P iv tla n d /O h s e rx er Thursday July 8 . 1971 Th« Northwest's Best Weekly A Block O w ned Publication Published every Thursday b yE xie Publishing Company, ’ 201 N . Killingsw orth Portland, Oregon 97217, S uhecnplion rales 40 cent« per month by n m e r . l l . 0 0 per ya jects, such as physical edu­ cation and woodworking. The students are organized in to fam ilie s o f nine youngsters e a c h with adult m em bers o f the school staff serving as heads of the groups. The fam ilie s take part in v a ri­ ous a c tiv ities , including eating lunch, as groups, enclose re­ lationships are being formed among t h e child ren . T h e fam ilie s spend two hours to­ gether each day. Culm ination o f t h e fo u r- week program w ill be an o ver­ night camping trip to F t . Stevens P a rk , according to M r s . Wienecke. INTERPRETIVE report (cont, from page 1) seek to norm alize relations with the Soviet Union, engage in cul­ tu ral exchanges, explore increased trade,conlei with the Russians on matters of x ital concern to ourselves and the w oild a ll the while the F B I and other agencies conduct counter intelligence operations and keep the Comm unist party I SA under surveillan ce. W ith the Russians it is harder because F B I D irector Hoover insists that most Soviet espionage operations emanate fro m the Russian Embassy in Washington and the Russian delegation at the United Nations which a re protected sanc­ tu a rie s . The Red Chinese have no s im ila r sanctuanes here but a re said to use the Canadian office of the New China news agency as a propaganda disbur­ se! and probable pipe line fo r espionage in the United States. W hen and if some kind of an accommodation is made at the United Nations and the Keil Chinese send a delegation to New Y o rk the F B I w ill undoubt­ edly be prepared to watch tor the same kind of activities it detects at the Soviet Embassy a id the Russian IJ S . delegation. F o r the present the F B I keeps its eye mainly on two lines of a c tiv ity. One of these causes a great deal of resentment on college campuses. Three organizations of a p ro -M aoist character are , according to Hoover, the Progressive Labor P a r ty , the W orker-Student A llia n c e , anil the Revolutionary Union. A ll a re found to be entertain­ ing in one form or another deas about the use of violence to bring about revolutionary con­ A LBINA M IN IS TE R IA L. A L L IA N C E P IP I’S BOTTLE Highland Recreation and Education Center - 4635 N . E . 9th A lle n I am ple C M E Church - 4236 N . B . 8th R ecreation— A r t ’ s and C r a ft— F ie ld Trips— Business Machines A c tiv itie s to be held d ally— Monday thru F rid a y fro m 9:30 to 4:00, beginning June 21st thru August 20th. Age group to be served - 6 to 15. M a llo ry Avenue C h ris tia n Church - 126 N . E . A lb erta R ecreation— A r t ’ s and C ra ft— F ield T ripe— Gym A ctivities Photography—Cooking ami sew lng—C h arm and Modeling A c tiv itie s to be held d ally— Monday thru F rid a y fro m 9:30 to 4:00, beginning June 2lat thru August 20th. A week of camping to be held. August 22nd thru August 28th. Age group to be served - 6 to IS. < 230 N K IllIN G S W O R T H , f’ÒRTI.AND PHONE 285 2062 (n u t J h « Ucut Berean Baptist Teen C enter-4822 N . Vancouver Avenue Recreation— M ovies— Reading— Sewing «ml Cooking Hiking and Camping— F ie ld T rip s A c tiv itie s to be held dally— Munday thru F rid a y fro m 3:30 to 10:00, beginning June 21st thru Sum m er. Age group to be served— 13 thru 20. The W it« Owl Vancouver Avenue F ir s t Baptist Church M orning Star Baptist Church M t. O liv et Baptist C h u r c h --116 N . E . Schuyler A day camping experience for children and youth from the Southern area of Model C itie s . Particip an ts w ill be picked up at each of the three Churches, and taken to a day-cam p setting w ill be a v a rie ty of recreation and c ra ft and other ac tiv ities to be held d ally— Monday thru F rid a y fro m 9:00 to 4:00, beginning June 21st thru August 20th. Age group to he served - 6 to 15. In addition, an evening program w ill be held at M r . O livet (o r older youth. Of special Interest Is a basketfall Instruction session, scheduled rw oexenn^s each week during the sum m er. O ld S e i: « Nobody knows everytfciqg b u £ • resiling the O beerver H e tn a lf* PO R TLA N D OBSERVER e I he re are many ways of ad-^ •v e rtls ln g , fxu thecheapeet-w^ e l' gel tliehest in su lt« fata •< I b s e iv e i ( ¡ la s s t f l e d Sertloftfl a TlXNrt ok ( i ' k g a N' i.fcs> SONS L a t e s t m id in ill* Til m ethod guarantee« th a t you can! learn to play e ith e r in s tru m e n t F o r i n f o r m a t i o n , p le a s e « a ll' ¡287-1634. C A L LO W ADVERTtSI FO R FAST RESULTS! Seamstress , B etter dresses, W eldings, ditions a id are considered by Custom made d ra p e ries . Hoover to be potential conduits 4606 N . W illia m s -28 4 -9 5 24 for spy operations in the United States. T h e ir membership is A L B IN A W O M EN ’S LEAGUE sm all, perhaps a few hundred, but they do form a nucleus The Albina Women’ s League, under the d irectio n of Battle Lou considered by the F B I to be O verton, w ill be directing a recreation and fu n -tim e activities worth watching c a re fu lly . p rogram , aimed at the older youth In the e n tire Model C itie s A re a . The other line of activ ity is Scheduled are numerous dances, field trip , softball and volleyball ethnic penetration, and the re­ tournm ents. cru itin g of agents among Much of the program w ill be located in the city parka, with Chinese residing in A m eric a . coon) mat ion and program direction coming from the Albina RECAP SPECIALISTS Hoover speaks of ’ ’ sleeper Women’ s League offices at 59 N. E . Stanton. P rog ram to begin agents" being unreduced into June 15th and continue throughout the Sum m er. the United States among thou­ sands of Chinese refugees. YMCA 5430 N . Moore Hundreds of seamen on ships from Hong Kong also desert in A m erican ports and are lost E. U N IO N track o f. H o o v ei th in k s th e r e YMCA win be keeping the building and pool opened during the easily might be agents among evening hours this sum m er—tor Jr. Teen Night, The program win them . He thin kj the danger of involve up to 100 boys and girls In the evening hours, from 8:00 subversion is growing and is pun. to Midnight, Ciwwfic 284-9758 not to be taken ligh tly. The F B I d irecto r has spoken of this in testimony before con­ gressional com m ittees and signed an a rtic le on Red Chi­ nese espionage and subversion appearing in the Veterans of Foreig n W ars Magazine in which he gives somewhat more weight to circum stantial possi­ b ilitie s than the average U.S. state department o fficial might find cre d ib le . But this is something which must be considered as the N tx - on adm inistration moves fa r­ ther down the road toward dip­ lom atic recognition of the Chi­ nese Peoples Republic. If we are to be in a wholly different m ilita ry posture in A sia during the second Nixon term than in 1969 when he took office the m atter of diplom atic recogni­ tion of China w ill take on much more re a lity . RED SHIELD CENTERS T his sum m er, activities w ill be held at two Red Shield Centers In the a re a — one located at 711 NJE, Dekum S treet— the second at 932 N . Shaver s tre e t. The Centers w ill be open fro m 8:00 to 6:00 d ally— Monday thru Saturday. Age group served— 6 to 16. A c tiv itie s to Include C ra fts , out­ door sports- cutting. WIN HIS HEART.. WITH A Y, NEW H A IR D O I P LOV-LEE-LADEE field trips-w eaving— sewing-candle m aking-glass BEAUTY O „ p e r a t o r s : SALON YWCA The sum m er program w ill be concentrated in two mediae— a rt and m usic. In the a r t departm ent, they w ill ligld d aily classes In advanced a rts and c ra fts , silkscreening, draw ing, painting, callig rap h y. The m usic departm ent w ill have classes in rhythm and percussion. Both Individual and group Instruction w ill be av tai able In both a rt and music classes. C r e a t iv e S ty lin g c « r i W a rd C u t t in g a n d S h a p in g T in tin g and B le a c h in g The YWCA w ill be running recreation and A r t aikl program s at C ra ft Dekum C o urt—M a p e l-M a llo ry P ro je c t, and special older g irl classes, located at M a llo ry Avenue C h ris tia n Church. W ig C le a n in g and S ty lin g P a u lin e K e lly T o n d a M c F e r ia n / B i l l i e R uth S p ir e « O p e r a t o r s fit P ro p : A la r n e D e D le v e > iix C a s s i e L. J e n k in » A s k ab o u t o u r f l a i r W e a v in g And it is then that a ll the presently subordinated doubts about the pluses and minuses of such a new arrangem ent w ill rise to the surface, among them the question of whether o r not we a re simply opening up the United States to m ore M aoist subveision and espionage with­ out much chance of ourselves gaining anything by having our representatives in Peking. But we w ill undoubtedly take that chance, just as we have with Moscow where our people are pretty much Isolated from the Russian people and o ffic ia l­ dom. So it would be w ell now for the state department to be working on the form of agree­ ments which would give our people In Peking a good deal more freedom than they have in Moscow. , A • • Still life « F o r A p p o in tm e n t 106 N. K illin g m o rlh 2»4-Oi9» WHERETHEREIS BEAUTY THERE'S CHARM I tip IS You can make a decora tive centerpiece for your din­ ing room table by covering a cone-shaped piece of card­ board with heavy aluminum foil Mold the cone into a cornucopia and fill with nuts and fresh fruit. Philosophers say wor­ rying can’t help us. That m akes I t m u t u a l , be cause we ean’t help wor­ rying, either. 11 AIK STYLES CARE FOR BABIES ____ LILLIAN’S Beauty Salon Operators: Lillian Williams Specialists Ruby Reed In All Phases Ethel Bates 3 6 3 2 N. Williams Ave. 281-6554 l lo rd C a n t« - N eat to rtw l.ia u e i f t PI S Ons and Only Stare O p e n « 10 a m tu 9 0 0 p m Oadv Sunday«. Noon to 4 0 0 p m Highland R ecreation and Education C en ter - 4635 hi K . 9th A lle n t em ple C M E Church - 4236 N E . 8th Recreation— A rt*a and C r a ft— F ie ld T rip s — Business Machines ^ ¿ tiv A riN ç i v LetTEPI'S BOTTLE SHOP be your I champagne, wine», mixer» . . . et the,Imkert n fte t to Highland Baptist 607 N . E . A lb erta Recreation— A r t’ s and C r a ft— F ie ld Trips A c tiv itie s to be bald d ally — Monday thru F rid a y (ruin 9:30 to 4:00, beginning June 21st thru August 20th. Age group to be served— 6 to 15. r SWEETIE PIE J Page ....... a 1 e Deputy Sheriff •B O O -M H O ’ A f t e r a ll. y e e m u . t n 't e a p e c t le « anurh fr o m b. , on her veer Multnomah County hot career opportunities for ceMege graduates between 21 A 32. Contest County Civil Ser^ C o u n t y C o u r t H O U S « , Rm. 140, Portland, Qr«j IN YO U R HO M E. $ 3 . 5 0 a c h ild p e r d a y METROPOLITAN AREA 4C COUNCIL 28tt-5O9i firat I V