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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1918)
THE -MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1918. ' 15 FOB Horatt, Vehicles. Uvertork. FOR SALE On hay mare. 8 year o:d, sound, true to puii. gentie to work, will kick In bars, needs watching In hitching - r?. trial allowed if wanted. Price $100. oa owner, luuti i aurnun su. oeiore lu A. - or evenings. WANTED To buy good milch goat, not very o.d. Write Frank Barakouski, 58 Cook venue. GOOD heavy horse, harness ud two wagons. km ior laoor o. Ptaflo, Organ and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. will close out: 3 parlor organ. $25. $.j; and ii cash. - 1 English uonghi $275 piano, $45 cash. 1 French upngnt S.Ou piano. $65 cash, 1 good old sou a re Dlano. su5 cuo. "1 1 American upright i.ioO Diana. $UZ cash. - 1 Kimball npnrht $450 Dlano. $160 cash. 1 Schumann upright J 450 piano. cuk l new iaii mode,, $3io piano. $215 casn. . 2 stored 1917 model $450 pianos. $255 cash. 1 Weber $750 player piano. $275 cash. 1 1917 model $650 player piano. $363 cash. Part cash, bonds or other securities ac cepted. Pianos bought and sod lor cash and stored for 50c monthly. 109 4th st- at Washington St. SEVERAL bargains In standard makes of lightly used cabinet disc phonographs. 1 41-9 machine, mahog., almost new. .$ 95 a sjia machine, manog., almost Mew., lo 1 $240 machine, walnut, almost new.. 172 a $ioo biiverton ton machine, mahog any, almost new . 45 1 $115 Brunswick, new. mahogany... 96 will accept liberty bonds full value. EMIL GHRING. the PhonocraDh Man. Phone Sell wood 3227. 720fe Mtlwaukie St. ALWAI8 see us before disposing of your piano, player piano. Vicirola or other phonographs or band Instruments. We pay - a ior any insirumeai in gooa jraer, or will sell on liberal commission basis. Oregon Eilers Music House. FL'LL CAsH VALUE PAID FOR RECORDS. PHCXOGRAPH3. MUSIC ROLLS. ALL KINDS MUSICAL XXbTKU' MSXTS. NEWMAN. 125 1st. Main 4493. Tabor 6798. iY grand piano for sale; part cash, bal ance .terms; might accept trade. L. W. Lewis coropoaer, 424 Columbia St., apt. $2. Will accept house rent or equity as part payment Act now. Bargain. CALL at 304 Pittock block to see real bar , . gain in a player piano; used only In owner's home; cost new $90u; would god elder part terms. 1215 CASH buys new stored upright piano at Security Storage Co.. loft 4th sU Why pay $375 at local piano stores? DECKER A SON. rosewood upright. $100: Hamilton, oak. modern, fuu. .Harold S. Gilbert. 394 Yamhill at. STANTBD to rent, a grand piano, must be ffnnrf .tanHard mak and tnnA and ulinn fn good snape. Call Taoor 5iM. model newiy improved pianos in mahogany and Oak at Sen wan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. I PAT CASH FOR USED PIANOS. - HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill at. PIANOS tuned, $3- George T. Peck. Tabor B34. orad. iew Etig conservatory. .KENT a piano, no scuares or thump boxsa Aaroia . uuoert. 234 lamhiu st. FOR SALE AT ONCE Square Stelnwsy - piano in gooa condition. 9va Hawthorne. 91 N E V1CTROLA AN D R ECO R DS FOR SALE. 123 FIRST, NEAR ALDER. FOR SALE Piano at & bargain. Tabor 802. Phone Furniture for Sale. 21 ALL TREE, looks new: beautiful palm. massive brass Jardfnier, large upholstered rocker, combination bookcase and chair. dresser, bra.a stand, onyx top; beautiful small oak library table, other tables, re- : rrigerator. ice cream rreeaer. wringer, I boiler, gas plate, 60-piece dinner set. stignuy damaged; excellent steel ranga soa jast xi.oaaway. OWL FURNITURE Ca SELLS FOR, LESS. iron oeas. $i-Td up. Springs. $1 up. Mattresses. $1 50 up. Chairs. 75c up. Iiressers. $6 up. Lining tables. $.1 trp OWL FURNITURE CO, 204 First St. CWL FURNTTURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. . Iron beds $1.75 and up , Springs 1.00 and up Mattresses L50 and up Chairs 75 and up lrear 6.00 and up as lulus; isnipi a.uu ana up ; 204 First St. ' SNAP. " Refrigerator. AB gas rantre, rugs, carpets. mattress, settee, grass furniture, dresser. table, numerous other items; no dealera. IQI3 Clackamas, near 33d. X'u.iShED housekeeping rooms for rent or furniture for sale. 166 Porter. Call arter o. desk bookcase; no dealers. Phone Broad- bi tuu i day 46S4. 'l"RNITL"RE of 4 -room house for sa. all in good condition. Cail at 62 S N. Smith . ave fct. Johns. -WILTON RUG. 9x12. and couch to match; botn suttaoie ror nome or orilce pur poses. Room ft,M Pittork block. -ROOM modern home, rent S25. long lease, good location; bargain. 655 15. Morrison. FOR SALE Drop bead Singer sewing ma- I cn:ne. gooa conairion. a.ii oofl!wn aiwi. FURNITURE FOR SALE. Phone East 7323. Nearly new Davenport, cook stove, etc. 9x12 WILTON rug. library tab!e. dining set. dresser, chairs, reasonable. Sellwood 2093. . Doe;. Rabbits. Birds Pet Stock. SO BELGIAN HARES. 2 to 4 moa. 25 to 50 I eta.; i does, eacn ; good stock. One I - male goat. 4 mo., half Toggenburg and Swiss. $10. Adelbert BeckteL R. No. 2, baiem. jt. FORCED SALE FIno singer canary birds, - $6; female birds, cages, Belgian and rew zeniana rabotts. Route 8. box 458 Lents, Or. PIT bu 1 1 pu pa. Tabor 1727. after 4 P. M, CANARY birds for sale. Call Tabor 7525. Poultry. " LEA"VTNO PORTLAND SATURDAY. WlU sell two dozen O. A. C. Barred j cozen; 1 oozen wrown legnorn pullets, $9 Barred Rock cockerel, $2; 20 2-months-old cnicas (tarred kocks). $iu; Z hens, $3.50. Phone Main 70.0. local 29, from 9 to ft. or Main e655 evenings. Quick action necessary. CHICKENS, Rhode Island Reds, are beau ties. Mrs, Woodward. 363 14th. Main . 4B-". X WANT White Leghorn pulleta Brc way 3311. Typewriters, NEW Remington, rental p. an; rent applies to purcnase. visioie moaeia heminc on i"w""r,V.- M eroaaway. leiepnon I Broadway 62L CCARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type- wnter to., retail aept.. a-'i wash st. JvEMINGTON monarch typewriter. $50; good as new. Call No. 1404. corner Duncan and vuican sta. KE3CILT typewriters and supplies Corona aeaiera ix w. rease co.. 110 Sixth. fEW, rebuilt, second-band rentals at cut rates r v Co.. 1 ftart. st . Main liu7 TYPEWRITERS cleaned, repaired; all makes. M. J. Hirshorn. Main 17S2 or M.'.ln 3253. .FOX typewriter for saie, almost new, reason- . ao.c. Tabor 2566. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired ureyon Typewriter Co.. 4A 3tn. Main Stitf- Mac bin cry. SAWMILL MACHINERY. 1 holier. 54x14. 1 donkey, 7xi. j 1 engine, 1 0-horse. i 1 engine. 50 horse, if 1 No. 3 doub; Russell saw i 1 2-saw edger. J 2 p.aners. 6x24. I log turn. 1 log puIL, Belts, etc. MEADOW LAKE LBR. CO., Dayton, Or. SPECIAL. One second-hand Berlin resaw. No. $42. vim a-in. o.aaes. One second-hand 24x24 timber Dlsner. A so all kinds of reouilt second-hand snacninerr. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., P3 Flrl St.. Port. and. Or. GALVANIZED pipe. K to 2 In., lengths 3 to reet, 9 to lc root, uaivaaized fittings an sizes, nan price. r-u:iei s. Del tin it. - trunks, lery cheap, must be sold at once. X-venirgy s:ter o o ciqck. o" Moyt st. bx'AAOKL ar coji. pressor pipe tooj; 5-in. , A. C fan. 409 Wash iL Ash ford. Bdwy NEW and second-hand farm tractors special prices, Reierson Machinery Co., l.'a neon st. Jiain uq FOR SALE 12-ln. sticker. 6-In. sUcker. 20 H. P. Ames engine, pulleys and belts, in "fine condition. AR P20. Oregonian. 1 annches and Boats. FOR SALE PLEASURE BOAT , (MINA ROSS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOAT HOUSE PHONE MAIN 2516. 2-ROOM shark. 80x200. all cleared. Oregon City line, w; terms, xiaie. Main 6517, 10 u JO-FT. mot or bo at. fine condition. S-horso-1 STUDEBAKER roadster, first-class shapa power, van toot nrr o cioca. 1 M isrel lan eons. 1934 JJARTLETT pears and choice cooking ap- pies on the trees. 1 cent a pound, Phons I SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each; vul 4vak Grove 23 M. I FOB SALE. Misceilaneou. BAR TLB TT PEARS, Fresh picked pears. Right off th trees. Bring your boxes or sacks. TWO t2) CENTS PER POUND. On the river road between Concord and Vineyard roads. Paved road all the way. TWO a CENTS PSR POUND. W. H. DRAKE. LEAVING PORTLAND SATURDAY. Will sell two dozen O. A. C Barred Rock pullets. May hatch, fine stock, $12 dozen; 1 dozen Brown Leghorn pullets, $9; Barred Rock cockerel. 2; 20 2-months-old chicks (barred Rocks). $10; 2 hens, $3.50. Phone Main 7070. local 29, from 9 to 5. or Main b655 evenings. Quick action necessary. SEWING mirhlnM. new and second-hand. of all makes, sold for less: no agents i employed; machines repaired ana rentea. 3 per month. Rp!WIT. MArmNK TTMPORIUM. 130 3d. near Tsylor. A 8626. Main 943 L CLOSING out this week only, new 4-mtnute I cylinder indestructible records, s.o peri dozen, your choice; regular o. wwm i 314 Buchanan bldg., over lOo Store on asmngton. FOR KALE Two 60-ln. xlft-f t atandard boil ers, tiave been used but a snort time. Also two engines, one 12x20-ln. and one 14x20 -in. F 451. Oregonian. FOR SALE 75 1 -quart cans black Bing and I itoyai Ann cnerriees; aiso peacn piumi, i sweetened; new cans and tops. Phonal n road way io. room zi. HOT water tanks, all sizes, in good, service able condition, su-gaL. 7; 40-gaL, y. -ui Adams sU. east end steel bridge. Phone DODGE ROADSTER. 1918 model, in excellent condition; three I new tires; owner in service; $uu0 cash. I ah bis. oregonian. . FEW reasonable bargains In slightly marred but guaranteed Singer sewing I machines. 402 Washington st. APPLES. 60c 75c and $1 box; Bartlett pears. 60c box. Bring boxes. Douglas farm, I i mile south or rroutiiaie. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcase. 174 1st st.. corner Yamhill. I WINCHESTER PUmD and almost new dOU I ble-barrel shotgun, sleeping bag. bedroll. & i-aay-b lone genuine beaver coat: in good condition; reasonable. Tele- phone Main 6346. YOU will find ED. V. PRICE St CO. tail- oring for sale in Portland at 409 E. Mor- I nson bl only; snowing new ran line. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, ail Kinds, macmnery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. zjs fa tarn st. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and waucases. iixtures; easy terms. w. j. uuigley, l'7 r irst. Main HIGH-POWERED rifle for sale or trade. A 532. Oregonian. TENT FOR SALF: 12x14. good condition. Inquire 295 E. 70th. Tabor 894L FOR SALE Fine, thick switnh and three I strings of puffs, $10. AV Oregonian. FINE PfMP GUN AND RIFLE FOR SALE CHEAP. 128 FIRST. DRY. ftret growth cord wood. $8 and $8.50 I prr cora. J3 n y. joi. LADIES' black cloth top shoes; best leather, I size ti. av 6A oregonian. OAK ROLLS for sawmill. Illihee MiU A ManufactoryOaklandOr ONE four-burner gas range for sale; after I IV A. M. 4fs Aiaraet at. 2 DOZEN 2 -quart Mason jars, $2.25. Mar- shall 34. ROLL-TOP Desk, Adding Machine. Check Protector; sell or trade. ixs First. ONE carpet loom. Inquire 1196 Mississippi avenue. PICKLE kegs and barrels for sale. Panama looreragq to., .'.'a front. WHITE- enameled bassinette. with stand. Tabor i'los. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex. cnangea. pougnt. genuey co. Main 85S2. FOR SALE 4r dozen fruit Jars, one and iwo-quart siaes; reaaonapie. Jkiain 604L B LARGE steel engravings, suitable for a I lawyer s oiiice. va nawtnorne ave. MOTION picture outfit. In good condition. I ior BA.e rncap. ia.i i i trxj ju. AttKeDT St. I . . . . . i " v gooa secona-nana seres at the ift iii. yum j 'vuv tu jji uuwijt J. POO. I WANT White Leghorn pulleta, Woodlawn 3 ( a. ii4 ai ips. ave. LARGE and fine red fox fur for saie. Call I l a oor - a. BEST old growth cord wood: also dead wooa. xor saie, cneap. is. 7020. FOR SALE ACTOMOBrLESL DODGES CHALMERS, CHEVROLET I AND MANY OTHERS. We have leased our Used Car Depart-1 ment. compelling us to sacrifice our stock! or iseu cars at prices never neara of be-I fore. Now is the time to buy a car at the price you want to pay. WESTERN AUTO CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF CHALMERS AND FAGOEL MOTOR TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. Broadway at Burns Id. Entrance on Burn side. Phone Broadway 5308. NEED some money, will sacrifice mj Olds ..nkl1. "O .Hah. AAA U.. mlVi rnn,M.i tpiria rxf grnnA Pnrrf nr DnriirA and some cash in exchange. AP 515, Ore gonian. TWIN SIX NATIONAL. Will sell 12-cylinder, late model Na tional, perfect condition, all new tires with I two spares, at an extremely low price. ynone jjroaoway fe.x MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their) parts at half price. David Hodes Co. I North Broadway and Flanders. lyis HUPMOBILE. with Victoria top, the classiest car in Portland and a bargain. Must be sold at once, terms if desired. Call Mr. Stmonton. Marshall 366. OVERLAND. 5-passener. 4-cyllnder: looks like new : fine shape mechanically : all new tires; snap, $650; terms or cash. Call Frank smitn. ttroaoway nau. FULLY equipped, starter, electric lights, all modern appliances; terms, xsawy. tiu. Owner. iron p.ood motor car reoalrinr call Murrv- mead Garage Co., Ui uawtnome. feast 1300. 5-PASS. car, fine looking and first-class me- chan leal condition; cheap upkeep; best I buy in city; $300. Call 188 3d. 1918 MAXWELL driven 3500 miles, first- class condition. $.00, terms to suit, bee 1 car at 1219 Wilbur st. R. A. Pnllar. CHEVROLET, almost new. will sacrifice. Call Bdwy. 3530 or can be seen at Factory Motorcar Garage. Liza ana jonnson. FOR SALE; 2 1918 Fords; 1 5-pass, also 1 roadster; both in line condition, inquire Bpeedweu uarage, i4tn ana coucn sts. MAXWELL. 5-passenger. dandy family car: 6 rood tires: a snap: 4.t. Laurel Kose I Garage, 834 East Burnside St. new tires; two extras; i a. ::uoi s, and Washington st. Tabor &53L 1017 MAXWELL car In . first -class condi tion, city Auto ia unary, iuv utn at. Bdwy. 3455. BY owner. Ford roadster and delivery box attaenmem. r ip- J1--11 -i .cast jorri5on, or m"uuc tat.-. STUDEBAKER truck, large oody. good top; -ton. newiy ownuieu, cxcetient snaps. f rice aoou. -q toiT HT'DSON' suoer-slx sieclal roadster. Classiest car in town; aiouu, unna. tji 1 EutlWi PAIGE 1917. 7-pssa.. first-class condition. Just the car ior uvery. wu eveninga 1 Marshall 366. 118 COUNTRY CLUB Overland, excellent condition, fuiiy equipped: o wire wneeis; new Urea terms. Marshall 2142. REGAL roadster, good condition, new top; j good tires, sliw. too gwrnuyier. cast wi. 5-PASSENGER Oakland touring, good con dition, nargain. wi 1&17 FORD for sale cheap; 103 W. Richmond at RlchmondGarage; Columbia 690. HA VB iauto truck for sale cheap (Reo). Phone beiiwooq aw- FRANKLIN, In first-class condition; 6-pass.. 6-cyi., gooa as new, cr, wn. vrrgonian. 1918 FORD: $100 extras, snap. Mar ah all 42 or Main K:cr.arcion. pu FORD touring car. will sell for $300. 721 Oiwego St. m. yiomqis i,uq. canixed, 25c, urs repairing. -UJ Madlaon. FOR S-4XK AUTOMOBILES. 1917 PACKARD Twin Six. 7-pass, ord tires, aeat covers and other ex tras. Price .-42730 1918 Twin Six. 5-paaaenger 2250 1917 Bulck. ran about 6000 miles, all cord tires, one extra; spotlight, bumper and weed chains: car looks brand new. Can be bought for 1250 1917 Bulck. newly nam ted and over hauled; perfect condition 1100 I 191T Chandler. 7-passenger, only run about 6000 miles and used in city: bunaner and extra tire. Price 1350 1914 Hudson 6-54. newly painted, cord tires; very cheap. 1913 Cadillac, 5 -passenger. 1-48 Packard. 6-cyl-. electrto lights and starter, newly paint ad, new top. Price 12i Ford 1-ton truck with cov ered express body. R. C tires .. H. 5-passencer, food PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO MP ANT. 10th and Burnslde Sta Broadway 62L Not Open on Sunday. USED CARS. 1917 Cadillac T-mml navTr namted. khaki brown $2500 i 1916 Cadillac, 7-passu newly painted. Belgian blue. 6 Brood, new tires. fully equipped 1850 j 1917 Cadillac, 4-pasa., color bine, S cord Urea, natural wood wheels, extra ........................ . 625 1917 Mitchell, rood as new 125ff 1013 Hudson, electric lights and starter, newly painted, over hauled 550 1918 Ford delivery ... 550 1917 Ford delivery 50 850 1914 Overland delivery - 1912 Oadfllac engine, thoroughly ovArhRuied. H. P. 32.4 cylinders 4fcx4tt 250 Terms and exchanges considered. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY 21st and Washington Sta, Main 6244. WE ARE CLEANING OUT OUR STOCK OF USED CARS. INVESTIGATE. 1918 Ford coupe, spec equip, i q i a vapvI mariatiTM and tourlnsT Chevrolet, spec, equip 600 Ford rdst., completely overhauled Ford delivery Overland, good running; shape..... Overland, 5 -pass., late model.... ... Oakland, lots of extras .... Studebaker, 6-cyl., 7 -pass. ........ Studebaker, 4-cyL, 5 -pass. ........ Studebaker, 4-cyl., 7-paaa Cadillac, 4-cyl., 6-pass., coils....... Cadillac 4-cyl.. 4-paaa., coils...... 475 850 600 675 600 600 600 400 600 900 700 Maxwell 5-pass., late model Brlscoe, 6-paaa., late model 725 Hudson 6-40. 7 -pass., good shape.... H-'.O Chandler, late model, 4-pasa. 1500 Stoddard-Dayton delivery 350 Carter Car. needs some work 15 Bulck 6-cyL, 7-pass.. new paint 1250 W. H. WALLINGFORD, Broadway 2492. niRfrlhtitors of LIBERTY SIX. PREMIER SIX YmTPOOE 622 Aider St,, at 16th. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 1 2-ton Reo truck, almost new. bar- 1 Buic'k touring ...$850 I 1 V .!U fin, shaft 1 Studebaker. 7-nasS. ... . 750 1 2 Ford touring car 1 1911 Cadillac special 25 1 1U15 Lozier - 750 THE OLDSMOBILE COMPANY OF ORE-I Broadway at Cemeh. Broadway 2270. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS UlVb.i. 1915 Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyl......... 600 1014 Mitchell. 6-pass.. 6-cyl... 750 1P.17 Studebaker. 7 -pass.. 6-cyl...... IOoO JUIO w-aoih, I 1914 Studebaker,' 4-pasa. coupe 550 ibis fitMrns. 2-nass.. 6-cyl......... 1150 1 h 1 'i Fmbr. a-nass.. -cy 1. ........ Two-ton truca wun cau Several Others to Select From. 1250 T Sr.Ii I A rt llH.KT. MITCHELL-LEWIS A STAVER CO . Morrison at asi ou East 7272 B 1216 Bdwy. 515 A 8348. TTTVO R-evHner Sedan. 7-paSSencer, Used vrr little. SI ZOO less tnan new pn, would take car in exchange; terms to re- Bulck 5-passenger, 4-cyllnder. In rood I condition, wun gooa tiree, ifiius eo, 1 terms. PAUL STAIGER CO- 9th and Couch Sta Broadway 564. AUTO WRECKERS. ct fik mnit ail makes of ears and sell the good parts for less than half price. We have all kinds of used bodies for sale. ; Highest prices paia ror 01a cars. 1 PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 32 Front St. MAIN 4(OS. PACKARD, model 1-38, 6-cylinder, 6-passen- I ger ; has always naa oesx 01 two m 1 most never used off paved streets; equip I ment Includes hign-graae cioca ana oiu ometer. Klaxon horn, seat covers, extra I rims. Warner lens, bumper, tools, etc Call at 902 Wilcox bldgv CADILLAC SPORT PHAETON 4-PASS. SPEEDSTER TYPE, LIKE NEW. $2600. 844 Burnslde St. MAXWELL 6-passenger touring car. good tires, spotlight, bumper, new extra tire, i vfatr carburetor: car that UaIti nil tiMv: arlrinal finish: has had best of care; must sell; $550. Call Tabor 4459. v TTivm nnm Karon chommy roadster, like new, run less tnan ouu imity . wiu 1 for $1175; price new $1375. If you are lookine for a snap. investigate. Call Broadway 422 or Main 19S2 evenings. KV.W HT7PMOBILE." Just run enough to work good, cord f. anri Mtran: WOUld COSt SA OOUlPPea over $1000; best casn oirer taaes it. mom run saa& oy owuc. u-musp. Bulck; good looking and In fine condi- I tion; 6 tire, and all new extras; must he . sold at once; $300- 162 N. 22d st. "iL.SWlilS: town cord tires; $12.50. Some buy. AV 61, Oregonian. HUPMOBILE, 6-paas., good condition, good I tirea $285 cash or bonds, can be seen at j Robinson-smitn garage, otn ana jnaaison. Ask for wiiuams. 1917 '7-PASSENGER Mitchell, gnaranted In first-class condition; looks like new; terms. Kellv Tire Service Co.. Broadway and Ankeny. APPERSON, good condition: worth more t,.n t iLMtt- onlv $350: terms if you want It. Call trn.nK omitn, proaaway mu. STUDEBAKER truck, -ton, just over hauled, good, strong top, self-starter, $650. 228 Aider st. i FOR SALE Detroit electric and genera tor. Phone Tabor 4400. AH 562, Orego nian. SMITH FORM-A-TRUCK Unused truck at tachment for sal at a big sacrifice. Mr. R. I. Call. 530 Alder St.. Broadway 2717. 2 GOOD Ford trucks, $500 and $600 each. Terms to suit. 121 North 3d., cor. Glisan. MY HARLEY-DAV7DSON, with side car. Just like new; $350, terms. Mr. Hage xnan, Marshall 867 or Woodlawn 45S3. , SAXON SIX, $600 cash for quick sale. North 3d-, cor. Glisan. 1918 FORD. A-l condition, delivery body on. Price. $500. 553 oth St.. near Grant 1917 DODGE. 5-paaa, Bdwy. 4674. price tar cash. Right I FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. WHOAf STOP RIGHT HERB. Just last week a man made $100 try crossing the Willamette River. Would you make the same trip for the same money? If not, probably you would for twice or three times that amount and if yon are going to Invest (I say invest be cause there is no better investment right now than a good used car or truck) in a good used car or truck, you too can be as lucky as the above mentioned man If you will come over and permit us to show you through our stock. We are out of the high rent district, but just close enough In to be conveniently reached from any carllne crossinc the river. I will Just list a few cars In this ad to give you an Idea what our stock consists oi. Come over and make us prove tne rest. One 1917 Bulck, 6-cyL, 6-pass.. 4 new tires, one good spare. Some other extras. Mechanically oerfect. One 1917 Haynes, 6-cyU 7 -pass., cord tires; all around seat covers. No. 1 mechanical condition One 191tl Auburn 7-paaa, This is & beautiful car and practically brand new. One 1918 Studebaker De Luxe. 6-cyl- 7 -pass., run only 175 miles. This la sure a sacrifice. One 1917 Grant, 6-cyL, T-pass, & power ful little car in fine condition. Fords of all models. We have 50 other cars and almost any kind of a truck you want. Some people are going to get some mighty good bargains. Why not be one of them? DEALERS' TJSED CAR CLEARING-HOUSE East Stark and Grand Ave. Onen even in es and Sundays, E. 7810, Liberty bonds taken at face value. 37S rnvTH rnNTRA(7P. Have contract and 8H-ton truck. nearTy new, cost $3800. Will sell truck for $285 1 -and give terms on 60 per cent of It and give you tms reuaDie contract. """ i Marshall eoT. OWNER leaving city, must sell today. Bris- .m. a.i.n iimH 3 mnnf Innkfl and runs ike new; good tires, one extra; pnc cash and Liberty bonds. Absolutely best buy in city. H. J. Koskie, 143 Cook ave. i Phone Woodlawn 2303. Take Mlsaiasipl car. I nn iv-tt W ,lmA maw TlnA trtk ca.r In D6r- fect condition: o tires. Dumper, eiu, ukui 5000 miles; has had best of garage care; nox -u inn Pkl.f Clnnrt mn man- I ager Oregon Woolen Mill Store, 1st and Madison sts. CHANDLER, 1918 touring, $1400. I Worn- sieat. juuitnuintta m. Automobiles Wanted. AN AUTO-TRUCK, suitable for delivering I ni.lVwnt.rt on monthly contract: per- manent nroposition for right party. The I Wiley B. Allen Co.. Morrison at Broad way, WILL pay spot cash for real bargain in ngnt usea car; raui nv emiioii J : , lights and in gooa mecnauwui w iuh uu, . . j . . . 1 1 1 -r eminH K Alttt ' Preier roao-sLer, wi vj " ...,. . hBnx fnr nulr.k deal for ready money if you have something good. Phone ington St.. Oregon. City. . I txr a VTtTi T AirVi t .LiuMcnrer, 6-cylinder. I 1917-18 automoniie; must oe in ax dltion; will pay cash or ofrer oodge in tmHn fipH Mr. Lester. Y. M. C. A., 6th and Main sta PROPERTY in Marsh field. Coos Bay, to ex rhonv. for Portland or automobile. AV 256, Oregonian. WANTED 8 or 12-cylinder car. King, Hol- Her, Oakland or any 8 or 12 if price is risht. AN 4 60. oregonian. I PAY SPOT CASH FOR USED CARS. L. E. OB YE. Grand Ave, and E. Stark. WANTED 1917 Ford body, 6 pass. 721 Os- wego st. FOUR or six-cyL car, $100 down, balance $30 month. F. U. pox qui. Motorcycles. INDIAN power-plus, fully equipped, good condition. 510 Ainswortn ave. MOTORCYCLE for sale. Phone Woodlawn S400. Call at 6S6 Minnesota ave. Automobiles Wanted. ROADSTER WANTED. Will exchange two choice lota at Saltalr station, xuiamooK ueato, nrar aepoj ana hotel, adjoins board walk, county road and railroads; face the Pacific Ocean; slse 25 by about 140 feet, suitable for business or for cottage; will pay some difference Address A 402. Oregonian. . - - . LONG SILVA, auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save joa 50 per cent on parts. Bend in the I parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought, regardless of condition. Phone East 6840. 162 Hawthorne ave. WE BUY automobiles of all kinds If prices are right. Murrymead Garage Co 717 Hawthorne. LET me repair your machine in your own garage. Private service car day and night. WILL PAY cash for S ton, secondhand truck, will not consider worn out machine. Rai lway Equipment cc. 'jjo ftjjK. WANTED Light touring car In exchange for Aiameda Park lot; must be in good condition. AJ in-egonian. Automobiles for Hire. I VIEW riP? FOP. RENT WITHOUT DR TV. ERS. o. rs. smith, l riiri u a."u trials Af I STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2629. I I i--r-,i wrTu-riTTT nciucuo i New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, I 86 10th st. Broadway 840. I FORD, competent driver, $1.50 an hoar; f0 any wn ere. j.aoor iuis. WANTED About four hours' work every dav for two-ton truck. Broadway 2927. -' 1 SNYDER'S AUTO SERVICE Highway, de pots, funerals, calling, shopping. East 45S2. 5 - PAS3. Lode for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 8547. WANTED MTfcCELLANEOUS. WANTED SECOND-HAND MEAT BLOCK, ABOUT 36X36, AH 578, OREGONIAN. $7.50 AND UP $7.50 for second-hand suits. J. Meyer the tailor pays .he highest price lor suits, overcoats, shoes, etc We call anywhere In the city, day or evenings. Call Marshall 1229 or z.i nauiiooBu niTK y la buvina: ladies' and cents' cast-off clothing. Hghest cash price paid. Will call day or nigut, PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225. or 20 Madison St. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I buy all second-hand ciothes, especially ladies' and gentlemen's suits and evening gowns, etc New buyer. Try me before you call Qtners. rnonn groauwaji q&ja. ' J UN K WANTED J UN K. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for sacks, rubber, second-hand goods. Call Main 734. " SB-.rnvn.HAND CLOTHING WANTED. We buy gents' clothing and we pay full price ana over, w e ouy snoes ana naa , Call Main 1923. good condition. A. c joraan, jau xxooa, l or. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER. We need the clothing and we pay all It Is worth. Call Main 734. 201 1st st. JUNK, rags, bottles, sacks, old clothing, tools; good pricea East 294. vv a 1 10 ouy uinu a uiuuiuuno. fnone zpo or ocnwuou U. S. LIBERTY BONDS. Will nay cash. 553 Pittock Block. WINCHESTER. Remington automatic and pump shotguns wanted. Hochfeld. 85 Sd. OLD clothing, furniture, stoves, carp eta tools, trunks; very good pricea Bdwy. .655. bUiitAon. or -uui- tion call Tabor 4084. nmow.P . WANTED Lawnmower and garbage can, in good condition, tan xaoor o to. WAXTED - p.wnm.wer and larbag. can. Tabor 8776. Furniture Wanted. rARH. CASH. CASH. We will pay the highest price for your used furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, oi- fir- furniture, etc Phone .Marshall 87 and our buyer will cail at once. GfiVUBTZ FURNITURIJ STORE, 205 and 207 First St. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 166-168 1st st., requires second-hand furniture. Best prices paid. If you have any furniture, new or need, call on us and you will be sure of food treatment. Main 4633. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer will ca)i. Mar. 2603. WANTED At once, large refrigerator to accommodate about 80O qt. bottles of milk. Jensen A Son's at Linnton. Phone Col. 18 or A 6005. FURNITURE WANTED We will pay full value for your second-hand furniture, beds, dressers, carpets, stoves and house hold goods. Call Main 123- 193 Front st. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready casn. Phone today. Main 4627 or 204 First st. HOUSEHOLD FURNTTURE WANTED WILL PAT CASH. MAIN 8382. HEATER, cookstove, range and some furni ture wantea. siaia .xaour oivo WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture Wanted. GEVORTZ FURNTTURB COMPANY, 185 to 191 First St. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-houses, office furniture, furniture stocks; nothing too big or too small for us. Prompt at tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL 5981. A 8224. READ IMPORTANT READ We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store In the city. Therct is hardly an Item we do not buy and sell. We specialize in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp suopliea. When you have anything to boy or sail, 1 call or phone MAIN 9072, A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO, 221-8-5 Front St., cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN S09 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER 1 AID BY AJJIONB Ii THE CITY. tUK f LK.M 1 U ti Hi. CAKftTS, AlU YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE .STORE, 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR, MAIN 300. MOST cash for furniture and musical in struments, etc Main 709S. HELP WANTED MALE. 6" wnwoiam bbibhuii in dodk- keeping department. Answer In own hand writ in, statins: experience and srive tele. pnone number, ai euo, uregonian. TOUNG man for WTaooln bread bv ma- i cnine; salary a week; axteraoon ana i evenings. Davidson Baking Co, East 22d I and Oregon, I WANTED Man nd wife, cooks. $225 month; one lady waitress. $5a mont for lodging camp: tree Jobs. Call at 261 za st. I UPHOLSTERER iA on It snoerln ten dent's of fice, casement balcony. Meier & rank co. 1 MAN AND WIFE a sawmill hotel, wlf I waitress and man do chores; $120 per A. 2d. lAreiHi1.rsb.u oouciior, nuaaie-agea, gooa i appearance, salary $15 to $25 weekly and I commission: none hut experienced need f.PP'- Apply 9 to 12. Mr. Livermore, Hotel Carlton. I WANTED By wholesale fruit produce firm, truck ; careful, experienced, gooa dispo sition and willing worker. M 407, Orego- : ntan- WANTED today, bridge carpenters for rail road construction work, good wages ana good accommodations; free fare. Apply at the Han ley Employment Agency, 23 N. 2d. WANTED today for woodwork. 6 choker setters, 5 rigger rustlers. Firm win iur nlsh automobiles to the work. Apply to the superintendent- 28 N. 2d st. WANTED First-class machinist to operate wSrk- "iady work good pay Fred Dun- Universal grinder; aiso do lathe ana Dencn BOY wanted for delivery and shipping room! work in wholesale electrical supply house. FOBES SUPPLY COh 285 Couch St I MAN wanted to drive Ford truck and make himself generally useiui in ractory. l;o- lumbla Paper Box Cov. East 25th and Hol- laday . : . . .. WANTED Combination porter and bell nop. A middle-aged man not being liable to be called In the October draft. Rainier Hotel. 12s North 6th st. - w a m u axpenencea, um-ciax uomi clerk for hotel in country. Inquire 604 Buchanan bldg1. GOOD man wanted for barn work; steady job and good room. Apply urana ave. W. J. Sullivan. MAN to distribute circulars. Apply 7:30 A. M. today or tomorrow. Js.euey jo., avum 1st St. EAST 7S32 Several men for bench work in machine shop. Cutler Manufacturing Co., E. 10th and k. Mill sts. WANTED A cleaner and pressor, or bushel- man: $35 per week. "rank .Nixon, tay- mond. Wash. WANTED A collector, one who is well ac quainted with the streets; siz a wees: ana commission Gatelys, 428 Washington. MEN to worK in oasement: one expenencea m handling meat preferred. Armour A Co., 13th ana v lanaers. EXPERIENCED dry and wet cleaner; steady work. Call or write to the Wardrobe Dye I Works. WANTED All-around, wood working ma chine man. Apply cnampion jnig. u).. East 7th and Main. mam mn htv free room for lighting fire: make extra money odd chores. .Hotel Baker. 265 hi bthst. WANTED Man or boy for helper; no ex- . perience necessary. Apply woover jsajcery, 597 East 11th. Sellwood 1616. I BOY. 16 years old, for store work. Apply I j,ni (.LUi nx- 1 Morrison ana bib. i YOUNG man or boy to drive Ford delivery, good salary. Appiy woayear nuooor ,o 1 61 4th st. I WANTED An elderly man to do Janitor worit in jjioerty aiarKou .ppijr r. 1 itt., 2Ui block ex. oiug. 1 MAN wanted not subject to draft to help in snipping department. x&usseii uiiucul i Co.. Hi. Z4tn ana nonaany. 1 WANTED todav. four plumbers to work in building, standard wages. a.ppiy naniey 1 employ m cut -.bcw 1 MARKER and sorter wanted at Opera House 1 laundry. WANTED Elevator man. Portland Hotel. See the porter. ACTIVE man, over 45. wanted for bellman. Arlington Club. ZQtf Park st. BELL boy wanted. Arlington Club, 209 Park. JAPANESE wanted, part of day. chamber boy. Arlington cmo. -ire r-ara. WANTED Hauling- for auto truck. Broad way 3261. I WANTED Good shoemaker; steady work. BARBciit wantea, s tea ay. wwuj uaxoer Shop. Allsky bldg. WANTED Young man to do porter work. Follta cio. anop. zu wasn. st. WANTED Boy with wheel after school. Rosenthal enoe btore. TWO experienced drivers by People's Mar ket A urocery. 1st ana xayior. , DELIVERY boy wanted. K. S. Ervln A Co..; 205 Selling bldg. WANTED A baker; steady Job. CorvaJlli Bakery, corvains. ur. BOY wanted, over 16. Apply Allen Drug Store, lBtn ana ixvejoy sts. n-vo A nnlw fafm-v 9A W street North. PAGE boy wanted, Multnomah Club, SSI Salmon St. WANT two rough carpenters with tools. Apply 235 Stark. WANTED Janitor for office bldg. 201 Corbett bldg. Apply I BOY wanted to learn good business: good I wages. Pike A O'Neill Co.. 343 H Wash, st. WANTED A night clerk at the Coast Ho tel, 232 Burnslde St. EXPERIENCED jewelry salesman wanted. Dan Marx, 283 Washington St. NIGHT dishwasher wanted; $17 a week. Newport Restaurant, 147 N. 6th st. A GOOD COLLECTOR AND SALESMAN for! city work. Call . M-, 402 Washington. TRIPS cleaners and casing men; wages. 228 Alder st - good WANT boy for grocery store ; one who Is not attending scnooi. ivo wasnington st. ERRAND boy; one with wheel preferred. Apply Kice et pneian. Front ana oak. BARBER wanted; steady posKlon; $20 a I week guaranteed. Apply 254 1st st. I 5 WANT E D Au tomobi 1 e w: Garage, Sth and Taylor. MAN with truck or team to haul wood; good pay. Main ioa. WANTED Elevator boy. Menlo Hotel, 10th ana starsu TIMEKEEPER. Pacific Marine Iron Works, foot or K. Yamniu; appiy in person. WANTED Cash boys. Ben Sailing. BARBER wanted! 804 Burnslde st. SHOE salesman wanted, Stalger Shoe Ca HELP WANTED MALE. MEN WHO WANT WORK AND ARE NOT ENGAGED BY ESSENTIAL WAR IN DUSTRY MAY SECURE AGREEABLE EMPLOYMENT AT WEST LINN MILLS, ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY, AT FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE; 42c HOUR, 8-HOUR JOBS. MEALS IF DE SIRED, 30c; CLEAN BEDS, 10c NIGHT. STRIKE ON -10 MONTHS, BUT NOT BOTHERING US. COME DON'T WRITE THERE IS A JOB WAITING FOR YOUi UNCLE SAM WANTS EVERY MAN AT HIS POST. This is no time to shirk; every man should do his utmost; middle-aged men can now "come back"; boys are needed at once to fill soldiers' places; ti Y. M. C A. Emo orment and Advisory nartment is able to give priceless advice ft puts you into the largest place you are able to fill successfully A special membership of $5 has been devised to aid those who need It; don't miss this modern, scientific and mor- oughly business-like way of securing noitition Phone Mam 8700. A 656L Call at once m person n possiDie. W ANTED Fallers for logging camp; good country, maximum Government wages paid. Wilson Bios. Logging Company, in dependence, Washington. Take O. W. Railroad. COMPETENT office boy for lar$:e wholesale business. Apply own handwriting, statins experience, give age and salary expected; references required. B 524. Orgonian. MACHINISTS WANTED. Two or three young men, not under 16, for promising, growing machine shop, es tablished 8 years in city. In which all around experience may be secured ; am bitious, industrious men with some experi ence preferred ; must be steady and re- ii a Die, Armstrong Mig. o su HIGH School and Reed College students looking for paper routes during tne com ing school year will do well by applying to Room 203 Oregonian bldg. at once. MEN wanted bv Portland Gas A Coke Co.. at uasco, on Linn ton road. Hteaay employ ment; pay $3.50 to $5 per day. Taxe tree bus at garag. Front and Glisan sta., 6 A. M., or 23d and Savlcr at 7:15 A. M. Apply at gas plant office. MEN wanted to carry carbon briquets from trucks to base merits or our consumers; average wage, $4.25 to $4.75 for 8 ' boura Inquire N. -E. cor. 2d and Flanders. Port land Gas & Coke Co. wanted Young man for stock clerk and floor salesman in local branch of a large Eastern wholesale house; state age, refer ence and salary desired. Box Ab 4io Oregonian. WANTED Barber to buy my two-chair shop, in good location ; no competition, near car shop; reason Jsickness. L 428, Orego nian. PRINTER wanted ; combination floor and machine man; steady position for Al man. Wire or write Columbia County Dispatch, Dayton, Wash. WANTED A first-class slaughter-house butcher; also a helper: also a first-class casing man; best wages. Frank L. timith, 228 Alder. PITOR. .xp.rienced. tor .mail hotel: on. $70 per month. Conradlne HoteL WANTED All-round blacksmith and horse shoer. Job year around to right man; aiso will sell business and property. AV 5L Ore gonlan. MEW WANTED Conductors and motormen wanted. Call room 310 Electrie building, or division superintendent's office at tht carbarns. P. R., L. A P. Co. WANTED Salesman with light, car for es tablished coffee route, guarantee $35 a week and commission, Boyd Tea Co, 226 3d st. BARBER wanted. Steady Job, $25 guaran teed, 65 per cent over $35. Good over money. Kent Barber Supply Co, 271 Wash, st. for assistant to window trimmer. AppiyH office H. Llebes A Uo 14U troaaway, 9 A. M. ADVERTISING solicitors, theater programs and curtains; also road work. KODinson, 207 Stock Exchange. Will pay hustlers to Investigate. JANITOR, experienced, for small hotel; col ord or Jananese slnrle man D referred would hire for half day or all day work permanent position. Conradlne HoteL WANTED Engineer for large laundry; per manent posi tion for a good man ; give experience, address and telephone. National Laundry, 292 E. Sth st BOILERMAKER wanted familiar with Ioco motive boiler work; must be first-class on repairs. Railway Equipment Co., 2d and Stark. FIRST-CLASS all around cook for relief man, must be rast, salary siza per mo. Work six days a week. Apply to chef. Broadway Hazeiwooo, 1.7 roaaway. GOOD man, exempt from draft, to work part of time In wholesale house and part time driving private automoone. J A4U. ure- gonlan. WANTED 12 men for smelter work; eight- hour shifts, 60 cents hour to start Ap ply Western Reduction Co., Z4th ana r.ic- oiaa sts. CHOPPER or assistant cutter, steady posl- tion and gooa salary, nay xiaraaurst, tne Tailor, Sixth ana cstarK sta. jAN and wifi on farm near city; must be aoie to milk, unaerstana stocs: ana zarra ing. 510 Lewis bldg. HAVE a few good routes open; chance to earn money ior scnoot expenses. jau 10- day. Room xua oregonian oias. WANTED Lathe ad shaper operator; also first-class expenencea macnine snop ana foundry helpers, r'eninsma iron worm. watchmaker wanted. Thoroughly com petent watchmaker at tr. r neaianaer t;o aiu wmninsiop bu, mi. j-u MEN wanted to work on river steamboats. $70 per month and board. Apply Wash- ington-st. aoc BELLBOY wanted by University Club, 275 Sixth street, near jenerson. Advancement for boy who makes good. WANTED Dentists, first-class operators, registered in Oregon; good salaries. D 688, Oregonian. - EXPERIENCED pant operator can find steady employment at the Brownsville Woolen Mills. Morrison street at Third. WANTED Bushelxnan. one who Is able to assist in men's furnishing department. Simons. 1st and Alder. nanini a V X state ace and salary wanted. L 33, Ore gonian. HIGH-CLASS chef for a la carte and table d'hote service; references required. Hotel Marion. Salem. Or. AUTO mechanic general all-around man, good wages to right man. Apply 16th and Jefferson. BOY, with or without wheel, good wages and chance for advancement. Clarke Broa. 287 Morrison street, GOOD man, exempt from draft, for putting up orders in wholesale store. A 649, Ore- gonian. nKT.TVERT bOV. With WtlSeL 16 Or OVef, good wages. Co. WANTED A man to run extractors; expert ence not necessary. Appiy in person, crys tal Laundry Co. WANTED Locomotive repair man with ex perience; steady work for first-class man. Kail way Equipment u DiariL GOOD man wanted for farm work, steady Job end good room. Apply 20 Grand ave. w. j. suiuvan. W ASHMAN wanted; steady work, good pay. Vancouver Steam Laundry. BOY to run elevator, over 16 years, 7 A. M. to 6 P. M Permanent position, $9 per week; light work. Conradine Hotel. WANTED Dishwasher. $75 month and board. Apply 406 East Burnslde st. OFFICE boy or girl wanted. Apply 429 Beck bldg. JANITOR wanted, steady work, pay by the hour; no rurnace. Appiy -sofr oo. WANTED Kitchen man. Beacon Coffee House. 67 3d St. STRONG BOY WANTED Good wages, chance to learn traae. rtoom b, iw aa. BUSS BOY wanted by University Club, 275 Sixth street, near Jerierson. WANTED 8 men. Call 817 Oregonian bldg. between 8 and 9 and 4 and 5. DELIVERY man wanted for grocery. Wdln. 2077. WANTED Man to do chores around hoteL Wdln 2915. WANTED A barber, steady guarantee. 73 6th N. Job, good. ELDERLY man or student for janitor, mornings. 733 Washington t help wanted male. Help Wanted -aleemen. SALESMAN. Old established manufacturer deatrsa services of bright, wlde-arake, well ap pearing traveling sales representative. Previous selling experience preferred. Ex cellent opportunity for advancement. &iat age. experience and phone number. Ad dress Box J 162, Oregonian. WANTED Three live salesmen, not subject to a ran, w no are capaDie ox earning $0 per week ; experience not necessary. Call 10 to 12. room 215 Venable Hotel. Speedoline Co. office. 722 N. W. bank bids;. Its. Speedoline o. local office, 722 N W. Bank bldg. GOOD COLLECTOR AND SALESMAN? CITT WORK. CALL P. M-, 402 WASH. WANTED AGENTS. A LADY of education and refinement for special work in the city; also one to travel. Call at 208 Lumber Exchange bldg., from 10 to 2. $45 PER month and liberal commission, 9 ta ll. 213 Stock Ex. bldg. AGENTS at once. Sell 60c per month hos pital ticketa 206 Corbet t bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. wanted for in angle room, with or without experience. Apply Oregon Laundry, E. 6th and Oak. WANTED -FIRST-CLASS WOMAN COOK FOR COUNTRY CLUBHOUSE. APPLY, ROOM 4. OREGON BLDG. WANTED Ambitious young women as ap prentices; good pay wnne learning; rspiu. advancement to those willing to apply th emsel ves. Apply in person. Crystal Laundry Co. WANTED Neat elderly woman with good references aa hou&eKeeper ior man wim 6-year-old child, in modern suburban home; good home; fair wages. P 394,, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced saleswomen for drugs ana toliet goods. APPiy v to i a. superintendent's olfice. Olds. Wortman A King BOOKKEEPERS, must be thoroughly expe rienced and understand douoie entry. Ap ply 9 tb 10 A. M., superintendent's office. Olds. Wortman A King. WANTED Three ladies of education and ability for special work along cnua wel fare lines; salary and commission. Apply between 3 and 5. 714 Couch bldg. WANTED Girl or boy under 18 or man over 45 for stock room in wnoiesaie ory goods house. Apply in person: 47 North Fifth street, WANTED Lady to work half day In office. one who has had clerical experience pre fe red; state experience and givo ref erences. K 516, Oregonian. m WANTED Waitress in small restaurant. good hours and no runoay worn; gooa wages. 462 Glisan st,, ask for H. L. Wood. . YOUNG woman wanted for general house work; 3 in family; pleasant quarters sua good wages. Sellwood IOJ'9. OFFICE gfrl. few errands, wholesale house. $tt week, advancement. u i juorctua-u'- Trust bldg. WANTED Two experienced waitresses; on day and one night, r uuman xtestaurant. 14H d St. WANTED Experienced chocolate, dipper; retail work; full time or special hours. 215 Broadway. WOMAN for housework in apartments; go home nights; colored woman preferred. 1 502. Oregonian. WANTED First-class waitress; good pay with room and board. Alexandra Court, 63 Ella st. EXPERIENCED stenographer for permanent position In mercantile office; state ex perience. BP 489, Oregonian. YOUNG woman, good walker, to distribute circulars; apply 8 AM. today or tomor row. Kelley Co., 100H Front. WANTED An apprentice and errand girl. McCreery Manufacturing Ca. 600 Royal bldg. . WANTED An experienced cook for an In stitution. Old People's Home. E. 32d and Sandy roadL Phone East 588. GIRL wanted for shade work; one who Is experienced on power machine preferred. Columbia Awning & Shade Co.. 188 2d st. WOMAN or girl to care for two small boys from 9 until 6 o'clock every day. Port land Heights. Call Main 3938. FIRST-CLASS skirtmaker. also helpers on coats and skirts. 202 Globe bldg. PLENTY of good places for people who want work at Hansen's. 327 Washington, WANTED Four or five strong, healthy girls. Oregon Alleys, boh uroaaway. WANTED Experienced counter waitress; good wages. iui otn. WANTED Dishwaeher; 8 hours work; good pay. Apply 400 fcast nurnsiae st. HELP wanted In the mangle department. Opera House Laundry, za ana r,verett. WANTED Experienced chambermaid, wages $15 per week. Palace Hotel. 446 w ash. A WOMAN for household work 1n family of three aauits. Appiy o . fine st. EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Hotel Lenox, 3d and Main. WANTED Chambermaid, Hotel Hoyt, 6th and Hoyt sts. GIRLS, experienced, for power machine. Portland Hat A tap jo jzi Morrison. GIRLS wanted for all departments: expe rience unnecessary. jNationai baunory to. WANTED Girl to do second work. Tele phone Mrs. Hunt Lewis, Marsnaii X4SJ. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at 222 Wash. st. WANTED Talloress who has had some ex- peri f n ce In pressing. J-a jerierson at. WANTED Girls to work In laundry. U. & Laundry. 180 ave. AGE NTS wanted ; good co mm las Ion. Call East 653L COMPETENT Birl for general housework. Call mornings. Mam Z4BU. WANTED Two waitresses at Martha Wash Ington. GIRLS wanted, apply at' factory 34 First et. N. WANTED A s oung girl to do shopping. Bartholomews. 4W wasnington st. LADY tailor wanted. H. Jonaaon. AOs) Stearns bidg EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at onoe. Central Cafe, 143 iark St. MARKER and sorter wanted at Opera House laundry. 104 E. MORRISON A lady dishwasher wanted. California Kestaurant. EXPERIENCED waitress. Mandarin Cafe. 32 Morrison st. WOMEN wanted at once. Columbia Paper -Box Co., E. 25th and Hoi la day. LADY wanted as clerk in grocery store; must have experience. East 1593. WANTED A woman to solicit. Apply 414 E. Ash sLf between 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. GIRL for steady work In waffle house. 26414 Burnside st. Call Bwdy. 55L WANTED Gown finisher and helper. SOI Flledner bldg. ONE kitchen helper and 105 N.t 6th st. waitress. EXPERIENCED cook for cafeteria, lunch hour. Main 2451 after 9 A. M. MAIDS wanted. Apply at Ash st, entrance Multnomah Hotel. GIRLS wanted for stove factory. Purdln Bros., E. water and i ay ior. WANTED Janitor; day work only. Globe Theater. See manager. WANTED An errand girL Arc her -Schan Co., Royal bldg. WANTED Cashier and wrapper; good pay and steady position, uen eeiiing. CHAMBERMAID wanted. Hotel Franklin. I3tn sna waininpon sis. AN experienced chambermaid. Caplea Ho tel, sou u ay ior st. ELDERLY or middle aged woman for housework, can laoor nia. WANTED Lady barber at 5211. !40 1st. Main DINING room gtrL Campbell Hill HoteL GLASS waener. Main 7584 WAITRESS wanted. 44 East Morrison ex. WANTED Dinlngr room girL Wdln 2015,