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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1978)
I' 1 "atte, a Purtlaod iik -.,.-.—- Thursd ay. January 12, 1978 aiwel constructs kolipad Kafoory soaks Cooacil soot Stephen Kafoury has announced that he will oppose Commissioner Frank Ivan cie for a position on the City Council. Kafoury. who represents Albina south of Fremont and • section of Southeast Portland, in the State Senate, has com pleted two years of his four year term. He • also served two times in the House of Representatives. A member of the liberal urban block in the Senate. Kafoury has been concerned about problems of the City and of neighborhoods. Announcing his cam paign for City Council. Kafoury said that although neighborhood associations citi ten's committees have been organized. “City Hall has never made a genuine commitment to acting on their advice. Solutions to our problems must come from the citizens, not from the top down.“ Kafoury previously taught at Jefferson High School, was administrator of a day care program and served in the Peace Corps. He is currently attending Lewis and Clark College of I j i w . HARME H ARREN Warren named 'Rookie Earnest Warren was recently recog nized as the "Rookie of the Year" for the Portland agency of Prudential Insurance Company. Warren has been an agent with Prudential for one year, having previously been Explorer Executive with the Boy Scouts. Warren believes his success has been due to his efforts to aid families in meeting their insurance needs. “1 help the family identify their needs and design or plan to fit those needs - whether it is education of the children, retirement, mortgage cancellation insurance, or death benefits." Warren offerings include U fe Insu rance. Group Insurance and Annuities. He writes business policies as well as family and individual One largely untapped market for the insurance industry is women. “Insurance needs have changed along with social and economic changes.“ Warren explained. “Women used to be homemakers and mothers and they were mainly concerned with having the husband insured so if he died there would be money to raise the family. Now the wife's employment is a necessary part of the family income and it is important to insure her as well." W omen also are becoming more inde pendent so they need auto and property insurance as well as health and retire ment. “Half of the marriages end in divorce. If a family insures only the husband and a divorce occurs, the insu rance that both adults have helped to buy goes with the man.” Construction has startl'd on a helipad at Emanuel Hospital in Portland. Oregon, that will serve as the landing site for "Emanuel Life Flight", the area's, fjppt emergency medical service using a heli copter. The pad, which will he located atop the fourth floor of the hospital facing south west, will be constructed at a cost of approximately $173,000. I l was designed by Newberrv Schuette and Wheeler Architects and Planners, and the contrac lor is Wilson and Dean Construction, Company, Inc. Construction will be completed in approximately 110 days. According to Kathy Elmore, Director of Flight Operations for “Life Flight." the service is scheduled to-be operational on February 28th. If the pud is not completed by this date, a temporary landing site will be set up adjacent to the hospital. When completed, the pud will measure 40 by 43 feet. It will be elevated above the fourth floor roof and it will be constructed of reinforced concrete. A ramp will curve down from the landing pad. and lead to double doors leading to an elevator (hat connects with Emanuel's Emergency Service on the first floor. START SAVING TODAY.. “Life Flight” is an entirely new medical service to the Pacific Northwest and will provide communities with a unique fa cility specifically designed lo save lives of individuals critically injured or seriously ill. lafe Flight, as a new servin' to the community, was approved as a demon slration project by state and local review planning agencies in May. 1977. Plans call for the service to be self supporting and available to a variety of individuals and organizations including other hospi tals with helicopter landing capabilities. Similar services using a helicopter have been operational for some time in other cities, including Houston and Den Ver. where they have proven successful as a community service. Emanuel Life Flight will he staffed 24 hours a day by a pilot and a flight nurse. The helicopter a French built Alouette Three has a range of 260 milt's without refueling, allowing lor a primary service area within a radius of air miles of Emanuel Hospital. Mt. Hood CC sponsors gym The Saturday morning youth recrea lion program sponsored by the Mt. Ilisid Community College athletic department begins January 14th and continues for five consecutive Saturdays through Feb ruary 11th The weekly sessions meet at the MHCC gymnasium froip 9:00 a.m. to noon and nre designed for boys and girls from nine to fourteen years old. Weekly activities are varied, but will include swimming, group games, basketball, wrestling, racquethall. gymnastics, vol ley hall, tumbling, body building, badmin ton und others. The five week program registration fee is $8 per peraon. A special family rate of $13 for l wo or m oat* members of the same family is also available Registration is limited and those interested should con tact Hill Wilde iti the MHCC athletic department at 667 7153. íf. m w ra e « y ... a w uanoAT. .Arrota locai rooo oho ito M O m o w as in o A ia AW »AITINO tosai . (AW ra ía CA»> K onna t a n s ne» can m im o ju » «T u n « o ta r row A m ne n e o u ii or n a ti OUAUTT aSMOO» TOTU 1AVI BWUOH 'AMI AW toucan o n rota Tont a i® Jamison joins Advisory Board Al Jamison. Staff Assistant to Com missioner Charles Jordan, was appointed to the Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee of the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) at the Commission's December meeting in Bend. Oregon. The twenty member Committee is charged with developing and recommend ing to the LCDC a program that pro moles and enhances public participation and development of state wide planning goals and guidelines. In effect, the Committee will recommend means to obtain wide spread citizen involvement in all phases of the planning process at all levels of stale and local government. Jamison is primarily responsible for the licensing of residential care facilities (half way houses) in the City of Portland. ____ Home winterizing available There is no more economical lime Ilian the present for elderly home owners Io weatherize their homes. The federal government is funding work prophets where the homes of low income honie owners are repaired and improved lo prevent heat loss. The Stale Department of Revenue has also provided a three hundred dollar reliate lor senior ciii/en* who qualify and are ineligible loi the federal program North ( ’onimunily Action Council is administering the federal weatherization program for residents of North Portland They have a trained crew ready Io perform the neeewtary weatherization improvements in the homes ol low in come families, and eligibility screening is taking place now NCAC is located at «965 North Eess<*ilen Street and ran be phoned at 28« 81171 by those having questions or wishing to set up an appoint ment. North Portland senior citizens who received the Oregon Itepartment of Re venue'» "weatherization refund voucher" are responsible for ascertaining their eligibility.or ineligibility for the NCAC weatherization program before they ap ply for their weatherization refund, and because funds are limited they should investigate the weatherization programs as sum as possible IH I41111 << I S Y H H I I /H -V<4 I< I I V Just for Saving as little as *69°°in Cash Register Tapes! Providence seeks students According to Providence Montessori Preschool Principal Sister Barbara Schamber, there are some openings for children, two and one-half to five, in the school for this winter term. The school, which is located at 830 N.E. 47th, combines an educational Montessori program from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday with day care beginning from 7:00 a.m. and after school until 6:00 p.m., for working parents. Children may be enrolled at any age within the two and one-half to five group (through the equivalent of the kindergar ten year in school). Established in 1962. the Montesson program at Providence Child Center is Portland's oldest accredited Montessori program. For further information on enrollment and tuition costs, aa well aa ;tre«;>eetive enrollment of children far the fall term in 1978. please contact Sister Barbara Schamber at 234 9991. The School regularly enrolls 180 children in nine classrooms. 'Roseland’ premiers The Northwest Premiere of the Mer chant-ivory film "Roseland" will be screened at the Portland Art Museum. January 24th at 7:30 p.m., followed by a reception with champagne and dancing, to benefit the Portland Art Association and the Northwest Film Study Center. "Roseland," starring Geraldine Chap Un. Joan Copeland and Lilia Skala, is directed by former Oregonian James Ivory and is produced by four Portland era. Ottomar Rudolf. Michael Murphy, Macy Wall and Dennis Murphy. The film was highly acclaimed during the New York Film Festival. On hand for the benefit will be Aca demy Award nominee Lilia Skala and actor Don DeNatale. DeNatale will combine his talents as master of cere monies for dancing and entertainment after the screening. Tickets arc $35 per person or $5« per couple and are available at the museum box office or by calling 226 2811. Pro ceeds will be used to match funds from the National Endowment for the Arts and to support the Northwest Film Study Center. • Imported fashion linen • Waterproof, bonded-vinyl linings • Full vinyl bottoms-prevent stains and scuffs • Colorfast fashion stripe trimmed with vinyl • Heavy gauge vinyl piping • Heavy duty zipper closures % On sale at all times 12” Tote Travel First Class with matching Luggage 24 ‘ Putimen •12J9 26' Pullman •1199 ‘ 14 M 2 9 'Pullman FREE ITEM 40 Garment Bag *14.99 I T Shopping Bag wNtilapga FREE with • « • .in tepee « X . FREE with m tepee M ” Shoulder Tote •280. ts* Jetawey FREE with •3 0 0 rniepee trT o te FREE with *3 0 0 . m tapaa ir Serrai Tote 21* T o m .S Ä - FREE with •300. m tapaa Vour coti with •5 0 . m lepen $2«« $2« $4»« $ßo« »5« «5»« •6M There's a Tole lor every occasion from a trip to the supermarket to a weekend vacation) Tolas lor golf, tennis or school il. Toles (or overnight business trips or oul-of-this-world vacations And you get one, two or the complete collection FREE just lor saving your cash register tapes! Take your choice 1. Oat m y piece FREE with the required amount ol tepee 2. In a hurry? Collect *M .0 S in tepee, get the tote you want at the epeclel reduced price 3. Or pick-up the tote you »elect TODAY at our regular low price no tapes needed I Our legulai low-low price no lapes needed $409 $599 •7 9 9 $999 $Q99 tg « 9 $999 ORTNER'S FOOD KING 5400 N.E. 33rd Avesse • tener of 33r4 ae4 UNia«>werlb