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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1916)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1916. This directory la for the Information of the public, to sive as far as pos sible the different lines of business which the average person may find occa sion' to use. Any Information which cannot be found here will be gladly fur nished by phoning Main 707 0 or A. 6095, House 40. ACCORDION PLEATING. 1C 6TEPHAX, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord, slue pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. US Pittock block. Broadway lot) a. AGATE CUTTEm. 11. 1874. Mfg. Jewelers, expert watchmakers. . Millers, 843 Wash., bet. Bdwy. and Park. ASSAYKRS AM) ANAU'STS. UO.MA.NA ASSAY Oi'i'lCE, 1U 2d Gold, silver and platinum bought. AXTOK-NEY3 iW. J. Makellm Probate, real estate, mining and corporation law; abstracts and titles examined; written opinions furnished. 1434 "wu western ntna biug. Alain o , -40. IAWTEB, 618 Pittock block, No charge for preliminary consultation. I D. MAHONE, lawyer, 402 Panama bldg. . Marshall 0383. CANCER. .. at. Jones, M. D. CANCER TREATED. . Brewer blug,. 18tu & Alberta. VVdln. 41o6. . CARPET WEAVER. 'U'F HUGS FKOM OLD CABPETS. - Carpet cleaning, refitting, etc. North West Rug Co.. 18e E. 8th St. Both phones. CELLULOID BUTTONS. BADGES. . TH3 IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. B87 Washington st. Main 812 and A 1204. tHiKorowsr. .William. Estelle and William, Jr., Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerilnger bldg., southwest cor ner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CMIBOPKACTIC PHYSICIANS. EUMINATINO medicines and operations. Permanently restoring health without . drugs or scars. Dr. McManon making ' j 8X "djustments $15. Macleay bldg. and Sanitarium. Patients satisfied. Knockers boost. Case questions free. C1BC L LABLE TT EKfi. CRANE LETTER CO., 610 N. W. bldg. Mar. 6822. 100 letters multigraphed for 41. COLUCTLMi AGEJfC S. JNETH &. CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collection, no charge; established 1900. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy, 85V. 6th bet Stark and Oak; 4 private lessons. $2; A- M., p. M., eve; latest dances guaranteed; class Thurs.. Bat, eve., 7-8:30. Bdwy. 2160. HEATH'S SCHOOL. Lessons daily; class Tuea., FH. eve.. 8 to 10. 109 2d st. bet. Wash, and Btark. Main 3205. Lessons 25q ' DETECTIVES. EXPERIENCED, reliable; consultation free. & L. Kellogg, Jr.. box 205. Oregon City, EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT, LUNGS. oraV?ent by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr F. F. Casseday. 517 Dekum bldg.. 8d A Wo! FIRE INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE"Co". WHOLEALEKS AND AUTO AND BCGGY TOPS. PTJBRUILLE BUUGV TOP CO.. 209 2U St. AUTO SPRING MANUFACTURING. . siig. ana repalr- JLAMER SPRING CO Ting; 40W springs carried in stock. 10th & Couch sas. BAGUAOL CHLC'KJiD AT HOME. gaggage & umiilcua Transfer. Park A Davla DRY GOODS WHOLESALE. L.DinkeispielCo. k'SSoJH: GRAIN MERCHANTS. H. HOUaER. Board of Trade Bldg. M. GROCERS. WADHAM3 & Co., 07-7a Fourth street. HATS ANI CAPS. THAXHAUBSR HAT CO.. 63-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAH.N KOS 101 Front street. fclANUFACTUREKS LADIES' NECKWEAR EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO.. 85 5th st PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis sts. DIED. SEELET In this city, December 20, at her late residence, 4s;t6 Sixty-fourth street cioutheast, Fannie Seeley, aged 77 yeara Notice of funeral hereafter. KAKANO December 19. Y. Nakano. aged 2S years, late of Seattle. Wash. Remains at Dunning & McEntee's chapeL Funeral notice later. MORROW In ,this city, December 20. Kath arine M. Morrow, aged 50 years, at the family residence, 701 iloyt street. Funeral notice hereafter. ANDERSON December 20. Emma Ander son, aged 60 years. Remains at Dunning & McEntee's chapel. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL, NOTICES. JOPLIN At the family reeidence, 444 Eat Forty-second street Xorth, December 18, Mrs. Ella L Joplin, aged 45 years, wife of t "W. E. Joplin, mother of Edward Ray Jop , lin. of this city. The funeral services will "be held at the conservatory chapel of F. S. , Dunning, Inc., East Side Funeral Direct ors, 414 East Alder street, at 10 A. M. to day (Thursday). December 21. Friends Invited. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. 11BYER December 10. at residence, 331 Hassalo street, Mrs. Ellen Meyer, aged 64 years, beloved wife of Julian Meyer and ; mother of George Meyer, Mrs. Myrtle Aus ; tin, Mrs. Ivy Kamsey and Mrs. Minnie l Elvers. Funeral services will be held at the above residence Saturday, December 23, at 2 P M. Friends invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. EAU December 20. Grace Kan. axed 26 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Kau, oc MCMinnvine. or., and Bister or lira T (ait si Vnb- sk r. ,t I Hugh, Margaret, Harah, Vivian, Ruth and I Jjuclle Kau, of McMlnnvllle, Or. Th re t mains will be shtcned bv Dunnine & McEntee today to Beuna Vista, Or., where interment will taKe place Friday afternoon. JOHNSON At the residence, 894 East Mor rison street, December 20, William B. Johnson, age 9 months 6 days. Funeral J services today (Thursday) at 10 A, H. at , the residence parlors of Breeze & Snook, 3 026 Belmont street. Interment Mount fecott Pars: Cemetery. LFIEDD The funeral services of Casper Field will t held at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 Eat Alder street at 2 P. M. today (Thursday), December 21. Friends invited. Concluding services at Portland Crematorium. PANTALL The funeral cervices of the late John Wilbur Pan tall will be held today ( inursaay at i o ciock . M. at the res Idence establishment of J . P. Fin ley & Hon, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends In vlted. Interment at Rlverview Cemetery. Hl'SSET Ro3e Hussey, aged 50 years, be loved wife of James Hussey. Funeral will take place from Dunning & McEntee's chapel Friday, December 22, at 10 A. M. Friends invited. Interment Mount Cal vary cemetery. KELSON At Lafayette Or., December 17, 3 916. Nels Nelson, ajted 61 years, 11 mo., 23 days. Remains will be shipped to Port land. Incineration at Mt. Scott Park Crematorium. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE . FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Streets Main 607. A 1511 PERFECT TXNKKAL bEKWCES FOR LESS MILLER & TRACEY ' Independent Foneral Directors. lMly Assistant. . Wash, st Ella St.. Bet. 20th and 21st. Main 2601. A 7 8 SO. West Side. DUNNING & M ENTEB. funeral directors. f roadway ana rico street, f none xtroaa way 430. A 4558. lady attendant. R. ZELLEK & CO.. &U2 W1U.IAMS AV9. ijay and nlsht service. J. P. FlNijlY i SON, Progressive Funerai Directors. MOXTUUMERY AT FIFTH. F. S. DU.N.N1XO, INC. East Side Funeral Directors 414 East Alder street. East 62. B 2525. 6KEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Sd nd Clay. M'n an-, a -ojx. may attendant. MR. AND MP.S. W. H. HAMILTON Fu reral service, a 80th and Gllsan. Tab. 4313. EKICSO.N" Residence Undertaking Parlors, 12th and Morrison sts. Main 6138. A 223o. P. I. LURCH, East 11th and Clay streets. lady attendant, iast iai. m aobb. BREEZE & SNOOK 102 Belmont at 84th, MESSENGER SERVICE. HAST Y MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 63, A 2153. MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHORN, Violin Teacher. P"P! Sevcik, 207 Fliedner bidg. Marshall 1629. optometrists" and opticians. WHY PAY MORE? A SAVING OF 25 TO 50. Properly fitted glasses as low is $1.50: 40O0 satisfied customers; satisfaction guaranteed. Chas. W. Good man, optometrist. 1400 Morrison. Main 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS." It. C. WRIGHT 22 years7 "experience tJ. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Allsky bldg. Get my new booklet. 'Chronic Disease"; It's free. PIANOS. REED-FRENCH PIANO CO. 10T11 AND STARK. STS. MARSHALL 53 A 1253 PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 34S9. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln, Mgr. Printing and linotyping. looVs Front aU. corner Stark. Main or A 1418. RAG RUGS AND FLUFF RUGS. II Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets j Ingrain, Hruieis, Smyrna, Axmlneter, rag ruga, all sixes ; mail orders prompt; booklet. W EASTERN FLUFF RUG CO. 64-56 Union ave N. East 0516, B 1475 REAL KSTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404 Wilcox bid. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. FREE STORAGE. FREE MOVING. Telephone for our proposition; we can save you money; storage, packing, mov ing, shipping. Modern Brick Storage Warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO.. Office 105 Park st. Main 51U3, A 105L Warehouse 44-48 E. 6th at. N. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST- "Household goods specialists; storage, packing, ship ping and moving; horse or auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.. 2d and Pine sts. Broadway 606. A 1996. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisaa St., corner 13th Telephone Main 60 or A 1160. "We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal- tracks; lowest in suranoe rates in the city. MADISON ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE. Office, 180 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 760L GREEN AND DRY 6 LAB WOOD, blokwood. Panama Fuel Co. Main D720. A 6899. MANUFACTURERS NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES. WEINHARD'U AMBER MiCIAR, neaiy weinnara plant, loth ana .uurngiae sts. Phone Main TZ. A 1172. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSKN & CO.. 2d and Taylor sta PIPE, PIPE PITTING AND VALVES, M. L. KLINE. fc4-6tt Front St. PLUMBING ANU STEAM SUPPLIES. L. KLINE. M-S6 Front SU PRINTING. PRIWTIMRF- W- BALTE3 A COMPANY, rnlill IllUFlrst A Oak ats. Main 165, A 1165 PRODUCE. PRODUCE, dried fruit, correspondence so llclted. Union Produce Co.. 128 Union ave. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ' ETVEKDING & FARHELL. 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. nth and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. p. FULLER He CO.. 12th and Davie sts. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPE11 CO.. gap 2d St. CREMATORIUMS. MOUNT SCOTT PARK " Cemetery and Crematorium Tabor 1468. r 61. FLORISTS. MARTIN c FORBES CO.. Florists. 864 Washington. Main' 269, A 1269. Flowers ior an occ.wiuiia artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Florlsta. 287 Morrison st" jaain or a inui). i ine nowers and zlorai oeeigns. i o Dranca stores. MAX M. SMITH, Main 7215, A 2121. SeU- ing oiag., otn ana Aider eta TONSETH FLORAL. CO., 285 Washington , ucin ecu vtu iiu uui, Sim OIUZ, A 1 1UL MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 264-2B6 4th t., opyoBiio .-iLjr nan. ama eooe. -fniilp in eu & cons lor memorials. IcThBLAESlNG. GRANITE! CO. I U THIRD VT MADISON JTREET. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Room 153 Courthouse, fith-street Entrance- Phone from 8 to 6 Main 878. Home Phone A 2525. Nleht csll Bfter afflre hniir. M.i. -!na xvryuifc tin cases oi cruelly to the above address. Electric lethal chamber for small Buiiiiui.. norse amDuiance ror sick and dls abled animals at a moment's notice. Any vuo i ii IT k uok Or III npr nAtt " f m m 1 1 ill cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed Vpck. as we look after alt impounding. There is no more city pound. Just Oregon NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS ori Improved cltv nmnrtv . s t per cent. Farm and suburban lom. j-v.. . mineral repayment prlvl leges allowed. No delays. liuan a SI-JStlAL RATE A. H. BIRRELL CO. E17-Z1U AorthTvevterii JSanlc U oil din v. 6 loans of flO.000 and on Im proved Business Property (or foe Improvement Purposes). J. P. LIPSCOMB. . 243 Stark Street. Property Management We give careful and efficient attention w aiaiiiueuL-aoujca, orrice DuiidinsTS. isuwiB,!!!! pruperiy supervision. we A. McKenna & Co. General Real ISstate. 727 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS We bave Insurance Money at 5 . Private Funds at and 7 ROBERTSON & EWING a7-B f ortst-western Panic Bids;. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. ear Own Money at Carresl 1tate 1ICMCIPAL A. H COKPOHATIO.I BONDS, FA II M AND CITY LOANS. SO F.srts St.. Mrd t Trade at Idas. HHBG9UBEY0 rr 6, 7 LOANS rfcTs ON MORTGAGE SECURITY HQWTMWEICHN BANK BUILDING MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oreges Investment A Martgags Cs, Offices 202-4 17W TkUra St. TJor Sale, Potatoes, $1 Per Sack. f. o. b. A Jefferson, Or. Small but good. E. O. Seckley NEW TODAY. fV n. . i I few. v.. .z; . -r. - -vs!---, : - - I Universal Tractor Attachment OPPORTUNITY WITH BIG FUTCHE. Tour automobile and our Universal tractor attachment will make you big money. Agents selling: one a day. Bis demand. Bis profits for you, driving through the country taking: ovdera for the new Modern Workhorse. This trac tor attachment can be applied to most any automobile in a few hours' time. Exclusive territory. Write or call at once. GERL1NGER MOTOR CAR CO, Sen tli Fife and Hood Streets. T,ma, Washington. REAL ESTATE. For feale Lots. SNAP ON LOTS. Lots in Monticello, Wheatland and Prunedale additions at lees than one-half former prices for limited time only. ORE. INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 202 Stock Exchange. 170 3d St. LARGE, beautiful view home site. West feiae. city water and gas; bargain at S3d0, 810 cash, balance S5 per month. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbott bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Housefl. lots, tracts and acreage la this choir, dlstrfct; a few sacrifices. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 8839. 7i0 LOT 50x100. E. Kith and 6haver. All improvements paid. ore. Inv. A Mortgage Co.. 202 Stock Exch.. 170 8d St. FOR SALE Corner lot. E. 17th and TJavls sts.; Improvements in and paid for. Phone East 2704. For Sale Ilonses. CHARMING LATJRELHTJRST HOME. Nature has endowed Laurelhurst with advantages no other section has to offer. It doesn't cost any more to live here where you can enjoy the finest air charged with the fragrant scent of health- giving fir balsam. You return to your worx eacn cay run or new lire ana vigor. DO YOU KNOW that I'll sell yon my beautiful, new 8-room home, right near park and club, with the very latest built in conveniences. Including garage on paved alley, for $40007 Pay me what you can spare down and $40 monthly will carry everything. Location: 124 E. Burnslde St.. near E. 42d st, I'll be there Sunday afternoon to snow it. uuring week call w. T. DOWNING. Main 1700. NO HUMBUG ABOUT THIS LAURELHURST BARGAIN. I own a new 6-room bungalow close to laureinurst l'ark on beautiful corner lot. finished In old ivory with tapestry paper. It's considered one of the handsomest places in the district. Am going leave Portland, and no reasonable offer will be refused. No agents or commis sions. Phone owner. Tabor 5845. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE PLAN AND BUILD ANY THING, residence to factory, or any con struction; sketches and estimates free, fur nish the money If deBired. All depart ments one office. We actually save you money. Our reputation your protection. L. R. BAILEY CO., Inc., Contracting Ar chltects. 3m Ablngton bldg. LAURELHURST. Before purchasing elsewhere Inspect our list of exquisite homes Just completed and obtain copy of our album telling all about the tract. Laurelhurst, the Addition of Beautiful Homes, the show place of Port land, and challenge comparison with any similar property In the world. Main office 270H Stark st. Main 170O, A 1515. THIS MEANS $1000 TO YOU. Have actual c&sh equity In new 6-room bungalow In Laurelhurst of $2000. Strictly personal reasons necessitate a quick turn for cash; $1000 will buy It; SIS pes month carries mortgage interest. House will rent for $30. Will show house Sun day P. M., or later upon request. Phone Tabor 1702. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. Quarter acre, with 2-room house fur nished, garage, 8-year fruit trees and young hedge on two sides, chickens. Bull Run water and gas, 6-eent carllne, 15 min utes. West Side; bargain for $550, $100 cash, balance $10 per month at 8 per cent interest. Broaaway 4000, house 178. IF YOU want a bargain In a modern six- room bouse, full basement, furnace, fire place, reception hall, pass pantry, large rooms; lot 40x100, fruit trees, two car- lines. ia minutes to city, look at su J Main; will take lot as first payment or eea on terms, owner. Tabor 42w. LOOK. BARGAIN HUNTERS. 7-room bungalow, fireplace, basement, bath, electric Hants and gas, lOoxloo lot. fir trees, fruit trees, strawberries and chicken-house; price only $2500. Prentiss, 505 Corbett bldg. SNAP. Fine, modern 6-r. house, fine location. 2 blks. from car, cost $2S0O; for quick saie. etiw, on your own terms, j. A. turner, ::no t-tark, near 4th. 4-ROOM house, lot 75x100; fruit trees. 2 "A blocks from car; $850. $li0 cash, bai. terma. uwner, coo surnsiae St. EQUITY In 8-r. house, value $3000. CoL zio. wijj Lomoara st. et. jonns car. 4-ftOOM house and half acre, $1250. Owner Tabor 4Si3, WE build and finance. E. & 6Q9 McKay bldg. Marshall C. Lovegren, Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carllne, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Mar , 15S5 or Sell w ood 478. JOHN GIBSON, Owner. For Bale Acreage. SUNNY PALI FOR V T A 5 acresfor $1250. $125 cash and $11.25 per month buys 5 acres of almond land under Government Irrigation. We take care of the trees for four years and turn the orchard over to 'you when it is on a paying basts. T his will make you a life long income. This land lies close to the railroad, town, fine roads and all other conveniences. We also have undeveloped land from $75 to $150 per acre; 200O acres to cnoose irom BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. ONLY $5 PER MONTH. BUYS A LARGE HOMESITE, light at electric station. 30 minutes out ' city conveniences; auto road. Call at 5uo Concord bldg.. 1M and Stark sts. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES Near Portland; J75- to $200 per acre: easy terms; best soli; farms for sale, all .Mcrarianq. 3115 Teon bldg.. Portland For elale Farms. FOR SALE or trade, 40 acres, all good, leve cultivated land. H mile of town, echoot R. R. depot, on good road, for $tvoo. half trade; this Is In the heart of Willamette Valley, also Vz Interest In 80 acres timber and good land in Clarke Co., Wash., 25 milts trom fortiantt. $700; will take i Ford car and little cash as part oavment car must be In good shape. Address box to. rt. k. u. o. -J. Amity. Or. ij Atrtt.. Clarke county, Wasn., near w asuouKai, about id, A. clear, 40 A. imil brush, easily cleared, bal. timber .v.r.i thousand cords wood; good stresm runs tnrougn an year rouna: chickens, cows. nogs, norses, etc., $53 per acre. AP 9S3, Oregonlan. SMALL MISSOURI FARM, $10 CASH and $5 monthly; no interest or taxes:' highly pro ductive land; close to three big markets Write tor photographs and full informa tion. Munger. A-241 N. Y. Life bldg . Kansas City. Mo. 5000 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prl-es. $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma bldg., Tacoma. Wash. 4S0 ACRES, or part of It, Morrow County wheat lard, practically all tillable and level, good well, R. R. station, 7 ml ; 15 per acre. $2000 down, balance, terms. AV 312, Oregonlan. 80 ACRES. 30 cult., 4Vi miles to good town 2 hours to Portland, 6 good cows, sheep, hogs, team. mach.. feed, buildings, mall route and school, $4200. Box 87, Castle Rock. Wash. FOR SALE S65-acre farm. Linn County. $20 per acre; good terms. Address Geo. W Wright. Albany. Oregon LOGGED-OFF- stump land, $10 acre up; terms; good soil, running water, markets. employment. Mr. Sharpe. 83 H 3d. rm. 557. DAIRY FARM, near church, school, cheese faetory. Owner, 107 Shaver. WdL. 202. REAL KSTATE. For Sale -Farms. PROSPERITY IN CANADA Thousands of farmers in Western Canada have sold their crops this year for more than the total cost of tnelr land. Land at $13 to $30 an acre has produced crops worth $40 to $75 sn sere. Stock raising and dairying are equally profitable hogs and beef highest In country's history. Irrigation districts producing more alfalfa and fodder crops than ever before. Get s-our farm home from the Canadian Pacific Railway. Last year I asked you to take advantage of this oppor tunity you ne)ght have paid for your farm with the lttlS crop again I extend the Invitation. Good land from $11 to $30 per acre; irrigated land from $35; 20 years to pay; government guarantees land and water titles. Pay in full at any time If de sired. We will lend you up to $2000 In im provements In certain districts, with no security other than the land. Ready-made farms sold on special easy terms. Loan for livestock after one year's occupation, subject to certain reasonable conditions explained on request. Low taxes; no taxes on Improvements. Free schools; full re ligious liberty; good climate, and the best neighbors in the world. Other farmers be coming rich In Western Csnada; you have the same opportunity. Buy direct from the Canadian Pacific Railway. Write for free book and full Information. J. 8. Dennis, ssslstant to tha president, Canadian Pa cific Railway. H4 'inth ave., Calgary. Al berta. Canada. SOME SNAP. 15 acres of the choicest potato land, mostly In clover, a fine new 7-room bun galow, plastered, beamed ceilings, built-in fixtures, oak furniture, fine piano, range, heater and oil stove, cooking utenslis, dishes, linen, everything to keep nouse. bath, toilet, city water, canned fruit, larg. two-story barn. $400 worth of hay, lo bu. spuds, U sacks apples, all farm and garden tools, gentle Jersey cow, 50 full blood chickens, wagon, harness and two years' wood. This place cost $7o00 the way it stands. I will sell for $r500; take $3"00 cash $L'500 in 8 years at 8 per cent. Finn level land outside city limits of Carson. Wash. Take Mineral Springs Jit ney to our door. Address Mrs. F. K. Gra ham. Carson. Wash. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS, Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $18 per acre; suitable for farming or grazing; easy terms. For Information write or see .W. E. Holt. Miles City. Mont. WASTED-RE.1L ESTATE. HAVE YOU A CLEAR LOT 7 I need a clear lot to build on. Can give' you good trade for It In house leased for $30 per month. Phone J. M. REEVES, Tabor 1782 or Main 170O. WE bave a few buyers for good Improved farms of from 60 to 10O acres, reasonably priced. R. F. Bryan, B0 Chamber of Com merce. Main 1063, WE have buyers for anything good In close in city property, farms or nearby acreage. R. F. Bryan. 509 Chamber of Commerce. IF threatened with foreclosure of mortgage or contract, write or see J. S. Knauss, &12 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. WE buy equities, priced right, 407 Panama bldg. FOB BALE TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Have timber, want partner with portable sawmill, j. 6. McMurtrr. Hauser, Oregon. TIMBER LANDS. BOl'OHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CHACKEN. 804 M'KAT BLDO. FARMS WANTED. WE have a few buyers for good improved farms of from 50 to 100 acres, reasona bly priced. R. F. Bryan, 609 Chamber of Commerce-. Main lwv;. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. GOOD TRADES. Will trade several residences for flats or small apartment-house. Want Colorado property to about $6000 in exenange tor Portland, property. Will trade city property or land for Home Telephone bonds or Paclflo States insurance stock. Wsnt farm clear, or clear seral-buslnees property in fortiand, in exchange for clear residence $4000. clear land $40oO. and $0550 equity in two splendid residences. E. J. ROBERSON, 703 Title A Trust Bldg. NOTICE. If your property, either city, farm or screage. has merit and Is for exchange or saie. can or write lull particulars; no In flated values considered; have first-class iust to select from. Geo. p. Henry, 32U Henry bldg. Ref., Portland Realty Board. BARGAIN. FOR EXCHAXOE. Choice acreage tract on Hllisboro elec tric line; all cultivated. A snap; part tiuue. part cash. OKROON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 2'2 Stock Exchange. 170 3d St. BEAUTIFUL seven-room, large, full attic. modern throughout house, acre of land. line location on lnterurban line, 40 ruin ute3 from Portland ; valuation $6500, to trade ror city property; no agents or com mlswlon. F 983, Oregonlan. 65 ACRES, Hood River, free of Incumbrance, one-naic clearea. iree water, bulldlnea and bearing orchard. Exchange for Portland property. 306 Selling bldg. Marshall i4lt. WANTED Properties of merit to match our large lists of improved city, farm and Income properties; no Inflated values considered. tALi,A. t K,Ar,n. 414 Oregon Diag. 2 LARGE, modern, 8-room bouses, mortgage nKjo, - per cent, on n,ast ltn. near uurn slde; make offer for equity. P. O. box 2o54, city. WANT home, have new apt, -house, Tilla mook, contains o 2-room apts. ; take $40OO, mtg. iKiu, near aepot. At vyo, oregO' nian. $27,000. ACREAGE and vacant lots, for wheat farm; will assume; have vacant lots ror a bouse. E. W. Elrod. Lents, Oregon. Tabor 6418 or Tabor 64. WILL exchange $1500 cash equity In $2500 Irvlngton lot, SOth and Tillamook, Im provements paid; or cheaper lots or close- in acreage, owner, labor 4-:m. PARTIES have made offers, but no one has bought my 4S0 acres that raised $13,000 worth of wheat in 1916; you can have it ror iz.uuo; terms on part. Alain 7677. S. PORTLAND lot. 50x100: also 20 acres a Corbett, no Incumbrance; exchange for email oungaiow. uwner, xiau, ii vvasn lngton st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Finest Income property in the city, r . a. riowman & Co. 213 Chamber of Commerce. BOO ACRES, Sherman County, sale or trade. mcAnuuc, , , -.o v. nuiii utr oi commerce. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. SPAN of very blocky-bullt mares, sound and true 4 and 5 its. old: wt.. 2550 lbs.. 1230 Seven-year-old mare and four-year-old gelding, free of blemishes and true to work; wt.. 25O0 lbs.. $200. Bay 6-yr.-old gelding. 145 lbs.: a little footsore, $50. Also a new shlnment of all Bize horses. Model Stables, 5th and Davis TEAM of young matched bay mares, rood llni'bs and feet, weight Sleo. price $225 one Day tiny, one nay geiaing, 7 set double-bretchmg harness. 2 saddles. Call and make offer. Transfer Stable, East mil anu. r lanuers. r OK SALE Pair matched blocky mares about 2400 lbs., una In foal: well broken and gentle, handy and useful for ranch purposes and very cheap at $125. Phone HORSE FOR SALE CHEAP. Putting on trucks, we have one good norse left; see him and make us an of fer; we must sell. Edwards Co.. 84 6th "i. .Main t.i. CAPITAL STABLES 2S7 FRONT ST. Just received. 22 head of horses and mares from Eastern Oregon, all first-class stock from 5 to 7 years old. from 1100 to ids. rt. uiearman, prop. ODOD, serviceable ranch team; also fast, well-Died driving horse at any reasonabl offer. eary Ice Co. stables, 34th and fc.ast Yamnlll sts. DEAD horses taken; $5 and up for dea cows; casn ror oown-ana-out norses. c me up without fall. Mllwaukle Bf-J. FOR SALE cheap, four teams horses. Star Sand Co., barn Delay St., bet. Goldsmith ana rtusseil. DEAD horses taken free; $5 paid for dead cows, crippled, worn-out horses. Oregon none Meal works, Lenta, or. Tabor 4203. BLOCKY team of mares. 1200 lbs each, eood harness and ranch wagon, $135. Marshall 4000. 1 HORSE, harness and light delivery wagon ror sale cheap, tfio N. ZiJd at. HORSES for hire by day or month. C. W Townaend Co., 3SO Front- Main 157L HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness fo sale. Apply orana ave. FOR SALEWagcns and horses cheap. E. 7th st. North. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. riaiiiiB. Oraana and Musical Inst rumen ts. NEW $750 player piano for $433. delivered Phone Tabor 5716. Mr., Webster. $350 PIANO. $140 cssh; real Ivory keys, not a stencil. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. I PAY cash for used pianos. Harold S. Gll bert. 384 Yamhll at. $18 BUYS $100 parlor organ for Christmas at Security Storage Co.. 100 4th st. HIGH-GRADE Emerson piano. In fine con dition; no trade. Phone Main 2004. WM. KNABE. "the world's best piano,' bargain, like new. Tabor ISIS. big FOR BALE. Pianos. Ortau and Musical lnrtrwneats. AT EILERS STORAGE XnD FOR WARDING DEPARTMENT. 151-153 FOURTH ST.. NEAR MORB1SO.S. alUST CLO OUT. $600 STEINWAY A SONS, old model. $U6; and $373 . J. AC FISCHER. 33. ' $250 A.NGi.Ll'3 player, mahogany. $25. , Genuine mahogany pianola with $35 music rolls. $115. Also special for a well-to-do home. $950 HALLET 4 DAVIS finest ma hogany player, $27a. and $s5 genu ine autoptano. mahogany, $65. S25u BOUDOIR, neat upright, $30. $375 M'CAMMJJN, upright. cash. $110. 550 KIMBALL concert, used, now $200. $1000 NEW YORK, concert grand, cash, $155. Fire-damaged HOBART II. CA BLE piano, cost $3t5, with refin Ished quarter -oak extension dining, table, quarter-sawed oak chiffonier and oak commode, all for $b5. National cash register, flue condi tion, $35. Hand-made gooseneck truck, cost orlgiually $400. to close out, $97.50. $loo Reglna music-box. $3.50 cash Bass viol, $100 value, to close out for $21; also very fine violin, com plete with bow and case, said to have cost $150, to close out. $20. A baritone horn, slightly dented, but splendid tone. $0.75. A phonograph, original cost $00. closing out for $20; another one for only $16. Electric concert phonograph, cost $."K. will take $100; another older model, $60, These and a large number of others equally low priced now being closed out at Eilers' storage and for warding department, 151-3 Fourth St., cor. Morrison, fourth floor. NICHOLLS PIANO CO. Frisco stock and use a pianos and player-pianos, fcale now in progress. OUR USED PIANOS. $250 Upright pianos $ 5 oou upright pianos '. 3 850 Upright pianos 135 25 Upright pianos 165 OUR 1915 MODELS. $.2."S Upright Pianos $195 375 Upright pianos 235 400 Upright pianos 25 450 Upright pianos 290 OUR 1915 PLAYER-PIANOS. $550 8S-nete Players $383 00 bS-note Players 893 7O0 88-note Players 436 75 bS-note Players 495 OUR 1916 PLAYER-PIANO. $650 Player-Pianos $435 750 Player-Pianos 4t5 650 Player-Pianos 633 OUR USED GRANDS. $i 50 Grands, mahogany $343 50 Grands, rose wuod 493 1100 Grands, rosewood 595 OUR 1913 MODEL $S30 Baby Grands $393 950 Baby Grands 693 Terms cash, or $4 or more monthly. No Interest. SCHWA N PIANO CO.. Ill 4th St. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. sis u. Fischer upright, cash $ B5 273 F. A C. Fischer, old modei, cash. 33 430 Stetnway & Sons, old model, cash. 110 250 Angelus Player, old model, cash. 25 275 Colisrd A Collard upright 43 Crown Organ, oak 20 425 Smith & Barnes, upright 110 You have heretofore paid Inflated piano store prices now reduced to meet our stor age prices. However, compare our Steln way. etc., $05 or $'.5 pianos, with pianos sold st $135 snd $1U3 elsewhere and you will realize what we are still doing for piano buyers. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 109 Fourth St. V1LL sell at big sacrifice beautiful, sweet- ivuuu, uiKu-Kiaue oo-note piano piayer; very handsome mahogany case. If you are looking for big values, see this. Tel ephone Sellwood lo7.'I. RICHMOND PIANO, handsome oak case. rAicutiu Biiape. oeaumui tone, only si4U; terms to suit. Hyatt Talking Machine o., .v Aiut'r at. j CAsH $i monthly, beginning In January, 1917, buys $359 1917 model Christmas piano at $265. without interest for 2 i years, st Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. $3.".9 1015 MODEL upright piano for $135, in tne sale or the Doriand bankrupt stock, at Eilera Music House, 151-3 Fourth St., corner Morrison. WO new phonographs left. $S.50; we buy wiiu sen usea pnonograpns and records. fhonogiapu and Record Exchange, lo6 irnm rt. CECILIAN PIANO PLAYER, muslo rolls. guaranteed in every wav: mnhnvnw fin. ih. Only $25, $5 down, $1 per week. Call il:A P.-IOPHONE. lust Ilk e new. with 80 selections, all guaranteed, cost' new $. only $23; $5 down, $1 per week. Call 350 mtiH-dHAU h. oak-case piano $100. if sold ), ..a five sumo terms. Call Mr. Rlke. Eaton Hotel. PIANOS stored. .Mic monthly: will ;! at jvu, (,nue or ouy tor casn. security Stor' age Co.. 109 4th st. AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT A full line rcwr" aioums just received. Hyatt jioviiiiic v. p.. o . mt Aiaer St. r UK 6ALh Piano. McPhall. mahoaanv rase. late model; terms given. Phone Main v I O 1 . Furniture for hale. HERE'S a chance for young couple Com piete nearly new furnishings. 8 rooms 4 rooms rented permanently; pay entire rent. "" "lci ums; Ainu casn oalance $17.' weekly $2.50; cost $700. 1VA cars. 30 Hancock. FOR SALE Second-hand oak and mahog any uiiico lui iiuur, or ait Kinds; filing cabinets and safes. Kllhara Stat'y As Pt'g Dogs, Birds and Pet Stock. CHRISTMAS sale of all kinds of dogs at the Leltrlm Boarding Kennels. 03d and Last Stark: Russian wolf hounds. Irish setter pup. Boston terriers, great Danes. Airedale pups, pointers trained. Tabor 125. tampion. SIX Boston terrier puppies for Christmas presents; male and female. Prlsco Ken net ITaa, 1 J , 1. j . I , i - . n ,; -w " " i " mim wuiiuua. 1.11,1 1 0'J t . xUx tier a Duonv for rhrlitm.,' hamifi,l French poodle puppies. 2 months old. 148 J ........ 1 1 Aiuins, XMAS AIREDALE PUPPIES. LADDIX KENNELS. EST AC A DA. OR. BEAUTIFUL toy bat-ear $20. r- Poultry. LAT YOUR BROODER. Capons, the real mothers, serve as meat when chicks are raised. $3. Also 1 pair Standard White Hol land turkeys at $7. and pen of Pekln ducks 'or ufi oner, iiv central avenue -North, c-t. jonns. or. Livestock. HORSE, $75; cow. $45: five sheep, $50; two brood sows, $45. H. G. Starkweather. Rls- ley station, i'hone oak Grove 1-X. WHAT have you in horses or buggies to ex change for handsome young Jersey cow? TypeTv liters. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers' guarantee and rentals ap- IM.wng on purrowe; visioie moaeil $3 mo.; $7.50 for 3 uui Other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company, 86 Broadway. - e lepnono xroauway 1 WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE- r-Ai.ia TirEW lilTLR CO., 321 Wash. at. re'iullt. second-hand rentals at cut rates, f. u. to., i'3i stark st. Main 1407 CORONA portable folding typewriter. Main fc.. w. fcaaa Co.. agents. 1 10 oth st. CORONA folding typewriter and case for sale, uo tiotel t:arlton. Automobiles. USED CARS Hudson. Overlands. Chandlsr Stearns; daring this week we are going to actually quote prices $100 below tha market; doesn't cost anything to look. See tnem. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO.. 363 Oregon. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co.. 21st snd Washington. Mam 0244. FEDERAL REBUILT; two for immediate delivery. If you are In the market for a truck, see tnem Derore you buy. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO FEDERAL TON AND HALF; recently over hauled; a dandy bargain for $550. 863 Oregon. East 7222. $300 WILL buy tion. if taken 4.'I2S. 1 Mitchell Six. fine condi by Dec. 22. 1916. Tabor UNUSED 1917 Ford touring car at discount. s8 Also Ford roadster, excellent condition. Make otter, eo f ourth st. SLIGHTLY" used tires. $3 to $10 each; vul canized, 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. KELLY TRUCK If you want a bargain, see this one. 363 Oregon. East 7222. 1916 MAXWELL, first-class condition, $495. Broadway 1640. USED AUTO PARTS at less than halt price. Aud Wrecking Co.. 89 N. Broadway. $225 WILL buy a good Ford 5-paasenger car. AD 995. Oregonlan. BUICK 1917, $173 extra equipment. Main 4 35 5. OVERLAND TOURING; lights and starter; will sacrifice. 363 Oregon. East 7222. ONJ3 Ford car, $200. 36 Everett, st. FOB SALE. Automobiles, USED CAR SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. FORD DELIVERY.' good shape $223 GREAT WESTERN, electrlo system. wire wheels $300 STUDEBAKER, starter and lights. ftve-passenger .$450 MITCHELL 4. late model $650 MITCHELL 6. lata model $973 ALSO SEVERAL OTHERS. MITCHELL. LEWIS ST AVER CO. E. 7372 E. 1st and E. Morrison B 121S. FORDS 191T FORDS . New and Used Fords on Easy Payment, Ws will trade your used Ford In oa a new one or pay cash for It. We also have several larger cars which have been left with us for sale. PALACE GARAGE CO.. Authorised Ford Agents. l2d and Kearney tile. Mala WO. FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS 1916 Ford touring $295 1916 Ford roadster $295 1914 Ford touring $225 1914 Ford roadster $25 1916 Ford touring -'.." 1915 Ford touring $295 1914 Ford touring $250 1916 Ford touring $293 1916 Ford tourlno- s5 Don't fall to see these cars before you buy. as they are in finest condition and cannot be told from new. Terms $100 down, ba.ance $25 per month and a year's iree service on sn minor adjustments. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. Authorized Ford Agent. iito. tail l3tn end Hawthorne ave. OAKLAND SIX touring car. 1016. 6-pass, In sooa condition. OAKLAND roadster, 1016, good as new a bargain, OAKLAND AUTO SALES CO., 16th and Alder. Phone Main 414. iuii wibLlb-KMUHT, brand new, extra tires, tire covers, set of chalna This car was taaen m truae ana never been run to speak of. Will trade for good first muriBugo or tsae iignt car as first psy raent, witn some cash. Make terms on balance. My price Is $150 under list. Phone jiarsnan aujj. Ask for Montgomery. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. New and used Fords sold on easy pay ments. RUSHLIGHT. RANSOM A PENNBY, Authorized Ford Agents Phcne E. 795U. 273 Union ave. cor. Wasco. THE coming Jitney ordinance will mske ths taxi ousiness all tne more profitable. Get in the same at a low investment with the iiiaimeri taxi you can Duy here on your ouieiins. JoJ loucq st. LATE model Ford, new tires, good condition mccnnnicany; IOOKS rilie: price I J 7., CJ or terms. Phone Marshall 4022. Ask for .Montgomery. m-TON Federal truck with freight body. toi, uuti curtains, price si"vu; terms. 1 Ash st. FOR SAL1S Oveiland touring car model S3. 1110; utted only four months, $5."o. Address lames iviaus. route 5. box 50. Snlera, Or. iiu STiDEBAKEfi, 4-cyl.. 7-pass.. in best V. -oiioition, cneap xor cash or terma " i oo.'i. n ai?a. Acme r uel t o. Automobiles Wanted. It LOTS In good little town In Wuhln.tnn uiur, jim r-ortiana, to trade for auto. aiiinM, I'regonian. . WANTED Ford touring car or roadster must be rlht for rash. Phone Broadway - o Man i o ciock tofiay. UKlb bousht. sold and evchnni?.! li 1. Mom k ilo.. Automobile repairing. 333 repair at your own garage; save iiiuubj.uh guaranteea. .41 1. 43d South w . will pay cash for late model Fords, ijoage nros., or uuiric autos. Boons & Co. i-iiiuer bi, Alain w a i C.U iwo rora curs; must be cheap " ' " . mm w k uiM Aiuer until I lie otn. WANTED- -Ford for cash, that needs over hauling K. t. !. I. box 12, Sherwood. Or. CASH for light cars. Fords preferred. Main dim wssh st. Garage. . WANTED 2-unlt starting and lighting system. Ailcox. ims BurnsMe st. CASH for old autos; must be cheap. Automobiles for Hire. WE can furnish any kind of truck for nv kind of work by moulli or yearlv contract We are agents for Wichita trucks and tractors. Also have three rebuilt trucks and sell on time payments. Lone. A Sllva. 4H2 Hawthorne ave. East 640 1916 SAXON 6, highway, depots, touring calling. shopping; reasonable. East 4582. 1916 3-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, call ing and ahopptng. Main 7433. AlToS wltr.out driver for hire. Long & Sllva. 4)2 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. tiStO. AUTOS for rent without drivers. Hawthorne. East 1628. Motorcycles. aJrI?iR'rV-L.K, SUPPLY CO.. 209 4th St. Harlee-DavMson motorcycles and ac cessories. Largest exclusive dealers in motorcycles In the state. Main 79 Machinery. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY In a Fully Equipped Machine Shop. For Sale by the ALASKA JUNK: COMPANY. 1 CARROLL JAMIEPON 13x6 LATHE. 1 6-H. P. H. C. MOTOR. 1 OHIO 18-INCH SHAPER. 1 MARVEL SHOP SAW. 1 BURR KEY BEATER. 1 PRENTISS 20-INCH W. L. DRILL. 1 LARGE COMBINATION GRINDER AND BUFFER. 1 FORGE. 1 81-32 3-FLUTED DRILL. 1 17-32 3-FLUTED DRILL. 1 BREAST DRILL. 1 BLOWER. 1 SPINNEL. 1 PIPE VISE. Complete set of Blacksmith's Tools. Pes1des the sbove the equipment In cludes: Stock and dies, block and tackle. Stlllson wrenches, hammers, planers, bolt setters, etc.. making full set of tools. Everything to make up a well-stocked ma chine shop is inciuaea cnucks. shafting. eounter-ahafts. 1-angers, belting and ail transmission, complete. Phone Main 4110. FRONT AND TAYLOR. 201-5 Front St. I HAVE 2 11x13 Willamette Iron & Steel Works yarders. eaulpped with extended firebox boilers and straw line drum, for sale; both machines have been used lee than two years and are In first-class -fon dltlon; must have cash; a bargain. Bl 993. Oregonlan. MlM-ellaneoua. A CARROMA folding carom and pocket billiard table, with complete outfit, nearly new, cost me $95; will sell for $35. Phone East 7110. 493 E. loth st. North. A $30 EDISON Amberol phonograph free If you buy my recorua; machine ana records almost new. A. J. Deckerman. IjI 17th St., cor. Morrison. CASH REGICTERS slightly used; our prices are lower, cash Kegisier Exchange, ool ; Washington st. Milntw. GOLD, silver, nickel replatlng silverware good as new. Main 943. A S382. 22d and Thurmen. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds mechinerv. rails, cars. Ralivay Equipment Co.. 76 Int. Main 23"3. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or alo; all grades; large selection. Pacific Stat'y ptg. Co.. lo7 2d st. Main 1971. GOLD, silver, nickel replatlng silverware good ss new. Main 943, A 5282. 22d and Thurman. DIAMOND sacrifice; make a Christmas present of my diamond, worth $235. for $145. AG 994. Oregonlan. TWO beautiful diamond. I 4 -karats -ach. $250 each. Beldlni:. the Jeweler. 245 S Alder st. Main 1H!12- EDISON AND COLUMBIA RECORDS; 10 AND 15C EACH. 129 FIRST. 1000 CASH REGISTERS, safes. store fixtures, l ortlsnd Cash Register Co.. 1st A Y'arnhiil. PLUMBING supplies st wholesale "tark-Davla Co.. 212 3d st. Main prices. HOLLY cuttings with berries on for sale. Wd. 10O8. MACHINERY bought, sold and c-paired. N. W. Lead A Mschiuery Co.. 311 Front at. CHRISTMAS TREES. All Sixes. . Phone Tabor 6066. FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of ail makes, new and. secona-nano. sola tor leea. No agents em ployed; all machines sent out sew perfect and guranteed: machines repaired; ma chines rented $2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 td near Taylor st. A 3026. Main 943L SEFl'L XMAS PRESENT. Cyclone Vacu um Sweeper; buy direct from factory, save sgenls and dealers' protMs; $J now, bal. later; trading staiups or tobacco coupons taken. C. V. S. Co.. 192 1st si. Main 353. SEWING MACHINES 200 allghtly used macninea, aii roaKee, win be eloa4 out. liropaeads, $5 and up; box tops, $; and up, s. a. siegei, two stores. SS3 Alder st. anaf 242 Aider st "OR ALE Lady's riding suit, tan mixed .-.,,ai woven ciotn. long coat and tireeches. size 38; worn but once, cost $5, will sell for $20. lira Dot Klaus, route 5. box 50. Salem. Oregon FOR SALE Machinery for boy's workshop electric motor, bandsaw. lathe, drill, ru-eu. lar saw. counter shaft and belting. Phone Main 1458. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and no. guns, cameras, kodaks and lenses; bought, sold and exchanged. Hochfeld s Camera Exchange. 85 3d st. Main 8551. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing, waiaer liectrlo works. 413 Burnslae st. Broadway or A 3674. 1TRMTIKE WASTED. MONEY TALKS. WE pay the best cash prices for house hold or office furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and range. For prompt attention phone. GEWRTZ FURNITURE. INC.. 185 to 191 1st at Mar. 5tSl. A 3224. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. wants all klncs of second-hand furniture. We also buy merchandise stocks of any descrip tion. 106-los First st. bet- Morrison aud aiuhia Main 4i-33. HIGHEST prices paid for your furniture, stoves and carpets. Gevuriz Furniture Store. 207 1st at. Marshall 6S7. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash; phone tooay. Main 461:7 or 204 yirst st. WANT second-hand furniture and carpels, tlilp out town: can pay more than Port land dealers. Waldo. Main 4773. GEO. BAKER & CO.. Masonic Temple bldg.. pay cash for furniture, rugs, etc Phone Main 3332. HIGHEST cssh price paid for furniture and mdsA. stocks. J. M. Slmmonds. E. SSrtS. BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co.. Main 8951. 191 2d st. PARTY would like to buy household goods, rugs. etc.. for cash. Marshall 1S22. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call Mr. Washburn. Marshall 47!3. WAN-Trv-MISCEI.LAVEOrS. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. will buy your used furniture and all kinds of tools and pay you ail it is worth. Our THREE LARGE STORKS are ample proof that we handle nearly everything you need in the home or elsewhere. CASH OH EXCHANGE. 221-25 Front St. Phone Main 9072. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $7T.O PAID FOR MENS SLITS S7.5A. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' SUITS, SHOES. AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE. MAIN 2s0. GLOBE STOKE. MAIN 2"S0. -3 FIRST Si'., NEAR JEFKEKSOX. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS $7 ..v AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SLITS. UK PAYS YOU MOKE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MARSHALL 1229. 229 MADISON ST. JUNK WANTED. . All descriptions of Junk bought; highest price paid lor old metal and iron. Call Marshal. 1225. ORIENTAL RUG WANTED I will buy Oriental rug. about 9x12. at fair price; must be good condition. Address AM 9i2. Orogonlau. CASH for your old gold, sliver, platinum and high-grade ore. H. M. Pickering. nifg. jeweler. 218 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED Diamond ring, ahout 1 kt.; must b- cheap. O 92. Ort-Koman. WANTED National cash register. Main 0oi. ;;.M i Washington at. SECOND - HAND CALL MAIN 477 CLOTHING WANTED. I. OR 240 FIRST ST. WANTED Young parrot: must be cheap: good home. Broadway 60. GOOD Singer sewing machine; must be cheap. Marshall 4169. WANTED Immediately 80t common brick snd 1W0 fire brick. Phono East 10. hlld's bed. Msln 3S5. HELP WANTED MALE. ADVISORY-EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Y M. C. A. , You know how to do something but don t know how to get something to 00. We can tell you how or eeud you to It. During past 7 yeans we have placed or helped place themselves, over ll.Oi'O men snd boys. This service a prlvl. ege of membership In the Y. M. C. A. $5 gives you membership for a year under guarantee that you will se cure employment or refund of member ship feu. Sep Secretary Stanley Baker. Till-: Hemphill's Trade School of gas. elec tric, sluuom ry and iraclor engineering, located at 707 Hawthorne ave.. cor. 20tli. Fine, new quarters, just completed; no expense has been spared In making this school the most up-to-date In the est. A prize otfer of H price to the first five 6tudr-nts making application after 9 A. M. today. Wrile for free catalogue. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL. 429-31 BELMONT. PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN RE PAIRING. DRIVING. IGNITION. CAB BL'RETION. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. STUDENTS ASSISTED. EARN BOARD AND ROOM. INVESTIGATION SO LICITED. CHIEF DRAUGHTSMAN wanted for ship building and engineering works; must be thoroughly conversant with marine, engine and boiler works, design and pipe arrangements. state saiury cipmcu, ex perience, sge and when at liberty. AV 293. Oregonlan Bux MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS. $3.50 UP. Drop In and look them over. Orpheuxn Cleaners 355 Stark, corner Park. OPEN EVENINGS FROM 7 TILL RAILWAY mall P. O. clerks, carriers, cus-lom-house employes; $75 to $150 a monthi life Joos: no strikes, no layoffs; exams, announced Jan. 15. "Free Book." Paclflo States School. McKay b!dg city. KCHOOL bos. now Is the time to place your applications for employment during the Christmas and New Year's holidays; good pay and clean out-of-doors work. Western Union Telegraph Company. A SPLENDID career open to good mechan ic nractlcal courses In all branches of engineering: Illustrated catalogue from Seattle Engineering School. Roy street. Sealtle. CARPENTER wanted as partner on good Job air.adv secured: mut be responsible and haft Amall amount of cash-at once. AG I'l'l, Orenonlan WANTED Flrst-claes sawmill superinten dent: state age. mechanical ability and lumber experience; Rive references, dress AV 311. Oregonlan Ad- HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 445 Hawthorne Ave. Pr.r-lr,l EvDerlence on Real Automobiles and Gas Traciora WANTED out of Portland. hlmh-grade. well-experienced male stenographer; lum ber knowledge preferred. Address A 0t.. orecoma n. ABE THE TAILOR buys your old, new clothing, shoes; ntgn- "Ma"haMr'2S or 209 Madison St. WANTED Experienced cuttere for harness factory: Apply box 410 Calgary, Alta,, Canada. WANTED Experienced auto washer snd nlViit man in garage. Give references. Y' 995. Oregonlan. PATTERNMAKER: state experience and ai;,.i expected In first letter. Dunnim & Erich, Harrington, Wash. "DTl N" I J CLOTHING BUYER. FULL ' Vi E, PAID FOR MEN'S CLOTHING. M AlN73lJWlJJTST. . FIREMEN brakemen, beginners paid $120 month: permanent; no strikes. Kallaay, Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced tie-makers: long Job. Address Standard Timber Co., Ev- unston, Wyo. WANTED To let contract to cut 500 cords of" ftoti'l. WmHllnwn 4ol. LoY with wheel, steady work, good pay. ,;2 Stark. TWO fciiicsintn, permanent; must have $5 depo!-:t. 714 Couch b:dn. WANTED 12 l-oja with wheels to work att-r school and on Saturday. 410 Alder st. WANT man with r,o, nice little business. e'15 PT w-k. Marshall 'jr-.'.i. W A N T E L K X penenced W'uhmr ton 1-1. retail salesniu. 347 EXPERIENCED ornament maker in both cement and p!aster. East 5921. WANTED, nent. Main. Apply Tripollne Co.. 229 EXPERIENCED tMtwmill fireman wanted. 1"J-o Mac:idam -t. W A N T E D A man burd, in roun'rj. to work f.i Tjbor 249: r room and W A N T a North. baker's helper. 10 East 2Mb St.. LAKBEK wanted. 266 First su