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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1972)
Mullens receives award Big-time tennis comes to Portland lllg -tlm e tennis, featuring two member« of the current United State« Davis Cup championship Mam, letum a to Portland on Thursday, De cember 21, at Pamplin Pa villio n on the Lew la andClark Collage campua. The m ajor attraction« are the Pacific Northwest's own Toni Corman of Seattle and E rik van DUIen, tlie youthful C alifornian who la one half of the nation's No. 1 double« Mam. It w ill te tlie flra t P ort land appearance aa a profea- l Iona I (or Van DIHen. Three matches, (wo In sing le« and one In double«, are scheduled, starting at 7:00 P .M . A full evening of Mnnla 1« In «tore a« there w ill be a one hour Instructional junior c lin ic starting at 5:00 e rly nationally ranked in dou bles with Corman, against Portland's Steve Docherty, Assistant Professional at the West H ills Racquet Club who wUI Join tie professional tour In January fo r a swing story the Eastern Seaboard. The (Inal match in doubles has Corman and his form er p a rtie i In colleglaM play at Seattle U niversity, Brian P a rro t, against van Dlllenand Docherty. The c lin ic features all of Corman and van DUIen, and w ill be open to all juniors, 18 years of age and under, who are ticket holders. Parents of participating juniors ate wel come at tlie c lin ic . Because of ItmUed seating at Pamplin PavUllon, the sponsoring Pro West Sports PJtf. la accepting advance tickets The feature match at 8:15 orders. Prices are $4.50 fo r P.M ., of course pita Gorman, adults and $2.50 fo r juniors Ota nation's N o.4 ranked ang under 18. Orders received les player and by fa r tie moat before D ecem ler 4 w ill te outstanding ta tte r ever to eligible fo r a SOf per ticket emerge from Oils area, reduction, making prices aga mat van DUIen, the 11 yea r $4.00 and $2.00. F o r ordering old U niversity of Southern advance tickets, tie address C alifornia student who Is No. fo r Pro West Sports In P ort 6 on the singles lis t. land Is P.O. Box 1748, P o rt- The firs t match wUI le a Gorman and van DUIen e l - • singles match letween Dick so w ill compete Wednesday Knight of Seattle, tie No. I night, D ecem ler 20 at tie ranked singles player In tie U niversity of Puget Sound Pacific Northwest and form - Field House in Tacoma. Portland Observer Thurwiay. Ken Mullens, a 6 ’ 3 " 220 pound linebacker fo r the Florida A A M U niversity Rattlers received tie Ninth Annual WUIks Gallmore Me m orial Scholarship Award last night. The $1,500 award, donaMd by Pepsl-Cola Company, was presented to Mullens In the Orange Blossom during pre- game ceremonies at the 39th Renewal of tie orange Blos som Foofball Classic between FAMU and U niversity of Maryland at Eastern Shores. A 19 year old freshman, Mullens Is tie son of M r. and M rs . John Mullens of St. Petersburg, F lo rid a . He is majoring In data proces sing and computer program ming at FAMU. The award was establlsled by Pepsl-Cola Company and FAMU In memorlum to WUIe GUIlmore, tie late great " R a ttle r " le ro and Chicago Bears* running back. Each year tie award goes to He FAMU football player who beK exemplifies tie s p irit and athletic prowess of G all- more whUe maintaining aca demic excellence. Community calendar Norman O.NIIsen, State La bor Commissioner and C hair man of the State Apprentice ship and Training Council, has announced that tie regular win te r meeting of the Council wUI be held Friday, fjecemher 8, at Room B-12 on the Sylvania Campus of PCC, 1200 S.W,49tfi Avenue. The meeting w ill te held at 9:30 a jn . The agenda reflects growth of state-registered apprentice ship and industrial service training in that the CouncU, composed of representatives ol employers, employees and the public In general, w ill be ask ed to adopt 27 sets of stand ards to be used by individual committees. M rs . Preddye Henderson, executive vice president, Henderson Travel, Atlanta, displays her A frica Trophy Award presented 1er by the American Society of Travel Agents. The fir s t black travel executive to win the coveted honor, M rs. Henderson received tie Ivory trophy fo r being the travel agent who has done the most to encourage travel to A frica south of the Sahara in the last year. Book rea d y ¡■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I MATURE LADIES We need 5 ladles who can spare 20 hours week ly. Represent a prestige Cosmetic and Jewelry line. F o r interview call 235-774 r a w Hsu end tcei» n a its » n atuftiir OUT a* DST Satam a ol t e c ih o n i «Meh roui oil (landa am pli ISTO IM I CHAHHIIS ÎHSOOCH WHICH ro u a hais caows Somehmei a itaadr warm cim a la oi working in a loom Ihot 11 unnefur>11« d ir o> eren bom( m Iho iun tod math can produce OSTHISS Toon ago a Dot tot Cot not produt ed > medicated lotmula with tai and othat m aledienti ipatlhcall» lot SCAIP Irtaim en i CAafOtlO tt SOOTHIS AH ISSIIA TIO JC AIP, t o l l o t t i itc h in g . H t lP S P l M i l v l OASOSUtt and aim in preventing SCAAtCMlHC which could damage and cauta to ta l and tcabt on »our ic lip OHI TWI ATMI Ht Wl tMCAABOHOf I JCÀ1P OIHTMIHT O ftlS S QUICK TIMKOS»«» S illit C laim ing pour halt and tcalp with CASaoHm i SHAMPOO lamovai lome dandiuff •calai and aida through tout genito m anag t tt tu m u la la circu la tio n lo Ine ic t lp t u li method la intended to creala the higianic con dltthnlng et roui t i i l p lo aid notmol heolthr halt to grow naturally, freo from grimo iwoat m d clefging dual COHOlIIOHIHC both rout aula and hau with lAHOTSISJ ettei rout nan hoe dried m uil te n a it the banahli el THU J WAT CASI TOUS SA TI Sf AC t l OH IS CUARAH T U O Tou m uit Oa delighted with tnn old tallasia formula at TOUS MOHIT C H IfR fU llT StfUH O lO Han and icalp d a ia ira th u fine C i t a SPfClAl IHlROOUCtORT O fffR land S3 fot Ih t CARBOMOII SCALP OIHTMIHT and the CAffffOHOIl SHAMPOO and alto gal f « f f A TRIAI S lit IAR Of IANOTRISS If mote con reniant, man SI depotit. par ma balance piui pottage C O D cheigei whan rou gal everything Swwd tu O O l t R U B A I HAIR PRO o v e r t Bupt ROB. IN W O O B . I I.. A T 1 1 * « * ■ DIAL-A-JOB • 2 2 7 -5 8 2 8 i »ARiieiticAgg 2330 N. E. Must have two y rs . exp, in persuasive public contact work. Exampleswould te field salesman, finance collector, o r field investigator. 2 8 2 -5 5 3 9 NORTH & N.E. PORTLAND Latest and modern method guarantees that you cun learn to play either instrum ent.For i n f o r m a t i o n , please call 287-1634. We Give MINOS SfPAJSS NO CHASOf PKXUP 1 D fllV irt '65 '65 '65 '65 '67 '65 ‘ 66 '69 '69 282-8361 NAMf 3954 N. W illiam s Ave addkfss CITY STATE Z IF Tried The Rest, N o w Try The Best" N . A lexander, Proprietor F I F i l l HAIR IT T 11 BOOKLET ANO AOVICE BOOKLET ON HAIR ANO ftCALF CABE SENT UFON REBUEST JUST CHECK HERE 4 Cd m is, play room in basement, fenced yard. Large home - clean and in excellent condition. WUI go FHA 235 Call Patty Pluchos 255-3536 FHA PIANO OR ORGAN LESSONS? ONE DAY SERVICE V e ry Low Down 2 Bdrros, fireplace, fenc ed back yard. W'/w c a r peting. A ll large rooms and finished basement. Reasonably prices. Call Patty Pluchos 255-3536 Apply at Portland C ivil Service Board,5IOS.W .Mont gomery, phone 248-4352, PORTLAND CLEANING WORKS PORTLAND THRIFT STORE 5620 NE Union 287-0910 Clothing, funiture. etc. at gfve-a-way pnces Im m aculate Salary starts at $09S, $742 at one y r., $783 at two y rs . City paid fam ily health plan plus many o tte r benefits. Albert» St. Re r t la red , O r e . 97 2 11 KNIT BLOCKING OUR SPECIALTY Woman of stature who can work from tier home In a supervis ory capacity relative to high level community project. Con tact Box 40b, Rockton, Illin o is 61072. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE May be assigned to tlie Bureau of Nuisance Abatement, Busi ness Licenses D ivision, o r T ra ffic Engineering. Inspects fo r compliance with C ity Code and ordinances. NATE HARTLEY Fuel Oil 2 roof gutters and lifetim e siding.Large kitchen, 2 eating areas, unfinished 2nd flo o r and bsmnt. Low down, lo w monthly. Call Patty Plu chos 255-3536 C h rysle r Sedan ........................................................... $595 Rambler W agon..............................................................$295 CadUlac Coupe de V U le .............................................. $795 CadUlac Sedan 4 door . ............................................$795 Olds Deluxe Hardtop C o u p e ......................................$795 Culck Electra C o u p e .................................................$595 Chev. Impalla C o u p e .................................................$695 Pontiac Bonneville S e d a n ......................................... $1495 Chevelle C o u p e ........................................................... $1295 Many more choice Bargains, 58 to 72 Models at rite prices. SPELLright TOTALLY NEW THE MOST ADVANCED PRODUCT SINCE THE TYPEWRITER WAS INVENTED! NO MORE ERASING. COVERS MISTAKES instantly and quickly ! SELF CORRECTING TYPEWRITER RIBBON ribbon« w ith in 10 day« for full refund. O I R IB B O N s i 29 O 2 R IB B O N S SB 79 O J R IB B O N S 99 00 B O X IS 2 I PUBLIC SALE! BUILDING MATERIAL STORE TO BE VACATED o v e r $75,000 worth of building m aterials and other home and farm supplies must lie liquidated immediately! Some fire and smoke damaged products. Store must be vacated in two weeks. Come e a rly fo r best buys! Store fo rm e rly . . . . at THE RECORD LIBRARY ( 2 )F o r ie b le 826 N . K lllin g s w o rth Stete II» Because of its unconven tional approach. Vocational VUlage was chosen in Septem ber as Oregon's number one innovative program in career education by the Oregon Board of Education. Vocational VUlage trains high school dropouts between the ages of 14 and 22 in voca tions of th e ir choice. Stereo Discount Center N em e ( .»y 282-7033 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■a*■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■! S H P I V I P O R T , L O U I S I A N A 71 I S * B ra n d N a m e o f Î y p d w n td r Q I lee In c £ 1 S tandard MOTORS 4611 NE Union 1 60S N arfh C olum bia Blvd Forflond Ora O p en every day a nd a ll day Sunday INTERNATIONAL MERCHANDISE MART, INC. P. O CARLSON Afram Press, publishers of Watoto Wazuri "B eautiful ChUdren" magazine fo r Black children 8 to 12 years old, an nounces the release of a new booklet in a senes of book lets concerning the history of t!e Black man in the A m eri cas, not just theUnitedStates. A lbert P itts, publisher, says: "A fra m P r e s s wUI be committed to distributing these booklets free to the Black community. AU we ask is that anyone wanting a copy of these publi cations, send 25< to help defray postage and hand lin g . There have been a wealth of books put out c o n c e r n in g the Black man's history, however these books have been priced out of the reach of m a n y of our people who would like to know about this past. So, we at Afram are making these b o o k s available to the B la c k community free. We only ask that we receive help with the postage. However, we w dl send booklets out even without the postage. We have been doing this anyway. We get many re quest from brothers and sisters who are in prisons throughout the country who are withoutfunds. We send books to them.*' The f ir s t booklet was en titled We Rode The W est Too! vhich was published inOcto- ber. It is a history of the Black Cowboys, with stories about Deadwood Dick, Black M ary, B ill Pickett, and many more heroes and v ill tans in the Old West. F o r your copy, w rite -W'ato- to Magazine, Box 7762, PhUa- delphia, Pennsylvania 19101. The perfect Christmas gift? F or some children and adults this might well he dance les sons, according to M im i Rhea, coordinator of Portland State U niversity's dance program In the health and physical educa tion department. A I- week dance workshop with classes in ballet, creative and jazz dance w ill begin Jan uary 6th. Classes fo r c h il dren’ s ballet, jazz dance and creative dance w ill te broken into age groups and meet Sat urday mornings from 8 a.m. to noon. Modern dance pro duction w ill be offered Tues day evenings, 6:30 p. m. to 9:30 p jn . Adult ballet class es w ill meet Wednesday even ings from 7 p jn . to 8 p jn . F o r further informaton call the health and physical educa tion department of PSU. Bob Davis, President of the East County Democratic Forum announced a special meeting of the Forum to be held on Dec ember 15, Friday, at 8:00 p jn . which wUI feature the elected members of the Oregon legis lature from East Multnomah County. Senator Vern Cook, Representatives Howard W illits and Harvey Akeson, and Rep resentative elect " M a r y Rob e rts and Glenn Otto w ill speak and answer questions about the forthcoming session. The meeting w ill be held at the South Rockwood School at 740 S. E . I82nd, Portland. Antiques and new appliances. An automobile and wagon wheels. That’ s the scope of several hundred items to be auctioned off F riday and Sat urday, December 8 and 9 at the M arycrest High School Christmas G ift Auction. The firs t night’ s activities w ill be a silent auction from 6 p jn . to 10 p jn ., with re freshments served during the course of the evening. On Sat urday night, liecem ber 9. Auc tioneer Don Kennedy w ill run the show from 5 p jn .u n til all items are sold. A buffet dinner w ill be served from 6 p jn . to 9 p jn . Admission of$l w ill becharg- ed on Saturday night. The buf fet dinner price of $3.75 w ill include admission. Ticket sales and auction it ems are being handled through the school office at 2900 N.E. 132nd Avenue. WE NEED YOU - to give what money can't buy. We know some lonely people who need a v is i to r in thier hospital rooms, home, o r by phone. WE NEED YOU - to give what money can’t buy. We know some children who need your help th e ir school classrooms. We know some special retarded children who need your spe cial attention. And, we know some very small children who need your tender loving care in th e ir day care center. A special program to aug ment Follow Through educa tion fo r kindergarten students at home has been organized at E lio t Elementary School. The program began in early November and w ill continue fo r n in e weeks. F o llo w Through specialists at E lio t w ill meet with parents of stu dents each Thursday at 9 a j n . at the school to teach parents various games and techniques fo r reinforcing learning of kindergarten students. In cluded in the workshop are language development, visual m otor coordination, m a th s kills, reading and concept development s k ills . A lending lib ra ry through which games and books and other educa tional m aterials can be check ed out by parents has been set up. P addition, tune w ill be sliotec each meeting fo r parents to make various ma- te r.u ls ichi.igaides for use at homo. Transportation to and irom the workshop w ill be provided in addition to a baby-sitting service. WE NEED Y O U -T o g ive what money can't buy. We know someone who cannont find away to get to the store, to a doc to r's appointment o r to a cen te r to receive food and cloth ing. We know someone who could have a hot meal if you would deliver it. If you can help call the Vol unteer Bureau, your Voluntary Action Center at 222-1355. (Watch the Observer fo r our p ictu re -sto ry of activities of the Volunteer Bureau in the Black Community.) Uncle A l’ s Theater Com pany w ill present "Y o u 're A Good Man, C harlie Brown" adapted by C lark Gasner, based on the comic s trip by Charles Shultz, December 8 and 9, at 8 p jn . at Andre Jackson Higt Scb. ', IL. 2.” S.W. 35t . Ave. Ticket prices are: Adults, $1.00, Students, $1.00, $1,50 if you bring a friend. A rlie Schardt, Associate D ire cto r of the Washington , D.C. National Office of the ACLU w ill address a meet ing of the ACLU of Oregon on " C iv il Lib e rtie s: Four More Y ears" on liecem ber 7 at 7:45 at W estm inster Presbyterian Church. Schardt has lobbied against the anti-busing b ills and fo r repeal of the draft. The movie. Im itation of Life, w ill be shown at F o rt Vancouv e r Regional L ib ra ry on Dec ember 11th at 6:30 p jn . The movie, the story of a Negro g irl who passes fo r white and the events surrounding her and her fam ily, is sponsored by the C la rk County Community Congress. On December 11th at 8:00 Michael Hauth of the Inter national Meditation Society w ill give an introductory lec ture on transcendental med itation as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The lecture w ill be held at Highland Commun ity Center at 4635 N . E. 9th. The Bruce Thomas Memo ria l Recreation C e n t e r is sponsoring a Christm as Pro gram fo r tlie youth in the Albina area. The centerwould like your help and p a rtici pation in this ever, to make it a successful a ffa ir. Any donation, m aterial o r mone tary o r otherw isew lll le great assistance. MAYHEW SASH & DOOR This is the most needed advance since the typewriter was invented. Every messy, smeary typewriter eraser hits the waste basket No mote erasing The bottom half of this marvelous ribbon makes errors disappear without erasing To make your correction back space, shift ribbon selector, and retype the error The white ink makes tue error completely invisible. The ribbons make excellent gifts. NO COD's. Cash, checks, or money orders Please la n d me the q u a n tity o f ribbon« checked below . If n ot is titfie d , I w ill return December 7,1972 Page 7 .. . J W orth $1.00 on each $10.00 of purchase price, ¥ GOOD U N T IL DEC. 9 d NLY B tine coupon per purchase, please. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ e ie e ia e a iia iie O T ri-M e t is adding tw o C h rist- mas shopping season "e x tra s " with a Sunday afternoon shut- tls service operating every half hour between the Lloyd Center and downtown and additional night runs of the Ardenwald Lin e . Shuttle service w ill operate letween the M eier and Frank .‘ us zone In the Lloyd Center 1th the fir s t bus leaving at :15 p jn . vis Multnomah. 9th, Holladay, Steel Bridge. Gllsan and 5th to Salmon, returning by way of 4th, Everett. Steel Bridge. Oregon. 9th. Halsey. 15th and Multnomah. The last bus is scheduled to a rrive at 5th and Salmon at 5:53 p jn . ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«■■■■■■a F o r your subscription, send to: $ 5 .0 0 for Portland observer P.D. Box 3137 Portland, oiegon 97208 Address State t 5 2 ¡JSUSOS ——— — —— — — — A Z i p ----------------- —— — — -------------—— *