Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 28, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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nemy Must Pay, Declares
President Wilson in Loan
Speech at New York.
liecutlve- Tells Audience That There
Most Be bat One Standard of
Right and Privilege for
Weak and Strong.
fContlnqed From Flrmt Par..)
right and privilege for all peoples
lid nations or shall the strong; do as
ey will and the weak suffer without
"Shall the assertion of right be hap-
lasard and by casual alliance or shall.
Liere be a common concert 'to oblige
Lie observance of common rights?
He added: "No man, no group of men.
I hose these to be the issues of the
cxuggle. They are the issues of it."
Ken mt Victory Arrives
Shortly before the President started
I peaking, news of the further successes
If American. British and French of-
ensives on the western front reached
I-ie meeting at the Metropolitan Opera
louse and this gave dramatic point to
Ir. Wilson's peroration that " 'peace
rives' can be effectively neutralized
Ind silenced only by showing that
I very victory of the nations associated
gainst Germany brings the nations
earer the sort of peace which will
I ring security and reassurance to all
heoples and make the recurrence of
i not her such struggle of pitiless force
Ind bloodshed forever Impossible, and
I bat nothing else can."
"Germany Is constantly Intimating
Ihe 'terms' she will accept: and always
rinds that the world does not wan
terms," declared the .President. It
rishes the final triumph of justice
ind fair dealing."
The text of President Wilson's ad
Sress follows:
"My fellow citizens:
I am not here to promote the loan.
hat will be done ably and enthua
lastlcally done by the hundreds of
) housands of loyal and tireless me
tnd women who have undertaken to
present it to you and to our fellow
itizens throughout the country; and
have not the least doubt of their com
lete success, for I know their spirit
lind the spirit of the country.
"My confidence is confirmed, too, by
he thoughtful and experienced co
pe rat ion of the bankers here and
Everywhere, whn era lendinr their In
Valuable aid and guidance.
frnaoat Efforts Called Fer.
"I have come, rather, to seek an op
portunity to present to you some
fioughts which I trust will serve to
r ive you. in perhaps fuller measure
lhan before, a vivid sense of the greet
ssues involved, in order that you may
appreciate and accept with added en
fhusiasm the grave significance of the
tuty of supporting the Government by
'our men and your means to the utmost
point of sacrifice and self-denial.
No man or woman who has really
taken in-waat this war means can
I hesitate to give to the very limit of
what they have; and it Is my mission
I here tonight to try to make it clear
I once more what the war really means.
Tou will need no other stimulation or
I reminder of your duty.
At every turn of the war we gain a
Irresn consciousness or what we mean
to accomplish by it. When our hopes
and expectations are most excited, we
I think more definitely than before o
the issues that hang upon it and o
I the purposes which must be realized
by means of It. For it has positive and
well defined purposes which we4 did
I not determine and which we cannot
"No statesman or assembly created
I them; no statesman or assembly can
alter them. They have arisen out of
the very nature and circumstances of
the war. The most that statesmen
I or assemblies can do Is to carry them
out or be false to them. They were
perhaps not clear at the outset, but
they are clear now.
War Affair of People's.
"The war has lasted more than four
years and the whole world has been
drawn into it. The common will of
mankind has been substituted for the
particular purposes of individual states.
Individual statesmen may have started
the conflict, but neither they nor their
opponents can stop it as they please.
"It has become a people's war and
peoples of all sorts and races, of every
degree of power and variety of for
tune, are involved In its sweeping
processes of change and settlement,
"We came into It when its char
acter had become fully defined and it
was plain that no nation could stand
apart or be indifferent to its outcome.
Its challenge drove to the heart of
everything we cared for and lived for.
Our brothers from many lands as well
as our own murdered dead under the
ise a. were calling to us and we re
sponded, fiercely and of course.
"The air was clear about us. We
aw things in their full, convincing
proportions, as they were; and we
have seen them with steady eyes and
unchanging comprehension ever since.
"We accepted the issues of the war
as facts, not as any group of men
either here or elsewhere had defined
them, and we can accept no outcome
which does not squarely meet and
settle thein.
Great laaaes Defined.
"Those Issues are these:
"Shall the military power or any
nation or group of nations be suffered
to determine- the fortunes of peoples
over whom they have no right to rule
except the right of force?
"'shall strong nations be free to
"wrong weak nations and make them
subject to their purpose and interest?
bhall peoples be ruled and dominated
even In their own internal affairs, by
arbitrary and irresponsible force, or
by their own will and choice?
"Shall there be a common standard
of right and privilege for all peoples
and nations, or shall the strong do as
they will and the weak suffer without
"Shall the assertion of right be hap
hazard and by casual alliance, or shall
there be a common concert to oblige
the observance or. common rights?
"No man. no group of men, chose
these to be the issues of the struggle.
They are the issues of it; and they
must be settled by no arrangement
or compromise or adjustment of in
terests, but definitely and once for
all, and with a full and unequivoc l
acceptance of the principle that the
Interest of the weakest is as sacred as
the interest of the strongest.
"This is what we mean when we
peak of a permanent peace, if we speak
sincerely, intelligently and with a real
knowledge and comprehension of the
matter we deal with.
All 'Bararalna Barred.
"We are all agreed that '.her can be
no peace obtained by any kind of bar
gain or compromise with the Govern
ments of the central empires because
w have dealt with them already and
have seen them deal with other gov
ernments that were parties to this
struggle, at Brest-Litovsk and Buchar
est. "They have .convinced as that they
are without honor andldo not Intend
justice. They observe no covenants,
accept no principle but force and their
own interest. We cannot 'come to
terms' with them. Tbey havs made It
impossible. '
"The German people must by "his
time be fully aware that we -.annot ac
cept the word of those who forced this
war upon us. We do not think the same
thoughts or speak the same language
of agreement.
"It is of capital Importance that we
should also be explicitly agreed thxt
no peace shall be obtained by any Kind
of compromise or abatement of the
principles we have avowed as ihJ prin
ciples for which we are fighrlnr- Theie
should exist no doubt about that. I
am, therefore, going to take the liberty
of speaking with the utmoit frankr.e-ss
about the practical implications that
are Involved In It.
All Mast Pay Price.
"If It be Indeed and in truth the
common object of the governments as
sociated against Germany, and of the
nations whom they govern, as I believe
It to be, to achieve by the coming set
tlements a secure and lasting peace, it
will be necessary that all who elt down
at the peace table shall come ready and
willing to pay the price, the only
price, that will procure It; and ready
and willing, also, to create in some
virile fashion the only instrumentality
by which it can be made certain that
the agreements of the peace will be
honored and fulfilled.
'That price is impartial Justice In
every item of the settlement, no matter
whose interest is crossed; and not only
impartial justice but also the satisfac
tion of the several peoples wnose
fortunes are dealt with.
"That indispensable Instrumentality
Is a league of nations formed under
covenants that will be efficacious.
Without such an Instrumentality, by
which the peace of the world can be
guaranteed, peace will rest in part
upon the word of outlaws and only
unon that word. For Germany will
have to redeem her character, not by
what happens at the peace table, but by
what follows.
"And.- as I see It, the constitution of
that league of nations and the clear
definition of its objects must be a part,
In a sense the most essential part
of the peace settlement itself.
False Promises Cited.
"It cannot be formed now. If formed
now it would be merely a new alliance
confined to the nations associated
nirainst a common enemy, it is not
likely that it could be formed after
the settlement. It is necessary to
guarantee the peace, an.d the peace can
not be guaranteed as an afterthought.
"The reason, to speak in plain terms
again, why it must be guaranteed is
that there will be parties to the peace
whose promises have proved untrust
worthy, and means must be found In
connection with the peace settlement
Itself to remove that source of inse
curity. It would be folly to leave the
guarantee to the subsequent voluntary
action of the governments we have
seen destroy Russia and deceive Rou
manfa. "But these general terms do not dis
close the whole matter. Some details
are needed to make them sound less
like the thesis and more like a prac
tical programme..
' No Favorites to Be Played.
"These, then, are some of the par
ticulars, and I state them with the
greatest confidence because I can state
them authoritatively as representing
this Government's Interpretation of its
own duty with regard to peace:'
"First, the impartial justice meted out
must involve no discrimination be
tween those to whom we wish to be
just and those to whom we do not wish
to be Just. It must be a justice tnai
nlavi no favorites and knows no stand
ard but the equal rights of the several
peoples concerned;
Second, no special or separate inter
est of any single nation or any group
of nations can be made the basis of any
part of the settlement which is not con
sistent with the common interests of
Third, there can be no leagues or
alliances or special covenants and un
derstandings with the general and com- '
mon family of the league of nations;
Fourth, and more specifically, there
can be no special, selfish economic com
binations within the league and no em
ployment of any form of economic boy
cott or exclusion except as the power of
economic penalty by exclusion from
the markets of the world may be vested
in the league of nations Itself as a
means of discipline and control.
Fifth, all international agreements
and treaties of every kind must be
made known in their entirety to the
rest of the world.
War Causes to Be Removed. .
"Special alliances and" economic ri
valries and hostilities have been the
prolific cause in the modern world of
the plans and passions that produce
war. It would De an insincere as wen
as an insecure peace that dii not ex
clude them in definite and binding
"The confidence with which I venture
to speak for our people in these mat
ters does not spring from our tradi
tions merely and the well-known prin
ciples of international action which
we have always professed and fol
In tho Ft me sentence in which I say
that the United States will enter into
no special arrangements or under
standings with particular nations, let
me say als- that the united btates is
prepared to assume its full share of
responsibility for the maintenance of
the common covenants and unriei stand
ings upon wnlsl i ece must hencefortn
I est.
We still read Washington's immortal
warning against 'entangling alliances'
with full comprehension and an an
swering purpose. But only special and
limited alli.-rces entangle; and we rec
ognize and cccept the duty of a new
day. in which we are permitted to nop"
tcr a general alliance which will avo'd
ei.langlemen's -nd clear the air of the
world for con. mon understandings and
tfct. of common rignta.
Iteolute Frankness Necessary.
I have made this analysis of the in
ternational situiftion which the war h
created, not, of course, because I doubt
ed whether the leaders of the great
nations and peoples with whom we are
associated were, of the same mind and
entertained a like purpose, but because
the air every now and again gets dark
ened by mists and groundless doubt
ing' and mischievous perversions of
counsel and it Is necessary once and
again to sweep all the irresponsible
talk about peace intrigues and weak
ening morale and doubtful purpose on
the part of those In authority utterly
and, if need be, unceremoniously aside
and say things in the plainest words
that can be found, even when it is only
to say over again what has been said
before quite as plainly if in less un
varnished terms.
As I have said, neither I nor any
other man In Governmental authority
created or gave form to the issues of
his war. I have simply responded to
them with such vision as I could com
But I have responded gladly and
with a resolution that has grown
warmer and more confident as the is
sues have grown clearer and clearer.
Wllsoa Happy to Fight.
It Is now plain that there are issues
which no man can pervert unless it be
wilfully. I am bound to fight for them.
nd happy to fight for them as time
and circumstance have revealed them
to me as to all the world. Our enthu-
iasm for them grows more and more
rresistible as they stand out in more
nd more vivid and unmistakable out-
And the forces that fight for them
draw into closer and closer array, or-
' for Fall I
The new shapes in H
black, dark green, dark H
$4, $5, $6 I
New Velours I
$10, $13.50 I
Caps $1.50 to $2.5.0 H
Leading Hatter
Morrison "
at Fourth 4
ganlze their millions Into more and
more unconquerable might, a they be
come more and more distinct to the
thought and purpose of the peoples en
"It is the peculiarity of this great
war that, while statesmen have seemed
to cast about for definitions of their
purpose and have sometimes seemed to
shift their ground and their point of
view, the thought of the mass of men,
whom statesmen are supposed to in
struct and lead, has grown more and
more unclouded, more and more cer
tain of what it is that they are fight
ing for.
Common Purpose Supreme.
'National purposes have fallen more
and more into the background and the
common purpose of enlightened man
kind has taken their places. The coun
sels of plain men have become on all
hands more simple and straightfor
ward and more unified than the coun
sels of sophisticated men of affairs
who still retain the impression that
they are playing a game of power and
playing for high stakes.
"That Is why I have Bald that this
the people's war, not a statesmen's.
Statesmen must follow the clarified
common thought or be broken.
"I take that to be the significance
of the fact that assemblies and asso
ciations of many kinds, made up of
plain workaday people have demanded,
almost every time they came together
and are still demanding, that the lead
ers of their governments declare to
them plainly what it is, exactly what
it Is, that -they are seeking in this war,
and what they think the items of the
final settlement should be.
Plain People Wait Facts.
"They are not yet satisfied with what
they have been told. They still seem
to fear that they are getting what they
ask for only in statesmen's terms
only in the terms of territorial ar
rangements and divisions of power,
named in terms of broad-visioned Just
ice and mercy and peace and the sat
isfaction of those deep-seated longings
of oppressed and distracted men and
women and enslaved peoples that sewm
to them the only things worth fight
ing a war for that engulfs the world.
"Perhaps statesmen have not always
recognized this changed aspect of the
whole world of policy and action. Per
haps they have not always spoken in
direct reply to- the questions asked be-
TODA Y You can buy Liberty Bonds at my store for one
dollar first payment, and one dollar weekly for each $50 bond
you buy; larger bonds in the same proportion. I CHARGE
YOU NO INTEREST. When you have completed your
payments I will deliver your bonds with ALL THE INTER
Good Boys' Clothes
Apply that either way to the boys or the clothes I believe in both. Cer
tain it is that here is Portland's most wonderful most abundant stock
of boys' clothes. I see troops of boys come marching in, their faces shining
with eager anticipation; I see them passing out
clad in new suits, or with their arms clasped
around big, mysterious-looking bundles which, ten
to one, contain new suits or overcoats.
Here are suits of tweeds, cheviots, serges, cassi
meres, stripes, checks, mixtures; fabrics chosen
with great care, and as carefully tailored. Today
will be a great boys' day here. Bring yours.
$6.50, $8.50, $10, $12.50, $15, $16.50, $18, $20,
$22.50, $25
Children's Overcoats, $6.50 to $20
Boys' Store, Second Floor Elevator
C 11.
Morrison momw
cause they did not know how searching
those questions were ana what Bort or
answers they demanded.
But I. fer one. am glad to attempt
the answer again and again. In the hope
that I may make it clearer and clearer
that my one thought is to satisfy those
who struggle in the ranks and are per
haps, above all others, entitled to a
reply whose meaning no one can have
any excuse for misunaerstanaing, n
he understands the language in which
it is spoken or can get someone to
translate it correctly into his own.
Free Expression Invited.
"And I believe that the leaders of the
governments with which we are asso
ciated will speak, as they have occa
sion, as plainly as I have tried to
'I hope that they win reel tree to
say whether they think that I am in
any degree mistaken in my interpreta
tion of the-issues involved or in my
purpose with regard to the means by
which a satisfactory settlement of those
issues may be obtained.
Unity of purpose and or counsel are
as imperatively necessary in this war
as was unity of command in the battle
field: and with perfect unity of purpose
and counsel will come assurance of
complete victory. It can be had in no
other way.
'Peace drives can be effectively
neutralized' and silenced only by show
ing that every victory of the nations
associated against Germany brings the
nations nearer the sort of peace which
will bring security and reassurance to
all peoples and make the recurrence of
another such struggle of pitiless force
and bloodshed forever impossible, and
that nothing else can.
"Terms" Not Wanted.
'Germany is constantly Intimating
the "tends' she will accept; and always
finds that the world does not want
terms. It wishes the final triumph of
justice and fair dealing."
Five thousand persons who filled the
Metropolitan Opera-house to capacity
heard the President speak. Five min
utes before his arrival a guard of sol
diers, sailors and marines seated at
the rear of the platform were suddenly
ordered to attention. They arose with
mart click of rifles, the National colors
were advanced and the great audience
became silent.
This dramatic quiet was maintained
without interruption until the Presl
dent, without other warning of his
coming, walked out on the stage, es
corted by Benjamin Strong, governor
of the Federal Reserve Bank of New
Then a tremendous burst of cheering
broke loose, which caused the Presi
dent, after taking his. seat, to rise
three times in acknowledgment.
President Joins in Singing.
A sailor band played "America," the
President joining with the audience in
singing it.
Mr. Strong read to the audience a
summary of late reports showing
American troops' advances during the
day in France.
Cheers greeted the news of the
American success, particularly when
Mr. Strong said the Yankee troops in
their drive had reclaimed 100 square
miles of territory for France.
Patriotic fervor seemed to reach Its
climax when the President arose to be
gin his address, the audience rising
and again cheering for several min
utes. Mr. Wilson read from printed
After resting, following his arrival
In New York, the President, accom
panied by Mrs. Wilson, Miss Margaret
Wilson and Rear Admiral Grayson, left
for Colonel House's residence, where
they had dinner.
Among the other guests were Attorney-General
Gregory arid Jesse
Jones, of the American Red Cross.
After dinner the President went to the
Metropolitan Opera House.
Prune Pickers Are Excused.
SALEM, Or.. Sept. 27. (Special.)
Pupils in the Salem public schools who
have a letter showing that they have
been employed in assisting In the prune
harvest wlH be excused from the first
"week of school. This was the unani
mous decision of the school board In
declaring its willingness to co-operato
in saving Marion County's great Industry.
Warm Covers Furnished Soldiers
Going Overseas.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27. Threo
blankets Instead of one hereafter will
be issued to each American soldier go
ing overseas, the War Department an
nounced today.
Members of the Tank Corps will get
heavy mackinaws instead of the ordi
nary Army overcoat.
Maxim Invents
Unsinkable Ship
Hudson Maxim has invented it for
the United States Shipping Board.
'The gases from a torpedoare white hot
and travel thirty miles a second. They
rend everything in their path. But
Maxim stops them with a barrage of
pulverized coal, oil and concrete. He
tells the story of his great invention in
the October Popular Science Monthly.
To keep up-to-date also read
How Fighting Airplanes are Invented
Shooting Barbed Wire at the Germans
Machine that Fits Shoes to Soldiers' Feet
New Tools and Machines
How Electricity Cures Shell-Shock
Shot Down from the Clouds
an Aviator's Thrilling Escape
What is a Soldier's Chance of Gettinj
Back Uninjured
Over 200 new ideas and 300 pictures
in the October number
Popular Science Monthly tells about,
and pictures all the new inventions
and discoveries in airplanes, automo
biles, poison gas, submarines, machin
ery, electricity and all branches of
science. Keep up with the times.
Get the October
Popular Science
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