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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1977)
SF Earthquake* squeeze by Timber* A crowd of 14.564 weal awqy from « v b stadium a bit disappointed on Wodara day. June 22nd. after the Portland Timhara foil to defeat at tbe Hands of the Saa Jeee Earthquake* by the score af 2 I. The lees proved fruitless far Portland ea tbev fed further behind North Assert can Soccer League Went Division lead»« The match was played with a groat arooual of physical cont^tct. but. referee y 19 suitable as ha allowed It to carry ea without many restnettaas and the style At 31:4* into the match. Saa Jose found a big enough flaw in the Timber defease to score the go ahead goal. It tosh a perfect cross from Leroy Deleon to a charging Alan Birchenall. who put hb head to the bell and directed it into the heart ef the goal pest keeper Mick Pools. With the beginning ef tbe second half, tbe Timbers mounted on a steady affon ave drive which helped account for their numerous corner kicks and shots on goal. Although Quakes keeper Mike Hewitt rejected moat of the Timber throats. Portland s pamataacy finally paid off at *9:12 whan Stewart ScuUioa gained the equaliser with help from Clyde Bast aad Ray Martin. The scare looked as though it atone would hold up aad that the y — was apparently destined far Then, at 87:31. Birchenall in a e e fa i T O P P R IZ E W IN N E R M A R IL Y N S Y K E S roouh of her first place win - for the le f W : Sykes wins March off Dimes Marathon, car Maritya Sykes. U.S. Postal Service d am s and inquiry dark, walked tweaty niles to hdp prevent birth defects in the sixth annual March of Dunes WaklathoB held May 7th. In the process - for the thud consecutive year - she woo the use af a Volkswagen free for a year. The VW was the top prize swarded pledges collected from sponsors who gave trikssL ^ M a rd y a » total was *2.75«-. second place winner, awarded a bike, was Larry Rosen. « 1 5 S.W. Capital Hill w ho also placed second to Marilyn faat year He coOactod «2.268 for the Marek of Dunes programs of . to Greg Pierson. 10 and under. 110 N X 130th Place; Bill f u i i - 11-to-14. 1*17 S X 17th; T ra d , 12171 N .W . Sunaiagdab Rond, i a hike an a previous Walkathoe i swarded a *100 gift certificate. af mayor awards was « June 29 by Larry Meyers, general of Riviera Motors, which se of the V oiks wagon he »also i of the Marek of Dimes. All Burley. *20 and jacket. NORTH P O R TL A N D Patsy Jo Ryder. *20 aad Sunday brunch. S O U T H W E S T P O R T L A N D - Anne Hudson, sleeping bag: Debbie Walker 320 and tennis racquet; Billy QutufrJMO Other prise winners include the fallow paekTsrott Stephenson. Gnat shirt aad N O R T H E A S T P O R T L A N D A llyns Cooke, wrist watch; Landa Buff, hiking hoots; Dana Pettus, backpack; David Lopruixi. car atarue; Edward Hopkins. *20 aad jacket; Lori Cameron, calculator; S O U T H E A S T P O R T L A N D K ea Martin, hiking boots; Lorayne Dille, warm-up suit; Donna Lafayette, pendle ton robe; Nancy Duddy. calculator; Betty Street. M 0 gift certificate; Eric Werner, warm-up suit. Cindy Jennings, ealcu later, Steven Arnold, calculator; Henry Marty, rod and rend; Kathy Blanton, calculator; Bonnie Bred, dinner at L T M o tto ; Jamas Thornburg. *20 and Sunday brunch; Julie Bringhnm. *25. Tommy Farm— Mindy Akins. 320 gift certificate. T e rri Haffmmster, *20 aad «8 ice cream drumsticks Trisha G R A M B LIN G As aa educator, tbe name Ralph Waldo Emerson Jones belongs etched in tbe pages ef history alongside such great Black educators as Booker T. Washington. D r Mary McLeod Bethune. D r. Joseph S. Clark. Dr. Mord ecai Johnson. D r. Benjamin Mays aad Dr. Felton G. Clark. Frimly established as ana of the pioneering giants of Black educational progress. D r. Jones, in 51 years at Grambhng State University (41 as its II. built small Grambbag College i a annotate shanty of weather beaten to a burgeoning physical plant of high rise building* whose estimated worth b nearly MO million, built the student body from under 100 to a still growing «.000. and increased tbs subject ■Mtter and course study to such proper lion that Grambbag. located in the railing day hills of North Louisiana, is i T a m Saylor. («7090 np) *20 gift eertifi OSWEGO lor 97034 up Walker. «20 and tennis Doug Ham . backpack. Katie Aries*. *20 aad tennis racquet; T U A L A T IN -R o n ald Cox. *20 and dinner at Crepe Faire. Timothy Can. backpack; B EA VER CREEK Andrew Rosales. *20 aad jack at: P O R TLA N D R O U TE 3 -T b h a Buriey. 20 and jacket; CANBY Ervin “ ‘ *20 and jacket. of learning But aside from Sport Talk vious that Davis wi the always hustlmt A fter throe days of rooks Portland Trailblazer* have m for next year's baUclub. Along with first rom d draft choice Rich Laurel of Hofstra. the Blazers chose T X Dunn (6-4‘/i. Alabama). Myron Jordan (»-7. University of Parific), Marv Safford (6-2, University of Southam California). Paul McCracken ( « Cal State - Northridge). Ricky Brows <69. Alabama), aad Greg White (6-8. University of Southern California) Them player*, along with Robin Jones m d Wally Walker will c a n p n w Port land's entry ia the Loa Augeias summer pro league. Of the seven players Part land choac 4 of them as prospective guards From thia it is easy to conclude that the Blazers feel that they have a weakness at the guard position Since tfcey fool that hell he one of the best guard* ia the league iu a year or so ft obviously is not Lionel Hollins That ■oaves us with Jobssy Davis or Ttsve rw* Twardzik. Twardzik ia a i who runs the offense wel zik excellent short range shooter. Twardzik cants to the Blazer* from the now defunct American Basketball Association with httle more than tbe high recommendation of Stu Inman. Director of Player Person nel. Twardzik woo the starting guard pemtion that was reserved far Herm Gilliam with good heady play and al) out hustle. He held the starting position for the entire regular season by playing in thas manner Towards the latter part af tbe season the lightening quick Johnny Davis appeared to be pressing Twardzik for tbe starting job. And when Twardzik wm injured in tbe Deaver «ones Davis stepped right in. I t wm blantantly ob- i they picked up | fab break became what writers wore now calling the hunt fastbreak ia basketball since the Boston Celtics of obi. U te Blazer style of play ia pressure «as probably spsat a nure as baud of the « m m institution of learning than anyone in history, retires as president of Gram bbng oa June 30. pushing aside the cap and gown aad tbe baseball flaaaeb which m the realm of too severe. Net only is Den I Rawiey Eastwiek ia also got cinnati * bullpen b totally ■ Reds still have the strong I blast hits off opposing pitch ently. but opposing loams h ___ m g af tbe ball that ia Thai . the final (bag a a « to go it will probably be It looks m if the reigning world champion Cincinnati Rods have come to the end of the road as far a* their hopes for another world championstep are coo canted. Aa of Monday the Rods were 81/. games behind the Dodgers and there's no promise that things win improve any. «00 for tbe season. A t thirty-« Carew figured that he ■ too ok .400 for an entire seaooa. probably tbe bent pure tetter game, has hit <75 amce the fin month The 10 N. t G raham M *< M | opportunities, drug abuse and nutrition Couches from Coneordb and Adams as well as outstanding athletes from the Model Cities area srill provide the instruction ia the program. Call Concord b College. 28*9871, for information. M B iu m " Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Chrtstiua Youth Fellowship *:00p.m. I Second aad Fourth Sundays) You are W ofoaM to Worship at ST. ANDREW CATHOLIC CHURCH M t N X Afoorte fitroot -Reverend Bertram GrOBn, Faster 749| Tuesday Bead/Jr. Church 10:45 am a ll K G A R 1S M YFBC 114*aas-12;M pm M *p ra ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL 2 M -M 7 * 3725 N. Gantonboin Avonuo, snuo, I Portland, Orojpon 97227 ------------------------------------ bap U X P o ta rra á ú DJ>. Thai 2*1-442» 5 4 * p ra. V q * - Soto 1 * 4 * ans. Chah fin 1240 ans. Fofii - Sua 7:3*1 7:3*| sd 2B1-OOI5 THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD PENTBCO8TAL. INC. royer Mooting F ri.- I K ALIEN TEM eil CME CHURCH 1 1 4 *i > Study Aa avid baseball fan. it is not uncom fa r^ J u g |fo watch two » 0 - 0 at « M amas time if tsra baseball games featuring Grambbag players are showing simultaneously. A native of Lake Charles. La.. Dr. Janos came to Grambbag when tbe college’s founder, tbe late D r. Charles P. Adams, sent for the Southern University graduate to help him build Grambbag into a college which would provide educational opportunities for the de prived youngsters of North Louis ia ns Folklore carries ft that when Dr. Jones bounded from the train ia the toum of Grambbag ho was greeted by the phys ically imposing Dr. Adams (who stood a robust 6-foot-10) that be was not “tbs man I seat for " Dr. Adams, ia all of k b wisdom, waa aadly mistaken in thia instance. Hbtory would prove later that no man could have boon more right for Grambbag. Northwest M inority Contractor* Association Church Phone; 2 8 im i6 3 2nd - Stb Scrdnya with aa infoetuou* kind of warmth. He has been described as the kind of "grandfather everyone wishes they had." had." Hardly any hoopla or (lower giving f u n him, though. He takes ft all in stride maintaining that anything he doss b aB s pert of a day's work. " I have some very fond memories of Grambbag. I guess there are some things I wifl never forget and some people I suppose if I had to do ft all over again there isn't very much I would try to change. I t has been an experience that I «rill cherish." he gushed recently ia a rare reference to his time at Grambbag. "I don't have say favorite players or favorite teams. They are all my favorites and just having the opportunity to work with so many fine young men is its own reward. 1 think ID miss being out t here on the field with them, but they all know that ale Pres is right there with them. At least, in spirit." " P m " , as he is called by practically everyone who knows kirn, still ramem hers all of his old player* aad can still recall students and events from years back with relative ease. Pret says be still coaches some of hb past players who are now ia professional sports, tolbng thorn whan ho sees them in the ofl-aoaaon what they did wrong whan ha last raw them major activities emphasized. These aetiv ■ties srill be held at Coneordb College. Adams High School aad the Columbia Park PouL la additioo. each child will receive free; a lunch, a medical examwa T H E CHURCH D E S IG N E D TO M E E T YOUR N EE D p Several ef D r. Jones' proteges have gone into professional baseball. Among them to make the major league* are Ralph Garr. Chicago White Sox; Tommie Agee and Cleon Jones. New York Met*; Matt Alexander. Oakland A's; John Jeter. Pittsburgh Pirates; aad Ezell King. Baltimore Orioles. While only six of hi* players have spent considerable time ia tbe major league*, tbe list of groat Grambling diaaaooders is endless: Mackie Freese. Bea Gipson. Mooes W right. Rudolph Jackson. Jem Applewhite, to name a low of older vintage. Of more recent times there has been Ben William*. Alex Pars. Buany Hudson. Mike Cummings. Frank Patter non and Ralph The bat couk) j_ The interesting thing about coaching career is that he has often more than a teacher of the I a planner of strategy aad a flasher of sqrns He has been a father figure aad chances are great that he has given his players mare lemons aa life than he has oa how to hit breaking pitches. Concordia próvida* sports be available to all children ages 10 to 18. The program aimed primarily for tbe children in the Model Cities ares b sponsored by Concord« College, financed by the National Collegiate Athletic Aaao riation. and will run from June 20 to July 2». Bus transportation b available from all elementary school* in the Model Cities area. Buses pick up children beginning at » 4 0 s~m. Baaketbull. baseball, track, tennis. will be tbe f «91» N X 9th Ave. Nerita Kofiy, Principal rl made a gallant effort to deny the shot, Klein ruled the controversial score good. C O NTRACTO RS a SUBCONTRACTORS Now H op« Missionary Baptist Church X X J k X llM A M spanned four decades, spawned over 300 victories aiaee World W ar I I and pro duced several major league players. The G-Men posted a 161« record this season, raising D r. Joaos' career totals to a moot lofty 815-218. a figure which will easily rank him among the winnings* in stride aad says when has is over, which he claims ia will take that in strike ah tsZaZySebooi tool second goal and the game deciding margin. Although the Portland defense II RWE Jon«*: Grambling’* Prez retire* 320; Gerry Hanson. Gnat shift: Debra Voss. * 2 * and dinner at Rom's; Linda Ragen. *20 aad jacket. N O R TH W E ST PO R TLA ND -Janine Wills. «20 gift certificate. Tim othy GRESHAM Mindy Akins. cate: L A K E code» Debtee 1*1 Hnafc U ataat 11* I "hands" tbs h a i tewur Quake's Key Martin |2| watch. 1«haara: 2*4-1*29 <iradas 1 th r a s h 8 I MNEI 2 *P Chair I Friday: “The Faster ¿peeks" Tuesday - Friday Noua Day Frayer