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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1922)
tut: aioisxixc oregoxiax, Tuesday, FEBRUARY 7, 1922 STOCKS FIRM AT CLOSE X)RIVE AGAINST SHORTS IX WALIi STlttaiT COXTIXl'ES. Xew Bond Issue of Great Northern Successfully Floated Liberty Ilouds Are Easier. NIW YORK. Feb. 6 Ths ortvs MilMl ths short interest la ths s'ock market wM vigorous: resumed St ths outset of to days tradlnc. bat lost soms of Its fore Ister in the abaenes ot mors than a mod srats public followinc. . ipecu.atlve favorites of the equipment. OU, sr..ppins sad food divisions wers used or bu.l pons to d.s!ode ths bears, as were textiles, tobaccos and chemirais. Ra:!i of the cheaper crad supplemented tbeir lrreiruisr a.ivane. Steels were unaffected by contradictory rumors recaxdir.c tne progress of ths pro posed meneer of independent comoanle but Ciuetl-Peabody, vbleh recently amerced from obscurity, broke sharply as a result of its poor axninsa. caia frers jo ouo snares. altxed conditions prevailed In ths oil trade, as wss indicated by a 1-cent ad vance in Indiana aasollas prices and 2 it cat for tn same product la New 1... Jk r. 1. Ieve.opmenl of a reneral character malalr favored tba constructivs side: did also ths tons of ths money market and foreign exchanges. Weatera centers rsported a better Investment inquiry an further (aina la railroad tonnage, dus ianrsly to Increased grain export Heavy accessions to local reserves of latsnor banks soon forced ths openim rats of eaU loans dowa from a to a per cant oa ths sschanss and to 4 W Per cen la private offering. Time funds vers unaltered, however. per cent betas' de manded for long-time maturitlea Exchange oa LonUoa eased only ailghtly from to alia record of tha last two and a half rears, made last Saturday, th reaction betng ascribed to profit-taking by speculative interests. Other remittances, notably ths French and Belgian rates. ware strong. Swiss, tpaalsh and Greek Bills also d. splaying rirrcn liberty bonds recorded further reces sions in connection with Vlsshington ad vices respecting soldier bonua legislation. Aaide from the strength shown by varlou Junior railroad bonds. Interest ia thst mar- kst centered around ths auccessful xiota tloa ot ths Grest Northern railway issue. Total sales of bonds, par vaiua, aggre- gated ii.3ia,uav. CLOSIXO 6TOCK QUOTATIONS. 'Furnished by Oversees: afc Cooke com- but of lortiand.) c-siea. 3'Hi Adsms Express Advance Kum. Agr Chem.... do pfd AJsx Kubber.. AtAAka Go.d.. Alaska Juneaa Allied ' ti --m . . 1.3" tma High. "Low. srw) Aliis-Chalmers .o do DM Am Ftert Sug Am Bosch.... Am Csn Co. .. do pfd Am Car at Fdy !MO S'-O 4"0 loo 1.3O0 14', fa "si"" 4'1 V2 S7 sa4 ltd 14 Sli s "bs S-.H so 148 Hid. r4 14 on 15 . a 884 14T do pM 11a SO "iii is ati Sli Am Cot Oil... 7U0 20H do pfd ..... Am Iiriif Svd l.iwo Am 111 at Llh .!') 1.3, do pfd Jl Ti, Am Ice S.Ort 3H Am Intl Corp. I.T.k) 43 Am Linseed.. 1.1U0 3Vs do pTd Am Loco J 7.300 110 107 do pfd , Am Saf Kaxnr ..... ..... Am A I'om S.OOrt Am Smelter.. ' do pf.l 4.K) Am S:eel Fdy ?- Am fiitir ... 1.4"t do pf.l -'!" Am Sumatra.. 2.3'Ml Am Tl a- Tel l.-'. Am Tobacco.. S-m Am Tobacco B 4im Am Wei .... S.l" do pfd .... l"l Am V F T.M.. IwO Am Zinc .... Anacon.ia ... 2.400 Assd (HI Atchison .... 3.400 do pfd Atl O f A 3V I 4.4.10 XhSldwln Loco 3tt,M-0 do ofd.... I5a to A- Ohio. do pf.l "Path Steel B. i"oo:h Fish... Tt R T Jtutte C A Z. Tutte AVup.. Hurna Ttroa... Caddo il ... Calif Packing Calif P-t .... do r-f'l- Canadian Pac Cen Leather.. Cerre ds I'aco Chandler Mot Chao J w.. 11 Chso Ot. W.. l. d- pfl..... Chill Cop cti'.no C M ft P... do tM . . . . . Cwa Cola c o. . .. ... Colo F I . . . Colo- Southern Col O Kic. Columhla Grap Con Ca Cons Clears.. do pM CwntI Can Cities Pre Ttnk Corn Prod . . do pf J . . . . tVsden Oil.. C R I P. . do ' pfd. do !' Jfd. Crn-lb!- d pfd Cof-a Cane... do pfd Cu ha n Am Par rvl Ho.l-on. Ivme Mines... TV1 Lack.. Tavlaon Chem r'ndi Johnson. Krio do 1t pf 1. . Flee P'or Pty Fam Plsvers. Fed M Smel do ff.l Flak Tire Oaaton W ma. . r..n C'esrs Oen T.Wc Cen M.itor.... C!en AMn . . too RimI 'V 4 TOO - mo l.fioo Hoo Mm) 4" pno 7 4.300 ' V.3ort T.oort 4.x ,7iw S 4w l.-MW 1 ,VM S.IKX S ort TOO a.o 2M 7..VM) 1X 10 4. B" . 1 Ottrt 7V auft 2-0 T.4 I 7i B 4- rwi 1 ?oo 5. JO 4a "lis S3 'l 2!i 11" 13H in-'-. M. 1"! 27H "49. 'bi" 104 11 3SH r.iv, 'I 71?s 71 494 S3 h SI'. 1 174 ?7 1 32a 44t Mis 17 4rt 7rt 4 MS 1 1!4 S34 .4 74 H 8?v. II) ?4 1 111 It's ltstj ?4 I ID 14& 144 1 . 7O0 "i'eoA ? 1 .w 1.1 IXW 1 Ml 13 4A -' 37 V An S2 811 MS IS a. US 13--14 S3 lot 27H 4S "ioii "271, 1"! W ion .34 RS 61! 9? 5 iT4 11 li TO H 4S"4 i?3" " ". S3 3', c 18 IHt ?H 114 32 44 H MS !i SO '4 e e 1 ?S M4 1( 114 SI Si4 74 24 1 MS 1 lit 11314 si 14 a 134 143 79 4 1S4 Cen Asphalt.. Srv 0,ndrlch .... l.lOO 0vdvear .... ...... Oranhv Ot Nor Cre... W .33 H do pffl 1.41X1 74 4 Cene Cana.. 1. ?7i, Cu'f S Stee-... o.liWi 744 Houston Oil.. ? .x 77 S lluop Motor.. "K"0 14 Ills Central... MX 101 Inanlration ... S n At cor com do pfd 1iv 3.1 Interboro .... w SH do pf-1 tw-1 Tntcr Callahan H (114 lnt lfrv 1 8 lnt M r Mar. ! : 1'4 do rf.1 1 B.X1 71 Tot Wket 1 .xx Ttit Pliwf.... 1 rti1 Mil livlnclb'e Oil S " US Oil 4 Jx l Jw-1 Tea.... e 13ta K " 5 -n'hern. l.x C3 rt- r'1 Siv si4 Tre-lv-Sref J . 5TM S Vennec.-tt 13 10.1 J Kevatore Tire 4 X1 17V, laclc Steel... 1 0 44 I... Tire 7.X1 IT4"ch Val... ! oo ) Lorillar-I .... ..... ...... l.c-r- Thea.... 1 ?-XJ 1 ' H t V ?xi 114 S Mt-lanl CM. . 1 4- IM4 ''tn Psrry 10 To S3 Mil Stores .. J'X 1l--v yi-x ret 1300 l-nrr-l -o. Mi l Stair. O l T f0 1214 M'("va'e t'. 4 7on M K T Wl Cixi do r'd s 400 M t P-wrr Mini 33 srd. ..1 "''O to Pac 2 .vwi d r'd S.4i0 M St P S S M Nor A-n .... 2 S.X1 Nat I'leruit Nat Knert.e;.. J.7.X1 Nat l-ea-1 VX NVva li Con . . 7.X1 Vew Tlavn... 19 SoO No-fo'i, A W. 18.10 N-r Pac 3.400 Not- Sco Stl N T A r Brks x V T rn 2 Ok s Pro-1 ret 4O0 Out Sl er. . . . ... Ont A 3V 1 rv Stee! 1.X1 Pac ! S.x Pac Oas Fl . S.xl Punta Allegro 1 o.w Pac Ol'. 7 !X1 Pan Ati Pet.. 3 'X , do "B" 2 J.x) Penna ....... 3 5x P-o (! 1 7) Ters Mars... !4 Pure Oil 2 1.x .'tulips Fete. 100 30-. 27 H "iiii 1H 4-.' '-a '.33 3, "i-M, 14S 1H in. , 7Si . "io" 7H 2'- 'ili. 11 34 4 37i 47--s S3 474 34 Vs 71 f V. S34 Sua ' 14.! 4 n4 3 . 34 73ti rra, 7?S 7.34 134 l'X S4 S8'' .3 m S34 " OBV, 11! 4 4W 14. :s 10 34 ;n S4S S7 ; 1 V ITVi "iit4 Ilia !"1 31 X, I1T14 114 V. r4 ii 3.1 14 281, "itvi 174 4S S "si" ..... I nt 1714 100 77H "ss 14' 73 H 24 "ii h 11 s4 44 S8-4 484 S-'V. 48 3.3 1, 70 14 00 s 33V4 2014 e 144 67 C 34 4.1 oa 108V4 111) 4 48V, tl 32. 88 Vi 24 11.. v, 138H4 R3 104 27 Vi in 40 Oi4 Hi. a. MV, 1112 14 10.-1 S4 34 II.314 6'.' '4 81 101. 34 57 V. 117 11 70S 4S14 S3 H 12.34 33 4 334 834 C '4 8'-18 1834 28 Vj 1" 44 14 M4 2814 3t4 81" S 2 0S 23 .ve S3H 1 1J4 114 .3334 .3314 88 74 824 S2 BH 23 14 1 V lii4 23 112 81M em 3k 14S 144 7K34 n 84 148 14 Vi 4.3 V, 82 i 31. lN IT 344 74 28 7214 75 14 IOI 34 a 88 3 8H S4 IS 184 71S 12S 4X 1414 IS 12V 23 V, .34 14 SV4 2v, 18V 7 H 24 14 Vi 1.31 "I 114 23 V ?2 107Vj 113 28 V 12V SOV v, 27 V eV 14V 1V 4S V4 8.3 S34 132. 42 1 14V4 1SV 100 v SV JV 2V4 41s SI II sv 84 37 48V 62V 48 S 34 V 70 V 21V S5V SO. Pierce Arrow. Pierce Oil.... Pitts Coal . . . , Pitts A W Vs i r sti ir. ... Pullman ..... Ray Cons- .... Reading ..... Remington Repiogie SU. . Kep 1 S.... do pfd..... Rep Motors.. Roy Dutch Oil Ry Stl Spg... Saxon Motors. Sears Roe Sliattuck. Aria Shell T T.. Sinclair ..... 8td Oil Ind... Std Oil X J.. Hloss Sh-f ... Sou- Pacific .. Son Hv ' Ptnd Oil Cal. s: L a e F. .. blromb Carb.. Sludebaker .. 8rift Co.. . Ten Cop Ch Texas Oil .... Texas Psc ... Tx Pso C O Tob Prod Tran Cont Oil I nion Oil Del Union Psc ... Vmted Alloy.. I'ftlted Drur. . I'nt Fd Prod United Fruit.. U S C I Pipe. Union BAP. Untd Ret Ftre U S In Alohol V a Rub do 1st pfd.. U P Sme.ting. U S Steel do pfd .... Utah Copper.. Ya chem .... do pfd .... Vanadium PtU Vtvandou .... Wabaeh do A PM.. do B pfd... Weils Fargo . Western pac. do pfd .... Western TJnion Wsthse BAM West ltd .... White Motors. Willys-Over .. do Dfd Wilson Pack.. 3Voolworth ... wtcton Pump in c a. Id.... White Oil ... TJ 8 Js rer. ..." do con...' do 4s. reg . do cv 4s cou Pan 3s. reg ..' do 3s. cou . A T A T cv as Atchen gsn 4s. l A Rio coa 4s .40 l.aoo 13 H 13H is 500 1.100 .x) 1 .300 8.41 2.H J.0 IOO i 21.0 4 40 1,2. HI 4.oa 10 T.0U0 244 47 113 14Vi 74 14 31 '4 30 V4 53 3. ti 64 61 a i 2 4V4 8V4 Ssv, Wis 24 V4 65 , 118 14V4 73 31 V4 SO Vi 634 C4 8 B0H 2. 62 V 8V4 88 V, 1?S 1.000 io T.0.X) a.8'.o 1.8r I.80O 61 X) 33,100 Vioo 700 8.900 33.3110 2.010 e.tMxi (.200 1.4.X 1.4"0 liH) ll.&ou .3.10 12,300 4O0 1 . B.400 200 200 13.20O 1.8a X) 2.2'X 1.300 Vioo l'M 1.20O 1.7U0 ISO 44 41 S2V4 isv, 22 T4 4U-4 H3 V 101 V, 11 V 4.3 311 V 28 V 4V 10V, 2" V, 129 3, 23 69 1S4. 23 64 58 i 44V B.'.V 9Va S3 (.74 118V, MS S1V "134 ti 179 41 t.134 1SV 3V 22 V 40", 61 V HX v, 10V 4.3.', 2VV 1TV 63 Vj v 1V 128 Vi 27 V. 69 44 134 V, 3V 87 V, 5.3 V, 43 V. 54 V 9 V 34V 88!, 118 62 V 3oV, 634 6V, 20 200 HI 13"4 IOO !2V4 52 V. 800 9r34 OVi 3.7. X) 53 V 63 70 8 8( 1,300 40 311V 600 54 5 V 2'X 27 V 27 1.0'X) SSV. 32 HX) 1.3214 15234 "2.21X1 47 V 4V 2.SO0 7V 634 1.4O0 S, 9 BONDS. 101 Vji T Cen deb 6s. 99 H lOlViNor Pan 4s .... 84V 104 S 'Nor Pac S.a 60 HMV 'Pso TAT 5s. . 944 33 V IPennsyl on 44s P4 4i 825, South Pac cv 5s 96 111 'South Kail 5s.. W0V4 SSU Union Pac 4s... 914 74V4.U S Steel 6s....loi4 13V4 V4 69 Vj 24 V 88 V, 118 V 14V 73V 31 V 30 v, 53V 84 5i 50V 88 '4 2V 63 V, 8V 88 V 19 V 87V 178 40 V 82 V 1V 9.314 22 V 40 93 V 101 V, 11 43 8OV4 23 V CSV v 19 V 123V 26V 69V 4V 134 22 vi 67 V 55 V 44 65 99 V 34 V 87 11.3V 62 V 3o is OS 85 64 6 V 20 13 V 80 V 13V 62V 80 53 V 8i 89 5V 26 V S3 V4 1S2 48 7V ll B14. Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond and victory bond tlona at New York as furnished by Deck s dooke company of Portland open. High. Low, Liberty 84s do 1st 4S do 2d 4s do 1st 4 Vis ... 96.16 do 2d 4.1 ... 98 08 do 3d 4Va ... 97 16 do 4th 4Vs .. 66.24 Victory, 4.s 85.20 85.20 95.10 86 SO 86.0S 87 16 96 28 100 24 100.24 88.02 85.84 95?2 100.20 quota- Over-Close. 95.10 96.00 95 90 98.10 96.00 07.10 96 10 100.20 100.20 do Sis 100.24 100.24 100.20 I Mining Stock at Boston. BOSTON. Feb. . Closlnr ouotations Allouex 29 INorth Butts ... 1214 Arts Com 84 Old Dominion ..25V Cal A Aril no KJsceola 344 Cal A- Hocla...273 luulncr 43 Centennial .... 12VlSuperior 2V Cop Rg Coa Co 44 ISup A Bos Mia. IV rranK;:n ...... 1 Shannon ....... 1 Isle Roy (Cop). 24 V Utah Con . .... IV Lake con ..... z y. 'Winona ........ 4U Mohawk 56 (Wolverine 11 Swift Co. Stacks. Closlnr brices of Swift A Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by tne uveroeck A VT.oke company of Portland as follows: Swift A Co 101 Lrbby. McNeil ft Ljbby 54 National Leather 2V Swift Internation 20 V Money, Silver, Etc. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. Call money, firm. high. 5V: low, 5; ruling rate, 5V; dosing bid, 4V; offered at 51 last loan. a. Time loans, firm: 0 days. 4V4T5; 80 sys. 4Vt5: six months. 4Vtr5. Prime mercantile, paper. 4Var5. Foreign bar silver 600. Mexican dollars, 50 Vc, v LOXDOS, Feb. . Bar sliver S44d per ounce. Money 2 per cent. Miscount rates tihort and three months 3 7-16 per cent. New York Bonds. New Tork bond quotations furnished by Hernn tt Rhodes, ln. of Portland: Maturity, price 101 V 102V lul -, 98 7, 102 V 89 79 '4 loov lllOV 101 V lol v 106 V 97 '4 loo V 106 loS 103 97 V 96 V, 8 V 1118 106 V I1.854 67 110V4 101 v IDS 1, llHIV 101 V 102 V 104 104 1.12V 11)7 V 108 V 107 V 104 1104 ft 103 V 1"7V 994 1V 64V 92 102 V 102 V V mils l.K) v 106 14 109 v 107 V 1..7 V 1..7V Am Tob 7s 1922 Am Tob 7s H'23 Anaconda 7s B 129 Anaconda 6s A 129 Armour cv 7s ....lollO. Armour 4Vis 139 Argesitlne til 3, 1945 Am Ag Chm 7V l"4l Hettl S-teet 7s 1922 lieth Steel 7s ........ .e. ..... 1923 Hoth Steel Ei Ts l'JHS lie glum Ext 7V 1145 ltelgium 69 . .............. 1925 Belgium sa 140 H.-rc.-n 8s. City of 1915 Heme 8s. City of 1945 Uraxll Ss l4l Canadian 5s l'-'O Canadian 5s 1931 Canadian Ba 13T Can Nat Eq 7s 13 Chi A N-W 8V l!'-3 Chicago. N-W 7 I960 C M St P gnrf 4V A 2014 Can Nor 7s 1"4I Chile 8s 141 Christiana 8s, City of 1945 Copper Exp 8a .............. .1022 Copper- Etp 8s l!'-'3 Copper Exp Ss .............. .1924 Copper ilxp 8 .1125 Cuban Amer. Sugar 8a 1031 Con Oas cv 7s ............... I025 I)la Mstch TVa I"3 3 Denmark 8s 145 Ixanish Mun Ba 145 Oupont 7Vs l"3l virand rmnx s ............. C.wdrlch 7s 125 vloouyesr 8e 1141 Gulf Oil 7s 1H.H3 Great Northern Is lull Hershey 7Va 1930 Humble Oil 7s 1023 lnt Rap Tr rvf 5a liMlrt lnt Mar CT 6s 1941 Kelly Springfield 8s ll'3l Kennecott 7s 1930 Llbby McNeil A Llbby 7s lu.31 Morris A Co 7Vs 19.30 Mexican Pete ss 1938 NYC call 7s Norwsy 8s sj''40 S P A G N (Jnt) V "Ml N P ,s 2047 Vo.Xwot Tl 7a 11)41 a. Casli your Convictions You believe the French people are the thriftiest nation on earth. John Moody, the foremost financial adviser in America, says in his January report: "France has reduced her currency inflation during; the past twelve months in a most aggressive manner; she has retired nearly 10 of her circulating notes in one short, troubled year. She has also reduced her foreign debt to a remarkable extent; has curtailed her imports and practically balanced her foreign trade figures for the year ... her revenues from taxes have undergone a further remarkable increase, and during 1921, the total receipts (aside from loans) of the Frentii Republic, equalled 23,000,000,000 francs, as compared virith about 19,000,000,000 in 1920, about 11,000,000,000 in 1919, and only about 6,000,000,000 during the war years. No other nation has shown such decided progress in increasing its real revenues as has . France Read what Marcosson says about "France and the Future" in last week's Saturday Evening Post. Read carefully what he says about the 'undoubtable financial strength of France; the great masses of the people still having their nest eggs; the immense potential wealth of France in the private hands of the populace, hoards of cash and bonds; this habit of hoard ing of coin in their excess of thrift being a deterrent in the rising of the . French franc in the international exchange market,' regardless of which the French franc showed the greatest percentage of improvement during 1921, - - having made a recovery of 36. Read the editorial in last Friday's Portland Telegram cap tioned "France's Stability" Read what that says about the political, financial and economic conditions in France: "There are 10,000,000 people in France who are owners of real estate, nearly one-third of the entire population. No other great European nation can make such a showing. France is essentially an agricultural country, a nation of little f armera." .. Read that editorial; it will open your eyes. Read Marcosson's story. Come in and we will show you Moody's report. The Department of the Seine 7s offer you a remarkable invest ment opportunity. At 90 and accrued interest for these 20 year 7 bonds, which are the direct general tax obligation of the third city in the world with a large suburban territory comprising an area of 185 square miles, you can obtain a minimum yield ol 7.95 up to 8.75 to accord with date redeemed. They are non callable the first ten years. They are callable in 1932 only upon payment of a premium of 5 which premium is reduced at the rate of 12 each succeeding year. Denominations $500, $1000. Principal and interest payable in United States gold coin in New York without deduction of any French taxes present or future. They will be listed on the New York Stock Exchange, thereby providing an immediate cash market. We will furnish full de tails upon request. Wire or telephone orders "collect." Use our Partial Payment Plan freeman, smith & Camp Co. 1 Lumbermen a Bldo Portland FIFTH PHONE STARK SSpS 5740 New Issue Municipal Bonds r $475,000 TALENT IRRIGATION DISTRICT (Jackson County, Oregon) General Obligation fotyo Serial Gold Bonds Dated January 1, 1919 Due Serially 1927 to 1948 Principal and semi-annual interest (January 1 and July 1) payable at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon, New York City, or at the office of the County Treasurer, Jackson County, Oregon, or at the offices of G. E. Miller and Company, Portland and Seattle. Re deemable at 103 and interest, in numerical order, on any interest payment date at not less than &0 days' notice. Coupon Bonds in $500 and $1000 Denomination Exempt from all Federal Income Taxes, including Surtaxes, in the same manner as State, County and City Bonds. Legal Investment for Savings Banks, Insur ance Companies and Trust Funds in Oregon. Legal to secure deposits of public money in Oregon. t Ohio C G 7s Ohio Power 7s Fan Amer 7s .. Penna Os Rub Rubles 5s San Pau.o 8s ... Southwt Td .1925 .1S1 . 1M.30 .11130 .lK-'S .193 .105 Swedish Govt 6s 1!S9 Standard Oil N T 7s l'JSl Stand Oil of Cal 7s 1U31 Steel & Tube 7s H'-31 Swiss 8s U40 Sears Koe 7s l'J-j Srars Roe 7s l!'-3 Sinclair 7H l"-s Union TanK 7s Uruguay Ext Ss U S Rubber 78 l!MO Wilson 1st BS i-'-i Wrrt Elec 7 l-'-3 100 10H4 1W, 106(4 4 101 104 3, 97 34 108 V4 105 99 14 1143, 100 l 89 108 , 6 3, 15 85 10.3i JOHN TURSE & CO. CONSULTING PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Sll ART1MAN3 1(1 Il.ll ti. II roadway 2353. Balasie Mieee.. Income Tax. 1 Inaoolal Kxsmi nations. HERRIN& RHODES, Inc. Established 189 STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN Correspondents K. T HCTTON CO.. V T. Members ail leading exchanges HalbaMMi's Service File. BdwT. 47t. till Kailway svxrbas Bide. HOTEL HOYT Strictly Fir proof. Near both depot ad convenient car vervto to U parts of city, ffinirl Rooms W ithout f I and W9 XaUU.KX &. ttUUas, Do You Know of a Finer Investment? Where can you find any finer security for your money than Portland? . What form of investment is there that can offer you such strength as GOOD Bonds such as these 6 PORTLAND, OR. Imp.-Bonds. . Due 1931 Prices to Yield 0 LTJMBEEIVIENS Broadway and Oak Westing-house Zurich 8s 7s 1931 1U45 Foreign l&xfhaiiire. NEW TORK. Feb. 6. Foreifrn exrhang-e. Irregular; OrPat Britain, rlcinarirt, 4.323;; cables, 4.82; France, demand. 8.39; cables, 8.40: Italy, demand. 4.67; ca bles, 4.68; Belgium, demand; 8.053,; ca bles, 8.06; Germany, demand, 49; cables, 494: Holland, demand, 37.22; cables, 87.28; Norway, demand. 16.25: Sweden, demand. Total Area of District.. .....12,000 acres Irrigable Area .'. 9,600 acres Appraised valne of land, exclusive of improvements, before giving effect to this financing $3,095,000 Total Bonded Debt, including this issue 770,000 THE DISTRICT Located between the cities of Ashland and Med ford and surrounding the towns of Talent and Phoenix, this district com prises one of the oldest, wealthiest, most productive and heavily populated rural sections of Oregon. The average farm comprises but 31' acres. Irrigation has been practiced herq for many years by indi3rid'uals. More than 90 of the District is under culti3rationj0f which approximately; 50 is in fruits and 50 in alfalfa, grains and garden truck. Tho Southern Pacific Railroad runs through the District with stations at Phoenix and Talent. The Pacific Highway, paved- the full distance, runs through the center of the District, north and south. Abundant water supply is provided1 by the many streams from the snow capped, summits of the Siskiyou mountains, at the foothills of which lie the farms of this district. About 1650 acres are now irrigated in this west unit and about 2500 acres are receiving a partial supply. This issue provides additional sources of water supply, canals and) storage of 16,000 acre feet capacity at Hyatt Prairie. BONDS Principal and interest will be paid from general taxes levied upon the entire property of the District. The collection of taxes and payment of principal antt interest of the bonds will be made by County Officials of Jackson County. APPROVED by State Irrigation Commission of Oregon, consisting of State Engineer, Attorney-General and Superintendent of Banks. CERTIFIED AND LEGALIZED, . under state law, by indorsement of the Secretary of State. Each bond bears this indorsement and the Seal of the State of Oregon. Legality approved by Messrs. Teal, Minor and Winf ree, Portland ; Messrs. Goodf ellow, Eellsv Moore and Orrick, San Francisco and by . Attorney-General of the State of Oregon. PRICE TO YIELD 64 o Orders may be wired "collect." Bonds offered subject to prior sale. Special circulars on request. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Los Angeles . J. R. MASON & CO. G. E. MILLER & COMPANY San Francisco Portland Seattle The statement contained In tltls offering, while not grnaranteed, are based upon Information and advice which we believe accurate and upon which we relied In purchasing these bonds. 23.78; Denmark, demand. 20.38; Switzer land, demand, 19.59; Spain, demand, 15.27; Greece, demand. . 4.45; Poland, demand, .03; Czecho-Slovakia, demand, 1.92; Ar gentine, demajid, 35.87; Brazil, demand, lIli--- aaaaa aai BONDS U. S. D. & Trust Co. 284 Oak St. INQUIRIES INVITED Established 1901 George Black & Company PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Worcester Building Telephone Broadway 7370 PORTLAND, OREGON GEORGE BLACK, C P. A. Fellow of ths American Institute of Accountants Estate Work rectal and Periodical Aadlta General Practlc Invest ls;atlona HARVEY N. BLACK Tax service ( SKIS ys VitijIJONAL CITV BAttin 7e BUItPIMO fTjf What the Market Offers If you would like to have before you a remark ably complete assortment of what the investment market offers at the moment let us send you our February Bond Circular. In this diversified list you will find bonds already well-known, and many of the recent issues with high-rate coupons. , ' 4 The wide range of maturities and yields thus brought together provides material suited to the most varied needs of the investor. To those having funds maturing in February, or having idle money already available, this offer ing sheet will be of real value, for it presents many facts on which well considered investment may be based. ' 1 A copy "will be sent on request The National City Company Main Office: National City Bank Building, New York Portland Yeon Building1 Telephone 6072 Main. Bonds Short 'Term Votes Acceptances Corporations having temporarily IDLE FUNDS can profitably invest irtj U.S. Certificates of Indebtedness and Gold Notes Our booklet UA-6 giving full information, will be gladly sent upon request without obligation HALSEY, STUART & CO INCORPORATE O 209 South La Salle Street, Chicago CHICAGO NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA BOSTON DETROIT MILWAUKEE MINNEAPOLIS ST. LOUIS IS IIIIII Phone your want ads to The Ore- gonian. Main 7070. Automatic 560-9S. SURE DEATH TO MARGIN CALLS PUTS AND CALLS "The Safest Way to Trade." $H0 call option for Be3'en dayg showed over $1000. Send for booklet, "How to Trade in Puts and Calls." Prompt Attention to Mall untl Telegraph Orders , WATSON & COMPANY Investment Sccurltiew, 023 Stock Exchange liuildinir, Ie Anseles. Investment Opportunities and Our Twenty Payment Plan Thsss psbliestlsns tall of cx4 IsassV bwbI stooks, whios. ssa bs parahsasd oa ssisil psrsMots sxtandiac oar s psnod of twsotr nosths. This s4sn was sndoatsd sr ss is lvW. Tea as ssaars seta frss. . Writ for 17-fr.O. Investment Secaritim 40 Exchang Place, Now York