Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 14, 1972, Page 3, Image 3

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    P o rtla n d /O b s e rv e r
(E D IT O R 'S N O T E : The fe l-
lowing la a stau rn ent p re ­
pared by Common Cause.)
A naw Congress w ill con-
vane next month and Im m edi­
ately proceed to maka c ru c ia l­
ly im portant dec la Iona - in
s e c re t.
No b ills w ill be involved.
R ather, the Im portant d e -
clalona In the fl ra t daya of
the 93rd Congraaa w ill ba
the eelectlon of Republican
and D em o cratic p arty leaders
who, throughout the following
two years, w ill quid« A m e r­
ica’ s national la g la la tu re .
Unless reform a are made
before these actions In Janu­
a ry , citizens w ill have no idea
how these leaders won th e ir
jobs: all the public w ill know
la the outcome.
T he Importance of the lead­
ersh ip positions - only a hand­
ful in number - cannot be
overem phasized. T he M e m ­
bers of Congress who f ill them
have vast Influence o ver public
a ffa ire . They control the ac­
tiv itie s of the Senate and
House, d eterm ine the flow of
legislation, c o rra l votes fo r
and against proposals, influ­
ence com m ittee assignments,
and In many other waya deep­
ly affect the output of Con­
g re s s . Because of thia, voters
have a legitim ate Interest In
the quality of Congressional
Considering this Interest, It
la appalling that:
1. Both p olitical p arties In
Congress choose th e ir lead­
e rs behind closed doors and
refu se to divulge how m em -
bers vote In leadershlp con-
tests; and
2 . House Dem ocrats appoint
- not e le c t - th e ir party Whip,
a position which la the f ir s t
step toward the top jobs of
party leader and House speak­
e r . (The W hip is. In effect,
the assistant party leaden hie
Job Is to help m arshal m a jo rity
forces In mipport of party
The procedures governing
these contests a te Indicative
of two fundamental problem s
- secrecy and senio rity - that
d ra in Congress of the v ita lity
needed to 1» an equal branch
of the federal governm ent.
T he secrecy In which leader­
ship choices are made re ­
flects the widespread secrecy
In which Congress conducts
so much of Its husiness.Th e
u p -th e -la d d e r philosophy of
House D em ocrats la an out­
growth of the seniority sys­
tem that exalts longevity o ver
a b ility . Intelligence, energy
- a ll the q ualities that n o rm a l­
ly qualify a person fo r a
leadership ro le .
Cause believes
must be
changed, not only In the lead­
ers h ip contests but In a ll
proceedutes of C o ng ress.Th e
leadership contests w ill be
the firs t Instances of (tie de­
m o tin g senio rity and secrecy
weaknesses to appear In the
new Congress that convenes
In Janu ary.
Common Cause Is urging
recorded public votes fo r
Senate and House leadership
positions and election of the
House D em o cratic W hip.
w e Qlve
P A J tt-M O O4AKM
n o n * s Dsuvw v
3954 N . W illia m s Ave.
T r M T h . R « t, Nt»w Try T h . Bwst'
N. AlsMOwdwr, RreetUtor
c S & if
• All It u s i
Gtttsd le you D ocloii Prescription •
O n
B r . S e w lr r
A af r is e s . . .
All Optaci
RYI* IX AM IN IO S a le n te OeX
F er Best
I t t l l T L IV U * >1 M l IS St OO
S.W. Third and Marriien
EklttNf • Fbees tV -lt*
4 m r l » u OKIaza • / Optematry -
t HUUeM.nuraw.M<ctUM«H.wtttaC mi « m xnn « o wxttf&f
Mat OMua is M U M *
Both p artie s a re faced with
s e v era l leadership vacancies
In the 93rd Congress as a re­
s u lt of election defeats and
the lllfated plane trip of Rep.
Hale Boggs ( D -L a .) InA laska.
Boggs, who was House M a jo r­
ity L e a d e r In the last Con­
g re s s , was on a campaign trip
A la s k a's
Rep. Nick
Beglch (D) when th e ir plane
disappeared O ct. 16. In tlw
Senate, the defeat of S e n .M a r­
ge re t Chase Smith (R -M a ln e )
has opened the position of
chairm an of the Republican
C onference, which is the cau­
cus of a ll Republican Sena­
to rs . The defeat of Sen. Gordor
A llo tt (R -C o lo .) has le ft vacant
the job of chairm an oftheGOP
P o lic y C o m m it» « .
In addition, there may be
to some party
le a d e rs who are re lu m in g .
Such challenges a re not un­
common at the beginning of
a new com gress.
News reports about le a d e r­
ship battles have focused on
person alities ra th e r than the
m o re Im portant Issue of open
po reed u rea
In selection of
le a d e rs .
e le c u d .
Students new to Portland
Com m unity College fo r the
w in te r term s u it in g January
w ill
r e g ls u r
tlirough Thursday, January 2
through January 4, 9 a z n . to
8 p j n . and on F rid a y , Janu­
a ry 5, 9 a j n . to 4 p jn .
Returning students and new
students who have p re -r e g la -
tered are c u rre n tly r e g ls u r -
tng at both the Sylvania and
Cascade centera.
Counselors and c a re e r ex ­
ploration tools a re available
to help students deckle on the
p ro gram beat suited to th e ir
Interests and a b ilitie s . To
make an appointment with a
counts lo r, c a ll the PCC num­
b er 244-6111, and the o perator
w ill help you.
T h e re a re no eluee but lo u
of workshops at The Salvation
A rm y M en 's Social Service
C e n u r . Recently rehabilitees
there have been busy re p a ir­
ing toys and other contributed
goods mi I table fo r C h ristm as
g ifts , The résulta go on d is­
play the firs t weak of Decem ­
b er In the main T h rlftS to rs at
139 S .E , Union.
A C h ristm as lane In T i e
Salvation A rm y T h r ift store
is a " f i r s t " f o r t h » a r e a , ac­
cording to M aJorClenton Irb y ,
M an 's S o c » I S ervice C e n u r
d ire c to r. The g ift c e n u r w ill
be maintained u n tilC h r» tm a e
If stocks can be continued.
"W e fe lt there was a real
need to P rovid e 're c y c le d '
g ift lu m a as a service to low
Income fam llW s who went to
have the Independence of buy­
ing th e ir own things but haven’ t
the money to get what they
want brand n ew ," M a jo r Irb y
Persons who have toys and
other s u lu b le g ift tu rn s that
they would like to d on au may
call The Salvation A rm y M en 's
Social S ervice C e n te r fo r
truck pick-up, 2 3 5-4192.
P o r tla n d C o m m u n it y C o lle g e
E d u c a t io n P r o g r a m s
in y o u r
If tradition Is followed, OOP
znd D e m o c ra tic leaders w ill
1« selected in secret In each
p a rty 's caucus In the Senate
and H ixise when the new Con­
g re s s convenes In the firs t
week of Janu ary. The caucus
consists of a ll of the party's
m em bers in tlie House o r
T he p rincip al positions to
be fille d by the D em o crats,
who w ill continue as the m a­
jo r ity p arty, a re the Speaker­
ship, the M a jo rity L ea d e r,
the p arty whip and the c h a ir­
man of the caucus. Although
the Speaker is elected by tie
e n tire House, the v o u Is on
p arty lines and thus the In­
dividual nominated by the ma­
jo r ity party always w ins.
The D e m o c ra tic p arty lead­
e r and caucus chairm an and
the nominee fo r Speaker are
selected by elections In tie
caucus. The D e m o c ra tic whip,
however, Is appointed by tie
p a rty 's two top o ffic ia ls , tie
Speaker and the party lead er.
House Republicans meeting
In caucus w ill be fillin g s im i­
la r
except that, as the m in o rity
p arty , th s lr candidate fo r
Speaker w ill serve as House
M in o rity L e a d e r. A ll House
In the Senate, Dem ocrats
and Republicans e le ct a ll of
th e ir le a d e rs . T he principal
positions are m a jo rity and
m in o rity leaders and whips
and the chairm anships of tie
Republican P o lic y Com m ittee
and the caucus.
In both cham bers, the lead­
e rs w ill seek to conduct all
of this business In secret
Common Cause » urging
two principal reform s in the
leadership selection process:
public ra th e rth a n secret votes
on i l l party leaders In both
cham bers of Congress; and
election ra th e r than appoint­
m ent of the House D e m o c ra t­
ic W hip.
W h etb sr Congress consid­
e rs end passes legislation of
one o r another p o litic a l phi­
losophy ( f o r exam ple, m ore
o r less business o r consumer
taxes, stronger o r w eaker
pollution controls, and so on)
w ill be much influenced by
the p o litic a l outlook of each
p a rty 's leadersh ip.
The public should know how
M em b e rs of Congress v o u
on leadership contest; only
Inform ation »
available to the public can
meaningful citizen Influence
be brought to bear and can
M em b e rs oi Congress be held
accountable fo r th e ir votes on
leadership choioes.
Secret voting and hand­
picked appointment are the
antithesis of an open Congress
operating u nderthe scrutiny of
an Inform ed e le c to r s » . C it­
izens would be outraged If
the Senate o r House took a
se c re t v o u on raisin g Income
taxes. T h e re Is, by the same
token, no good reason why
the public should tolerate
secret votes on the Con­
gressional leaders who w ill
exercise so much control over
the fate of the tax, pollution-
control and o ther b ills that
w ill come before Congress in
the next two y e a rs .
Dog-Caused Collision
c o m m u n ity
C la a a a s s t a r t « J a n u a ry 2
C areer Development
A d u lt Basic Education
College transfer courses
Hobbies and recreation
Special events
Molorisis kill dogs at an alarm­
ing rale But dogs can be deadly
Io motorists, too
One year’s
study of a single thruway re­
vealed (hat more than 200 acci­
dents had been caused by dogs
dashing in front of cars.
What are the legal conse­
quences of such an accident? If a
dog causes injury Io a motorist,
may the owner of the dog he held
liable in court?
Consider 'his case
A m o to ris t, suddenly con­
fronted by a dog in the street,
swerved to the right, struck (he
dog. lost control of his car. and
crashed into a fire hydrant
C all 244-6111 for
a schedule of classes or to enroll.
F o r t i e n . C o m m u n i t y C o ll e g e
1 3 0 0 0 S o u th w e s t 4 . t h A v e .
P o r t la n d . O r a « o n « 7 3 1 «
Injured, he claimed damages
from the owner of the dog under
the stales "strict liability” law.
Labor Bureau
sets hearing
Norm an O . N lls e n , theState
L a b o r C o m m issio ner, has an­
nounced that he w ill hold a
public fea rin g in Portland on
Wednesday, D ecem b er 20, on
a proposal to adopt ln u r p r e -
tlve rules and policies fo r
adm inistering and enforcing
the stats P riv a te Em ploym ent
Agency L a w .
The hearing w ill be In Room
36 of the State Office Building
1400 S.W , F ifth Avenue. T im e
w ill be 1:30 p j n . . T estim o ny
can be made e ith e r o ra lly at
the hearing o r submitted In
w ritin g In advance.
The proposed In te rp re tiv e
rules end policies are con­
tained In a s u u m e n t explain­
ing what Is p ro per and what
Is Im proper under the law
which has been used since
the law was revised In 1961
fo r the guidance of owners
and operators of p riv a te e m ­
ployment agencies.
Copies may be obtained
from A .W . (B u d )G a rd n e r. Ad­
m in is tra to r of the Wage and
H o ur D ivision of the Oregon
Bureau of L ab o r, 115 L ab o r
Salem , Oregon 97310, te le ­
phone 378-3292.
The Oregon P riv a te E m ­
ployment Agency Law s apply
to any business which con­
ducts an office o r a type of
agency which acts, o ffers,
prom ises o r attempts to get
employment fo r others o r
which provides fo r the re g is ­
tration of persons seeking to
gain o r re ttln em ploym ent o r
which partlctpaiey in the giv­
ing of Inform ation about e m ­
ployment which charges fo r
Its services.
The laws also apply to any
person, bureau, organization
o r school who offers to get
employment fo r anyone who
pays fo r 1» services orw hlch
charges tuition o r charges fo r
any services where the object
of the person paying the money
Is getting a job.
Not subject to the law are
educational associations with
some teacher-placem ent ac­
tiv itie s , nonprofit organiza­
tions working fo r civic pur­
poses and vocational guidance
A public hearing has been
set fo r D ecem ber 21 by the
Oregon Wage and H our C o m ­
m ission on proposed revisions
of the C o m m » s lo n 's C onsoli­
dated W ork O rd e r, according
to Norm an O . N llsen , the State
L a b o r C o m m issioner and ex­
ecutive O fficer to the Com ­
m ission.
The hearing, which was
o rig in a lly set fo r D ecem ber
6 and was set over because
of unavoidable conflicts, w ill
be held at 10 a j n . in Room
36 of the Stale O ffice B uild­
ing In Portland, 1400 S.W .
F ifth Avenue.
m ostly deal w ith providing
w orking conditions f o r a lle m -
ployers as authorized by the
last session of the L eg is­
la tu re . P re v io u sly , coverage
was perm itted only to women
and m inors of both sexes un­
d e r 18 years of age.
A lso proposed » that a ll
persons ever 16 years of age
he allowed to w ork as door-
to -d o o r canvassers. A t p re s ­
ent, such w ork Is denied to
fem ales under 18 and m ales
u n d er 16.
And the court held that, since
the dog had indeed caused the ac­
cident. the owner would have to
fool the hill—even with no proof
of his negligence
Strict liability laws, although
not yet universal, are already on
the books in many states. And
even without such a law. a dog
owner may be held liable if shown
to be negligent.
In another case, a terrier had
the habit of assaulting passing
vehicles of all kinds. One day he
rushed ferociou.ly at a youthful
motorcyclist, causing him lo lose
his balance and crash.
Even with no strict liability law
in effect, a court ruled that the
dog’s owner would have to pay
damages The court said he was
guilty of negligence for failing to
keep such a troublesome dog un­
der restraint.
On (he other hand, there is no
liability if the dog although in­
volved in the accident - was not
really its cause Thus:
A motorist, after barely touch­
ing a dog. ran his car into the
ditch. But when he sought dam­
ages from the dog's owner, the
quality of his own driving came
under scrutiny. Considering all
the circumstances of the en­
counter. the jury concluded that
a reasonably careful driver would
have had no trouble slaying on
the road.
Result: case dismissed.
A p u b lic service fe a tu re o f the
A m e ric a n B a r Association an d
th e O reg o n S tale B a r Asaorla-
a tio n . W ritte n by W ill B e rn a rd .
C |972 American Bar Association
The provisions
working conditions concern
safe and sanitary work area,
adequate lighting, adequate
ventilation, adequate wash­
room s, adequate toilet fa c llf-
tles, adequau rest rooms,
adequate dressing rooms, ad­
equacy of what lunch rooms
m ay be provided, adequate ta­
bles and work benches, suit­
able seating.
Thursday, D ecem ber 14, |972
Barber Shop
N llsen said the Comm ission
welcom es testimony e ith e r
o ra lly at the hearing o r sub­
m itted In w ritin g e ith e r at
the hearing o r previously.
Com m unications may be di­
rected to Wage and Hour D i­
Oregon Bureau of
L a b o r, 1 15 L a b o r and Indus­
trie s Building, Salem . Oregon
97310, Ulephone 378-3 292.
4603 N. Williams
Lad y B a rb e r on d u ty
a painless way to save.
Now there’s a painless, almost fool­
proof way to save. Save-O-.Matic.
It works very simply. You tell us
how much you’d like to save each
month, and w ell transfer it from
your First National checking
account to your savings account.
Automatically. You’ll never
miss the money. Hardly even
realize you're saving it. Until,
of course, you look at your
savings account. It's a pleasant
surprise. And completely painless!
Member HJK.
North Portland Special Patrolmen Inc.
1771 N. E. Dekum
Portland, Oregon 97211
Phone 289-5536
T his le tte r announces the opening of the NO RTH P O R T L A N D S P EC IA L P A T R O L ­
M E N , IN C ., a p rivate, lo cally-ru n and operated s e curity force specializing in security
p ro u c tlo n
fo r homes and businesses, neighborhood patrol, and escort services.
O u r office and staff are here to serve the C ity of Portland In any way we can
The Portland Police Departm ent Is one of the finest In the Northw est, lacking only
the necessary manpower to c over the growing c ity of P o rtland . You may not know
It, tu t there are approxim ately 11,000 burglaries a y e a r In this city, and we are
organizing all our resources to prevent a growing percentage of these, as w ell as
any special security needs you m ight have.
We hope you w ill give us a chance to be of service to you, as we have the very
best of o ffic ers to serve you - hand picked and trained by the m ost qualified peo
pie in modern law enforcem ent techniques. And we are bonded and insured fo r
your p ro u c tlo n .
W e are very proud of our organization, and we want a chance to show you what
we have to o ffe r as the f ir s t m u lti-r a c ia l company of this kind In the Northw est.
If you would like fu rth e r Inform ation, o r are interested In our services, please fill
Inform ation
sheet below . and our field representative w ill call on you.
Thank you.
T . J . O L IV E ,
P resid ent
F ie ld Representative
Paite .1
I am In u r e s u d In
Day P a tro l F o r M y Home
Night P atro l F o r M y Home
Business Security
O ther
North Portland Special P atro lm en . Inc.
1771 NE Dekum Street