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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1917)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY. JANUARY IS, 1917- 19 IRE OATS NEEDED Another Emergency Order Is . Anticipated. MARKET. IS FIRMING UP Advance In Wheat at Country Points Is Temporarily Checked Trad ing Is Lighter Than, on Preceding Days. - The oats market is firming up in antici pation of another largo Government order. The War Department purchase of oats for use on the Mexican border are emer gency orders and heretofore have been placed every three months, so the next call for bids is expected not later than March 3. The usual call Is for & total of about 13.000 tons, half of which are drawn from the West. Government buying- to date this Bummer has been a considerable factor in keeping the Pacific Coast market firm. At the Merchants' Exchange yesterday $36.75 was bid for all deliveries of oats. Wheat was firm with trading in the coun try somewhat lighter than on the preceding day. Prices in the interior were not ma terially changed, standing at $1.55 for club, $1.57 for fortyfold and $1.60 for bluestem, net to farmers. At the Merchants Ex change wheat bids were but little changed from Tuesday. N The Liverpool cable said: "Wheat, steady - en American advices, but dull, expecting Increased arrivals. Corn, dull, as advance too rapid. Oats, very firm, with advanc ing spot, cold weather increasing consump tion. Argentine, weather unsettled, with showers in parts. Larger shipments of wheat and corn expected. A New York broker writes of the pros pect for the wheat market: "Speculatively, prices alternate with the changing news from Europe as to continua tion of war. or chances of peace. Commer clally considered, the question of supply and demand is what is bound to determine v&lues. Europe Is sadly in need of supplies. and with fading hopes of procuring quick shipments from Australia, Argentina and India, she looks to North America. Wo have already sold much of our surplus, some claim more than we can spare, and at the rate of recent clearances, wo are fast reach ing a serious, not to say critical point for our own needs. With any unfavorable ad vices on the new Winter crop, a serious situation would arise a calamitous one.1 The United States visible corn supply is 7.077,000 buuhels. against 11,802.000 bushels last year; oats. 46,509.000 bushels, against 20,865,000 bushels last year. Terminal receipts. In cars, were report ed by the Merchants Exchange as follows Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Portland. Wed. 10 Year ago "3 Season to da.te.3r.50 Tear ago by.sO Tacomu, Tues . 1 3 Year ago 11 Feason to date. 4093 Year ago 5536 Heat tie, Tues. . 6 Year ago 15 Season to date. 3711 Year ago 705 Prints, extras, 3Sc; cartons, 1 cent extra; I butterfat. No. 1, B&c; No. 2. 36c, Portland. CHEESE Jobbers buying prices, f. o. o. dock, Portland : Tillamook triplets, 20c ; Young Americas not quoted. bGGH Oregon ranch. cnrr-nt receipts. 40&41c per dozen; Oregon ranch, candled. z (&440 per dozen: Oreson ranch, selects. 45c POULTRY Hens, 1517c; Springs. 16 o per pound: turkeys. live. 20322c; reused, 25 2 26c: ducks. 162 20c: reese. 12 VEAL Fancy, 1-4 15c per pound. PORK 12 H 13c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. Local jobbing quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS Orantrea. navels. $2.52.50; Japanese, 5c$L25 per bundle; leraone. S3 2.75 per box: bananas, 5c per pound; grapefruit. 35; tangerines, $L2 er box. VEGETABLES Artichoke. OOe1.10 per dozen : tomatoes, nominal ; cabbage, $3.25 per hundred; eggplant, 25c per pound; lettuce, 2.50; cucumbers. taoz.vo per : celery, $5.50 per crate; cauliflower. 2.50 per crate: squash, 1 c per pound : peppers, 2oo per pound; sack vegetables, $1.25 per sack; sprouts, lOc per pound. POTATOES Oregon buying prices, 9i.ia 2.20 per hundred; sweet, $4 per hundred. ONIONS Oregon buying prices, $5 per sack, country points. GREEN FRUITS Annies. 50c$1.50 per ox; pears, $1.50(2.50; cranberries. per barrel. 1 S 11 12 13 9 5 15 127 TOO 1541 1416 1303 80a 706 1414 2 9 "2 ' 2 9 ' 110 233 1347 462 241 1529 4 1 10 1 5 5 22 35S 9S! 995 25S6 1203 1453 708 2976 EGGS MAT BE USED AT TOP POLN'T For First Day in Week Receipts Do Not Clean I'p. Eggs sold on Front street yesterday 40 and 41 cents, case count. The demand was not as brisk as earlier in the week and all the eggs received during the day were not sold, which led some dealers to believe that the high point on the present move xnent has been reached. The butter market was firm with a good em and for cubes, extras selling at 354 cents. Poultry receipts were not large, but trad Inclined to drag. The top price quoted on hens on the street was 17 cents. Dressed veal again sold at 15 cents. Pork was also steady. WELL-NOWX AUTHORITY IS DEAD T. C. Friedlander, for Many Tears With San Francisco Exchange Word was received, at the Merchants Ex change yesterday of the death of T. C. Friedlander, secretary of the San Fran eisco Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Fried lander became secretary of the San Fran cisco Merchants Exchange over a quarter of a century ago and continued In the same capacity when the exchange was taken over by the Chamber of Commerce. Ho came from a pioneer grain family of California and was regarded as one of the best tu thorlttes on chipping matters on the Pa cifle Coast. He was a visitor in this city a number of times. ALL VEGETABLE PRICES ARE STRONi Bids for Potatoes and Onions Advancing. Popcorn Higher. The only arrival from the South yester day was a car of celery, in only fair con dition. All vegetables remain high. While the potato market Is holding most buyers report, at $2, a few purchases are known to have been made at $2.10 and $2.20. There were also rumors of an ad vane in bids for onions at certain points. Front-street dealers have advanced the price of popcorn half a cent to 6 cents pound. Oakland Ships Potatoes South. OAKLAND, Or., Jan. 17. (Special.) J, T. Bridges has just shipped one car of p tatoes, 40,000 pounds to San Francisco. Thi: is the first car of potatoes to be shipped from this point or this vicinity In years. The car was sold to L. Scatena & Co. two weeks ago and brought $1.30 to growers. During the Fall the same firm shipped the first wheat from this uection for about 35 years. They shipped five carloads to Balfour, Guthrie &. Co.. of Portland, and paid the farmeVs at harvest time $1 per bushel for It from the threshing machines. Dank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $2,516,023 $1 yd. 01' 4 .Seattle 2,712,65 209,303 Taconift 480.272 72 S58 Spokane '. 948.008 211,012 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS EXCHANGE RATE OFF New Low Records for Russian and Italian Remittances. GERMAN RAID IS FACTOR Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Fruit and berry. J7.33: Honolulu lantation. S7.30: Grants Pass beet. S7.15; California beet. $7.15; extra C. (8.93; pow ered. In barrels,; cubes. In barrels. 18.10. riAI-MON Columbia. River, l-pouna tail.. $2.40 per dozen, one-halt flats, $1.50: 7-pound-flats. 'l.h0; Alaska pinks. 1-pound tails. $1.25. ; HON'UI Choice, S3 "a 3. -3 per case. NUTS Walnuts, sack lots. 18c: Brazil nuts, 19c; filbert. lUc: almonds, 18lc peanuts, 7c; cocoanuts, $1.10 per aoxen; p- ans. lb3iuc; chestnuts, iuc BEANS Small wblte. HUe: large whit.. 11.10c: Lima, 8c: bayou. 4.x0c; pink, bftc; red Mexicans, 11 "4c; Manchurlan, 8"c COFFEE Roasted, In drums, 17 iff doc. SALT Granulated. $16.75 Per ton; half ground 100s. $11.30 per ton: 50s, $12.10 per ton: dairy, $14.75 per ton. RICE Soutnern bead, 77c per pound; broken, 4c; Japan btyle, 4'iH4c DRIE FRUITS Apples, loijjillc: apri cots, ialitc; peaches. 8&10c; prunes, Italian. 8Uc; raisins. 8Wloc; dates, Persian, 15c per pound; fard. $2.50 per box; currants, 15 16c; figs, I'J 4x3.DO per dox. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS 1918 crop, 6 9c per pound. HIDES Salted hides 25 lbs. and up). 18c; salted stags (50 lbs. and up). 14c; sren ana salted kid y ' iub. i iuj, 19c; greeo and salted calf skins (up to IB lbs.), 29c;. green niaes ta ids. ana up;, lflc; green stags (50 lbs. and up), 12c; dry hides, ouc; salt mucs, oc-, uijr ""c Situ 2: salt hors- hides. 3 4r5. PELTS Dry long-wooled pelts. 24c; dry short-wooled pelts, ic; ory siiearimss. iwtf 25c each; saltea locg-wootea icii, .awmv, salted short-wooled pelts, 50c$l. TALLOW No. 1, Uiifl per pound, worn . Eastern Oregon. fin. 24330c coarse. 33(8- 36c; Valley, 33 35c. moh air nominal. CASCAKA BARK. Old and new. Stte psr pound. Provisions. HAMS All sizes, choice, 23 He; standard. 22 He; klnnd, lKzlc; picnics, use; coi- . . u .-nil. lfU BACON Fancy, Z8r"Jc;, . 20c; choice, 21-23c. DRY SALT Short, clear backs. 17H019C; export. 18420c; plate. 14 4 15 Vic. IjkHU 'llerce Dasis. Kettle . rtuuercu, Tt arret. GOODS Mess beef. $22: plate beef, $23; brisket pork, market; tripe. $10.50 Oils. KFTROSEXE Water white, drums, barrels or tank wagons. 10c; cases, lS'422c. GASOLINE! Bulk. ZIViC: cases, ooc; tha, drums, 19c; cases, 30c; engine distil late, drums. lV4c; cases, ivc lia'begd OIL Raw. drums. $ 1-10; bar rels, $1.47: cases, $1.13: boiled, drums, $1.12; barrels, si. 10: cases, TURPENTINE in tanks, e.c;- in cases. 72c; 10-case lots, lo less. Stock Market Is Irregular and Un der Restraint Motor Issues Are Strengthened by Pool Manipu lation Steel Is IiOwer. NEW YORK. Jan. 17. New low records for Russian and Italian exchange, which registered the greatest discounts since ths outbreak of the war. the reported activities of German raiders in South Amesacan waters. causing marine insurance to mount to pro hibitive .-rates, and the conservative tone of steel trade authorities were among the influences which made fox restraint in to day's irregular market. ' The acute weakness of remittances to Pct- rograd and Rome, rubles being quoted at 9.05xand lires at 0.D8. was attributed by dealers In foreign exchange to the inability or refusal of those countries to meet the re quirements of our bankers. United States Steel, which at one time showed a slight gain over the previous day, closed at a loss of almost 2 points. with 1 to 8 for other active Industrials. The activity of nools was observed In the temporary strength of motor issues. Var ious miscellaneous Issues also derived their Impulse from professional sources. Uotal sales amounted to 7o5.0UO shares. Steadiness ruled In the limited bond deal ings, international Issues showing less sc tivity. Total sales, par value, J5.3dO.OuO. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS Closing High. Sales. 1.B0O 4.100 2.600 U.SOO 10.1OO 400 1.400 900 28,200 1.000 8,300 1.400 ALL GLASSES ARE FIRM STOCK AT NORTH PORTLAND YARDS SELLS AT PBEVIOIS RANGE. Itest Hoe on Market Are Taken 910.5O Run for Day la Limited. at The livestock market was .without new feature yesterday. The run at the yards was limited to five loads. Sales were all made within the existing range of prices, most of the -hogs going at $10.50 and the best steers offered bringing $7.50. The ma jority of the transactions were small lots. The undertone ox the market was ilrm. Receipts were 54 cattle, 3 calves. 76 hogs and 632 sheep. Shippers were: Cutsford Bros.. Gervais, 1 car cattle, hogs and sheep; James Morse, Lyle, 2 cars sheep; A. S. McPhee, Washougal, 1 car cattle, calves and hogs; G. Kirkendall, w lnlock. 1 car- cattle. Tu. days sales were as follows: 1 steer . 1 steer . 1 steer 1 steer . 1 Bteer . 1 cow 3 cows . 1 cow . . 2 cows . 2 cows . 1 bull . lbull . 2 bulls . 2 hogs . 31 hous . 53 hogs . 6 hogs . 2 hogs . 3 hogs . V heifers Wt.Price.l . .. 800 $6.75 . .. 800 6.75 ... 820 '4.23 ... 720 6.50 ...1010 6. t30 2.00 907 7S0 2.50 ... 770 8. SO . .. 753 4.50 ...1100 G.25 ...1000 4.00 ... S40 5.25! ISO 9.00 ... 183 10.5OI ... 184 10.5O 257 9.50 ... 125 9.00 137 9.00 622 4.501 1 steer . 4 steers 3 steers 4 steers 5 steers 1 cow 1 cow . . 1 cow . . 1 cow . 3 cows . lbull .. lbull .. 14 hogs . 2 hogs . 6 hogs . . 3 hogs 3 hogs . 1 hog . . 1 hog . . TVt. Price. . . 790 $3.75 . . 828 7.00 . . 990 S.50 ..1198 6.75 ..1040 7 . 740 4.00 . .1160 6.00 . . 940 7.00 . . 820 8..-0 . . 850 5.25 ..1100 5.23 . . 700 5.25 . . 109 9.00 . . 180 10.50 . . 108 10.40 . . 290 10.25 . . 360 9.50 . . 540 9.00 . . 570 3.73 prie. at the yards were as follows: r-..t Price. Steers, prime JJS.23 $8.5,1 Steers, fair to good ..... Cows, choice Cows, medium to good.. Cows, ordinary to fair.... Heifers Bulls " : Calves 4 Hogs 7.00 8.0' 6.75 7.50 6.25 6.78 5.50 6.00 6.OO0 7.00 3.50 C.50 3.00 0 7.00 1,000 1.500 600 4,3TO 2.000 :i.:;oo 3,000 400 "soo 200 1.100 14,200 13.0(H) 400 7 80O 1,900 4S'i 0) 7tt low 1114 1234. 37 e'4 105 7 84 'ib'si 161 ?i 65- " BO' 47H 22 H r- 2"4 33 110 "36?i 103 594 47 i 132H 10414 42 3'4 4-6 5o0 10O 3.100 2,800 1.1 no 500 2H 700 4.000 3 900 10.4O0 8,100 r.oo 2,7'W) 13. IOO 6.400 '" Y.SiV) 2,400 25 lolS 4S 136 14 10a 21H 56 Si 27 H 103 i 21 us "4 :i2'i 110V4 2:ir." Hi!4 113 4 20 7j 109 r.o t 97 7(5 100 111 123 H 3014 84r 103 5S 84 V4 "isii 160 "4H 54 -i. 40'.. 22 63 4i 27 H 32 Vi 170 "?.R'4 106 li 15 67 46 13114 103 41 ii 99H "it" 10114 47 134 1" :s 21 66 '4 26 loin 78. 26 H 97 31 4 107 23114" 144 bid. 93 4614 67V. 76 1U6 5, 110 123H 36 4t 84 V touching 8. 71o and December 8.00c, with ths close showing a net gain of 6 to 14 points. Sales; 51.250 bags. January. 8.49e: Febru ary. 8.54c. March. 8.59c: April. 8.62c: May, 8 65c; June, 8.69c: July. 8.72c; August. 8.76c; September. 8.S0c; October. 8.85c; No vember, 8.90c; December, 8.94c Soot coffee was resorted In fair demand with prices unchanged at 10c for Rio 7s snd 10'sc for Santos 4s. Offers of Santos 4s were reported In th. cost snd freight market at 10.65 to 10.80c, London credits. Private advices reported that a steamer from Brazil t London had been sunk with a cargo of SO. 000 bags.' The official cables reported a decline et 75 rels at Rio. while Santos was unchanged to 25 rels higher. Santos reported a clear ance of 25,000 bass for New Orleans. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 17. Raw nrr. steadjF,- Centrifugal. 5.27c: molasses 4.40O. Refined, steady: Fine granulated, 6.76c Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 17. Spot cotton qnlet. Middling upland. 17.20c; sales. 300 bales. RISE IS CHECKED Raid on Shipping Has No Other Effect on Wheat. CHICAGO MARKET NERVOUS D ninth Linseed Market. DtTLUTH, Jan. IT. Llpseed on track. I2.S9; choice, $2 91; arrive, $2.89; May, $2.93 bid; Julv, $2.94 't hid. Dried Fruit at New York. YORK, Jan. 17. Evaporated ap ples, dull. Prunes, quiet. Peaches, firm. Hops, Etc, at New York. NEW YORK. Jan. IT. Hops quiet. Hides, dull. Wool, steady. YOUTHS CONFESS ARSON Bulls Take View That Destruction of Cargoes Will Have Same Ziesult as Natural Con sumption or Cereal. CHICAGO. Jan. 17. wholesale destruction of merchant shirs (ailed to exercise a per manently depressing Influence of ths wheat mr.rkeu- In th. end. prices, although nerv ous, wer. at ths same as yest.rdays finish to 14c on, with May at $1.87 to H. and July at $1.50 i to Ho. Corn advanced 1 to 114c net and oats gained lie to S9 4c. Some leaders on the bull side of the mar ket took the position squarely that so far the ultimat. effect on prices was con cerned, no real difference could arise whether wheat went Into ths sea or Into the human CITY SQUAD SOLVES FIRE MYSTERY stomach. Advices as to farm reserves In Eugene Cloffl, In their temple, Broad way and Stark etreets. The concert was attended by more than 500 members and trienda and the lodg-eroom was filled. Following is the programme: Cssnna" (Constantlne) ; overture. Ptlf fello" (Verdi); "Cavalleria RuitloaDi" (Mas cagnl) : "March Oriental" (Orlando); grand seioction. "ttxcelslor" Morengo) : " From Lucia" (Donlsatti); "Plxsicato" (Strauss); "Ernanl" (Verdi). The band frequently was encored. Among , the encore numbers were "American Patrol." "Chinatown." "Rocked In the Cradle of the Deep" and "Fair Maid." FOR COUNTY. Kansas were bullish. Export demand mad. friends for com. The market showed Independent strength throughout th. day regardless of transient AM HMfMiiM Y a t, 1 downward turns in wheat. I Oats reflected the action of corn. rose Station la Fixed Few Honrs After Grand Jnry Asks Aid. Pork advanced to ths hlshest price since 1869. $30.2714 a barrel. January delivery. Other provisions also averaged higher. Leading futures ranged aa follows: Am Beet Sugar.. American Can.. . Am Car & Fdry. American Loco., Am Sm & Refg. . Am Sug Refg. . . Am Tel A Tel... Am Z L S Anaconda Cop.. Atchison ........ Baldwin Loco. . . Bait & Ohio Br Rap Transit. B & B Copper. . . Canadian Paclf. Central Leath... Ches & Ohio Chi Mil & St P... Chi & N W C R 1 & P Ry Chino Copper. . . Colo Fu & Iron. . Corn Prod Refg. Crucible Steel. . . 10.SOO Dist Securities. - l..-O0 Erie General Electric. Gt North pfd Gt Nor Ore ctfs.. Illinois Central.. Int Consol Cop. Inspiration Cup. Int Harv N J . . . In M M pfd ctfs. K C Southern... Kennecott Cop. . Louis & -N a ti . . . Mexican Petrol.. Miami CooDer. .. Missouri Pacific. Montana Power. National Lead. -. Nevada Cop N Y Central N Y N H & H Norfolk & West. Northern Pacific. faeillc Mall. . . . Pennsylvania. . . Ray Consol Cop. Reading Kep Ir & Steel... Shat Ariz Cop. .. Southern Pacific. Southern Ry . . . . Studebaker Co. Tennessee Cop. . Texas Company. L'noln Pacific. . . do pfd V S Ind Alcohol U S Steel 213,000 do pid GOO tTtah Copper. . .. 20.4to Wabash pfd B. . 400 western L nlon.. - fcOO Westing Elect. .. 2.0U0 Total sales for the day, 75u,000 shares. BONDS. IT S ref 2s reg..09lN-or Pae 3 6SH i; s ret zs cou. . -r-ac t a t oi..'m i ,iin iip-ii r'nlon Psc 4s. I" n From November 25, 1916, to January 16,i 1917, efforts were made to fasten May the responsibility for the burning of (July the station of the Portland-Troutdale electrlo line at Parkrose on someone. I taT At 4 o'clock last TueSuay afternoon the grand jury asked Deputy District Attorney Roblson to request the city July arson squad to take up the Investiga tion. The fire was outside the city lim-i Jan its. but Captains Groos and Roberts of I MaJr K'41sltbe arson squad went to work on the I case. iiS I By 10 o'clock that night three sus pects were in tne county jsu, two ot whom had confessed. Jan. John Langosky. aged 20: Roy Hay-1 May ward, a?ed 18, and Ralph Sievers, aged 19. are the young men who were taken into custody for startinc; a fire "to watch It burn." -tne activity or the arson squad in oats No. 3 white, 87&57c: standard. of a state fire marshal under whom Ry. No. 2. nominal. would come cases occurring outside I nancy b.k.-tI181. city limits." said Mr. Roblson yesterday. "The percentage of farm fires has in creased during the past year, while city fires have decreased in Oregon." WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. $187T4 $16914 1.4 $187 1.S1 1 62 1.4944 1.&014 COR?. - 0t4 LOO'S. .!4 I.0Ot4 BSVs .8B14 .B814 .9914 OAT3. 574 .SSli .574 .SS 0314 ' .654 .6314 .331k MESS PORK. 80.2T 8015 80.T 29.2S 29.35 . 29.20 29.20 LARD. TS.P5 15.02 1580 15.85 ltf.22 IS. 30 10.15 16.23 4914 159 Vk 89-) 44 f( -,4 30 654 4614 22 634 27 3214 108 1114 3U 10B14 3 4Ti 1 1 is K JEWELER HELD TO JURY 131 10214 July May Ji May SHORT RIBS. 15.10 18.10 15.02 13.47 13.53 15.37 t.asn prices were: Wheat No. 3 red. 81.08: No. 8 red and no. z and 3 hard, nominal. Corn No. z yellow, nominal ' No- A v.1. low, use; no. wblte, HOC. 35.05 15.40 Timothy $3.50 95.50. CIover-$12i&17. - 1 Primary receipts Wheat. 700. ooo tunn els: shipments. 7 7 2, 000 bushels; clearances, 3UVlx bushels. 4114 1a 94 6014 24 101 47 184 A. 1 Clauss Alleged to Have. Sold Mlsbranded Jewelry. Eastern Wheat Put urea. DTTLUTH. Jan. 17. Wheat cloud- M.v. $1.90; July. $L824. WINNIPEG. Jan. 17 Wheat rlnurf! Ulm-w $LB3H; July. $1.8514. KANSAS CITT. Jan. 17. Wheat elo..rtr May, $Lo3; July, $1.414. 11314 1204 IM'i 294 l6'i M4 A. K. Clauss. a Jeweler with an es tablishment In the Macleay building. lotji was bound over to the Federal grand 1-S7 14: July, $1.48 14. t.Murv vesterdav bv Commissioner Drake! on charira of hnvlna- sold miahranrled , BllnneapolU Grain Market. 101 'A I , . I wiA.'.t.Ai-ubH, Jan. 17. Wheat. May, mu ji , . . , , , fi-mi-cwi, Juiy, 1.01.. uasn. P.O. 1 2d V. I m5 icni. mo inifi luvuiveui, 1.U9 u-.uu;i; ISO. 1 Northern, yi h s ine uomviaini was onjecieu lo Dyar. fi-""S.i.!; ro. ftortnern. 1. v. Clauss on the ground that the Diece I ' tested was taken from the place in whrch the ring had been soldered to gether. Commissioner Cannon had two other pieces tak,on from parts of the ring selected oy tne jeweler iiimaeit 8114 107 15 14 2.11 14 144 S44 1254 11314 ST. LOUIS. Jan. 17. Wheat closed: May, Barley, 85c&$l.lB. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 17. Spot auota- ttpn. vt ana, 2.l2a2.n; red Russian. $2,721 622-7r: Turk.v r rl o- ,. i - 120t, I and Kave them to two separate assay-1 bluestem. $2.97 3: feed barley. $2.23; white loAHIers for further test. I oats, $2jj2:05; bran. $284)28.50; middlings. not a tests returned less tnan is, i w; .norts. .ouwat. karats, although the ring is alleged to ca" Doar..:-Jr "r- $2 7; iff 2.30 have been branded as an ls-karat piece of gold. DAILY C1TY STATISTICS , Births. SOLBERO To Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Sol barg. ooe Tour man street. January e. a son. PEDERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ped erson. 438 East e'lfty-fu th street North. De cember 27, a daughter. HOGLl'ND To Mr. and Mrs. Erik Hog lund. 77914 Ovsrlook boulevard. December 28. a son. MOORE To Mr. and Mrs. Adell R. Moor. 412 Tenth street. December 31. a son. GO.N'N To Mr. and Mrs. Max O. Gunn. Lenta. Or., January 1. a son. VOLK To Mr. and Mrs. J. Volk, 600 Mar lon street. January 2. twin font, UXDSSTH To Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cndseth. 754 Hoyt street- January 2. a son. BENEDICT To Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ben edict, 321 Webster street. January S, a daughter. L1ND To Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Llnd. 1115 Michigan avenue. January 3. a son. VO 1 H K A Ta Mr. and Mrs. Ormond C. Fodrea, t East Keventy-tlrst street North. January . a daughter. . VAN GILDER To Mr. and Mrs. Marry Van Glider, Wasco, Or. January 3, a daugh ter. JORDON To Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M, Jordon. 801 East Fourteenth street North. January 3. a daughter. FOSTER To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fos ter, 229 Thirteenth surest, January 4. i daughter. MANDELL To Mr. and Mrs. Emll Man- dell.. 22 W est Blandena. January a, a son. Maniac. Licenses. BLACK-BTJRT W. H. Black. Gresham. and Laura B. Burt. 848 East Everett street. CMUKCHILL-KLEN Eidon C. Churcniu. 511 Gllsan street, and Louise Klen, 524 viisan street. JONES-WILLIAMS Ernest Edwin Jones, Or.gon City, and Blodwea Williams, 3Ii Victoria street Vancouver Marriage Licenses. ELMGREN-HENRY John Francis Elm gren. legal, of Vancouver, and Miss Chris tina XT T-n-v I.', n nf Vnoouver PRESTON-PIPEK 11. C. Preston. 70. of Button, or, and Mrs. Emma U. Piper, S'J, oi baiem. or. KRAUSS - TRCEBLOOD John George Krauss. 28. of Ridgetleld. Wash- and Miss Mae Elisabeth. Tru.blood, 22, of V ancouver, Vt Hith. MANPON-ANDERSON Andrew Hanson, 32. of Castle Rock Wash., and Miss Cera M. Anderson, 31. of Castle Kock. v asu. Building Permits. GEORGE HARTMAN Erect garage. 448 Jessup between Seventh ana Ninth streets builder, same; $35. R. I.. MACLEAT Repair three-story brick store. 54 Third street, between Ash and Pine: W. Doherty. builder: 12U. VELVET BUILDING COMPANY Repair two-story brick printing of flee. 128 14 Sec ond street, between Washington and Alder, Becker dc Co., Dullders; Slio. T. J. ARMSTRONG Repair ono-story brick store. 149 Tenth street, between Alder and Morrison; Ths J. A. Meltoa Co. build ers; $.Mu. SEID BACK Erect one-and-one-half story garage. 446 East Thirtieth street, be- ween feherman ana carutners: . u Brandes. builder; $120. M R-S. ANSIS LEADER Repair three- orv bulldinz. .tores and aDartment-bouse. 1314 KusmII Itrtet. betwMu Mississippi and lbtna avenues; it. T. tiossett. builder; $200O. BEN SELLING. MRS. HIBKH A SICHEL Erect one-.tory fireproof concrete restau- anu 1 - i w wt ru-K. netween vvasnington and Alder; liingham A Shelley Company, builders; $11,000. J. H. HARR Repair two-story frame welling. 850 Lincoln street, between Broad- ay and foothills: J. C. Bayer Furnace Com pany, builders; $250. ALICE E. STEWART Repair two-story brick building, restaurant and lodging- ouse. 202 First, between Madison and Main: Jacob Lo.ll. builder; $130: FRED WILLIAMS Renal r three-story brick, stores, 74 Front, between Oak and Pine; Ferrell Roofing Company, builders; 150. 94 0614 5314 December, $1.60 bid, $l.o5 asked. 17 S 3s reg 101 U S 3s coupon. 101 U S 4i reg 110 U S 4s coupon MlOH PATIENT WINS KnLonc..Pa.c .cv 4 Mornlngside Hospital Ordered to "y . "r - N Y Cen deb 65.112 So Pac cv 5s.. ..10414 T.. o - n r. wm.n V Nor fao 4s OB Anglo-French .Cs 93 I J Pnjret Sound Grain Markets. $1.69; Turkey red. $1.60; fortyfold. $l.oo; ciuu. ,1 u, mo, a. u- , res siuasian, l.o. ui ue-, per wn, Yesterday's car receipts Wheat 6. eats 1, Bid. Boston Mining Stocks. BOSTON, Jan. 17. Closing quotations: Alloues o. .Nlpplsslng Ariz Com IS North Butte .. Cal & Ariz 7914iO;d Dominion Col & Hecla ...355 Osceola Centennial 2414!Qulncy Copper Range.. 60 IShannon ..... East Butte .... 14 4 'Superior & Bos Franklin SVSuperior Isle Royale ... 33 iTamarack .... Kerr Lake 414!Utah Con .... Lake Copper.... 10 K 'Wolverine .... Mohawk 84 14 (Winona A verdict of $2500 damages in favor of Sandford Zuckerman, who was com- gulmitted to the Morningslde Hospital as 221k I Insane, was returned against the Sanl- SJ I tarium Company and Dr. Henry Waldo 8814 I Coe by a jury in the court of Circuit "4 I Judge Gatens yesterday. The woman maintained she had been falsely in carcerated and that she had not been insane. She was in the hospital from Septem ber 8, 1911. until September 1, 1914. She asked damages of $24,093. An appeal will be taken from the verdict. Attorneys J. C. Simmons and Peter McDonald represent the plaintiff; TACOMA. Jan. 17. Wheat Bluestem. $1X8: fortyfold. club and rod fife. $L65; reu nuHinn, .1.04. Car receipts w 13, eats 2, hay 9. 7 59 18 47H 4 CONVICTS ARE FEWER DECREASE IX PRISON POPULATION DIE TO PROHIBITION. 1 Money. Exchanire, Etc. NEW YORK. Jan. 17. Mercantile paper, 3M i 3i per cent. SteHine, 60-day bills. $4.71 M: commer cial tfO-day bflla on banks. $4.72; commer- A- E. Clark, the defense, cial ou-aay n.iis, M- U'; aemano. 4 vo vi cables. Franca, demand. 5.84; ca bles. 5.83. Marks, demand. 684; cables. 68 r . Kronen, demand. 1 1.10 ; cables. 11. in. Guilders, demand, 40 13-16; cables, 40. lares, demand, o.; canis, can. rubles. demand. 20.15: cables, Xv.Zu. Ear silver. 75c. Mexican dollars, 574c. Government bonds steady: railroad bonds firm. Time loans easy. Sixty days. 3 per cent, 10 days, 2g-3 per cent; six months. &33? per cent. Call money steaay. i-urn, - per cent; low. MRS. STRAHORN GIVES $200 Klamath Falls Women Are Helped in Campaign for Railroad. KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. Jan. 17. (Special.) The members of the Worn- n' n m I Ha rnan i uo monav rn 1 1 ; ruling rate, z; last loan. -; closing I celved Irora Mrs. Robert E. Strahorn bid. 1 . ; offered at 2. Present .niber at Oresos Pealteatlarr 433 Compared With D4M Inmates Trro Yeara Afo. SALEM. Or.. Jan. 17. (Special.) The population mark at the Oregon State Penitentiary declined to 433 today. record for the past two years. While two years ago today the number was a trifle lower, by March. 1915. the number ascended the scale to 666 and kept appreciably high until the prohibition law went into effect, when a steady decline became noticeable. The number includes only those confined In the prison itself, and not men out on parole. Warden Murphy, in commenting: upon the row-water marK structc today, de l.tso 1.U5 "i.'e-j 36.75 Grain, Flour, feed. etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon sessioo. January delivery Wheat Jluestcm ............... 1'ortyfold ............... :ub Ked fife Red Russian Oats No. 1 white feed.. Uarley No.'. 1 feed Futures Frbr-jury bluestem ...... March bluestem ......... Kebruary fortyfold ...... - March fortyfold ........ r'ebruary club ........... March club February Russian ....... March Russian ........... "February oats .......... March oats Kebruary barley ......... March barley ........... Bid " Bid. Yr. aso. 1.09 s l.oa l.Otf 1.02 .9 .U'J S6.73 i7.00 Bid. 1.70 1.70 . 1.68 . l.f.6 1.6 . 1.61 . 163 . 1.63 . 86 75 . 36.75 . 89 00 . S9.G0 FLOUR Patents. J 8. 40; straight.. 7.80 7 S0:Valley. S7.80: whole wheat. SS.60; sra ham. SS.40. MILLFED Spot prices: Bran. 126.30 per ton: shorts. $30.50 per ton; rolled bar ley. .$4142. CORN Whole, 46 per ton; cracked. 4T per ton. HAY Producers prices: Timothy. East ern Oretcon, (19,321 per ton; timothv. Val ley, 16j,17 per ton; alfal'a, tl7918; Val ley srain hay. $ia15; clover, 11' 50. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, S5He; prime firsts. Siie; firsts. S4o. Jobblar prices: Hpiivv oacklnT. 215-250 pounds. .10.20W10.S5 Light butchers 10.0010.35 Light packing, 170-190 pounds 10.00 '! 10.15 Rough heavies 9 00 3 9 2 Pig. and skips S.SO-gp S.7o Stock hogs 8.50 3 8.75 Sheep Lambs 925-&11.25 Yearlinr wathers 8.7510.00 Old wethers. 8.u4 .o Ewes 6.7Se 8.25 Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Jan. 17. Hogs Receipts. 14. 500. higher. Heavy, tlO.7511; light. 10.50' 10.85; pigs. $3.50310: bulk of sales, ,10.60010.90. Cattle Receipts. 6400, strong. Xative steers. S7.50&--11; cows and heifers. S6.50f 8.00; Western steers. S6.50&9.25: Texas steers, $6&7.75; stockers and feeders, $6.5 41 9.25. Sheep Receipts. 13.500. stesdy. Year lings. $10SU; wethers, f 9.00 6 10.00; Iambs. flSSia.75. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Jan. 17. Hogs Receipts. 53. 000. slow at yesterday's average. Bulk, S10.S5S? 11.10; light, sio.4U0ii.u5: mixed. tl0.75!o 11.15; heavy, flu.75 it 10.15; rough. fiu.75i 10.85: pigs, ssfiiu.15. Cattle rleceipts. L'u.oou. . Ilrm. native beef cattle, SSia.80: Western steers. $7.70gP 10.10: stockers and. feeder.. JS.TSsarS.Sr.; cows and heifers. S4.75&J 10.10; calves. S9.75 U 14.25. Sheep Receipts. 16.000, weak. Wethers, J3.65al0.S0; lambs. 111. 6014.20. Ts'aval IStores. SAVANNAH. Jan. 17. Turpentine, firm; sales. 10O barrels: receipts. 259 barrels; shipments, 1405 barrels; slocks. 11.270 bar rels. Rosin, firm: sales. 473 barrels: receipts. 311 barrels: shipments. 3074 barrels: stock, S5.113 barrela Quote: A, B. C, D. E. F. ti. S.27H: H. I. $6.35: K. J6.50; M. J6.70; If, .0.95: WG. S..00; WW. 7.25. Metal Market. KEV7 YORK. Jan. 17. Copper, firm. Elec trolytic, first, second and third quarters. 23.00 6S2.50c. Iron.steady and unchanged. The Metal Exchange quotes tin strong: spot. 44.25 45.25c London not received. The Metal Exchange quotes lead 7.60c bid. Spelter, nominal. London not received. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Jan. 1". Butter, easy. Cream-' ery. SI Vt 637c Egg., lower. Receipts, 19S7 cases; firsts. 44c; ordinary firsts, 3b a lie; at mark, cases Included, 33o43c SAV FRAXC1SCO, Jan. IT. Sterling In " . 1 Zi.TllZ R.n.rt ,nVon. $4.71 : dernand. 54.75T4 ; cables. California & Eastern Railroad. , ... w- I a t vw-1 t h o f a n t 1 r !m ra r Lo $4.70. Mexican dollars. 07.2 . i serious ninebv biic uaa ivcyi, jii iuulii t -1-er-iw .Tt 17 Rar .liver. 3iv wltn the worK oi tne women, an sue Money. 34 per cent: discount rate short I cessful has been the work of the wom bills. 5 per cent: three months. 5 per cent. I en that they have been urged to make a contribution of $200 to -the fund to buy a terminal site for the Oregon, clared- while it is practically Impossible , to state exactly the contributing cause btranorns to the condition, he Is satisfied In his own mind that it may be found mainly attributable to prohibition. Warden Murphy expressed himself some time ago ae being of the opinion Stocks Kecover at London. LONDON, Jan. 17. American securities recovered with Wall street, but apart from a small business in the low-priced rails. ruled dull on the bioca exchange toaay. SAX FBANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET I their organization a permanent one, that tne effects of prohibition may and to use their Influence to bring lnak It . nosslbla for the wave onH about civic reforms, and generally to means committee to cut off $20,000 from raise the stanaaras or tne city. i tne maintenance cost at the Institution. and this steady decline seems to lndl ". It ntllril. of Echo. nis. cate that his statement is being war I ranted by the conditions that obtain at V. B. Gillette, a farmer who lived the prison, as far aa Its population is Prices Current on Butter. Eggs, Fruits, Te- near Echo, Or., died Tuesday in Port- concerned. etables. Etc., at Bay City. land, and the funeral will be held Late reports of Parole Officer Keller fresh firsts. 3Cc; crime firsts. 35c: 9 Fresh extra. 45Hc: pullets, 41c. . w I tomorrow at Echo. He is survived by I also Indicate an apparently better con SAM r nA.-x. .u. ... cu,. r I .: J. 1 .1,. .I.. , K-,1 an1 I nn,nno. m m, on t.. two daughters. Meda V. Gillette and I being fewer parole violators. Mrs. Elita M. Frayrear, who reside near tr,.r flfhnr , n rvi vnr, nr. hi. father W. F. Gillette, and fiye brothers and LANG SYNE DINNER SE lone. Or.: W. W. Gillette, of Pendleton: I oiu x imc ruruauuen nut . uoiu G. A. Gillette, or Hermlston; A. B. -New. lSxc; Young Americas extra, 34 VrC Chees' Poultry Hens. 21ffT22c: old roosters. 14 13c: fryers. 234i25c: broilers. 27 e 30c. large. 2fc; squabs. S2.25t2.50; pigeons. $1.25'51.7.'.: ducks. 13S14c; geese., lo17c ti.rlrv. 53 ft 25c Vegetables" String beans. Florida. 251 I Gillette, of Echo; Mrs. P. G. Tompkins, 30c: lettuce. Southern, fancy. .1.50 I 0f Los Angeles. Cal.: Mrs. K. P. Long. 1 GO: peas, southern. 10-8 11c: .mall. .. 4jSc; I of Portland, and Mrs. J. E. ZInn. of cream squash, ooc a1.25: tomatoes. South-1 Lwiston Idaho. Mr. Gillette was 46 ?rnL ,zr:.?Ii: .-"".:yT old. He moved to Umatilla Urn cellar stock.' 2 75; celery-. I4S4.50; rhu- tilla County in 18S2. He had many barb. ti.25t.T5: marrowfat and hubbard I friends and acquaintances near Echo squash. $1.25 61.50. land Redmond, Or. Potatoes Rivers. J2.40?rZ.l5. Dnlnni Carloads. $5.50(M6 ner -sack. - Fruit Pears, winter Neiii. i:ej 05i I G. A. R. to Aslt Convention Sloney, l.mnu. 3-3 25: granefrult. $2.252.50. I oranees. navels. 13.4093 M; bananas. $1,25 1 A committee ot veterans of the Grand 1.50; pineapples. J232.50; apples. New-1 Xrmy will visit Salem today to ask for town Pippins, si.iuai.-o; ue.ierieur. 60 . small appropriation from the Lesris- t& 75c. meal, uncertain: rolled barley. 4."!g4T; meal I tional encampment of the Grand Army lature to be used to attract the Na- alfalfa. S20 SO, carloads; less. S21.SO. Receipts Flour. S0O quarters; barley, of the Republic to Portland in 1918 It is not desired that the money be 22x centals: beans. t45 sacks; potatoes. ! made available until next year, so that 3t;uo sackst hay. 210- tons; hides. 850; wine. I it may De used in proper exploitation .. lor the claims oi t-ortiana upon - the SHARP ADVANCE IX COFFEE FTTCRES I S"ran encampment - Fruit Juice Company Growing. SALEM. Or., Jan. 17. ( Special. )- Market Affected by Operations of German Commerce Raiders. NEW YORK, Jan. IT. The reported actlv- For the purpose'of extending its work Hies of German commerce raiders In South and developing Eastern markets for Atlantic waters caused a sharp advance la u, product, the Pheasant Fruit Juice Vi,. Trunin.- ia. ,1 JiZ. b ,7h A J1 Company, of this city, has n increased The opening was 3 to v points higher and . . , , , c . active months sold about 10 to 2o points ita capital stock fom 1150,000 to i(50.- abovc last night s closing figures, with May 1 uou. j Annual Affair January 24. Arrangements are being completed for the fourth annual dinner or tn Lanir Syne Society, the fourth Wednes day In January. January 24 is the date on which the dinner falls this The 'Lane Eyne Society consists o persons who have been in business or in positions ot trust here prior to the year 1891. The programme includes a reception from 5 to 7 o'clock, an old-time dinner from 7-to 9 and an old-times enter tainraent from 9 to 11, all of -which will be given at the Hotel Multnomah. Th membership includes about 400 persona ELKS' BAND GIVES CONCER Entertainment la Provided for 50 Memhcrs and Friends. A programme of unusual merit and one that was executed with a finesse and precision that would reflect credit on a much older organization was given last night by the Elks band, under MEASURE IS DEFENDED PrRPOSB OP SENATE BILL TS EX. PLAIXED BT MRS. OCBtTRX. Head of Cossaniers' Leagne Saya Ok. iect la Reduce- Work Bean for Vt omea From SO ta .8 a Week. Opposition to Senate bill 7S, Intro duced in the Legislature Tuesday by Senator Gill, is mistaken, says Mr. William Ogrburn. president of the Con sumers League, which sponsors th measure. She declares the bill Is not a measure for an eight-hour day for alt women workers, but It merely limits the hours of work for any one week, reducing the number from SO, as at present, to 48. It is not an eight-hour bill at all. said Mrs. Ogburn yesterday, "nor doea it state anywhere that hours of worK for women ahall be limited to eight. Those who oppose the bill evidently are mistaken and have not studied it "The Congress ot Mothers favored the adoption of this measure, although Mrs. George McMath. president ot that organization, haa come out against it. She says she opposes it on the ground that she is against an eight-hour bill for the reason that the women workers themselves axe against it. "The way similar laws work else where Is that it brings about a nine hour day, with a half-holiday on Satur days. Men get this concession in the East already and we see no reason why women workers here should not have it, with the same consideration prob able in the future tor men workers as well." Lumbermen's Trust Co. Gets Bonds. LEWISTONT. Idaho. Jan. 17. (Spe cial.) Lapwal Valley Highway district bonds in the sum of $150,000 were of fered to the highest bidder at Lewis ton -today. The' Lumbermen's Trust Company, of Portland, secured the en tire issue by offering a premium of (3135 for S per cent bonds. The next highest bid received was from the In ternational Trust Company, of "Denver, Colo., which offered a premium of .2307 for 5 per cent bonds. TRAVELERS CCIOE. HAILS' METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Or., Jan. 17. Maximum tem perature. 8S degrees; minimum, 28- degrees. River reading. 8 A. M., 0.8 foot; change tn last 24 hours. 0.2 foot fall. Total rainfall 5 P. M. to 5 P. M ). none; total rainfall. since September 1. 1910, 13.13 Inches: normal rainfall sine September 1. 23.01 inches; de ficiency of rainfall sines September 1. 9.69 Inches. Total sunshine. 8 hours 40 minutes; possible sunshine. 9 hours 6 minutes. Barom- ter (reduced to sea level), 6 P. M.. 30.41 Inches. Relative humidity at noon, 48 per cent. THE WEATHER. STATIONS. 8 ft 1 Wtno ::::: Baker , Boise . Boston Calgary Chicago Denver Des Moines . Duluth Eureka ..... Galveston .. Helens Jacksonville Juneau . .. Kansas City L.OS Angeles Marshfleld . tied ford ... Sllnnea polls llontreal ... New Orleans New York . , North Hesd North Yakiroa4 Omaha ....... Phoenix ...... Pocatello ..... Portland Roseburg Sacrsmento .. St. Louis ..... Salt Lake .... San Diego Baa Francisco. Seattle Sitka Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island. Valdes Walla Waya. . Washington .. Winnipeg .... State of weather. 12' 12 O.OrtjTT -2t 14 0.00 . . 20 sn 0.00 14 14 86 O.OO . . 24 U.OOI14 40 O.OOi.. 2l! 0.00 . . 22 0.00' 10 60 0.00'. . 40O.01 10 4 O.OO . . 640.00 .. .. .10.12'.. 2S'0.10;10 480.02' 50 O.00 42 0.001 22 0.00:12 24:0.01:181 68 0.00 32 0.00 S8 S4l 42 0.001, r-1 26! IS 2S' 20 l 44 2iV SO 0.00 23 Q.OO! 62 O.OSj 10 0.00 SCO.Ort 42 0.00. . 4O.00;i4 30 0.00 12 18,0. 00 sn'o.oo . . ffS O.0O . . not r. o.not 4 20 0.0OI. 241 8S 0.00'. 84!, 80) 80'0.22l. IS' 24 0. OOl. 18 40 0.00; . 0 120.0011 I S ,Clond s Clear W Oar I S Clear sw Cloudy NV Clear SW Ciear SW Clear N Clear N Cloudy W Clear NE Cloudy . S Snow SW Clear NW Cloudy W Out N Clear SW Clear SW Cloudy N Cloudy 6W Clear W Clear SE Pt. cloudy SW Clear SE Cloudy W Clear NW Clear NW Clear NW Clear SW Cloudy NW Clear NW Clear W Pt. cloudy Cloudy , NE Pt. coudy NW Clear SE Cloudy , . . .. Cloudy W Cloudy S Pt. cloudy I NW Cloudy P. M. report of preceding day. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A moderate depression overlies th. country from ths Rd River Valley eastward over the Lake region to ths North Atlantic Coast. High pressure continues over the remainder ot the country with ths center over the Inter Mountain region. Precipitation has occurred In Southern California and eastwsrd northeastward nearly to tb. Atlantic Coaat. and winds ot gale fore, were repord from New York. The weather Is colder In South meatern and Central Washington, on Coos Bay, In Southern California, Southern Utah, Southwestern Colorado, Northern Alberta. Northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba: general It is warmer in moat other sections. Temperatures continue below normal over the Western States, th. Southern and most of the Eastern states. Ths conditions are favorable for continued fair, cold weather In this district Thursday, with generally easterly winds. FORECASTS. , Portland and vicinity Cloudy, continue cold; easterly winds. Oregon and Washington Partly cloudy continued cold; easterly winds. . Idaho Fair: continued cold. North Pacific Coast Partly cloudy: light. variable winds. T. FRANCIS DRAKE. Assistant Forecaster. WE BUY RAW MOLESKINS W Fa? 17c Apiece and Cxprm Chsryes. KOHN st RAER, 43-45-47 Hci 33d st New York City. References: National City Pack. N. Y, .National Park Bank. N. Y. W sell Mol Xraps i.oO a dozen. San Francisco Los Angeles (Withoot Changa Kn Route) The Blr. Tlrmii, . " Comfortable. . Fit-Kant ly Appointed, bettaculujc S. S. BEAVER Sella From Alneworth Dock 3 r. M. TUESDAY. JAX. 13. IOO Go Men MUee oa Columbia Klver All Km- Include Urrth end Meal t Taole and Service LnexceJled The fits Franclco Jt Portland S. SC Tlilrd and W ahlnirtoa Mrert ir1t ti O.-W. K. Jt . t.. lei. Broadway iu. A 6121. INORWEGIAIi mm New. Larpe. Modem and the fast est Steamships toScandtnavia. Rail connections with entire con tinent. Sailings from New York Jan. 27-Feb. 17. Write for folders". All Railroad Offices Our Ace at.. REIDAR GJOLME, General Pacific Coast A pent. US Cherry St.. Seattle. .TWIN PALACES a t'tik . . I .( -AN li. l.MlMO R . NORTHKRV PACIFIC. -prJS train time. Sails Jan. 20. 5, 30. Feb. 3 S. 18. 20, 24- Cal. Btr. Etprfia leaves 9:80 A. M. Fares S3, .lioo. S17.50, f 20, i. 8. CHEAT NORTHERN. San Frsn lco snd los Angeles to Honolulu. Jsn. 23; Feb. 12: March 6. rS; April 11, a 11 JO rounu trip, and up. f fetation, iota and Uort ind Mur., N. I. Kjr. Va.h O. N. Ry. Sd. Hnrtington Ry. TICKET onitts fetatl 1 Sd an I 4 V t IOO S San Francisco $10.00 Coos Bay $7.00 Eureka $15.00 riret-Claaa Men la and Bert a Included. SS. BREAKWATER 6 P. M, SUNDAY, JAN. 21. I22u Third Street. Phones .Mala 1314a A 1314, ALASKA rrtwee Huyrt. aeituikaa. rtnrtl. rttroirftr. Jaomv, Trradvkell, !uBiaa. Ituwt, Maine-. aca. Cwrdeve. ea ssvMti vward. CALIFORNIA Tie Seett.e ui dd t rivBKit a te Lee end ban iitfo, LArfMt aliiea, tBMutUd aervice. lew rate, ladudaaj anal and berth. Far particular apply er teleph rACIFIC KTIUSdSUIP C03aAT, Ticket Office. S Wahtnin l fftvc Ala.e SS. Uern A TZ wm 111:1 TVAti 4 11 1 H. K. MULTNOMAH FRIDAY i:J0 . M.. JAN. 19. Fsn Francisco, Portiand. lus Anf j les SteamsniP Co. rrana uoilam, i At . 124 Third t A Mln St Ay, STRALIA Honolulu. Sirva,.Nrw; Zalsud THE PALATIAL. PASSENGER tTFAMEH1 K M S. "NIAGARA." K.M.S. "MAkl 11 A (20.000 tons dta.) 4 li.BOO tons diet from VAXtOrVHt B. C. Jan. 17. t eU. 14. Mar.- 14. Apr. IL Aliplr laoaiiiag racille St., fortl.od. ur. . m stallvraj. SS Iblrd Pit., a'.rtiaoa. vvr. w th. Canadian Australian Rojal Mall Ua. k.mur saioc. B. C LrWPtTOTSHlTLT LINE KODCjaNEiRO Maros-MOirrayBXraAMM BtltMOS A1..IS Kee-ular ba'llass Canpanv. Office, 4t Breailw.y. N. T. Dor.ej' 11. binltti, Xuixd and iaatiins-toa eta.