-lb. p k g . RocoMfcor S, 1978. in ** »m «■Fryer Gizzards 5t .8 9 c ©Kulbassy Sausage .*1 ” 3 Poultry Stuffing i *1” ©Prem ium Franks»* 3 Cooked S h rim p s , $3 " 3 Fresh Sole Fillets 3Curem aster H a m ^ _.s3** Fillets w w » *2” LEG OF PORK 4 $1 4 $1 m rrw e w r v tr iM ir rre s n le ss ^^e^^k ^ le a s f lorn ID E A FRESH BEEF O YSTERS 1>UCKLIN< 1 STEA ate* K .¿ .8 9 e @ £ $ | 45 Caaatal Freeh M aBlaai 11 m tar H alM ar Brasslag e r Hear la a .t.M Owtca Beat BawaA Tie Staafc 9 Baking Yams » 3„*1 SRed Grapes Sirs »59* Silts:"Lettuce < x .2 9 c 9 Anjou Pears “tJr 3 -*l 9 Brussels Sprouts.49c SPitted Dates =¡5 Jt»lM Cranberries Plants MW i J V isit J O H N REED BOOK STORE In th e D e k u m Building 618 S W . 3rd A venue S ix th Floor 227 2902 John H. Jackson, President Doris Hayden, Secretary P o rtla n d B ranch N A A C P . 2752 N. W illia m s A v a n u e . P o rtlan d . 97227. W ,;d O In terested in cu rren t b oo ks a b o u t A fric a n Liberation? Or call: D ecem ber 10, 1978, at 4:00. Annual Meeting and ELECTION of Officers. Hughes Memorial Methodist Church, 111 N.E. Failing. TURKEY HEADQUARTERS la t r a Larga FlerM e She’s pregnant. She’s deserted. She needs help. She should call The Nominating Committee must submit a report at this meeting. A t this tim e additionel nom inations for officers end Executive C o m m itte e may be made BY W RITTEN PETITION SIGNED BY THREE OR MORE MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING, providing nominee has given written con sent. A D V E R T IS E D PR IC ES IN T H IS A D A R E EFFECTIVE T H R U N O V 2 2 Tangerines) Avocados Sophocles N ovem ber 19,1978, 4:00 p.m., Bethel A.M E. Church, N.E. 8th and Jarrett Food For The W e e k e n d Food For The H o lid a y s safeway “ O ld w in e a n d an o ld friend are good provisions.'' George Herbert 'Kindness begets kindness." Official Notice of NAACP Electionlll Alka-Seltzec Diapers Believes that Fell Feelieg Pemgers Teddier - 7 6 e S,,«.$l 58 9 Kodak Film „£*.'„ *1M 9 Polaroid Film «Sf *5'* S P E C IA L FEATURES Golden Harvest Funk & Wagn all's * ^’9** ¿¡¡o 3 3 3 3 W heat Bread r 4 9 ‘ ©Chip Dip Ice Cream 5=.^ 5 $1’8 © S tu ffin g M ix 5.-5:88e Egg Nog 6 9 e «"Beverage Ice 7 ¡.59e 15e © D ill Pickles—» . 9 8 ‘ Gelatin (MW S aLtlJt) « . Florees .. l-e> All A dvertised Prices E ffective Thru W ed needey. N ovem ber 22nd a t all Portland b Vancouver A rea S a fe w a y S to rm .