Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 11, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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11, 1918.
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It is opportune to remind the peo
ple of Oregon that In the midst of the
larger and more absorbing interest
necessary to successful prosecution of
the war there are certain oivic duties
that must be performed.
An election is but little more than
three weeks away. The voters are
called upon to elect a United States
Senator, a Governor, 'Representatives
in Congress, two justices of the Su
preme Court, a Legislature and cer
tain state and district and county of
ficers. Out of a doubtful wisdom, born of
interest in economy, the people lately
voted to combine city and state elec
tions. Thereby is added to the duties
of the elector the task of choosing two
Commissioners for the city of Port
land. The same combination of elections
brings about the necessity of submit
ting charter amendments and ordi
nances at the same time that state and
county officers are elected and state
laws and constitutional amendments
are passed upon.
This year with their other burdens
the voters of Portland will be asked
to approve a bond issue of $5,000,000
for port improvements. They will be
asked again to pass upon the two
platoon system for the fire depart
ment, now presented as a war emer
gency measure.
In addition to these tasks, conditions
have complicated the state election.
The vacancy on the Supreme Bench
caused by the death of Justice Moore
must be permanently filled. No can
didate can have his name printed on
the ballot. Therefore the voters must
acquaint themselves with the spell
ing of names and with the unusual
formality that must be observed in
such circumstances.
The interim appointment of Sena
tor Olson, of Portland, to this vacancy
causes a similar condition on the state
Senatorial ballot. There, too, the
names must be written in by the
voters interested.
There are some election duties that
should not be avoided or slacked.
There is no way to fill elective offices
except by election. Charter amend
ments can be adopted only by vote
of the people. linough appears in
the list given to consume all the
attention that the voter can spare
from occupation or business, from
war activities and from that interest
in the war in general which, as al
ready indicated, must be maintained
to insure a proper morale among the
forces at home.
But in addition to all these neces
sary duties there is the state ballot of
measures. There are six bills. Two
were submitted by the Legislature,
two are laws passed by the Legisla
ture and referred to the people by pe
tition, and two are laws proposed by
initiative petition. Not one of them
has justification for its submission at
this time, thotigh in behalf of the two
referred by the Legislature it is safe
to say that they would not have been
referred had the Legislature foreseen
that the country would at this time be
at war. . .-.i. -
The first measure on the ballot
proposes to establish two additional
normal schools. The money appropri
ated is not to be expended until after
the war, under a pledge of the normal
board appearing in the pamphlet. It
seems to follow, therefore, that the
people or the Legislature can just as
well take up the matter after the war.
The second measure appropriates
$200,000 to establish a home for de
pendent, delinquent and defective
children. The plan for establishing
this school is disapproved by numer
ous qualified students of social prob
lems. The bill is seriously defective.
The third, a referendum, brings up
the old question of regulating fish
ing in the Rogue River. It has been
decided once by the people and re
opened twice by the Legislature. It
is a local issue on which the voters
cannot hope to inform themselves.
The fourth, another referendum,
pertains to the closing of the Wil
lamette River to commercial fishing
below Oswego. It is another issue on
which the people would have the
greatest difficulty in intelligently in
forming themselves. Characteristic of
such issues ate two statements pre
pared by opponents of this measure
and printed in the official pamphlet.
These statements are flatly denied in
a letter from the United States Bureau
of Fisheries, printed in The Oregonian
The fifth is an initiated bill that
does not directly concern the taxpay
ers at large. It proposes to dispense
with the public notice of tax delin
quencies, now made after failure of
the property owner to respond to
mail notice. The published notice is
paid for by the individual delinquent.
The sixth and last seeks to regulate
the prices which newspapers shall
charge individuals for certain forms
of advertising, and has its inspiration
in a newspaper quarrel.
In all the list there is not one issue
or rretended issue that could not bet
ter be adjusted or settled by the Legis
lature. In all the list there Is not
one measure of sufficient immediate
importance to justify a recommenda
tion to the voters that they spend
time needed for other affairs and in
other duties to study it.
The Oregonian will from time to
time have more to say- about these
bills, but because they are one and all
measures distinctly in the class upon
which the people employ a Legisla-
ture to pass after full hearing and
investigation. The Oregonian now ad
vises the voters to make up their
minds to register a general vote of
"no" and devote their attention to
Congressional and state and county
offices, and to the Important amend
ments that 'will appear on the city
is this qualification: A vote
of "yes" sustains the Legislature on
a law referred by petition and is a re
buke to the petitioners. A vote of
"no" sustains them. Both of the fish
ing controversies, it may be assumed,
will appear In the next Legislature re
gardless of the outcome of the elec
tion. They are long-standing quarrels
that will not down. They affect a
comparatively small number of peo
ple. They have been "settled" time
and again, only to crop out at the next
opportunity. Regarding the fish bills.
the voter may go it blind if he prefers.
He may vote "no" or "yes" or forget
them altogether without affecting the
issues to a great extent. They prom
ise to be always with us.
On all others the old injunction
When in doubt vote no" has a
stronger force this year than ever be
It is an unpopular doctrine to
preach that anyone can be ruined
by material prosperity, but it is up to
the 'work slackers to prove by their
actions that it is not so.
The estimate that efficiency in war
work is depreciated 14 per cent by
failure of men to work full time who
are wholly able to do so does not seem
unreasonable to the observer. If high
wages undermine the patriotism of
these workers they do not deserve
Those who are working only half
time because they can satisfy their
simple wants with half their full-time
wages are missing the point of the call
for the whole man power of the coun
try. The Hog Island shipyard, which
made every provision for the comfort,
convenience and entertainment of its
men which experts could devise, is a
recent striking example. It fell far
short of its expected output because
large numbers of the men on its pay
roll absented themselves from work
Full time from every man able
give it must be insisted upon.
The rumor that the Kaiser has ab
dicated will be received with more
than the usual, measure of reserve.
Its Swedish origin will not save it.
There will be lyialespread belief
among the wary, who are acquainted
with German methods, that the ru
mor js part of a plan to fool the gul
lible, to cause a letting down of war
activities, to slow up subscriptions to
the fourth liberty loan, and in general
to create a dangerous state of over-
It is encouraging to observe that
the Army is paying no attention to
rumors of any kind. Some of the
hardest blows of the whole war are
being struck while the German states
men are pleading for delay and set
ting the stage for an armistice and.
no doubt, secretly preparing to reor
ganize their military resources.
Similarly, the people at home
should continue to disregard every as
pect of the situation except the one
task of winning the war.
The abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm
alone would not amount to a great
deal, anyway. To make democracy
safe will require the abdication of the
entire dynasty of Hohenzollerns, but
that will not be all. Deposition of
the whole tribe of exponents of "kul-
tur" will be insisted on. And before
this Is brought about, the military
caste may be expected to make at
ieast one more stand.
About this time, to paraphrase the
language of the almanac look out
for treachery on the part of Germany.
The epidemic of influenza, contin
ues to take tragic toll. It is a double
tragedy because those most subject to
attack are persons in "early matur
ity," which means between the ages
of 18 and 30 years, who are at the
very zenith of their careers. The
period of preparation for the duties of
life has almost passed: they are about
to enter upon the years when they
will be most useful to their fellow
men. Why the malady should exer
cise a preference for them at this time
is a question that scientists have not
answered. Nor have all their precau
tions been sufficient to prevent its
spread. The best that they now hope
for is that it shall be prevented from
becoming "explosive," and shall be
kept within bounds and gradually
The fact that these epidemics usu
ally have their foci in the congested
centers of population furnishes us
with our best hint as to its control."
This is that avoidance of crowds is
the one best factor of prudence. A
to whether schools should be closed
depends upon circumstances. The
New York health authorities, who
have borne the brunt of this year's
epidemic, now hold that whether chil
dren congregate in the schools or on
the streets makes little difference in
the danger of infection. If general
assemblies in schools be avoided, how
ever, and classrooms are not over
crowded and plenty of ventilation is
given and children are instructed in
the rudimentary principles of hygiene,
it is regarded as possible even to
check the spread of the disease, where
unrestrained playing together at home
would only make matters worse. This
is a problem for each city to deter
mine 'for itself and its solution de
pends upon how the classes are
The reason why influenza epidemics
nearly always have originated in the
Kast and traveled toward the West
probably is that the inhabitants of the
Far Kast are most gregarious and
least enlightened as to matters of san
itation. No definite periodicity is as
sociated with the disease, but his
torians believe that the worst epi
demics occur about once in a genera
tion, having in each instance approxi
mately exhausted the supply of sus
ceptible victims in the preceding one
The last previous great epidemic orig
inated in Bokhara In May, 1889, had
reached St. Petersburg by October,
Paris by November and London by
December. It reached its maximum in
January. 1890. Sporadic recurrences
were noted in April and May, 18 91,
and in 1901, but these were not com
parable with the greater preceding
visitation, or with the present one.
There is a sound basis for the pleas
antry which credits Oregonians with
a sudden access of good spirits when
the rains set in. These rains lay the
dust and are unaccompanied by winds
which help to disseminate germs, and
they prevent children from playing in
crowds on the streets. Such meas
ures alone constitute a rather effi
cient quarantine against the bacillus
which makes all the trouble In Influ
enza. Jt is a kind of quarantine which
can be enforced In principle by pri
vate action and if all will observe It
there will be no cause for serious;
There Is special point in the ques
tion, addressed to women by Anne
Lewis Pierce, a writer In the New
York Tribune: "Would you rather
have indigestion yourselves or live
with a man that has it?" The text of
her article is a recent discussion In
Wisconsin of the length of time that
women workers should have for
luncheon. The doctors have agreed.
it seems, that "the meal period of
women employes should be not lees
than an hour," that forty-five minutes
will do, but that "thirty minutes is
unanimously condemned as prejudicial
to the life, health, and welfare of
women employes."
This encountered the objection that
in many lines of industry men were
allowed only thirty minutes for lunch
eon and that It would cause great
confusion to give women twice as long.
Hence the question asked by Airs.
Pierce, who believes that the women
themselves would answer, if there were
no alternative, that they would rather
bear the physical than the mental
anguish. But, there being no known
difference between the digestive sys
tem of the male and that of the fe
male, it would be better for all con
cerned that the luncheon hour be ex
tended in both cases.
Authorities seem to agree upon the
point that whore one eats with great
deliberation, a smaller amount of food
is consumed. It is admitted that many
of us eat more than is required to
nourish our bodies. The practice of
bolting food results In stowing away
an unnecessary amount of it before the
feeling of repletion is produced which
is taken as the signal of the satisfac
tion of hunger. The late Dr. Kletcher
and Oliver Wendell Holmes expressed
the thought in their different ways,
the latter with his "one bite for each
tooth" theory furnishing a conven
iently arbitrary rule for prolonging the
meal hour, and the former laying more
stress upon thorough mastication than
upon the time consumed, btrt arriving
at the same goal. Both were efficient
food conservers.
It is to be hoped that the women
will stand out for time enough in
which to eat their luncheons, in suffi
cient quantity, and decently and in
order. It is a good time to make the
fight, because they are just entering
into Industry on a large scale and we
are filled with concern for their wel
fare. They are in a position to win
concessions which men would not dare
to ask for, but if there is any ques
tion of the relative treatment of
women and men, the leveling should
be up and not down. As Mrs. Pierce
suggests, the health of men is "quite
as essential to the health of the race
as that of women." Persuading the
men to use the additional time foi
eating, rather than ' for smoking an
other pipe, however, may. be an en
tirely different matter.
The defensive line which Germany
fortified on the soil of France has
crumbled before the ceaseless blows
of the American, French and British
armies, and two great breaches have
been made in it. One in the much
vaunted Hlndenburg line extends
from north of Cambrai tb south of
St. Quentin.- It is already far east, of
the line running north and south
through Lille and Douai and is fast
extending eastward. In conjunction
with the . Belgian advance northeast
of Ypres to Roulers it leaves those
two cities in a deep salient, from
which retirement of the Germans be
comes increasingly difficult as the al
lies advance and gain possession of
more railroads.
A narrower breach has been madest
by the Americans and French in the
Kreimhild line between Rheims and
Verdun, and it is daily widened and
deepened. For the first time in four
years Rheims is out of range of the
Hun artillery, a proof of the height
ened power of French artillery and of
the resistless valor of French infan
try, few they had not hitherto been
able to budge the enemy from the forts
on the ring of heights which com
mand the city. On the north they
have driven the enemy across the
Aisne and on the east across the
Suippe. Farther east they have ad
vanced in line with the Americans,
who have practically cleared the Ar-
gonne forest of the enemy and have
hammered their way northward on
both sides of the Meuse. They have
freed Verdun from artillery fire on
the north for the first time since the
great assault of February and March,
1916, and extension of their drive
eastward would free it on the east
also, and would carry them to the
heart of the Briey iron district and to
the German frontier.
These advances both north and
east of Laon have shaken the enemy's
hold on the great elbow which swings
aroUnd that city on a precipitous hill
Le Cateau and Bohain being under
British artillery fire, he has lost use
of the railroad which runs from Na-
mur through Valenciennes to the
Oise at La Fere, and the allies need
advance only five miles further to
gain the road from Namur through
Charleroi. Equal progress of the
French and Americans in Champagne
would carry them to the line from
Mezieres and along the Upper Aisne
The Germans would then have only
two main lines of railroad into Laon
and the salient, so that they would
have to retreat from it with all haste
and to make the utmost use of these
remaining roads in order to escape en
velopment. If they should be caught,
a disaster would befall them equal to
any which was suffered by the Rus
sians or to those of Sedan and Metz
in 1870. Hundreds of thousands of
men would be killed or captured, the
center would bo cut out of the Ger
man line and the allies could pour
through the gap practically unhin
dered to outflank the two wings and
destroy them, to recover Belgium and
to invade Germany.
The danger of such a catastrophe
explains the desperation with which
the Germans have defended both
wings of their widely bulging line
Military prudence would dictate short
ening and straightening the line by
withdrawing from the salient, but
fear of the political consequences in
Germany has led them to hang on to
the limit of safety. As the British
and Americans about Cambrai have
now reached open country, their cav.
airy has come into action and will
cut down the enemy, while tanks will
crush their machine gun posts. As
the Americans and French east
Rheims have a more rugged and
wooded country before them, thei
progress is likely to be slower, bu
there is a good prospect that the Hun
has outstayed the limit of safety. If
the allies should not completely sur
round him they are likely to narrow
the neck of the bottle to the point
where they can bring to bear on him
a concentrated artillery fire from both
sides as he crawls out. Not much of
an army would then escape.
If the Germans should pull back in
time to avoid this disaster they might
make a temporary stand on 0 subsi
diary line before Valenciennes, but
they would find no strong, defensible
line west of the Scheldt and Meuse
rivers. To reach it they must aban
don practically all of occupied France
and all of Western Belgium, which
would be an undeniable confession of
defeat, fraught with grave conse
quences to the army's morale and to
the political situation in Germany and
Austria. The Americans also are
astride the Meuse north of Verdun,
are pushing along it and might ex
tend their front of attack to the fron
tier, so as to outflank this new line.
One thing may save the Kaiser
from the disaster suggested if all else
should fail bad weather. He would
do well to pray with superfervency to
his good old German Gott whose
heathen name was Odin to send rain
and snow, with violent storms.
It may be that Portland people have
fallen short of furnishing their quota
of worn clothing for the Belgians for
the excellent reason that -previous cam
paigns have been so thorough that the
stock has been nearly exhausted, and
it probably is true that they are wear
ing their old clothes much more gen
erally than formerly. But it is likely,
also, that there is some lark of appre
ciation of the necessities of the situa
tion. If it were understood that, as
Herbert Hoover put It recently, some
millions of refugees in Belgium and
Northern France "aro facing shame.
suffering and some of them death for
lack of clothing this Winter," there
would be such a searching of cleeets
and attics as there never has been
DCTOre. ea
The business of obtaining clothing
for these people infringes in no man
ner on the liberty loan campaign or
any other "drive," past, present or
prospective. The Red Cross, under
whose direction it is being conducted.
is not asking for money at this time.
Portland's quota of fifty tons has
seemed not unreasonable. In all the
circumstances, and the announcement
that it has been only one-tenth com
pleted with the close of the week is
frankly disappointing. The campaign
should have ended yesterday, but it
will be extended to give all who can
do so an opportunity to contribute.
The people of Belgium are asking
for only the bare necessaries of life.
The letter of a woman in Brussels,
formerly well-to-do, to a friend in the
United States which is quoted by the
ndianapolis News, visualizes graphic
ally the situation of the more fortu
nate. It says:
Perhaps you wilt laugh when you hear
hat I wear a cloak' made from my hus
band's garde civbiue overcoat, a waist made
from a football shirt and a tsklrt made of
a dyed bedsheet. Mother had a suit made
of the tablecloth. J and M have
cloaks made of blankets and S has a
dress made of burlap. But all this Is only
amusing, by comparison with the wretched
ness of the population. After all, we remain
calm and confident of victory.
It Is not this portion of the popula
tion, reduced to making its clothing
from bedsheets, table cloths and bur.
ap, that we are now asked to aid.
Makeshift as it is, such clothing is
serving a purpose. But these people
are the "well-to-do" of Belgium and
Northern France. The ordinary folks,
the refugees, in overwhelming num
bers, the children, undernourished and
threatened with a score of the mala
dies of childhood, need all the help
that can be given them.
It must be remembered that there is
hardly a castoff garment in the pos
session of an American but will serve
some good purpose. Not only cloth
ing, but blankets and mufflers, are in
demand. Let there be no hoarding of
old clothes, or, which is Just as serious
from the viewpoint of practical relief.
no apathy toward the needs of our
suffering friends across the sea. Let
the overhauling of trunks and bureaus
and chests of drawers be begun at
If somebody had told Darius Green,
who made the flying machine long
ago, that one day a piano would do
carried across the Channel in an air
plane, the Yankee enthusiast would
have responded, "Of course!
Long trousers instead of breeches
are to be worn by American soldiers
abroad, but they are to be tighter
around the lower eg than the old
Army trousers, as legglns are to be
worn over them.
The riveter who earns $64 in eight
hours cannot keep the gait a week or
a month or a year. That is the law
of compensation. But the plug who
hits it slow and steady is the boy who
gets there.
Dufur is not a large town and Its
quota was $80,000. It went over $90
000, 30 per cent of its deposits. Sup
pose the big cities took on at that
rate would McAdoo be worried?
The Harney County News prints the
Republican ticket at the head of its
editorial page, with the line: "Why
Make a Change at This Time?" That
query is good everywhere.
Another policeman has, been dis
missed for unbecoming conduct. The
bad actors do not last in the bureau
that is one of the prides of Portland.
When a soldier stands at salute.
especially at night, give him the ride.
He may be in a hurry to get back. It
is worth the chance.
The curfew limit is 18 years, yet
many of 16 are wiser than those of
20. makes no distinction, how
The belligerents will not sit around
a table discussing peace terms. The
Hun will sit outside with the office
Death from the "flu" cannot be
ascribed to alcohol in the system
There's "no such thing no more."
If you think you have all the bonds
you want, buy another for a Christ
mas present to yourself.
Boxing is to become a municipal
function, and that gives it a standing
in decent entertainments.
The "flu" travels through the
mouthpiece of the telephone. Quit
talking so much.
A cold in the head is not the real
thing, but there's no telling what may
The war is not over, so glass a little
more salmon while the glassing i
Constant and continuous smoking
ought to stall the flu." .
Those Who Come and Go.
When L H. Tarpley returned to the
Multnomah Hotel yesterday from a trip
to his Washington County property he
found letters from his eons who aro
with the American Kxpeditionary
Forces in France, and in the letters was
related the story of how the two
brothers met over there without a mu
tual recognition. Don Tarpley ia a
Lieutenant in the Engineers and Is sta
tioned about 60 miles from his brother.
Ford, who ia an Interpreter. The Lieu
tenant happened in at the camp where
the interpreter was engaged. The In
terpreter stepped up to his brother,
gave a smart salute and asked for news
from the family home. Lieutenant
Tarpley. failing to recognise the
brother he had r.ot seen in two years,
did not quite understand the Interest
displayed In his private affairs by a
stranger and the interpreter had to re
count some of his boyhood experiences
to identify himself.
Rer. Cornelius Mahar. while in Port
land on a visit from Wood burn yester
day, received a telegram informing him
of his commission as a Chaplain, witii
the rank of First Lieutenant, and in
structing him to report to the com
manding Officer at Camp Lewis Im
mediately. Rev. Father Mahar was
formerly a pastor in Portland, but Is
now located at St. Luke's Church,
James F. Burgess, register of the
United States Land Office at Klamath
Falls, was a Portland visitor yesterday.
Sam Garland, of Lebanon. State Sena
tor, was attending the war work con
vention at the Multnomah yesterday.
The Senator is afflicted with a cold
which he contracted while shooting
China pheasants last Sunday.
Walter H. Lee, president of Albany
College, is a Portland visitor.
Mrs. George I'lavel and daughter.
Miss Nellie Flavel, are registered from
Astoria at the Portland.
E. V. Carter, a prominent banker of
Ashland, and formerly a Speaker of the
House of Representatives in the Oregon
Legislature, is a guest at the Imperial
or a few days. Mr. Carter says his
county Is practically on a war chest
A. H. Powers, a big logging operator
in the Coos Bay district, is at the
Multnomah. This trip Mr. Powers is
not looking for woodsmen, as he has
finally secured a crew that he can rely
on. They are directed by officers of
the Army.
W. C. Dickie, of Kansas City, a
widely-known politician, is at the
Hotel Portland.
Ben F. Jones, who has served many
terms in the Legislature and is a can
didate for Representative from Lincoln
County, is among the guests at the
Frank H. Benson, of San Jose, Cal.,
a State Senator, arrived at the Portland
yesterday. He has recently returned
from the western front as ar "Y" secre
tary. Hugh McLaln, postmaster at Marsh-
field, registered at the Imperial yester
day. He leaves for home this morning.
Mr. McLain came to Portland for the
conference on the war work drive.
Herbert P. Welch, a Lakevlew at
torney, is in the city and is very cheer
ful over the record that Lake County
made in the, fourth liberty loan.
F. A McMenamin, formerly a Deputy
County Clerk in Portland, but now
practicing attorney at Heppner, is In
the city on a, business trip.
C. K. Hudson, i
business man of Coos
Bay. is here on
the Benson.
. short visit and is
James J. Donegan. of Burns, who
handled the fourth liberty loan in his
county, which contains 10. 000 square
miles, is at the Imperial. He has a son
ill in PoUland.
School Teachers Find Other Work Far
More ltemuaeratlve.
PORTLAND, Oct. 10. (To the" EdI
tor.) I notice in Mr. A. Dippell's letter
of October 4 that he complains that the
"well-paid school teachers are clamor
lng for more pay"; that "they are the
best-paid servants for the hours of
labor that we have," and that they are
'never satisfied."
If they are so well paid I wonder how
Mr. Dlppell explains the plea of the
United Slates Commissioner of Educa
tion for more young people to enter
training for teaching, as he says the
Untied States Is faced by a serious
shortage of teachers, owing to the fact
that so large a per cent of trained
teachers have left the profession to
enter better-paid lines of work.
And I wonder why some of the
schools of Oregon have been unable to
open owing to lack of teachers, and
why the superintendents are urging
high school girls to take the positions
if teaching Is so well paid.
It may be because teachers, after
years of training and experience in the
work, are wondering if it pays when
they see girls in their 20s esrnlng mors
after two or three years In an office
than they ever have aa "well-paid aerv-
nts of the people."
The short hours of a teaching day
seem to act as the proverbial red rag
In the eyes of so many taxpayers. It
Is true that they are apparently short,
but the public never realises the time
spent in preparation for the daily work.
nor the hours after school given to the
correction of papers and the necessary
clerical work. Some teachers do not
give time to such work? True, some
workmen loaf on every job, but that is
no reason, why the pay of the whole
class should be kept down. Rather, tne
inefficient and the slackers should be
dismissed and the honest workers re
warded. In many other lines of work where
the strain Is great the working day
Is very short. Who ever hears com
plaint because workers in the furnace
rooms of great steel works, for In
stance, receive good pay for only a few
hours of work a day? It Is conceded
that the workers could not endure a
longer day. How many mothers hsve
been heard to say how thankful they
were when school began so that they
could get rid of their children for a few
hours a day, as they just "set them
crasy" while at home! What about
the teacher who must be ehut up in a
room with 40, whom she must not only
keep in order, but profitably employed,
for even those short hours? How msny
of the able-bodied male taxpayers
would be willing to do the same for
even the overlarge wage that the teacher
Is now getting? Ask any nerve spe
cialist if teaching is not the hardest
work that any woman can do.
I wonder if the taxpayers would pre
fer to pay their teachers a bare living
wage with the privilege later of taxing
themselves for her support in her old
sge! Why should a teacher not be al
lowed a sufficient wage to enable her
to provide for her old age, as any other
self-respecting worker is expected to
do? No objection is made to the pay
of Janitors, who, without the teachers'
years of training, draw more than she.
Yes, Time Is Money.
Boston Transcript.
Irats Parent You can get rid of
money faster than any man I know.
Son True. dad. but listen: By getting
rid of it quickly 1 save lots of time,
and time, you know, is money.
I Net O.e. but Three Bad Season.. Wise
Out C'haare of Pnltl.
CERES, Wash., Oct. . (To the Edi
tor.) Being a farmer's wife. I think
I am about as well qualified to write
on the dairy situation as any city
dweller. W have had not one, but
three, unfavorable seasons, this year
being the worst In the :s years the
writer has lived on the Coast. '
The most of us are trying to Im
prove the. quality of our herds, and to
do so we mwt raise calves each year.
These calves must be well fed at least
two years before they return us on?
dollar and the cows giving milk must
ray for the feed of the entire herd
Those who did not sell their vounr
stock last Fall fed their herds at a
loas last year. An acquaintance eold
his emir- herd lately to pay for hay
bought last Winter, taxes and Interest
on his niortKafte.
We had no pastune for over three
months this Summer, snd began feed-ins-
our scant crop of hay as soon as
cut. some feeding it for green feed,
trusting to a good rain to make a
second crop and Kail pasture. tillage
crops will not average 40 per cent of
normal. Taxes and interest must be
paid or the farms taken from us. If
the ret returns from milk will not
pay these, the cows must go to the
butchers. No one wants milcb cows.
People living In the cities, workinc
eight hours a day. with half-bollda a
Saturday, Sunday to rest and receiving
front two to five limes the waces
they did two years ago. striking for
more and shorter hours, need not
preach patriotism to others. Tha bovs
overseas wouldn't set to Germany very
last ir iney worked that way. snd
don't lose sight of the tact that the
majority get only 130 a month. A
Brigadier-General receives less than
many of our shipyard workerei who
are exempt from military duty.
i no Oregonian states the Govern.
ment wage for a waitress and dish
washer In a camn of not more than
men Is $95 a month. My husband
spent IS years In logsrlng camps before
nuying tnis farm and is capable of
drawing from $10 to $15 per day at
present wages. Some patriotic person,
please, coma rent this farm of 90 acres
of fine bottom land, with its 40 head
of fine llnlstelns. An eight-hour day
camp foreman ani waitress would
te a vacation for us after averaging
14 hours a day. seven days in the week.
for 12 years. We would soon have no
intenest to pay. I might then boast
of a $20 pair of shoes, a $40 hat and
$150 coat. We might have a week's
vacatloji once a year. too. Or we will
sell the Place if you want It.
l awarraated Statements Made la Nega
tive Ararnmrat la Voter's Pamphlet.
Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, Oct.
I- (To the Editor.) The United States
bureau of fisheries desires to Invite
the special attention of the people of
Oiegon to "A Measure" which will ap
pear on the official ballot under Nos.
.106 and .1c7 "Referred Bill-Referendum
Ordered by Petition of the People,"
which refers to the -"Closing of the
Willamette River to commercial fish
lng south of Oswego."
Jt is not the intention of the bureau
to comment upon the merits of the pro
posetl amendment, which may be bene
ficial or otherwise, to be determined.
The argument (negative) in the pamph
let issued by the Secretary of State to
the people of Oregon contains the fol
lowing statement:
so many of the fish die below the falls
inai persons nave to be' hired to remove
mem oerore the hot weather comes to pro
tect the health of the community.
uurina- July. l!s. t least 7.1 tons of
salmon periKlierl itclow the f.i::s by reason
ot tne river beinr closed between the sus
pension bride and the fulls, and this, in
these war times, is an absolute crime. To
adit to this crime the destruction of an ad
ditional 1'itO tons should not be tolerated by
me people 01 tne state.
In connection with the above this
bureau has been interested in making a
study of various fishways throughout
the country and one of its officials h
been In close touch with the situation
which obtains at Willamette Falls, near
Oregon City.
His report on the matter states that
from the inception of this fishway
changes have been made from time to
time, which have greatly increased Its
value and that Improvements of a high
ly intelligent and successful nature
have been completed within the past
1 - months. His personal investigation
at the time the run of salmon passed
Oregon City and the run of fish that
ia being held at the state hatcheries on
the upper reaches of the Willamette,
conclusively demonstrate the success of
the fishway. The fishway and the river
Immediately below were visited repeat
edly at various stages of the run of
fish snd the official referred to ex
pressed amazement at the results being
obtained. Each trip was made by boat
and though he observed closely, he did
not see a single carcass and but very
few slightly scarred fish. This evi
dence as to the success of the fishway is
totally at variance with the statement
in the negstive argument, namely, that
at least 75 tons ot salmon perished be
low the falls, rurther, the argument
referred to contains this statement:
The hatcheries on the Upper "Willamette
Klver have alwaya had mora salmon th
they could spawn, and this measura has
not come from any demand by the author
ities in charse of salmon propasatlon. The
natural spawn of the fish not taken care
of by the hatcheries cannot return to th
ocean because of the dam at the falls, which
forces them through the water wheels and
they are killed. The fish have been Increasing
year by year, which demonstrates that this
meaaure la not needed for their protection.
In commenting on this attention is
called to the efforts which were put
forth by the bureau of fisheries several
years ago to extend the Spring close
season so as to permit quantities of
this run of salmon to reach the spawn
lng grounds. In order to build up the
then almost depleted run of Spring
salmon. The take of eggs at that
time In the Upper Willamette was ex
tremely small. During recent years tha
egg collections hsve increased percep
tibly, but at no time have they been
considered beyond the number desired
or required to absolutely insure proper
conservation and the upbuilding of this
particular run of fish. When the fish
aro sufficiently plentiful over snd
above the capacity of all existing
hatcheries, it would be desirable to
permit the excess to spswn on the
natural beds, so that natural and arti
ficial propagation may work together,
rather than to gauge the number per
mitted to ascend to the spawning
grounds by the cspaclty of the hatch
eries alone.
Up to the present time no scientific
Investigation has been made to deter
mine whether or not any of the young
fish are destroyed In wheels at the falls
at Oregon City on their way tb the
ocean. It Is known that In many in
stances these fish pass a portion of the
first year of their existence in the
streams in which they were hatched
snd It is quite probable that they
Journey to the ocean on normal water
stages, which would mean that there
is an arnre water supply for them to
pass over the falls without being drawn
Into the wheels. At any rate the fact
that no evidence has been presented to
show the destruction of these small
fish, snd this fact, coupled with the
Improved runs, would not tend to sub
stantiate this claim.
In view of the above the bureau con
sidcrs unwarranted the argument to
the effect that the hatcheries and
spawning areas In the Upper Willam
ette Btver are receiving more fish than
they need and It Is not regarded as
a waste to permit them to sscend to
that part of the river. H. M. SMITH.
In Other Day.
TireatT-nts Tears Age.
From The Oregonian. Oct. 11. 1S9J.
The violent rain and wind storms'
of the past few days have prostrated
wires In all directions and have inter
fered with the working of the long
distance telephone to Spokane. It was
In order and working nicely yesterdsy.
and merchants and others were keep
ing It busy. The storm wss severe all
along the whole length of the line but
caused no injury beyond temporary
This afternoon the first mstinee of
rhe opera season will be given at Cord
ay's theater by the Calhoun Opera
Company and Mliloecker's "Black Hus
sar" wiil be the attraction. Next week
that most popular of all operas, Balfe'a
beautiful "Bohemian Girl" will be ren
dered. The election to Incorporate the city
of Toledo has again been declared il
legal by the county court of Lincoln
County. The election notices were Ir
regular. Mrs. John Drew and Company played
"The Read to Ruin" last night to an
audience not half as large as the merit
of the performance deserved. Their
presentation of Jloicroft's century-old
comedy was one of tha richest Intel
lectual treats Portland ever had an
opportunity to enjoy.
Dlaeevery Day" Brlaga Thoughts ef
C'oatraat Brtwera New aad The a.
(To the Editor.) In view of Discovery
day. October 12. appointed by the Presi
dent, may the writer offer through The
Oregonian a few thoughts suggested by
the aayT
How would the reader like to have
Ived before 1492? The population of
Europe had merely doubled itself for
1000 years, and out of every 25. one
No lamps turned night Into day, r.o
sewers carried away the filth of towna
and cities, no fine siructures were seen
In houses, and no carpets covered floors.
The people in lirltsln livel on peas and
the bark of trees, .tow and then a per
son was rich enough to have meat for
dinner once a week. The world had
lchomy instead of chemistry, and as
trology In the place of astronomy.
Printing was sesreely an art, and there
were no railways, no steamships, no
telegraphs, no telephones, no books, no
newspapers, and what little learning
there was lay concealed in old monas
But mark the change! Compass!
Discovery of America!
Columbus had his share of Infirmi
ties. He may have been a pii'"te. and
he may have favored slsvery, but he
discovered America. It may be said
some other man would have made the
discovery had not Columbus lifted a
new world above the blue, but the fact
remains ttiat he was first on the ground
of a great continent. His Imperfections
of character were not strange specta
cles to the iige in which he lived. Not
withstanding his faults he had the
f;iith and the courage to cross the At-
antic. unknown to him, as was Canaan
to the first pilgrim father who went,
not knowing whither he went, and time
can not dim the luster of the achieve
ment. Who cheered him forward? Nobody.
Even the boys called him a. fool, and
his native city sneered at his plans. He
and his son, Diego, begged bread and
water of La Rabida.
Hut by and by a woman believed In
him. That woman, capable sa Queen
Elizabeth, without her haughty de
meanor, looked upon Columbus th roue h
her deep, blue eyes, and taking the
Jewels from the crown she wore above
her auburn bair, flung them to the Ad
miral and said. "Go, and God be with
you." snd he went, and won, and the
monument that is his are the laughing
rivers, the towering mountains, the
vast forests, the acres of soil unsur
passed In fertility, and the expanding
populations of the two Americas, lie
came westward. We go eastward over
the same deep and through the same
storms to carry what he brought to us.
I.arjreat t'lty aad Highest Mouatala.
VANCOUVER. Wash, Oct. 9. (To
the Editor.) (1) Which has the larger
population, London or New York, latest
figures? fS) Which is the higher
mountain, Mt. Whitney (California) or
ML Rainier (Washington), and what is
the highest in the United States? 3
Does or did ever the United States Gov
ernment issue pensions to ex-Confederate
soldiers? A SPKL'CKR.
(1) The 1911 census gave London a
population of 4.522.964. The 1!10 census
gave New York 4.776.SS3. The state
census In New York In 1915 fixed the
population then at 6.2S3.SS5. The 1917
estimate Is 5,717.492. (2) Mt, Whitney.
14.501 feet; Mt. Rainier 14.408. Mt.
Whitney is the highest peak In the
United States, not including Alaska,
where ML McKlnley has an. altitude ot
20,100 feet. (3) It has not- Some
Southern states have provided pensions
for Confederate veterans.
Sugar for Bets,
MOHAWK. Or.. Oct. $. (To the Edi
tor.) I see in The Oregonlsn October 7
where a gentleman from Taft, Or., Is
complaining because Mr. Ladd, of Port
land, secured 100 pounds of sugar to
feed his bee.
I wish to say that it was the proper
thing to do, as 100 pounds of sugar will
winter 10 or more late swarms of beea.
which with a fair season next year wilt
produce 5u0 pounds or more of honey.
As for feeding syrup to bees for Win
ter stores it Is a failure and will end
In disaster for the bees whenever it isj
fed for any length of time.
By all means let the beekeepers have
all the sugar they need for wintering
bees. The sooner the people who can
keep bees to produce 1 oney for their
own needs realise this, the better off
they will be and it will not take so
much sugar as some may think.
Worth Is Appreciated.
TWO RIVERS. Wash.. Oct. 5. (To
the Editor.) You may be Interested to
know, if you do rot already, what Dr.
William Bradley Otis, Protessor of
English at the University of the City
of New York, said tfter his recent visit
to the Coast
In speaking of newspapers. The Ore
gonian was mentioned and Dr. Otis told
ine that he considered The Oronian
the best on the Coast, if not West of
the Mississippi. He said that in typo
graphy, news stories, editorials and gen
eral makeup. The Oregonian is far In
advance of most that he has seen.
Coming from one ss well-posted as
he. this interested me and eo I am pat-sing
the good word along.
Opinions ot the Worthy Tteflected.
VANCOUVER. Wssh.. Oct. 8. (To the
Editor.) Permit me to express my un
qualified appreciation of your editorial,
"The Wounded Beast Whines." In It you
express the sentiment of all who are
worthy to stand before the throne of
No peace can be made with the un
speakable Hun. To him internatiorat
treaties are but scraps of psper. He
la a rogue, thief and a liar, and the
truth is not In him.
Teace will come In God's due time,
therefore it will not come before the
Prussian taskmasters have sacrificed,
ss aun-fodder. the lsst servile hound in
Hundom. J. HAROLD.