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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1978)
JOB FINDER Insurance COMMERCIAL CASUALTY UNDERWRITER We are looking for an aggressive parson with 2-6 years exparienca. Opportunity for advance merit, excellent benefits and working conditions. Salary com m ensurate with experience. Call Mr. R o b e rt K in d n e s s , U .S.F.& G . Companies, 221-0221. An Equal Opportunity Employer M / F ADIA TASK FORCE Temporary Service Needs You I Bookkeepers Typists Secretaries Unskilled laborers Daily work available. Jobs in the N. Portland, St. Johns, N .E. Port land, and Swann Island areas. Please call today — 283-1366 for more in formation. PR E-SC H O O L TEACHER Requirements: 1 year pre-school classroom e x p e r ie n c e a n d / o r equivalent of child development training. Berean Child Cara. Call 281-0630. CITY OF PORTLAND MALL ATTENDANT $1,158 mo. to start, $1,215 after 6 mos., $1,310 after one year. The Mall A ttendant keeps the transit mall at tractive, clean and safe. Public contact while controlling litter. People often ask for help in find ing places. Use maps or other sources to answer questions; also observe and report hazards or da mage. Know major facts about P o r tla n d locations, tactful public c o n ta c t, com m on cleaning methods, sim ple record keeping. Uniform furnished. Full employee benefits. APPLY Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 No later than October 5, 1978. A n Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT $19,196 approx, to start. Thia is high level super visory accounting work involving complex com puter based data systems and internal controls. The employee is responsible for the ac counting function of a la rg e o r g a n iz a t io n , analysis of financial data, preparation of account ing and auditing reports. APPLY Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland, OR. 97201 CITY OF PORTLAND M ENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR 2 Food Service A ttendant CITY PLANNER II $1235 $1575/mo„ 2 yr», On call, temporary cafeteria work available ♦ 1,395 approx, mo. to exp. in mental health both day and swim Sift, Prior experience in food start. This is full perfor field preferably in spe prp[»tration and serving helpful. These jobs can mance planning work in cialty areas of drug and lead t * permanent positions volving research, analy alcohol counseling and sis, report writing and grad, from a college or Keypunch Operators presentations, develop univ. in mental health We have immediate permanent openings for ment of project work field, or satisfactory Nwing shift Keypunch Operators Formal keypunch schooling or equivalent work experience programs and coordina equiv. comb, of exp. and required Familiarity with 129 IB M card punch or tion of information and trg. Apply Washington I nforex key to disc desirable. activities among public County Civil Service, 150 private and governmen N. First Avenue, Room P a rt Time Assembler tai agencies and in 305, Hillsboro, OR. Part time positions available for electronic house staff. Positions 97123. A n E O E m assembly work. Good vision and the ability to do are in the Land Use con detailed work required. Training will be provided. ployer, women and trol. Transportation and members of minorities Comprehensive Planning urged to apply. Clerk Typist Sections of the Bureau W'ill perform diversified clerical, statistical, of Planning; the Parks skilled duties. Average typing ability required. Bureau; and the Office of Planning and SENIOR B U ILDING Development. Will perform advanced secretarial, / INSPECTOR stenographic and clerical duties. Two years' $1429-$1824/m o ., d e secretarial training or experience required Above Candidates must have all monstrated increasingly average typing ability, and shorthand or the knowledges and responsible supervisory transcription skills necessary. skills in the minimum exp. in bldg, inspection Benefits include liberal insurance and qualifications section of preferably with good retirement programs, educational support and the Supplemental A p background in bldg, const, profit sharing plan Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park or write plication Form. Candi and sufficient trng. in to: T E K T R O N IX , IN C .. P.O. Box 500-P, dates may also present the Building Code, appli Beaverton, OR 97077. their qualifications in one cation and general An equal opportunity employer m /f. or more of the following education to fulfill the specialty areas: Trans duties or equiv. comb, of po rtatio n , Population exp. and trng. Apply and Employment Fore Washington County Civil (X M M 1 TfO TO f X O lL t casting. Economics and Service, 150 N. First Land Use Issues. Avenue, Rm. 305, Hillsboro, OR. 97123. An APPLY E O Employer, women and members of Portland Civil Service minorities urged to ap Board ply MENTAL HEALTH 510 S.W. Montgomery St. RESEARCH ANALYST THERAPIST Portland, OR. 97201 Affirmative Action O f fice, Oregon State Applications are now No later than October 6, U n iv e rs ity . R eq u ires being accepted for full JA IL NURSE positions on 1978. $1066-$1361/m o., exp. B A /B S in Mathematics tim e evening and night shifts. or Social Science, know nursing, preferably in An Equal Opportunity e m e rg e n c y r o o m , ledge of investigative re- Requires Bachelors De Employer c o m p u t e r gree in Psychology or medical clinic, jail facility s e a r c h , related field with 1 year and/or a public agency systems, writing analyti experience in Psych cal reports, oral and writ and grad, from an ac credited school of nur ten communications and required. sing. Apply Washington ability to work with all UNIT SECRETARY County Civil Service, 150 sexual and racial groups. N. First Ave., Rm. 305, Background in A ffir F u l l - t i m e p o s it io n Hillsboro, Oregon 97123, mative Action important. available on the evening CITY OF PORTLAND Rank: Research Assis shift at in-patient psy an EO Em ployer, tant Unclassified. Initial chiatric hospital. Back women and members of NOISE CONTROL in hospital salary $12,500. Send ground minorities urged to ap OFFICER routine end previoue re s u m e in c lu d in g $1,777 approx, mo. this ply previous job respon Unit S e cretary / W ard is technical and supervi sibilities and educational Clerk experience desired. sory work in noise con background. Have three trol. This position entails KITCHEN HELPER references send recom RECRUIT administration of the m endation directly to Applications now being (Deputy Sheriff) program; selection and Ms. Spears-Gray. A d taken for Kitchen Help training of staff, $ 1 0 5 6 -9 1 2 2 3 / m onth, dress: Director Pearl er positions. For 4 days development of budget ; H .S . grad, 21 yrs. of Spears-Gray, Affirmative per week. No previous age, ability to meet cer research; m o n ito rin g A ctid k, Oregon State experience required, will abatement efforts; inter tain physical require U n iv e rs ity , C o rvallis, train. ments, good driving pretation of noise codes; OR. 97331, by Oct. 20. in v e s t ig a t io n o f record. Last filing date, WOODLAND PARK OSU is an A A /E O Em October 31, 1978. violations. Requires ad MENTAL HEALTH ployer and complies with ministrative skills, know CENTER Sec 504 of the Rehab DEPUTY SHERIFF ledge of acoustics, noise 1400 S.E. Umatilla Act of 1973. control methods and $ 1 2 2 3 -$ 1 4 1 5 / m o n th , Portland, OR. 97202 certifiable as a police of laws. 234-5363 ficer in Oregon and one year exp. as a law en APPLY DENTAL ASSISTANT forcem ent o fficer. 21 TRAINING yrs. of age and ability to Portland Civil Service ATTENTION YOUTH meet certain physical CARPENTER Board 17% to 21. Learn to DESIGNER 510 S.W. Montgomery St. r e q u ire m e n ts , g o o d be Chairside Assis driving record. Last filing CETA position available Portland, OR. 97201 tant or Dental Recep date, October 31, 1978. to design and remodel tio n is t. P la c e m e n t A p p ly W a s h in g t o n old dining hall, kitchen No later than October 6, u p o n c o m p le tio n . County Civil Service, 150 and courtyard of non 1978. R o o m ( o p t io n a l ) . N. First, Hillsboro, p rofit restaurant. Ex Board, Medical/ Den Oregon 97123. A n E O perience with carpentry, A n Equal Opportunity tal Care and pocket Employer, women and drafting or drawing Employer money provided. Call members of minorities preferred. 9660 per month. Portland Job Corps, urged to apply. Pick up job description 224-0190. and application at Housing Office, Portland Student Service, 1802 S.W . 10th. Ttektronix CITY OF PORTLAND MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC M arketing Communications No later than October 6, 1978. An Equal Opportunity Employer W OMAN; if you've noticed my ad before and think it's unusual, I'm doing thia because I'm a single parent and I work driving a truck. My 6-year son needs me at home. I don't have time to chase at bars. I would like to m eet someone who is looking for sin cerity and friendship. I'm 29 years old. I live in a beautiful home surround ed by woods. Damas cus. Curious? Call Dave OOO txxW. I Tektronix Opportunities The responsibilities of the Assistant Program Supervisor include supervising copy generation, design, photography and production. Also included as responsibilities trade shows, public relations, media, sales support, and intra-company communications. Must have 1-2 years' communications experience on either agency O’ client side, preferably in the electronic'computer industry. Ability to work with and supervise agency personnel is necessary Send detailed resume and salary history to: Wyla Mikalow, T E K T R O N IX . IN C . P.O Box 500, Y 11. Beaverton. Oregon »7077. An equal opportunity employer m /f/h Ttektronix COMMIT r t o ro l «co. l in c i $9.05 per hour. This is journeyman level motor cycle maintenance and repair on a variety of p o lic e m o to r c y c le s . W ork includes tuning and repairing engines, transmissions; rebuild ing carburetors and wheels; repairing alter nators, generators, clut ches and brakes. A per son in this position must be able to modify motor cycles to accommodate special police equip ment. Applicants must have extensive exper ience and/or training in performing mechanical maintenance and repairs on a variety of motor cycles APPLY Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portlano, OR. 97201 A n Equal Opportunity Employer RESEARCHER 4 Salary Range — $1367-91743 Limited Duration Poe. D epartm ent of Hum an Resources Position is assigned to a M a n p o w e r D e v e lo p ment Project funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. Respon sible tor designing, im plementing and inter preting research studies ' required for the developm ent of a i M a n a g e m e n t In fo r mation System (ADP System). The individual will also consult with M ental Health man p o w e r p r o d u c t io n , regulatory and utiliza tion managers and plan ners to define, analyze and assess the nature and appropriateness of existin g in fo rm a tio n . Applicant must demon strate knowledge and skill in the development and application of m a n a g e m e n t in fo r mation preferably in respect to human service d e liv e r y s y s te m s . Minimum qualifications are 4 years of college with major coursework appropriate to human service delivery and four years of progressively responsible experience in an area related to the project, or an equivalent combination of both. To make application contact the Mental Health D iv is io n , M a n p o w e r Development Office at 378-2695. Applications must be received by Oc tober 13, 1978. Sealed proposals will be received in Room 113, City Hall, Portland, Oregon, 97204 until 2:00 p.m. October 19, 1978 for Furnishing materials, labor and equip ment for the construction of Phase II Central Eastside Industrial District Roadway Revitalization (overlay) for the Dept. of Public Works, Bureau of Street and Structural Engineering. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address. For additional in formation, call Michele AcKerman, Buyer, Purchasing Division, 248-4191. No proposal or bid will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an amount not less than ten percent (10%, of the aggregate amount of the bid as guaranty that the bid shall be irrevocable for the period specified in the proposal. Said bond to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder seek to revoke his offer for any reason not authorized by law and not consented to by City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of the contract, in the event the said contract is awarded to him. NON —DISCRIMINATION: No proposal or bid will be considered unless the bid der is certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently certified should file the required documentation with the Contract Compliance Division, Room 209, City Hall, 1220 S.W . Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97204, 248- 4696, at least five (5) days prior to the Bid Opening. Failure to achieve cer tification by the Bid Opening Date and Time shall result in the return of your Bid Unopened. PREQUALIFICATION: No proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder is prequalified with the Office of the City Engineer as prescribed by Chapter 17.20 of the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently prequalified should file the required documentation with the Office of the City Engineer, 400 S.W . 8th, Portland, Oregon 97204, phone 248-4480, at least ten (10) days prior to the Bid Opening. Failure to achieve prequalification by the Bid Opening Date and Time shall result in the return of your Bid Unopened. The City of Portland reserves the right to reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, or to waive irregularities not affecting substantial rights. FEDERAL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: This project is funded by a grant of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Economic Development Administration. Pursuant to the Local Public Works Capital Development & Investment Act of 1976, as amended by the Public Works Employment Act of 1977. I ; To assure compliance with the grant's 10% minority business enterprise utilization requirement, a minimum dollar amount of M .B.C. participation is | required. ONLY BIDS IN COMPLIANCE W ITH THIS M.B.E. REQUIREMENT j SHALL BE CONSIDERED RESPONSIVE. S Federal provisions relating to Equal Employment Opportunity & the Davis-Bacon Act apply. The successful bidder shall be required to certify that he is in compliance with the prevailing wage rates established by the U.S. Dept. of Labor. An Equal Opportunity Employer Each bidder and his proposed subcontractors are subject to pre-award equal op portunity compliance review by E.D.A. to assure compliance with Executive Or der 11246 and pre-award M.B.E. utilization review by City. PLANT MAINTENANCE TECH. 2 Each bidder and his proposed subcontractors must be acceptable to the City of Portland and the Economic Development Commission. Unified Sewerage Agen cy, $1247/m o . with periodic step increases, 5 yrs. exp. in the operation or m aint. of sewage treatm ent plants or related facilities, or 3 vrs. exp. as a journeyman maint. mechanic; H .S. grad or equiv. comb, of exp. and trng., valid OR driver's license. Last filing date, Oct. 13, 1978. FIELD M A IN T. TRAINEE Unified Sewerage Agen cy, $88 7/m o . with periodic step increases, 6 mos. exp. in operation of light maint. equip., or s e m i-s k ille d m a n u a l tasks, H .S . grad, or equiv. comb, of exp. and trng. Last filing date, O ct. 13, 1978. Apply Washington County Civil Service, 150 N. First, Hillsboro, OR. 97123. An E O Em ployer, women and members of minorities urged to ap ply. ADM INISTRATIVE AIDE Experience p re fe rre d . Downtown location with excellent benefits and w o rk in g c o n d itio n s . Salary com m ensurate with experience. Call Mr. Scheer or M r. Dunn U .S.F.& G ., 221-0221. A n Equal Opportunity Employer M / F A n Equal Opportunity Employer INSURANCE CLAIM CLERK Inviting Proposals for: Central Eastside Industrial District Roadway Reconstruc tion Phase II. M EN TAL HEALTH D IV IS IO N 2575 Bittern Street. N.E. Salem , Oregon 97310 i Entry level position of Operations Assistant for non-profit housing corp, available. Duties include: a c c o u n ts re c e iv a b le , tenant assistance, grant w riting, research and development. Position 6 month trial basis. $800 950 per month starting w age. Job description and applications in the Housing Office, Port Student Services, Inc., 1802 S .W . 10th, Port land, OR. 97201. A n Equal Opportunity Employer BID NO. 34 M A R IE ’S KITCHE A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 1:30 p.m ., October 4, 1978 in Room 431 at 400 S.W . 6th Avenue, Portland, Oregon. Attendance is encouraged. HAROLD F. VAUGHAN PURCHASING MANAGER CITY OF PORTLAND MULTILITH PRESS OPERATOR Operate 2850 copycen- ter. Requires manual dexterity. Printing ex perience or schooling preferred, but not required. Call 224-7250 ext. 446 for appoint ment. Boise Cascade Corporation. A n Equal Opportunity Employer KEY ENTRY OPERATORS Full-time, nights. 3:45 to 12 Midnight. Salary commensurate with experience or will train. GENERAL CLERICAL Full-time days. No experience necessary. UNDERWRITER TRAINEE Four year college degree required. No experience necessary. ACCOUNTANT/AUDITOR Four year college degree in accounting, No ex- perience necessary. GRAPHICS DESIGNER W ith emphasis on publication design, and must be able to design and prepare cam era- ready copy for various p u b lic a t io n s , and operate IBM Composer. Contact Personnel O f fice, OMSI 248-5906. Must have transportation. Full benefit package with profit sharing after two full months of em ployment. Applications accepted between 9 and 1 weekdays. FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP 620-6283 A n Equal Opportunity Employer A n Equal Opportunity Employer DRIVERS NEEDED Reliable, age 25 and older, good driving record for deisel 4 and 5 dump trucks. Apply Blazerhaul, 106 N .E. Morris, 9 am to 4 pm, Monday-Friday. BREAKFAST AT ANYTIME Tuss-Thurs 9:30 am-6 pm — Fri Sat 6:30 am-3:30 am — Sun 6:30 am-3:30pm COOK'S HELPER Part-time, 7 am to 1:30 pm, Monday thru Friday. SPECIAL ICHITTLINGS DAILY Technicians We have current openings on both swing and day shift for electronic technicians at our Beaverton facilities. General qualifications are an Associate degree in electronics or experience troubleshooting to the component level. Interested candidates should be prepared to take an electronics review consisting of questions on both analog and digital circuitry. To set up an appointment to take the electronics review, please call Joyce Rullman or Gary Hecht at 644-0161, extension 6472. I f unable to call, send detailed resume and salary history to Gary Hecht. T E K T R O N IX . IN C ., P.O. Box 500. 3», Beaverton, Oregon 97077. Benefits include educational support, insurance and profit sharing programs. An equal opportunity employer ra /f/h . Ttektronix commit rwToexctuEMX 5246 N.E. UNION 2 8 7 -9 3 6 3 PORTLAND,ORE. CLOSED MONDAY I