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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1972)
Vancouver's "Mack aad "Soul Bowl” .„ e e ls Ikcsoods See picture below a n d The O bserver's POH TLA ND fv OBSERVE .1 V o lum e 3, N o. 9 P o rtlan d , O re g o n rue - AN EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER T. . — OWtv NiWSO.Oi. ,H tH, WHOtt w ,pt w o ttt> tHA, , t < u r C A ttt <touTIl,u " d ° y , D e cem b er 7, 1972 10< , ' Periscope M» «taneet M towwNeve^ap«« k ^ r Unhr of fc ;Oi* -.xJf try r«t¿eue, tí I 3 Child care under fire The Metropolitan Area 4 C The allegation was made by Council las received much ad one of tie P o rtla n d d a llie s that verse publicity In tie past few 4-C is wnienlng tie poverty weeks as the result of cut gap by providing free child backs of federal money coming care fo r the rich . T ie ex into Oregon. Although 4-C ample of six fam ilies with in does not use state money, the comes of $1200 to $1800 a state chose to cut tl« amount month who use the Albina Min • of federal money the program isterial Alliance F am ily Day uses. The 4-C programs are and Night Care Program was financed by local contributions given. matched 3:1 by federal funds. Jeanne Davis, D ire cto r of P art of the controversy that the program, pointed out that has arisen Is tl« result of a of tie 265 children served by nusunderstanding of the pur tie program. 50 per cent of pose and philosophy of 4-C. the fam ilies have incomes of According to state and feder $350 to $500 a month; 25 per al regulations, those fam ilies using 4-C programs are to 1« cent have income sunder $350; 20 per cent have incomes be fo rm e r o r potential recipients tween $500 and $700; and of welfare o r are to 1« res idents of designated areas. per cent have Incomes over M rs. Guy Neal. 711 N. Columbia Boulevard, left. .nd M rs . Joseph V rlleak 6940 N Olin hoth Model C ities Is such a des $7o0 a month. Most of those "• Hoopeoi , ........... ignated area and every child earning over $700 are fam u, ’ • “ "* ' A o v llU rv 'o A ,.« „ I ChrlsO n.s « III and Soul Bowl to'beÏ l d " n ™ c X ' “ o ï c t a ^ C o ' l C o X X ^ * ' ' ' 3 B' aCk Expo living In the Model Neighbor ilies with two working par Iables. The tables w ill open . t |0 sun. in the lobby of the main hospital. Sale ,ten», ranee hood is eligible to receive ents. from fondue seta and wlne-tnsklng kits to Christmas decoration, and gift nines. Hours are froin 9 9 411. to 8:30 pun. Monday through Saturday, and from I pun. to 8:30 pun. on Sun.lay child care, regardless of In come. that although an income of I he tables w ill , lose at J pun. on Saturday, Ile c e m lv r 23 does CSD receive and approve $1,000 a month seems like a Fam ilies pay fo r care ac need bring problems as well development program, offer the 4-C txidgets and financial lot of money, it is not if it cording to income and depend as challenges. It brings c r it ing care fo r children from In statements, and audit the ex icism ans well as envy. ents. T l« tax deductions, an is the combined income of fancy through elementary penditures, but CSD also re two working parents and sup allowance fo r housing, food school in programs specializ Reverend A. L . Henderson, ceives the financial statement ports two o r three children. and clothing are subtracted ed according to th e ir need. Be Chairman of the Metropolitan of each fam ily using a 4-c from the gross Income, ¡t M s. Davis also explained that sides fam ily day care and Area 4-C Council Board of program . the remainder Is sufficient to there is a shortage of child Citizens lo r Cable Tele latch key, the programs in its size, in having such an D ire cto rs, said the 4-C pro Charges of misues have al require It, ft« fam ily pays ac The meeting w ill 1« held at vision today endorsed tl« ap- care in Portland, especially clude fu ll - day centers fo r undevelojied cable system. gram is an excellent child so been leveled at the latch cording to a sliding scale. 7:30 pun., Thursday, Decem- for Infants, and that children '• •• t of i C ltl (Please see p. 8 col. 4) This means that we not only key (before and after school) There are two fee sched ber 7th, at the Matt Dishman Committee on Cable TV fo r need secure, consistant child can profit from the successes programs operated by the ules. one fo r Model C ities and Community Center, 77 N J i. Portland and Multnomah care regardless of the econ atkl mistakes of otliers, tut public schools. The public Knott St. one fo r the remainder oi the County. Ed Lyle, chairman omic status of th e ir parents. that, with a little luck and schools cannot legally charge state. T ie fee schedule fo r F e rris Top, previously a Night Care provides care in of CCTV and also appointed far-sighted leadership, we any child fo r its services and Model C ities is lower, based local TV personality and c u r licensed fam ily homes fo r 265 to the advisory committee, have tl« potential fo r creat cannot refuse its services to on the fact that Model C ities rently teaching TV produc children of the Model C ities praised C o m m is s io n e r s ing a model system of cable children living in tt« d is tric t. contributes one-fourth of the tion at M t. Hood Community McCready and Padrow for area. The day care mothers communications - or« de Staff memhers of latch key cost of care. The Model C it College, w ill 1« tl« featured t i« ir appointments to tl« IS are sicensed by the state and signed to serve tl« com programs state that they are ies Agency and 4-C have ser. Also scheduled to person committee. Lyle are supervised by the A.M A munications needs of all the located in low income areas agreed to charge ModelCItles «taff. speak w ill i« representatives termed tlw committee's c ity 's population, not just with high delinquency rates residents on the same fee from Portland and Multnomah make-up as "representative Reverend John Jackson. those which w ill reap a finan and and that children with scliedule as the remainder of County. They w ill answer of a cross-section of civic, President of the Albina M in cial rew ard." incomes above the poverty the state, but the State C h il questions and present their legal, educational, and laisl- isterial Alliance, operating level are not Immune to the dren's Service Department plans fo r tl« up-coming cable nesa concerns." agency fo r the F am ily Dav and tempatlons that come from be study. has not. over the past two Night Care Program, said 60 Lyle also I n v it e d tl« ing left alone while th e ir par In addition, tl« ie w ill be a years arrived at an eqult- per cent of the programs fam general public and Individuals ents work. I'p p e r income c h il F u rtl« rm o re , l.ylo com demonstration of the portable, s 9Chei,u,e- so the -«w ilie s are one parent fam ilies. and groups concerned with dren are often the most needy menced that, "T h e greater » X hM no‘ * * n put - light-weight videotape equip Many of the fam il les are re " T h e Community Uses of when it comes to the special Portland area is almost uni ment which w ill allow fo r cently removed from the wel (.able I V " to attend a public que in tl« nation, fo r a city services offered by the latch low-cost community pro fare ro lls and without free meeting sponsored by CCTV key programs. gramming on cable TV. child care whould have to give up tt e ir employment. A num- l« r of the mothers with ch il Members of the Board of dren in the program are high D ire cto rs of the Metropolitan school g irls who are given the Area 4-C Council who repre opportunity to complete high sent the M o d e lC it« s area w ill school. Others are attending meet with all interested per college o r vocational tra in sons on December llth . The ing. If allowed to contine meeting w ill be held at the Oregon senator Veni Cook condly, from what M r. M ille r in th e ir present program s. Bethel Child Development P e n n s y lv a n a approving wrote to Loy Barbour, Exe tional evidence submitted." tells me. It would appear that they w ill become tax payers agency. The Center. 5828 N .E . 8th A venue cutive Secretary of tl« Ap investigative No reply here from the V jA , actions close to fraud have at 7:00 pun. instead of welfare recipients. refxrrt was defective and proving agency fo r tl«< iregon ce n te r nor from a subse ,*e n committed by |.u_s In The statment was made H o a id of | ,|U ittg fi, " |, glowing with suggestive fam i quent appeal. tins sta te ." in the other Portland daily that lia rity . The investigative apparent that International Finally M r. Melidosian, Ihree years ago I signed a tt« state is unaware of the C o r r e s p o n d e n c e Schools procedure to represent people d ire c to r of tl« Central V ,A . The Metropolitan Area 4-C contract fo r a course of finances of the 4-CprogranB . of fifty states goes as fol- should not 1« doing txisiness replies cu rtly. "W e have’ Council is approximately two study, "B u lld in g C o n tra cto r,' The administration of the Met- lows, "m y agent sat In this state unless it is nght requested that tl« Pennsyl years old. It now funds more by International Correspon copolitan Area 4-C Council Jown w ltli I.C J i.i" licensed with you. I would No one vania state Approving Agency than 50 programs in the t r i- dence Schools of Scranton. reported that the 4-C pro bothered to look at the old «ipprwcidte it if you would conduct a further investiga county area. Many of these Pennsylvania, which tuned grams are regulated by state M im e d la te ly advise me of tl*» copyright dates of the study tion of tl« course based upon programs were existing and in out unlelievably out of date. and federal regulations and booklets o r did not act on name and address of I.C.S.*» your allegations. When this need of funds fo r upgrading I here was an investigation that all federal funds con« to them. licensed representative In investigation has heen com child care, but ire ny we re dev of my original complaint and 4-C through the C hildren’ s (J" June 14, 1972. tl« (lre - pleted, you Wjjj (ie advlsed Che state of Oregon. Se- eloped by 4-C . Such rapid protest was made by tl« Service Division. Not only gun approving agency sent a Of the results.” The reader growth in an area of great le tte r to an I.C j,. school no doubt, has heard and read representative which said, the expression, " V „4 . ap " T l« m aterial is outdated’ proved” o r "G J . Approved." grading is obviously super Let s clear that up. fic ia l and tl« program as a The Veteran's A dm inistra »h™,«n,e Cole-km e m b e r° f Jefferson's varsity basketball team whole seems of poor quality. shoots a jump shot during practice in Jefferson’ s gym. tion does not Investigate We are suggesting that you courses o r schools Ixjt ac contact M r. M ille r in an at Information and opinions cepts the accredation of the p e r s o n s to w rite to the tempt to mend fences fo r about any Oregon law which state where the school is C iv il Rights Division of the your company. We have located. The Oregon accredi has a discrim inatory effect Oregon Bureau of Labor, 466 chosen this course of action ting agency, tl« state Board upon o te's sex is tving State Office Building, P o rt p rio r to contacting your firm of Education, likewise by law sought by the State Advisory- land 97201. The telephone and tl« National Home Study Council on SexDiscrlinlnation must accept the accredation of number is 229-5741. Council I " by Rosemary Allen die state where tl« school is in employment. V «wpolnts and documenta located. No reply. T l« school According to Norman o, tion of actual incidents of happens to 1« an accredited In case youdon’ t rem em ter, Nilsen, the State Labor Com (Please turn to p. 8 col. 5) this type of discrim ination basketball team. One is Tony "m e m b e r" of the National Jefferson High School isN o. 1 m issioner and A dm inistrator are wanted from all segments Hopson, a sta rte rfo rM t.H o o d Study Council, which is a they are the 1972 State Champé of the state's C iv il Rights of society. Community College varsity, "nationally recognized ac Law's, Council memhers want ions of high school basketball. The m aterial received w ill another is Charles Chanal a crediting agency". The Port W ill Jefferson remain on top? have many uses, Nilsen said. sta rte r fo r Portland State land Veteran’ s A dm inistra Chances are against us, tu t I he Labor Commissioner U niversity varsity team. tion office then tryed Its hand we can do i t , " says Je ff's new said the m aterial received to get an airing with the varsity coach M r. Osborne. also could 1« of interest to Although the championship school. No luck. "We are about the shortest the forthcoming session of »am of 1972 and the team of I" July, the P o r t la n d team In tl« league this y e a r." To begin the holiday season, the l egislature, p a rticu la rly 1973 d iffe r in size and ex Veteran's Administration and Size, tough competition and in the Beni Franklin is offering locally-grown Sunday. D e c e m b e r ^ h ^ i h i ' * UI h° ' d lts ,neet‘nR on If legislation is proposed to perience there remains that '»regon Approving Agency experience are pushing a- Church, ,, r N . ,,*E F ^ lin I X 'p . Merry Berry Holly, free for fhe asking. compliment the proposed one important ingredient that joined forces with a letter gainst them. They have only has always made Jefferson officers and beam m . m i r s TT, £ P*'? 11 e l^ ton of equal rights amendment to This bit of Oregon is yours to to Central Veteran's Admin 3 players from last years v a r the United StatesConstitution. teams competitive and ex urged to attend. he,d' AH memhers are istration Headquarters in keep or send to a friend or relative. sity team and only one was a The Council said it w ill citing, and that is s p irit. "The sta rte r. Philadelphia. The letter Pick up a box today seek to determine if it should students feel just as strong Last year It was a totally states, " M r . M ille r has taken act jo in tly with the State ly about sports.” saidDouglas different story. They had 5 violent exception to this re Human Rights Advisory Coun Long, student manager of the starters who had played to port (Investigation) as hecon- c il in holding public bearings (a rs ity team. The questiono! gether fo r four years. Some tends that a considerable por on conditions in various in whether Jeftersonw ill remain of them were friends from tion of the material In tl« dustries o r public spheres the Champions can only be Robert M Hazen Pre» . 20 Office» . Phone 248 1234 childhood and had played ball course Is completely obso of Influence, ft also said it answered through observance Home Office Franklin Bldg , Portland. Oregon 97204 ui tl« streets day and night lete. Please make a special w ill seek means to Implement of the coming season. But fo r years. Some of the players e ffo rt to reopen this Investi the affirm ative action pro you’d better watch out, be ¡« » .I « O p i . N- E - « S o n d o ,. gation based upon the addi w eresogood, that in t h e i r gram fo r employment by the cause th e ir school motto is fir s t year of c o lle g e they state government. School of Champions," and are starters on the varsity they mean to live up to it, Cable TV group endorses citizens’ committee * e .l,ave " e»er been accused of fraud y Opinions on sex discrimination sought Will Jefferson take State again? boxed and ready to mail © I'rii ii k liii NAACP to elect officers Albina Art Center women meet