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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1977)
Page 6 Portland Observer Thursday. December 1, 1977 Portland Observar 1 JOB FINDER POWER SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR Tektronix Opportunities Food Service Attendant On cal! temporary cafeterta work available both day and swing shift Prior experience in food preparation and sen, ing helpful These mbs can lead to permanent positions Keypunch Operators W e have immediate permanent openings for sw ing shift Keypunch Operators Formal keypunch schooling or equivalent work experience required Familiarity with 129 IBM card punch or Inforex key to disc desirable Part tim e positions available for electronic assembly work Good vision and the ability to do detailed work required Training will lie prov ided Factory experience on sin gk-double needle, lock stitch and safety stitch required Free parking, excellent company benefits that include above indus trial average company. Paid retirement program, wage- would be a guaran tee base rate plus a piece rate incentive program. Apply in person between the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Mon.-Fri. White Stag Manufacture Company 5100 S.E Harney Dr. Portland. 97206 Clerk Typist An Equal O'.riortunity Fm.ilover Will perform diversified clerical statistical, skilled duties Average typing ability required W ill perform advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties Two years secretarial training or experience required Above average typing ability, and shorthand or transcription skills necessary Benefits include liberal insurance and retirement programs educational support and profit sharing plan Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park or write to TEK TRO NIX. IN C .. P.O Box 500 P. Beaverton OR 97077 An equal opportunity employer m f MILL W RIGHTS/ MECHANICS O re g o n m o o t* OSU B eaver» CLERK |RECEPTION1ST/F1LE| FILE CLERK MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTORS Opening with North Pacific Insurance Company. Entry Oregon Dept of Environ level position. $450 per mental Quality has open month to start. Monday ings for men and women. through Friday. 8:90 to I Must have 18 months to 2 4:90. Call Personnel for yr», training or exp related * ‘details 643 7861. to automatic repair or test ing including public contact An Equal Op;mrtuaity exp. Valid Oregon driver's E m doyer license and acceptable driv ing record required. Jobs are seasonable lasting up to 1 yr. Some opportunity for The U.S. Postal Service is permanent. Salary $847 tak in g a p p lica tio n s for per month to start. Apply Clerk/Typiat ($6.49 per hrl to State Personnel Div.. j and C lerk /S ten o g ra p h er 136 State Office Bldg.. 1400 ($6.75 per hr). These are S.W. 5th. Portland. entry level positions and can lead to advancement. Apply: 715 N.W. Hoyt St.. Room 2023 by 5:00 p.m., QUALITY INSPECTOR December 9th. HEALTH PLAN REPRESENTATIVE Prepaid health care pro gram has a continuing opening for a representa tive with selling experience preferable in the medical field. Must he able to meet the public and communicate effectively. Apply Kaiser Permanente Personnel D e partment. 1500 S.W. 1st, Portland 97201 or call 224 3400 ext. 484. An Equal Op.mrtunity Employer Handicap.tod H in d Martin Marietta Alumi num. the Dalles, currently has openings for “Quali fied" Mill W rights or Manu facturing Plant Mechanics. C m OF PORTLAND These positions involve ace tylene cutting, arc welding, TREASURY MANAGER m etal lay-ou t. b o ilers, 125,563 apprex. pum ps, a ir-co m p resso rs, annual salary gear reduction units, bear ing installation, shaft align Directs the receipt and cus ment, use of precision in- ; UBM8VT n o m » a m u net tody of all cash and colla struments. and reading and teral held by the City, in terp retin g blue p rin ts. directs the investm ent of Job applicants need to excess funds: formulates show either apprenticeship procedures and policies. training or be a “Qualified Requires extensive exper Mill Wright." The current ience and training in finan union job rate is $8.47 per cial management. hour. In addition we pro vide a relocation allowance HO ISEKEEPERS APPLY and an excellent fringe CHRISTMAS INCOME benefit package. Please ap Persons to do housework Portland Civil Service ply or send resume to Mar Maximum income for maxi for elderly. Must be GET A Board tin Marietta Aluminum. mum efforts $1.000 weekly VI eligible. Full-time work. 510 S.W. Montgomery St. P .0 . Box 711. the Dalles. possible Start immediate $2.65 per hour plus mile Portland. OR. 97201 OR.. 97058 or call 503 296 ly. Write: Moneymaker. age. sick leave, vacation, 6161 for more information. 4525 S.E. Clinton, Portland. training. An Equal Opper- No later than December 16, 97206. t uni tv Em.itoyer. Apply at 1977. An Equal Opportunity Metropolitan Family Ser Em.itoyer M/F vice, 2281 N.W. Everett. An Equal Op;K,rtunity Employer Ttektronix EUGENE, OR. - Oregon's basketball team fares its "hex" opponent of 1976 77 season - neighboring Oregon State Sunday (December 4th) in the annual non-counting game between the areh rivals at Portland's Memorial Coliseum. For the Kamikaae Kids, it will he the second game in two days, coming after Saturday afternoon's home contest against Doane College of Crate. Ne hraaka. The Saturday game, starting at 2:30, brings to Eugene a Tiger team whose school enrollment is hut 640. hut which has three starters back from the team that earned a playoff berth in NA1A CLERK District II and finished with a record of I REGISTRATION | 19-8. But It's the clash with the Beavers that Qualifications: 1 year exp. 1 is stirring the usual fratricidal emotions as a clerical assistant pre among the Kamikaze Kids - and vice ferably in the Admissions versa. The timing for the third of three and Records Office. Demon scheduled games between Oregon and straled knowledge of office OSU has changed in more ways than one methods and equipment. , from the previous year. It's almost two Ability to type 50 wpm. months earlier than the previous season, Immediate opening for in Successful exp. with work when It was played on January 26th. It coming product inspector, ing with the public re also is going to have an uncommon tipoff background in electronic quired. Full time position. time? 6:00 p.m. component and assembly Monday Friday, with 1 ' Tickets will be on sale at the Coliseum testing required. Mediani night assignment every 2 the afternoon of the game, which will cal exp. d esim i. To apply weeks. follow a 3:30 contest between the junior call Directors of Industrial varsity squads of the two schools. Relations 659 3355 CLERK It will he the third game of the season (EMPLOYMENT! for the K-Kids, following the Doane game An Equal O.riertunitv and the opener, a 69-61 home victory over Employer Qualifications: 2 years cle Cal State (Fullerton). Oregon lost an rical exp. Prior exp. in a exhibition pre season game to Athletes in Personnel Office preferred Action. 81-56. Ability to type 65 wpnt, Oregon State will be returning to COMPITER ability to file, demonstrated familiar territory after a gruelling three PROGRAMMER knowledge of office me game tour of the Atlantic Coast con thods and equipment. Sue ference for a game against Wake Forest Computer programmer for cessful with working with and tw o against the team that many research projects in forest i the public required. Ability rank as No. 1 in the nation. North management Starting to carry out detailed office Carolina. date: January 1. 1978. Ap- ' p roced u res and record The revenge motive is strong for pointment is Research As keeping. Full-time post sistant. Unclassified. Start tion. Monday Friday. ing salary based on exper ience, but not to exceed Applications: Personnel Of $12.000 per annum. Fixed fice. Mt. Hood Community term appointment, full-time College. 26000 S.E. Stark for one year, with renewal St.. Gresham. 97030. 667 thereafter subject to de 7200. partment need and perfor mance of the incumbent. To Affirmative Action/ apply. Mnd complete re Equal <>p;iortunity siime, college transcripts Fm.ilover and three letters of ref erence to: Dr. John Beuter. Head Department of Forest Man agement Oregon Stale University Corvallis. Oregon 97331 on or before December 23, 1977. Oregon State U niversity is an A ffirm ative A ction Equal Employment O pior tunity Em doyer and com plies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Qualifications: Course work in clerical and record-keep ing su b p ets or equivalent. Demonstrated knowledge of office methods and equip ment. Ability to type 50 wpm. Successful exp. with working with the publu required. Full time posi tion, Monday Friday, with 1 night assignment every 2 weeks. 1967 Cadillac Sedan De Ville - power seats, win dows. steering, brakes, cli mate control, tilt steering, etc. Excellent condition, like new throughout, sharp. $1.000 or offer. 297 2966 Gone from that Beaver team are three standouts whr were persistent thorns in the Oregon side: Guards Rocky Smith and George Tucker and Forward Don Smith. It was Rocky who paced all three Beaver victories with team leading scor ing totals of 14, 21 and 32. Missing from the Oregon lineup is All American Greg Ballard, who averaged 29 points in the three games, all to no avail. What is likely to make Oregon the favorite on the neutral court is the contrast at center. The Beavers are likely to be without the services - full time, at least - of their top returnee, 6 1 0 Steve Johnson, who has b een hanip ered by a foot injury. Oregon will have at center the man who was slated to be the starter a year ago, before an injury sidelined him for the season: 6 10 Dan Hartshorne. Dan paced the opening victory with 21 points. Oregon State leads in the overall scries, begun in 1903, by a margin of 141 to 114. In the personal duel between the two head roaches, Ralph Miller of the Beavers and Dick Harter of the Kamikaze Kids, it's a dead heat, ten victories apiece. Oregon State will bring to Portland their three Frosh standouts. Mark Radford, Grant High School; Jeff Stoutt. I^ake Oswego High School: and Kay Blume. Parkrose High School. Radford has started the first three games for OSU and has displayed remarkable poise for a Freshman. KEY PUNCH OPERATORS Starting immediately we will have full-time positions opening for day key punch operators. If you have a minimum of 6 months experience, prefer ably 1 year, on the IBM 029 or 129 call 243 4359 for an appointment. Salary com m en su rate w ith ex p er ience. Pacific Power and Light. An Equal Opportunity Em.iloyer Miscellaneous How To Decorate With A Popcorn V illa ge Oregon, which had its Pac-8 title ambi tions and a NCAA tournament invitation block««) by the spoilers from Corvallis a year ago. The Heavers won all three of last year's games: 53 52 at Corvallis, 64 53 at the Coliseum and 78 73 in overtime at Eugene in the final game of th«> regular season. Interested in current books about African Lib eration'’ Vtafc: John Rood Book Store In the Dekum Building 519 S.W. 3rd Avenue Sixth Floor SINGLE? Maybe you haven’t tried the right place. Free surprise gift for stopping by. Call Lynn 235 1970 Or ta ll 227 2902 Political Prisoner. 30, se e k s corresp on d en ce with Moral Comrades Caution - my mail is often seized and destroy ed by the Pigs. F o r e ffe c tiv e decorating at a great lo w price, tr y creating a po pcorn village fo r under y o u r C hristm as T re e , on a m a n tle o r ta b le. H ere'« an o p p o rtu n ity to have a C hristm as p a rty and m ake y o u r o w n orn a m e n ts w ith tw o inexpensive item s po pcorn and e m p ty m ilk carto ns Pop p le n ty o f corn ( w e ’ve used th e kin d th a t pops in its ow n pa n ) T h e n set fa m ily and friends to w o rk co n stru ctin g th e ir houses Serve apples, cid e r, o a tm eal cookies and, o f course, p le n ty o f p o pcorn. POPCORN VILLA G E 1 package (5 ox. ) J if f y Pop ‘ Popcorn 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup corn syrup 1/2 cup water Robert Robertson 2600 Center St. NE 84 Salem, OR. 97310 Pregna nt? And you need a frien d ’* Call ßirlhRUHT LAMAR'S SMOKE HOUSE Viait your local Head Shop for all your smok ing needs. Open daily. 11:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 3519 N.E. Union 221-0598 Free Emergency pregnancy coun.iehng ■ . MRS. C 8 WIGS We can help you look your best on all occa sions. Your hair does make a difference. Viait us at N.E. 7th and Fre mont. 1/4 cup butter or margarine Prepare po p co rn according to package d irec tio n s Pour i n t o la r g e p a n o r k e ttle . H eat sugar corn syrup and w a te r in saucepan to 2 5 0 ° - 2 6 0 ° F. o r u n til a d ro p o f sy ru p in cold w a te r fo rm a a hard ba ll. R em ove fro m beat and stir in b u tte r P our over po pcorn and m ix th o ro u g h ly w i t h a la r g e s p o o n Save 2 o r 3 tablespoons o f s y ru p fo r use in attach in g parts C o a t e d p o p c o r n is now r e a d y t o b e fo rm ed in to peaked ro o f houses You w ill need an e m p ty 1 /2 gal o r q u art m ilk ca rto n . P re pare m ilk cartons according to d ir e c tio n s s h o w n on rig h t Urease y o u r hands and all containers w ell. Pack cartons w ith p o p c o rn ; r e m o v e c a r t o n s . T r im w ith lic o ric e squares, c in n a m o n d o ts and L ife Savers’ candy Use e x tra po pcorn to fo rm balls fo r stocking fillers ♦ ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH ( o n e r of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) You are W elcome to Worship at Reverend Thomas L. 8t rayhand. Minister THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD PENTECOSTAL, INC. “A warm spirit of fellowship always” The Honorable Bishop U.V. Peterson. D.Ü. “The Holiness Preacher", Pastor ST. ANDREW CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 N.E Alberta Street Reverend Bertram Griffin. Pastor 281-4429 5:00 p.m. Vigil - Saturday 10:00 a.m. Choir - Sunday 12:00 p.m. F a ii - Sunday TO MAKE YOUR PEAKED ROOF POPCORN HOUSES Use upper hall o l amply quart or h all gallon m ilk container 1*2*J OPEN TOP-CUT 4 CORNERS 4*5*6 RECLOSE 2 ELAPS-EOLO OVER OTHER 2 TAPE FLAPS TO SECURE-PACK TIGHTLY WITH COATED POPCORN ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL 4919 N.E. 9th Ave. Norita Kelly, Principal Phone: 284 1020 Grades 1 through 8 Sunday: Sumiay School 945 am Morning Worship 1115 am "Showers of Blessings Broadcast” KGAR 1550 11:30 am 12:30 pm YPBC 6:30 pm Evangelistic Worship MM) pm Tuesday-Friday Noon Day Prayer Tuesday: Bible Band/Jr. Church Wednesday; Choir Behearsal Friday: “The Pastor Speaks" 84 NE KiUingsworth 281-0499 790 pm 700 pm 780 pm