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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1978)
Portland Observer Thursday, March 2, 1978 Page 5 Tektronix Opportunities HUMAN RESOURCES BUREAU JOB FINDER OPERATIONS SPECIALIST II 11,193 a;i;trox. me. to start »1,248 after 1 year PERSONNEL ANALYST City of Salem. »1.406 $1,800. College degree, minimum of 2 years respun sible personnel administra live work or equivalent combination of experience and training. Position in volves clauification and compensation analysis and labor relations duties. Clos ing date: March 31. 1978. Apply: Personnel Director, City of Salem. 555 Liberty SE. Salem, Oregon 97301. Aa Equal D.rtertuaity E a,4eyer BUSINESS MANAGER, MARINE SERVICES The Port of Portland h u an immediate opening for a Business Manager, Manne Services. Starting salary, »16.800. Requires exper ience in business admini stration. Also requires ex perience equal to degree in marine or industrial engi neering. with graduate work in business admini stration. Send resume to Personnel Office. Port of Portland. P .0. Box 3529, Portland. OR. 97208. RECORI>S/LIBRARY CLERK The Port of Portland h u an immediate opening for a Records & Library Clerk to provide a variety of tasks. Applicants should have prior office experience in filing, reading comprehen sion, exeroxing. answering phones and the ability to type 40 wpm. Salary Range: »«.0088.700. If qualified, contact Alfonso A. Small. 2888331. Ext. 306. assistan T teacher St. Vincent de Paul CUM Develo unent Center CETAI1 TRAVEL CLERK I-argv local company is looking for travel clerk to assist with corporate t rave! Salary »500 month. Appli arrangements. Experience cants should have some helpful but not necessary. early childhood training; Travel agent training re preferably experience with quired. No travel benefits. pre-school children: sensiti vity to children's needs and Contact or send resume to ability to establish working Carl Talton. 920 S.W. Sixth relationship w ith staff Avenue. Portland, Oregon members. 44 N.E. Morris, 97204 <5031 243 435«. 288-0188. Sister Ricarda Eich. Aa Equal O.i.iortunity Em;4oyer The School of Veterinary Medicine. Oregon State University, is now accept ing applications for the po sition of research assistant unclassified. All applicants must have a BS and/or extensive training in the clinical or biological sciences, have experience handling domestic farm ani mals. possess a valid dri ver’s license and be able to travel for periods of one week or more. In addition applicants must be know ledgeable with techniques ; in clinical chemistry and : clinicopathology. be able to ' learn chemical analytical techniques, be able to inde pendently handle livestock including mature cows and horses and must be able to communicate well with the public. Please submit appli cation s to: Dr. J.A . Schmitz, Assistant to the Dean. School of Veterinary Medicine, Oregon State University. Corvallis. OR. 97331. Oregon State University is an Equal O",t;iortuiiity/Af- firmative Action Em;tioyer and complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Aa Equal O;i;>ertuaKy Em.doyer Invitation to Bid CITY OF PORTLAND Portland Observer MAIL CLERK - SENIOR Pacific Power is looking for a Senior Mail Clerk to as sist mail room supervisor in operation and supervision of mail room. Position requires 1 year supervisory experience, familiarity with postal regulations and 2 years mail room exper ience. Contact or send resume to Ron Doan. Recruitment & Staffing Coord.. 920 S.W. Sixth Ave., Portland, Ore. 97204 (503» 2484355. Aa Equal O.i.iortunity Eaa;4oyer NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned, the City Clerk Treasurer of the City of Goldendale. Washington, up to the hour of 3:00 p.m. on the 3rd day of April, 1978 for the construction of: Food Service A ttendant 1978 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE D - Sewer Replacements and Repairs SCHEDULE E - Sewer Grouting and Root Control EPA/DOE Project No. C53060103 On call, temporary cafeteria work available both day and swing shift Prior experience in food preparation and serving helpful. These jobs can lead t o permanent positions. Write* and submits ordi nances, compiles Equal Em ployment Opportunity sta tistical reports, prepares Bureau Affirmative Action Plan. Reviews and ap proves Affirmative Action Plans submitted by con tractors and provides tech nical assistance to bureau staff and contractors. Wo men and minorities urged to apply. Keypunch Operators In accordance with Plans and Specifications prepared by R.R. Jump. Consulting Engineers. 10 North Wenas Avenue, Selah. Washington. 98942, (509) 697 4848. Plans, Specifications and bid forms are available in the offices of the Engineer and may be obtained upon the submission of a non-refundable fee of »15.00 for each set. We have immediate permanent openings for swing shift Keypunch Operators. Formal keypunch schooling or equivalent work experience required Familiarity with 129 IBM card punch or Inforex key to disc desirable P a rt Time Assembler The proposed project work includes the following approximate quantities of major construction work items: Part time positiona available for electronic assembly work. Good vision and the ability to do detailed work required. Training will be provided. APPLY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Clerk Typist Will perform diversified clerical, statistical, skilled duties. Average typing ability required. Portland Civil Service Board 510 S.W. Montgomery St. Portland. OR. 97201 Will perform advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties. Two years’ secretarial training or experience required. Above average typing ability, and shorthand or transcription skills necessary. Benefits include liberal insurance and retirement programs, educational support and profit sharing plan Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park or write to: TEKTRONIX. INC., P.O. Box500-P. Beaverton. OR 97077. An equal opportunity employer m /f. Aa Equal O.i; tortunity Em;deyer CITY OF PORTLAND CONTRACT COMPLIANCE MANAGER »17,493 to »20,904 Replacement of 2100 L.F. of 8" and 10” Sanitary Sewers Replacement of 600 L.F. of 4” Side Sewers Installation of 475 L.F. of 12” Storm Drain 7720 L.F. of Sanitary Sewer Cleaning 5270 L.F. of Sanitary Sewer Chemical Root Treatment 7720 L.F. of Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewers 2650 Joints of Sanitary Sewer Joint Pressure Testing 1400 Joints of Sanitary Sewer Chemical Grout Pressure Sealing Each bid or proposal must be accompanied by cash, bond or a certified check, payable to the order of the City of Goldendale, Washington for the sum of not less than 5% of said bid or proposal and none will be considered unless accompanied by such deposit, to be forfeited to the City of Goldendale in the event the successful bidder shall fail or refuse to enter into a contract with the City of Goldendale for the making and construction of the aforesaid improvements. All bids or proposals must be in writing, sealed and filed with the City Clerk-Treasurer on or before the day and hour above mentioned. Any contract or contracts awarded under this Invitation for Bids are expected to be funded in part by a grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Neither the United States nor any of its departments, agencies or employees is or will be a party to this Invitation for Bids or any resulting contract. This procurement will be subject to regulations contained in 40 CFR 35.936, 35.938 and 35.939. Tektronix CUMMT I*O TO ( MCf ILCN O Administers the City's Con tractor Equal Employment O p p o r tu n ity P r o g r a m , Grant Equal Opportunity Compliance Program, and Minority Purchasing Pro gram. Candidates should possess extensive knowledge of Equal Employment Oppor OPERATION SYSTEMS tunity requirements and af firm ative action p roce ANALYST dures. Full family medical Pacific Power and Light is and dental benefits. Wo looking for an Operation men and minorities urged Systems Analyst to gener to apply. ate and maintain IBM operation sy stem s and APPLY other software packages. Portland Civil Service Job requires 3-4 years OS Board or VS system programming 510 S.W. Montgomery St. experience plus some fami Portland, OR. 97201 liarity with MVS and TSO. No later than March 22, Contact or send resume to 1978. Ron Doan, Recruitment & Staffing Coord., 920 S.W. An Equal O;i;*ortuuity Em.tloyer Sixth Ave.. Portland, Ore. 97204 1503) 243 4355. Aa Equal O.i;iortunity Em.Joyer ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The City of Goldendale reserves the right to reject any or all bids and proposals. POWER SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR W ORD PROCESSING SUPERVISOR L.E. McKee City Clerk-Treasurer Requires a mature respon sible person seeking a challenging position, cap able of scheduling work loads and supervising a minimum of 7 individuals. Type 60-70 wpm; prefer 2 years experience as super visor and/or assistant su pervisor with a broad knowledge of mixed WP media. Must be willing to learn all duties of personnel Apply in person between in WPC, mail room and the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 reception area. Previous p.m., Mon.-Fri. experience working with engineers is helpful. Salary White Stag Manufacture $950-»1.200 depending up Company on qualifications. Send re 5100 S.E. Harney Dr. sume to Stevens, Thomp Portland, 97206 son and Runyan, Inc., 5505 S.E. Milwaukie Ave., Port., An Equal O]i]>ortunity 97202. Equal Employment Employer O.i.iortunity/ Affirmative Action Employer. Factory experience on sin gle-double needle, lock stitch and safety-stitch required. Free parking, excellent company benefits that include above indus trial average company. Paid retirement program, wages would be a guaran tee base rate plus a piece rate incentive program. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The City of Gresham will receive sealed bids in writing from qualified contractors until 3:00 P.M. (Pacific Standard Time), on March 30, 1978, at the office of the Architect, Broome, Oringdulph, O’Toole, Rudolf & Associates. P.C., 733 N.W. 20th Avenue. Portland, Oregon 97209 for the Building Construction of the Municipal & Educational Services Center, at which time and place the bids will be opened and read aloud to ail who will attend. Two sets of Drawings and one set of Specifications will be available at the Architect's office to each prospective prime Contractor only upon deposit of »75.00. Deposits will be refunded for sets returned in good condition within seven (7) days after bid opening. Additional sets or parts of sets will be made available upon request at cost of reproduction, which is not refundable. Sets of Contract Documents may be examined at: Broome. Oringdulph, O'Toole, Rudolf & Associates, P.C. Architects and Planners, A.I.A. 733 N.W. 20th Avenue Portland, Oregon ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) Builders Exchange Co-Operative 1125 S.E. Madison Street - Room 200 Portland, Oregon Reverend Thomas L. Stray hand. Minister CALL FOR BIDS Northwest Plan Center 1922 North Vancouver Portland, Oregon SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 N.E. Afcerta Street lertraa Griffin, Pa 281-4429 SABIN SCHOOL MAJOR MAINTENANCE AND RENOVATION BIDS DUE AT 12:00 NOON. MARCH 7,1978 5HW pas. Vigil - Saturday 10:00 a .a . ( hoir - Sunday 12:00 p .a . Fefk - Sunday ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL Phene : 284-1620 Gradee 1 through 8 4919 N.E. 9th Ave. Nerita Kelly, Principal SEALED Bids will be received at the office of the undersigned, Administration Building, 620 Northeast Halsey Street, Portland, Oregon 97232, until 12:00 Noon, March 7,1978 for Sabin School Major Maintenance and Renovation, from bidders who have filed pre-qualification statements and who have been approved by the Board of Directors of School District No. 1 to bid on thia work. »5.00 deposit required on plans. Bids will be opened at 1:00 p.m. the same day at the Board of Directors Room at the above address. All interested persons are entitled to attend the bid opening. ’• f . ’ Specifications may be obtained at the Purchasing Department at the above address. Bidder's bond, certified check or cashiers check for the ten percent (10%) of the amount of the proposal payable to School District No. 1, Multnomah County, Oregon, must accompany each bid. The Board reserves the right to reject all bids. Portland Business Development Office 208 S.W. Stark Street, Suite 603 Portland, Oregon 97204 Construction News & Data 925 N.W. 12th Avenue Portland. Oregon Northwest Minority Contractors’ Association 10 N.E. Graham Portland, Oregon 97212 All bidders shall submit a properly executed Builders Board, Contractor's Prequalification Application as prescribed by the Oregon Department of Commerce or proof of current prequalification with the State Highway Department or the Department of General Services pursuant to Chapter 279, Oregon Revised Statutes and filed with the City Manager, Gresham, Oregon. No bid will be received or considered unless the bid contains a statement by the bidder, as part of his bid, that the provisions required by O.R.S. 279.350 i workmen on public works to be paid not less than prevailing rate of wage) shall be included in his contract. FEDERAL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: This project ia funded by a grant of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Economic Develop.nent Administration. Pursuant to the Local Public Works Capital Development & Investment Act of 1976, as amended by the Public Works Employment Act of 1977. This project must comply with the grant's ten percent Minority Business Enterprise Utilization Requirements. Yeu are Welcome to Warship at THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD PENTECOSTAL, INC. “A warns e;«4rit of ieilewship always" The Honorable Biahep U.V. Peterson, D.D. “The Holiness Preacher,” Paster Sunday: Sunday School 9J5 Morning Werehi,. 11:15 am “Showers of Blessings Broadcast” KGAR155O ll: 3 0 s a .l 2 30,Mu YFBC 6 M hu Evangelistic Werehi,> 8:00' i . I uesday Friday Noon |» ,y Prayer Tuesday: Bible Band/Jr. Church Wedaesday: Chair Rehearsal Friday: “The Paster S,looks" 84 NE KiUingsworth 281-0499 Federal provisiona relating to Equal Employment Opportunity & the Davia Bacon Act apply. The successful bidder shall be required to certify that he is in compliance with the prevailing wage rates established by the U.S. Department of Labor. All bids must contain a statement that the provisions of ORS 279.050 relating to the prevailing rates of wage will be complied with. A pre-bid conference and site visit will be held at 10:00 A.M., February 22, 1978, in the Sabin School Auditorium. Attendance is recommended. J.R. ENZI^ER Director of Purchasing 234 3392 - ext. 203 The work will be subject to the prevailing wage rates established by the | U.S. Department of Labor, the Equal Employment Opportunity Require ments and the 10 percent Minority Enterprise requirements. Proposals will not be considered unless accompanied by certified check, , cashier's check, or surety bond made payable to the City of Gresham, i Oregon in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the lump sum bid. Interest will not be allowed on bid security. i i The City of Gresham hereby notifies that all bidders will be required to comply with the Affirmative Action Requirements, Equal Employment i Opportunity, Portland Hometown Plan during the performance of this ! Contract and its Subcontracts. I No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof, or thereafter, before award of the Contract, unless award is delayed for a period exceeding sixty (60) days from the bid opening date. The Owner reserves the right to reject all bids, to waive deficiencies and to accept only such bids as may be to the Owner’s best interests. • Burke Raymond City Manager City of Gresham, Oregon