P o rtla n d /O b s e rv e r secrecy (E D IT O R 'S N O T E : The fe l- lowing la a stau rn ent p re ­ pared by Common Cause.) A naw Congress w ill con- vane next month and Im m edi­ ately proceed to maka c ru c ia l­ ly im portant dec la Iona - in s e c re t. No b ills w ill be involved. R ather, the Im portant d e - clalona In the fl ra t daya of the 93rd Congraaa w ill ba the eelectlon of Republican and D em o cratic p arty leaders who, throughout the following two years, w ill quid« A m e r­ ica’ s national la g la la tu re . Unless reform a are made before these actions In Janu­ a ry , citizens w ill have no idea how these leaders won th e ir jobs: all the public w ill know la the outcome. T he Importance of the lead­ ersh ip positions - only a hand­ ful in number - cannot be overem phasized. T he M e m ­ bers of Congress who f ill them have vast Influence o ver public a ffa ire . They control the ac­ tiv itie s of the Senate and House, d eterm ine the flow of legislation, c o rra l votes fo r and against proposals, influ­ ence com m ittee assignments, and In many other waya deep­ ly affect the output of Con­ g re s s . Because of thia, voters have a legitim ate Interest In the quality of Congressional leadership. Considering this Interest, It la appalling that: 1. Both p olitical p arties In Congress choose th e ir lead­ e rs behind closed doors and refu se to divulge how m em - bers vote In leadershlp con- tests; and 2 . House Dem ocrats appoint - not e le c t - th e ir party Whip, a position which la the f ir s t step toward the top jobs of party leader and House speak­ e r . (The W hip is. In effect, the assistant party leaden hie Job Is to help m arshal m a jo rity forces In mipport of party strategy.) The procedures governing these contests a te Indicative of two fundamental problem s - secrecy and senio rity - that d ra in Congress of the v ita lity needed to 1» an equal branch of the federal governm ent. T he secrecy In which leader­ ship choices are made re ­ flects the widespread secrecy In which Congress conducts so much of Its husiness.Th e u p -th e -la d d e r philosophy of House D em ocrats la an out­ growth of the seniority sys­ tem that exalts longevity o ver a b ility . Intelligence, energy - a ll the q ualities that n o rm a l­ ly qualify a person fo r a leadership ro le . Common Cause believes these practices must be changed, not only In the lead­ ers h ip contests but In a ll proceedutes of C o ng ress.Th e leadership contests w ill be the firs t Instances of (tie de­ m o tin g senio rity and secrecy weaknesses to appear In the new Congress that convenes In Janu ary. Common Cause Is urging recorded public votes fo r Senate and House leadership positions and election of the House D em o cratic W hip. PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS NORTH & N .l. PORTLAND .ONE D A Y SERVICE KNIT BLOCKING OUR SFRCIALTY w e Qlve P A J tt-M O O4AKM n o n * s Dsuvw v 282-1361 3954 N . W illia m s Ave. T r M T h . R « t, Nt»w Try T h . Bwst' N. AlsMOwdwr, RreetUtor Need Glasses a c S & if SE^SEM LER' • All It u s i Gtttsd le you D ocloii Prescription • O n UMLKR APPOINTMENT NEEDED B r . S e w lr r A af r is e s . . . H A VI TOUS All Optaci IWWRAWa RYI* IX AM IN IO S a le n te OeX F er Best A 4 ACCURVM I t t l l T L IV U * >1 M l IS St OO orricii S.W. Third and Marriien EklttNf • Fbees tV -lt* 4 m r l » u OKIaza • / Optematry - t HUUeM.nuraw.M