Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 24, 1914, Page 18, Image 18

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Coast States, Colorado and
Ohio to 3e Won, Say Men
of Flying Squadron.
Governor West and Mayor Albee on
Band to Greet Prohibitionists at
Station Two More Parties
Are Jue Today.
Fredictions,were made freely yester
day by members of the first division
cf tho Flying Squadron of America
that the three Pacific Coast states,
with Arizona, Colorado and Ohio, will
go "dry"' at the coming election and
that the Prohibition forces will find
themselves strong enough within two
years to demand and obtain from Con
gress the submission of a nation-wide
"dry" constitutional amendment, the
passage of which also was confidently
When the train bearing the first di
vision arrived at the Union Depot there
was a delegation, including Governor
West and Mayor Albee. on hand to
greet it3 members, only two of whom,
however, had left their berths. They
were Rev. D. V. .Poling, formerly a
Portland minister, and his nephew,
Dan iel A. Poling, of Boston, president's
associate. United Society of Christian
Endeavor, also a former resident of
Portland. A third member of the di
vision. Dr. Clarence True Wilson, also
is a Portland man, although his head
quarters as secretary of -the temper
ance society of the Methodist Episcopal
Church are at Topeka, Kan.
' Portland Twenty-fourth City.
Portland is the twenty-fourth city
and Oregon the tenth state that the
first division has "made" since begin
ning its tour at Peoria September-- 0.
Jn this time the members of the divi
. sion have spoken before a daily aver-
- age of 2200 persons. They came to Ore
gon from California.
"Arizona is going dry," said Dr. Wil
son at the afternoon meeting at the
P.ose City Rink, Bast First and East
: Morrison streets, "Southern California
will come up to San Francisco with a
majority of 25,000 for the dry amend
ment, all the dry northern counties will
come down with majorities, the eastern
counties will go dry and perhaps Sac
ramento, so that we will have a wall
of dry majorities surrounding San
Francisco, the city that is supposed to
be an equal compound of Sodom, Go
morrah and hell, the city that a self
respecting earthquake tried to swallow
and vomited back."
Liquor Interests Accused.
Dr. Wilson said that he believed the
.liquor interests would give $5,000,000 to
keep San Francisco wet, so that they
"could prey on the men and women of
- the Nation during the exposition.
"Everything looks bright," he said,
and who knows but that Orecron. Cali-
fornia, ' Washington, Colorado, Arizona
and Ohio will all go dryr
Daniel A. Poling, at the afternoon
meeting, gave the history of the Fly
ing Squadron, whose purpose, he said,
is to strengthen the hands -of every or--.
ganization working for National pro
.. hibltion. ,
There was little allusion to local-pol
itics in the addresses of members of
- the. squadron, although Dr. Wilson said
that if the dry amendment should carry-
in Oregon, he felt sure the law would
be enforced. i
The speakers pointed out that in
i their number were members of all po
litical parties, and there was applause
when Daniel E Poling deoJared that
"if a political party is not brave
" enough to declare itself on this ques
tion it is not fit to live.
One Is Conservative Republican.
Dr. Wilbur F. Sheridan, of Chicago,
general secretary of the Epworth
Leagues of America, said that he was
a .Republican and a conservative one,
and that in times past he had not con
sidered it wise to bring the liquor
question into politics.
"But I feel that now is the psycho
logic hour for Nation-wide onslaught
against the saloon." he said.
- "I want to warn the women of Port-
land against something that rs almost
sure to happen on election day here.
continued Dr. Sheridan. "If Portland
salooniets are like those of other cities.
there will be attempts made to do
lot of repeating. Plug-uglies, thugs
. and toughs will be rushed in automo
- biles from one polling place to another.
- I'll teli you what the women of Kan
as City did. They stood at the polling
places with cameras, ready to take
- pictures of the repeaters, who were
unable to stand that sort of thing and
were driven out of the county."
trtBBe Fig-urn Questioned.
Dr. Wilson replied last night to ad-
vertisements printed in Portland pa
- pers relative to the Squadron. He said
that statistics printed by the Taxpay
ers ana wage-fjarners' League were
He said that Kansas, "that nabs
every man at the first symptom of
staggering, . only arrested 766 in the
year 1913. while California arrested
67,000 drunks and disorderlies last
"In Oregon we could not count them,"
he said, "but in Portland alone we ar
rested S000 drunken men for disor
' derly conduct, and it is known that we
never arrest a man for drunkenness
provided he will lie still and is not i
danger cf falling up.''
Dr. D. V. Poling is the sincer of the
- squadron and A. W.-Ropper the pianist.
1a Niamey r eiiows Is secretary.
. Other Divisions line.
The second and third divisions, which
Mill arrive today and tomorrow and
nuia meetings aneraoon and evening
i uie nose juy KinK, are as follows:
Second division Clinton N. Howard,
Rochester, N. Y.. orator and lecturer
Mrs. Culla J. Vayhigher, Upland. Ind.,
president Indiana Woman's Christian
Temperance Union: Charles M. Scan Ion
rjiisuurg. r-a... general secretary tem-
, perance board Presbyterian Church
hverett R. Naftzger, Indianapolis. Ind
musical director: Hugh .Porter, Marlon,
Ind., pianist: Miss Laura Shave, Dan
ville. Ill, soloist.
Third division J. Frank Hanly, In
. dianapolis. Ind., ex-Governor of Indi
- ana: Oliver W. Stewart, Chicago, for
mer member Illinois Legislature: Dr.
jra Lanaritn. Nashville. Tenn-. Dresi
dent Ward-Belmont College; John B.
Lewis, boston, Mass., former membe
- Massachusetts Legislature.
Kiiglnecrs and steward to Leave for
- New Vork anit Otliers Iisband.(
The engineer and steward of th
; Eanta Catalina will be sent to Jfew York
at the expense. of W. R. Grace and Com
pany, owners of tbe ship, but the sail
film :itil
A ' if
mi hiV Tirn
rs. firemen and such members of the
crew, who have been paid off. are free
to act for themselves. G. M. McDowell,
the Portland agent for the line, says
the Government officials at Washing
ton telegraphed what procedure was
to be followed with the crew as regards
ransportation, and the company has
abided by it. "tV '
To the Diamond O interests has been
awarded a contract for pumping out
the Santa Catalina and a start was
made yesterday afternoon. .- It is be
lieved that she will be towed from
Columbia City, the scene of the fire, to
Municipal Dock No. 1. Wednesday and
there her cargo will be removed. When
the ship is empty a complete survey 'is
to be undertaKen. As the -company is
order certain men of the crew to
New York it is assumed that they will
be signed on a chartered vessel to sue-
eed the . Catalina temporarily.
Steamer Schedule.
Name. Trora Da's.
Gee. W. Elder. .....Eureka. .......... In port
Hose City. -Lob Angeles. .....Oct.
Breakwater, ...... Coos Bay. ....... .Oct.
Yucatan. an Diego. ...... -Oct.
..Los Anselea...... Oct
Ho&uoke. ......... San Diego. ...... .Nov.'
Beaver. ......... ..Los Angeles. .... ..Nov.
Num. For Dais
"Sale. S. F. toL. A..... Oct.
Harvard .8.F. tol A. Oct.
Geo. W. Elder..... Eureka ......Oct.
h.iaxnatn. ban LMego. ...... .Oct.
Breakwater. ...... Coos Bay. . ..... ..Oct.
Hose City. ........ JLos Angeles. . ... -Oct.
Yucatan. .San Diego. ....... Oct..
Bear. ...... ....... Lxs Aneeles. ..... Nov.
Hoanoke San Diego....... .Nov. A
Celtlo ...... San Diego. ....... Nov. 4
Multnomah. ...... .San Diego. ...... .Nov. 6
Willametto. ....... 6an Diego. ...... .Nov. 6
uoaver ... ..ios Angeles. ...... Nov. 7
Northland. ....... .San Francisco. ..Nov. 8
Yosemite. ......... Ban Francisco. ...Nov. li
ban Kamon. ...... &an Francisco. .. ..Nov. 10
Name. Prom Data,
Mer.oDethshir. .
Den of AlrUe . . . ,
. London. Nov- 1
. London Nqv. 4
XfODdoo. ......... N-. li
For Data
..London. ......... Nov. 10
London. ......... iov. it
Londcm. ......... Nov. s
Den of AlrUe. ...
Name. - For TJata
Thos I Wand. ... .Skagway. ........ Oct. 3
Quinanlt. ......... Skagway. ........ Nov. . fl
Major Morrow Inspects Tillamook
and Xehalem Jetties.
There -will be no work held up on the
Tillamook, and Nehalera Jetty projects
during November unless weather con
ditions force a shutdown and if the
plants operate longer depends on
whether storms are experienced. Major
Morrow, Corps of Engineers, U S. A-
returned yesterday from both harbors.
Dumping of rock is In full swing.
The Dalles-Celilo Canal work is re
ported advancing with a large crew
employed and every- advantage will be
taken of prevailing favorable weather.
Heavy snow or severe cold this Winter
and high water in the Spring are the
only obstacles feared on that job. .
Ll-ht Vessels Will Change.
Important advance notices were is
sued yesterday from the office of
Henry L Beck, inspector of the. ljth.
lighthouse district, as follows:
Umatilla Reef light vessel to be temporar
ily replaced on station and relief light vessel
withdraw about October .4. Tne station ves
sel will be temporarily replaced by relief
lisht vossel about November 12. 1914. Relief
lisrht vessel will show lights and sound-log
signal; having the same characteristics as
those of tne station vessel.
Swiftshure Bank light vessel to be with
drawn temporarily aud relief light . vessel
placed on station about November 1. Relief
lipht vessel -will show lights and sound fog
signals having the same characteristics as
those of station vessel. The change win oe
for a few days only.
Marine Notes.
Reports that the Portland-Alaska
steamer Thomas L. Wand passed out of
Puget Sound yestefday prompted the
company to announce that she" would
be in the harbor ready to discharge
salmon shipments tomorrow rooming.
She will be started for the north again
Arrangements were concluded yes
terday for the British ship Queen Eliza
beth to 'leave up from Astoria today
bound for Linnton to discharge bal
last and proceed here to work grain.
To work lumber for Australia the
British steamer Strathden shifted
yesterday from St. Johns to the East
ern & Western mill.
To be cleaned and painted, the ship
tranla was lifted on the public dry
dock yesterday afternoon and is to be
floated and, in the harbor so as - to
begin receiving grain the first of the
Collector of Customs Hughes, of
J uneau, Alaska, passed through Port
land yesterday on his way home from
a recent conference of collectors-from
all parts of the United States, whicn
was held at New 101k. While in th
Hast Mr. Hughes was granted a leave
- I ?
- ii
1c, " 2
iJ &XV&t
of absence' for 30 days, so he visited
after the meeting in. different cities.
Work of building roads and making
other improvements in the Crater Lake
National Park have been stopped for
the season by Major J. J. Morrow.
Corps of Engineers, U. S. and yes
terday the engineering force engaged
in that - work returned to Portland.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND, Oct. 3. Arrived -Steamer
Geo. W. Elder, from Coos Bay. Sailed
Steamers Multnomah, for Ban Francis jo;
Willamette, for Pedro, via way ports; Bea
ver, for San Francisco and San Pedro; Ne
braskan, for New York, via way ports.
Astoria, Oct. 23. Arrived at 4:30 and Jef t
up at 6:30 A. M., steamer Geo. W. Elder,
from Coos Bay; sailed - at 11:30 A. M..
steamer W. F, Herrin, for Gaviota; at 1:30
P. M., steamer Olson &. Mahony, for Ban
San Francisco, Oct. 23. Arrived at 5 A.
"Vf. , steamer Yucatan, from San Diego;
steamer Yellowstone, from Portland; sailed
at 7 A. M steamer Kentuckian; at 8 A. M-,
British steamer Oristano, for Portland; at
11 A. M., steamer Nehalem, for Portland ;
steamer Bear, for San Pedro. October 2
Sailed at 1 P. M., steamer Rose City; at
5 P. m., steamer Atlas, ror portiana. Ar
rived Japanese steamer Kongasan
from Otaru. for Portland.
Cristobal. Oct. 22. -x Arrived British
steamer Ecclesia. from" Cardiff, for Port
Tatoosh. Oct.- 23. Passed at 7:30 A," M.,
steamer Thomas L. Wand, from Skagwas
and wav oorts.. ior roruuoa.
San Francisco, uci. xj. Arrive a steam
ers Alaskan, from New York; Yellowstone,
from Columbia River; Grace Dollar and
Balboa, from Tamalpais; Clare mont, from
Grays Harbor; Carmel, Willapa, El Segundo,
from Puget Sound. Sailed Steamers Ken-
Lick lan. for Portland; MiiwauKee, ior Lon
don; Nehalem, for Portland; Admiral Dewey,
for Seattle; Rainier, tor Ludlow; snna xaa,
Gamble. Shoshone, for Grays Harbor. .
Ralboa. Oct. 23. Sailed Steamers-iinglisn
Monarch, from Seattle, for Dublin; Daventry.
from San Francisco, ior Maaeira: j. u luck
en bach, from San Francisco, ror mnaaei
phia ; St. Helens, from San Francisco, for
Now York! Ohioan. from Portland. Or., for
Philadelphia; Oregon ian, from Tacoma, for
New xora.
Seattle. Oct. Z3. Arrivea ateamers con
gress, from San Diego; Admiral Dewey, from
Fan Francisco: Latouche. Seward, Alameda.
from Southeastern Alaska; Merionethshire
(British), from JUonaon; Awa Jaaru (jap
anese) from Hongkong. Sailed Steamers
Governor, for San Diego; Richmond, ior baa
Francisco. -
Colombia River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD, Oct. 23. Condition of the
bar ai P. M, : Sea moderate, wind west
four miles.
Tides at Astoria Saturday.
Hirh ' LOW.
5:09 A. M...6.3 feet I 10:41 A. M...3.T feet
1 :ltt P. M . . .S.4 teet 1 l : f. a.. . v.i
. Marconi Wireless Reports.
(All positions reported at S P. M.. OctoDer
Z3, QDiRHI oinrrwuv twj,mMw.
rinvArnAr Kattle for San Francisco, off
Bush Point. ' , , ,
A ilmina 1 Evans, taeaiiie ior
Northwestern, left Tatouche for Seward,
Rose C san r fuutiatu iui
NorthianU. Kainier ior jvnjitou,
above Astoria. co.ti
Oliver J. Olson. San Francisco for Seattle,
a ,v, rr r-niDmhia River.
p,pnrinn ' Seattle ior Ban r mutJD:u, w"-
Richmond. Seattle ior mcamuuu,
from Richmond.
Herrin, Linnton for San Francisco,
ji t rnlnmhlft. KiVr.
vtrtaH Seattle ior ome. iw Mint
of TJnimak Pass. October S'J.
usrB?itt s&ttle for San Francisco, lo-
miles nortn 01
ttiBJi. Pan Francisco ior rurmiuu,
miles nortb of San Francisco.
Ttnch. Llnnton ior jaonuatj,
322 miles
.w r-i,.m Vila River.
Celilo, Portland for San Francisco, 20 miles
soutn or uap enuw.n .
Lansing. Port San Luis for Juneau, Alaska,
o-,a tiA. nrh nf Ann Francisco.
. . rt, - Tj TTiiloi north
ArRyi, wicuiii w "v ,
of San Francisco.
Kramath. Seattle tor cau -a"cSu,
south of Cape Bianco.
Kalrnn Kan FranciSCO I or -O' nui.-,. uu
Edgar Vance. an r ranowu iw .ew
Oleum. San Diego tot Port Harford, 228
miles from Port Harford.
Newport. San r rancisco ior iaiuu,
mlles south- of Pan Francisco.
Wlndber Bp I ncnam ior .iw ior, o.
K nf San Francisco.
Aroline, San PTancisco ior cn rcui, '
miles east of Point Concecioo
VVnr ck San fearo ior runnna, a"
miles south of San Francisco.
Santo. Maria, Honolulu for Port Harford,
10 miles from Port Harford.
Hyades. Seattle ior nonoiuiu, mnw
from Cape Flattery. October 2--' r
MatSODia, Honoiuiu ior om.u
miles out. October 'I'l.,
Roanoke. Portland fop San Francisco, lo
miles north of Point Arena.
NorwoDd, Grays Harbor for San Pedro,
off Poin t A rena.
Admiral Schley, San Francisco for Seat
tle. 23 miles north of Point Reyes. -
St. Etson. Tacoma for San Francisco, off
San Francisco light ship.
Nann Smith. Coos Bay for San Francisco,
60 miles north of San Francisco.
Coronado, San Francisco for San Pedro,
ft v- miiu .11111)1 of Pieeon Point.
Bear, Saon Francisco for San Pedro, 3o
miles smith nf Point bur.
- Yucatan. San Francisco for Portland, two
miles. south of oint tteyes.
iniprimn Tndicul Btudpnts are wanted
kU the new Calcutta School of Tropical
UOPT One Boston bull pup. answers to the
-name of Bob; ftnder kindly return to 3i4
Kast Burnutde. Panama Buffet, East
Glitre and Centurion Taken for
European Cargo.
Arragements Made for HeaYy Ship
ments of Grain ana Breadstufrs
to Europe and Movement Ex
pected to Last Until 1915.
Activity in baying and shipping cer
eals, principally to England, is in
creasing and with it the engagement
of new tonnage is occupying attention
of exporters, who begin to feel that
really big movement of stuit is on
that will continue until January 1 at
least Two charters were made yes
terday, the Norwegian bark Glitre be
ing taken by Strauss & Co. for De
cember loading, the cargo to be fur
nished by the Northern Grain : Ware
house Company, and the British ship
Centurion was engaged by M. H.
The Norwegian boat reached Valpa
raiso SeDtember 18 from Newcastle.
She is said to have been offered here
at 32 shillings and before she was
closed for the Strauss interest 31s 3d
was bid. The Centurion is also at Val
paraiso, where she arrived Juiy 26
from Geelong. She Is a vessel of 1704
tons net register and the Glitre is of
1594 tons.
Instead of straight wheat cargoes-or
wheat asd barley, which has been the
rule for the past few seasons, wheat
and flour is to form the cargoes of
many steamers and some may work
full loads of the manufactured prod
uct. The Brjtish steamer Ecclesia.
coming to the Portland Flouring Mills
Company, will take a part cargo of
flour and may load to capacity with it.
The British steamer Gowanburn
was shifted from the stream to a berth
at the Portland Flour Mills yesterday
to take On 20,000 barrels for the United
Kingdom, that ia being shipped by
Kerr, Gifford & Co. Aboard the Brit
ish steamer South Pacific, which is to
sail at noon today, will be 6000 bar
rels that goes to Cape Town. South
Africa, being the first shipment to
that region from Portland in several
years. Both steamers will complete
their loads with wheat.
The Norwegian bark Semantha fin
ished loading wheat at the elevator
yesterday and went to the stream and
she leaves down tomorrow in tow of
the steamer Ocklahama. The British
steamer Ventura de Lorrinaga shifted
yesterday from the Eastern & Western
mill, where she was lined, to the North
Bank dock to load a full cargo.
There are said to have been heavy
sales of flour that will be moved reg
ularly and It is inferred that the de
mand is largely tor the use of the
army of the allies. No new life has
been injectedinto the Oriental market,
but a big shipment of flour is to be
made shortly on the Japanese steamer
Kongasan Maru, which arrived at San
Francisco from Otaru Thursday and
will proceed here when discharged, be-
ng expected to get away early in
Grahamona Handles All Freight on
Upper Willamette Run.
On the. arrival here of the steamer
Oregona last night she was withdrawn")
from the Portland-Salem-lndependence
route -until there is an increased move
ment of freight. The steamer Graha
mona will leave Portland Monday,
Wednesday and Friday for all points
as far as Independence, so there will
be a service to Willamette River terri
tory. It is declared to be the first time in
the history of Upper Willamette steam-
boating that business has been dull
during Ocfbber and November, for
usually they are banner months. Grow
ers in the Valley complain that the war
game has indirectly affected their line,
and with virtually none of the products
wanted, In Europe grown by-them ex
cept fruit, the movement has been cut
materially. On the other hand, limited
trading had brought about a decrease
in shipments from Portland to river
cities. The Yellow Stack line now has
the Oregona and Pomona laid up.
California Liner Loaded Rapidly by
Many Longshoremen.
It was 8:30 o'clock yesterday morn
ing when the steamer Beaver was
started to be lowered from the Port of
Portland drydock. and at 10:30 o'clock
she left there, reaching Ainsworth dock
so as to begin loading California cargo
at 12:30 o'clock, and her sailing hour
was set for -8 o'clock last night, by
which time 142 longshoremen loaded
1600 tons of freight.
The vessel was docked for cleaning
and painting and to have the tailshaft
drawn, and had she not been " detained
in getting off the dock 4t was intended
to sail here at 3 o'clock in the after
noon, the regular hour. As it is the
steamer will get to sea today on time
tnd tnake San Francisco xn schedule.
The steamer Rose City is due in this
afternoon with a fair nassenger list
and average cargo.
Special Privileges Denied One Mu
nicipal Branch by Another.
Friendship has ceased between vari
ous municipal departments insofar as
favors go, which was shown at a meet-
and you can't buy a
better Baking Pow
der. One price always
25 cents per pound
Sold by- aU
To the Ladies of Portland
. The Lecturer in The
Oregonians Free School of Home Economics, Uses
Teachers of
use Royal Baking
be relied upon to
ing of the Commission of Public Docks
Thursday, at which was considered a
request from the Department of Public
Works to allot space on the new Cast
Side dock for the storage of sewer con
struction material and equipment used
by that branch of the city workers.
The Commission took the stand that
a precedent had been established so
one department accommodated by an
other paid the same as firms or indi
viduals, so it was voted to permit the
Department of Public Works to store
stuff on the dock property at' the usual
rates. If space is selected in the rear
of the dock where material can be
piled, the charge will be one-half of
the dockage tariff. '
Oristano . and Kentuckian ' Leave
Golden Gate Iot Portland.
In the fleet of vessels held at tbe
Panama Canal until the congestion Is
lifted, due to the sUde of last week, are
two bound here to work grain cargoes
for England, the British steamer Ec
clesia, which comes to the Portland
Flouring Mills Company from Liver
pool, .and the British steamer Queen
Eugenie, hailing from Cardiff and is
under charter, to M. H. Houser.
The British steamer Oristano sailed
from San Francisco for Portland at 8
o'clock yesterday, an hour after the
big American-Hawaiian liner Kentuck
ian passed through the heads von her
way here with New York cargo. The
Oristano loads cereal and the Kentuck
ian is to take on a general cargo. The
Nebraskan left here last evening . to
finish loading at Astoria for New York.
Port of Portland Commission to Re
tire From Guiding Vessels.
Unless an adjustment of working de
tails interfere, pilots in service at the
mouth of the Columbia River- will take
over the work there independent of
the Port of Portland Commission No
vember 1, as they have agreed to a
proposal of the Commission to assume
the responsibility.- The - Commission
will guarantee $150 a month each for
five of them if revenue from pilotage
on vessels is not equal to that amount.
The first proposition was that the
pilots work for a year and at the ex
piration of the period the Commission
would make good for months falling
below the $150 mark. Tbe pilots felt
that the revenues should be checked
each month and that has been assented
to by Captains J. W. Shaver and E. W.
Spencer, a committee appointed to look
after the negotiations on behalfof the
News From Oregon Ports.
ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. 23. (Special.)
The steamer George W. Elder arrived
this morning from Coos Bay and Eu
reka with freight and passengers.
The tank steamer Win. r .Herrin
sailed this monong for California after
discharging her cargo of fuel oil.
The steam schooner Tosemlte shifted
today to St. Helens to complete her
lumber cargo.
The steam schooner Saginaw has
finished loading 400.000 feet of lumber
here and left today for Portland to
finish loading.
The British ship Queen Elizabeth was
towed tonight to Portland, -where she
is to load grain.
The gasoline schooner Ahwaneda.
from Newport, and the gasoline schoon
er Mirene. from Alsea. arrived this
morning. Both were delayed at Coast
ports during the recent big storm.
With a cargo of lumber from West
port and the Hammond mill, the steam
schooner Olson Mahoney sailed this
afternoon for. San Pedro.
The steam schooner San Hamon has
finished loading grain at Portland and
lumber at the Hammond mill. She will
sail for San Francisco as soon as her
passengers, who are expected tonight,
arrive from Portland. -
COOS BAT, Or, Oct. S3. (Special.)
Made From Strictly "Graded and Pasteurized" Cream
...' .,::, . '.-...) :.....'- . f
OTVT TJ Specially Designed for Sanitary Production
UF ll6W FlOme of "White Clover Products". Is Located at
East Seventh and Everett Streets t. s. Towiisend Creamery Co.
cookery, and baking experts, generally
Powder because they know it can always
make the finest and most' wholesome food.
a word to the wise is sufficient eat m
Butter-Nat Bread
We couldn't improve the ingredients in Butter-Nut Bread
we already used the best there were.
But we did perfect a new mixing process which
enables us to turn out a loaf that is beyond question,
the best ever baked.
Your own trial will prove this, and it will cost yon
but S cents to make the trial large family size 10 cents.
At all good grocers. Ask to see the Butter-Nut
label. 13
Corner East Eleventh
Roast Fork, per lb... 15c
Pork Chops, per lb 15c
Eichest Grade of Fork, Veal and Lamb.
GEO. L. PARKER y&gSogS?"-
The steamer Redondo, which went down
the bay at noon en route to San Diego,
was detained by a rough seat at the bar.
The steamer Breakwater will sail for
Portland tomorrow.
The steam schooner Navajo will leave
San Francisco for Coos Bay tomorrow
with a large consignment of freight
collected while other vessels have bee
barbound here.
Captain Reed, of the dredge Col.
Michie, expects to sail for the Colum
bia River tomorrow, where the dredge
will be inspected. " ,
Xotice to Mariners.
The following affects aids to naviga
tion in the Seventeenth Lighthouse
Columbia River The following light
ed buoys reported extinguished were
relighted October 20: Columbia River
outside bar gas and whistling buoy,
Clatsop Spit gas buoy 12.
Columbia River Tongue Point Chan
nel Changes made in lights and buoy
age October 17-20: Tongue Point cross
ing gas buoy 1 moved to lower end of
new dredged channel ard color changed
from blaclc to red and number from
1 to 2. Tongue "Point channel buoy 2,
number changed to 4. Tongue Point
crossing 1uoy 4, number changed to .
Tongue Point crossing gas buoy 3,
moved to upper end of new dredge
channel and color changed from blaclc
to red and number from 3 to 8. Chan
nel buoy 8 was discontinued. Taylor
tf. -
. -
and Flanders
No. 5 Lard, pail......
No. 10 Lard, pail
Sands light was discontinued. Tongue
Point channel range lights established;
front light, formerly beacon light, fixed
white; rear light is .fixed red. The
Illuminating apparrtus are post lan
terns, burning oil. ,
Coast, 1914, p. 22, I.os. 164, 168; p.
36, Kos. 14, 19J.
HENRY L. KCK. Inspector.
15 c to 17c per lb.
Creamery Butter, roll G0SGo
Eggs, per dozen....." ..30
Ranch Eggs, per doz 35)
Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs...33
Swiss Cheese, per lb 25
Picnic Hams, per lb.... X4J
La Grande Creamery
:s4 Yamhill.
Every Package
bearing this
brand and trade
mark is of itself
a guarantee of
the standard of
quality ap
proved by our
customers and
backed by us.