Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 20, 1918, Image 1

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VOL. I.VIII XO. 17,937.
YEAR $937,961,318
Near Billion Authorized
for Betterments.
U. S. A. Boys Hasten to
French Front.
Kelly Presses Johns
for Supreme Court.
Carriers in War Time Must
Be Maintained.
Ximds Allowed TL'ntlcr Government
Operation for Improvements Now
Urged ; Projects Requiring Grcat
cr Sams Inferred.
WASHINGTON May 19. Railroads
under Government operation this year
will spend nearly a billion dollars for
additions, betterments and equipment,
or approximately three times as much
as In any one of the last three years.
Total capital expenditures approved by
the railroad administration as an
nounced today are $937,961,318.
Of this bis sum 440,071,000 will be
.spent for additions and oetterme. ;,
euch as stations and other property im
provements; $479,686,000 for equipment,
cars and locomotives already ordered
through the railroad administration,
and $18,203,000 for track extensions.
The figures disclore Director-General
McAdoo's determination to let the rail
roads make many improvements which
they had neglected during: the last
three years, postponing all possible
projects requiring big expenditures. It
also is shown that the railroad admin
istration is not encouraging many ex
tensions of lines during the war emer
gency, and in some cases projects al
ready under way have been discon
tinued. Budgets Are Pared Down.
The railroad administration eliminat
ed $349. 247,000, or nearly one-fourth of
the proposals. In paring down the
budgets to this extent, the Administra
tion made it plain that most of its deci
sions are tentative.
In general, the Kastern trunk lines
were given generous sums for improve
ments and equipment to enable them
better to handle the great flood of
traffic to the Atlantic Seaboard for
movement to Europe. Part of the cap
ital necessary will be supplied by the
Government from the $500,000,000 re
volving fund of the railroad adminis
tration, although advances will be re
paid eventually by the individual rail
roads. Wherever possible, railroads will
finance their own enterprises, but the
railway administration may buy the
bonds or other eecurities issued. Ex
aminations of the roads' budgets had
been directed by Robert S. Lovett, chief
of the railroad administration, division
of capital expenditure, and John Skel
ton Williams, director of finance and
New York Central Leads.
The figures made public today show
that the New York Central was given
$70,672,000, the biggest allowance and
practically all the road asked. Pennsyl
vania lines east, $64,488,000, and the
Pennsylvania west, $48,267,000. The
B. O. got $43,808,000; the Erie $24,593,
000 and the New Haven $24,315,000.
Other big allowances included: Santa
Fe. $41,445,000; Union Pacific, $30.
397.000; Southern Pacific. $29,432,000;
Southern, $29,113,000; Illinois Central,
$26,705,000; Philadelphia & Reading,
$24,918,000; St. Paul. $23,126,000; Nor
folk Western. $23,662,000; C. C. C. & St.
Louis. $23,162,000; Boston & Maine,
$23,308,000, and Michigan Central, $20.
027.000. Other roads included are: C. &. N. W.,
$11,211,000: C. B. & Q., $12,845,000; C. G.
W, $1,086,000; C, P. & St. L., $48,000;
C, R. I. & P., $14,199,000; C, St. P., M.
& O., $2,396,000; Colo. & S., $1,S71,000;
Colo. & W., $367,000: D., L. & W., $3.
432.000; D. & R. G., $2,848,000; E., P. &
S. W.. $3,329,000; Ft. Worth & D., $704,
000; Great Northern, $14,582,000; Hock
ing Valley. $5,669,000; K. C. Southern.
$2,231,000; Lehigh Valley. $9,988,000;
Los Angeles & S. L., $1,870,000; Minn. &
St. L., $791,000; M-, K. &. T., $3,992,000;
Mo. Pac, $9,926,000; Northern Pacific,
$14,059,000; Northwestern Pacific, $999,
000; Portland Terminal. $2S5,000; St. J.
c G. L., $335,000; St. Louis-San Fran
cisco, $7,370,000; St. L. S. W., $2,031,
000; St. P. Depot. $1,400,000; Sioux
City Terminal, $174,000; S.. P. & .,
54SS.00O; Texas & Pacific, $6,155,000;
T. & C. C, $6,526,000; T., St. L. & W.,
$4,481,000; Trans-Miss. Terminal, $206,
000; Utah Railway, $293,000; Washing
ton Southern, $409,000; Western Pa
cific, $5,126,000.
Allowance for Northern Pacific Ter
minal Looks Big.
Officials of the Northern Pacific
Terminal Company said last night that
they could not conceive of a $285,000
appropriation being made for improve
ments of their terminal alone. There
is considerable trackage improvement
contemplated, they said, but its cost
could not possibly run into any euch
It was suggested that the Government
officials had in mind terminal improve
ments for all railroads running into
Portland instead of the Kortnern pa
cific Terminal Company alone. If this
should prove to be the case, the $285,
000 appropriation, tney Baid. would be
more in keeping with the betterments
planned locally for the current year.
Washington Officials Watch With
Interest Move Which Might Re
sult in War Declaration.
WASHINGTON, May 19. Announce
ment from Amsterdam of the deter
mination of the Dutch government to
dispatch three of its merchant vessels
to the East Indies under convoy of
Dutch warships has i roused keen in
terest in naval and diplomatic cir
cles here.
It Is believed this decision is likely
to bring rbout a situation that would
plunge Holland into the war. Inter
national law, officials pointed out to
day, fully warrants the dispatch of an
armed convoy by a neutral state on
the high eas to its own colonies, and
this was done by nearly all maritime
powers during the Napoleonic wars.
So far as the entente powers and Amer
ica are concerned, it is said that the
Dutch convoys would be treated with
all the consideration demanded by In
ternational law. But it is not prob
able that German submarine com
manders would act with any suc'.i con
sideration, as is indicated by their past
treatment of Dutch and other neutral
vessels. "
If a German naval commander at
tempted to search, sink or make prize
of any convoyed vessels, the Dutch
commander would be obliged to defend
them forcibly, and the first shot fired
would amount to a declaration of war,
in the opinion of off! jials here.
Revolver Drops, Is Discharged and
Death Follows Bullet's Trip.
WHITE SALMON. Wash., May 19.
(Special.) While working around one
of the business places in White Salmon
at 4 A. M. Saturday morning. Night
watchman Thomas Jernegan dropped his
revolver out of its holster. Striking
the concrete floor, it was discharged
and the bullet entered his body, pass
ing through and into the ceiling.
He managed to crawl about half a
block, where he fell against the door of
the Finn bakery and awakened the pro
prietor, who called a physician, who
removed him to his residence and did
all possible to save his life, but inter
nal hemorrhage caused death in two
hours. He was conscious and able to
give the details. He was 67 years old
and is survived by a widow in straight
ened circumstances .and almost blind.
A son resides in Kansas.
Officer to Be Director of V. S. Army
Gas Service.
WASHINGTON, May 19. Major-Gen-eral
William L. Slbert, who command
ed the first division of American troops
sent to France with General Pershing,
has been relieved of command of the
southeastern department and detailed
as director of the gas service of the
TJ. S. Army, with headquarters in
General Sibert is an engineer offi
cer and built the Gatun lock of the
Panama Canal, in recognition of which
service Congress promoted him to the
rank of Brigadier-General. While in
France he studied the uses of gases and
is regarded as peculiarly fitted for the
new post.
Ohio Sheriff Handcuffs Himself and
, "Danged Things" Stay On.
CHICAGO, May 19. The Sheriff of
Mendon, O. he was a little too excited
to give his name walked into a local
police station Saturday with his wrists
imprisoned in his own handcuffs while
a prisoner walked free at his side.
"I was on the train with this prls
oner, whom I got in Oklahoma, and I
wanted to show him these handcuffs
won't come off without the key and I
left my key in my raincoat and some
body 'lifted' it, and I was right, the
danged things won't ' come off," ex
plained the elderly Sheriff.
The police directed him to a place
where files are sold.
Blue Mountain Temperature Drops
and Walla Walla Affected.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., May 19.-
(Special.) Some snow fell in the Blue
Mountains yesterday. It is an unusual
ly late date for snow. The temperature
in Walla Walla was affected by the
Arrivals from Spokane report a heavy
rain all the way to Dayton. E. C.
Whipple and T. McCoy, Portland men,
drove from Spokane in an automobile
and said the fall in the Palouse coun
try was heavy. C. H. Anderson, who is
interested in farming a 6000-acre tract
near Eltopla, was here and said the
rain Wednesday night wet the ground
to a depth of three inches.
Scarcity of Shipping Prevents Sale
of Bumper Crop.
BUENOS AIRES, May 19. The high
est quality of maize grown In Argen
tine for many years is being burned as
fuel. The scarcity of shipping pre
vents the sale at profitable prices. The
crop this year was a bumper one, owing
to the government's exhortations to till
the land.
The crop now is selling at $15.30 gold
a ton for use as fuel.
Hidden by Darkness and in
Drizzling Rain, Advance Made.
Graphic Description Given ly Spe
cial Correspondent of Riding at
Night to Take Place In Front
Line of Defense Under Foch.
(Special cable to the Chlraso Tribune and
The Oregonlan. )
rode out from the old positions with
the guns and boarded a troop train
which brought our battery by devious
routes to changes of scenery, gratifying
both to the vision and the spirit. In
our cars we lived on tinned meat and
hard bread washed down with swal
lows of vin ordinaire hurriedly pur
chased at the station buvettes. The
horses rode as welL
Officers and men, none of us, cared
for the train schedule, for the simple
reason that none of us knew where
we were going and there was little
time wasted in conjecture. Soldierly
curiosity was satisfied with the knowl
edge that we were on our way, and
with this satisfaction the hours passed
Paris la Reached.
In fact, the blackjack game in the
officers' compartment had reached a
point ,where the battery commander
had garnered almost all of the French
paper money in sight when our train
passed slowly through the environs of
Paris. -
Other American troop trains had pre
ceded us, because where the railroad
embankment ran close and parallel to
the street of some nameless fauborg
our appearance was met with cheers
and cries from a welcoming regiment
of Paris street gamins, who trotted
beside the slow-moving troop train and
shouted and threw their hats and
wooden shoes In the air.
Children scramble for Coins.
Sous. 50 centime pieces, franc pieces
showered from the side doors of the
horse cars as the American soldiers.
with a typical disregard for the value
of money, pitched coin after coin to
the scrambling mob of children.
At least 100' francs must have been
cast out upon those happy, romping
waves of childish faces and upstretched
dirty hands.
'A soldier would give his shirt away,"
said a platoon commander leaning out
of a window and watching the spec
tacle and surreptitiously pitching a
few coins himself. "Hope we get out
(Concluded on Pag 8. Column 2.)
Air Assault on Large Scale At
temptedConsiderable Num
ber of Bombs Dropped.
LONDON. May 20, 3 A. M. Four ene
my airplanes were brought down in
last night's raid over Eastern England,
says an official communication Just
The communication says:
"Reports show that four of the ene
my airplanes which raided London and
the southeast last night have been
brought down. The raid appears to
have been on a large scale. A consid
erable number of bombs were dropped.
No details of casualties or damage are
yet available."
Jeff Baldwin Lat-t Seen Between
Corvallls and Philomath.
SALEM. Or.. May 19. (Special.)
Five members of the state police were
rushed from here to the camp of the
Marys River Logging Company, be
tween Corvallis and Philomath, follow
ing receipt of word that Jeff Baldwin,
escaped convict, had been seen there
and identified by fully 15 persons.
Warden Murphy expressed the .belief
that this latest clew may lead to
tangible results.
Ten more members of the state po
lice will' be sent into that country to
aid in the search.
EUGENE. Or.. May 19. (Special.)
Jeff Baldwin, the desperate convict
who escaped from the State Peniten
tiary last week, is believed to be mak
ing his way through the foothills of
the mountains In western Lane County,
according to advices received here.
Twenty member of the state police
force are in Eugene tonight on their
way to take up the trail of the fugitive
who is raid to be working south from
Benton' County.
Unnaturalized Germans Must Keep
Away From Watercourses.
WASHINGTON. May 19. Unnatural
ized German men and women were
warned in a Department of Justice
statement today not to go boating on
any river, canal, lake or seashore this
Summer, under penalty of being In
terned. Regulations forbid Germans to go
within 100 yards of canals, wharves,
piers, warehouses, elevators and ter
minals and require citizens to obtain
passes before entering the waterfront
barred zone.
Bag and Pilot Land Safely After
Rising to 10,000 Feet.
OMAHA, May 1. A French type ob
servation balloon broke away from Its
moorings here about noon today, land
ing at Cumberland, la., undamaged, and
its sole occupant. Lieutenant White,
none the worse for his experience. The
bag ascended to a height of 10,000 feet
at one point of its Journey.
A defective steel cable is ascribed as
the reason for the escape. Army trucks
were dispatched to return the bag to
Fort Omaha.
Upstate Vote Favors Ryan,
With Hoff Just Behind.
Count Outside Multnomah, Vet In
ported. Threaten to Pull Johns'
Lead Down and' May Wipe
It Out Altogether.
Two nominations on the Republican
state ticket still remain in doubt Jus
tice of the Supreme Court and State
Treasurer. For Supreme Court the
nomination lies between Charles A.
Johns and Percy R. Kelly, with indi
cations that the official count will dis
clone nearly a tie vote. John S. Coke
will run a close third.
For State Treasurer the nomination
lies between O. P. Hoff and Thomas F.
Ryan. Here, too, it may require the
official count to determine the result,
although indications are clearer than
in the judgeship contest. It appears
that Mr. Ryan will be nominated by
a small plurality. The plurality of
501S given William Adams in Mult
nomah County has been much more
than offset by the larger vote accord
ed his opponents up-state.
tscoasted Vote I'.T.ra Kelly
The figures, so far as returned from
counties outside of Multnomah, give the
following totals on Supreme Judge:
Kelly. 15.834.
Johns, SS93.
Coke, 14,243.
Kelly's lead over Johns, 5941.
But in Multnomah County, which Is
not included in the foregoing, Johns
had a lead over Kelly of 8328. The
Multnomah County figures are com
plete, while those in the remainder of
the stjK are not. A continuing, ratio
in favor of Kelly upstate will cut fur
ther into Johns present net lead over
Kelly of 2387.
Plurality of 2uO Indicate!.
Just what proportion of the up-state
vote remains unreported cannot be told
definitely, but if it be assumed that the
same proportion of voters went to the
polls in other counties as in Multnomah,
and that same proportion of those who
went to the polls voted the judgeship
ticket, there are about 14,500 votes, yet
to count.
If that is a correct estimate and if,
of that remainder, the candidates con
tinue to receive the same proportion of
the vote they received in the earlier
count, Johns will have a total in the
entire state, including Multnomah, of
about 28,100; Kelly a total of 27,900,
and Coke a total of 26,100. That is a
plurality for Johns of only 200.
The totals on this office. Including
Concluded on Page 4, Column 1.)
Passengers and Crew Numbering 250,
Including Four Oregon Men,
Are Rescued.
Definite information that tbe Amer
ican bark W. B. Flint, carrying 130
passengers and crew, was crunched to
destruction and sank in the ice Jam
in Bristol Bay. off Alaska, early in
May, but that all of the passengers
and crew. Including four Oregon men,
were rescued, was received In Port
land yesterday by W. M. Ball, of Cor
vallls, who, on reading in The Ore
gonlan yesterday that Charles W. Gale,
a Portland man. had been saved, hur
ried to Portland to learn the fate of
hia son. Mr. and Mrs. Ball motored
from Corvallls, not waiting for a train.
Mr. Ball's son, Robert Ball, in com
pany with Len Hopkins, of Corvallls.
and Murlce McFadden. also of Cor
vallls. were en route to Alaska to work.
Mr. Gale, of Portland, was en route to
take charge of the Government's wire
less station at Ekuk. Alaska.
Mr. Ball yesterday ascertained def
initely that the Flint went down after
being crushed in the ice, but that the
230 persons aboard were all saved, and
are now at Libbyvlllo. The vessel left
Seattle April 6 and passed through
Unimak Pass May 5. She was of about
750 tons, and had an auxiliary engine.
Mr. Ball dispatched a message to
Llbbyville last nlght.for additional In
formation. Mr. McFadden and Mr. Hopkins, also
in the party, were prominent in Cor
vallls. Mr. McFadden being the son of
the late Judge McFadden. Mr. Gale
is the son of Mrs. D. C. Gale, 111 East
Forty-eighth street.
Herbert Dallas and Harry Tetta. of
Corvallls. left Seattle about the same
time, bound for the same place, but
they took passage on another boat,
which apparently got through safely.
Regulars and Kurds Reported Ad-
vancing in Persia.
MOSCOW. May 11. (By the Associ
ated Press.) Turkish regulars and
Kurds, advancing in Persia, have occu
pied Loujbulak and Ushnu, south of
Lake Urmia, according to newspaper
dispatches from Tlflls. A dispatch from
Tabrla says that the Turks" objective
is Enzeli, which will become the cen
tral base from which the British will
be menaced in Mesopotamia.
Recent dispatches from the. Mesopo
taraian front have reported a British
advance up the Tigris River to Kirkuk,
after considerable fighting with the
Turks. Enzeli. which lies to the east
ward of Kirkuk. may indicate an at
tempt by the Turks to attack the Brit
ish line of communications along the
Tigris River.
Thompson River, Mont., Ranchers
. Report Animals on Rampage.
PLAINS, Mont., May 19. Thompson
River ranchers report that wolves,
from whom there has been little
trouble in that district for years, are
on the rampage again and have de
stroyed numerous sheep.
Mountain lions had been blamed for
tne losses, but when a determined ef
fort was made to corral the robbers
iney were round to be wolves.
Tbe Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 60
degrees; minimum temperature, 44 de
grees. TODAY'S Showers; moderate southwesterly
Graphic description riven of American bat
teries riding In night to stem Hun ad
vance. Page 1.
British recapture VUle Sur An ere. Page 2.
Americans put on finishing touches in train
ing for coming action. Page 2.
Bolshevlkl and Mussulmans in deadly conflict
at Baku on Caspian Sea. Page 3.
Hun air raiders brought down in England.
Psge 1.
Dutch warshipn act as convoy for merchant
vessels to Kast Indies. Page 1.
Plunkett taken In Sinn Fein roundup, a cores
being sent into Wales. Page ft.
President appeals to Americans to back op
army of mercy. Page 4.
Railroad outlay of nearly billion for im
provements authorised. Page 1.
Billy Sunday says farewell to Chicago -thousand.
Page S.
Two negroes lynched in Georgia. Page 2.
Postmaster-funeral charges Roosevelt with
evading issues. Page &.
Sergeant Pepper says ship plants are roosting
places for draft evaders. Psge 2.
Bucks and Giants divide double-header.
Page 10.
Seattle awaits gong at tomorrow's big box
ing carnival. Page 10.
Stat trapshooters tournament begins at
Everdlng Park. Page lO.
.Corn foot defeats Grant Smith-Porter nine.
Psge 10.
Portland and Vicinity.
Oregon at and ready to respond to call of
Ked Cross. Page 1.
Captain Hobnon. attscklng liquor traffic,
greeted enthusiastically by Portland au
dience. Pare 7.
Complete unofficial returns show voters ap
prove six city measures. Psge 8.
Dr. Pedley talk of blood covenant between
Britain and America. Page 9.
Industrial Service Bureau to estabtish office
In Portland. Page 1L
Big time expected at Red Cross auction next
Thursday. Page 11.
Ixtcal Red Cross workers are thoroughly
mobilised for crusade. Page 11.
Lists of drafted men under present call
rapidly preparing. Page 14.
American bark W. B. Flint sinks in Bristol
Bay, Alaska. Page 1.
Portland asked to contribute funds for
Italian war work. Page 4.
Back stage drama flares at the Baker,
page 14.
Nominations for Supreme Court Justice and
fetaie Treasurer stlil In doubt. Page 1.
Halvor H. Urdahl discusses war Issuea
Page .
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 11.
Oregon Stands Ready
to Respond to Call.
Eagerness to Contribute Is
Shown on All Sides.
Thousands of lollars From Various
Sections of State Already Re
ceived In Portland Messages
Knthusiastic and Cheering.
There are two "kick-ofr meet
ings tonight for the Portland and
Multnomah County campaign.
Both begin at S o'clock. That at
the Chamber of Commerce is for
the SO captains only in the down
town section, with their 'red
and"whtte colonels. The meet
ing at Liberty Temple Is for the
300-odd captains under Henry E.
Reed, manager; Rufus C. llol
man. colonel, and Fred W. Bur
gard, lieutenant-colonel; Frank
McCrillls, colonel, and W. J. Hof
mann. lieutenant-colonel, and Br.
H. C. Fixott.
Oregon begins today Its second great
effort to help sustain "Ths Greatest
Mother In the World" the American
Red Cross.
The great organization that has suc
cored Belgium, Roumania. Uusyia,
Palestine, Armenia. France. Britain.
Italy. Serbia. Syria, and those, no mat
ter in what part of the world they
may live, whose lives have been
blighted by the war. will itsolf be suc
cored by the people of the United
Two Cooatlra Complete Quota.
Thousands of dollars have already
been received in Portland, two coun
ties, Wallowa and Union, have their
quota complete, underwritten by the
campaign chairman himself. EL EL Kid
dle, of La. Grande.
Tillamook city completed its quota
yesterday, and went far in excess of
the total, and F. C. Baker, chairman,
promised a like showing in a day or
two for the rest of the county.
"We believe we can telegraph you
total quota Monday night. If it is
anywhere near, we will guarantee
quota. Multnomah County will have to
be quick if she beats Josephine County.
Teams start in the country today
tSunday), Monday in town." says Sam
P. Baker. Josephine County's chairman
at Grants Pass.
Weston Already Reported.
Determined to sustain the reputation
of Umatilla. Manager Merle R. Chess
man, of Pendleton, telegraphs: "Have
all organization ready to go over top
Monday. Weston, with quota, of 11720
reported last night over top.
From Marlon County O. B. Gingrich
telegraphed: "Will do best to go over
top first day."
Spurred on by this state-wide enthu
siasm, Multnomah County managers
yesterday tightened their belts and
vowed Portland and the county should
not be left at the post.
While the state outside of Portland
expects to complete most of its work
by tonight. Portland's campaign Is not
really inaugurated until tomorrow
morning, the two 'kick-ofr' meetings
being scheduled for tonight.
Store Window Painting Appeals
Voted the most spectacular effort of
any previous campaign waa the paint
ing of red crosses with the single word
"give" on SS00 windows and stores of
the business section in the early hours
of Sunday morning. Not a store win
dow in the downtown section was
missed. The whole effort was ar
ranged by G. A. Warner, business agent
of the Sign and Pictorial Painters'
Union. Local No. 428, and carried out by
the members of that organization.
De Lu Croaaeo la Gardeua.
Specimens of Julius Meier's now fa
mous de luxe edition of red crosses
were Installed in the gardens of the
following Portland residents Saturday:
C C. Colt, 627 Knott street; Oscar
Overbeck, 691 Thompson street: John
Daly, S25 Halsey street; Mrs. George
C King, S14 East Thirty-third street;
Dr. II. M. Patton, 290 East Twenty-first
street; T. A. Sufert. 601 Knott street;
O. W. Mielke. 630 Knott street; C. A.
Edwards, 700 Knott street; Mrs. Victor
Brandt, 160 Miriam place; Mrs. W. H.
Sinnott. 824 East Brodway; G. H. Nen
del, 769 East Broadway; Mrs. J. E.
Wlttman, S6J East Twenty-first street
North: Mrs. A. L. Upson, 641 East
Broadway: Mrs. John McCourt. S60 East
Broadway, and C. A. Taylor. 475 Pa
cific street.
Every vaudeville theater and pic
ture theater began showing Red Cross
slides yesterday.
Martin Beck, of the Orpheum circuit,
telegraphed Frank McGettlgan. local
manager, to leave no stone unturned to
make tbe drive a success.
Mcndota's Quota Already In.
CENT Ft ALIA. Wanh., May 19. Spe-
tCGottutled oa i'.se 11. Coiuina 1.)