Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 14, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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' l ....,.., - .1
Jane Addams AsVs Congress
to Wait General Bliss Is
in Favor of Action. .
Aitaa kerf of M.ff t aatbl, lie
oja, to M FraM-laral J !
1-a-paojlnj N-attoaal l-Bard
. fur .Nattaaa'a llrec.
r,ll!Mn'"N. Jaa. tl. Taa
af th military rreparedaeea problem
wea I l-lar r Coagraaaloaal
eommi'teee. Jee Ad-tame, prael
-RI af Ine Worn.B' Pca llorlety of
Amert.-a. oril the military mmlil
af t& tint Bad eaato la maka a In
.. la : Ar. at least Ball! ID
l.ureoaa war '. the pre
r4n moomaal waa du to panic
a a --ouBl af lb var. Whaaa ek lefi
Ike X w .a emiailtea ra. Me-GeB-
.ral l:i.a. .ietaBt chief or atari, ra
imad h statemeal aa a rr-)lltary t
r-M la Utr C Ik Admlniatratraai
Ar-r-T "Um
M .a . Idama. argalB- thai t woJM
be rnoll.a kulWa mora atrea'iaaugM K we know a ! war
af r aa . uai4 lkat a coatmia-
b la etae)
.f-,. lT 4 alea la ok Into Ike nao
iea sJ tatere.te af ! argtag
k.aaiar raml foe Ika Jetea,.
Akrm'a M"" ..,
reaeral KHa laid Ika Maa- raaw
miitM IMal Aa'fu plant cool build
laa M'opKM a tnaark) aad tfcere at
aa (a. mediate aereaaity of larreaelna:
tka A"r aircraft fleet. pt la aajmp
Ika aefi' a'4ra prop-aej ia
It. 4-partm.nt a pUB. Ila keliea.4 a
k;... j or ( witre prtartt-aa
.( .tl erma .1 ii.. e-r.x. a laa vv
Bee. ! Afar.
KptTa t a aKaetanej,, (lenaa-sl liTJe
t II im lmtil la eJ.teranlBe
. . ..i... n.fl Brtll-
r ik ! Air la Haa of
.(.. II ! ko aa r'T. aa aa4.
!! akl. a aa Ika aoa aoaa
. i - h k.r lif krmla.
ar i4 "la kokaif af loa War I
' . . Barl aaar rval.
. - a - iik.. i (ra anafco aa lk
a.U'.ca f irmatioaa af ' lafaalrr
liiiKiou roalasiata4 aa -aaarj
k A'ar tportjw
I'sll aklaaaa MaM Kaaaaaaar.
r iAirm.k liav'a auaaaallaa irtal
i J, ana a-lsiiiaaa a " -
lMarl a 14 kaaa fca laLl
liti ika klia af aa armr aa aa
at ai la a kaa4ila af ?
a lima af a r.
aatal a"" ia Mr aa.f aaM fca ka4
ka , ta auMiia of aitr. la m
a (ftrikul a f aipioi laa Na-
iBal la asf laa mm
rfitrvroixl Ifcal Ika
filu Ar- ka aaairaia4 a aa-
l laraa .
Mark of Donttc Cat ia
t lief a Hold Up Bounty.
kilo taaloa aa aa tkofkaMa i
aa mt kakaaal ka .
Maaaoa la lona ka
Tf-T u ii-
II iiu la Ika atata f
lia! ara kvaaliaa; a kMa Ikat fa fclaaiiiVatloa
at ii.t ara n-4aal la aaaaaa
ka t'"4"li a,aaltax
kia. araauaiaktr Ikal af a fca k
aae. a r.vaatlr lafcaa) lata Ika aala
af la iaair i')i of tkaa Coaat
aa t a koanir r.. Ha aaara) aa
IHh. particular ar.'talary aatmal aa
rn a a roaair koaair 4 at IX
Tka r:rk aaa aM.pfc-taaa a la Ika
ktaoll'r at tta ammal aa. II ta
IKa a(T"-a af I'arl t Baaraafc. Blala
li -"a k U4a. tr " aal l4.allfl'alloa.
THa animal I. kaltaa4 kr aSxrlala
f Ika aama aVpartmaRl la kaa pmi
a amae: rat. araa U ikratiaa
ta m :'.-t BMiMMrlatwMa Tka akia N Ikaa Ikal af a tfomaatk- cal aa-l
ha tail at laaal lM aa Wa. aa Ika
B Ka.l aarlatoa.
1 hita na Maalllr af Ika aalaial la
kiaa aiortia4 ifco maa ia Lab
unti pati.atlr aala fa fcia 1 1. aa4
Iran, all Ir .(xatiaaa ka alll raatiaaa
l at far aaana laaa la roaaa.
What' in a N.m? On
Wintry Night's Arrests.
alt ktorva fa
laa Aalo aaa t
TJ 1 f II T"I la a Blraa?
II II. n ri mH aa arTl4 kl
TBrtr-aaaatfc aa4 twtatoal
airaata fr alriataat aitkoat !ikia Ila
,UJ i-ta ravrl yaafartlar Ikal Ika fcllk
aarii rm w Jar aickl kaat
inaiiak4 k' I bb4 Ika CO art
.a kia vara.
Tka aal arraal aa tk a aiatrr ai'M
krua it Ika aaaia af aumraarf it4. liar
kaa'iaai, l:la'l ammarfiaui. of -f..
lo par kar )vtor fciHa. tar Urn
antmraarfiaNi. aa tf ilorar aiakt bad
aaafr r kaa bar fcoraa akila iBlomi
.alaV lippiac or Ika aiaa. kuralaa
kar kaaa) aa4 rattias k-r ckia aa fcrak-
a nfia
T aa aal atl. Tka aa,t Bra.la4
- a ItpprnaJ la ka calorrO. kul "Haa"
llraati. Ma Baal arr.l4 aaa afcila.
loaarll l.arrtbMk llrM ho aa la tlalk
Vtt.W tfk. rr. . Jaa tU l.p.
ral ll.rm-aa taa4 aa. W. K. Tar.oT
M II kf llapkiaa alaa4 raaaa.
) r. af ta riir I ..-1 1 al Ika pnoal
la kaul Tlr ! la kU Ika alava
a4a ' kr tka rantaalloai of
t aua-liaa taa4. I'prrr aa.l mmio.
Irivlait fllaca ithkai4 fc
riiu!aa aatil Ika raaatioaa of
aa) as4 farrr kaat kaaa arapta4 aa4
ia f;lla4. Tila a aVaaa la atayar I'alfaa fraea apaatallik
k. f-iarw Tfca (aaall Oaar mtmA
(i.f . aa taw a 1'karlaa t'auaaalt. ar.
H. hrut, w R Tariar aa4 IL bt aa. Tl IrtaB'aa a rataal aB
af i i'r rnoaar J . fclorrta
aa. .a raraatillao apaala4
la raafar W.Ik Ika aaaar of Iko M l-
l 1 4 ktfar t'arnpaav la aftact a
asrai:M af tka aVata kalaaaa Ika
ri'? a4 Iko raaiaar It a4r
a.,4 tal Ila raapaar a: 1 a-?(
aaa f tta ataat aaal aa4 tka paa-iia
I CULl MBIA K1UK, Kt-UrrtU, A3 II AJTWM J a a.wi, j 1 1
Taa laakla Taaar4 ltaaa Ialaa4
kvta 4aral
Vancouver Ferry Tied Up and
Pier Crib Is Displaced.
I Mrrrlrtr KrrtlrrJ la I J
lablaalarat Axala aaj fmall I Wall
I'fcrk Hal Vrtar-a I Vra
In Maklac Tiia.
vtvmrrrrt ws. Jan 1 1 . pa
ri. i ).it.. fi.l4a of fc-a fill Ika o-
lnaWa l:ir la ora aa tnai
Iko .arr larry la lt4 aa oa Ik
ra-a I4. ( anablo lo ralora
flar makiaar oao Irta tnatar. Tb
J.aila llarkiaa. a aaaall Umanr. I
aaaklarj raaaiar lrtra acraaa Iko fo
taalia. carrriaaT aaaaaaaara. but aobi
ib aaoro. T' ia aasall fcoal la bMo lo
ul Ikraoak Iba Wa aritboat aroal 411
ficaiir. aa4 la lkl T rf(l- la k-pl
law af lha la'k-a rrlbfca for a plar
la iba Int. ratal. fcr4a baa fcaaa forca4
aboal 3 fl aVawaairaam fcir Iba fcra
aa4 aaoar. aaraar. It I. aaptr. roa
lalaiac aa fl!ir er roarrota. II la
roaa4a4 kvjar. aa4 anlaaa too ravrb Ir
parka b-klr4 It. all aol fca carri4
aa ar
il, la Intaraaiia la aota Ikal Iba Ir
la Ik rlrar la b4 ka4 ra. k.4 fcr Iba
Ptara alr.adr fcalil la Iko fjr. Ta
l.rdar fr-r ralf a dar. b pi.ra hap!
tka kra fcark. aa4 Ikia p-rmltld Ik
f-rry la knako tka raa. fcul Ika praaavro
frora akoa fiBally frrra4 a r.r.ak kn4
fiila4 Iko rli.r lth Ira. la .
pa.t4 that trra will fca Ira la lb
rtr lor a .
Xora aor baa fall.a tnr January
tkaa kny yaar airco t?f and !.
aor4in la aCdrial roror4a fcapt by
A. A. Waarakors. aratbar
kirrtrr. Ta data II 1 lack bara
lalira sa4 II at laaat a I xt on ha
l.r.L. and 4nfi4 la aorao plaroa. Van
mam trooirara ara ranoiaf aoarrvr
arA.dala today.
tiiaiaa ara aamaraaa. rao.1 af tbara
Imprortaad AatumobHra ara abla lo
cal sroaad. (oIIowIbc Iba nirootrar
irarka. but Ika fcrary truck a akld aaa
Croaaly at llmaa
Orrraa 1-iirra Are Made Part of
lit'iirNK. r Jaa. 11. IriporUtV
Vaportalaadaet af avboola Itutbarford
la maktBaT arraaaaraaata to haro tka
atndoala la tka Culioa lilck ncbool
tako aa actlra part la lb akaarranra
of Latlar-arttikc a a. k Tba arltin
af laitara la frionda ta lb laat la to
fc. raad a part af lha -nUr Iana.
Tka ausfratioa carao from Iba Com
marrtal Claa.
Aftar tka lMr tar fcaaa vriltaa
It la plaaa4 la dam laa acboel ana
kail boar aarli.r tkaa aaual oa opa
day of tka araak. lo parmlt lha ato
d.nt la ka lo iko poatotfira la a body.
A ptrlura of la atixlanla, all la
Ik act of mal!in laitara la frlanda
la Ika la.t. "Ill fca takaa aa4 d
Tor adrtia;B parpoaaav
MaaJamaa rnrr-Jlaa Acaloat
Jad kaiaaaath Hard.
Kl-:f. Of . Jaa. I. CXpaciaJ To
reaip-l Ctrvuil Jula Kataaaail af
M-liaoaak I'aaaty ta d'amiaa aa la
dKlraaol adaiaat A- U ilark. cbar(ad
oitk daalroriac kita fca. lota at aa
alavtiaa baW la al.llaerBak Cauaty. kl
.rT for Cork today loaUlotad ari
laai maadaaiua pracaadlB la tka -rma
Ta aprliraiioa for a writ !!
Ikal aa May .. l- "' 'Tln
Haft fail- ta af'a. aad oa May :i
ko aaa roarlrtaaj. Tko yardtct aa aol
and aad a aar trial a. loo ad. Laval
aaaatb dlaaaiaaal of Ika ladirtmaat
aaaiat t iara wa aakod of Juda kar.
aaa-ia kr Ika I'latrlct Atlornar. but
tko rosaaat aaa daalad.
I arr lllsta Ikrbalra Caarvallla.
lrli::K. i' . Jaa. II pul. V
Tba pat., mit.tary tatm ar.l fca k
au-ra-t f a. koto koloaaa tba Kueaa
aad Corrail'a kik a-lU toaaorraa
aSaaTaJ. . ' .
na -"T3 -aW -
nar: . - aia i k -a
'V -
aa4 kaawla Ira Aaa BrMsa Flara.
flaw at Ira rtalaa.
alshl. Kuaan arlll arrd a tram lo
Corrallla. and a tram frora that placa
rill roma lo Kvitn. Tha dabat hra
will fca hold Imrordlatrly aftar lb Ku-cn-rialara
baakalball lima. Ona tram
from arb rlty will tab lha afflrma
tla and tba othrr lha nrsatl. Tba
aubjoct la: "Itaaolrrd. tbat tha t'nltod
Mala Oorrfomrnt ahould adopt tha
caatral faatur.a of lha ratal ardent
of military lrinln-
hr-rrriarjr of Stale Itrporta It hec
ond tiarrtlon Hoard Katabllnltcd.
HAI.r.M. Pf. Jan. Ii (SparlaLr
Arrordmf to rrtil Irallnn of County
t'l.rka of Iko atala la axratary of Ittat
(liroti. I:t rloclloa practnrta hava born
ratab.labad la lha H cooatia by tha
County Court for Iba canvanianra of
roedurtin Iba primary and arnaral
alaciioo I h la yar. racoad ala-Mlon
board kaaa fcaaa appointad In lt of
ikaao praciaria. la III! for condurtlnrj
tko aiacllon Ibara wra Ilk? ratab
iaka4 praciprta. with kacond boards In
kit pracinct.
Multnomah County (boat lha Iarct
incraaaa In tha numkar of praclnrta.
ainln from l: la lM lo 3;. In III.
Taa y.ara aaa aocond alactloa fcoards
ra proatdad for la Hi of Ika pra
riBrta. whila thla ar tbara ara aacond
alrrtioa fcoarda In 31 prarinrla.
Vlarlon. Linn. Columbia. VVaahlnkTton.
Morrow and Wbaaiar rouatiaa abnw no
ata ta tko aurnbar of prrrincta, but In
iba athar countlaa lha Incraaaa la from
ona 10 4.
tToliirtln and llae f.rlppe Itlarned
b Orrson t nlrrrally hlnyTa.
Jaa. I prlal.) I'roblbltloo and
I k. arippa prov.d tha Joaahs of tha
I'alTaraity of Ornon isiaa Club on Its
trip Into Kaatarn trraora Cbrlatmaa
taralion. arcordlnr lo A. It. TilTkny.
aludanl body Braduata manaarar, la hi
ncanrlal raport today. "At rry town
on tba tour tbo arippa oaamad to pra
Tail. and prohibition workad haror with
tha box ofBea rocaipta." aald Mr. Tiffany.
Tka total raraipt of lha trip wcra t-i.
wbi-h waa offaat by ft. akpcndiluraa.
maalna- a drflrit of
An affort will ba ma da to braak aran
la tha fprinaT. "Tha rlub will maka a
trip o Corrallla, and tha chance ara
that It will aiao vlalt tha Coo Kay
country durloc Hprtna yaration. v
ara maklnc arransamant lo that and."
aald Mr. Tiffany. Tha rrrcipta on tha
aaatarn lour war: Tha Illaa. 3 71:
tat Oranda. l2; I'andlatoiv Illl.TS;
Hakar. 1117; Hood Ittvar. Al
bany. 14 aa.
Arrrata Made bjr Aid of Sprclal In
cillsator at Lmlilon.
IJtWISTOr. Idaho. Jarv II. (tipa
rial. f On fcootlacainr chr J. H.
Klc. drucclat: Koaa Habcock and Bar
Ka McLauhlln. amploya of tha Klc
druk atora: Mr. Jrnnla Moore, manager
of Iba Oxford lodclna-houae. and Mrs.
Anna. Clark, proprlatreas of tha As
aambly aoteL and Jamaa Ioray and
tiaorc Howard war arraatrd hr last
Tba arraata followed quiet Investlra
lloas by a peciaj d-tartlr employed
by County Attorney Harry Cray.
I'mpqaa rirldse to De Vord.
Kl'UKNK, Or, Jaa. 1 J. f8p.Bl.
(Thai train errlc over tha Wlllam
etta rarlflc between Karma and
Markfi4 I Inauaurated. probably tha
Utter part of February, train will run
over Iko I'mpqua brrdce. according to
Knclnaar rirouchton. In chare of the
roaatrartloa of lha brkigr. who stales
that arrangement will be made to
croat over tba falsework, doing away
wita tba aeeaatty of ferrying across
tba rlrar. It bad bean announced that
when service wa Inaugurated trains
would oaly run to tbe bridge pa either
side af tka rlrer.
Pair) vara to MrrC Katardajr.
8ANDT. Or, Jars. 11. tSpertaD Aa
Important meeting of all producer of
butter fat and dalrymea has been called
for r-aturdsy morning at 1 o'clock la
tba Oddfellows' flail. Tha objects of
tbie mealing ara to promote tha dairy
ing laduatry of thla eoctlon of Sandy
Va.ley. It wilt ba bald aader tha aus
pkraa af the Mooot Hood CoOperailva
Craamery Company.
rianolng fart Tonight.
Portland Heights Club dancing party
will fca bald lonigkl la lha clubhouse.
Tbe pstreae will fca Mr. W. W.
Cotton, Mra. J apnea hv Krr. lira Arthur
Ipearrr aad Mrs. itaaeell klawcll.
Great Removal Sale Now On
We've Reduced Prices on Our Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
You are certain to realize 25 per cent on your investment and in a day without any risk it's a sure thing. We've
reduced the prices on these clothes in order to move them in readiness for our removal. We move to the southeast
corner of Fifth and Alder streets, where we'll be able to carry a much larger stock and want to start with everything
new for Spring. Take advantage of these price concessions now. The prices are rightthe clothes are the best.
Hart Schaffner
& Marx Clothes
Hart Schaffner
& Marx Clothes
Hart Schkffnrr & JUnt aiul OUir 13 Oft
$3.50, Removal Price $3.00
$4.00, Removal Price &I.40
$4.60, Removal Price $3.8.5
$5.00, Removal Price $4.25
$6.00, Removal Price , $5.15
$7.00, Removal Price $5.05
All Size and Colors
$1.50, Removal Price $1.25
$2.00, Removal Price...., $1.65
$2.50, Removal Price $2.00
$3.00, Removal Price ..$2.35
.BIG BIANHATTAN SHIRT SALE NOW ON $1.50 at $1.15, $2.00 at $1.55, $2.50 at $1.95
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
Our Temporary Location, 266 Morrison Street, Between 3d and 4th
--aaa--xexexesa " ' I "
kbertff raaaea la laveatlgala rVbeai fa
llre Defrr Arrest aa A era on t af
lllarea af Arcoecd rramaler.
nulli ng Jan. IS. (Special.)
M. W. Wilkin. 1117 Eat Market
aires. PorUand. ba Deen maicicu or
Ua grand Jury of folk County on
ehargeg of obleuoing property under
i ...i.naaa and of making convey-
anra of real property without having
title, cniel Ol r-oiicw v . . " "
. . . wilkln. homa last
lanu. wani ------ -
mgbt to maka the arrest, but did not
do so. owing to tna in ..
. ... ... i 1 b Ttallaa
frndant. rntrui . w.
today for Portland to Investigate for
'welkin purchased a tract of land In
this city a fear year ago and ub
divided It Into lot. H ran a special
raa train from PorUand. bringing
troapertire purchaser. Tha land Da
cam Involved In litigation.
Wllkins recently came to Pallas ana
proposed to build a home for aged peo
ple oa tha tract of land.
111. difficulty arise out of
dcalln. which he had wltk W. M. .Wil
son and wife, Wilkin traded IS of the
lot to lha Wilson for a merry-go-round,
and their Interest In property
at Sewberg. giving the Wilson a
dLd to lha lata. Later tha Wilson,
became dissatisfied with their deal,
and wanted tha merry-go-round back.
Wllklna I charged wllb having
scratched tha description of '
lota off tha original deed and save
them tha amusement device. It : al
leged that In tha meantime Wilkin
bad put lb I merry-go-round up a col
lateral security, with tha
Motor Company. Of Portland.
the Oerllngrr Company brought re
plevin for tha merry-go-round. nd II
waa taken aw.y from the W lljon.
It also I chrged that at lha time
Wllklna deeded the lota In I''
the Wilsons, he did not own the lots
alone, but only an undivided ona-bair
Interest In them.
Fartalghlly Clab af Eagraa a Give
F-alertalaaarat Tealgfct ta
Rata Ila aoa.
Jan. IS. peclaL) Announcement
was made today that 14000 hd been
pledged by women organisation of
th state to a fund for the erection of
a woman's memorial building on the
University of Oregon 'u. ,T"
alumna ajsoclatlons of Portland, three
of v.uc.n. and ODa of Ijalem. bv each
pledged IS. ' .
Other contributions n .-.
th sororities and tha women's league
of th. campu. Mr. Q. T.
the enly woman regent af th. Lntver
Ity. Is conducting a tat-wlde cam
paign in tbe Interest of th. building
supported by University and club
women. They hava a tbelr goal a fund.
To raise it ! pledge, the Fort
nightly Club of Eugene b planned
a dancing and card party In tha new
Eugene Armory for tomorrow night.
Tha University glrlr gle club will
sing and put on some stunts, and aes
thetic dancing will b. don. In solo
number, by Mia. Haa.l R.der and Mum
Frieda Goldsmith, followed by the
heart danc. from Alice la Wonder-
GerUnger ha addresaed most of
the large club of the state and asked
their co-operation and help.
rionecr Woman, Wife of Aged Min
ister, Victim of La Grippe.
fr-ALKM. Or.. Jaa. IS. 'Special. )
jr.. Mary Bushong Booth. TT. died at
her borne hers todsy of la grippe. She
ws a nsll of Ohio and an Oregon
pioneer. After graduating from Ohio
Wealeyaa University she waa married
to Rev. J. W. Bushong. They went to
Portland at an aarly day. where Rev.
Mr Bushong was a Metbodiat minister
until death about 1 years ago. Later
ha married Rev. Robert Booth, a
pioneer Methodist minister of Oregon,
who sarrivca bar. Children eurviring
$ 1 8.75
Blue and Black 15 Off
Bijr Line to Select From. Beautiful Patterns
$1.50, Removal Price... $1.15
$2.00, Removal Price $1.35
Neckwear, Beautiful Patterns
50c, Removal Price 35f
$1.00, Removal Price 65f
$1.50, Removal Price 95?
$2.00, Removal Price $1.25
Reduced for Removal
$1.00, Removal Price 50c
$1.50, Removal Price 75if
$2.00 Cloth Hats at.. $1.25
her are: W'. A. T. Bushong and J. W.
Bushong. of Portland, and H. F. Bu
shong. of Sherwood. Or.
Th. funeral will b. held here tomor
row with burial at Rlverview Ceme
tery. Portland. t
Kev. Mr. Booth Is years old. and
I now suffering from la grippe. He
crossed the plains to Oregon first ill
ISiO and again In 1858. settling In Yam
hill County. In ISst ha removed to
Sheridan and three year later to
Dougla County. For th. last few
years, with hi wife, he has lived in
Salem. R. A. Booth and WT. A. Booth,
of Eugene, and J. H. Booth, of Rose
burg, are bis sons.
Water Company Purchase Comes
Before Council.
MILWAUKIE, Or.. Jan. 13. (Special.)
W. a ITRen, attorney for the Mll
wauki. Water Company, will submit a
written offer Saturday for settlement
of the dispute between the company,
and City Council. The company has
offered to withdraw it suit pending in
the Supreme Court if Milwaukle will
settle with the company on the terms
fixed by tbe board of arbitration two
year ago. that I f 5500 for the plant
and 11000 for good-will.
"I am willing to use the flure fixed
by the arbitrators. 16300. as th. basis
of settlement." said Councilman Loed
Irur this morning. "If it I shown that
we can maka such settlement without
vote of the people. The people have
declared against any settlement with
tha company by vote. However, we
ara to get the term of the company
Saturday In writing, and I think we
may ba abla to elect a settlement and
the withdrawal of all suit against the
Sim. Villa Walker Victim of Eight
Weeks' Illness.
OREGON CITT. Or., Jan. 1J. (Spe
caD Mr. Unla Walker, wife of S. S.
Walker, of thi city, died early today,
after an lllnes of about eight weeks.
Mrs. Walker waa born In Washington
County, Arkansas, and came across the
plains with her parent. Mr. and Mrs.
Nealcy Edmiston. when a small child.
She is survived by her husband and
ona sister. Mrs. A. I. Blanchard. of
Oregon City, and one brother, John T.
Edmiston. of Beaver Creek. She was
a member of the Women of Woodcraft
and Kebekkh lods-es.
Health Restored by Lydia
E. Piiikham Vegetable
. Jamaica, N. Y. "I suffered greatly
with my bead and with backache, was
weaK, dizzy, ner
vous, with hot
flashes and felt very
miserable, as I was
irregular for two
years. One day
when I was feeling
unusually bad my
jT t Ty ' 1 wish you would try
It IT V Pi'nlrViam'a
Compound. So I
began talcing it and I am now in good
health and am cured. I took the Com
pound three times a day after meals,
and on retiring at night. I always keep
a bottle in the house." Mrs. L. N.
BURNHAM, 35Globe Ave., Jamaica, N.Y.
Women who recover their health nat
nrally tell others what helped them.
Some write and allow their names and
photographs to be published with testi
monials. Many mora tell their friends.
If you need a medicine for Wo
men's Ailments, try Lydia E.
Pinknam's Vegetable Com pound.
Writes Lydia E. 11 nk ham Medicine-
Co. (confidential) for any
thing you need ta know about
these troubles.
La.- '--
Hart Schaffner
& Marx Clothes
Hart Schaffner
& Marx Clothes
$2.00, Removal Price..
$2.50, Removal Price..
$3.00, Removal Price..
$3.50, Removal Price..
$4.00, Removal Price..
$5.00, Removal Price. .
$6.00, Removal Price..
New La it Redacra Work af Preelac
Boarda aa Check Replaces Writ.
Ing Voter's Name.
AXM. Or., Jan, 13. (Special.)
For making- up the voters' list and
poll book for the primary election
May 19 next. Secretary of State Ol
cott today sent out a aupply of blanks
to the County Clerks of the state.
These supplies are sent out at the be
ginning of the registration period,
that the County Clerks may be able
to writ, up their precinct voters' lists
as the registrations are made. Regis
tration of voter, can be made for the
primary election at any time before
April 19. Existing laws pertaining to
the registration of voters provide that
the registration books shall close for
a period of 20 days prior to any gen
eral election.
Under former law the counties fur
nished what were called precinct reg-
ixters. being ruled blank books for
"Souther ners"
If yam lore good Molasses, we are the only people In town that aell
tbe well-knowa "Jiew Orleans Molasaes."
NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES New goods. 191S crop, fancy Open J? I
Kettle New Orleans Molanses. Per gallon ""'"t
Fancy Open Kettle New Orleans Molasses for cooking. Per gallon. 60
BEANS Oregon Refugee, shelled.
Special. 4 lbs. for 25
OATS -Quaker. Special per car
ton 1O0
CORN Onarga brand, fancy. Spe
cial per dozen $1.40; ea., 12feeJ
CORN Appetizer brand. Standard.
Special per dozen. 9Oc: ea.
TOMATOKS L. W. brand, solid
pack. 2is. Special per doz-n.
95t; each 8c
JUNK UUriCC coffee, combining strength, character, body and flavor.
Regular price, per pound. 35c, 01
ANTONINI ITALIAN OLIVF. OIL Special, per gallon.. 599
ANTONINI ITALIAN OLIVE OIL Special per half-gallon. ..... -gZ. la
ANTONINI ITALIAN OLIVE OIL Special per quart can. . . .. . . -Sl.Zo
ANTONINI ITALIAN OLIVE Oil. Special per large glass bottle.. 90J
ANTONINI IT ALLAN OLIVE OIL Special per medium glass bottle 40C
L08-21O THIRD ST BET. TAYLOR at SALMON. Phones Main 616, A 1626
Wholeaalera to Private Families. Hotela aad Restaurants.
Special Mall Order Service. Write for Catalogue.
You are invited
To attend the formal opening
.of the new
. O.-W. R.R.&1SI.
Union Pacific System
Line to Olympia
to be held at the Capital City
Friday, January Fourteenth
Tickets on sale to Olympia the
13th and 14th at one and one-third
fare for, the round trip.
Train leaves Union Depot 8:30 A. M.
Special train will leave Olympia 5:30
P. M., enabling Portland people to at
tend the dedication ceremonies and re
turn this evening. Arrive Portland
Globe, White Cat and Cooper Makes
Outing Flannel and Soisette
$1.00, Removal Price 75
$1.50, Removal Price $1.15
$2.00, Removal Price $1.50
alphabetical listing of voters' as they
registered in the several precincts.
These were delivered to the election
boards just before any election. Now
the blanks furnished under existing
laws, when filled out and appropriately
arranged, also comprise the poll books.
Whenever a registered voter presents
himself at the polls for voting the
clerk merely enters the number of his
ballot opposite his name and checks
him off after being voted.
Aspirations to Kepublican Conven
tion Delegacy Announced.
PENDLETON, Or., Jan. 13. (Special.)
Before leaving this morning on the
special Pullman for Salt Lake to attend
the National Woolgrowers' convention,
J. N. Burgess, of Pilot Rock, definitely
announced that he had decided to be
come a candidate In the Eastern Oregon
Congressional district to the Repub
lican National convention in Chicago.
Mr. Burgess is State Senator from
Umatilla County, and is considered one
of the strongest Republicans in East
ern Oregon. His petitions are to be
circulated immediately upon his return
to Pendleton next week. -
PEAS Prosperity brand, very
choice. Special per dozen, 81 .50
each 13?
BEANS Pala brand. Special per
dozen, Sl.OO: each 9C
per barrel, 85. OO. Special per
sack Sl.SO
barrel, 85.20- Special per sack,
only .......... ......... .Sl,35
LBS. I fin ,srM'li1' VUn
flUV1. , ,.Mk