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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1978)
Portland Observer Thursday, June 22. 1978 Page 3 <(J * ■■ to?*» 1 k — ~~^r J 6 OOf»> i l k • « 9 « '-■ "’f e > W A ’ ■ t« M M Hale. R e g ln Datto. Ltoa Ckaaaei, D ate McCrea I Roy Clay eajoy ttoeto ride oa the Goodyear blimp. Roy and Ronald find out how it feels to fly. The students won their trip, hy writing on “ How I would feel If I were the Goodyear blimp.“ 5f ««to* & U R i, I 1 ,'j •r» « Jr f t eye Hew of Bobe rad I Deltas host Farwest Regional Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., Beta Psi Chapter, Portland will host the 32nd Farwest Regional Conference June 23*23, 1978 at the Hilton Hotel. The Farwest Region is comprised o f O regon, W ashington, C a lifo rn ia , Idaho, Arizona and Alaska. Mrs. Ad- die Jean Haynes is the Director o f the Farwest Region and will preside over the Regional Conference. Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., is a public service sorority, founded in 1913 at Howard University, Washington, D .C . The public service program centers around its Five-Point Program Thrust in the areas of: Educational Develop ment, Economic Development, Com m unity and International Develop ment, Housing and Urban Develop ment, and Mental Health. The theme for the Regional Con ference is “ An Agenda For Change — Assertive Training.“ A forum held Saturday, June 24th, from 2:30-3:30 p .m ., w ill consist o f Edith Green, Honorary Member and former Oregon Congresswoman; Vera Katz, State Representative; Cecelie Springer, Ad m inistrative Assistant to the Vice President and General Manager, Water Reactor Division, Westinghouse Elec tric C o rp o ratio n , Pritsburg, Pen- nyslvania; W'anda W rig h t, C ity M anager, United A irlines, Salem; Pearl H ill, Director, Upward Bound Program, University o f Oregon; and Kathy Leaverette, student at Oregon State University majoring in Com munications. The public is invited to a musicals at 8:00 p.m ., featuring Sounds o f Jeffer son and will have an opportunity to meet some o f the National Officers and Staff. Mrs. Thelma T. Daley, National President o f Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., is a nationally recognized guidance and counseling professional. She is Direc tor o f Career Education Programs, Baltimore County Board o f Education, Baltimore, Maryland, and in 1973-76 presided over the 41,000 members o f the American Personnel and Guidance Association. Mrs. Mona H . Bailey, First Vice President, is State Assistant Superintendent, State o f Washington. Also Dr. Ruth Taylor o f Gary, In diana; Ms. Phoebe LeSesne o f M t. Vernon, New Y o rk; M rs. Lynette Taylor, Executive Director o f Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., and Mrs. Frances Flippen, Deputy Director. No room for citizens (Continued from Page 1 Column 3) representation o f community groups should select a replacement or present their nominees to the board, rather than having the board (or only part of it selected by the chairperson, as is now done) seek out a replacement. Board members should be encouraged not to resign between elections. Nationally one half o f board members are first appointed, a subversion o f the democratic process. 7. So that lay persons on the board can compete with administrative expert jargon, and can assume more authority in the policy-making role they sup posedly exist to fill, funds should be provided for board member staff in addition to the present one board secretary. 8. Board members should be en couraged by the public to place items on the agenda for board meetings in stead o f the administration routinely proposing the agenda. 9. A u th o rity should be decen tralized at all levels. For instance, as much power as possible should be delegated to principals rather than higher administrative levels. Symbolic participation in educa tional governance by the lay per- son must be replaced in each instance by real participation and new channels must be opened in order to deal with the district’s communication problem; in order to lessen con flict and alienation; and in order to develop sound educational programs and policies that will gain citizen support. The educational system from classroom to board room should become a model process o f humanistic and democratic participation. In a society with rapidly changing values and continuing minority demands the educational system at all levels must be pluralistic. This should not be seen as a threat but as an opportunity to allow children, citizens and professionals to reach their potentials. I f citizens are allowed (demand!) meaningful participation and are given quality information they will, through debate o f options, come to decisions in their best interests. M a jo rity votes cannot legitimately trample minority rights which will, in any case, continue to need legal protection. But to believe citizens are incapable o f being as fair and just as "experts” is to question the value o f the concept o f democracy and to vastly underrate snd inhibit human potential. do a lot by themselves. In a n e w fr built Energy Saver ver Home they do even moie. Each of these energy savers is de signed to do a particular job. But they all do an even better jo b when they work together as a team. That’s why you'll find them all in n e w ly c o n s tru c te d E n e rg y Saver Homes. Built to strict Pacific Power conservation standards, these homes maximize energy savings and minimize energy bills. They’re being built by local contractors in your area right now. Guidelines for these new hom es have been developed by experts in energy conservation and hom e con struction. W orking together, they’ve determined how m uch insulation is required in the ceiling, floors and walls to reach m axim um efficiency in this part of the country. They’ve measured the effectiveness o f d o u b le glass. T h e y ’ve establishe d standards fo r weatherstripping around doors and windows, and determined where vapor barriers should be. They know how big the heating plant needs to be and where fireplaces should be located. So, if you're looking for a new home, call your local Pacific Power office for a list of builders in your area, then look into the Energy Saver Home. Another Idea you can bank on from The People at Pacific Power. -, 1 I I 1