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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1973)
P age 6 P ortlan d /O b server Thursday, N ovem ber 29, 1973 (T A IL S T R O N G CORA SMITH Model Cities holds Fun Night A long w ith her ow n crea tions, M iss Sm ith will pre sen t the fashions of Black d esign er, F ie W ash. The Model C ities Citizens Participation C om m ittee will present a “N ight of Fun" on D eeem ber 1st at 7:30 p.m. at the Stu d en t Union Building at PCC Cascade Center. 5606 N. Borthwick Avenue. M iss Gail S trong will pre sen t musical se lectio n s and lead an "old fashioned carol sing". M iss Stron g is one of the w inners of th e 1973 M etropolitan and San Fran cisco Open A u dition s and w as recently featu red as a g u est soloist of th e Opera U nder th e Stars at Salishan Am ong the highlights of the even in g will be a fashion show presented by M iss Cora Sm ith, High Fashion Model and D esigner. M iss Sm ith is the ow ner of Cora’s Coffure Corner on S.W . Morrison. L odge on the O regon Coast. M iss W anda E w ing, for m erlv of San Francisco, will p e r fo r m a c o n te m p o r a r y dance. She has stu died with O lvn Tunju and Alvin A iley. Fun night w ill be filled w ith m usic, food, dancing, en tertain m en t and lots of fun! Mrs. Opal S tron g, and th e M odel C ities C itizens P a r t ic ip a tio n C o m m i t t e e , under c o o r d in a to r Edna Robinson, e x ten d s a w elcom e to all citizens. Movie benefits education are Isaac H ayes, th e Jackson F ive, G ladys K night and the P ip s, the T em ptations, Ro berta Flack, th e E dw in Haw kins S in gers, and m any m ore. M arvin G aye's first public appearance in over a year is captured in “S ave th e Chil dren". T he th em e of th e m ovie is to provide an incen tive for stu d en ts to want to rem ain in school and to continue to college. B esides being e n tertaining, the film is educa tional. E x tr a a d d ed a t t r a c t io n s A benefit perform ance of “Save the Children" will be held at the Alam eda Cinema, 3000 N .E . Alberta, on Friday. N ovem ber 30 at 7:15 p.m. The show ing will benefit the Black Educational Center, to provide a year-round school for children of the com m unity. D onations are $2.50. “S ave the Children”, filmed at last year's Black E xpo in Chicago, is a musical ex tra v a ganza featuring perform ers w h o p a r tic ip a te d in th e PUSH sponsored affair. H ighlights of the m ovie will be a display of je w elry , flags, station ary, books and hats from th e only Black book store in the N orth w est. Special g u e sts, th e E bony M ovem ent, will perform dur ing interm ission . T ick ets are available at th e B.E.C. B ookstore. 3705 N. W illiam s. S e a ts are lim ited, so hurry and m ake reser v a tions today. For further in form ation or to m ake r e se r vation s. call 288 8971. Co featu re w ith "Save th e Chil dren" is “Hit" sta rrin g Billy D ee W illiam s. Hill reviews years of service Anderson w as the first Black perm ited to stay in a public hotel on th e condition th at she have her m eals in her room and use the freight elevator. Blacks seek in g car insurance had to apply at the risk pool, w here the handicapped apply, and they had to pay a 20% premium. This w as the 'human relations' clim ate of which Mr. Hill w as speaking. K eeping his prom ise, Mr. Hill began doing volunteer work. In 1946. when he cam e on the Urban L eague sta ff as Job D eveloper, he found he could d evote all his tim e to social change. Things began to happen. In 1949 the session of the Oregon L egislature passed a fair em ploym ent practices law which m ade d is crimination in em ploym ent illegal in the state. In 1951 an insurance law was passed and in 1953 a public accom m oda tions law made discrim ination illegal. During this tim e the Urban League staff consisted of five members: Edward C. (Bill) Berry, John H olley, E. S h el ton Hill, and tw o secretaries. The staff today has 27 mem b e r s. in c lu d in g p a r t-tim e staff. A s it began initially in 1945, “to carry on construc tive and preventive social work am ong Blacks for im proving their social and eco nomic conditions in urban centers." so it continues to d a y , w ith p r o g r a m s lik e project O utreach, an appren ticesh ip program , and P ro je ct Star, a program working w ith the “total fam ily unit to help th e se fam ilies to assist their culturally retarded chil dren to reach their “m axi mum potential" and other program s. W ith the help of th ese program s Blacks will be able to m ove increasingly into the m ainstream of so ciety . They will be able to m ove into w hat Mr. Hill feels is the str a teg y of the Black m ove m ent in the 1970’s, the "decision m aking positions". H e pointed out th e use of politics as evid en t in the upsurge of Black m ayors in cities like D etroit, San Fran cisco, G eorgia. Los A n geles, and all over th e nation. N ow , after 27 y e a rs of service, Mr. Hill w ill retire from his position of E x ecu tiv e D irector of th e Urban L eague, but by no m eans from life. He plans to rem ain in Portland w ith his w ife, H elloise Hill, and re main involved in the com m unity. He has a daughter, E dw ina M cK inney, and a G randson, M atthew , 4 years old, in S t. Paul, O regon. A n e y e w itn e ss of many y e a rs of change, E . Shelton Hill would su rp rise m any of G et D o w n P ro d u ctio n s Presents CHILITES & BLOODSTONE P a ra m o u n t N o r th w e s t T h ea tre S a t u r d a y D e c . 15 R e s e rv e S e a tin g O n ly 8<x)p.m. th e young folks of today by a g reein g with them in re gard to their im patience at th e rate of change. Looking back on tim e, Mr. Hill re plied, “Change has m oved at a snail's place: w e have a long w ay to go. I'm not satisfied w ith the pace." But. being able to satisfactorily an sw er that qu estion , "A fter all th is tim e, w hat do I have to account for?", E. Sh elton Hill can be assured th at the change that did occur w as w ell w orth his while. W hen asked by th e Ob se r v er if he'd do it all over again, Mr. Hill replied, w ith a chuckle, 'T'd do it o ver again, and w h ere I've m ade m istak es along the w ay. I’d correct them." White students (C ontinued from pg. 1, col. 6) ponent, directed by Clifford C am pbell, J r ., a ttem p ts to help tea ch ers and ad m in istra tors develop th e a ttitu d e s and sk ills to teach in an in tegrated se ttin g . T h e P a r e n t - I n v o lv e m e n t program , under th e direction of Ben T alley, se e k s to a ss is t parents to a c tiv e ly partici pate in their children's de velop m en t and education at hom e and at school. Em ph asis is placed on openin g chann els o f com m unication b e t w e e n t h e p a r e n t and school and am ong parents. S c h o o l B o a rd m em b er Jonathan N ew m an said th is is th e first su bstantial fund ing for a d e se g r eg a tio n pro gram . "It g iv e s th e oppor tu n ity for com pensatory ed u cation in an in tegrated s e t tin g and ind icates th a t th e ad m in istrative tran sfer pro gram is not ju st a program m oving stu d e n ts from one school to another, but th a t it provides an opp ortu nity to provide educational se r v ic es in an in t e g r a t e d s e t t i n g . This is a high priority of the Board and su bstantial pro g r ess has been made. SAFEWAY L Ì BMELESS SHOULD» FRESH WHOLE -WHOLE HOC" LAKE DIKE LAMB ROAST FRYERS SAUSAGE BOLOGNA i l 24 tarnt ÜMit Flash Frasa« 45 Gov't. Ia ip « t « l Plwmp 1 T.ndw F ryh ig Chicken E eve o purthose of Safeway Meat fels to phase fat aty reason what saever, just te l K . We w i refund your money promptly, courteously. Then's no need to return the moot 78* J l* J2" CHEF BOY-AR-DEE WIR Spuqh." M -o -Solls < J I a SAVIA «,<h Alomo... (ACH 43* 3.49* 45* 46* 9 Add N Heat ¿=. - 3 J 1 88* * Saltines «SA. 39* * Liquid Wisk 5ZC 94* ■x-x-x-x-J »««{«❖ XCivXi’X'XvwXivKKvXivZvXvivWMiW 29 9 Marshmallow t r 4 J 1 9 Pineapple IKS? 4 J 1 $ B 9B ***** C*t»44«» $ Fresh Yogurt sr 4 J 1 * Cheese ’tztrr- Town House Brond ç A/ fin e s t Q uality w I6 -O I. Can > MAYONNAISE I 68* Piedmont It and — ( ir o m y Smooth * wO 3 2 -e i. io» « '• ■ w .v s v .\w # w W A ttV A W W .M \W A W .W .| « Baby Food 9 Electra-Sol 88* 53* * Dressing SÄT $ Dill Pickles 9 Tomato Juice 62* 49* 38* « M a rg a rin e 4±?« -4 8 * « Margarine S Ä 1 43* Q Buttermilk .ic«, . 29* 9 Sta-puf •z z r4 11 * « Y u b a n Coffee AS: *1” V.W.V.V.’.VX w X w X v X w X ví< <4 ívX vX 'X 'í>:vX \vi Town House Ir p it TOMATOES 1 Solad Pet fe» t 29-0» ton q^Ffrir /« m a ' una / 39 fawn House Stewed Tamalees 16 -a i. (o n _ _ | Tat DXv.w.wXwcXvs\4WkWv.wv.w.WAv...< « Fresh Bread sr: 3 -95* «Cinnamon Rolls'¿T82* « Peanut Butter Z. s1" 9 Andre Cold Duck -? 1 z’ 9M ateusR ose n r *2" 9Reisling Wine“ J2°* « M in i Loaves “a« «C inn . Slices «5? 65* 73* 9 Chianti 9S tir-n -S erv 52* Blitz Beer Sandwich Bread t 'p l V d n , ,2 - SO I 8 ï 5 2” 44 Skylatk V White at Wheat 1 <un, I •J ( Iimmani Pop I2 -.I FJ I RED RIPE TOMATOES FLORIDA AVOCADOS Jf«WAY Tltere'« no mnre acteptaMe gift than a SAI I W A Y (» It I' 'M tIM -R I f a retleemaMe at any Safeway for m eriham lt* of guaranteed quality Ciet full information from the Managtt or Aaaratanl Manager at Safeway PUMff A WAOMAUS Encyclopedia my a« e aa— *«— V • ai^ag S X .ta> 1 I D IS C O U N T V A R IE T Y HEAD & SHOULDERS Oandnift 7 -m . T ab. or J1 T A -“ " 7 ’- o . . » . , , (X TR A LA R O I ss: Canned Pop Solve your Rift problems! 4 .5 0 /5 .0 0 /5 .5 0 EACH 9 Blue M tn. " *1” 9 Coconut tsX E 1 59* 59* 9 Morsels —A 9 Mincemeat " 78* dh Cake Mix ’"£.*2“ 49* 5 HAVAL ORAHGES s7 5^79 H<S%<5<VW.<Ve%VeVaV.VoWXv>VeVoújSSi5555Víáa¿^jy| PEAR HALVES R\ Vegetables it ,...,- ® Torno to ( n ’ swp APPLE SAUCE Sur 5 -lb . HAM S P re -re e k ^ - W atte-lree Her Ham £ JO-or Oil |.x«vx<>»x«<<->x<*x««-x«<«<«-x( W A Town House ' A * Taco Shells in. 9 Chili SX w z PETFOOD 14 7 5 -0 1 SAFEWAY CAHHED FANCY CATSUP C < b 4O J « O Wwa.4»»» A V .W V .W A W M V 3J1 9 Towels Ä X S Fireplace Logs. 1 .7 2 * PXvXwXíC^XvXíwzXvÓwXvXwX' Kmg e l Oven B eal R e m it «Corned Beef S X »’ 1 ° 9 Salmon Steaks “ Sr «’2 “ 9 Salmon Roast ?=*£=■ «Lunch Meat t S X T z 79 9 Beer Sausage 3-LB. COFFEE 'SUPtk'l I S -ui Cun O w a.VÍÍVW.VVW.tW.V.W.V.W.V.W.V.V.' 9 Book Matches: 9 Coffee-mate 78 lb. BvX%V»V»vX<S%<<<%%W\<\vXVe*.V.WV.VeV.V.V.*.,.<<,l <«>X¿¿<¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿wX\¿vXvXvXvX*fXiXw ® Detergent RIB ROAST S ,2 S Standing Rib Lpa. End THE "PEOPLE TO PEOPLE" STORE! » SUPER SAVERS for EXTRA SAVINGS & I n k tar tboto ti« a . j They m irk toapanry ixtre M e tti» ill ever . tko sfare. Stock opt i fresh aad Testy I sack Meat S and w ich S i n S a n ta p a SBeeff Franks • Rib Steaks ~ Spencer Steak S Cross-rib Roast * Beef Roast 2 GUARANTEE $108 Salmo ay P a r. Perk U.S.D.A. CHOICE e Shampoo 11- ot . I . O mi I i AH 9 Aqua Met Tdr 44* 9 Toothpaste 66* © Vitam in "C " wtl K-66* 9 Wild Bird Seed 52.50* 0 Kitty Litter IT $1M - QUAKER STATE MOTOR OIL t 4 J 4 f