Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 19, 1919, Image 1

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    A A. A . A A V A A.'.. Ssff55feJrV5!- ifffW: A J A A . A "A, A Jk. A -
VOL. TjVIIL. 0 IS tf'tX Entered at Portland IOrtf(
Questions of Importance
to Remain Unsolved
Policy of Obscuration May
Weaken Reparation Plans.
Ob.rrrrr Admit That Paris Stales
manship lias So Ear rrovrd
Incqual to Task.
upyricnr r th New York World, Pub
lished by- Arrangement-
PARIS. April 18. (Special.) More
and more clearly does it appear as
the days of the peace conference near
their close, that the final treaty which
is to be signed will be merely an in
cident In the world disorder and not
aa end.
Unsatisfied ambitions and unrealized
hopes are her foundations upon which
to build a permanent peace structure
and the struct are Itself is of the po
litical type of architecture, remote from
and unassociated with the new prob
lems of a social nature confronting;
the world and to which the conference
has addressed itself but little. If at all.
The wrath that Is being- stored up will
show itself for many years to come and
its manifestation can be met only by
V Fraaee Forres Prolfrtloa.
It Is a realization of this condition
that has made Frarnce insist upon and
receive from Great Britain and Amer
ica something more tangible In the way
of assurance of protection than is af
forded by the league of nations.
France is to gain this security, but
what about the other nations which
are even more In need of defense?
With them, unless the league of nations
achieves success that Is doubtful at
the beginning. It will be as always has
been the case, a survival ef the fittest,
and the edifice so carefully constructed
by precept will fall In use.
There are today questions of such
pressing nature that the conference
cannot settle that It requires no gift
of prophecy to say that they will con
tinue to plague future generations for
years to come.
German Attitude la Ooabt.
April 23. announced as the peace
date, is apocryphal. It is true that the
Germans will be called to Versailles
to receive the draft of the peace treaty
but they will not sign it then, nor will
they be ready for signature for many
days thereafter. But even when and
If they do sign the treaty, what then?
Substantially all that will be settled
by the signature will be the military
and territorial terms, with the other
phases of the treaty to be effectuated
later .if at all.
The economic, financial, reparational
and other pronouncements of the treaty
depend upon time and ability to be put
Into execution. They are so delicately
balanced that a slight disturbance may
cause their collapse.
The subjects of the reparation and
econlmic terms are admittedly prob
lems that will largely be effected by
developments. Germany's attitude In
the after peace period will greatly
qualify their application.
I el Icy mt Okmrall.i Skews.
The cUuses of the reparation treaty
have been drafted deliberately with the
view of making them mean all things
to all men. They show a policy of ob
scuration that will prove their own
undoing. As they stand they may be
twisted to satisfy even those who took
Premier Lloyd George seriously In his
wild pre-election promises, when he
pledged himself to recover IllO.OOO.nnn,-
00 from Germany and to please those
who favor terms that, while Just, shall
not cause rancor and unrest to the
Only today the British experts per
mitted a story to be spread that 8S0,
OOO.OOO.Oi'O would be the minimum re
covery, while at the same time the
French authorities figure that $35,
DOO.OOO.OOO would be nearer right. The
French calculation is accepted by those
ho have studied the situation and
mho understand that the Germany of
old is gone never to return, and that
today the former empire is a mere
shell of Its earlier power and wealth.
Breakdewm ef Nation Feared
It Is fear that the imposition of too
heavy a load, whether real or seeming,
will break down such little stability
as atill exists in the defeated nation
and throw it further into chaos than it
is now. ,
That Is the view of trained observers
who have recently been in Germany
and who expect that her commissioners
will sign, provided the treaty is within
limits that will permit them to return
to their people without fear of repudi
ation. It is not pity nor sympathy that
actuates these students, but a re
alisation that if there is to be re
ponsible element with which the
treaty can be negotiated it must be
given an opportunity of holding the
confidence of the country.
On the whole it must be said that
this principle Is pre-eminent In the
terms to be exacted from Germany.
Some portions of the treaty have been
misrepresented, when it was feared
that they might be regarded as too
This . is especially true in Great
iConiuil ea Pa.e . Column 1)
I .
Employers Insist That Men Work. 12
Hoars Mayor H jlan Tries Vain
ly to Effect Settlement.
NEW YORK. April 1!. A strike of
all the trade unionists in the boroughs
of Manhattan and Brooklyn was threat
ened late today unless private boat
owners make "reasonable concessions'
to their men in an effort to end the
strike of the marine workers' af
filiation. The declaration that a general strike
was Imminent was made by Edward I.
Hannah, president of the Central Fed
erated union, which Includes all the
trades in Manhattan, after a conference
at the city hall presided over by Mayor
Hylan at which the armistice granted
by the harbor workers was extended
another 14 hours. The truce was pro;
longed to give the mayor an oppor
tunity to confer with private boat-
owners regarding acceptance of an ar
bitration offer made by their employes.
Leaders of the marine workers' af
filiation declared that unless the mayor
was successful tomorrow in his effort
at conciliation, the threatened- strike
designed to paralyze completely all
traffic In the harbor would begin at
A. M., Sunday. The main point of dis
pute Is the question of hours. The
workers demand a basic eight-hour day
while the boatowners Insist on a II-
hour day. Mayor Hylan has suggested
nine hours aa a compromise pending ar
bitration of the entire question by a
board of nine members as proposed bv4
the unions.
Simultaneously with the threat of a
general strike came the' announcement
that Paul A. Vaccarelli had been re
moved as vice-president of the Inter
national Longshoremen's association at
meeting of the executive council
Government Plant to Tan Skins and
Make Oil and Fertilizer.
SEATTLE, April IS. Under super
isiou of the federal department of
ishcries, 30,000 fur seals will be Kinea
at the St. Paul islands, Bering sea, this
spring. H. J. Christoffers, assistan
agent of the Alaska service of the de
partment, announced today. Not one
part of the seala will be wasted. Furs
will be tanned and aold in the eastern
For the first time the government's
new fertilizing- plant on St. Paul island
will be operated, and it is expected
the kill of seals will furnish approxi
mately 37,000 gallons' of the finest
grade oil and 550,000 pounds of fer
tilixer. The seal drive will be started
by Alaskan natives in May, Christoffers
Transfer of Brewing Machinery to
China Objected To. I
WASHINGTON, April 18. A protest
signed by American missionaries in
China and a number of natives against
any transfer of American brewing ma
chinery to China was presented to the
state department today by officials of
the International Reform bureau.
The department was asked to use
influence "to prevent the imposing
unon China a business and an evil
which the American people and gov
ernment had condemned as detrimen
First Report Indicates Best and
Largest Crop in History.
TOPEKA. Kan.. April IS. The first
Kansas wheat crop report of the year,
issued today by the secretary of the
Mate board of agriculture, shows that
the condition and acreage of wheat in
Kansas this year is the best and larg
est in the history of any state at this
time of year.
The report places the acreage a
10.758.000 acres and the condition is es
timatcd at SS.32.
Event to Be in Afternoon, 'ot to.
Interfere With Churches.
WALLA TV ALL A, Wa.h April IS.
All plans are finished for the flying
circus Sunday afternoon. A telegram
from Secretary Glass was received by
the committee at noon today to the
effect that there will be no interrup
tion in the programme as advertised.
The flying will be In the afternoon,
because a morning flight would Inter
fere with Easter services in the
Four Bolj-hcaik Agents Arc
fenced in Ronmanla.
BUCHAREST. Thursday. April 17.
(French wireless service.) Four bol
shevik agents arrested in Bucharest
have been sentenced to .long terms of
imprisonment by a court-martial.
Trials of other bolshevik agents and
of persons accused of circulating enemy
propaganda continue.
Actor's "Will, Writtcn.on "otc Paper,
Leaves Estate to AVifc.
NEW TORK. April 18. The will of
Sidney Drew, the actor, filed today,
was written on an ordinary sheet of
note paper in hia own handwriting. It
bequeathed all his property to his wife
to dispose of it as she may see fit.
The value of the estate was not given.
Progress at Peace Confer
; ence Encouraging.
Indications Are Treaty Will P
Promptly Signed.
Germans Believed to He. Anxions
for Settlement of Terms at Earli
est Possible Moment. '
PARIS, April 18. (By the Associated
Press.) It was stated in well-informed
quarters tonight that the situation of
the peace negotiations was such that
President Wilson probably would be
able to sail homeward JWay 20 and pos
sibly a little earlier May 15.
The belief was expressed that the
president would call an extra session
of congress to convene bctwen May
15 and June 1.
German rtrported Iteady.
Present indications are that the peace
treaty will bo signed before t; presi
dent's departure. Information reaching
the. delegates tend to show that the
Germans are not planning to take up
time and delay the signing- of the
treaty, as they desire a settlement of
the peace terms at the earliest possl
ble moment.
PARIS. April IS. With the return
of David Lioyd George, tho British
premier, from his visit home, the coun
cil of four, comprising the British,
French and Italian premiers and Presi
dent Wilson, resumed its deliberations
today. The "big four" met in the
Paris "White House."
Iw Sessions Are Held.
The council held both morning and
afternoon sessions, occupying iteelf
chiefly with the question of the dispo
sition of Fiume and to the problem of
It developed today that contrary to
the plan originally eov-smplated there
will be no German text of the peace
The Polish-German boundary ques
tion was finally disposed of by the
council of four this morning. No an
nouncement was made of the decis
ions taken, but it is understood that
Danzig will be Internationalized, while
tho Poles will have a corridor running
from that cit to their frontier to give
them access to the sea.
Italian Claims Up Today.
Only routine work in connection with
the coming of the German delegates
was talsen up in the afternoon. The
most important remaining question to
be settled is that of the Jugo-Slav and
Italian claims in the Adriatic. This
matter will come up tomorrow. Baron
Sidney Sonnlno. Italian foreign min
ister, will set forth the Italian case, it
is expected. It was said tonight that
the council of four intends to settle'
this question at tomorrow's session.
PARIS. Thursday, April 17. (Havas.)
(Concluded on Page 2. Column 1.)
LI ' . ,
International Situation.
By the Associated'- Press.) '
ITH David Lloyd George,- British
prime minister,'-again in his seat
after his visit to London, where he de
fended his actions at the peace confer
ence before the house -of commons, the
council of four -yesterday renewed its
hearing of the claims of the Italians to
the impant Adriatic seaport of Fiume
and air V lad under discussion the ques
tion r polish claims to Danzig on the
Baltl The council met-at the "white
hou' ' the residence in Paris of Presi-
der s. Wilson.
C.e opinion prevails in Paris that,
yn the Italian demands now the re
fining obstacle to a full agreement
ie situation is such that President
A'ilson will be able to sail homeward
- in mid-May with a signed copy of the
peace treaty for submission to congress,
which. In some quarters in Aris it is
believed' will be called in extra session
not later than June 1.- . -
Little opposition to the peace terras
is expected from the Germans, accord
ing to the latest reports in circulation
in Paris, . as they' are declared to be
anxious for a return to peace conditions
at the earliest -moment possible. It is
asserted that there is to be no German
text of the treaty the document to be
issued only in the French and English
Although a general strike has been
proclaimed in Bremen and the assertion
has been made that it has been im
possible to unload foodstuffs taken
there on an American steamship, a
German wireless communication asserts
that the unloading of the vessel is as
sured. Employes of department stores
and ' specialty shops in Berlin have
joined the bank employes' strike. In
Bavaria the situation still remains
acute, but few details are available. In
Vienna there also had been disturb
ances. The bolshevlkl attempted to
storm the parliament building, but were
Brigadier-General Richardson has ar
rived on an ice-breaker at Archangel
to take command of the American forces
fighting in that region. A message from
General Pershing read by General Rich
ardson to the American troops called
upon them to maintain the morale that
was expected of Americans.
Helgoland, Germany's great buttress
of defense of the Elbe and Weser riv
ers, is to be dismantled, but not de
stroyed. If has been decided also that the for
tifications along the Kiel canal will be'
permitted to remain.
Chaplain Went Over Top With
Troops, Hair Tnrns Gray.
LA GRANDE. Or., April 18. (Spe
cial.) Captain (Father) Francis Kelly,
whose courage and service as a chap
lain in the trenches of France has won
for him much newspaper fame and
many crosses of honor, is in La Grande
today to visit relatives and will speak
at the Catholic church Sunday.
Among other things he has done is
to go over the top three times in 24
hours. It is said his hair turned gray
in one night.
Military Instructor Guest at Noon
Luncheon at Roscbnrg.
ROSEBURG, Or., April 18. (Spe
cial.) Colonel John Leader of the Uni
versity of Oregon, here In the interest
of military training, spent a busy day
addressing various clubs and societies.
Colonel Leader addressed about 50 busi-
ness men at a noon luncheon. In the
afternoon the high school student body
gave Colonel Leader a reception and
tonight he was entertained at dinner by
men of this vicinity who were under his
instruction during the war.
First Leg From Eastchurc
to Limerick.
No News of Plane Received a
Destination in Ireland.
Rival Aviators in Newfoundland
Still Walt for Better Weather
Before Making Attempt.
EAST CHURCH, England, April 18.
Major J. C. P. Wouu eft East Church
at 3:15 o'clock this afternoon for Limer
lck, Ireland, on the first leg of his
attempt to cross the Atlantic Sn a Short
Major Wood -'arted his flight in
ideal weather. There was very little
wind. He wis accompanied by Lan
caster Parker, a test pilot for the Short
LIMERICK, April 18. Up to mid
' night nothing had been heard here or
at any airdrome in Ireland of Majo
J. C. P. Wood, the British aviator, who
plans an Atlantic flight and who left
East Church early this afternoon for
the Irish base from which he proposes
to start his flight for America.
LONDON, April 19, 12:55 A. M. Up
to the present hour no news had been
received of Aviator Wood since h
passed Sheerness yesterday evening
Sheerness is only a short distance from
where the aviator started.
. ST. JOHNS, N. F., April 18. Cyclonic
areas between New Foundland and
Ireland which are preventing Harry G.
Hawker and Captain Frederick P.
Raynham, rival aviators, from starting
their trans-Atlantic aerial race for
the $50,000 prize offered by the Daily
Mail of London will not move out of
the course for at least two days, ac
cording to a. weather report.
Snow Tarns Into Slash.
Snow falling this morning to a depth
of saveral inches was turned late to
day Into slush by sudden rain storms.
In addition reports of weather condl
tions in middle Atlantic received to
day by wireless are inauspicious lor
an early start.
Both aviators are so confident of
making the crossing, once that, they
get started, that they have cabled to
London taking some of the wagers
laid against them there at high odds.
NEW, TORK, April 18. The naval
seaplane NC-2 which refused to take
the air yesterday "because of expert
mental conditions," received today
"routine test in flight," according to
a formal announcement tonight by
naval officers in charge of the depart
mcnt's plans for a trans-Atlantic flight
next month. Failure of the plane to
rise yesterday was said to have "proved
(nothing against the machine."
Twenty-four-Hour Notice Promised.
The NC-3, another trans-Atlantic
(Concluded on Page 2. Column 2.)
Interruption Lasts Half-Hoar and
Traffic Congestion Results Re
pairs iii Progress.
Trouble on the Bull Run power lines
of the Portland Railway, Light & Power
company, beginning at 4:53 P. M. yes
terday, paralyzed the whole streetcar
system for half an hour, cut off lights
in the residence district for one min
ute and held up electrically-operated
machinery all over the city for varying
The cause of the troble was a broken
insulator on a pole near Pleasant Home.
Linemen did not discover it until 9i30
P. M., but the company's plants at Es
tacada, Oregon City and Cazadero. aid
ed by steam power houses, were sup
plying the current.
"R. R. Robley, superintendent of the
light and power stations, said that
street power service had been normal
ciceptjor about . half an hour. The
fact that traffic has been interrupted
for that period, however, resulted in
such congestion that the; cars could not
accommodate the crowds until after
7 P. M. The interruption of current
left cars stranded all over the city,
and kept the company from sending
out enough trippers to accommodate
the rush.
The workmen replaced the insulator
without difficulty and the line was in
order within a few minutes.
Cnit of Old Third Oregon Will
Leave Port April 19.
The 2d battalion of the old 3d Ore
gon is coming home at last, according
to a cablegram sent Sirs. Alexander
Dacidson by her husband, Lieutenant
Davidson of Company F. The cable
gram arrived last night and announced
the date of the sailing as April 19. '
The 2d battalim of the regiment has
sometimes been referred to as another
"lost battalion" from its separation
fro mthe main body and the fact that
no official announcement as to its
homecoming has been given out. Many
contradictory reports regarding the
scailing of the troops have been pub
lished, but Lieutenant Davidson's ca
blegram stating that he and Lieutenant
Alva Huntington of 393 East Thirty
ieghth street had been ordered to bring
Company F back is believed official.
The cablegram said the battalion
would sail on the transport Louisville
from Liverpool, England.
South Dakota, Representative De
mands Inquiry Into Propaganda.
, WASHINGTON, April 18. Represen
tative Johnson of South Dakota, re
publican, announced tonight that he
had asked Postmaster-General Burle
son to investigate the .alleged distribu
tion in official franked envelopes of
(0,000 letters written in defense of .the
present court-martial system by Colo
nel John H. Wigmore, of the judge advocate-general's
"Representative Johnson declared if
no action toward criminal prosecution
was taken by the postal authorities.
he would demand that the house post-
office committee conduct an investiga
tion of the matter when congress re
convenes. . -
A similar investigation was demands!
recently by Senator Chamberlain.,
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 6)
degrees; minimum. iiO degrees.
TODAY'S Showers; moderate southerly
President Wilson may sail for home May 15.
Page 1.
Peace treaty not to end disorders. Page 1.
British, aviators start long flight, disaster
. , already feared. Page 1.
Wrath of Egyptians vented on Armenians
in Cairo, page e.
Second day's battle of 91st is terrific.
Page o.
President wins for Monroe doctrine in record
n-mlnute tHlk. Page 9, .
Great powers are expected to recognize
umsK government, page 7.
Western troops are now homeward bound.
1'age i. . .
AH New York trade unions, may strike.
Page 1.
New England telephones silenced by strike.
.rage 4.
Julius H. Barnes appointed wheat director of
united Slates. Page 3.
Uncle Sam challenged by New York brewers.
Page ::.
Corean revolutionary movement reported
spreading. Page 6.
Pacific Coast league results; Salt Lake 5,
Portland o; Sacramento o, Seattle ; San
Francisco 4. Oakland 1; Los Angeles 3,
Vernon 1. Page 14.
Programme ready for ' inter-allied games
Page 14.
McOedle releases Stoloff and- Ritter. Page 14.
Multnomah-Oregon track meet scheduled.
Page lb.
Pacific Northwest.
Kidnaping is feared by Tillamook man.
Page 4. ,
Resignation said to bar state executive
Page S.
Commercial and Marine.
High prices draw out large potato reserves.
Page 23.
Portland leads northwest in livestock re
ceipts. Page 2d.
Steel shipbuilders await action of unions on
wage agreement, page
Sale deemed vindication of wooden snTps.
Page 22.
Portland and Vicinity.
Power line trouble ties :.up car service.
Page 1.
City reconstruction programme outlined to
cost ss.uuu.uuu. page v.
Trial of Italian editor, accused of libel,
opens. Page iz.
Change In route of The Dalles road con
sidered. . Page to.
Unknown beauty to fly In aerial circus.
Page 17.
Victory workers ready for signal. Page 1.
Mayor Hanson guest at press luncheon.
Page IS.
Civil service employes warned by city offi
cials. Page 11.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page -3.
26 Counties Pledge Quo
tas Opening Day.
Success of Drive Predicted at
Noon Luncheon.
City Organization Occupies New
Headquarters and All Is in
Readiness for Action.
Twenty-six Oregon counties
have pledged their quotas by
Monday morning.
Preliminary partial canvass of
'Portland business men shows
strong sentiment for the loan.
Oregon contests Iowa's claim'
for first county honors, advanc
ing Washington county, which
pledged its full quota March 28.
Salem, capital of Oregon, lays
claim to distinction of being first
capital city in nation to pledge
its full quota.
"Put the V in victory!"
The PorUand victory loan campaign
committee, methodically driving for
ward to the starting post, frisked like
a colt yesterday and signified that it
is more than eager to accept the race
with the properly boastful outer-state
counties, 26 of which already have .
pledged complete success on the open- j
Ing day of the drive.
"It isn't such a ba old world, after
all"', was the refrain of the city forces,
who.' glimpse an assured victory in
speedy time when they set out on Mon
day to overtake the city's 814,788,325
share in the state quota of 828,747,550.
There are reasons for their assurance.-
argtiVnents that talk in the po
tent tones of heavy subscriptions, fully
as heavy as those made by the same
firms and individuals in the fourth
loan, which was some millions the
greater of the two. '.
Four Men Pledge 14O0.O0O.
We called four men by telephone,"
said Chairman Emery Olmstead, who
did not conceal his satisfaction, "and
secured pledges of more than 8400,000,
the subscriptions being equal, despite
the proportional difference in our
quota, to those of the fourth cam
paign. Testing-, sentiment here and there,
we find that the victory loan has been
talked thoroughly among the heads of
firms and corporations, and by business
men generally. "They have decided what
they are going to do and are waiting
for our sales staff to call.
"There is a changed feeling in town,"
continued Mr. Olmstead. "The public
has switched front, and has made up its
mind to finish this job, holding it to
be their work as well as ours. A great
many feel that they are not only doing
their duty, but that they are getting i
a high-class investment.
Workers Barer for Action.
"The spirit of our workers is excel- '
lent. One and all they are keyed up
to secure Portland's quota in a reas
onable length of time without a single
Meantime; the state at large looms as
a' fine prospect in the betting. Twenty-
six pledged counties were reported last
night by John L. Btheridge, state di
rector of organization. To the pre
vious victory list were added Klamath,
with a quota of 8338,400, and Yamhill,
with a 8508,275 quota. The total pledges
of the victorious counties lack but
83,725,000 of the full outer-state quota
of 811,961,225.
But nine counties remain to be heard
from. They are: Baker, Clatsop, Curry,
Harney, Lincoln, Linn, Polk. Umatilla
and Wallowa. State Director Etheridga
is constantly in touch with, the county
campaign managers and has not re
laxed hi efforts to urge all to the
finishing post 'at the opening' minute
of the loan. ,
Yamblll Passes Pledge Quota.
"Yamhill county passed its pledged
quota last night," said Director Ether
idge, "when I spoke at McMlnnville.
There is no doubt but that the entire
state,- outside of Multnomah county,
will complete its quota on Monday."
It was at the noonday luncheon and
conference held yesterday that the city
sales organization, firmly welded into
an efficient uniL woke to the enthusi
asm of teamwork and the certainty
that Portland will hold her place - In
patriotic record. From worker to work
er the word flashed that everywhere is
evidence of determination to subscribe.
Chairman Olmstead and his chief aides,
with every sales director present, felt
the presence of success.
I can't believe anyone Is going to
view this simply as an investment," de
clared Dr. E. H. Pence, veteran orator
of every loan, "when he knows that '
each dollar is already matched by the
blood-tide that flowed from the breast
of some mother's son at Chateau Thier
ry or, the Argonne.
Hanson Flays Loan Shirkers.
'This loan," charged Dr. Pence, "will
be the breakwater, the sea-wall, to
iC'oncluded ou Pass 17, Column l.J