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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1973)
Page « Portland/Observer Thursday, November 1, 1973 Vancouver receives sewer project funds DENTIST U A l t h o N e w D e n t a l A d v e r tis in g R e s t r i c t i o n s are N o w in E f f e c t , i t is m y s in c e r e P r o f e s s io n a l b e lie f t h a t YOU NAVE The R ig h t To K no w Chuck Hagens, Management Analyst with MEDIA, Inc., watches as Willie Sutton and James Pompelly cut ribbon to open their new business. All th e Facts you wish to Know Block business opens Portland Cash R egister Company held the Grand Opening of its new office location, 722 North Killings- worth, on Friday, October 5. Portland Cash Register Com pany is a cash register and business machine sales, ser vice, repair and maintenance firm. Owners Willie Sutton and James Pompelly special ize in maintenance and repair of cash registers. The firm in o rd e r to secure Your N e ed ed D en tal Service. . . . w e w ill b e g la d to a n s w e r y o u r qu es tio n s . . . W ith o u t O b lig a tio n . * JUST PHONE 0 * (A U AT o u R O ftia A t T o ur C o n v e n ie n c e . . . e NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED e limtict received financial aid from First National Rank of Ore gon (Walnut Park Branch!, 90% guarantee by the Small Business Administration and technical and financial assis tance from MEDIA. Inc., a private non profit local de velopment corporation which assists businessmen and po tential businessmen in de veloping their effectiveness as entrepreneuers and man agers. Royal Esquire Club of Portland, Inc. Congratulates The Portland Observer The U.S. Environmental l*rotection Agency's Region 10 office in Seattle awarded $3.111,860 to the City of Vancouver, Washington to help with the construction costs of a new interceptor sew er system along the Burnt Bridge Creek drainage basin east of Vancouver. The new sewer lines will provide service to the Or chards and Sifton communi ties and nearby areas which are changing from rural to residential use. The system will serve 12,500 people. N.E. 137th Avenue and N.E. 89th Street. The East ex tension will follow public road rights of way from N.E. 25th to N.E. 28th Street and N.E. 138th Avenue. The planned sewer inter ceptors will eliminate the current system of septic tanks and the possibility of septic tank contam inants sweeping into Burnt Bridge Creek or subsurface water in the area east of Vancouver. Sewage collected in the interceptors will be diverted to the Eastside sewage treat ment plant from the West The sewer interceptor sys side sewage treatment plant tem will have a main trunk when the Westside plant's and two branch lines. The capacity is reached. main trunk will run from In an environmental assess Stapleton Road south of E. ment of the project, the City 18th Street along the Bonne of Vancouver mentioned that ville Power Administration the new system will probably right of way to N.E. 87th encourage growth of the area Avenue and then will turn because of the availability of north to N.E. 25th Street. sewers. The Northeast extension will The city expects to com follow Burnt Bridge Creek plete the project in early from N.E. 25th Street to 1975. on its 3rd Anniversary for its contribution to the community Herman C. Plummer, President Janfzen Beach Center Intentate 5 at Jantzcn Beach PRESENTS THE IN AOVANCI • U t lim t i a u »aa SLUM aod L I G LAL 51 5 4 ’^ Ave. Ig T Congressional Black Caucus asks impeachment Between Aider « W eslwogtee - • a MUGGED PRINTED AND Most amateur shoplifters don't get a jail sentence Most do get caught and all who are caught are taken to jail where they are mugged (photographed for police records) fingerprinted and booked. The record can last a lifetime. It is all up hill from there— the price for stealing. STEM Ticket Information 213-2573 Shoppers T-.-.t E . — .oodyfe More/ T U .. The following ■ is » a a state ment of the opinion of the Congressional Black Caucus on impeachment of the Presi dent: The Congressional Black Caucus, sharing an opinion held by millions of Americans, is dismayed and shocked by recent actions on the part of Richard M. Nixon. In the opinion of the Congressional Black Caucus, the decisions to discharge Archibald Cox and abolish the office of Special Prosecutor w ere both ir responsible and unconscion able. The totality of recent events culminating in the resignation of the two highest Justice Department officials unnecessarily precipitated a constitutional crisis. The end result represents not only an insult to the intelligence of American citizens but also an assault on established gov ernmental institutions and more fundamentally the Con stitution itself. The call for impeachment of Richard Nixon is neither new nor unique. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus introduced impeacement re solutions as long as two years ago, based upon the strong contention that Nixon was carrying on an illegal war in Q m ith iiia c t A s ia \It s r /v r s * c rl Southeast Asia. Nixon's a ad venturism in Indochina was - and is -- both illegal and im peachable. and the cascade of ensuing executive crimes - the ITT, Vesco, milk and wheat deals, Watergate and all its associated criminal activities, the shady campaign contributions and payoffs, and Nixon's bevy of illegal im poundments of critical social program funding - only further serve to strengthen the position that Richard Nixon should - and must -- be removed from office. The Congressional Black Caucus urges the leadership of the House of Represents tives immediately to define and establish procedures and mechanics for dealing with consideration of the impeach ment of Richard Nixon. We further urge that these pro cedures be made know to all members of the House and to the American people without delay. The members of the Con gressional Black Caucus op pose any consideration of Gerald Ford’s nomination for Vice President of the United States. The consensus is that to do so before the question of impeachability of Richard Nixon is resolved o A n e litn lu c ie in to e ite a constitutes >■**>&■• utter m misinterpre tation of basic priorities. Therefore, the Congressional Black Caucus recommends that the Democratic Leader ship of the House instruct the Judiciary Committee to hold in abeyance any con sideration of Gerald Ford until a full and thorough determination has been made concerning the pending ser ious charges of high crimes and misdemeanors against the nation by Richard Nixon. The Nixon agreement to comply with the order of the Court to release the tapes is a complete vindication of Mr. Cox's insistence that Nixon comply with the Court's order. The Congressional Black Caucus therefore in sists that Richard Nixon now reestablish this independent Prosecutor's Office and that Mr. Cox be reappointed im mediately. Only in this manner will the American people be assured of an honest, objective and vig orous persual of all ramifica tions of Watergate in the original manner promised by Nixon when he promised an investigation which would be pursued "fully and fearlessly, whereever it may lead." The Congressional Black SMITH'S (Continued from pg. 1, col. 9) procedure. In the spring of 1973, the Supreme Court refused to hear Ronnie Williams' case and he was due to go back to prison. Friends and sup porters urged him not to go, for they feared for his life at the hands of the guards in the Alabama State Prison. Because of the nature of his case, and becruse Ronnie Williams had testified at a Federal Civil Rights Com mission hearing on the Ala bama prison conditions, it appeared certain to many of his friends that the circum stances of prison life would Novem ber 2 Through 5th FR EE! . . . T IC K E T S CO» For All Children 11 Years Old Or Younger Available In Any Jantzen Beach Center Store Over 100 performer« including 12 elephant«, World'« largest group of trained lion* A tiger«, trained boar« and chim panzee«, horsas A ponies, flying trapeze artist«, tumblers A acrobats, jugglers, nigh wire artist«, «way polo artist, hand balancers, clowns aerial motorcycle, a menagerie and petting zee. All Under The World's Largest Traveling BIG TOP M M ONE WOMAN DRAMATIZATION OF Naw appearing in: LADY SINGS THE BLUES Black prisoner IE SAVE TODAY! Caucus strongly ■» recommends that all citizens concerned about this crisis make their concerns known to the lea dership of the House im mediately. Contact Carl Al bert. Speaker; Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr.. Majority leader; John J. McFall. Majority Whip; and Peter W. Rodino, Jr., Chairman. Committee of the Judiciary. and LOST IN THE STARS Ixtst in the Stars wait made in Oregon with citizen« from the Portland community including Clara Peoples. lead to a deadly confrontation with prisoner guards and certain death. Ronnie W'illiams is being held at Rocky Butte; he has stated that he will fight extradition proceedings by the State of Alabama. Since coming to Oregon two months ago, Williams has been employed at ESCO to support his wife, Susan, and her two children. Friends of Williams urge the public to ask Governor McCall to make a thorough investigation of the case be fore he decides on extrade tion of Williams to Alabama. NOVEMBER 17th 7:30 Renter refund due Renters must file a copy of rent certificates for the 1973 calendear year with their property tax refund claims if they want to receive their refunds under the New Ore gon Tax Refund program, ac cording to Charles H. Mark, Director of the Oregon De partment of Revenue. Supplies of rent certificates (Form 99 RC) are now avail able at Audit Division district offices throughout the state and the main Department office in Salem at the State Office Building, Mack said. SUPER-SIZE CAPACITY AUTOMATIC WASHER It’s a WHOPPER with extra-large tub and extra-large SURGILATOR* agitator to get big loads really clean. 2 speeds: the correct wash and spin speed combina tion is provided automatically when cycle is selected. Choice of 4 cycles: NORMAL, KNIT, PERMANENT PRESS and GENTLE. Special cool-down care for Per manent Press and Knit garments. 3 wash/rinse temp selections. 4 load-size water level selections and built-in lint filter. Come see and compare. M atching W hirlpool PERMANENT PRESS DRYER •168 (IVE-5800, not ihown) EASY TERMS SM ITH'S (tenti SHOP » TO » MON THPU r»l SAT TH. » (O e u d te n I -30th ond S. E. D IV IS IO N - 234-9351 "We ask each landlord to obtain a supply of these certi ficates for all of their rental units. The certificates must be completed by landlords and attached by renters to refund claims which need to be filed between January 1 and April 15, 1974, in order to receive refunds," stated Mack. "landlords should fill out just one certificate for each rental unit during each period of occupancy no matter how many tenants occupy the unit," he continued. Two copes of a completed certificate should be given to one person in each rental unit at the end of the year. “Each certificate must indi cate the amount of rent actually paid during the calen dar year,” Mack said. “But this total should not include dam age d ep osits, cleaning deposits, or delin quent payments made in 1973 for a prior year," he added. Tenants who have moved during 1973 must contact their former landlords to ob tain certificates. Tenants who receive the certificates must attach a copy to a refund claim which will be mailed out around January 1, 1974 as part of the Oregon income tax packet. "Instructions will be part of the income tax packet; and if people have questions about the program after reading the instructions, they should con tact one o f the Department of Revenue Offices," Mark con eluded. Rent ‘-ertificates may be picked up at the State Office Building in Portland, or at any State Department of Revenue office. THE W ORLD OF M Y AMERICA FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 1126 SW PARK Reception Following Brock Peters, Paulene Myers and Lee Henderson in "Ixjst in the Stars". $2.50 donation MARATHON Cascada Collaga November ,6th 4:30 P.AA. until ? Featuring local professional and amature talent ROY J guest MC THANKSGIVING —*“ * •" BENEFIT FOR COMMUNITY CARE ASSOC. Call 288-8321