Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 08, 1971, Page 2, Image 2

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    P iv tla n d /O h s e rx er Thursday July 8 . 1971
Th« Northwest's Best Weekly
A Block O w ned Publication
Published every Thursday b yE xie Publishing Company, ’ 201 N .
Killingsw orth Portland, Oregon 97217,
S uhecnplion rales 40 cent« per month by n m e r . l l . 0 0 per ya<r,
|5,0C per year by mail In Trl-County area; $5.25 per year else
Phone 283-2486
A LFR E D LEE H E N D E R S O N , Publisher and Ediurr
G uuet E d it o r o l-----
P o lice L e a d e rs h ip
Should C onfess Sins A n d
P ro m is e To Do B e t t e r
By Jam es E. Alsbrook, Ph. D.
Police officials on all levels have responsed
alm ost as a chorus in reacting indignantly to
the killing of fifty-one police officers across the
nation since January 1 of this year.
Police work is necessary. R estraints of some
kind are absolutely essential in any community,
for human nature dictates that some citizens for
various reasons will comm it anti-social acts
and violate the rights of others.
Physical attacks on police, therefore, a re un­
fortunate because they im pair the legitim ate
functioning of necessary officials seeking to pro­
tect the public.
But these attacks a re not without cause. Let
us consider some facts:
1. Police are symbols and agents of the ex­
isting system or the prevailing schem e of things
—however good or bad that system is. The pol­
ice a re readily identifiable, convenient targets
for the physical expression of resentm ents
coming from the rejection, frustration and al­
ienation that pervade giant segments of the black
community. For many citizens the police epi­
tomize or represent the larger society and its
reaction to black citizens and a re identified
with the negative experiences black people have
with the total society.
2. Policemen have been involved in corrup­
tio n -p ro stitu tio n , gambling, dope peddling_
and the black community, particularly the ghetto
resident, knows it. For this reason many p er­
sons view the officer not as an agent of m orality
and justice, but as a selfish, corrupt, and dis­
respectable opportunist. The officer is looked
upon with contempt and hatred in many com­
m unities.
3. Police officers a re known to have p a rtic ­
ipated in acts of racism . They have been iden­
tified with the Ku Klux Kian in various Southern
"Are you sure you were once a Navy man?"
N ote to Editor
T here always seems to come
a tune to sign off with a —
30— ... often I ’ ve been most
anxious to find chat tim e , hut
1 can’t say that about working
with you and fo r PCC.
W e’ ve tried to tell it reason­
ably like it is, and have de­
pended on your good judgment
and continuing good w ill to help
us to reach the people fo r
whom PCC was created.
You’ ve done a very fine
job for us, and 1 hope we’ve
done fa irly w ell at keeping the
ammunition coming to you.
I ’ ve never felt that any strong
persuasive-affective kind of ef­
fo rt was needed with you, to
sell you on Portland Community
College andwhat is d o in g .F irs t,
you are certainly sensitive and
(continued from page 1)
Charles Evers Is a man
than believes his own back­
yard should be spotless be­
fore comments on conditions
existing In other areas and
therefore had no comments
on the national state of
affairs, Oregon or Wash­
But Look Who Gets the Girl
— Hank Ruark
M a y o r Evers
things have been.”
Running on the Loyal Demo­
crat party ticket, which Is
composed of black and white
individuals and leaders are
now recognized by the Nat­
ional Democratic Party and
this party Is actively engaged
In voter registration and in­
corporation of youthful black
and white M lsslsslpplans
Into offices on the city,
county and state level. Evers
along with the party Is
moving forfederal extensions
to get 18 year olds reg is­
tered to vote, Evers said,
"at the clo se of registration
last nlghtlast Friday evening
thousands o f young people
waiting to be registered,”
he pointed out that there were
more than fifty outside of the
local county courthouse that
jurlsdlcts over
whites have roughly a 2 to 1
edge on blacks at the polls
(250,000 black voters to
585,000 white voters with
about 196,000 black and wnlte
18 year old voters).
About youth Evers had this
to say, “ the young people,
black and white have been
having a hard time, they’ve
really the ‘niggers’ o fy e s-
erday and they want change.”
cities in Chicago, Indiana cities and other places.
Many blacks have told me of incidents in which
they w ere called “ nigger” or "black s.o.b. by
police, and others have reported incidents of
police assuming im perious, offensive attitudes.
I can rem em ber some of my friends being stop­
ped by police while riding with a light-skinned
woman in Kansas City. I recall the superior
attitude taken toward me by ignorant and p rac ­
tically illite ra te police officers in Baltim ore,
and St. Louis.
So if the authorities would lower the ra te of
attacks on police, they should do sev eral things.
1. Publicly confess that the police frequently
have been wrong In die past. Confess that police
have been crooks, thieves, ra c ists, bullies and
knuckleheads. The psychological im portance of
this confession is difficult to exaggerate, inso­
far as the black communities a re concerned.
2. Declare that they want to do better and
a re taking im m ediate steps to do b etter. De­
clare that they believe all citizens a re equal
before the law and that they want to enforce
the law fairly, im partially, and effectively.
3. Initiate positive program s—as som e cities
have done— such as community relations activ­
ities in which the positive aspects of police
work are exposed m ore clearly at all levels
of society. Let the police be obviously helpful
Instead of obnoxious.
The road to redemption is not easy to travels
Mountains of guns and weaponry designed to an­
nihilate the alienated and estranged police
enemy will not get the job done. Public op­
inion In the ghetto—the conviction that police
a re “ good guys” —is the m ost potent, least
expensive and m ost lasting weapon the police
can employ.
perceptive enough to see fo r
yourselves, and second, PCC
has enough in progress and per­
formance to be proud of and
plainly v is ib le .
I ’ve enjoyed my three years
in contact with you a ll as much
as any other media situation
in which I ’ve ever found m y­
self, la rg e ly because of the
excellent reception and support
you’ve given us here.
th a n k s ,.d o r all your help and
your in te re s t.
PCC is tru ly among the
finest institutions of its kind
in the nation.
It deserves
your tru s t, confidence, support,
and continued exposure through
your command of the m edia.
He said, "I don’t know any­
thing about anything but
M ississippi. Ask me about
my state and I can tell you
because that’s where I live.
He Is concerned whole­
heartedly stout changlngthe
reputation of his state, he
said, we’re going to change
for the
The mayor was tn agree­
ment with Jam es Meredith
the first black man to enter
the University o f M ississippi
that the south was a more
livable place, Just prior to
his return to M ississippi
from New York City, wnere
he had lived for six years.
Evers said, "that’s why I
live In the south and It’s
going to be an even better
His autobiography title d .
“ Evers” , reveals his youth­
ful days In the south as a
bootlegger and a black man
chased by white women, re­
that during the
course of his life he had
affairs with a few, then ex­
periences as a pimp In the
army, and then a hustler In
Chicago, before coming to
the aide o f his martryed
brother, has cast serious
doubts on
his political
potentiality, to this he said,
"they can’t use It against me
very w ell, can they? He
asked. I brought It up first.
And that Is why I brought It
out In the open so they can’t
use It.”
They can choke
on It or swallow It,” he
said. B freed my conscience
and I have no regrets at a ll.”
Always In danger, Evers
In a recent magazine article
was shown being Interviewed
with a loaded firearm on the
Last Saturday the
mayor refused to sp ecifi­
cally answer If he was armed
or not. He said, "Pd rather
not say,”
In his novel he said " P ll
probably catch (abullet)m y­
self one of these days^.1
can’t go around worrying
about wnen Pm going to d ie.”
Mr. E vers was hosted in
his Portland stay by Mrs.
Manuel Scott, second cousin
of Mayor E vers. She hasn’t
seen Charles since 1945 and
during that 25 year absence
her first Impression o t the
reunion w a s , "He’s gotten
a little fat, bu t he looks
She went on to say, "Pm
glad he’s so confident. And
I pray that the time Is right
for a black governor of
M ississippi. He won’t Just
be a black governor, he’ll
be much more than that.”
(cont. fro m page 1)
and two periods of other sut>
jects, such as physical edu­
cation and woodworking.
The students are organized
in to
fam ilie s o f
youngsters e a c h with adult
m em bers o f the school staff
serving as heads of the groups.
The fam ilie s take part in v a ri­
ous a c tiv ities , including eating
lunch, as groups, enclose re­
lationships are being formed
among t h e child ren . T h e
fam ilie s spend two hours to­
gether each day.
Culm ination o f t h e fo u r-
week program w ill be an o ver­
night camping trip to F t .
Stevens P a rk , according to
M r s . Wienecke.
(cont, from page 1)
seek to norm alize relations with
the Soviet Union, engage in cul­
tu ral
increased trade,conlei with the
Russians on matters of x ital
concern to ourselves and the
w oild a ll the while the F B I and
other agencies conduct counter
intelligence operations and keep
the Comm unist party I SA under
surveillan ce.
W ith the Russians it is harder
because F B I D irector Hoover
espionage operations emanate
fro m the Russian Embassy in
Washington and the
delegation at the United Nations
which a re protected
tu a rie s . The Red Chinese have
no s im ila r sanctuanes here but
a re said to use the Canadian
office of the New China news
agency as a propaganda disbur­
se! and probable pipe line fo r
espionage in the United States.
W hen and if some kind of an
accommodation is made at the
United Nations and the Keil
Chinese send a delegation to
New Y o rk the F B I w ill undoubt­
edly be prepared to watch tor
the same kind of activities it
detects at the Soviet Embassy
a id the Russian IJ S . delegation.
F o r the present the F B I keeps
its eye mainly on two lines of
a c tiv ity. One of these causes
a great deal of resentment on
organizations of a p ro -M aoist
are , according to
Hoover, the Progressive Labor
P a r ty ,
W orker-Student
A llia n c e , anil the Revolutionary
A ll a re found to be entertain­
ing in one form or another deas
about the use of violence to
bring about revolutionary con­
Highland Recreation and Education Center - 4635 N . E . 9th
A lle n I am ple C M E Church - 4236 N . B . 8th
R ecreation— A r t ’ s and C r a ft— F ie ld Trips— Business Machines
A c tiv itie s to be held d ally— Monday thru F rid a y
fro m 9:30 to 4:00, beginning June 21st thru August 20th.
Age group to be served - 6 to 15.
M a llo ry Avenue C h ris tia n Church - 126 N . E . A lb erta
R ecreation— A r t ’ s and C ra ft— F ield T ripe— Gym A ctivities
Photography—Cooking ami sew lng—C h arm and Modeling
A c tiv itie s to be held d ally— Monday thru F rid a y
fro m 9:30 to 4:00, beginning June 2lat thru August 20th.
A week of camping to be held. August 22nd thru August 28th.
Age group to be served - 6 to IS.
230 N
K IllIN G S W O R T H , f’ÒRTI.AND PHONE 285 2062
(n u t J h «
Berean Baptist Teen C enter-4822 N . Vancouver Avenue
Recreation— M ovies— Reading— Sewing «ml Cooking
Hiking and Camping— F ie ld T rip s
A c tiv itie s to be held dally— Munday thru F rid a y
fro m 3:30 to 10:00, beginning June 21st thru Sum m er.
Age group to be served— 13 thru 20.
W it«
Vancouver Avenue F ir s t Baptist Church
M orning Star Baptist Church
M t. O liv et Baptist C h u r c h --116 N . E . Schuyler
A day camping experience for children and youth from the
Southern area of Model C itie s . Particip an ts w ill be picked
up at each of the three Churches, and taken to a day-cam p
setting w ill be a v a rie ty of recreation and c ra ft and other
ac tiv ities to be held d ally— Monday thru F rid a y fro m 9:00
to 4:00, beginning June 21st thru August 20th.
Age group to he served - 6 to 15.
In addition, an evening program w ill be held at M r . O livet
(o r older youth. Of special Interest Is a basketfall
Instruction session, scheduled rw oexenn^s each week during
the sum m er.
O ld
S e i:
« Nobody knows everytfciqg b u £
• resiling the O beerver H e tn a lf*
I he re are many ways of ad-^
•v e rtls ln g , fxu thecheapeet-w^
e l' gel tliehest in su lt« fata
•< I b s e iv e i ( ¡ la s s t f l e d Sertloftfl
ok ( i ' k g a N' i.fcs>
L a t e s t m id in ill* Til
m ethod guarantee« th a t you can!
learn to play e ith e r in s tru m e n t
F o r i n f o r m a t i o n , p le a s e « a ll'
B etter
W eldings,
ditions a id are considered by
Custom made d ra p e ries .
Hoover to be potential conduits
4606 N . W illia m s -28 4 -9 5 24
for spy operations in the United
T h e ir membership is
sm all, perhaps a few hundred,
but they do form a nucleus The Albina Women’ s League, under the d irectio n of Battle Lou
considered by the F B I to be O verton, w ill be directing a recreation and fu n -tim e activities
worth watching c a re fu lly .
p rogram , aimed at the older youth In the e n tire Model C itie s A re a .
The other line of activ ity is Scheduled are numerous dances, field trip , softball and volleyball
ethnic penetration, and the re­ tournm ents.
cru itin g
among Much of the program w ill be located in the city parka, with
Chinese residing in A m eric a . coon) mat ion and program direction coming from the Albina
of ’ ’ sleeper Women’ s League offices at 59 N. E . Stanton. P rog ram to begin
agents" being unreduced into June 15th and continue throughout the Sum m er.
the United States among thou­
of Chinese refugees.
5430 N . Moore
Hundreds of seamen on ships
from Hong Kong also desert in
A m erican ports and are lost
track o f. H o o v ei th in k s th e r e
YMCA win be keeping the building and pool opened during the
easily might be agents among evening hours this sum m er—tor Jr. Teen Night, The program win
them . He thin kj the danger of involve up to 100 boys and girls In the evening hours, from 8:00
subversion is growing and is pun. to Midnight,
not to be taken ligh tly.
The F B I d irecto r has spoken
of this in testimony before con­
com m ittees
signed an a rtic le on Red Chi­
nese espionage and subversion
appearing in the Veterans of
Foreig n
W ars Magazine in
which he gives somewhat more
weight to circum stantial possi­
b ilitie s than the average U.S.
state department o fficial might
find cre d ib le .
But this is something which
must be considered as the N tx -
on adm inistration moves fa r­
ther down the road toward dip­
lom atic recognition of the Chi­
nese Peoples Republic. If we
are to be in a wholly different
m ilita ry posture in A sia during
the second Nixon term than in
1969 when he took office the
m atter of diplom atic recogni­
tion of China w ill take on much
more re a lity .
T his sum m er, activities w ill be held at two Red Shield Centers
In the a re a — one located at 711 NJE, Dekum S treet— the second
at 932 N . Shaver s tre e t.
The Centers w ill be open fro m 8:00 to 6:00 d ally— Monday thru
Age group served— 6 to 16. A c tiv itie s to Include C ra fts , out­
door sports-
field trips-w eaving— sewing-candle m aking-glass
BEAUTY O „ p e r a t o r s : SALON
The sum m er program w ill be concentrated in two mediae— a rt
and m usic.
In the a r t departm ent, they w ill ligld d aily classes
In advanced a rts
and c ra fts , silkscreening, draw ing, painting,
callig rap h y. The m usic
departm ent w ill have classes in
rhythm and percussion. Both Individual
and group Instruction
w ill be av tai able In both a rt and music classes.
C r e a t iv e S ty lin g c « r i W a rd
C u t t in g
a n d S h a p in g
T in tin g
and B le a c h in g
The YWCA w ill be running recreation and A r t aikl
program s at
C ra ft
Dekum C o urt—M a p e l-M a llo ry P ro je c t, and special
older g irl classes,
located at M a llo ry Avenue C h ris tia n Church.
W ig C le a n in g
and S ty lin g
P a u lin e K e lly
T o n d a M c F e r ia n
/ B i l l i e R uth S p ir e «
O p e r a t o r s fit P ro p :
A la r n e D e D le v e > iix
C a s s i e L. J e n k in »
A s k ab o u t o u r f l a i r W e a v in g
And it is then that a ll the
presently subordinated doubts
about the pluses and minuses
of such a new arrangem ent w ill
rise to the surface, among them
the question of whether o r not
we a re simply opening up the
United States to m ore M aoist
subveision and espionage with­
out much chance of ourselves
gaining anything by having our
representatives in Peking.
But we w ill undoubtedly take
that chance, just as we have
with Moscow where our people
are pretty much Isolated from
the Russian people and o ffic ia l­
dom. So it would be w ell now
for the state department to be
working on the form of agree­
ments which would give our
people In Peking a good deal
more freedom than they have in
A • •
Still life
F o r A p p o in tm e n t
106 N. K illin g m o rlh 2»4-Oi9»
I tip IS
You can make a decora
tive centerpiece for your din­
ing room table by covering a
cone-shaped piece of card­
board with heavy aluminum
foil Mold the cone into a
cornucopia and fill with nuts
and fresh fruit.
Philosophers say wor­
rying can’t help us. That
m akes I t m u t u a l , be
cause we ean’t help wor­
rying, either.
Beauty Salon
Lillian Williams
Ruby Reed
In All Phases
Ethel Bates
3 6 3 2 N. Williams Ave.
l lo rd C a n t« - N eat to rtw l.ia u e i
f t PI S Ons and Only Stare
O p e n « 10 a m tu 9 0 0 p m Oadv
Sunday«. Noon to 4 0 0 p m
Highland R ecreation and Education C en ter - 4635 hi K . 9th
A lle n t em ple C M E Church - 4236 N E . 8th
Recreation— A rt*a and C r a ft— F ie ld T rip s — Business Machines
^ ¿ tiv A riN ç
i v
champagne, wine», mixer» . . . et the,Imkert n fte t to
Highland Baptist
607 N . E . A lb erta
Recreation— A r t’ s and C r a ft— F ie ld Trips
A c tiv itie s to be bald d ally — Monday thru F rid a y
(ruin 9:30 to 4:00, beginning June 21st thru August 20th.
Age group to be served— 6 to 15.
....... a 1 e
Deputy Sheriff
•B O O -M H O
’ A f t e r a ll. y e e m u . t n 't e a p e c t
le « anurh fr o m
b. , on her veer
Multnomah County hot career opportunities for ceMege
graduates between 21 A 32. Contest County Civil Ser^
C o u n t y C o u r t H O U S « , Rm. 140, Portland, Qr«j
$ 3 . 5 0 a c h ild p e r d a y
4C COUNCIL 28tt-5O9i