Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 09, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Highway Commission Makes
No Comment on Findings.
Work f Blake-Compton Company
on Salem-Aurora Road I Held
'. to Be Satisfactory.
Instead of inning a statement rela
tive to the Investigation of the Aurora
Kalem paving on the Pacific highway
laid, by Blake-Compton company, the
srtate hi?hwajr commission decided last
evening to submit, instead, the official
re porta ft has received from the ex
pert. These reports show that there
was no skimping of material: that
enough material went into the job to
make a five-Inch pavement as the eon
tract calls for. that there was no col
Jasion: that the contractors were not
trying to cheat: that out or it sani
ties cut from the pavement there was
an average of 5 1 inches, although only
4 inches were found in several places.
Investigations were conducted by C.
H. Whitmore, division engineer; by
E. W. Lasell. chemical and efficiency
engineer: by Mr. Muskowits. of the
bureau of federal roads: by Dr. Hewes
and Mr. Purcell. government men, and
others. Some of the samples cot were
measured in the field by Chairman
Benson of the state highway commit
ion. tn the presence of D. H. Upjohn,
secretary to the governor, who said
that he was satisfied the measurements
were correct
RrsMti Declared) Verified.
Tn submitting his statement to the
highway confmission. Herbert Nunn.
atate highway encineer. says that he
verified Mr. Whltmores statements by
going over the work with aim. as have
others whose names are given in the
"It will be remembered." reports En
gineer Nunn. -that in the presence of
tlovernor Olcott and the highway com
mission, on the 30th day of June, many
measurements were taken along the
(die of this pavement, which showed
considerable irregularity and varied
between 3 and inches In depth, the
average probably being ii inches. It
will be noted tn the attached report
that the measurement over the l.C
miles brings somewhat higher aver
age." In Mr. Whitmore's report, which
rots Into minute details regarding his
Investigation, the nub of the matter
at Issue is contained in the folio w
tag paragraphs:
ffenaasatry f Me 1 Mils,
Wst 1". Arg.
Left edge of pavemant. 133 measure-
menu .4.89
ItlKhi edre of pavement. 133 measure
lti quarter eut pavement. 6 cuts..,
fttzht quarter rut pavement, a cuts.
Center itne quarter cut pavement.
ruts . . . .
Avenase of
Aa reaulc
24 cut uxpiH. 3.2 Inches,
of the taken I
the pavement. The weight of these trns
pee terh width ef tire Is miei greater oa
the weight of a 10-ton roller per Inch width
or tire. It la. tnerelore, ihipomidw l
disturb, th. ,uh.irida aomewftat wbll
hrindnr ih. hitTtnr. la the Job. This COn
d It Inn Is exacceratd whew rock baa had
i. h. nu.i in mrtkn the sub-CTade.
Method of lavmf paeement The base
mixture la Blared flrat. epreno, ana men
roiled. In renins Ihif base the side form
or header, ira Invarlablv Dashed eat. th
decreaatng the tblrkneas at the edge of the
pavement, upon tola compmini amwm im.
top mixture is spread sad the roller in com1
nretwinr Ihla first Danes ever the pavemen
with the ootalde roller bearing on ins
header. This la neceaeaJT in order to save
Ike headers belnc nuahed eut too far. The
reault I. that the headers are compressed
eomewhat Into the erode, resulting I" th.
decrease In thickness at the edge. The nex
tinaft the roller passes over the pavement
it rolls as close to the headers as possible.
This again results In pushing the headers
out a email amount. - The mixture most
placed en the road hot in order that it may
compress and bond and In this condition the
material Is plastic and moves easily una
the roller. This plastic condition of th
mixture is cause of the heaoers being pushed
Four samnlee eut bv Mr. Whit more la the
presence of the contractor. July 2 and
were brousht by the writer to my labors
tones and carefully analysed. The analyses
of these samples showed that the mixture
meets requirements. The average thickness
of the four samnles is riven below:
Laboratory No. 1184S Base. 3 mcnes.
top. 2 Inches: total, fit Inches.
Laboratory No. 11847 Base. 3Mj mcnes
top. Itfe Inches: total. & Inches.
laboratory No. 1184S Base, 2 Inches;
top. It. inches: total. 4 Inches.
Laboratory No. 1184 Base. X Inches
top. It. Inches: total, a inches.
Average thickness. 3. OS Inches.
it Is my opinion that the mixture used
os the galem-Aarora unit No. 1 meets
Oulrements and Is a thoroughly good mlx
ure. In ail case the compression has been
good and the mineral voldage of the aggre'
gate has been low. Therefore, the pave
ment is dense and compact. It Is further m
opinion, after having gone ever the Job and
carefully calculated the thickness, that the
average thickness of the pavement will
found slightly In excess of A inches.
Visit in Portland Brief, After Long
Flight From Idaho With bat
' Few Stops.
m convinces! ltii th finding of thin p.ace
a th tdxti and tn th? rat sample im be
nui of nc;ttfnr on th part of tha con
tractor and the Inspection of the work, and
that ttaera h-ia been no collusion bet ween
contractor and any employs of ths stats.
The results show that there has been
tntuEh material put on th road to build
pavement 4 inchea ihirk.
It Is Impossible to gel an absolutely Per-V-t
crade, but t tiers Is no reason except
r'i.'Intac en the part of the contractor and
tr instperior for Its being only 4 Inches
In thickness, as was found In several places.
1, a aril Report reajrll-r.
Df. Laze 11 present a report which
sums up hie findings with the state
ment that th mixture on the job meets
eerr requirement; the pavement la
dense and compact, and hia careful cat
rulations disclose that the average
thickness of the pavement will be
found slightly in excels of five inchea.
Of four samples. Dr. Laze II found th
maximum thickness Inches; the
minimum thickness. 4Vs Inches, and the
average thickness 5-15 inchea.
llim report, which covers the work
from the mixture to the thickness of
the pavement, follows:
Materials ued The materials used In this
pavement contest of gravel, crushed (ravel.
sanu ana line una. or murk sand. All th'
materials have been tested and pass spsci-
IU- (ions.
Control of mixture The bus mixture Is
sitae irom cravei. sand and tine sand. Ths
top mixture is made from crushed craveL
and and fine sand. In order to control the
mUturj a plant Inspector fs at the plant and
tht Inspector makes mechanical analyses or
alexins tests of the various materials used
and determines the proportions in which
ihfe shsnfd be combined to rv the re
Irtred mechanical Kralatlon of ths mixture.
This iDpectr malls aaliy reports to my of
floe rivtnc the result of all his work. These
reports are carefully checked tn order to sea
that the mixture, either baa or top. cor
responds to the requirements.
Laboratory control In order to check th
wtrk of the plant Inspector samples of the
mixture taken at the plant are forward M to
this office every other working day. These
samples are anatvxj for the amount of
bitumen and mechanical gradation of ths
mltnerat accrerate. So far J of theee
analyses have ben made and In practically
eery Instance the mixture has b-n within
the requtroraeot. In cases where a slight
variation occurs both the plant inspector and
the engineer are notified and the correc
tion made Immediately.
As a further control cut samples are taken
rt of each mile laid and forwarded to the
office. The samples are analysed the
earns as plant samples with the exception
that the thickness Is accurately dftermlned.
also the air and mineral voids. Ths object
of. having cut samples is not only to deter
mfn the thicknfsa of the pavement but by
means of th voiuag to determine tf the
pavement hat been sufficiently rolled or com
parssed. The maximum thickness found In
ttft four samples Is 6 inches: the mini
mum thlckneva 4 Inches; th average
t Iff --knee. AIM inches.
Jklethod of controlling the thickness Of
pavement The we.ght of each batch of ma
terials mixed Is known. Further the spe
cific grtty of the compresM pavement is
known ana from this Is calculated the num
ber of iusre yards which ea.-h batch will
ly. Calculating from the dally reports re
crnrd the average thickness of the pave
iiwnt on this Job is inches. Owing to
t- Inequalities In the nub-bane. It Is natur
aje impossible to mk a perfectly uniform
t rkne. This i;t be readily understood
Jien )t Is remembered that th trucks
rapine the mixture must pass over the sub
rMrfJ tn o-r-r to air h mafs-rinl to
Lieutenant J. M. Fetters of Ma the
field, Sacramento, brought his Curtics
army plane to earth at Eastraoreland
landing field yesterday morn In p. tar
ryinff Just lonff enough to replenish
is supply of g-as and oil before con
tlnuing the flight southward. He
landed at 8:33 o'clock and headed for
usrene a few minutes later.
When the Rose Festival squadron of
rmy iliers, seven planes in all.
wooped Into Portland for the floral
fiesta Lieutenant Fetters was one of
the pilots. Since then he has frolicked
over a score of northwestern cities and
has driven the bis; plane to x enow
stone park on a mapping tour. Yes
terday morning he resumed his flight
The Dalles, having arrived there
from Pendleton the evening before.
The Portland halt was made for the
urpose of taking on fuel, a supply of
hich had been delivered at Lastmore
Orchardists at Hood River had a
splendid view of tne plane early yes
terday morning as it sped on Its way to
Portland. The hum of the motor drew
doxens of eky-gaxers as the Curtiss
passed through a gap In the range sep
arating the valley from the -Hosier
One of the most Interested specta
tors of the flight was J. T. Nealeigh
of Hood River, who recalled that 19
years ago, during the latter part of
June, his family had been similarly ex
cited over the appearance of the first
automobile to travel the Hood River
valley highways.
Army Fliers Make Early Morning
Start for Portland.
THE DALLES. Or., July S.f Special.)
Taking the air at 7:30 o'clock this
morning. Lieutenant J. March Fetters,
pilot, and Sergeant Owen Kessel.
mechanician, rose In their army biplane
over Seven-Mile hill headed for Port
land. t was a never-to-be-forgotten
sight to those fortunate enough to wit
ness the start In the early morning
light. All day yesterday the army fliers
had been detained at Che no with Cover
farm, near the city, for repairs.
Lieutenant Fetters had planned to
make a short flight over the citybefore
winging to Portland, but the plan was
abandoned at the . last moment owing
to the long journey ahead and the late
ness of the hour.
Lieutenant Fetters, bound for Mather
field, near Sacramento by way of Port
land, on his trip through "Washington
and Oregon, has been collecting data
regarding air currents to be used by
the government In mapping aerial
routes and has also sought to stirau
late interest in enlistments In the air
service of the United States army.
Experts Accompanying Wilson
Explain New Situation. -
I a shock, when a. small dealer In a
country town la made to pay as much,
or nior. for the carriage of his goods
as a cify merchant pays upon a like
quantity for' even several hundred
miles longer haul?"
. This is the question asked by Public
Service Commissioner Corey ih a letter
to K. W.- Kobtnson, chairman of the
Portland district freight traffic com
mittee, in reply to . a letter recently
published by Mr.. Robinson, which at
tacked the position taken by Mr. Corey
on the long and short haul controversy
now before the interstate commerce
"It is permanently-to eliminate the
hiKhor rate tor the shorter haul if
possible that the Intermediate Kate
association was organized, and as east
ern Oregon's representative on th
commission I will jflo all in my power
to secure the enactment .of the rate
bill now before the senate- ;ommittee
on Interstate commerce." he concludes.
Work of Supreme Economic Council
Is Almost Completed, Bat at
Allies' Request Continued.
NEW YORK, July 8. President Wil
son, on his return to the United States
today, brought with him the American
draft of the German peace treaty and
several protocols, which he will present
to the senate Thursday.- The German
treaty makes 450 printed pages, with
French and English texts side by side.
It. differs in many respects from, the
original draft which was published in
the United States, but In essentials. .it
follows the original draft. '
The president also has with him the
treaty by which the United States
promises to assist France if she is at
tacked by Germany, which he may
present with the treaty and the mes
sage which he will read to congress.
The message, which the president
wrote on board the George Washing
ton, contains about 6000 words and
deals mainly with the general phase of
the war and peace.
Specialists) Jecompany President.
The president, who left for Europe
Deoember 4, was accompanied on the
George aahington by economic and
financial specialists including .Bernard
Baruch. Vance MeCormick.. Norman
Davis. Thomas W. Lamont and Pro
fessor. Tussifr of Harvard.
The supreme economic council at
Paris virtually has ended Its activi-
remain there until a final decision is I today.
Few Minor Repairs to Be Made.
Fuel and Water to Be Quickly
Placed Aboard.
MIXEOLA K. Y, July 8. The start of
the return trans-Atlantic cruise of the
British dirigible, R-34 was today de
ferred from early tomorrow morning.
the hour which had been fixed for
her departure, for at least 15 and pos
sibly 24 hours.
Weather advices received by the -of
ficers of the dirigible from Washington
forecast unfavorable head winds along
the course selected and this was given
as the reason for the further delay.
The engines have been nearly all
overhauled, only a few minor repairs
remaining to be made and ample sup
plies of fuel gas and water can be
placed aboard at a few hours' notice.
Major Pritchard. executive officer, said
the airship would take the southern
track four or five hundred miles north
of the Azores.
The enforced stay of the R-34, made
necessary by unfavorable weather re
ports and repairs to her motors, brought
hundreds of visitors to Roosevelt field
reached. The American members felt
the council should dissolve, but the
British and French members favored
its continuance.
The returning economists ana experts
bring much material and .Information,
showing the economic phases of regen
erated Europe growing out of the peace
treaties. On the effect of the German
treaty on the United States, a memo
randum by Professor Taussig: eays con
cerning customs duties and naviga
"The United States gets no special
advantages) and incurs no disadvan
tages. We become assured for the next
five- year of most-favored-oation-
reatment as regards import duties.
Treaty t Last Five Yeara.
"We become assured also of equal
treatment on the same footing as Ger
man ships or any others for our ship
ping in German ports.
A treaty will have to be concluded
for a permanent arrangement, to take
ffect when the live-year period is
over." ...
One of the summaries made by Mr.
Baruch reviews how the German treaty
affects citizens of the United States in
their industrial property rights, such
s patents and trademarks. Americans,
who were prevented during the war
from patenting their Inventions or reg
istering trademarks m Germany or
other signatory countries, may do .00
The treaty provides that applications
for patents in Germany may De made
within six months after the treaty be
comes effective. Patents may be re
newed in Germany or any of the other
signatory countries by fulfilling the
requirements of the war period begin
ning August 1. 1914.
War Measures Recognised.
Measures taken during the war by
the United States to license or liquidate
German patents are recognized as valid
and remain effective. Germany waives
liability of the United States for in
fringement of patents incident to the
prosecution of the war, but the rights
of Americans to sue for infringement I PRflPtp
durlnir the war by the German govern- I UnUOun
ment or German individuals is not
A memorandum by Mr. Baruch gives
the effect of the German treaty in
treatment of citizens of the United
States. These include usual rights under
Twice last night the dirigible began
to settle toward the ground, but her
movement was detected in time for the
crew to release a part of the water
ballast and injury to the machinery
by coming in contact with the ground
was prevented.
Astoria to Mark Crossings to Guide
ASTORIA, Or., July 8. Special. )
Pedestrians In Astoria will be com
pelled to quit Jay walking. Crossings
of the principal thoroughfares in the
downtown district soon will be marked,
Councilman Arnold declared in the
council that automobile drivers were
receiving sufficient attention from the
police in the matter of traffic relations,
but that pedestrians were being en
tirely overlooked. It has become a
common practice, he said, for walkers
to dart out from between automobiles
parked on the narrow streets, in such a
manner that the fact more accidents
did not occur is nothing short of a
War Veterans Must Attend - State
- Institutions, Is Ruling.
SALEM. . Or., July 8. (Special.)
Veterans of the late war who desire
to take advantage of the legislation
allowing them 123 monthly while at
tending educational schools must at
tend Oregon schools and colleges only.
according to a ruling made today by At
torney-General Brown, In an opinion
interpreting parts of the new law.
No Oregon veteran can go to college
in another state and receive the $25 a
month which this state allots, is bis
Store of George V. Ely at Oregon
City Closed.
OREGON CITY, Or.. July 8. (Spe-
commercial treaties as citizens of each claL) Among the new cases of toal 1-
pux rcfJUi icu uui nig tne moi io ua;o
to City Health Officer Norris, is George
V. Ely, Oregon City grocer. The gro
eery store has been closed.
I 'LLZ3 U U LSLaa 1
I if - JVL J3 ;
5 Vi . I Featuring Stj
1 "A-J" i 1 VI 1 ' ' The Feminine Charlie M I V I
4WT-j i Chaplin fltU t
1 l romance of laughter and if fl 01 j7
J V 1 tear a grand little cure for I J ";
1 rVl " pessimism. Nancy didn't 'L i ?
KLsYl ;? I wait for her ship to come SI
f m swam out and got it I Ss ! v"
-V? "C " 4
J (Jr Lr J I
" Ezra Scroggs ATTRACTION I hJN. 1
jj ITO-kJ I
45 Skilled Musicians 45
V- Under directorship of Bandmaster Kennedy. First 1
-Skilled Musicians 45
Under directorship of Bandmaster Kennedy. First '
and only appearance in Portland, and Portland
music-lovers' opportunity to get a soul full of the
sort of music they like from jazz to grand
opera. Band appears at 2, 3:30, 8 and 9:30 P. M.
Air Pilot Hopes to Reach Home
Field In Record Time.
EUGENE. Or.. July 8. (Special.)
Lieutenant J. Af. Fetters of Mather
field paused in Eugene for half an
hour this forenoon on his flight home
from Idaho. He stopped only long
enough to take on gasoline and oil.
having telegraphed ahead that he
would be here at 10:30.
Exactly at that time he appeared
over the city and after circling about
for a few minutes landed at Broad
mead field. He said he expected to
reach Sacramento this evening, barring
New Home Treatment
for Banishing Hairs
J (Heauty Topics)
with the aid or a delatone pasta, it
Is-an easy matter for any woman to re
move every trace of hair or fuxx from
face, neck and arms. Enough of the
powdered delatone and snr is mixed
iwto a thick paste and spread on the
hairy surface for about - minuiaa. then
rubbed off and the skin washed. This
mpletely removes the hair, but to
avoid disappointment, get the delatone
14 an original package. Adv.
Appty VapoRnb
tightly it soothes
the tortured tldn.
'YOUR B0DYfiUARD"-30.6O,u3Q
Rosebnrs Stop for Lunch.
KOSEBURG, Or.. July S. (Special.)
Driving a Curtiss plane and accom
panied by Sergeant O. M. Kessell, Lieu
tenant J. M. Fetters reached here just
at noon today, making the flight from
Eugene in & minutes. The actual fly
lnic time between The Dalles and Rose-
burg was only three hours, the aviator
stated, and following a stop at Sled-
ford they expected to make Mather
field tonight. Lunching here, the avia
tors, both of whom were showing ex
treme fatiaue from their long flight
from Moscow. Idaho, remained until
1.3 u o'clock, when they continued their
Work Mill Close Columbia Road
Near Hood River.
HOOD RIVER, Or.. July . (Spe
cial.) Although S. Benson, chairman
of the state highway commission, who
has just been here, decianed that the
Columbia river highway would be kept
open during certain hours of each day.
representatives of contractors who are
engaged in pavtng the 15 miles between
here and Cascade Ixx-ka. maintain that
the road will be blocked when certain
sections are being paved.
The North Bank road offer a diver
sion route botween Cascade Locks and
Hood River, cars ferrying across from
the Oregon side to Stevenson, but
motorists arriving here over the North
Bank highway say tha routs is ex
ceedingly rough.
S- A 71. green stamps for cash.
Holman Fuel Co, Wain til. A XJSl
Block wood, short alabwood; Rock
Springs and Utah coi; nsrdusC Air,
country to enter and do business and
practice professions in the other coun
try. At the Instance of the American
elegation, it is pointed out the right
citizens of allied and associated
powers to enter Germany and own land
there was avoided.
The treaty puts American and other !
allied citizens on terms of equality with
German citizens in matters of taxation.
The provision as to citizenship takes
the place of former treaty provisions
with the several German states, so that
Germans who become naturalized in
the United States cease to have a dual I Oregon and Washington Boys Make
Coming Saturday "The Devil's Trail"
Dr. fforris has been strict regarding! Abraham L. Hetcock, Eagle, Idaho, air
the cases of smallpox.
Only three cases have been critical.
A number of cases outside of Oregon
City have been reported to the county
health officer.
Cablaet Members 9IUa Train.
In the rush to get the presidential
train started on its way to Washing
ton, two cabinet members. Secretaries
Baker and Lane, and Isidore Dock-
welder, democratic national committee
man from California, who were to ac
company the party, were left on the
After a hasty consultation with the
station master, the trio were bundled
aboard a special electric coach, which
was run out from the yards and
hastened in pursuit of the presidential
train. Railroad officials said they had
telegraphed ahead to stop Mr. Wilson's
special some place along the route in
order that the electric coaclu might
overtake it.
Application for Army.
Most recent calls for -army recruits
come from Corregidor island, the great
fortification 33 miles out of Manila,
Philippine islands, and from the coast
defenses around New York City. Alaska
is another district where a recruit may
be' assigned through his own choice
I and there are a lot of others.
Those who made application for en
listment yesterday were Louis D. Albee,
Aberdeen, Wash., motor transport corps;
Irving L. Pettibone, 465 East Forty
second street, air service; Harold G.
Zanders, 288 Buffalo street, cavairy
service; Charles W. Dixon, Bend, Or.,
infantry; Clarence E. Gibbs, .Portland,
cavalry, border service; Haakon Wol
den. Vancouver. Wash., border service;
Ames P. Helm, Portland, infantry, re
cruiting duty, Portland, Or.; Oscar E.
Holladay. Portland, motor transport
Paving of Pacific Highway Strip
' Near Eugene Assured.
EUGENE, Or., July 8. (Special.)
The right of way for practically all
the changes to be made in the Pacific
highway between Eugene and Cres
well has been obtained and the way is
now clear for paving that portion of
the road, a distance of 12 mites. How-
ever. only five miles, or as far as
Goshen, will be paved this year and
this work is now under way.
Railway Declares Dividend.
NEW YORK, July 8. The Chicago,
Rock Island & Pacific railroad today
declared a dividend of 3 per cent on
its 6 Der cent preferred stock and a
dividend of 3 per cent on its i per
cent nreferred stock. The directors
some weeks ago deferred action re
garding disbursements.
Chehalis Lets Paving Contract.
CHEHALIS, Wash., July 8. (Special.)
Albers & Son of Chehalis today won an
award of a Daving job in Centralia ras
idence district, their bid being J36,-
746.82. The paving will be concrete.
Masons to Picnic.
. CENTRALIA, Wash., July 8. (Spe
cial.) Julv 23 has been set as the ten
tative date for Lewis county's annual
Employers and Men Unable to Settle J
Transportation Dispute.
BERLIN. Monday. July 7. (By the
Associated Press.) All attempts to ar- I
bitrate the transportation dispute in I
Greater Berlin are running against a
stubborn attitude on the part of both I
employers and employes.
The growing1 impatience of the peo
ple of the city is being voiced in many-j
meetings of protest against the con
tinuance of the strike, but so far I
neither side has shown any signs of I
John C. Devlne Fatally Injured In
Fall Frtril Hay Wagon.
LEBANON. Or.. July 8. (Special.)
John C Devine died at the Lebanon
hospital last night as the result of a fall
from a load of hay. He was thrown
to the ground when his team turned
suddenly, sustaining a fractured skulL
Country Merchant Pays Highly for
Short Haul, Mr. Corey Says.
SALEM. Or, July 8. (Special.)
"Lots nut the sens f JuiUge receive
Telephone Operators
On Strike
Operators now on strike, who desire to again take up work
with this company should report in person or by telephone, at any
Central Office in Portland or at Room 601, Sixth Floor, Telephone
building:. Park and Oak streets.
New schedules of pay are now in effect.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company
Masonic picnic, to be held under tha
auspices of the Lewis County Past
master's association. The event will
take place in Hyiak's grove, at Fores:.
Drink fturay Ceyion-India-Java tea.
Closset & Devers. Portland. Adv.
"Out of the
A T noontime come to this
cool, pleasant grill for
your mid-day meal. You
will be served with the best
of foods.
NoonLunch 11 to 2 SOc
Daily and Sunday
Table d'Hote Dinner
5:30 to 9 $125
Music and Dancing
Weekday Evenings
je Oregon
Broadway at Stark
Man Postpones
His Funeral
"l am 66 years old and for past twa
years have been suffering so badly
from stomach and liver troubles, bloat
ing and colic attacks that I did not ex
pect to live more than a few month
and was arranging my affairs and even'
my funeral. Three doses of Mayr'i
Wonderful Remedy have entirely cured
ma." It is a simple, harmless prepara
tion that removes the catarrhal mucus
from the intestinal tract and allays the
inflammation which causes practicallj
all stomach, liver and intestinal ail
ments, including appendicitis. One dosa
will convince or money refunded. Drug
gists everywhere. Adv.