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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1977)
Porlliiiiil Observer From behind the wall by l^ r ry Raker «XMUI O.S.H. Carre*.MHtdenl Over the past 25 years the same request has txs-n made in many different forms. “Aides, need to help out in I he counseling division at the Oregon Slate Penitentiary." Tune and lim e again I his same request Has been w ritten in proposals, shouted from the fltstrs of the Oregon la*gtsla lures, the Emergency Itoanls. Human Kcsoun-es Committees, to the Division of Oregon's Stale Corrections. This request has been flashed over our major TV stations amt reprinted as long as this reporter ran remember in our state's newspapers. Our correctional officials have pleaded for funds to he spent in I his area (Aides) to the "Powers of the Slate" for assistance in this prison, in order to relieve our counselors from being "pa|»T shufflers” and "telephone operators," while carrying c a s e load s of 190 175 per. Thirteen counselors among 1,500 in males. As one of the O.S.P. counselors put it, "W hos got the time for good direct counseling for men who really need it, »hen our hands are double tied by a lot of running around, running errands, giving telephone calls, and passing pa pers around from one department to another." This Correspondent thought this weeks D.S.P.s prison report would he of interest to the "People who pay the bills" (Oregon's taxpayers). So cruising up and down the corridor, known as the Inmate Management Floor (IM F ), I thought I would ace how big this problem is really becoming.....because if it is, then it is we. the inmates, who are being cheated and are the losers of such a valuable need behind these walls. One on-one, as well as group counseling is a definite need for many in an environment such as this... It.I*. Elmore, who has a bachelors in Ami for once, maybe, the wrong voices sociology and sociul work commenls on are shouting mil for such a valuable tool,., I he necessities of aides in his unit, “It is a maybe that voice should I n * (turn, if many worthwhile idea, in that the need is of us want to return to our communities obvious. The aides would gain in their with our heads on straighler than they educational pursuit and the community were upon commitment. will see the reward in the iiicreascd Listening to one inmate, Ernest Wat services. Counselor aides would I n * able son, “If my counselor had lime to rap to to handle those duties which now take the me I would feel comfortable with him in counselors away from their counseling getting down to tell him about some of opportunities. If I were to point oul the the nitty gritty things in my life, and primary disap|M>inlmcnt in my position, it some of my real feelings. But hell, he's would I n * that I would like to use my always got his lips wrapped around a counseling education in a counseling dictaphone, writing up case histories, or capacity, rulher than being lied up with has a long line of people trying to corner areas totally oul of a counseling concen him. I have only s<*cn (he dude twice in (ration." Elmore has a case load of I III inmates. I he past ten months." Bon M artin, O.S.P.'s only Black conns«* And so it goes. with a great many of lor, feels that with the increasing popula the inmates at O.S.P. who are unknow ledgeable of how large each counselor's lion, that any assistance in his unit would case load has become. To which almost I n * of great help, because his first makes it impossible for counselors to commitment is to his clients, and In-iug study ind c.ilh the reasons and causes handcuffed with u lot of paperwork and for their clients failure Io abide by the extra duties that an aide could do would laws in the State of Oregon. Trying to allow his expertise in his profession to find enough hours in a day to deal with generate closer contact. John Akins, inmate case management, every request the inmates are submitting upon the I.M .F . places our counselors in a said, “We have very good professional slate of total exhaustion and is a discredit counselors here at the O.S.P., and I am to their profession," states one staff very much in favor of them receiving assistance by creation of the state hiring member. Ms. Sandy Moore, who has a masters aides, if it is possible. Because many are degree in counseling and a bachelor of becoming professional paper shufflers, and without this burden they could get education, and is the only woman coun selor at O.S.P. stales. “Use of counselor down to do some serious counseling to aides would he a great value in handling many more inmates who are in need of some routine duties, thereby allowing such. Not only are they professional, but they are dedicated and I ran readily more effective uses of counselor exper understand their frustrations." tise in dealing both with client and It is pretty hard for many of us here at agency needs and requirement." Ms. O.S.P. not to acknowledge Akins’ insight Moore spends a great deaf of her time with the counseling problems. He is dealing in paperwork consisting of special starting his 27th year at this prison in the visits and visiting requests which can counseling field. Ia*t us hope that our easily be handled by an aide. sta le legislators, s ta le em ergency board, as well as the budget commit Its*, who determine any final decision, through dollars and cents, whether to pay for aides, doll I by pass such ail mi,Hirlaul issue without at least taking a closer l«M«k at this valuable need l l his is the first .»art in a three .tart «•cries on the Counselors De lartment at O.S.P. | by Fred Carroll *38718 It is my concern, as it is anil should la the concern of every sensitive person concerned with Human Bights issues, that people become aware of the violu lions taking place right here in the prison system of Oregon. Denial of access to courts, through short stop devices in legal handling by an arbitrary dictatorship. Forced convict labor under threat of hole time, and enforcement of these tactics if not complied with by guards, staff, or em ployed prison personnel. Strip seurches with State Police, by issuing search warrants on heresay, suspicion for mari juana or drugs rarried out on wives, friends, lovers, or associates. Verbal abuse, lack of open minded communica lion. Kangaroo disciplinary procedures without witnesses or due process of law. Denial of visiting with wives, friends, lovers, and associates, because of their past criminal records, or because of probation or parole. Lack of open family communication groups within the prison, such as family counseling, etc. Programmed and outdated spiritual programs and opportunities for spiritual growth and learning are stifled because of this narrow-mindedness. Lack of conjugal visits for maintaining close marital relationships with wives, child ren, and family members. Lack of inmate government, selected by the inmates for the inmates, to repre sent them on issues and rights us human livings. These things and many, many mure are just a few of the inhuman thing* affecting all of us us sensitive human liemgs, sensitive to euch others needs There are many, and further denying of these basic human rights is not going to advance the growth of a people no matter who or what they represent, or have done We are all capable of many errors anil if we do mil wish to stifle the develop inent of many young, ol<l, and inbetween people beihg further alienated and per verted in a system totally opposite Io I hi' world of conventional society. If we, as human beings, sincerely concerned alsml ourselves, us well as others, and if we wish to prevent Atlicas, blis-king and decaying of many sensitive and creative human beings we must change a system Thursday, Novcmtx-r 17, 1977 1‘age .3 that has taken talented and sensitive human lieing*« like George Jackson, Gary Gilmore, Martin Luther. John Kennedy ami many other fine ami creative mein tiers. These things cun lie changed wilh kindness, npen minded sensitivity to each other as people instead of things There are people among us willing and capable Io o|H'li Io these needs, all of us have the »capabilities within us. We must set aside our false teachings, our liogus fears, and follow our hearts It is not loo late lie writ«* your senators, congressmen, friends and associates who mav Is- de sirous of sincere capable effort in these needful long overdue Human Bights. It is lime we started to place |M*ople as top priority in this world, and to unhypnotiz« ourselves to the things, gadgets, and devices that separate us from one another. How would you like to retire on $250,000? Ask about IRA * lfMhviflu.ll kchlt IIM - lll \tt " U D l For all the answers call 1-800-452-7167 toll f e e . 10 AM TO 7 PM Monday-Friday 10 AM TO 4 PM Saturdays 12 TO 4 PM Sundays 'Political prisoner’ fails to gain freedom In an attempt to seek freedom from confinement in the Oregon State Hospi tai, Bubert Robertson appeared before Circuit Court Judge Pat Dooley Monday. Robertson contends that he is being held in the hospital as a political prisoner because his religion will not permit him to accept psychiatric counseling. Following the hearing, in which his petition for release was denied. Robertson expressed the opinion that he might never get out of the hospital because he refuses to accept psychiatric theory and cooperate with staff psychiatrists. During his hearing Robertson told Judge Dooley: Other than my constitutional rights to practice my freedom of religion and freedom of speech, I have demonstrated no signs of insanity what so-ever. I have run into much material that points out anyone who doesn't spend his whole life in materialism, sex fantasies, and going along with popular social norms are to be considered crazy. In Russia anyone who doesn't like Communism gets sent to a psychiatrist. In Nazi Germany anyone who didn't like Nazism got sent to a psychiatrist. It works the same way in this Nation. What psychiatry calls paranoia. I call super awareness. What psychiatry calls scyzophrenia I call rejection of the material power trip standards of society, and dealing with people on a spiritual level without a plastic front or pomp and display. I realize that if everybody lived my kind of life that we wouldn't be living in the highly scientific society that we do. However, if everybody lived my kind of life we wouldn't be living as primitive savages either. I read a great deal and pay my way. I do my own time and don't bug people. I think that it is pretty obvious from Dr. Weissat that I don't bother anybody, if they don't want me to. The idea is don't ask other people to live like me. So I don't see why I should live like others. As pointed out I don't make any trouble. The court has had 18 months now to check out my whole life and especially the last 18 months. You will see I don't steal, I don't beg. I have had steady work even though it was temporary here and there, I still paid my way. In order to be more socially acceptable I even wear long hair now. For years everywhere I went young people my age used to call me such things as: Red Neck, fascist, cop, narc. and pig. Well maybe I can pass off for a typical, everyday hippie now. But the main reason I've got this long hair is because the jail house barber doesn't know how to cut a flat top. and so I won't let him cut it. As for my religious freedom I spoke of. to me a religion is your set of beliefs. Psychiatry is a religion, communism is also a religion, so is the John Birch Society a religion. I reject all of these religions. I also reject a lot of other things in society. Part of my religion consists of being a vege tarian. Psychiatrists consider this psy chotic. I also reject drugs psychiatry considers that psychotic. I also reject sex fantasies psychiatry considers that psychotic. I preoccupy myself with religion and politics psychiatry consid ers this psychotic. Above all I am an extremely non violent person - psychia try has a distorted view on this subject. Psychiatry is more concerned in criminals than victims. In self-defense I shot two of four thugs . . . UNION OR COMPANY DENTAL INSURANCE is a valuable asset. . . Use it to protect your health and appearance who said they would kill me. This makes me dangerous. However, I noticed those thugs who barged into my apartment never got arrested. I noticed that those soldiers who murdered innocent students at Kent State never got arrested. I noticed that the Costa Nostra is a multi billion dollar operation. How come they don't commit some Mafia bosses to a mental hospital? Is there not room in this Great American Society for a non-conformist, who bothers no one that doesn't want to be bothered who pays his own way. and who is not assaultive to who is not violent? | My lack of social tact or my attitude is not reason for neglect. T ry crossing the street sometime and see if somebody doesn’t try to run over you. That's what I call violent, yet I don't see anybody like that in the nut house. Oh, but I guess it's socially acceptable to be a dangerous driver. But it’s not socially acceptable to abstain from all those things that others consider impor tant. Robertson stated that he has been treated belligerently, denied his civil rights, and physically abused at the hospital, which he does not consider good for mental health. He was forced to take drugs until Senator Vern Cook interceded on his behalf. Calling himself a non conformist, Ro bertson told the judge that he does not believe all authorities are corrupt. Judge Dooley responded that since Robertson stated that all authorities are not corrupt he is “obviously making progress, you're on the right track." He did not believe that Robertson has arrived at the point of not being dan gerous to society and therefore denied his petition. Robertson was committed to the hospi tai eighteen months ago after pleading guilty by reason of insanity. He had fired at men he states were attempting to remove him from his apartment and threatening to kill him. In a recent hearing in Salem he testified that he had pled guilty because his attorney and doctors from Oregon State Hospital had assured him that a guilty plea would mean a quick release, although he main tains that he is not guilty because of self defense. The City County Commission on Aging is receiving telephone calls reporting that some apartment owners and managers are lowering the heat or are turning it off between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Many of the older people visit the library, the department stores or neigh bors to be in a warm er environment. This condition was recently reported to the City-County Commission on Aging by O.J. Gates, the Commission's Executive Director. These kinds of complaints, which are called into the Commission on Aging more frequently during the winter months, are being made earlier than in the past. There is a city ordinance that regulates the tertiperature required in hotels and apartment buildings during the day and during early evening hours. This ordi nance is enforced by the Multnomah County Health Sanitation Department. NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED Come in at your ^convenience Many ol the older people are reluctant to report these conditions for fear of There’s a new store in town The PhoneCenter Store It's conveniently located so you can actunlly shop for the right color, style and special services. Like T rim lin e K phone, Design Line* phones You pick out exactly what you want Then take your phones home. In some cases, all you have to do is plug them in. I f installation is required, th at’s a r ranged at the PhoneCenter Store, too You can also make changes in service and pay phone bills. But the nice part is you save $5 per Thami Mhlambisa, African National Congress (South Africa) Representative from New York will speak on the current situation in South Africa on Friday, November 18th at 7:30 p.m. in the St. Andrew gym IN .E . 8th and Alberta). The event is also sponsored by the Free Southern Africa Committee and Portland Citizens Against Racism. Weekdays 8:30 a.m. Saturday 8:30 a m to I pm Dr. Jeffrey BRADY, dentist S.W. 3rd A YAMHILL ST.. PORTLAND, OREGON TAKE ELEVATOR TO 2nd FMJOR 3rd ST. ENTRANCE Burfitt Plumbing. Inc Portland Cornell s Woodland Park Lumber. Inc Portland k Parkrose Hardware Portland Phillips Hardware Portland Tee Pee Enterprises Portland Woodland Park True Value Hardware Portland Pacific Power Offices Portland The People el Pacific Power PICK YOUR PHONE. TAKE IT HOME. PARK FREE-Any Park n Shop Lot MOI I D C . H V U K ». Bressie Electric Company Portland reprisal. Persons experiencing such problems should call the Multnomah County Health Sanitation Department at 248 3400 or the Commission on Aging at 248-9960. speaks Open Saturday Morning Power Saver Center Locations If you re ready to start saving money this winter, come by and visit our Power Saver Center We ve a library full of free advice As well as the materials you II need to get the iob done right City low requires apartment heat COMPLETE COOPERATION ON ALI. DENTAL INSURANCE CLAIMS WE HANDLE ALL THE DETAILS OF COMPLETING YOUR CLAIM FORMS Member f t ) . IV. "Every beginning it cheerful." J W Goethe "Truth conquers all things." Latin proverb a Check the PhoneCenter Store nearest your home Portland Customers: East, 10522 SE. Washington; Downtown, 208 S.W. 5th; Hollywood, 2030 N E . 42nd. VancouverCustomers 610 Esther. •Trademark of the Amanean Telephone and Telegraph Company