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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1915)
14 THE MORXIXG OBEGOyiAX, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1915. ill ttffi&ffigPB Tbls directory Is for the Information or the public, to give as far as possi ble the different lines of business which the average person may find occa sion to use. Any information which cannot be found here will be gladly furnished by phoning; Main 7070 or A 6095. House 40. ABSTRACTS AND TITLES. PROMPT SERVICE at Pacific Title & Trust treasonable prices. Co.. 7 Ch. of Com. ACCORDION PLEATING. K, srEfHA.N, hemstitching, seal lop ins. tc cord, side pleat, buttons covered ; mail orders. 20U Pittock block. Broadway 10bi. i'Jtating, hemstitching, buttons covered Eastern Novelty Co.. b5 5th. B' way 2QOO. ASbiAXOb KCKJIr LNU MA I KKJALS. Inquire aooui Asbesto Kubber i.oofing and Aot-tQ Lemeni. Rate & CO., DeKum oiag. AS6AYLRS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 20, Gold. buyer ana platinum bought. AlIOK.NtVh-.AI-LAW. U3o Chamber of Com. Consultation free. CANCER, LOWELL M. JONES, M. D. Practice limited exclusively to cancers. 312 Morgan blag. CARPET WtAVtKS. NuKTHWJibX KLG CO. pets, rag rugs. 1S8 E. Rugs from old car 8th. Both phones. (LLLILOIU BUTTONS. B AD O ES. T HE iKWJN-HODSUN COMPANY, SS7 Washington st. Main 312 and A 1254. tillEOFODlSlS. William. Esteile and William, Jr., Deveny, the only scientltic chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg southwest corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 130L CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. IX Hill. Office FUedner bldg. Main 3473. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. McMAHON, sixth year, chronic cases taking time. 31 treatments, $15; worth 50; save the difference. 121 4th St. COLLECTION AGENCY. CLAlMd of any description collected on per centage anywhere; highest class refer ences. The Harden Mercantile Agency, 426 Hfnry bldg. Phone Marshall 480. JNETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collection, no charge. Established 1900. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing; Academy. 85 5th t., bet. Stark and Oak; sp'l rates. 4 pri vate lessons $2. morning, afternon. even ing, all latest dances guaranteed ; class Thurs.. Sat, evenings. 7-8 :3U. Bdwy. 810O. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons dally; class Tues., Frl. eve., 8 to 10. 109 2d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. Main 8205. Lessons 15c MCLKEY sons BLDG.. classes 2d and Morrison lO ies Mon.. Frl. eve. Mar. 313. EYE, EAR, XOsE AM) THROAT. treatment by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Cassaday. 517 Dekum bid.. 3d & Wn. INSURANCE. JEROME B. STE1NBACH. gen'l insurance. fire, automobile. 015 Corbett bid. Mn. 67 16. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles, phone Main 53. A T153. M CSICAL. Emll Thielhorn, vloltn teacher,' pupil Sevcik. 207 Fliedner bkg. A 4160. Marshall 1629. PIANO lessons. 2ti 14th st. Arrangements for practice. Phone Main 3893. WHOLESALE AND AUTO A'D BUGGY TOPS. PUBRL'ILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 209 2d t BA1.(U(.K CHECKED AT HOME. Passage & Omnibu. Transfer, park & Davis BKAU BAJLKKY. Royal Bakery & Conf. inc.. llm and Everett BKEHKliS A U 1MTteB8. HENRY WE1NHARD. loth and Barnside. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. nK.MSHLVGJ. fl-KISCHXEH, ilAVER & CO., 207 Ah at. KLCTR1CAL SI IT Lit j. gtubba Elfcctricai Co.. tfth and Pine ata. GKAIN MERCHANTS. Ambers Bros. Milling Co. Front and Marshall. H. M. HOLSKK, Board or Trade bidg. GKOCtHS. WADHAMS & CO.. lii-75 Fourth at. HATS ANU CAPS! THAN'HAUSEU HAT CO., 53-53 Front at. HIDES. WOOL. CASCAKA BAKK. KAHN BROS.. 11 Front at. MEN'S ANO WOMEN'S NECKWEAfi, COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 8a 5th St. Tlircc More Enter Ccntralia Race. CENTRA LI A. Wash., Oct. 29. (Spe cial.) Three more candidates filed yes terday for the coming municipal elec tion. H. W. Thompson, the present Mayor, filed for re-election and Will lam Scales and Herman Young for Com missioners. This makes six of the 19 candidates who have circulated peti tions to file. More than S'W.OOO bushels of Tasmanian ftpplt'S have iieen shipped to Great Britain In nnp yi'nr. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWER."! AP.E HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS ANU MAY BE HAD BY PRESENTING "VOIR CHECKS JIT THE OREGONIAN OFFICE: A 1, 116. 110. 147. 16t. 167, 169, 175, 177. ISJ. 187. 181). 190. B 118, 124, 134. 108. 170, 174, 175, 177, ISO. 181. C 7. 64. OS, 103. 161, 166, 175, 176, 178, 181. 1 71. 1.-.0, 101. 172, 177. K .-.. 70. 181, 100. 182, 183. F 140. 1S4. ; 8. 01. M. 117. 162, 174, 175, 176, 17S. 180. 1S3, 180. 824. II 42. 143, 147. 149S 161. 170. 176. 17S, 170. 181, 183, 185. .1 0:i. 65. 154. 101, 162, 169, 170. K 14S. 162. !:!. 104. 171. 172. 173. 17S, ISO. 182. 185. 10. I. 13. 170. 179. 181. M 10. 174, 175. 179. N ItiO. 1H7. 175, 177, 179. ISO. O 01. 102 181. 182, 181. v io:;. R Hil, 103, 104. 105. 109. 182. 189. 117. li.J. IO-. 17:!. 174. 175. 177. 179. X 142. 145. 106. 175, 176. 177, ISO. 1S4, 185 I 10. 873. V 14::. 105. 171. 178. 181. 182. 186. W 101. 100, 17o. 170. 1S1, 188. "X 1 1:.. 100 101, 177. V 115. I6:i. 179. ISO. 1S3. 186. 190. AH 68. 102, ll5, 167, 16S. 176, 177, 17a 182. 185. Aft 68, 167, 172. 175, 179. 180, 185. 18S, 1S9. Al) 111. 150. 151. 103, 164, 160. 167, 173, 174. 175. 182, 1S5. AE-110, 132, 151. 175. 71T. ISO 1S5. AK 28. 101, 103, liO. 171, 172, 17o, 182, 188. AC 170, 17S. 174. ISO, 1S3 AH 112, 113, 1:'.0, 148, 171, A.I 150. 159. 172. 175, 177, AK 178. ISO. 186. , 1S3. 187, 1SS. 170. 1S3. ISO. 182, S50. Al. 140. 107. 109. 17 174, 175. 176. 177. AM 109, 175. 181. AN 33. 130 142. 161. 177. 184. 185. 167, 171. 174, 176, AO 111. 130. 169. 175 176. A r 30, SS, 107. 171. 174, 17 1 si. AK 143 184. C OS, 189 157. 159, 101, 162, 175. 177 149, 100. 161. 176. 182, 1ST, BO 161. 103, 164. 168. 169. 171. 17 ISO, 1S3. 189 BF 101. 103. 1 If above Rlisv fix days same 160. s are not called for within 11 be destroyed. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY S74 BELMONT ST. riionea Kaat 143. B 2515. and Nlabt. Opes Day Report all cases of cruelty to this of loce. Ltethal chamber for small animals. Horb ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone de siring a pet may communicate wlta us. NEW TODAY. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Oar Onn Money at tnm.t Hate ni'Mlli'AL AND COHI'OllAriOl BONUS. FARM AND CITY LOANS. HO fourth St.. Board of Trade Bids;. come to HEADQUARTERS 8Sr MORTGAGE LOANS JOHN rTirKT A TVT SPALDING BLDG E. L-KU.TMAIM PORTLAND. ORE On City and Pane Properties tn ny Amount at Current ttatea aaSnCAR-XBOatnoit. BanfcMB Corner JTouxth and Stack treeta Ociaviu i-i'.rto 111 eater, fcadA,, OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. Why pay big prices for glasses ' 1 can lit your eyes with first-quality lenses in a gold-tilled frame, as low as $L5o. lenses duplicated at a bi saving, tisf Action guaranteed. C. V. Good man. optjmetrigi, 2utf Morrison. Main 2124, PATENT ATTORNEYS R. C. WKi'jHT 2a years' practice U. . and foreign patents. CUl Deitum bldg. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 3i!. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS. J. E. Gantenbein. Mgr., Printing and linotyping. 100 V Front st-. cor. Stark. Main or A 1413. BAG KL'ba AND FLUFF RUGS. Ne v rugs from old ingrain. Brussels, Smyrna. Ax minster carpels; carpet clean ing, refitting, resizing. country oraer prompt attention. Send for booklet. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO., 54-56 Union ave. N. Phune E. Polo. B 1475. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES Wilcox bldg. CO, H. P.. 4O4-405-406 ASSOCIATED INVEST. CO.. ti21 YEON. BENEDICT BROS., 930 Hawthorne ave. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS ' I'i'-Ji 'ihn: ma'l" houseuoid Goods Specialists. Murage, packing. Ship ping and Moving. Horse or Auto Vana Special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, 2d and Pine sts. Broadway 596. A 1996. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan St.. corner 13th, Telephone Main b9 or A 1163. we own and operato two large class A warehouses and terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in city. MANNING WAREHOUSE & TRANSFER CO. Reduced freight rates to all points. Mov Inc. packing, shipping- storage. Broadway 703. 0th and Hoyt 'sts, MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office ISO Madison. General -Merchandise and fot warding agents. Phone Main 7tfui, TAXIDERMIST. PHEASANTS for hats. 605 S wetland Prepared bldg. FIN i3 MOUNTS. F. J. Brezee. only one in city, z-tv toiumoia st. mi. va. FIRST-CLASS seasoned fir, $4.50; distant delivery. $4.7o. National Fuel Co., E. 2d and Oregon. East 2u41. GREEN and dry slabwood, blockwood, pan ama Fuel Co. Main 5720, A 3899. DRY blockwood, dry nomah Fuel Co., M. slabwood, bark. 5540, A 2116. FOR DRY BOXWOOD PHONE BOX MFG. CO., MAIN 6863, A OKEviUM 5596. MANUFACTURERS Mllilvmv BRADSHAW BlcuS., idornson and 7th stn. PAINTS ANU LIBBICATING OILS. W. P. FCLLEK & CO.. lth and Uavia. PAINTS, OLL ANO GLASS. RASMTJSSEN v CO., 2d and Taylor etreets. PIPE. PIl'K I1TTINGS ANO ALVES. M. L. KLINE. K4-8t Front at. I'LIMBING ANO STKAM M. L- KLINE. S4-S Front St. iUPPiiES. PUINTKRS ANO l LBLlSHiRS. W. BALTES & CO.. 1st and Oak sta. rBOUl'CE EVEHDI.V6 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. c FAKRELL. 140 Front. HOPE ANO BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northmp. SAFETY RAZOR HONING. AUTOMATIC KEEN E13QE CO.. 18DV4 SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER fc CO.. 12th and Oavla. "SCRAP Kl'BUEK AND METALS. J. LEVE, 18ti Columbia St. Main 5188. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d at. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS 6f ON IMPROVED KLSIDEXCE I'ROPKR. nea. residence Loans S and 7 Per Cent wu..i& jr icu iy or money. ROBERTSON & EWING 2Q7-8 Northwcatera Dank Bldff. MORTGAGE LOANS imiiiuveu city ana farm property at nrfvf. rate- Attractive repayment today uuitai cioaea. ugu 6 .. LARGE I.OAIVS ON Cict v BUSINESS PROPERTIES 7 A. H. BIRRELL CO. S17-21V Norlhwmern Bank Baildlnic Mar.hall 4114. A 4118. WILL BUILD AND FINANCE J? HOMES Flats and Apart ments in any part of the city costing from J2000 to $20,000. payments like rent. Call and pb iim F. li BOWMAN & CO., 1, Commercial Club BDilHln. Room REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. LAURELHURST SNAP. For sale by vwu-er. lot 7 in block 106 Laurelhurst; this la a beautifully located lot next to corner in fast growing section of Laurelhurst: if you are looking for a iivum ana ur tin investment mis opportunity; must sell. See -0 3 Oregonian bldg. NEED MONEY. Make me cash offer 50x100. corner Slst and Oregon . 50x100, Westmoreland, 2uth st 50x1 0u, corner E. 50th and Harrison 100x100, cornet 17th and Pkidmore V 3tH. Oregonian. cou;;itr cnrline ; gonian. lot. Irvliiftton park. 50x100. ou hard-surface street. AM 1ST, Ore- NICE TOT on Mississippi ave. carline with --room house on, very cheap. F 1ST Oregonian. "ANCOrVER bargain. 2 lots, close in; must be sold. C. O. C ridley, executor, 500 W. 11th st., Vancouver, Wash. For Sale Houses. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Almost new 9-room house on lower heights, splendidly arranged all modern conveniences; fine view; cost '$11,000 will take $1)000. M 176. Oregonian. WE ARE the largest builders of homes in Portland; do not think of building until we have submitted plan and cost esti matfP. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 X. W. Bank bids. IF yOU would like to commence the build ing of a new home on your lot and nave it fully finaaced. come in -nd talk it over. CURTI3. 267 OAK. $2000. TB.RMS, s-room cottage, hardwood floors, full cement basement, 50x100 lot Marshall 4400, apt. 213. Call 5:30 to 7 OWNER. 1 1-5 acres. 170S Midway ave. St. and va- Jonas, o-room house, furniture, fearn cow, chickens and horse, fruit trees, riety of berries : a bargain W1L.I. cell for $700 my $1750 equity n fine up-to-date bungalow, Hawthorne ave. AG 1S1. Oregonian. NEW. modern. 4 -room house, or w ill ex change for Chicago property. Address A. fetish. 7'J0 S.'.th st. K. $lu.oH 50x100. ISth and Lovejoy. modern improx-emonts very desirable properfty. for terms phone owner. East "SUU CLIENT has 2 residences; must saerific": our own terms ; some trade. W E Thrusher. I OFFER my new 7-room home In Holladay I with exceptionally artistic interior on 1 term to suit. Ease $261, 1 REAL ESTATE. tor bale -Houses. PORTLAND HiilGHTo SNAP. All xiw and. fresu, t minutes ride on Portland. Heights car from Post office, 6 blocks from Washington su Perfectly mod m iiojttj, four aiceping-roomi and. enam eled and tileu bath in upper story; won derful larga living-room with, largest cut stone fireplace in cit, tailing j-foot tog; unusual dining-nom witn beautiful view, and fireplace; dream of kitchen, ail white enamel and tiled. Hour, s built-in fire. ess cookers, h coded gas range and ali kitchen conveniences; maid's room. Data and toilet, hratirg plaui. laundry, wine closets, etc, in lower story ana large stor age basement below; solid oak stairs, great porch and sleeping porch. This is one of the most unusual places In Portland Am leaving ciky. will sell for $buuu, liberal terms to right parties. Phone or adores w. t, Scott, owner, Carlton Hotel, city, and arrangements will ot made tor your mapecuon. TERMS $2150 TERMS PIEDMONT DISTRICT HA.VDriUil E .EW BLAGALOW . 1324 GRAND AVE. N. Take W ooalawQ car to Uolman St., then just one mock east. Beautiful 50x100 lot, 5 large rooms, full- noored attic, -foot concrete basement with cement floor, 26x36 feet; has all last built-in features, such as buffet, book- . wtnea, uutcn Kitchen. French mirror door hardwood floors, fireplace, etc.; brand "ch , never occupied; tor sale by owner. ruuue seuwooa ta. Remember, w ooalawa car to Holman st. NEW and modern 12-room residence situ ated in the heart of Irving ton. The rooms and hall are all large and spacious and iinisfaed in mahogany, oak ana white enamel. This is without douDt one of the unest residence properties in Portland and will bear the closest scrutiny of the most critical. Inspection of premises, price and , terms only to those actually inter ested in the purchase of a first-class A-l modern home. AP lal, Oregonian. FOR. SALE That new house in Irving ton on E. lth North, between tsisklyou and Klickitat. E&dt front. Aide street, fine trees, large iiving-roorn, 14x20, dining room, cabinet kitchen and breakfast-room downstairs, threu bedrooms ard Inclosed slet-pjng porch upstairs. White enamut tinish. tile mantel, hardwood floor. Cer tain conditions make it possible to offer lias place at a very low price. Address lor particulars B F 54. O re g onian. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? "WJS WILL FURNISH TRB MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FKrlri; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE K.Ow HOW; TALK. WITH. OLU CLIENTS; SEK OCR WORK; WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BA1LET & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS,. 34 ABINGTON BLDG LAURELHURST HOMES. Before buying, be sure to look at our list of exquisite homes just completed in Laurelhurst, the addition of Deautllui homes, from $500 up, on rent-like terms. LAURELHURST CO.. 7Ui Stark st. Main 1503, A 151 5. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW Furnished, 1 block to carline, l bedroom and bat'., downstairs, ,T rooms and bath upstairs. Garage. 51U E. 21t st. N., cor. Brazee. Will rtnt. Phone East 410 or Main b0j. FOR SALE Modern 8 -room residence wi'h highly improved quarter block, most de sirable section Holladay's Aadition, 493 Hassalo. corner E. loth. Price and favor able terms will be made on Inquiry to P. C. Bates. 3Q1 Yeon bldg. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, good district, completely furnished, with or without furniture, by owner. Garage. Attractive terms, W lsS, Oregonian. Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carline; ay terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 155 or Seliwood 47tf. JOHN GIBSON OWNER. for Sale Ac reage. THIS IS A BARGAIN. 1SH acres, iA milo south of Whitford, on Oregon Electric; fine location, on auto road ; ali new buildings. horse, cowl chickens, all farm implements. feed enough for Winter. Price $000, half c-asn, naiance to suit. Chris Richardson, Baverton, p.oute 1. CHIlKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. in ear .f ortiana, aresham district; near eiectnc station; iO 10 9uu per acre; easy terms; best soil, free wood. Farms for sale, all sizes FRANK. M' FA R LAN D REALTY CO.. 300 Yeon Bldg.. Portland, Or. INVESTIGATE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY, lo acres near Orenco; best black loam oil. all cultivated; yZ2a per acre; will dl- ia8 ana give easy terms 11 desired, g il r. Hand), owner. 2ul Stock Excnange Plug, a ran an FOR SALE An acre at Metzger, 25 minutes from town, 10 minutes' walk from depot. a 1 iutauun , cALfiieni, oricKea wen ; aounaance or water, pood tent house; easy terms. Particulars irom A I lSIi, Orego- 160 ACRES grood land, Marion County. $ per acre; iu years to pay, 6 per cent; no pajii-iiu uuw n. An iu,jiregonian. $300 ACRE tracts at Metzger station; near church, school and store ; 30 minutes out ur. ciec. inq. zii Lumper nx. bldg. BEAUTIFUL 2-acre tract, ! i-cent fare, O. offer Box 10. Lents p. 40 ACRES Lower Columbia. some cleared, 1st, studio. trout stream ; $.00. 107 2 FOR SALE Cowlitz County itumo lands. $10 per acre up; good soil, well watered. J. R. Sharp. 430 Pittock block. Portland. V ANTED REAL ESTATE. WE have people who will trade property in California, city or country, for Oregon or Wash ins ton. We can sell or trade your property. Write Geo. W. Austin. 1424 Broadway. Oakland. CaL, dept. L WANT $1500 bungalow in Hawthorne dis trict; ran pay gooa cash payment and would like to exchange good, lot as part of purchase price. No attention without particulars. AK lSi, Oregonian. IMPROVED acreage near Portland to rent or buy; terms must be reasonable. Broad way 2JS8. DESIRABLE home wanted for cloae-ln a as1, part in cultivation. Owner, AG Oregonian. WANT 10-acre tract near Portland, not over jouu. v loo, uregonian. WANTED Bpfit bargain I can find in a 5- room bungalow tor casn. K IhS, Oregonian. WANTED Small income business property. 1. tdu, pmi uauc aj uresoman. FOR KENT FARMS. FOR SALE My 3 years lease on 60 acres of goou lana witn good buildings; one year's rent ai ready, paid; 6 good cowe. 3 fresh; a new cream separator; 50OO kaie plants, hogs, chickens, wood and apples and some hay for $500. Addreas H. R., Stayton, Or.. Route No. 2. FOR RENT 5-room house, Z acres, well equipped poultry ranch; 65 March and April While Leghorn pullets for sale. In quire Springwatcr Poultry Yards, Wichi ta Sta.. Estacada car. FOR RENT Dairy ranch, about 10O acres bottom land, close to city; barn and small dwelling-house. Inquire J. H. Mlddleton, 424 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD farm. S7 acres, about 60 in cult.. room house, good barn, plenty of water. Price $200 per jear; terms. S. E. Wooster, Estacada. KALAMA, Wash. ; 120 acres for rent, with b cows and other stock. Call at Hanley's Employment. FIVE to 40i-acres between city and Gresham, cultivated; ouuaings no ooject. AB is 6, Oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOL'UHT AND SOLD. M'CRACKEN. 04 il KAY WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANT from 15 to 40 ucres with buildings, oO acres in cultivation-, within 35 of Portland. Rent must be reason- IO to miles able. Earl w. Fox, East 3Sth st. North. Tabor 5116. WANTED -To rent a small ranch suitable for dair Lng and hog-raising; prefer one equipped; may buy later. Address D. L. Peterson. Beach, N. Dak. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. DON'T raits the Lest 3 tH acres in Colorado. 1 mile from town; rich soil, 'rrigated. Price $5O00. Will sell or trade for Port land property, without incumbrance. Mrs. A. Lust, owner. 45u5. 42d ave. S. E. WW car. No agents. EQUITY in 5-room up-to-the-minute bun galow to excnange lor 10-acre tract near Portland. Elmer S. Shank. 301 Railway Exchange Main 2113, Tabor 4411. SUBURBAN acreage, on car. value S1S.0G0 mortgage $oOOO, for city. AO 195, Orego nian. FOR SA LC Two Central Oregon lots, or will trade for team, harness and wagon. Woodlawn it 7 9. MODERN 5-room bungalow, Med ford Or . for acreage or homestead relinquishment. AP iSS. Oregonian. SIX -ROOM house, restricted district, paved streets, for larger house; will assume. BD 127, Oregonian. EQUITY of $450 011 5 acres for sale cheap. or will trade for auto. Marshall 5917, Mar tin. CLOSE-IN acreage, sale or exchange. R. A Miller. 333 Worcester bldg. Main 7105. LEAR prooerty to $25,000 for apartments; ' - NEW piano in iate iocaUoi w:u assume. ee ueianuDt. Phone E. 1275 exchange for clear citv location, price, AP. $0. Oregon lo TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. REAL BARGAINS FOR EXCHANGE AND SALE. SI7 acres 1 mile from Corvallis; HIGH GRADE; Includes $6000 personal; price 2.0uO; terms and up to (18,000 in good property. S acres on electric railroad, all in culti vation; up to $6000 In clear property and terms, 19 acres 4 mile Corvallis; Improved; a snap; no trade; $3500. 16 acres. 10 bearing prunes; improved; bargain for ioSGu. 105 acrts improved, including stock and implements. $4500; terms or J200Q in good property. 335 acres well improved close to market; a real snap at $19,000; on easy terms. WRITE FOR COMPLETE DESCRIPTION. MORGAN & WALKER, Corvallis. Or. HAVE gilt-edge property that Invoices $40,000; my equity, $5,000; will well for cash or trade, and allow you to hxake few thousand clear on deal; am going East; will consider any price for quick sale. What have you got, cash or trade? In vestigate. You'll have to hurry, BO li9, Oreg onian. YES, BUSINESS IS GOOD. We deai exclusively in exchanges. Ws can trade your property; no junk, wanted. AVERS & SMITH. Main 7206 501 Northwest Bids. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE or trade. Corona foldine type writer with carrying case and equity of ioo in lot. Aioerta uistrict; open tor any kind of trade. 405 Buchanan bliig. Phone oaitS. ,-ot in bunday. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, liarueas, btc. AUTOMOBILE TRUCKS SOLD OX TERMS THAT INSURE SUCCESS FOR THE BUYER. I am In position to sell you an -uto- mobile truck o any capacity on terms that in practically nuKe it pay lor itself, I will also take in horses and cattle, if they are priced right, on the deal. Tell me just what you have and how you want io iianaie it in your lirst letter. AF IV Orr-sonian. IF you can uso a good team of geldin v to io years old; a 3-tongue goose-neck vasun, booq eet ot aouoie narness i covers, worth $600, all for the sum ot -J. tan x. jj. r raiey, jMarahaii 402J. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. w gourawn o. rortiaoa Kecaenng CO. ONE horso and wagon by day, $1.25. J. Co jcia. jig jc rum at. main Jktain 6 99 a, DEAD horses and cattle taken away ires. can aay or mgnt. xaoor 4203. Piauoht, Organa and Musical Instruments. PRACTICALLY new Knight Brinkerhoff piano to ben or irane ior automobile ; bargain. Apply at 73 Failing st. Take ir ii:g ton var. SECURITY STORAGE CO. will close out $425 Vose & Sons upright $145 cash $350 Arion upright, oak $125 casn $3oo Bradford upright, oak $ Ua caaa $450 Chickering & Sons $ 65 cau 4uu iraabury piano $ ao casn $lbo Packard organ $ 25 cash $b50 Autopiano Player $265 casn iu ii:&x l a i .i ,iiiz jua 4tn. near Wash 75c monthly will store your piano. YOU CAN AFFORD TO BUY NOW $5.00 disc talking machine $ 6.00 $ 35.00 disc talking machine $14. ou $ 75.00 tfisc talking machine. ....... $3. trt $150.00 disc talking machine $U5.uo i or more casn, ouc or more monthly, SCHWA N PIANO CO.. Ill 4th St. CITY LOT WANTED, clear, in exchange wi uw I'lauu, ricu au.veiiug quote lOW- eet price and location. BC OS. Oregonian. i use 01 piano or player piano for Zh Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th at. WILL pay cash for your old upright no. Call 111 4th at. square pit Dogs, Birds. Pet Stock. GOOD AIREDALES ARE GOOD DOGS. v - H.5 1 AC AD A, O R. Furniture for hale. lOl'SEHOUn furniture for sale. 550 K . 4 s t h st. N . Saturday October 50. Inquire at afternoon. NEW flat for rent $10. furniture for sale cneap ir taken at once. 518 E. 34th st. Automob 1 left. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 1915 Ford, 5-paes., $395. J9I3 ord, 5-pass., fully equipped, elec- tris ngnts and liosch magneto. $95. 1914 tord, 5-pass., practically new. 350. 1K14 Ford, 5-pass., fuily equipped. Presto 1 a nit, speedometer and Klaxon horn, $3 Terms if desired and a ear's free serv ice on aii aajusLments. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. Limited Ford Agent. E. 1199. East 13th and Hawthorne Ave. AUTOMOBILE TRUCKS SOLD ON TERMS THAT INSURE SUCCESS FOR THE BUYER. T am ir. position to sell you an auto mohiie truck of any capacity on terms that wiil practically make it pay for itself. I will also take in horses and .cattle, if they are priced right, on the deal. Tell me just what you have and how you want to nanaie it in your lirst letter. AF Is Oregonian. $3M Electric lights and sender car; A-l condition starter, 5-pas- 2O0 will handle 1U12 Reo go:l condition. -passenger L,0 will handle G-ry Under 7 -passenger iri 1 car; goou condition. $150 -passenger Hupmobile; phone, come out and see them. BROADWAY GARAGE, K 24th and Broadway. WORM DRIVE FEDERAL TRUCK FOR SALE. Have run truck just six weeks. Paid $H down and can't meet payments. Will sacrifice my interest if you can arrange to meet payments. Ill health cause of my failure. Answer quickly. AF lfe!. Ore gnnian. BUICK. BUICK. BUICK. BUICK. 1914 Bulck 25, 5-pass., cannot be told from brand new; electric lights and starter, demountable rims and extra tire, original cost $1 100 : our price $585. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. E. 1199 East 13th and Hawthorne Ave FOR SALE One of the best 6-cylinder 7 passenger automobiles on the market, per fect condition, like new. late model; will exchange for first mortgage on real es tate or take good lot or small machine. 450-454 Hawthorne ave. H. C. Smidt. USED CAR BARGAINS. Largest Siock. Prices Right. Liberal Terms. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. Broadway 887. A 4959. Broadway and Couch. NEW 115 FORD RUNABOUT BODIES. $l!5; TOURING BODIES, $75, including cur tains, cushions and top; all styles of Ford delivery bodies. BENJ. E. BOONE & CO.. 514 Alder St., Portland. Or. DANDY 1015 Saxon runabout, wooden wheels, electric lights, side searchlight, extra tirt-s, tire rack and other extras, $100. J. R. Morrow, Estacada. Or. HAVE bought INton truck; will sell my completely rebuilt -ton Menominee truck very reasonable. AF 186, Orego nian. YOU WANT one of the cars that is being shown at tne usea ar aerKei, west farK and Stark .sta. Good values. See them today. GARAGES erected complete. $30 up ready cut or portable houses. $125. TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO.. 548 Water st.. near Harrison. Main 116T. C. C. LANDY, specializing on Garfords, Willis utility trucks and Studebakers; King ft. Garage. King sL. at Washington. Main 8413. CLASSY roadster, newly painted, 4 new tires, perfect mecnanicai condition. A bar gain for any cne wanting a good car. Lents Ga:age. COLE fore-door. 5-pawenger, 30 H. p.. elec tric lignti?. etc.; completely overnauied and repainted; snap for quick sale. Call Mr. Baer. Main 1145. FOR SALE 1012 Stodilard, newly painted. in fine conoition ; cneap, jait 42U Bplmont. East 4S78. MUST sell my 1912 Reo touring car at once at sacririce; win consider any oner; dem onstrate anywhere. Woodlawn 3536. CHALMERS SIX. roadster, self-starter, elec tric lights, iorceo saie. tu tain. Jiain 1 225. TRADE income property house and corner lot for late mouei auto, v is, urego nian . CHALMERS 30 H. P., model K. In fine con dition ; .ODDy 1 reaa tires; car iuily equipped; bargain. Phone Woodlawn 71. pay cash for used Ford cars. BENJ E BOONE & CO.. 514. Alder Street. I WILL pay cash for used Ford. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. WILL give you finest jitney proposition in city for $150. Call quick. Main 341. l-pAeS. auto. $100. Tires maney. 5W Market St. i worth the FOR SALE Steamer, East 5733. good condition, cheap. FOR S-M-E Studbaker. 5-pass., In first-class condition. 507 East Burnside St. 5-PASSENGER. pa inted. S225 excellent condition, Woodlawn 32. 10O0-LO5. DELIVERY TRUCK, fine condi tion. Terms if desired. AF 1S4. Oregonian. NEW Frd chassis, new tires, bargain. Ta bor 647S FEDERAL truck for sale. Guarantee con dition perfect. AF 1S5. Oregonian. BET wash Ire and polishing in city for $1. garage. King st. at Washington. Main 3412. SEVERAL good, high-clas care for sale very cbcap. Burnside, Main 622, JfiacU-. FOR SALE. Automobile. GOOD, serviceable used cars are now priced so low that there is no excuse for you not owning a high-grade car. Our recent new car sales have brought in to us a number of high-grade cars at prices that will astonish you. See these cars: CHALMERS. STEARNS-KNIGHT. SCHACHT. OLDSMOBILB. WIN TONS. Bring in your small car and we will make- a trade. THE WINTON COMPANY. and Washington. Main 4244. BARGAINS FOR LAND SHOW WEEK Cadillac, 1011, 6-pass $50 Cadillac 5-pass., elec starter. . .$fOO Cadillac, 5-pass. $100t Cartercar. a. light car $250 Winton Six. foredoor model t50 Everitt six. fine shape, trade real estate. Chalmers -30." new tires, light car. .$350 Two electrics. Ideal Winter cars, bargains. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. Main 6244. USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. Mitchell 5-pass.. foredoor, $35n. Overland roadster, 2-pass:. $200. Rambler, 5-pass., $375. Mitchell, 5-pass., ti-cyl $600. Mitchell, 7-pasa., $t75. Commerce Del., brand r.ew, $650. SEVERAL OTHERS. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO., Phones East 7272. B 1216. East First and East Morrison Sts. BARGAINS IN USED AUT03. Large Stock. Prices $300 to $730. OREGON MOTOR CO.. Studebaker Bldg., Corner Chapman and Alder. 1910 BUICK 40. in good shape, nonskid tires all around, at a low price. 31 N. lHth at. Automobiles- Wanted. HAVE you used auto which will not run? We will put same in saleable condition, taking cost of repairs out of sale. King st. garage. King at Washington. Main YOl R used car will sell more quickly; it will sell for a higher price at the Used Car Market. No commission charged. Place it today at West Park and Stark ets. WANTED A runabout ; give complete de scription in letter, giving best cash price. Address AV 271, Oregonian. IF YOU want to sell that automobile, call Main C922. 490 Burnaide. Mr. Finch. W AN T ED Body for Buick. Main 6705. 5-passengcr, Motorcycles. TWIN Merkel engine, tank and fittings, cheap. Phone Arnold. Broadway 485. Auto Tiies and Acwsorifs. WANTED Four 0705. 34x4 clincher tires. Main Automobiles for Hire. FOR HIRE Reasonable, clean, classy Hud son car:- safe, sane driver. Main 557S. 4-5-7-PASS cars and limousine. $1.50 rone rates. A 6701. Main 5135. NEW Dodge 5-pass., $1.25 per hour. Phone Dogs, Birds, Iet Stock. ENGLISH SETTERS FOR SALE. Thoroughbred English setter puppies, 2 months' old. lust right to take awav: grand-dauphters of Count Whltestone and JsanmeDrooK J oe, yu. Phone Main 2141. Machinery. EQUIPMENT FOR RENT AND FOR SALtf. l M t-CL, Ot MACH1N ERY CO., 1505 Yeon Bldg. Main 0705, A 3330. FOR SALE: Large Yorkshire boars, ready make immediate ship Ranch, box 729, Route for eervice; can merit. Coldstream 2 , Gaston , O r. JERSEY cow, ti cari old, will be fresh Feb- ruaiy; win sen tor (oo. ao l-ront st. FROM 1 to l'o dairy cows, terms. Bruce, Union Stockyards. L 15-3, Oregonian, Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rnt; 3 months for $0 and up; 6 months rent applied on pur- cnucio price, nemmgton .typewriter om pany, sti Broadway. Portland, Or. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash. St- TYPE WRITERS, all makes, $10 to J65. The ivonnwest Typewriter Co., 262 Stark at. NEW, rebuilt. second-hand 231 Stark st. rentals at cut rates. P. D., Main 1407. OLIVER typewriter agency is now located tt ..'M oak st. Phone Broadway Iti-i. Launches and Bouts. LAL'NC auto top. electric eauinmenl house, snap. ySO. leaving town. M. 5uw. Jllticel 1 aneouft. WE BUY. sell and exchange all kinds of second-hand and rebuilt National cash registers. fc.asy terms. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. 352-354 Burnside, cor. sta. Broadwa 1816, A 1816. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, all make. vUl be closed out. Drop neaus, o and up: "x tops. and up. S. S. Si e gel. two ston.u 333 Al- oer st., and Aider st. SEWING MACHINES, new and second-hand. saie or rent, up. sewing Machine em porium. iu 3d 4st., near Taylor. Mam 4il A 3626. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and snotguns; cameras. kodaks and lerust bount, sold and exchanged. liochfeia Cani'.Ta Exchange. &5 3d st. BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom and Docket billiard tnMs xnrl hntvtr.i alleys and accessories; easy payments. The .reruns wick-uaiKejoi lender Co., 40-4S 5th ELECTRIC MOTORS for sale, trade or rent: expert repairing. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnside st. Broadway or A 5674. CASH REGISTERS. slightly used; our puces ar lower. Cash Register Exchange. a51Vs Washington st. Main 60tf. A 360ti. ELEC. MOTORS FOR RENT. FOR SALE. B. E. DAVIS 4t CO., 103 E. Water st. East 3146. B 2330. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon; per gallon, SI. 10. Portland Paint Co., gSO Front st. Marshall loo. FOR SALE Old English sheep dog, male. 4 years o;d. r ull pedigree. Inquire 2 to Murnside. Phono Broadway 4955. SEAL coat, size 3C. short; price $20. Tabor o40. FERTILISER; well rotted cow manure for eale. V e deliver. pnone last z&bl. HEATER for wood and coal, sell cheap. 25iJ Clackamas St. BEARING size apple trees. 50c each. ell Nursery, lacoma, Wash. $20 BUYS diamond necklace lavaliiere. 320 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale price. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d st. Main 797. FOR TALE Bicycle. iu good condition, $10. rnone 1 abor 122 s. W AITED M ISCELL A N EOU S. OR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or Bell household goods or anything in the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware &. Furniture Co.. -221 Front. Phone A 7174, Main 9073. WINTER home for horse, for buggy and light work; right party may have her until late Spring for upkeep. Address John H.. Boyd. 454 Alder st. Phone Main MISH FURNITURE CO.. 14 lSL. Main 5768. 184 1st. Call on us and get our estimate on your furniture and household goods before dis posing of eame. WANTED Piano by man and wife, no chil dren; will care lor same tor privilege 01 using ; best of refeiences; East Side. -n. 1S, Oregonian. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 832. A2567. STANDARD FURNITURE CO., Main 4773. 1S2 1st st. Main 4773. Pays best prices for your furniture, etc. W A NT ED ALL KINDS OF MERCHAN DISE, showcases, on ice iurniture, house hold goods stoves. Main 44ij. 128 First. WANTED At once, 5o H. P., 220-v., "ll-phase motor; state iuii particulars. j Joi, Ore gorn an. WANTED On- second-hand triple mirror; must be in good shape. Address AV 27i, Oregonian. SECOND-HAND clothing buyer. J." Meyer, tailor, pays more for rlothing. shoes. Call M a-'aiia 11 1 22 22 WM a d ison s tree t. RESPONSIBLE company would like to rent Ford with delivery body by suonth. Tabor 4203. WE tint rooms for $2..V); do good painting work. t. haries O'Mara. East 323. I BUY ladies' and men's clothes ; pay the highest prices. Broadway 3U32. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price" for your furniture. 204 1st. Main 4627. WANTED National cash register. 616. 351 V4 Washington st. Main HIGHEST prices paid for furniture of :i descriptions. Main 309. Kline's. UOS First. I WaNT to buy candy-making outfit. What have you? Box 376, St. Helens, Or. WANTED All kinds of records and phono graphs. Main in 44io. ls let L STRICTLY American dealers in used furni ture; square deal our motto. Sell 1682. WANTED Ducks; will pay a little better ihdu market price. AV 257. Oregonian. SCALES Portable ar dormant; state si xe, privo and location, juu ALt, Oregoaiaa. WANTED- M13CELLAX EO V 8. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. We pay the highest price for ladie' and gents caat-off clothing, bicvclea ana everything in merchandise. Call us p. "W need It and will pay for it. GLOBE STORE. 23 First. Main un0. Mala C0S0. VV CALL PROMPTLY. THE GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 1S5-187 First SC win buy good used furniture ranges and household goods; phone for an J 81. 1 w 1 lu our ouyer. Maxshall ,AGE t'RTZ FURNITURE STORE, 207 FIRST ST. 307 FIRST ST. Marshal 587. We buy your second-hand furniture, ctoves end other household gac. Highest Prices Paid. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C A. loung men seeking employment in com mercial, clerical or technical lines are in vited to consult the employment secre tary. The service of this department is free to all members. To non-members, a special membership Is issued, costing o per annum, giving the service of the de partment for a year two months' futl privilege and a refund of the membership fee if satisfactory employment u not se cured. y. M. C. A, AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night ci asses; expert training tn repairing, driving and machine work, including forgu, lathe, shaper. drillpress, etc; time unlimited. Secure at Edu cational Office- Y. M. C A. oldg.. to in spect our shops and methods. Competent chauffeurs and mechanics supplied. CENTRA LI A store wants all-around, experl enced men's clothing and shoe salesman and good window trimmer who is willing worker; eUeady position, but no fancy sal ary, state age, experience, reference and expected salary. P. O. Box 206, Cen traiia, Wa.h. ELDERLY and middle-aged men to sell high-grade roses, shrubs, ornamental ana fruit trees; complete outfit free; liberal commissions weekly; expense provision provided. Ornamental & Fruit Nursery Co. Box 217C, Wapato. Wash. LOOM FIXER wanted by Oregon Woolen Mills, Oregon City. Or. loUNG man to work in wholesale plumb ing supply house as stockman ; must be experienced In this line. Reply in own handwriting, giving references, age and wages havo been receiving. O lbb, Ore- MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make money selling our hardy, guaranteed orna mental and fruit stock; cash weekly; part expenses provided. Washington Nursery -o.. Aoppenisn. w ash. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teacn you the barber trade in 8 weeks ; tools free ; position guaran- teea, paia wniie learning, lias d, nr. Main EXPERT automobile repair man. als cap- ane ot aoine ail Kinds machine worK contract shop. P. li. Brader, Havre, Mon tana. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION Good opening ior ciean-cut man, under 3U. Must pro vide bond ot $lu00 and give references for last 5 years. For appointment address tnj- i!s. oregonian. HA VTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. Oregon's oldest, best equipped and most practical school. Day and night classes. 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. COMPETENT door patche.-s wanted; steady worts ana goou. wagers. Apply to ttemy McCleai y TTimber Co.. McCleary. Wash. MAN to work in real estate office; steady wortt: can maKo gooa wages; vou 1 quired. 247 H Couch et. WANTED Two wood finishers, experienced on furniture work. Carman Manufacturing -o., 11- Macadam ave. SALESMAN to handle candy line in the city; good territory; correspondence strict- iv confidential. i if, oregonian. WE pay highest cash prices for men's sec- ond-hand suits and overcoaut. Phone uroaaway jooo and wewui call. WANTED Young man t trade. $31 Mississippi ave. learn barber PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony studio. Royal bldg. sielp Wanted Agents. AGENT You can make from 18 to $10 per uAjr . , apctjin nouuuy oner. van uy cs: Studio. 4U4 W ashington at. Help Wanted alrauen. WANTED A live salesman, acquainted with tho fish and oyster trade in Portland, to handle an out-of-town account. Perma nent position for right party. Address AV 27''. Oregonian. WHY sell Inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED .ova saleswoman; please do not apply except experienced in glove department; permanent employment, good salary ; applications from out-of-town in vited. Lennon's. WOM EN Government clerks, $70 month. Portland examinations coming. List posi tions obtainable free. Fraukiin institute. Dept. 7u3 H, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Refined, sponsible position. Pittock block, 5S5 capable woman for re Vlavi Company, 4-3 Washington. Sanitary Beauty Parlors Cellege for ladies oniy; maKo yourself independent with good trade. 4u-412 pekum bldg.. 3d and Wash. HINSDALE'S Commercial School. 502 Or pheum bldg. (Empress). Individual ln structions; positions when capable. M. 154 WANTED Girl for light housework; mod erate wages. Apply 2J4 College st,, cor ner 5th. NURSE wanted for child; must sneak French. Apartment 47, Trinity Place. Mar. 1115. GIRLS. 17 years or older, to learn compto meter, 3 months course, $4., terms; only wide-awake girls wanted. 3i'o Morgan bldg. WANTED A general housework girl ; goou wages ; no laundry. Apply us Trinity Place, between Washington and Everett. EXPERIENCED fire insurance policy clerk to suostitute ior a montn. p l'j, Ore Ionian. WANTED Experienced girl for big-time vaudeville act. Phone Main S251. MISS MATTIXGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand. Typewriting. S6 mo. 269 14th. Mn. 3393. ilRfj or general housework-; four 5 E. Morrison. before 10 A. l. o GIRL for general housework. Apply 7S4 Pettygrove. LADY solicitors, salary $1 a day. commis AV 274, Oregonian. sion and railroad fare. LEARN beauty culture. Sum me r rate. Columbia bldg. Graduate Paris. Berlin. NICE horn-; in exchange ior assistance witn nousewora. bcnuyier st. FAMILY HELP, $20 to $:0: others. Howes Agency. 35 2 7 o W as h i n g t o n. Ludies NURSE wanted for child. Must be French. Apartment 47, Trinity Place. Mar. 1115. HELP WANTED MALE OR FE M A LE, MOLER BARBE R COLLEGE want mn and women to learn the trade; tuition re duced; paid while learning, diplomas is sued to graduates. :v cohere; 22 years in business. Write for catalogue A, 48 N. 2d street. FALL term begins now; men and women to learn tne namer trane in weeks; posi tions guaranteed, tools free, paid while learning, tuition reduced; expert instruc tors. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison. WANTED Men. boys and girls to get a Co-operative Barber haircut for lu cents. Shop, 1:20 2d st. COMPLETE course stenography. 60 days. night and day classes. M. 35J5. M. 4137. SEE Octavius, Lyric Theater, Sunday. HELP WANTED MISCEL LAN EOU8, j, 000 M rx and women to become U. S. Government employes; $75 month; vaca tions. Common education sufficient. Write Immediately free list position now ob tainable. Frankiln Institute, Dept. K, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Men to try examinations for Government jobs, $70 month. Common education sufficient. Apply immediately. A V 22::, Oregonian, KA.ILWA Y mall clerks, p. O- clerks, car riers, exam. ionn, parcel post demands many more clerks: act at once. Paciiic State School. McKay bldg.. city. SITUATIONS WANTED MALA. Miscellaneous. " NEAT appearing boj, i, thoroughly exper ienced iu delivery, desires worii; A-l ref erences. Main 751. A 1517. MAN AND WIFE (Norwegian), both exper. iH-neeti n Iiirm. want piace for the Winter; ran milk. Main 7U5I. A 3 517. l'oUNG MAN, single. thoroughly eiiced. wants janitor or' elevau A-l references. Main 7051. A 1517 experi w ork ; A-l CARPENTER wants work; reasonable fee; references. Main A Iol7. PAINTING, carpenter work. remodeling. cneap by contract. r none etiwood b7. EXPERIENCED janitor wishes position; good references. L 15, Oregonian, KEE employment. A2230. CO X. 4th Japanese and Filipino. YOUNG MAN wants place to work for board and room. Phone Main 5US3. EX PER I ENCED janitor war.ts position for board ann room. AJ lt. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS auto repair man and driver. touriAfi cat or truck. A 1. OrcgomuA. SITUATIONS ffAXTED-MALE. Al iscell a neo a. nnii?--K cp; wants position on Sert ,contry Plce. man poultry vTX bl? to transfer your place into paing modern poultry plant. Wife good n.anager ana cook. Norwegian No chil dren. Answer v mi r. ?i nd wUe want work on farm, woman to do cooking and housework, man to do general farm work, or cau take full charge. tint Jert'ter!ettCe: tuil PCUA Address Box 2I Oregon. Hi5 rafcn' 2 'tars of aserwants posltUm on fruit orchard; five years' experitjice. understands thoroughly pruning sway ing and cultivauou; good milker. Av '. Oregonian . M"hi 'iIld German; wis positioiv. hotel, restaurant or boarding-house, city S'iffhn.lry: man BOOd- "round cpoW: LQ?egonianaitre C Ch"' F .CHAl'FFE UR and wife will m ork together; am experienced man; best references. Wife educated; experienced governess or maid. We understand our business; will wuj. AiLL-BOtiHD man, with large familv to support, asks on!y for day work- experi enced cement worker; references. Main Main Tt'ol. A 1517. . 1DOWER, experienced farmer, wants work; has three children and wants to keep family together; references. Main 0-'l. A 1517. 411 Commercial block. BOY Is years old. attending school, wants situation to work for room and board. Not particular what kind of work. D 1S4. Oregonian. FIREMAN, competent, used to all kinds of -uel. wants position. hotel, apartment bouse or anywhere in the citv. Address G. Anderson. 44S Taylor st. Marshall 160S. RE LI A BLE man and wife will manage small apartment-house in exchange for an apartment. Excellent references, S IOLNG MAN bookkeeper, employed, desire to assist some one or write up set books. 1 or 2 hours each night. AE 1S, Orego nian. STOCKMAN and wife on stock ranch: 00 wages; sober and reliable and thoroughly experienced. 471 E. Burnside. Phone B 2;;ii. WANTED Place on farm n-ar Portland for a strong, willing boy, 17; clean habits. $'0 to $15 month. Address Malcolm Youn g. 7 SO E. 20th. TOUNG married man. sober, industrious, wants work. References furnished, first- i-iass teamster. A Ft im, Oregonian. RELIABLE man wants position as stock keeper or saie?man. Auto Co. AM 17a. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR and flrst-clas raan for pri vate place ; Al references. AM 1SS. Ove EQttian. YOUNG man. milk driver, wishes sijnilar po sition or other work. Address A. V., l&eet Rhein, v.S2 Front EXPERIENCED boy. IS years, wants wqrfc on farm; good milker. Phone East 632. 3i2 1 E. Morrison st. MIDDLE-AGED man. active, willing, waiis work as dishwasher or kitchen helper; very low wagea. AE 1-S7, Oregonlam. YOUNG MAN, Danish, wishes position In creamery or dairy, country preirred. AD i;. Oregonian. YOUNG man, 20, licensed chauffeur, wants work driving or repairing ; garage pre ferred. 8 E. 6th st. WANTED Position driving Ford delivery. J taxicab or jitney. Phones, Broadway 507 ii I or 4S1 1 or A 2573. AL TO repairman an-1 driver wants work; A-l reference; will cc nside1 acvthlng; reasonable price. S 3 63, Oregonian. WANTED Position by two men as wood cutters and clearing land. Geo Hedrech. box 2, Lents. Or. ALLAROUND butcher wants work in coun try ; 20 years experience; references. AG 1 7o. Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wants positios as house wo. kit or cook In family. All 12, Qiegoniau. JAPANESE Free Employment Bureau! A 107J. Jap, Assn. of Or. 218 Henry bids;. CA R PEN TER foreman wants work, day or contract. Sell. 1359 JAPANESE boy wants work in tamiiy. Route No. 1, box A, Hillsdale. Or. glTLATION3 W'ANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. COMPETENT stcnorrapher, experienced, will work small salary. AK lesi, Otcgo nian. EXPERT stenmypist wishes position, two year--,' experience; small wages to -.tart. Phone B 3tIM. STENOGRAPHER - BOOKKEEPER wishes position; experienced in several lines of fice work. Marshall 5S33. BOOKKEEPER going to night school would like position for experience, w it la small wages. Phone Main 7 SO 7. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book-tjffj-iT dfsiri-s position. Tabor 1"33. lrei6 makers. DR ESSMAKIN'i reasonable ; cloaks, euits, gowns, alterations on reaay-to- ear gar ments; from San Francisco, phono B 23lO, evrir;gs. CAPABLE, reliable woman wants dress making; $1.50 and carfare; references. Main 7n51. A 1T.17. DRESSES .made over, alterations, ladies and children: rapid work. Reasonable. R 1S5, Oix s o n i a n t D R ESS MAKER of long experience would like work in family; $4 per day. Phone Main &320. EXPERIENCED fashlhonable dressmakerat heme or by the day; price reasonable. Phone Main 1472. room 21 2. A 47S1. FASH ION ABLE dressmaking; reasonable; home or day. 301 Buchanan bldg. Main 0513. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing by day. Tabor 2"51. CAPABLE nurse will take maternity or other cases; reduced rates. BD lis 4, Ors gonian. PRACTICAL young woman wishes immediate work; good domestic and nurse. AO .183, Oregon lan. INVALIDS and confinement cases taken la physician's private home; best care; terms reasonable; close in. Phone East 5023. WANTED Position by an experienced child's nurse; good references. Marshall 1700. Phone. PRACTICAL nursf, hospital training, wants to taKv care 01 invauus. 1 loo, oregonian. TRAINED NURSE wishes invalids or chil dren to board; reasonable, bell wood 244. FI RST-OLASS practical nurse; ready now. J IjST, E K41S. Housekeepers. WIDOW wants position as housekeeper for one or more men; can taKe tun marge or a home; reference. Address AV 270. Ore gonian. YOUNG lady wishes position as house keeper or assistant with light housework where she can take her piano; C. S. pre ferred. H li7, Oregonian. REFINED, capable woman desires house - keeper s position in mot neriess lamiiy. Mrs. M. Knapp. 207 E. 20th St. N. MIDDLE-AGED woman. Swedish, wants do. sitlou as housekeeper for men or widower with children. Main 7051. A 1517. HOUSEKEEPER in widower's f am fly by young, responsible woman. AK 1S5, Ore- gonian. RELIABLE woman wishes housekeeping for lady employed during day. AM 185, Ore gonlan. LADY ' men ; ill keep house for man or cook for country. Main 2751. Domestics. NORWEGIAN GIRL, attenuii;,; night school, wishes housework or sewing in shop. Woodlawn 3517. GIRL wants general housework in small family. Call or write to 90t Garfield ave., Portland. EXPERIENCED Finnish girl wants gen eral housework. Pettygrove St., near 1 d. WANTED Po: lion as Tirst-ciass cook, Vt references M ln 3'40. YOUNG Swedish girl wishes to astTst wSih housework. East ."iG'j 8. FI KST-CLASS ook in private family, city references. AD x, Oregonian. COOK wants position where I can go home nights. AE 3Sb Oregonian. M iftcellaneon a. YOUNG girl wishes to assist with Kght housework for hoard and room and small wages. Main 7051. A J517. WOMAN wants work washing .Call Woodlawn 41 IS. or cleaning. COMPETENT LAUNDRESS wants work Saturday: referenct-s. Woodlawn IttLL RELIABLE, experh need young lady w itb. references wants day work. C 3087. EX PER1ENCED waitress w ants work. Call Main r.6-"4. COOKING and serving, wd dings, dinmrs, I u n c heons ; references. Tabor 317. WANTED To read f-.y the hour to invalid or for dictation. I.ast 1471. DAY WORK, washing. Honing and clean imc. Columbia 120. liELlABLE woman wants day work: 2-"s an hour; Al references. Main 7051. A 1517. WOMAN wants work by the hour; w-wri. iron:n?r, cU-aning. Phone East 4o.-,. ii'N I'l'A-1 r":CF.n cawrer- parties, dinners! luncheon. ast &S2, evenings.