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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1976)
Portland Observer SHERIFF'S IN TER N 63.60 per beer. This la ea-the-jeh training for «al lege Students whs have aa iatereet la a career la the Crimiual Justice System. Employees werk la a sup- pert reie with »were efficer » aad perform all duties el a aea-ealercem eat nature t The Portlwd Observer FINDER aiag projects la the areas el traiaksg. perseaael, admia- istratfoa, aad special iavee- . They assist »were imberH la i el duties la i ef the iavestigatiea ef crfaBUud c ttw , iwcwrds fog sad report writing^crime L IC E N S E D PRA CTICA L NURSE I »75« M o n th ly. Practical aersteg care werk involving variée» r*~----- • * «etieet Tektronix Opportunities el Pian» and designs commercial office and manufacturing area layout» for increased work flow, communications ease and overall efficient operation Requires BS Industrial .Engineer or equivalent professional experience and a minimum two years' experience In an industrial environment involving com mercial office and manufacturing area layouts Position offers a competitive salary, profit sharing and an outstanding benefits package preeervatiea, marine safety, aad esar ch aad rescue. They p u is n e independently la ceuasefiag victims e l crtaaee la the area el crime prevea- tiea. M IN . QUAL8.:Curreat at la aa secreditted ably a t! level, with ceas Center] er M IN QUALSiPeeaes- ■kea ef a Practical Nurse's Mritnsi from the Oregon State Beard e l Nnrsing aad twe (21 years experience ae a LPN . APPLY: By Meaday. 20th, 197«. Malt Ceaaty Personnel, S.W. Stark St.. 7th ____ . Portland, OB 97204, 248-5035. Aa Equal Oppor tunity Employer. E l Ceada- de de Multnomah efidaa la de On cell, temporary cafeteria work available both day and swing shift. Prior experience in food preparation and serving helpful These tobs can lead to permanent positions. d We have immediate permanent openings tor swing shift Key Punch Operators. Formal key punch schooling or equivalent work experience required Familiarity with 129 IBM card punch or Inforex key to disc desirable MANAGEMENT A N A LY S T »1,576 starting rate. This is professional management Fort Timo A M Bi n blBr Part time positions available for electronic assembly work. Good vision and the ability to do detailed work required. Traming will be provided Analysts la the analysis la relation « ite re s ; perform with accumulative GJ».A. el 2.5 er above. Meet partici pate la the latere Pregram a i el twe years. Mex- e l five years e l parti ta the latere Pro- Mast be 21 years el age prier to csmpletiea el the Intern Program. W eight height upon completion el Internship Program. Mast be available to work 30 hours a week during school year and 40 hears per week dar- ing veeatiea periods. Must have current Meter Vehicle operator's Uceaee. APPLY: By Tuesday, December 21st, 197«. Multnomah Ceaaty Perseaael. 42« S.W. Stark St.. 7th Fleer, Pertlaad, OR 97204. 248-5035. Aa Equal Opportunity Employer SENIOR M A N A G E M E N T A N A LY S T »1,719 starting rate. This is highly skilled aad supervi sory amaagemeat analysis aad budget review work. Sealer Management Anal ysts participate la the pre paration, analysis and re view el the CtortcTyptet Will perform diversified clerical, statisticai. skilled duties. Average typing ability required i er Junior sum el 12 to special W ill perform advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties. Two years' * * * * , -, Q vfl Service Beard. 510 8.W . Meatgeasery Street. Pertlaad. OB 97201. by Meadey. December 27th. 197«. Weasea aad minorities are urged te apply. An Equal Opportunity Benefits include liberal insurance and retirement programs, educational support and profit sharing plan Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park or write Tektronix Inc P O. Box 500-P. Beeverton, OR 97077 Equal Opportunity Employer M l F M E D IC A L C LA IM S A N A LY S T T E K T R O N IX sew»«««« • •• »«*»-•<« ef Maat have a ell ditures; perform special systems to City budgetary aad ■ neat .______ Ap ply to ¡Portland Civil Service , 510 S.W . Moatgo- Street, Pertlaad, OR 97201 by Monday, December 27th. 197«. Women end min ertties are urged to apply. Aa Equal Opportunity Employer my. FamBfority with IC D A end CBV ceding preferred. eaperi- yee benefits. Call 225-5204 1er appelât—sat BLUE CROSS OF OREGON Thursday, December 10th, 1970 Pago 7 i COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSEI C O M M UN ITY H EA L TH NURSE II •U 4541287 monthly. Parti dpates as member ef health team as family specialist la prevision of health services; is knowledgeable ef methods ef case finding aad can t e a - lead er he aa expert te a - resource in planning health services to individuals aad fam ilies; contributes te agency program planning; interprets agency services and ic c o t of poti~ ent into health care system; 1100741125 monthly. Parti ripâtes as member of health team la provision of health services to people ef specific assigned geographic area. Works la cooperation with team providing health coe- sakatfoa aad counseling aad acts as health resource to individuals, families, institu tions aad health aad social agencies. Interprets narsiag aad ether services ef agency aad facilitates access of pati ent into health care system. M IN QUALS: Baccalaureate degree la nursing from a college or university accre dited by the National League for Nursing for Public Health Nursing; current li cence to practice as a regis tered Professional Nurse in the state ef Oregon; possess, er be able to obtain, a cur rent State of Oregon driver's license. APPLY:By Monday, December 20th, 197«. Mult nomah County Personnel, 42« S.W. Stark, 7th fleer, P ortlan d , OR 97204. 248-5035. Aa Equal Oppor tunity Employer. El Conda- de de Multnomah ofidna Igu ladad de Opertnaidad ea in planning I with nurs ing service and in-service education; recognises aad applies knowledge ef dsms graphic divisions, population characteristics end social aad cronnmlr factors to health planning. M IN QUALS: Baccalaureate de gree in nursing from a col lege or university accredited by the National League for Nursing for Public Health Narsiag; mfo. ef twe (2] years experience in Com munity (Public] Health Nurs- iag, under supervision; cur rent license to practice as a r e g is te r e d p ro fe s s io n a l nurse In the State of Oregon; possess, er be able to obtain, a current State ef Oregon driver's Ucease. A PP LY: By Monday, December 20th, 197«. Multnomah County Personnel, 42« S.W. Stork, 7ih Floor, Pertlaad, OR 97204. 248-5035. Aa Equal Opportunity Employer. El Condado de Multnomah efi daa Iguladad de Opertuai- ADMISSIONS COUNCIL Tem porary appointm ent January 1st, to June 30th, 1977 te assist in counciling prospect students. Bachelor degree required. Current knowledge ef OSU program preferred. Submit resume and three references by December 17th to W. E. Gibbe, c/e Office Admis sions, Oregon State Univer sity, Corvallis, OR 97331 for farther information, call 754-4331. Oregon State Uni veridty is aa Affirmative Aetion/Equal Opportunity Employer. M E N TA L H EA LTH PROGRAM COORDINATOR - M E N T A L A EM O TIO N A L D IS A B IL IT IE S (Project Officer II). «17,497 minimum. One position as Program Coordinator of the Mental aad Emetieaal Disa bilities program in Meatal Health Section of Depart ment ef Human Services. M E D Ceordiaator Is respon sible for identification of ex isting M E D treatment aad educatieu needs w ithin Multnem ah County and development of new or re vised programs to meet ex- D uties Involve needs assessment aad County M E D planning, identification ef resources, program aad proposal development. The Coordinator relates County M E D programs to broader community goals aad activi ties. M IN QUALS: Bachelors degree in social services field plus four (4] years ef experi ence la mental and emotional disabilities related field, two (2] years of which must have been direct experience in planning an^ administration OR masters degree in soda! services field plus three (31 years experience in meatal aad a m n t i n n a l disabilities field, one (1] year ef which must have been direct exper- foncc in planning and admin** istration. APPLY B y Friday, December 17th, 197«. Mult nomah County Personnel, 426 S.W. Stork, 7th Fleer, P o rtlan d , OR 97204. 248-5035. An Equal Oppor tunity Employer. E l Conda do de Multnomah oficina Igu ladad de Oportunidad en Empleo. F U L L -T IM E TEA C H E R NEEDED »450 per month M —F, 900 a.m. - 300 p.m. Certification preferred but The Willamette Center, a small, radical, al ternative high school, seeks a staff person to tench (pri marily tutor] basic skills - reading, writing, arithmetic M to counsel students» and to teach survival skills (job- finding, - consumer ed, communications, etc.] We are particularly lank- GOLF COURSE S U P E R IN T E N D E N T For City of Portland. Start ing monthly sahu-y »1287 with annual increase to »1423 after 3 years. Firstline ef as- regulation City gulf and related equipmen ___ structural facilties. Empfo|ee plans, . and assists in work ef i tenance crew; trains werk- ers as necessary. Superin tendent also orders supplies, who has experience 1 with third world youth are an affirmative employer]. We struggle to lectively and to selves about race, sex, hastes, keeps work records and makes reports. Position involves considerable public contact. Applicants must have training and experience which dearly demonstrates knowledges and skills in supervising aad participat ing in overall maintenance ef a regulation golf course ia- dudiag thorough knowledge A p p li c a t i o n s c lo s e January 15th, 1977. Contact WLC 834 S.E. Aah Portland, OR 97214 232-0634. I knowledge of construe tien of tees, fairw ays, greens, etc. A pply by December 31st, 197«, to Portland C iv il Service Beard, 510 S.W. Montgo mery Street, Portland, OR 97201. Minorities and women are urged to apply. Aa Equal Opportunity Employer M E N T A L H EA LTH PROGRAM COORDIN ATOR ~ ALCOHOL A N D DRUG Project Officer II] »17,497 minimum. One pesi tion as Program Coordinator of the Alcohol and Drug Program in Meatal Health Section of Department of Human Services. Alcohol and Drug Coordinator is responsible for identification of existing alcohol and drug treatment aad education needs within Multnomah Ceaaty aad development of new or revised programs to meet existing community needs. Duties involve needs assessment and County Al cohol aad Drug pianni identification of resources, program aad proposal devel opment. The Coordinator re lates Ceaaty Alcohol aad Drug programs to broi community goals aad activi ties. M IN QUALSzBachelors degree in social services field plus four (4) years ef experi ence in alcohol and drug related field, two (2, years of which must have been direct experience in planning aad administration OR Masters degree in social services field plus three (3] years experi ence in alcohol aad drug related field, oae (1] year of which must have been direct experience la plaaaiag aad administration. APPLY: By Monday, December 20th, 1976. Multnomah County Personnel. 42« S.W. Stark, 7th Floor, Portland, OR 97204. 248-5035. An Equal Opportunity Employer. El Condado de Multnomah ofi cina Iguladad de Oportuni dad ea Empleo. DIAL - A JOB 227-5828 Kaiser - Permanent« Medical Care Program An Equal Opportunity Employer C LER IC A L OPENING Permanent full and part- time position available. 1. Key Poach, 3:45 pun. to 1200 a m . 2. Typist, 500 "joee to l i « OJW. 3. Accoun tant, 4 hours per day. 5. Files, 11:00 a m . to 3:00 p m . and Files Graveyard, 12:30 a m . to 8:45 a m . Full benefit package with profit Farmers Insurance 639-8661 An Equal Opportunity Employer E N G IN E E R V I C ITY OF PO R TLA ND Assistant Chief Engineer in Bureau of W ater Works. Re- quired-.Oregon P.E. or equi valent P-E. license; WppB cants arast meet knowledge and skill requirements as listed in a supplemental ap plication obtainable in this office. Salary 02253 I Approx- mate monthly rate]. Apply: P ortland C iv il Service Board, 540 S.W . Montgo mery Street, Portland, OR 97201 by December 28th, 1976. Minorities and women are urged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer WuiMty D E P A R T M E N T OF G E N ER A L SERVICES 1225 Ferry St.. S.E., Salem, Oregon "An Equal Opportuaity Employer” A D V E R T IS E M E N T FOR BIDS Minority Business Enterprise Program Ladies 2135 waat to moot ama for datiag. Call Andren. 232-4S-55 ST. ANDREW CATHOLIC CHURCH 80« N.E. Alberta Street Reverend Bertram Griffin, PaKer 2814429 Masses: 5:00 p m . Vigil Saturday IOB0 a m . Cheir - Sunday 12:00 p m . Folk - Sunday ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL 4919 N.E. 9th Ave. Nerita Kelly. Principal Phone: 284-1620 Grades I through 8 ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Comer ef 8th end Skidmore Sunday School 9:80 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00a.m. Christian Youth Fei'owship 6:00 p.m. (Second and Fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand. Minister You are Welcome to Worship at T H E ARK OF SA FE TY CHURCH OF GOD PENTECOSTAL, INC. "A warm spirit ef fellowship always" The Honorable Bishop U.V. Petersen, D D . “The Holiness Preacher". Pastor Sunday: Sunday Schaal 9:00 am 10:45 am • I Blessings Broacast” KG A B 1560 11:00 am-!2:3O pm YPBC 6.30pm Evangelistic Worship 8:00 pai Tuesday: Bible Band/Jr. Church Thursday: Choir Rehearsal Friday: “The Pastor Speaks” Tuesday ■ Friday Noon Day Prayer 84 N E KilHagswerth 281-0499 8(30 pm 6:30 pm Pursuant to the Department of General Services Administration Rule 125-03-031 this contract designated to the Minority Business Enterprise Program. Sealed bids will be received by the Department ef General Services, 1225 Ferry St., S.E., Salem, Oregea, until 400 p m . PST, Thursday, December 30th, 1976 for furnishing all labor, material, and equipment to perform Exterior Painting for Salem Rehabilitation Facility, Salem, Oregon 97310. Bids will he opened and publicly read aloud at the place and time stated above. Bids received after the time fixed for opening same will not be considered. Plans, specifications and forms el contract documents may be obtained upon application to the undersigned. Contractors Management Association, 3933 N.E. Union, Portland, OR 97212 Japanese American Citizen League, 327 N .W . Couch St., Portland, OR 97209 Metropolitan Economic Development Corp., 601 N .E. Broadway. Portland, OR 97232 N .W . Minority Contractors Association, 10 N.E. Graham, Portland, OR 97212 Urban Indian Program. 2326 N W. Westover, Portland, OR 97210 Specifications and forms of contract documents are attached hereto. The provisions 'of Oregon Revised Statutes 279.350 through 279.354, relative to prevailing wage rates, shall be complied with by the successful bidder. PrequaUflcatien ef bidders is net required not is it desired. Bidders wishing to prequaliiy must submit request ten days prior to bid opening date. Each hid shall ba made out ea a hid form contained in the contract documents aad shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check or hid hood payable to the State ef Oregon in aa amount equal to ten percent ef the total amount ol the préposai. It is agreed by and between the State ef Oregon and the bidder that such hid security will constitute liquidated damages for failure to execute a contract in accordance with the bidder's préposai. The successful bidder will he required to furnish a performance head in the amount ef 100 per cent ef the contract, executed in favor of the State ef Oregon, to insure performance aa specified in the contract awarded. No bidder may withdraw Ms hid after the hour set for the opening unless said award is delayed for a period exceeding thirty (301 days. The State of Oregon reserves the right to reject any or all bids. D E P A R T M E N T OF G E N E R A L SERVICES George Ascherl Norm Maaselle Purchasing Agent, Purchasing Division