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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1973)
Portland Olisci".er Students present A d v e n t Festival An Advent Festival of Lcxauna ami Carols w ill be perloriued by I he St, Helen's Hall Lower School student*. Seheduled for I p.m., Sun day, December 9lh, the aer vice w ill I«' held at St, liurnabas Church, 2201 S.W. Vermont Street. This is the Itith annual service presented by the students. The Very Iteverend I t .11. G re e n fie ld , L o w e r School Chaplain, will officiate; Dan Cambodia aid shown Prom fumhodiu, an untold story behind the headlines is the basis for the startling documentary film, "Not With Empty Hands", which w ill lx- shown December 31 at 9:00 p.m. ut Maranutha Church, 1222 N.E. Skidmore Street. Produced by World Vision International, this film <le piets the human misery ae compiinying the conflict in Southeast Asia which in 1970 spdled over into once peace ful Cambodia. The motion picture reveals a war where 13 and 11 year old young men have to turn soldier overnight. Refugee« fleeing from farms and villages are shown seeking safety in the city of Phnom Penh. Hos pitals and refugee eamps are seen crowded with the in jured and diseased. V iew ers of “ N ot W ith Empty Hands” are eyewit ness to a dangerous journey undertaken by a W orld Vision convoy to bring bar rcls of medicine, food and emergency supplies. Thai m ission brought commenda lion from the Cambodian chief of state. Says Dr. Stan Moorieyham, p re sid e n t of Roggatt w ill be organist. Serving as acolytes at the service will be three fifth graders at The Hall Bing Bingham, Robert Leitch, and Scott Nokua all of whom reside in Southwest Port la ml. Lessons w ill be read by fifth grade students also, and each grade w ill sing carols. The congregation w ill also participate by singing Ad vent hymns. Vancouver Ave. First Baptist 3138 N. Vancouver Ave Phone 282-9496 The Clackamas F riends Chureh w ill present a Musical Cantata at the Caseadian Active Adult Center, 5700 N. Kerby, Portland on Wednes day. December 5, beginning at 7:00 p.m. The music w ill be sung by a choir of young children, ages five to twelve. There w ill be refreshments and warm hospitality for those who would like to join us for this occasion. So come one, come all. A s tro n o m e rs have pro claim ed Comet K ohoutck “ Christmas Star i>l 1973". But what about the first Christinas star, the star of Bethelehem. Could it have been a comet? "The Christmas Star", a traditional holiday program seheduled to run this year December 5th through 31st in the H arry C. Kendall Planetarium at OMSI, will attempt to answer the age old riddle: What was the "star of Bethlehem", a scien tifically predictable event, or a miracle? The show opens with a panorama of the night sky, Christmas Eve, 1973; and. through the magic of the Planetarium, viewers will be transported hack to the year 7 B.C. w hen Christ was horn. In the course of the journey hack in time, a search will be made for some celestial event that may have been the Christmas star. Was it in deed a comet; or. could it have been a meteor, a su|>er nova, or something else? Planetarium goers may de ride for themselves. Although the show follows the same theme as the tradi tional Christmas program in the Planetarium, this year's addition w ill feature new visuals, and new music. "The Christmas Star", a show for the whole family, will alternate December 5th through 16th with the pro gram currently on view in OMSI'» Kendall Planetarium. "A T e ch n ico lo r F a n ta sy". Daily shows w ill lx- at 1:30 and 3:30, with an additional showing Friday evenings at 7:30, and shows Saturday and Sunday at 11:00 a.m., l:0t), 2:00, 3:00 and 1:00 p.m. The Christmas Star" w ill be the only program showing in the Planetarium December 17th through the 31st. A Going Away Missionary Service w ill be held for Douglas S. Bass, an Elder of the House of Prayer Church, on December 14, 1973 at 7:00 p.m. at the Piedmont Church. 5736 N. Albina. He w ill pre sent a message on the ur gency of missions and others w ill take part in the service. Following the serv ire there will be a time of fellowship. Reverend Bass w ill In- doing evangelistic work in Nigeria, West Africa, for a four week period, and also laying plans for a return visit with his wife and son at a later time for a two and half year stay. Everyone is invited to help make the going away Mis sionary Service a success. 1 1:00 A M Dr. O. B. Williams, Pastor Maaaea: NOti N .E . A lberta Portland, Oregon 97211 "The church with • heart-tali walcome*' 1222 NE Skidmore Sunday W o rs h ip 11:00 a.m . ( h ris fia n ’i o u th F e llo w s h ip 6:00 p.m . iSecond and F o u rth Sundays» 281-4429 Reverend B ertram G riffin 9:00 a -« Hymns 10:30 a.m ( hoir 12:00 p.m Folk Masa S I2 B M l. Mt. A. L x Hunduraan, Miniator Church School Church sch<x)l and Bible class: Sunday morning worship: Sunday Evening worship: Wednesday Evening prayer: Friday Worship Service: k « mm I for for pre school children at Day Care Center Apply: Mixlel Cities I C, 711 ', N.E. Alberta. Portland, Ore. 2 8 6 -2 2 9 6 Equal Opportunity Employer 1 1 *1 1 II T II PARTS »» » ■ W W s — «r- • -e» '* - ♦ Complete Automotiife Parts and Accessories POWER SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Poi V our complet» automotive parts and accessories m eds, shop D *M \u to Parts Now open from HI a m. to I p nt. on Sunday Phone 2KM 5533 7HI N.E K illingsworth St. Port lami, Oregon 97211 e Experienced on tingle or Double needle G ood Fringe Benefit! Retire ment program and Free 1 Pork ng todlitie! AMir Rrruonrwl Dtpor*f»s#r» WHITE STAG l o r guaranteed top quality work in all a re a s of building construction, contact the M anufacturing Co. 5100« Morr^y O va 8 and 1 1 50 om A • f q . * Onp** • •» f A lbina Contractors Association 72 N . E. Sacramento Portland, Oregon 288-8301 General anil sub contractors Drop Itos operation Electrical work Landscaping Painting Plumbers Janitorial Also call or w rite for information on our Scholarship and Apprenticeship program lor m inoritv south VS all board and plaster Brick laying A cement ■ DI AL-A-JOB » 227-5828 KAISER PERM ASENTE Maybe money isn’t your main reason for wanting to join the Navy, but it’s nice to know NAVY MEN AND WOMEN ARE ENJOYING Another Pay Raise Maybe you want to join the Navy tor some of the other opportunities you can take advantage of Or maybe it s for personal reasons. But starting October 1st, Congress recognized Navy men and women with another pay raise, making them the highest-paid sailors in the Navy's 198- year history. Now after only 4 months you can earn over $360 Other Navy benefits make your pay go a lot further. And you still can get top training and that special opportunity to see the world Not everyone can qualify Piano or Organ LeeeMia. la te s t and imxlern method to play either instrument. Eor information, please call 287 1634. Ellis Cleaners RI NEW I I I I . BEACT't OE VOCRGARMENTS Experl Tailoring Call us or come see us. We ll tell you if you qualify and how you can share in the Navy opportunities that will make you SOMEONE SPECIAL, in the new Navy. 8:00 p.m. Bob Harrison - Pastor K fv c r« nd I homas 1. S tra v h a n d . M in is te r $788 831. Performs nursing duties anil related duties as assigned. The current open ing is with the Alcoholic Re ««very Center MIN Q l’AL: Graduation from a school of professional n u rsin g w ith Stale accreditation at time of \N 11 — ess a current license to praetiee as a re g is te re d professional nurse in the State <4 Oregon. EXAM Dec. 17. APPLY: Before 1:30 pm. Dec. 10. Multnomah County Civil Ser vice Commission, 510 SW Montgomery. Portland. Ore gon. 97201. Applications Programmer Ex|>ericnrod programmer to w rite commençai application programs in a 370 OS i M V T i environment. Must lie ex perienced in B A L . coding and D.S. J.C.L. Experience in I.M.S. programming help ful. Teleprocessing ITSO) experience helpful. Salarv is open. Renefit pro grams include liberal inaur anee and educational support programs plus a substantial profit sharing plan. For p ro m p t consideration, (•lease send detailed resume to: Personnel Manager Tektronix, In« P.D. Box .500 DS50 Beaverton. Oregon 97005 An Equal Opportunitv Im p lo v e r Santa Clau- suit for the 15th and 16th. W ill pay rental fee. Call Neil or Lanny at 227 6550. can savi yon MONtY ON M N 0 M U N C . . . ^•»Idontfal-Com m orclol HOW?... WHY?... M h bulinali hoi grown, at wo have with the Cnoit <taW of C A iP fN T ftS O iSlG N M :» ad ESTIMATORS in tha froda • KRdMNs • Atfffem o Botta • SpM. CaUMt Wwi NEIL KILLY n COMPANY mv X AAarta Fantaarf, Oregon CaflKow 287*4176 M IN O * « fF A ia S -N O CMAJtGÍ n o t uà 4 o e u v trr 2 8 2 -8 3 6 1 3954 N. W illiam s Ave. SCI BA GEAR “ You've Triad The Ro«t, Now Try The Best’ N. Alexander, Proprietor Scuba gear for sale. Tanks, regulator, entire o u tfit. $95. Call 288-3551. WANTED 5 7 5 N. K illin gsw orth Remodeling o r new construction C om m ercial - Residential • NEW h i l t t We are seeking individuals who have one or more years of training in practical elec tricity, either through mill tary or other electricity pro grams. Successful applicant w ill be trained lor journey man electrician through an approved Stale of Oregon manufacturing plant electri cal trainee program. Apply in person to Martin Marietta, The Dalles. Oregon. E.D.E M F. We Give WENDELL E. BROWN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY d : \ s • ID GS • B A I I I RO O M S ELECTRICAL TR A IN E E KNIT BLOCKING OUR SPECIALTY W ANTED Free Estimates no Ksurnrun... s m k m s i Prescriptions are our Specialty >620 N.E. Union 2N7 0910 Clothing, furniture, etc. al giv e away prices. In te rn a tio n a lly recognized manufacturer of oscilloscopes and assix ialvd electronic in 'trum ents. has an opening lor an experienced M e rre ll H a rris at WON N .E . Cnion Ave. or call 282-5060 o*r PORTLAND TH R IFT STORE REGISTERED N l RSE I • CONCRETE WORK . S U D E IS . s lID « ALKS A model neighborhood contractor M em ber - Albina Contractors Association Portland, Oregon « Day Care Mothers To provide Child Care in your home Age» Infancv thru 12 y r*. Dav - Swing -G ravevard 2 8 9 -5 5 4 9 Coniaci: IHTRODUCIMG NEWSIN THE MOTHER TONGUE See . . . PAIGE'S PHARMACY 2701 N.E 7th 284 46:56 Model C ities Child C are C en ters a re taking applications for fall enrollm ent. Call 288-8861 T E C T R O N IV INC. (Local printer must sel local address and pnone no ) Phon«- 281 3652 3300 N Williams Ave. John II. Ellis Model Cities 4-C 288-7241 ONE DAY SERVICE TEACHER BUDGET DRY CLEANERS Progress thru unity a m. a.m. p.m. p.m. NORTH & N.E. PORTLAND I H lh. I«»*«! o f » h aninu anil pre**ing. IMIN Mr M I I A 9.15 10:45 7:00 7:00 PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS SAVE YOUR CLAIM TICKETS! 7 2 2 0 N. Fessenden ..........., W a ere m a k in g our Aerp/iborWood A B rotherhood One Day Service rlm m tic k e t* 11:00 ant 13:00 noon 7:30 pm Nursery Cora Provided Bachelors Laundry a iu I ........................................ Noon — m e Hour of Power Proyar A C lo *i Meehng SPECIAL! 10 « It-tuunK ......................................... .................. 9:45 am Momtng Worthy» W ed W ad 2 « » -5429 MARANATHA CHURCH ( orner of Mb and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30 a.m. ST. ANDREW'S CATHOLIC CHURCH P.u • stothodi., g « i t o % Farewell ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Chureh and Sehool for Community 9 00 A M Sunday School Morning Worship World Vision, “ The film, ‘Not W ith Empty Hands' dramati cully demonstrates what hap pens when Christians come w ith love to u nation in need. As physical needs receive care, hearts open to spiritual tru th ." Eor more than two decades now, World Vision Interna tional, a Christian human! tarian agency, has been a channel through which thou sands of concerned people in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa have expressed their Christian love in tangible ways. Christmas Star showa by OMSI Thursday, Decembers. 1973 Fot Black people, the mother tongue is the same all over the country It's the unique way we have of expressing ourselves That's one of the reasons the National Black Network saw the need for a national Black news service What do we call Black news9 It's simply news reported by Black people edited by Black people and affecting the lives of Black people That s the National Black Network—a vital communications link between Black communities every where It's a bet that when you listen to an NBN station, you'll know where its coming from After all. it scurrying your news © A M A Eamilv D av/Night Program 2NN-5091 46.35 N E 9th Exie Publishing Company 283-2486 /%<»/ your ¿k/ion tfo eaty unuf f Contract your printing to a minority firm Use m inority printers Photo Typesetting G raphic Arts and Printing N ew spapers - N ew sletters -- Posters - Fliers Stationery - Business Cards Programs Pam phlets -- Pictorial D irectories Printing to m eet your needs National Black Network Division of Unity Broadcasting Network. Inc 2201 N orth K illin g s w o rth Portland, O reg on AN EMI AI.DPPDKTCNITY EMPLOYER