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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1977)
I PUB LIC NO TIC E CITY OF PORTLAND C m OF PO R TLA N D The Portlaml Observer ENGINEER IV ttH M U T J n a JOB FINDER A m ature. responsible friend W ith a good sense of humor to socialize with a year old blind Black man Preier a male friend with similar cultural background, but am flexible. Would like to go places with my friend twice a week. Call Dennis Lewis at work before 4 p.m. Mon Fri. 235*428 or Z & 7279 IW c tr a r rix SENIOR ACCOUNTANT •14.12$ te (16,$1« The City of Portland is seeking prof o wmhi i tty cw*- tified engineers to fill de sign and project manage ment positions in its bu reaus of W ater W ork*. San itn ry E n gin eerin g and Street and Structural En gineenng. Applicants m int meet the minimum know ledge and skill require ments listed in a supple mental application avail able from this office, appli cants must be registered professional engineers. Se lection w ill be made through a civil service pro cess involving review of application materials and oral interviews. Only the moat qualified applicants in each of the relevant design areas will be invited to be interviewed. Women and minorities urged to apply. oral accounting and audit ing duties; analyzes. ad justs, and maintat: tensed general ledgers propnation systema. and accounting sub-ay of the City: prepares and reports W om en and m in orities urged to apply. APPLY M E C H A N IC 817,514 per yoar SENIO R P L A N N E R / SPECLAL PROJECTS A PPLY C M Service S I» S.W. OR. 97201 Before October 28. 1977 A a Equal O.i.isrsonby Em ;4eyw CITY OF PORTLAND Civil The Port of Portland has an immediate opening for a Se- n,or Planner Special Pro jecta. Starting salary. $16.800. Requires degree sad or experience equiva lent to masters degree in planning, including engineer ing background. Must have Kaianeed technical. admini strative and policy back ground. Effective supervi son experience and expo sure to aviation or port plan ning helpful. U qualified, send resume to: Personnel Office Port of Portland P .0. Box 3529 Portland. OR- 97208 510 S.W. Meetgoasery SL , <>K 97201 Before November 4. 1977, An Empfayer c m OF P O R T LA N D B U IL D IN G M A IN T E N A N C E M E C H A N IC 817.514 An DC . P.0 Bw o a n r: T fcwwrww A aEq— IO , . H «a *»y r M /F /H CASUALTY R A TE R Opening with North Pacific Insurance Co. for commer cial casualty rater. Two yrs commercial casualty rating exp. including general li ability. commercial and pri vate passenger auto. Call Personnel 643-7661. Heavy and light equipment mechanic positions involv ing gas. diesel, hydraulic and pneumatic systema. Preventative maintenance and complete overhauls performed for widely diver stfied fleet. Full benefit package. Women and mi nonties urged to apply Positions involve operation, preventative maintenance, and minor repair of beat ing. cooling, ventilation sy stems and other building equipment such as lights, plumbing fixtures, and of fice furniture. Employees are expected to perform emergency janitorial duties as needed. Women and minorities urged to apply. APPLY C M Service 510 S.W. Montgomery S t O K 97201 Before October 21. 1977. Ani C H IL D C A R E W O R R ER M in im u m age 18. $429 per month. C E T A I I eligible. Call 286-0667 A PPLY Aa Equal O .i.iertaa b y CM Manpower Planning Division, a State of Oregon agent, announces the availability of $341.875 Department of Labor funds for carrying out Community Conservation and Improvement Projects under Title I I I C 2 of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 aa amended. Proposals are requested from government and community based organization* (private non profit agencies) for provision of thia program's services or activities. C O M P IT E S PROGRAM M ERS W ith a background in scien tific applications are in vited to apply for a position with the Climatic Research Institute of Oregon S u te Projects must provide employment and skill training opportunities for 16 19 year old University. Duties will in youth in such activities as improvement or rehabilitation of public facilities (including dude working with geophy removing architectural harriers for accessing to the handicapped); neighborhood sical fluid dynamics model* improvements; weatheriaation and basic repairs to low income housing; energy of the atmosphere and conservation - including solar energy projects, conservation, maintenance, or oceans and Itrge data bases restoration of natural resources or of non federal publicly held lands. on a variety of fourth and fifth generation computers. Completed proposals will be due November 1. Complete proposal requirements and Requires at minimum a B.S. information are available by calling Manpower Planning Division. Executive degree in a relevant acienti [department. 378 2958. fic field. A t least two years experience in a research en vironment preferred. Start ing salary $14.000 to $17.000 Application deadline i t 1 De cember 1977, with duties CITY OF P O R TLA N D beginning approximately 1 MANAGEMENT January 1978. Please send A N A L Y S T H U M A N RESOURCES resumes including names, C A M PU S PATRO L B U R EA U Q ty of Salem. $134111717. addresses and telephone PERSON numbers of two references Assist in complex admini D IR EC TO R OF tlra liv e and organisational to:Robert L. Mobley, Direc Qualifications: Minimum T R A IN IN G A N D problems Minimum 3 years, tor of Computations. Q im a of at least 2 years of EM PLOYM ENT related work experience prefer 5 years experience in tic Mobley, Director of Com CLOMme. organization and manage pulalions. Climatic Research in security or law en Institute. Oregon Slate Uni ment analysis, work mea forcem ent p re fe rre d . Manages major division surement, work simplifies v e rs ity , C o rv allis . OR. Ability to communicate within City Bureau of Hu tion or closely related field, 97331. and work effectively man Resources. Respon preferably with experience with large groupa of peo sible for planning, develop _ government. 4-year de Oregon State University io a pie. Full-time position ment and maintenance of gree with major course work Equal O ppertanity/Affirm a rotating day. swing, re City 's C ETA Titles I. I I and in public administration, bu tive Actioa Employer sad lief and graveyard shifts V I programs. Serves as appfirstisa* siness administration or re every 3 months. liaison with U.S. Depart lated field. Ability to trans ment of Labor, pubhc and late generalized knowledge C LERK private agencies involved management analysis to F IL M /T E L E Y 1S IO N in training and employment particular problems assign programs. Women and m i Qualifications: One year ed. exercise resourcefulness, norities urged to apply. P S Y C H IA TR IC A ID E S tact and suitable degree of general office exper leadership in developing stu ience. Ability to type 50 A PPLY Applications for Psychiatric dies, preparing and explain wpm Ability to maintain ing recommendations and as Aides (B eginning salary filing system, inventory CM sisting in the implements $672.'month I to fill future system, and cataloging non of revised or new pro vacancies at Fairview Hoapi procedures. Prior know 510 S.W. Meatgemery S t grams and procedures. Clo tai and training Center will ledge of audio-visual soft OR. 97201 sing date: November 15, be taken October 17 thru wear, production ma 1977. Apply:City of Salem. October 21, 1977. Applies tenais and supplies pre A a Equal O-,>; isi lenity Personnel Department, 555 tions are available at the ferred. Successful exper Em;4ever Liberty SE. Salem, Oregon Public Service Building in ience in working with the Salem or any State Employ 97301. public Full-time, 10 ment office, and may be month position Sept, brought or mailed directly to Aa Equal Oppertanity through June. Fairview Hospital Personnel Employer U N D E R W R IT E R prior to closing date, Octo For further information T R A IN E E S ber 21. Applicants must be contact .Personnel Office. 18 years of age. in good M l Hood Community Two openings for Under physical condition, and have College. 26000 S E . Stark w riter Trainees. Good math transportation. St.. Gresham. 97030. 667 aptitude, must be subject 7200. to transfer at end of train Aa Equal Oppertaaity ing period. Call Personnel Em,-ley er Aa Affirmative Artiea for details 643-7061. Aa Eqaal Oppurtuaity Employer M /F 510 S.W. O K 97201 Aa Employer M /F S EN IO R M A IL C LERK C O M M ER C IA L R A TER T R A IN E E Wanted to assist with su pervisory responsibilities A Two openings for Commer coordination of mail diaper CO M M ERCIAL cial Rater Trainees. Good sal throughout a six state PROPERTY RA TER math aptitude, excellent area. Supervisory exp. A benefits. Call Personnel for familiarity with postal reg Opening with North Pacific details 643 7661 ulations required. Salary Insurance Co. Two yrs. exp. j commensurate with exp. in commercial property and A a Eqaal Oppertonity multi-peril. Excellent bene Employer M /F A a Eqnal Oppertaaity fits. Call Personnel 645 Employer 7661. 243-4359 Pow, Employer M /F Miscellaneous 1971 FU R Y H l One owner, excellent condì tian, new radio, air condì tioning. low miles. $1.395. Phone <2061 573-7902. LA M A R 'S SM O KE HOUSE Visit your local Head Shop for all your smok ing needs. Open daily. 11:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 3519 N E . la ie a M R S .C S R IG S W e can help you look your best on all occa sions Y our hair does make a difference. Visit us at N E . 7th and F re mont. A L L YOU W A N T TO KNOW ABOUT M E N T A L ASYLUM S, confinement of dissidents. Send self-ad dressed stamped envelope to: Robert Robertson 84. 2600 Center St., N .E.. Sa lem. OR. 97310. Before October 21, 11/17. Community Calendar Aa Employer Abiaa Actioa Coatar A N IM A L SH E L T E R ATTENDANT seeks board Maben $736 per month. Cleans and diaenfects kennels, asphy xiates and incinerates ani mals. assists veterinarians, and answers inquiries and complaints. To qualify ap plicant must have 6 months experience in dealing with the general public, possess a valid drivers license, be available to work any shift, and be willing to take pre exposure rabies immuntza tion shots. The Albina Action Center will hold it s annual board of directors election on November 12. 1977. Applications can be obtained at the following locations: Fred Meyer. Walnut Park Branch. Albertsons. 900 N. Kilhngsworth; Safeway. 5920 N E . Union; TradeweU. 3535 N £ . 15th. More For-Lem. 106 N . Beech: Multi-Service Center. 5022 N . Vancouver; King Neigh borbood Facility. 4815 N E . 7th; Youth Service Center. 4128 N .E. Union; The Albina Action Center. 707 N.E. Knott. Applications must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., November 4. 1977 at the Albina Action Center. There are six vacant positions in the low-income representative sector, and four vacant positions in the community at-large sector Qualifications are as follows: Apply-M ult. Co. Personnel Division. 426 S.W. Stark. 7th Floor. Portland. OR. 97204. (Phone 248-50151 No later than 4:30 p.m.. Octo ber 21. 1977. BIG E X E C U T IV E TRI LEVEL Aa Equal Opportunity LOW IN C O M E R E P R E S E N T A T IV E 1. Live in the Albina Action Center Target Area* 2. Be 18 years or older C O M M U N IT Y A T -LARG E 1. Be actively involved in a project the Albina community is benefitting from. 2. Be 18 years or older Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S TO VO TE 1. Live in The Albina Action Center Target Area* 2. Be 18 years or older 4 bdrm. 2 + baths, very nice condition, nifty area, dead end street Priced in the 60s Phone (206) 573-7902. E X E C U T IV E LOT A L B IN A W OM EN’ S L E A G U E 8 N E . K IL L IN G S *O R T H S TR EET A dead end street of big homes $13.500 12009 N .W . 9th Avenue, Van couver, W A . Phone (206) 573 7902. PRESENTS Pregnant? A nd yuv need a fn e n d ? Call BirlhRUbttT 221-0598 Free Emergency Friday A Saturday 8:00 ? > . ay -----:-g~ 5:20 ?Ja. ta 8:20 pm . pregnancy < anntelm g ‘ You Are W H • Target Area Boundaries are: Ban field Freeway on the South. North Greeley on the West. Columbia on the North, and 42nd Avenue on the East Cash Jack peta Cash U I Ta Came And Particípale." ROOT Vielt: Palm Reader ESP Reader Help you with all yawr problems Call 231-1318 I JOH N R E E D BOOK STORE la tbs Dekam BMldiag 510 S.W. 3rd Averne Sixth Fleer {M aybe you haven t tried th e [ {right place. Free surprise { {gift for stopping by. | a J i all Lynn 2351970 a J Or 227-2902 _ _________ October 15th. Gather 12:00 p.m. North Park Blocks (Park and Burnside) and march to Rally 1:00 p.m.. Pioneer Courthouse (5th and Morrison). Unite to defeat the Bahke decision. Defend and extend Affirm ative Action in jobs and education. Slop attacks on minorities and women. Neighborhood Meetings being held on Tuesday. October 18th, at Grant Park Netabbarbaad ‘ ------Femwood School. 3255 N.E. Hancock, and Nertheast r - ^ . King Neighborhood Facility. 4815 N .E. 7th. Neighborhood Meeting being held on Monday. October 24th. at the Sabin Comm «arty Aaeociatiaa Sabin School. 4013 N E 18th on Tuesday. October 25th, Neighborhood Meetings are being held at Concordia College. 2811 N.E. Holman. Bairn _ , _ Boise School. 620 N . Fremont and Kiag King Neighborhood Facility. 4815 N.E. 7th. All meeting* begin at 7:30 p.m. . . , Ortaber 19th. City Ceeacil hearing on criteria for higher density development in A1 zones. Council Chamber. City Hall, 2:00 p.m. __ October 17th. North PorthuM Citizeaa Committee Beard. Neighbors North. 7 j O8 N . Hereford. 7:30 p.m. (1) Guest Speaker: Commissioner Charles Jordan, on new erune PrOrtaber IS tK G re a t Park Neighborhood Aaeedetiea. Kern wood School. 3255 N.E. Hancock 7:80 p.m. (1) Banfield transitway proposals; (2) Hollywood Traffic Plan. October 18th Northeast Ceabtiea. King Neighborhood Facility. 4815 N .E. 7th. 7:30 p m . <11 Comprehensive planning orientation by Ernie Bonner. Director of Planning; (2) Byron Steiger, Pacific University, study of social services in NE. Get high aboard the W ashia«tea Park Zoo Train and see the autumn color spectrum. The fall train schedule is 11 00 a.m. to 4 « ) p.m. on weekends. Saturdays and Sundays, weather permitting On weekdays. Monday through Friday, the train will operate from 11:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.. weather and crowds permitting. Train fare is $1.00 adults. 50c for children ages three through eleven. The A L L N E W SPOOK R ID E S will be held from October 21st through Halloween. October 31st. Admission for the spook rides will be $1.00 adults. 75c children. October 27tb-October 31st - Sealer citizen* travel te Ren«. Three big nights in Reno at the Holiday Inn featuring such extras as: eocktails...$22.00 in cash and tokens..1 3 lucky bucks...five meal transfer, optional show package ..and much more. All thia for the low price of:Share Twin $85.00. Single $105.00. Call 288-4321 for information and reservations. October 14th - Senior Citiaeas will tour Agate Beach. There will be beach combing at low tide and then luncheon at the Swedish Kitchen There will also be a atop in Ijepoe Bay before we return to Portland Departure time is 80 0 a.m. and return 500 p.m. Coot $13.00 include* transportation, coffee ar<d luncheon. For information and reservation* call 288 4321. 8 «o t he r » African Workshop will be held at Portland Stale University, 160 Cramer Hall. 900 to 400 p.m. on October 15th Implications of U .8. Involvement in Southern Africa Ann Stever. southern African tour delegate. American Friends Service Committee, slides; Elizabeth Groff, staff member; American Friends Service Committee, slide show'"South Africa and U .8. Global Corporation»." This workshop is co-sponaored by the Portland State University Black Studies Program and the Black Cultural Affairs Board and the American Friends Service Committee. The public is invited to attend the workshop free of charge OR you may take the workshop for three credits by signing up for BST 407G, Sect. #001, Ref. #3738. Contact the Black Studies Program office for registration information. 229 3472. The LMe«;iriag Feundatlea is a non-profit organization that is offering a sixty-pius training for senior adults beginning Tuesday, October 25th. at Portland State University. The four day seminar is a learning experience which focuses on skills, attitudes, and the concerns of daily living. Tool* will be offered to assist in dealing with personal relationship«, tension, and physical pain. Hearing and vision problems will not limit participation unless severe. For more information please call the IJfespring Foundation office at 234-0261. AM A Family Day aad Night Cere ,>rovidos werkabep«. Workshop topics “Preview of Toy Selection." "U 8 D A Reimbursement and Nutrition." Place: King Neighborhood Facility. 4815 N E . 7th (Room Ch Time and Datee: October 13th, 7 9 p.m., October 20th. 10 12 a.m.. and October 27th. 7-9 p m .; Place; University Park Center. 9009 N. Foes; Time; October 20th. 7-9 p.m.