TTIE MORXIXG OHEGOXIAX. TnUTtSDAY. JtXLY 8. 1915. - -4 I s I C i PORTLAND, OREGON. Entered at Portland. Oregon. Postofflca as second-class matter. Subscription Rain Invariably In advance: (By Mail.) TJaily. Sunday Included, one year Uaily. Sunday included, six months.... 4.23 laily. Sunday included, three months. . li.-o 3-aiIy. Sunday included, one month . . . . . .ia lJally. without Sunday, one year 6.U11 iJaily, without Sunday, six months..... .Z5 iJaily, without Sunday, three months... 1.7 3 "ally, without Sunday, one montii o WeeKiy. one year l.fiO unu'tf( one year ...................... 2.iu bunclay and Weekly, one year a.Oo (By Carrier.) Iaily, Sunday Included, one year...... V.00 Tjaily. Sunday included, one month .73 Hov to Remit Send Postoffice money or der, express order or personal check on your local ba.ik. Stamps, coin ir currency are at sender s risk. Give postofflce address In lull, including- county and state. Postage Kates 22 to IS pases. 1 cent; Is to 32 pages. 2 cent; 34 to 44 pages. 3 cents; to to tio pages. 4 cents; a2 to To pages. cents; 7S to t2 pages. t ceuta.. Foreign post age, double rates. Eastern Business Offices Verree A Conk lin. Brunswick building. New York; "Verree A Conklin, Steirer building. Chicago; San Francisco representative. K. J. Bid well. 742 Market street. PORTLAND, IHlKSDAr, JULY 8. WIS. PROFIT ANO CONSCIENCE. The Rev. Charles F. Aked, an English-born naturalized citizen of the United States, and Walter Rauschen busch, D. D., a native-born American of German descent, have joined in issuing- a protest and plea concerning the shipments of arms and ammuni tion by private manufacturers in this country to the belligerents of Europe. Aside from the novelty of the collab oration the two divines have brought out little on the subject that we have not heard before. An example Is the familiar story of how the people prayed for peace and then counte nanced lucrative trade in products which "feed and stoke the fires of destruction." But possibly the most remarkable argument in the protest is the fol lowing: We are also told that an embargo under the present circumstances would work hard ship for ;reat Britain and her allies only, end therefore would have an unneutral bear ing. The reply is plain; the exportation of arms under present circumstances also works hardship for one side only, and has a still more unneutral look. Why individual acts of private citi zens have a more unneutral look when advantageous to but one side, than an affirmative National act which is also advantageous to but one side, is not explained. Wc doubt that it can be. In any event the thought is presented as sound logic that one form of tin neutrality is properly cured by adopt ing another form of unneutrality. It Is not a "reply" at all. .It seems to us that those who dis cover hypocrisy in a combination of peace prayers and war profits stop too soon. If there should be an embargo it should be a complete embargo. Food is as important in war as pow der. " If it is our duty to act as well as pray, let us do it with thorough ness. Tet Dr. Aked and Dr. Rausch enbusch would stop shipments of weapons that aid the cause of war and remove all -obstructions to shipments of food which keep up the fighting strength of the belligerents. - And thoroughness includes more than a mere embargo during war times. If an embargo on arms is Jus tified at all, it is justified only onhe grounds that war for any cause, on any provocation, is wicked and that he who feeds war and the neutral na tion that permits its citizens to feed war are wicked also. In time - pf peace wise nations prepare for war. Conscience on this hypothesis can be -cleansed only by national prohibition of the manufacture of every device or product that can be used in organ ized human slaughter. (,OOI) Mt'SIC AND BAD. Josef Hofmann, the celebrated pianist, says he does not believe that "modern music is "on the same level, . -mentally, emotionally or artistically, with what has gone before." It Is '.composed, he thinks, very much as 'some critics aver that the short story of the current magazines is manufac tured, by wholesale recipes. "Com Josing seems," Mr. Hofmann remarks acidly, "to have degenerated into mu sical milking. The cow stands there. .Bring your pail, apply the method 'known to every milkmaid and farm land, and, presto! there is the prod--tict," fugue, sonata, symphony, what .you will. ' - It is not to be expected that a per . former who plays music manufac . lured in this way will stir up much 'emotion In his audience. They may .admire his wonderful technique, but they will not weep over his passion, or the pasion will not be there. Mu sic which is composed for show, like short story which is written for -"style." will win shallow admiration, . liut will make no appeal to the deeper feelings. To performers who think .only of the money they are making this is no objection to modern music. As long as it pays well they are satis fied. Josef Hofmann thinks the bank ac count plays rather too large a part in the aspirations of some of our musi cal geniuses. Devotion to that allur ing deity leads them to make im proper concessions to "the popular itaste." stifling conscience for the sake 6f hard cash. and. like other showmen, dealing in humbug instead of genu ine values. But still Mr. Hofmann 'has intelligence enough to understand that popular taste is not necessarily .bad taste. Musicians of less note make this blunder so frequently that -it is cheering to see him escape it. 1 The public is perfectly able to "un Tderstand and sympathize with" the tpest music that ever was composed, fuch, for example, as Beethoven's and especially Mozart's and Handel's. All ' they need for this consummation is an t opportunity to hear It oTten enough to J learn its beauties. What- passes in common parlance for "the public's J miserably bad taste" is nothing in the world but lack of opportunity to learn t good music. It is noteworthy that purchasers of talking machines soon -come to prefer what they call "clas--sical pieces" to ragtime and other bal derdash..' Musical performers are apt to de ride the public for not liking that sort u" music "which appeals to the love of sno- and technique. V.'nen they find tn.t this sort of stuff is not popular tr.ey go to the other extreme, which is Just as bad but no worse, and. give their hearers music hall trash. Be tween the trash of Strauss and vaude ville ragtime, the latter is. In our mod est opinion, somewhat the more lauda ble, but why give the public either one when there are the exhaustless stores .f Beethoven, Bach, Mozart and a hundred other sane composers to draw upon? Such composers as these would be more popular than any spinner of ragtime melodies If the common peo ple could hear their works often ' enough to learn them. One must. In a way, know such a piece as the "Son ata Apassionata" by heart before It can be appreciated. What audience of plain people hears it often enough, for any such effect? IMPUDENT. Why there should be any hesitancy over a decision on Mr. Daly's latest water scheme is beyond honest com prehension. The people by a large majority rejected the meter plan. Now Mr. Daly proposes that a policy be adopted which clearly means that all water consumers, including those that object to the useless cost, shall be taxed to supply those who want meters. In other words the verdict in the last election against meter installation is to be construed as nothing more than a poll of the people to determine who shall have meters and who shall not. Those who voted yes on the ordinance shall have them; those who voted no shall not. Unless a referendum Imposes a moral obligation upon public servants to abide by the will of the people we might as well abandon direct legisla tion. The people have expressed themselves clearly against an expendi ture of their money for meters and against the further expenditure of their money for the costs of meter maintenance and meter Inspection. To disregard the will of the majority even In part would be Impudent, reac. tlonary and a grossabuse of delegated authority. LETTING Til E PCBI.IC KNOW. No doubt the suggestions made by Mr. Bryan the other day to the news paper editors assembled at San Fran cisco were received with the kindly spirit that always radiates from a business or professional man when told how he can better please JUs pat rons. Mr. Bryan expressed the conviction that newspaper articles and editorials should always be signed and that the editor's financial interest In. policies advocated should be stated. Come to think of it, is there anything which the public Is more clamorous to learn than that a tariff story, for example, was written by Reporter Smith, the headlines by Copy Reader Jones, and that the editor is quite convinced that in his editorial comment ha H advo cating the only remedy for the high cost of his own living? Yes, there is. Who knows but that the harsh things the editor writes are the product of indigestion rather than sound thinking? He should be re quired to state what he has had for breakfast. A MAGIC KORSEMIOK. One never knows what he may find inside a tree. At a sawmill near Vancouver the other day they found a horseshoe to their sorrow, for It was deeply Imbedded and stripped off the teeth of the saw that was devouring the log. Some boy. had nailed the horseshoe to the tree years and years ago and the wood had slowly inclosed and hidden it. Where is the boy now? Would he be willing, and able, to pay for the saw that his youthful pastime ruined? What did he nail the horseshoe to the tree for? Was it to make his luck perpetual? It is well known that a horseshoe lying In the road will bring bad luck if you pass it by untouched, but if you pick it up and nail it to the barn door or to a tree, goodness and mercy will follow you all the davs of your life, or at least until the talis man is displaced. The chances are that the boy who nailed the horseshoe to that fir tree near Vancouver Is a millionaire now, but in our mind's eye we see his for tune slipping away since the cause of-f it has been torn from its secret bed. Tne 'loss of a big saw is not the worst consequence of disturbing the magic horseshoe. There is also, very likely, the family of a Wall-street magnate reduced to penury. LAST OF A "DESERVING DEMOCRAT." A welcome, sequel, probably a con sequence, of W. J. Bryan's resignation as Secretary of State is the resigna tion of Mr. Sullivan as Minister to Santo Domingo. He was permitted to resign after Senator-elect Phelan had brought into a lurid light his utter un fitness for any diplomatic office. We may now hope that the United States will be represented at Santo Domingo by a man who will not stir up revolu tions or seek fat contracts for his friends. We may also hope that the Dominican customs service will be administered in the interest of Santo Domingo, not of "deserving Demo crats." The change from Secretary Bryan to Secretary Lansing should make itself felt In a higher standard of service among our diplomats. Mr. Bryan's first care was to appoint "de serving Democrats," their qualifica tions as diplomats being a secondary consideration. Mr. Lansing's record warrants the hope .that diplomatic ability - will be first considered and that we shall have no further cause to blush for the antics of our representa tives, as we have for the deeds of our so-called diplomats in Greece. Rou- mania and Santo Domingo. As Mr. Lansing has attained his high office by sheer.merit and not at all by po litical maneuvers, so we have causa to expect that his subordinates will obtain advancement by the same means. There is a prospeyt that the merit system will ax. tin prevail, as It did under Secretaries Root and Knox. That this should be so is particu larly important in the present condi tion of international affairs. Our rep resentatives in the capital of every belligerent country are caring for the interests of that country's enemies. Unless they display great tact, they may cause friction with this country. They may become the medium through which the first overtures for peace will be made, and on their skill may depend the success of negotia tions to end the war. No particular objection will be raised to deserving Democrats provided thev are compe tent diplomats. EXTENDING ORIENTAL TRADE. While attention has centered re cently on South America as a field for extension of our foreign trade, there is cause for gratification In the fact that steps are being taken for its extension in the Orient. Such a step is the establishment by the American Express Company of branches in Ma nila and Hongkong, following upon the visit of the Chinese Industrial Commission to the United States. The time is as opportune for exten sion of our Oriental as of our South American trade, for commercial cur rents have been as much disturbed In Asia as in South America. British and German merchants and bankers have had a strong grip on the trade of China, and the aversion of the Chinese to change made it difficult for Americans to get an opening. Nevertheless American .capital has turned In that direction In Increasing volume. Commerce with Europe is now seriously Interrupted and that continent Is In a poor position to finance Oriental trade and enterprise. Necessity, If nothing else, causes China to look to the United States, but good will and confidence go with ne cessity. Under American rule Manila, too. has become a great commercial center, and may become the trade center of the Orient, for Americans at least. Branches of American banks and of express companies doing a banking business will exercise a powerful lev erage in breaking Europe's grip on Chinese and Philippine trade. Busi ness being carried on mainly by Euro pean banks, exchange is made In Eng. iiwh pounds, but American banks act ing as Intermediaries between Amer ican manufacturers and Asiatic Im porters can make American dollars the medium of exchange. If some means could be found by which the banks of the Pacific Coast could co-operate in the opening of banks In the commer cial centers of the Orient. trans-Pacific commerce would receive a great stimulus and Americans would get a hold o.n the trude which Europe could not easily break. THE BE.1T NOVELS. There are three kinds of novelists whom everybody In the world rises up and calls blessed. The first Is the man, or woman, who writes a moving love story, pure and true, with a happy ending. The second Is the author who gives us a good story of adventure, it may be adventure on- a desert island, or of a detective In pursuit of some adept criminal. That makes no difference. What we want la "mov ing uccidents by flood and field." The third benefactor Is he who writes: n story that makes us laugh, or at any rate diverts the mind from its gloom and lures the heart to forget its trou' blcs. Such a book was "The ''ugitlve Blacksmith." which appeared years ago without any successor. Another book of this beneficent species Is "Ruggles of Red Gap," which the crit ics have praised very slightingly, but everybody w ho reads It recommends It to his friends. Some current novel ists have forgotten the difference be tween a story and a sermon. Others give us what they call a. story and It turns out to be a treatise on philoso phy or sociology. We ask for the bread of recreation and they give us the stone of abstract theorizing. -We have no quarrel with sociology, philosophy or mathematics. They are all good In their places. But a pure and .unadulterated story is also good in Its place, and when a book pretends to be a story it Is a sin and shame to make it anything else. Stories have been the Joy and consolation of mis erable man from the very beginning of his pilgrimage through this vale of tears. The Finns in the depths of their dark Winter sometimes sit for three whole days without food or sleep listening to the bards recite lays of love and war: The Arabs of the des ert want no other recreation than to lie on their carpets lr the sand and listen to the interminable tales of their poets. Everywhere and always grown men and children crave stories. It is not style that they want, nor plot, half so much as action and feeling. There Is plenty of feeling in "Little Red Riding Hood" and plenty of action In 'The Treasure Island." The Tact that the latter has style is a mere accident. A hundred people read it for the ad ventures to one for the style. OCR NAVAL EXPANSION PI.ASSS. When Congress meets, one of the most serious problems to be solved by it will be how to apply in the naval programme the lessons of the war. Has the submarine rendered the dreadnought practically worthless as a weapon of offense or will It become possible to combat one submarine with another, as the destroyer was perfect ed to combat the torpedo-boat? Can battle cruisers be made of such speed and mobility in maneuver that by vig ilance they can defy the submarine? Can aeroplanes and dirigible be Im proved for effective use against sub marines as well as against surface craft? Some authorities are so Impressed with the achievements of the subma tine that they would cease building battleships and would trust entirely to submarines for defense of the coast against invasion. But they .fall to take Into account the possibility of further inventions which may impair the defensive value of the submarine. Every invention in naval warfare has been countered to some extent by an other Invention. A battleship may yet be built with such protection of Its hull as to be proof against torpedo attack by any submarine now exist ing. Some metal or combination of metals may be found which will com bine strength with lightness and can thus "be used to armor a ship throughout.' Battle cruisers may be built which can dodge torpedoes by swift maneuvering and out run submarines or run them down before they can submerge. Devices may be used which will detect the proximity of an underwater enemy before it comes within torpedo range. One or all of these possible discoveries may prolong the usefulness of the battleship, as It was prolonged by the destroyer after the torpedo-boat was thought to have doomed it. Before wo place our sole reliance fr defense on submarines, we must also be assured that they cannot be successfully attacked by the Invaders submerged craft. Such craft have be come larger, swifter and have ac quired wider radius of action, though to the latter cause have probably been attributed long voyages which were made possible by secret bases of sup ply along the way. They may yet be able to cross the Atlantic, and they may acquire such surface speed that they can outrun cruisers. One sub merged boat may be enabled to en gage another submerged If these possibilities were realized, a fleet of transports might bring an in vading army under convoy of a fleet of swift submarines and the latter might attempt to clear the way to a landing place by sinking the subma rine patrol. In such a case the best defense would be a vigorous offensive. We might send out seagoing submarines to engage like craft of the enemy in mid-ocean. If battle cruisers could be built on the plan described, they could go out also to attack the ene my's battle fleet and submarines and to sink the transports. We cannot safely wait until we have learned all that there is to learn from the present war. We must reinforce our Navy In the light of the information now avail able, and. while we should certainly enlarge our submarine flotilla most extensively, we cannot with safety suspend entirely the building of other craft. , On one point there should be no hesitation the construction of many aircraft for both Navy and Army. While Secretary Daniels Informed the House committee that all attempts to get a good type of aeroplane have failed. Great Britain and Germany have each built 1400 such craft, France has 900 and Russia 1000 to our twenty-three. Trfese craft have proved of immense value in recon naissance on land, in locating gun po sitions for the allied fleet on the Dar. duncllea and In raids across both sea and land against communications, transport, munition factories and stores .and reserve troop. Notwith standing many-disasters. Zeppelin air ships have raided England and France, and one of them overhauled a Dutch ship at sea. The British navy has converted the forward deck of a ship Into a starting and alighting sta tion for aeroplanes on the Darda nelles. While we have been awaiting the perfection of aircraft and have only recently let a contract for six hydroplanes, the belligerents have been doing their best with what Is now on the market, and that best has proved remarkably good. 4 Congress would do well to follow their example. The time Is not ripe to abandon any type of vessel heretofore ust-U in naval warfare, but enough Is known to Justify prompt action In 'strengthening our Navy In those points where It Is obviously weak and where other navies have de veloped new strength. The chief of these are submarines and aircraft, but we should add tenders for such craft, and auxiliaries. In which we are lamentably weak. Before they got a share In the gov ernment. British Tories opposed re striction of liquor traffic In munition making arras. Now that they share the responsibility for producing muni tions, they Join In adopting restriction, having learned Its necessity. One work man Is quoted as saIng that shell makers work 110 hours a week. Men cannot work at that pace unless all their faculties are alert, and they are not alert when the brain Is fuddled with heavy English sle. We carnot understand why a man should hang himself to keep from get ting married, as Herbert Werner did. There are a great many less danger ous was of escape. The man who kills himself to avoid a prospective wife Is Just about as wise as the girl who married a suitor "to get rid of him." Both of therrl "would be the better for a little more sense. Branch public libraries have been so popular that the art museum man agers are taking a hint from them In Boston and other cities. We shall soon see infant, but not Infantile, museums scattered here and there, the thriving offspring of a strong central Institution. Art. like books, must go to the people In order to win their love. The Cmr must have labored hard to overcome his pious scruples before cementing his new alliance with Japan. The troops who are to come to his rescue are the same "heathen" whom he bitterly denounced a few years ago. i;ut misery makes strange bedfellows. Evelyn Thaw's availability for the vaudeville circuit will be greatly en hanced by her new experiences. To be arrested and perhaps Imprisoned for her devotion to her husband, or the want of It, should be worth J500 a night for a month or two. at least. There was too much grandstand play about the Montenegrin recruit ing In this country for Uncle Sam to tolerate it. If King Nicholas agents had quietly given the recruits tickets to Canada, with a tip to go singly, thero might have been no Interference. There Is a state law concerning thistles that applies as well to vacant lots. Ere long the pest will bloom and the down find lodgment. If the owner of an Infected lot cannot cut his weeds, the hand of authority should be laid on him. If a day's fighting by the British nets the capture of only 200 yards of German trenches, the armies will all be doddering old men before the Ger mans are pushed out of France and Belgium. There Is material for Interesting speculation In the question what Hora tlus of the bridge would have done had tho Gauls made an air raid on Rome. The Montenegrin Is In hard luck who would right, and Is In detention on tho opposite side of the world. It must be due to German plotting, of course. A while ago the grain was burning east of the Cascades, but the rains descended and tho grain Is saved. Does anybody think this la due to chance? Ninety-five of the 1J3 graduates this year from tho Monmouth Normal have position already. It Is possible Cupid has an ee on the others. What if the Germans did take a Standard fill liner en route to Swe den? They will pay for and keep the oil. which Is tho end sought. Postmasters have tho strongest In ducement to be boosters, for the In crease In thrtr salaries depends on the growth tf their towns. The sweet pea Is not as regal as the rose, but It fills a niche In the floral kingdom that would be sadly vacant without it. If Dave Eccles had. died poor. It Is likely the Geddes boy would not look like him. Dollars make a difference. The bustle about midnight was oc casioned by Llnnton and St. John moving Into the city. If the Russian ships aim at Sweden next time they get Into a fight, they may hit Germany. lessen I'eak is becoming as badly torn up as Louvaln and Ypres. Russ Chamberlain keeps his Job and all's well that ends well. In a few days tho fez will be tho popular "lid." s Portland U bigger than ever today. Holt's wife was the lucky person: Holt lasted two long. Stars and Starmakers Br Leooe Cm Ilaer. Because of the movement of British men singers to the front positions are reported awaiting American chorus men In the English capital. London must be entertained even In time of war and opera, grand and otherwise, retain Its perennial attractions and is ever In demand. Male singers are scarce In Europe Just now and Amer ican chorus men need feel no compunc. tions In accepting Jobs over thero. Not only have most of the English men singers enlisted and left their native) shores, but those) who remain find themselves unpopular. Some havo even been hissed and hooted at because they have not given their services to their country. , Anyway. Just as long ak the chorus glrla stay In America, most of us don't give a hang whether the chorus men go to Hallux or the North Polo. Just to show to what extent the eternal question of suffrage la being considered In Rtllinss-on-the-Yellow -atone, one. of the papers display the following advertisement: To, the eufrrsreMes: Kvrp-lncf adm!ts that a tjropertv owner should hate a legal riant to vote, lie a prorty owner. Hat a real rtvht t. vrte. and make munejr besides. Kir io to i.V.O earn lots will probably be sold within a few blurka of the Leaington. I read a true fable In a metropolitan exchange the other dny. It seems that once upon a time, beginning In the or thodox and prescribed way of all fa bles, a Broadway manager (all Broaosay managers are promi nent) produced a musical comedy. It was a regulation musical comedy and after the manner of all prominent Erondaav managers, particularly of musical shows, this one sallied out fre-n the theater to the lobby at the end of each act to ascertain the opinion of the public as reflected In the verbal hints of his friends and colleagues. Friend No. 1 thought the. play was a great "hit." However, ho thought that the principal comedian's wit was of a distinctly low order. Otherwlae tho "show" was great. Friend No. 2 waa equally enthusiastic. He was of the opinion that Che come dian waa "the fi:nnlest ever"; but tio music h something fierce "Let' have something on tho Viennese order." he said. "Yon remember the success of Tho Merry Widow don't you? WM. let a havo something like that." Other wise the "show" waa great. Friend No. 3: "Wonderful show. -ld man." conflJed this one. "Kxceller.l comedian, tuneful music and all that; but why on earth didn't you get better alnaer? Never saw such a punk col lection in my life. Klre the whole bunch. But outside of that, old chap, the show Is great.' Friend No. 4 opined that tho come dian was very good: music tur.eful. slnalng One. But the dancing O. ijntA'. Much Micks. "May. old man. don't put on any more of those nno antiques with gennlno Chippendale, leas." But other wise, he concluded, the show was great. Friend No. 6: "Kverythlnjr good." said this one. "comedian, muilr, alnr Ing and dancing. But what waa the guy who wrote the hook thinking about? Simply rotten. That cr.p Wouldn't write nds for a Third-avenge tore. Otherwise, between yon and tne. the show-'a flreat." Friend No. thought it waa a won derful performance. Everything to the good, comedian, the music, alnglnx. dancing and libretto. "But I tell you. the fellow who painted your scenery should attend the art institute for a couplo of hundred years. Otherwise the show ti great' The P. B. M. listened to all t!iey had to say; listened to them and betan a season of watchful waiting. The mu sical comedy turned out to be the blc gest hit of a season. And the fable ended as all good fables should, by pointing a moral. In fact it pointed a conpla morals. To the critical friend: Opinions aro good; experience Is better. To the theatrical producer; -Hearken not to Irresponsible chatter; watch the box office receipts. The last curtain has fallen for two old timers known In Pacific Coaat vau deville. John C. Ulce. ono of the part ners in tlie team of Rice and Coher.. died a short wnilo ago in Phlladephia and Jack McGreevy. of tho two M.--ttrcevys. Ikis Just passed away at bin home In H.aumont. Tex. John C partner waa Ma wife. Sally Co hen, and their comedy skit have ms.-Ie laughter for 20 years. Prior to thrlr association In vaudeville Ulco waa af ri lulled with William tOld Iloss) Hoey and Georne W. Monroe In farce Mc Greevy. with his squeakv fiddle, and Sally McfJreevy. blowing a dilapidated horn, hnve umimwi for yenrs with their inalr.t rural comedy. Thev last vis ited IVitlund over tho Orphciim cir cuit about a year ago. McGreevy had been ailing for years. e m I-w Fichis. who visited Portland as Theodore Hoonevrlt via the Orpheum Just before It dosed, la rehearsing "Hands l"p." which Is to be rerlv.-d and ultimately given a New York hearing-. Irene Franklin has been added to the cast- a The baby girl of Irene Franklin and her husband. Burt Green, has been named Reno Elizabeth. , Natalie Alt. who rnme to the Pa-lflc Coast aa the prima donna In "The J-n. ker Girl." la heading tho "Girl Who Snides" company, now In rehearsal. Tho production is to he launch' I Au gust 2 by II. e Times Producing Con pany. Geortte Baldwin Is In the com pany; so la Lillian Spencer. Florence Moore. Isle of tho team of Moore and Montgomery, has idace.l herself under contract for a number of years with Philip Rartliolomae. She will onen at tho Palace Theater Chi cago, with 'be V Inter Garden h-M V.a.d in Amer.cfc." with which ehe in to be f.L.tvte-1. New York la not to see r-c unMt January, when h will be with a musical comdy wr:t:en by Mr. t-xt tholi.mac. Florence Moore was In Portland tw- se.isons tto In "Hanky Panky" with her rui '.and -partner. Montgotn -. They'xe hem wed nearly a 'Jo Sen ycnr.t. la-i M.-.cluren sailed from San Fran cisco for AiitralU on Tuesday. He has hern engaged by J. f. Williamson. Ltd.. of Australia, for a tour of tho AnCt ode in h. group of American plavi.. in cluding "tin Trial" and -Inside, the. Lln." lonely lie naa been Having wltn the Granville Barker prcdu t!ni and prior to that he was In the suipr of Margaret Anrtin. appearing In Portland with her In her Shake spearean revival. e Bertha Mann, who was In Portland aa the loading woman in "Today" und who baa been for a few months head ing the stock company at tho lioval Alexandra Theater. In Toronto. will leave tho company next month to b---gin rehearsals for the Sclwyn produc tion. "Kolling Stones." I.wmesshwra mm Diplomatic (erss. BAKKIt. Or.. July 7. (To the Edl-or- What embassy at Washington represents the Grand ' Duchy of Lux emburg and who Is the representative In Portland? CHARLES BOOHAC. Tho diplomatic corpts list does not show Luxemburg aa represented. Frltt Klrchhoff. German Consul here, ays there Is no representative of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg In this district, and that so for as he knows, thouch he Is not positive of this, tho German Ambassador, Von Bornsturff. Is the represcnlatlvu at Washington, D. C. AS TO WAIt'S EFFKCTS . D CI RK Some Tslssi Aro Aakcd Bealdea Dally of llMtllltlea. EAGLE CREEK. Or, July 4. (To the , Editor.) Noting the belligerent lone of your editorials for some time. I am moved to reply. Your criticism of tho correspondent of a Philadelphia paper particularly has moved mo to attempt soma readjustment of your mental ma chinery. Jack Reed said In his (recount of the first re a J battle he saw in Mexico that -nothing waa ao monotonous aa a bat tle." We do. indeed, wish to know every day what changes havo taken placo In the fortunes of tho contending armies, but wo want the accounts to be aa concise and brief aa possible. The summary In Tho Oregontan la excel lent, i But the chaneea which tho British government I being forced to make in tho Industrial organisation of that na tion are of far more Importance and Interest, cither from the standpoint of the dullest laborer, who ran ace In them only tho personal changes It may mako In tbo condition of other workers, or that of the. thinker who questions whether they aro tho beginning of a new social order. Moreover, whichever party wins, w arc face to face with tho necessisty of building a social structure w l.lch will mako a repetition of such wara be tween civilised nations Impossible. Wo bar a Inherited from a remote, savace ancestry an Instinct for con quest. When Industry has made It su that conquesta Impoverish us. through the fact of our having crippled the in dustries of our customers and those w ho supply us with the necessities of life, it Is time to amputate our moral ap pendix and persuade our neighbors to do likewise. Any moemem. plan or hope of realising this la news, great news, and that Is what the Philadelphia man was asking for. The fanatical tepalr of ignorant Itussian peasant, the clear, accurate thinking of Norman Angel!, tho yearnings of hosts of wom en, all la news. when, according to a newspaper phrase. It transpires. Now. .M r Editor, you ore giving us mighty little of this from the front. I do not mean that you shut the column of your faper to philosophical disqui sitions on these questions, but what dt tho Russians think of them, what will tho Gorman people do? Will England consent to a world concert, with equal rights and privileges to all nations In tho undeveloped countries, and will she consent to abandon her naval poll-y of being the "mistress of the seas?" I know you do not havo tho material In the shape of newa dlspatchea to ehi us lo answer to these question, but the same expenditure of money and brains would provide It and give at least as much Insight into the ultimate solu tion aa the war d. snatches give toward showing the final outcome of the war. which la what the man from Philadel phia wanted. Finally, without meaning so much ai to suggest that wo- must not be pre pared to defend ourselves, how ran we persuade our savage neighbors, who are determined to expend the resources of an empire to -west equal opportuni ty to trade with a bunch of hotlentots from us. that in tho end. with peace ful commercial methods, the same na tion will win aa would have won in war. and all parties will bo tho cot tho river of blood, the perishing wom en and children's tears ahead? How shall we restrain our commerclnl ban dits from committing us to tho sum policy of protecting their hopes of business monopoly by war "at any price T We want the news. CHESTER L. CHAMBERS. We do not by any means underrate the Importance of tho Industrial and social changes which are being wrought by the war. but tho lone of the Plilla delphlan'a letter Implies that the writer thereof would bo bored aa much by news regarding them as he waa by news of the dally events of the war. It Is precisely because of the effect w-hlcn the war Is having and will havo in the manner Indicated by our correspondent, aa well as In other respects, that we .think tho dally progress of the war should Interest every thinking person, t'ndoubtedly the Industrial change which are being worked out in Britain ore of Interest and they receive atten tion In the newspapers. Our correspon dent will find, on referring to our nlca though he calls our editorials belliger ent in tone, that we have not been re miss In discussing and advocating means of making war Impossible, bur that is not what the Philadelphia man asked for. Utile comes out of any bell gerent country except Britain on these aubjecta and little la likely to come until the people's attention ia turnwl from nuhtin. press censorships arc raised and a decisive result hna boen reached. The Oreyonlan will continue in the future, as It has yi the past, to publish all the news It can gat on these subjects. The warring nations are prrauadiug themselves In the mot effectual way possible that war la waste and that the winners lose. I'nles we aro greatly mistaken they will have become aa tame a lot of people as waa ever seen when they finish fighting and they will present such a spectacle of misery, bankruptcy and desolation that no "war at any price" -party. If there be uch a party, will dare to lift Its head In th.a country, much less In Europe era Qwallflca tlwwa la mmt a. PORTLAND. July T. t To the Ell tor.) Are the negroes in the Southern Stales disfranchised? If so. In what states and for what reason and when were thev disfran chised? A. P. WRIGHT. Many necroea aro disfranchised In Southern Stales by indirect methods. Louisiana provides that voters must be able to read and write, or own t3nn worth of property assessed In their name, or bo persons whose father or grandfather waa entitled to vote on January I. Il. The last qualification has recently been declared unconstitu tional by the Cnlted States Supreme Court. Mississippi has a literary test. North Carolina has a literacy test and the. "irrandfsther clause," South Caro lina has m literacy test and a. 9304 property qualification. Georgia provides that voters must have paid all their taxes since 117. Tho object of such laws la to prevent negro domination In elections. W rk ww t tasks Railroad. WAU.A WALLA. Wash.. July S. (To the Editor.) Kindly inform me If It Is possible to get any kind of employment on the Government railway In Alaska. K. L A. Government acents have Riven notice that there ia no demand for labor on the Alaska railway construction that canot be filled with men already on the ground. Satlowallty of f Itssabtaa, j PORTLAND. July T. iTo the Ed I- ; tor.) What nationality was Columbus? Waa he of Jewish descent M. K. Columbus was an Italian. Although there la a vague Intimation In history that he may have been of Jewish de scent, there I slight evidence to sup port the peculation. The Hattle'a Tress Louisville Courier-Journal. "Marriage la said to be a contract." "Ye, and It Is about the only con tract wherein both parties can set uti strong claims to getting the wo rat of Half a Century Ago From The Ornonnn. July 8. IsCi. Tho New Bedford t Massachusetts) Standard Blves us the Ir.f ornialion that tho manager of the late Southern Con federacy, to Imbue tbo riMi:g Confed erate generation's with a ene of tho nationality und of the Con federacy, took great pain, und one of the f.rt steps was te preparing of school books. One of thrse series 1 called tho "Palmetto Scri"-," I'rlnc a geography for beginners by t!ie Rev. K. J. Stuart. The bock purports to bo publlshej In Richmono ana in tne n i -visions of countries nn.l races na s. among other things, that Ann ma i divided as follow: The Oonf eilers ! e the I'nlted States, etc.. -.c. In the list of important cities cf the -ilcl.e Richmond is placed next to I-andon ard Paris. There Is much other Ihteri .-: in-;. If hardly accurate, lore in the set ir. Prcf-id-nl Johnson has initiated ii-.anv pithy and memorable j)lni.-. w hi. h seetn to strike the kevtiote of the pop ular feeling. The President uttered another one to a reiei.t leathering ef l'enn- wl.o vi-itcd him on Frld.iv. in the co'.it- of h:s tenia? k to their Mokenafi. Ju-itfc Lewi. Johnson Mill: "Mercy la. I., en -.lain. '-t Us now t-iUe are tht Justice Is not sialu -I'ltf." To a railroad Ihtmtli the w hole leneth t.f ureeon an. I f-ir into Ci' Is a t upemlou-. undertaking hut It I very certain lo be performed Orfson Is not rich rmuich to carry the enter prise through alone. n-1 for that re.i-.on cnpital muM come from elsewhere. It will devolve on us w 1 o want this rail road to rhow them w l.n m.;y o -Imposed to aid In building It. I ! s I it l an investment for tnoe-.-v will prove remunerative. Whenever it can b -.hown that the hu-mej. of the state will justify the expenditure, then tho work will .e n-irt..! The SMitMnaii. down the Valley, eem t- Ihlnk Port land 1 ,,ppoi-er to the bul'.li.-.e of this, roa.t. on tlie g roi-p I that it ml-: lit be a dr: r mien t to Port'-ind Th.-l lew i wronir Portland is willing to t ike it chances. Build tho ro.-id und let u s--e what places flouri-h in. .el an. I attain the no.l importance Mastet John W. Poll mm. of Walls V:la. bss gone f r in that p. see to the I'nlted Sllr MliiMrv Ac.Klemv at Wetf. Point. He was appointed thrtMisii Mr. Cole, late P.-licil to Congre.-s. fiom Wahihgton Territory. J. t". I-eonard has recently hi rived in this citv and propose to open rooms for the teaching of pen pi.m 1. ; p. book keeping and drawing. The pr'nters are cider obi-gallon to Ceoree .1 M. Kath- h for a supply of pure, cold ice. It U re f re.-h I n in hot w eather. Geoi g has some of n for s'e. S-nator N'ea-r-tth. Secretary Mo- and Judse Stratton are at tie-ent -.topping in the city. B. F. 1 'on el. K-n.. of the Ore-ton Sentinel. I heie aUo. Twenty-Five Years Agt FrMi! The Orrtnniin. July . 1 f'V Baton Rouse. La. loun-.-.n.-i's brave Governor couhl not be bribed. Ho re turned to the Hotie ester. I iy. the lot tery bill w-ilhoiit bis. npproxal. Th" Governor In his veto tne-a read a scailnnir rebuke to the niaruo of the Legislative Assembly. R. S. Pngiic. of the I'nlted States Signal St ice. ha, just Issued his crop bulletin In which he sas that from observations made the crops will be, bountiful In this section again. The hot weather has done very little dam age. On account of the extra tr parationa necesaary it will be lnilioa--tble to pre sent the attractive opera. "Girofle Girofja." until th evrnlnc of July 1". at Do Shetley's faino. At tho Mar quam last nlcl t May Irwin aaatn cap tivated the house in "The City Direc tory." At Cor.lray'a Theater Theodore Roberta did a most artistic piece of work In tho strong drama of Russian life. "Tho Romanoffs." W. J. Mulkey, who was elected to the I-eglslature from Gilliam Ootirty. has moved his family back to old Polk and this will bo their future home. The latest Issue of Truth In !.on.lon contains bitter complaint about the way in which Americans ate taken up by the Prince of Wales In exclusion of Knulish lad:e. Tl-I. is only a rejec tion of what I everywhere being said, t'nder whatever lnem!vc. tho femi nine toileta reach unheard of luxury and costlines this ye..r. N-i:ral flow er have given way to flowers niTde of rare Jew els. At the close .f the InstaCsflon of new officer of Ianhoe lorlce. No. 11. Knicht of Pythla. last night retiring Chancellor Georco River was present ed w-th a handsiinie gold chain and K. of p. charm. Joe Isy. the Portland deteetlvo who went to New berg. New Yoi k. some two weeks aco to brine back t'oiuractor f"oyle. the absconding debtor, la havtnir no end of trouble with hi man. Pav got to Newberg all rli:ht an.l secured paper to bring hi man back, but to le, who had some ir.i.oi. presuinab'y laken from I is victim out here, se cured some aecomm.wla t inir lawyets who soon found flaw In the p -e r . The matter ha gone before the Su preme Court there anl I'oyle may wrlsule out of arrest. KKH oKK AMI FirT. FIT aether Way lo Mrt Fire llfi Oil Vtllbowt llawaer. P iRTLANP. July T.--tTe the Edi tor.) Having read Mr. Wehst.r letter on a safe way to stait tire with kero sene I would like to mention another safe way tl'at will do aw-ay with the possibility of uny one trtng to icoir a little keiosepe in the allies la the hearth of the stove. As to his su nest Ion. If some people, would get out c f their supply of truly . mixed ashe In their csn. many of them w-tiuld be templed to pour a little kerosene In the ashes In the ash box or hearth of the sloe. which would be very apt to caua trouble, if the ashe were xcry warm. A very safe wav to Ilchl fires bv the use of kerosene la to take a plee-e of romruin building brick about thre'e Inches long and about I i-s inches quare. twist a piece of wire around It. leavinc wire about eieM or nine Inches lonir to form a handle; then take a quart tin of some kind, such as a tomato can. put enouch keroviic In to cover the piece of hrlrk. let brlrk slay in can. when not In use. Whe-n lighting fires. Iicht the bri. k and put In hearth or acalnst grate bars, and yon hae a perfectly safe way of lighting fire wlih kerosene. 11. .1. WAliU Sail vVith the Wind, Mr. Retailer If on know aeihine about a boat ou know it Is easier to mako procress sailing with the wind thsn In tacking against It. In own case. Mr. Retailer. It means moving with popular demand. If the manufacturei advertise their good in tl Is newspaper It means business. If on show these newspaper ad vertised goods and give them to the public when It ask for them you are aar.lng with tho win.!. And the port of our oe Is tho Port of Profit.