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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1913)
8 THE BIORNING OKEGONIAN, FRIDAY, (.JUXE 27, 1913 IEAVERS PERCHED 111 FIRST DIVISION Double-Header Victory Oaks Puts Portland Coveted Position. Over in 'HIG' AND KRAUSE PITCHERS McCrcdle's Men Trounce Champions' Two Star Hurlers, Killilay and Abies, and Pile "Cp Hits Enough to Win Easily. Pacific Coast League Standings. w. Ij. pc.i w. Xj. pc. Los Ang's. .48 34 .B83Sacramento S7 40 .481 San Fran'o.45 41 .523Oakland 3 48 .476 Portland. . 88 40 .4&71Venice 38 47 .447 Yesterday Results. At Oakland Portland 6-6 Oakland 8-4. At Venice San Francisco 7. Venice 2. At Sacramento Sacramento 7, Los Ang-e-les 5. SAN FRAXCISCO. June 26. (Spe cial.) After a long uphill fight, Port land Is In the first division. A double victory over Oakland today on the Oaks own ball park was instrumental in boosting the Beavers to third place and knocking the champions down to next to last. a The scores were 5 to 3 and 6 to 4, and showed Higginbotham and Krause to fine advantage. "Hlg" pitched the first game and was always in front. In the early innings ne was a bit unsteady, but once his teammates gave him a lead he did not falter. Killilay, on the other hand, was hit hard and often. In the second game Krause had to battle until the seventh before the Beavers showed in front. In the sec ond Inning a bit of wildness on Krause's part and a costly error by McCormick. which let in two runs, gave the Oaks a 4 to 1 lead. Harry Abies pitched a good game, but a series of boots and some timely hit ting in the seventh proved his un doing. Derrick's Finger Smashed. Derrick was injured in the second lning of the first game by being smashed on the finger while at bat and retired in favor of Speas. who played a bang-up game at first. In game No. 1. with two out in the first 'inning, the Beavers proceeded to score. Rodgers doubled and Speas single scored him. The Oaks tied it in their half. Portland went into the lead in the . third and was never headed. With one out Higglnbotham and Chad bourne scratched hits. Derrick was hit by a pitched ball and Rodgers drove In Hlg with a single. The Beavers took another run in the fourth when McCormick singled and Fisher doubled. The Oaks also showed in the fourth, when Coy and Hetling doubled. Round five saw the Beavers take a commanding lead, when Lober's double scored Speas and Korea. Beavers Humble Abies. In the second game, with Harry Abies and Harry Krause billed for a southpaw duel, the Beavers rushed into an early lead. Doane beat out an infield tap and scored on Rodgers' dou ble. Krause struck out the entire side in the first, but ran into a peck of trouble in the second, four runs scor ing. The Beavers scored one in the sixth on Kores single to center and two more errors in the seventh let 'the Beavers score four times and cinch the .game. Scores: First same Portland - I Oakland B H O A E BHOAE Chad'ne.m Derrtek.l. Rodgers.2. Speas. 1-r. Korea. s. . I.ober.l McCor'k.3 Fisher.c.. Hlg'ham.p Doane, r. . 0 0 f-.eard.2. .. 3 O 4 20 4 0 '2 O 0 4 18 0 0 4 2 8 1 O 4 1 8 00 3 1 1 0 0 2 O 4 2 0 2 0 2 4 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 O'Gardner.l. 4 OiXess.l. . .. 0 O'Coy.r 8 lHatling;,8. 0 0 Zacher.m .. 2 OiCook.s 1 1 Mltze.c. .. 1 O'Killllay.p. 0 OlBecker. .. cchirm . . Christian,!) t.risp,c.,. .. Totals. 38 IS 27 14 2 Totals 30 6 27 12 0 Batted for Mitze In elKhth Batted for Killilay in eighth Portland 1 o 1 l 2 0 O 0 0 S IOC 1 13 nits 2 o 3 3 3 JHK:na 100 1O0O1 0 3 m 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 6 ituns Rodgers, Speas, Kores. McCormick, liipglnbotham. Ness, Coy, Schlrm. Stolen oases LnaQDourne, Ness. Five runs, 12 hits vii ivuitiay in innings. Two-base hit ttoagers, b lisher. Coy, Hetling. Kores. Lober. Lnaooournc iilcginbotham. Sacrifice hits uok. iiicaer. j-wiae on balls Oft Hlggln Dotnam i. orr K.illilay 1. Struck out By iBniHuuuiajii o, rummy l . lilt Dy pltch- xyti i ic-iv. xaiKKiiiuomam, Dy Jvilillay. Jjou ble r iiici- iu jicuormicK. Ijezt on basrs Portland Oakland 2. Time 1:35. l-mplres Bush and McCarthy. Portland 1 Oakland 0 A El B 1 0 0!I,eard,2. . 5 1 0 lSchirm,l. . 4 5 3 0Ness.l. ... 4 8 2 O'Cov.r 3 2 4 1 Hetling.S. 3 001 Zacher.m. 4 1 2 l'Cook.s. ... 4 7 lOICrlsp.c... o 2 0 OlAbles.p. ... 3 :Mitze,c... 3 . !Parkin,p.. 0 Guest . 1 B II O A E .14 11 0 4 0 0 0 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 3 3 0 0 2 10 1 0 0 0 0 10 2 0 0 6 10 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 27 10 3 Chadb'e.m 4 Doane.r. . Rodgers,2. Speas, 1 . . . Kores, s. . . T,ober,l . . . M'Cor'k,3. Berry, s. . . Krause. p. Totals 37 11 27 12 4 Totals. 34 Batted for Parker in ninth. Portland 1 0000140 0 6 Hits 2 O 1(0 2 2 2 1 1 1 Oakland 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Hits 02110101 1 7 Runs Doane 2, Rodgers, Speas 2 Krause, Coy, Zacher, Cook, Mitze. Stolen bases Poane, Rodgers, Speas, Leard, Schlrm, Mttze. Mx runs. 10 hits off Abies, taken oui in nintn, no outs, one on. Charge de feat to Abies. Three-base hits Zacher. took. Two-buse hit Rodgers. Sacrifice 'Its McCormick. Chadbourne. Base on balls Off Abies 2. off -Krause' 4. Struck out Krause 6, Abies 5. Hit by pitcher Ness. Double plays McCormick to Rodgers 10 spws; nores to Koagers to Speas; Het ling to I.eard to Ness. Passed ball Berry. J-ert on bases Oakland 7, Portland 7. Time a:oo. empires aic earthy and Bush WOLVES WIX IX HEAVY WIND Angels Play-Ragged Ball and Ixse to Sacramento 7 to SACRAMENTO, Cal., June 26. With a heavy wind sweeping the field, Los Angeles arid Sacramento put up a raggea exhibition today, errors figur ing in every Inning that runs were made. Sacramento won, 7 to 6, thanks to the bunching of four hits with three Los Angeles errors in the fourth, after the visitors had taken a three-run lead in the hrst frame. Score: lios Angeles Sacramento U II O A E ! B H Howard.r. 4 11 0 OlYoung.s.. . 3 1 Ellis.l 4 1 0 0 0Lwls.l 8 0 Moore.l.. 5 2 8 0 1 Moran, m.. 3 0 M'Egart.m 5 1 9 1 1 4 2 Pae,2... 4 12 8 1 K'wo'hty,2 8 0 Metzger.3. 4 12 2 0 Halllnan 3 4 2 Johnaon.s. 3 14 4 trTennant,' 3 1 Boles.c... 3 0 1 1 O'BIlsa.o 4 1 Toaer.p. .. 8 10 2 0' A'ellanes.p 4 2 2 1 U 0 1 0 0 2 4 vi u(ci . a u u u VI Q'odwin" 110 0 0 Total.. 87 10I4 13 4' Total... Si" 27 10 -canea tor Boles In ninth; batted for imw in mnm. Los Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 . ts 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 31 WIBIIIBHUI ...u V u b U 0 3 0 Hits 1 0 0 4 0 3 1 0 rtuns Howard. Moore 2. Maggart. Good win, Lewis. Moran. vanBuren 2. Kenworthy, ' X u Dases fiiills. John son. anBuren. Bliss. Three-base hit Mag .guru Two-base hits Johnson, Halllnan. Sac rlfice hits Kills, Moran. Kenworthy. Sac Tifice fly Tennant. Struck out By Are! SCENES FROM -NORTHWESTERN WJttlUH JHAK1S.EIJ IRST APPEARANCE OF VANCOUVER TEAM. r !? AV?""" tflsis k i I vl tu , , tLi ? K6 :-i R53l l" SELLS STOCK 1 1 r ,v ...... . . ra 1 i IL iVTit 1 1 Spokane Traction Company ft ri7lk J W$V ' Tnk-PR Ovpp Inriiane n&?t Y i it-' I I w.w. . tun! lv. iiK , -1 1 v i-y 1 1 . I it U UMAIM-Jt LAnliLLY NOMINAL I ICS I a 4 1 it - v -vW-i I jfrCl 1' ' ? " -1 i 1 Retlrlnsr wne' Disheartened by 1;'' 1 " '-v' " I Failure or Club to Play Winning Is - ' 2r&J'& s ' - ',7M I . Ball Purchaser Xow Be ll 'v. I J . fB(v2 - J I i A -, ' S Songht 'or Team. I m II- Itf'- '.''1 "rfll SPOKANE, Wash., June 26. (Spe- , l'K $ I i1al claI-) Ownership ot the Spokane base- , - t?S't. ",Jf'!ti 1 bal1 team nas nominally changed y, iT.5 1 han3s- The Spokane Traction Com- 1 jyA-, V-tf I Pny, which is believed always to have I -'-'. .' ,,i I had a controlling interest in the stock. 1 ; ' ' J J ' I has taken over the management of the -tlelenlor Nabbed at Third Base in the Sixth Inning. 2 Ingersoll. Seat tle Youngster, Who la Said to Be One ot Finds of the Season. Ingersoll Will Pitch Today. S Walsh, New Van couver First. S acker, Last Year W'lth St. Paul. lanes 4. Base on balls Off Tozer 2, off -s-reuanes a. rassed ball Bliss. Left on oases Liom AngelfB l, Sacramento 0. Tlm 8:05. Umpires Held and Phyle. TIGERS AT MERCY OP BAKER feeal Jfitcher Helps Win Own Game by Slaking; Three Hits. LOS ANGELES, June 26. San Fran cisco made it three straight games irom Venice by taking a one-sided con test today. Jess Baker was too much for the Tigers in ail stages but the seventh inning, when four singles netted the Southerners two runs. Baker also starred at bat for the Seals, curing two singles and a double in four trips to the plate. The score San Francisco I Venice- H r O A E B H O A E Mundr'ff.r 0 1 0 OiCarlisle.l. 0 2 0 4 Charles.2.. Johns'n.m 1 3 8 0'Kane.m... 4 0 0IBayless.r. . 4 0 0!Brashear,2 3 1 0;Lltschi,3. . 4 1 0Hosp,s 4 2 0Patters'n,l 8 3 OlElllott.c. .. 3 0 OiKoestner.p 1 IHarkness.p 1 McDonald" 1 1 2 2 0 0 1 0 4 1 10 1 4 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 llogan.l. . McArdle.l Corhan.a.. Cartw'ht,3 Schmidt.c Baker. p. . Ferguson, p 0 Totals. . .31 10 27 10 0 Totals... 82 B 27 13 1 -saiiea tor narkness in eighth. San Francisco 0 04300000- Hits o o 4 20 n i v 1. -10 Venice 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0- "its 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0- Kuns MUndOrfr. Charles Jnhnfttnn fa,i Wright. Schmidt, Baker 2. Bayless. Hosp. j.-v hub iim , runs on A.oeuiner in 4 in iiiugB, i mi ana no runs orr Harkness 1n innings; charge defeat to Koestner. Two base hit Baker. Stolen base Lltchl. Sac rlfice flies Hogan, Mundorff. Base on balls un iiaKer i, icoestner 2. Struck out Baker 5. Koestner 2. Harkness 1 nn,.hi. plays Brashear to Hosp to Patterson: Kane to Hosp. wild pitch Koestner. Hit by IDAHO TOtKXEY CONTINUES SSen's Singles Play Eliminates Sev eral in Leiviston. iJtwisiUN, Idaho, June 26. Play In the men's single for the Idaho state championship in the Northwest Tennis Association waa continued today. Scores ioiiow: wood defeated F. Kettenbach; 6-2, D -J-. K. Scott defeated Marshall 6-1, 6-2. Melxel defeated Bartlett 8-6, 6-1. Gray defeated Lambdln 6-3, 6-0. T. Scott defeated Wright 6-3. 7-5. O. Thompson defeated Pettingill default. A. Peters defeated. Rank 6-0, 6-0. by a. Jvettenbach defeated Needham Crozler defeated Sheppard 6-1, 6-1. a. jvettenbach defeated Crozier 6-2, o-u. - Hoobler defeated Carnahan fault. Eaton defeated Hoobler 6-0, Sommers defeated Mitchell fault. by de 6-1. by de The temperature of steam at a pressure of one pound a square inch Is 216.3 Fahren neiu LEAGUE GAME YESTERDAY, SPOKANE. Wash., June 26. (Spe cial.) Ownership ot the Spokane base ball team has nominally changed hands. The Spokane Traction Com pany, which is believed always to have had a controlling interest in the stock, has taken over the management of the team and Joe conn, whose holdings in company are not large enough to dictate, steps down and out. This explains in part the recent retirement of Captain Ostdiek. who nrobablv know Cohn would drop the job. George Farr, n official of the traction comnanv. which owns the baseball park and has tne oniy canine within half a mile. will assume nominal charge, but prob ably not for long. The traction com pany is said to be seeking a purchaser of the ball club, one who will tie up with their park and until the purchaser appears will try to give Spokane a good ball team. Money May Be Spent FT eel y. The traction people are not slow to spend money when it must be done, as Is the case with the ball t present constituted, and probably will make good the claim that a winning team will be gotten together if half a chance is given. Joe Cohn retires because be Is nr a rich man and cannot afford lnns-Ar tn help pay the losses of the team. Ho la also disheartened bv the failure, rf th. team to play winning ball. Aside from the drawing powers of a winning team and the added revenues therefrom, Cohn hates to lose a ball game. When the team Is on the field he forgets he Is owner and is a fan as ardent as any in the grandstand. His team has had bad weather onni. tions from the opening of the training season; been deprived of several prof itable Sunday crowds; has had the Alan races and circus attractions to buck at nome, and in addition has lost so many games in the ninth inntno- nii n iiiingiy surrenders the reins. s Life on Team Expected. To prove that a better ahnwino- - to be made, the team pulled out vli-tnrv In the 10th Inning today, something it " "warn accomplished before this season, it nas added a new nhnrtetnr. nizBimmons, trom California, and he will bolster up that side of the field. It, has released Daly and soon will be nu. ot otner oeaa timber. Johnny Wuf in is expected soon Irom San Fran- l week the races end and the weather should settle and the attend ance is bound to improve and with it me spirits of the team. Meanwhile the men are sure of their salaries and Spokane and the league Is assured tne opoKane team will stick. Notes of the came. umpire Burnslde, ousted from the Eastern jri-aiaie League, waa tried out by Fielder Jones yesterday. He got in bad with the fans In the second Inning and they rode him -oiinn ana Bancroft fielded streak lly. xney cornered tour errors between them but o.ow some remarkable plays. Heister. Klppert. Bennett and Frisk fielded sensationally for th visitor In the eleventh Coltrin forgot to go back mm cover tnira on Frisk's bunt and the .ccu-Bjta .ippert sailed from first to third. uiunc, uio tie a moment later on tinnkers two-bagger, so the slip didn't figure in the run-getting. Heilman showed mmaeir wiae swaxe tn the melee for h came in irom leit ana almost got a putout Kb uiini Due. jess Garrett watched the game from the stand. He has quit baseball for keeps and win return to business. Hynes pitched a brilliant gams, but t did Hall. It was no fault of Hynes. how ever, that Portland did not win by a 2-1 score In ths usual nine Innings. Frisk tied tne game from second on a grounder that coltrin spoiled lor Bancroft Konnick might have tagged Fitzgerald out at the plate, when be brought in the winning run in the eleventh, but he dropped the throw at the plate after Melchoir-s hit to center. COLTS DASH MY WITH GAME IN 1ITH Slugging by Melchoir and Pe ters Turns , Apparent Defeat to Victory. FINISH IS SPECTACULAR Vancouver Ties score in JNinth on Error and Takes Lead on Clean Hitting in Eleventh, Only to Lose, 4 to 3. Northwestern League Standings, W. L. PC! W L. PC. Seattle 44 28 .62ft Victoria. . S9 29 ,TSS2 Tacoma. . . 33 30 .524,Spokane. . 33 38 v ancouver 33 40 .452 Portland. . , 25 45 .357 Yesterday's Results. At Portland Portland 4, Vancouver (11 innings). At Seattle Seattle 2, Tacoma 1. v At Spokane Spokane 5. Victoria 4 (10 Innings). BY ROSCOE FAWCETT. The rapacious Portland Colts downed Vancouver in the first game of the flood" series yesterday afternoon by i score of 4-3. It took 11 fiercely- contested innings to inspire the Ca nucks with the trills of the swan song. and the finish came with all the cli matic qualities of a pardon to a con demned prisoner about to drop on the gallows. It Was all of that and then some- pitching duel between Hynes and Hall, with melodramatic fringes and a sun shiny spotlight. Matt Hynes deserved to win in nine innings. 2-1. But a miiup between Bobby Coltrin and Dave Bancroft in the ninth inning permitted Frisk to score from second on an infield grounder. In the extra time the bat tle waged on and on up to the start of the eleventh, when the visitors scored one run on Kippert's single and Brinker's two-base swat. Tough one to lose," was on the lips of 700 sadly-disapointed fans when the first Portland man up in the last of the eleventh filed out to center. Error Gives Colta Chance. But the alibi club had an adjourn ment in store, for, when Scharnweber permitted Fitzgerald's grounder to squeeze between his legs, he started something that ended in two runs and gave Portland the game. Fitzgerald stole second on Heilmann s strikeout and scored the tying run on a terrific slam to center field by Mel choir. The latter legged it to second In safety on the throw to the plate, which, .by the way, Konnick conven iently dropped, and scored the win ning run on a two-base whack up against the right field fence by "Nig" Peters. Hats off to Melchoir and Peters. More power to them. Peters Joy-producing wallop came as the finish to a whirlwind game that fairly scintillated and bristled with brilliancies. Twice the Colts re tired the Canucks on double plays when anything else would have spelled ruin. Once it fell to the lot of the visitors to return the compliment. Hynes In Fine Fsrm. . Hynes and Hall both pitched air tight ball, each allowing eight hits. Up to the ninth Hynes had been touched only four times safely, and one of those was a scratch,- due to- his own sluggishness in throwing to first on a grounder by Brinker. He deserved to win in the usual course of events. "Vancouver scored first in the second inning on a poor decision by an ap proval umpire, Mr. Burnslde, a single by Walsh and Coltrin s error. Port land jumped into the lead by tallying one in each of tne second ana tnira frames. Hits by Mohler and Hynes brought one in the second and Ban crof t s triple and Fitzgerald s splash to right the other in the third. Portland held the edge, 2-1, up to the ninth, when Frisk singled, went to second on Walsh's bunt, and tallied when the Colt infield fell apart for moment. The rest of the story has already been told. Score: Totals. 38 R32 14 1 Totals. 37-8 Two out when winning run scored Vancouver 0 1 0000OO10 1 3 Hits 1 20 O 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 8 Portland Ol 1OOOOOO0 2 fills v V v J V V o Runs Klppert. Frisk 2. Bancroft. Fltz geralcL. Melchoir, Mohler. Struck out By Hall 7, by Hynes 5. Bases on balls Off Hall 8. off Hynes 2. Two-base hits Mohler, Brinker, Peters. Three-base hit Bancroft. Double plays Bancroft to Mohler to Peters: Hynes to Coltrin to Peters; Hall to Schar ney to Walsh. Sacrifice hlts Heilmann Seharney, Frisk. Walsh. Stolen baiB Frisk. Fitzgerald, Mohler. Time or game 2:10. Umpires Toman and Burnslde. IXDIAXS BEAT BEES IX TENTH Fitzslmmons. 3few Spokane Short stop, Plays Brilliantly. SPOKANE, June 26. Spokane took a see-saw ten-inntng game irom Vic toria today by a score of 5 to 4. Hardin was hit hard but was well supported until the last inning. Kraft was steady. Fitzslmmons, the new Spokane sh stop, covered himself with glory throughout the game. The score: Victoria I Bpokan U H O A i. BHOAE Madden.1. Rawli'gs.2 Lynch, m.. Meek.l. . . Swain. r... Alberts. 3.. Delmas.s. Shea.c. . Haxdln.p. 0 4 1 OMIllion.m., 7 0!McCarl,l. t 0 0:Yohe.3. . . . 0 0 Wagner. 2. 0 OiCoulson.l. . 1 0'Pappa.r. . . 3 2 F'zs'm's.s. 2 O'Hannah.c. 8 12 10 2 4 1 1 2 12 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 15 1 1 4 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 S 0 2 0 Kraft 4 Totals, Victoria Spokane Runs Wagner. 36 8 27 18 41 Totals. . .39 14 80 21 3 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Madden 2. Rawllngs. Swain. Yohe, Pappa, Fitzslmmons. Three-base hits Wagner, Swain. Sacrifice hits Mad den Million, Wagner, Rawllngs. Sacrifice files Meek. Coulson. Double plays Mad- I den to Shea: Million to Hannah. Stolen bases Fltzalmraons. Bases on balls Off Hardin 3; off Kraft 6. Struck out By Hardin 1: by Kraft 4. Left on bases Victoria 10, Spokane 14. Time 2:10. Um pire Casey. VOtXG BEATS VETERAN Mclvor for Seattle Wins Pitching Battle Prom McGinn,lty. SEATTLE, June 26. McGinnlty and Mclvor, the veteran and the youth hooked up in an exciting pitchers' bat tle' here this afternon, the victory go ing to the youngster, 2 to . 1. There was lttle to choose . between the work of the two hurlers. and Killilay, the Seattle center fielder, twice saved Mo Vancouver-- I Portland 5 to 4 in the second game of the series. J BHOAE BHOAE The score: ft Heister.3. 5 0 3 2 OBancroft.s 5 1 2 2 st !,, , pittsburn Bennett.2. 3 11 4 0 FitzgeMd.r 5 1 0 O0 bt. Louis lttsburg FrFsPkrt,m 4 i 1 OOMe'.c ' 8 4 0 0 Hu!n..2 ? ? 1 O0 Byrne.3. .. ? 0 W Uii" f Til nnp.t.r.' I Tift in Magee.l.. 3 1 5 0 O.Carey. 1. . . 3 0 8 00 Sift!;- V OOiMohlerV 4 3 40 t'akes.m. 4 1 2 00 Viox.2.... S 1 1 40 ilif'l' i T 5 2?ti?rvi"" S A la WhUted.3 4 2 1 5 0 Butler.s. .. 3 2 1 21 X K?'K t O 7 2 0;Colmny-S.-: 4 0 t 4 2 g'1 1 S JSSon'r" 1 V 1 00 Hall,p... 4 0 0 2 0(Hyne.,P.. 4 1 O 50 g.""" $ 0 J om4m M VV Ivor by spectacular catches. The score: Seattle I Tacoma, BHOAE( BHOAE Shaw. 8... 4 11 2 0IFries.r 4 3 0 00 Nill. 2 4 11 3 0 McMullln.8 3 0 2 40 Stralt.1... 2 1 l-0 0IKeller.2... 4 0 121 Cadman.o 3 0 5 1 0Crum.m... 3 1 4 01 Killllay.m : 4 0 5 0 0Felts,l. . . . 3 0 1 00 Jackson. 1 . 2 11 1 3 0 0 1 0 o 0 Hold'm'n.l S 0 8 0 0 Ruell.s 0 1 3 0! W.Harris.c 3 0 4 1 OiMcGnlty.p 3 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 O 0 Wllsonrr. . Ram'nd,s Mclvor.p .. Totals... 30 5 27 9 01 Totals.'. .29 4 24 8 2 Seattle 0 1 0 O 1 0 0 0 2 Tacoma 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Runs Nill. "Wilson. Crum. Home run Crum. Sacrifice hits Strait. Mc Mullln. Stolen base Strait. Struck out By Mclvor 5: by McGlnnltv 4. Bases on balls Off McGlnnlty 2. Passed ball Harris. Left on baseri Seattle fl. Tacoma 2. Time 1:15. Umpire Shackleford. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Cincinnati 5, Chicago 3. CINCINNATI. June 26. Cincinnati won the second game of the series from Chicago today S to 3, by hitting Cheney hard and often. Brown, wtule hit quite frequently, managed to keep the drives well scattered and was never in serious trouble. The score: Chlca I Cincinnati . B H O A El a H O A E Leach, m. . 4 2 2 1 O'Bescher.I. 4 0 0 0 0 Evers,2... 5 OjBates.r. . . 2 O'Marsans.c. 0 OjTlnker.s.. . 1 OH'blitzell.l 0 0. Dodge. 3. . . 1 O'Groh.2 3 0 Clark. c. ... I 0 Brown, p. . 0 01 3 1 3 111 4 15 10 Schulte.r. I erman, 3 Saler.l. . . Mitchell. 1. 4 3 1 3 0 1 3 0 13 0 0 4 3 0 4 1 Hrldwell.s B'nahan.c 2 1 2 3 0 4 3 3 0 0 4 10 2 0 Cheney. p. Goode .. Total. 32 823 15 0 Total.. 32 13 27 14 1 -Bates out. nit by batted ball In fourth; "riatted lor Cheney in ninth. Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 3 Cincinnati 1 1 o 2 1 000 - Runs Evers. Zimmerman Mitchell. Bates. Dodge 3, Clark. Two-base hit Mitchell. oresnanan. linker. Dodge, oroh. Three- base hit Zimmerman. Sacrifice hits Hob- litzell. Sacrifice fly Saier. Stolen bases nates. Tinker. Dodge. Lett on bases Chi cago 7, Cincinnati S .Base on balls Off Chaney 4. ort Brown 4. Hit by pitcher By I cneney iwon). struck out By Cheney 3, by Brown 2. Wild pitches Cheney 2. Time -i:oJ. Lmpires Brennan and lason. New York 5-11, Boston 4-3. NEW YORK, June 26. New York took two games from Boston today, 6 to 4 and 11 to 3. In the first. New York overcame a four-run lead and batted out victory , in the seventh. Tyler did not allow New York a hit in the first five Innings. Boston had many chances to pile up runs early in the game, but lost them by poor judgment on the bases. Mathewson saved the first game. and after holding Boston to three hits in six innings in the second game, he gave way to Crandall. The scores: Boston Maran'e.a Myers. 1 . . Connolly, 1 Smlth,2. . Titus.r. . . M'Don'd,3 I New York E B H O A E 2 0 0 4 OlBurns.l . . . 0 UShafer,3. . 0 OiHenog.S. 2 llFletcher.s 0 0 Dovie.2. . . 2 1 Merkle.l. . 0 Oj Murray, r. 1 0Meyers,c. . 0 OjCooper. 0 0 Wilson, c. . 2 Olnodg's.m 1 0'Fromme.p ;Crandall.p ; Grant . IMathe'n.p 3 2 2 0 2 1 4 0 3 O 4 1 4 1 3 1 O 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 O O O 110 0 0 20 5 0 1 0 Mann.m, . Rariden.c 2 0 1 ymour. 0 O 0 u 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 Whallng.c Tyler.p. . . James, p. . Totals '36 11 24 12i, Totals. 30 7 27 17 2 Batted for Rarlden in eighth. Ran for Meyers In seventh. Ran for Crandall in seventh. Boston 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 4 New York 00000140 5 Runs Maranville, Connolly, smith, Titus, Merkle, Murray, Cooper, Snodgrass, Grant. First on errors New York 1. Two-base hit Burns. Three-base hits Maranville, Con- olly 2. Sacrifice hit Titus. Lft on bases New York 4, Boston 4. Base on balls Oft Fromme 3. Tyler 1. James 1. btruck out Fromme 1, Crandall 1, James 3. Math ewson 1. Hit by pitcher- Snodgrass, by Tyler. Wild pitches Tyler 2. Hits off Fromme, 7 In 4 Innings; none out In fifth; oft Crandall, 4 in 3 Innings; oft Mathew son, none In 2 Innings; oft Tyler, 6 In 6 1-3 innings; on James, l in 1 2-3 innings. Time 2:10. L'mplres Qulgley and Orth. Second game Boston- New York B HOAEI BHOAE O 5 4 O.Burns.l. . . 5 3 2 0 0 Maranve,s 4 Myers.l. . ConnoHy.l 1 10 11 Herzog,3. 5 1 1 0 Oj Fletcher, 4 10 2 llGrant.a. . . 0 1 O 2 0 Doyle,2. . . 2 3 4 3 OiMerkle.l. . 4 0 1 OOMurray.r. 3 0 1 1 OlMeyers.c. . 3 0 0 1 ljHartley.c. 1 0 1 1 1 Snodg's.m 3 1 1 5 0'Cooper.m. 1 0 0 0 0Mathe'n.p 2 O O OOlThorpe". 1 ICrandall.. 1 1 1 2 0 2 0 0 1 1 S 1 10 3 0 o u smith, . . Titus.r. . . MDon'd.3 Mann.m . . Sey'our.m 40 O 0 1 4 O 0 10 o 0 Whallng.c Brown, c. . Hess.p. . . Noyes.p. . 0 0 0 0 3 0 OO bwceney 10 Totals 33 8 24 20 41 Totals. 35 1S27 14 0 Batted for Noyes in ninth. Batted for Mathewson in sixth. Boston 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 1 2 3 New York 0 1 11 0002 11 Runs Connolly. Smith. McDonald. Burns. Herzog, Fletcher. Doyle 2, Merkle, Murray fenodgrass. cooper. Mathewson. First base on errors New York 1. Two-base hit I Smith. Three-base hits Merkle. Connolly. Home run Doyle. Sacrifice fly Noyes. Stolen bases Murray, Meyers, Cooper. Left on bases New lork 3, BQ3ton G. Double plays Mathewson, Fletcher, Herzog and Doyle; McDonald and Myers. Base on balls Crandall 2, Hess 2, Noyes 1. Struck out -By Mathewson 3, Crandall 3. Noyes 1. Hits oft Hess. 12 in 4 1-3 Innings; off Noyes. 3 In 3 2-3; oil Mathewson. 3 In ts; off Crandall. 5 In 3. Time 1:50. Umpires Klem and Orttl. St. Louis 5, Pittsburg 4. ST. LOUIS, June 26. St. Louis by scoring three runs in the last half of I the eighth inning, defeated Pittsburg 1 OlOoleman.c. 4 O Hendrix.p. Wagner.. Totals. S3 8 27 11 : Totals. 6 24 10 1 Batted for Hendrix In ninth. Pittsburg 0 OOO 1 3 0 O 0 4 St. Louis O 0 OO 0 2 0 3 5 Buns Huggins. Maeee. Oakes Vhtttd. Knoetchy. Carey. Miller. Wilson 2. Two-base hit Wilson, Evans 2. Three-base hit Kom- mers. Home runs -Konetphy. Sacrifice hits- Coleman. Kommers. Viox. Butler. Sarrilloe fly Hendrix. Stolen bases Butler, Care.. Lert on bases bt. Louis 6. Pittsburg u Base on balls Off Bailee 2, off Hendrix 2. struck out By -sallee 4, by Hendrix Time 2:05. Umpires O'Day and Emslle. Brooklyn 5-4, Philadelphia 2-2. PHILADELPHIA. June 26. Phila delphia s winning streak was broken today. Brooklyn taking both games of a double header, the first by 6 to 2 in 14 innings, and the second by 4 to 2. Rucker, who pitched in great stylo in the first game, was forced to leave the field owing to the heat after making a single in the 13th inning. Curtis finished out the contest and also twirled his team to victory in a duel with Alexander in the second. Both games were marked by brilliant field Ing. Manager Uooin had his right hand badly hurt by a foul tip in the second event. The scores: First game Brooklyn- Philadelphia H O A E u HOAE Moran.r. . 1 1 0!Paskert.m. 8 Cutshaw.s 1 4 0 7 2 4 1 11 2 1 2 3 5 0 Luderus. 1. 0 01 Lobert,3. . 0 O'Magee.I. . . 2 UiCravath.r. 1 0;Knabe,2. . 2 1 Doolan. 8 . . Stengel. m Wheat.l. . Dau-bert.l. Smith. 8. . Hummel, fl Front 2 In. The Sussex is the newest and, as yet, tminutated wlCe sweeping front effect tbe Spriag and Summer season's Ouu&r-fuid. Like all Ideilver GoIIars Has tne Linocord Unbreakable Buttonholes, found in no oilier make. t.J. V. IDE tt CO.. TROY, N. Also Makers of Ide Shirts. 14 & 1 10 5 3 8 3 10 3 11 4 2 1 3 12 3 0 1 1 O 0 O 0 2 3 10 10 0 33244 ?"," - 7 v jgftgCIT SUSSEX 1 M Sizes m( 2forS" f3 e , Back 1 In. I Iiuuuu m no euier maite. GEO. P. IDJE CO.. TROT, N. T. I Also Ma farm of Ide Shirts. AUTO POLO and AUTO RACES Bob" Burman The Man Who Drove the Fastest Mile Ever Traveled by a Human Being, Will Pilot His Giant 300-Horsepower ISlitzera Beraz LN THE TWO-DAY MEET OF THE PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE CLUB AT THE COUNTRY CLUB TRACK Tomorrow and Sunday AUTO POLO The latest and mos thrilling form of sport for motorists, will be played each afternoon by ten experts. Fisher.c. . Rucker.p. Curtis. p. . Meyer. .. 0 10 1 2 0 0 0 O 0 O'KlIIIfer.c. 4 O.Kixey.p 1 0 Seaton.p. . 0 Oj"Dolan. .. ItMiller. .. 2 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 00 O0 t Becker. .. Totals. 81 10 42 14 11 Totals. 50 1142 23 2 Ran for Rucker In 13th. Batted for Rixey in seventh. tBatted for Dolan In 14lh. $ Batted for Seaton In 14th. Brooklyn ....1 1 0000-0000000 3 3 Philadelphia O0000101OO000 u 2 Runs Moran. Wheat. Daubert, Smith 2. Luderus. Lobert. Two-base shit Wheat, Smith Three-ba6e hit Moran. Lobert. Hits 3ff Rucker. 10 In 12 innings; on" Curtis. 1 in 3 innings; off Rixey. 5 in 7 Innings; off Seaton, o in 7 Innings. Sacrifice hit Magee. Sacrifice fly Cravalh. Double plays Hum mel, Cutshaw and Daubert; Doolan and Luderus. Left on bases Brooklyn 7, Phila delphia 11. Base on balls Off Rucker 2. Rixey 1, Seaton 2. First on errors Brooklyn 1. Philadelphia 1. Hit -by oitcher Lobert bv Rucker. Struck out By Rucker 4, Curtis 2, Rixey 2, Seaton 4. Time 2:10. Umpires Rigler and Byron. second game Brooklyn- 1 Philadelphia H 1 O A El - H O A E Moran.r. . . Cutsbaw,2. Stengel.ra.. Wheat.l. . . Daubert. 1. Smith, 3. . . o o paskert.m. 12 0 0 1 2 1 0 2 3 2 13 1 0 1 0 2 5 0 0 7 OILuderus.l. 0 OiLobert.3. . . 0 0;Magee,l 0 0;Cravath,r.. 2 0 Knabe.2. . . 3 0. Doolan, s. . . 0 0 Dooin.c. . . . 2 OiKllltfer.o. . 2 14 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 6 0 Hummel, s. Flscher.c Curtis. p. .. 3 0 1 0 1 0 4 0 lAlex'nder.D 8 Totals. .37 11 27 14 01 Totals... 30 27 15 0 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 Philadelphia O 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 '. Runs Cutshaw. Stengle. Smith. Hummel, Luderus, Magee. Two-base hit Cutshaw, Smith. Hummel, Fischer, Luderus, Magee. Stolen bases Wheat, Daubert. Magee. Sac rifice fly Knabe. Double playe Cutshaw to Daubert. Hummell to Cutshaw to Daubert, Left on bases .Brooklyn 6. Philadelphia 3. Base on balls Off Curtis 1. Struck out By Curtis 5, by Alexander 3. Wild pitch Curtis. Time 1:30. Umpires Baron and Rigler. Tommy GaHney Loses on Foul. CENTRALIA, Wash.. June 26. (Spe cial.) Tommy Gaffney, of Salt Lake City, lost to Chet Neff, of Seattle, on a foul last night, the low blow being struck a few seconds before the end of the last round. The fight was pulled Beer y Test 7 Flavor and Quality It isn't the bottle the water nor any one thing that makes good beer it 's a'combination of good brewing and best ingredi ents that makes Hop Gold Beer so delightfully flavored and so superior in keeping qualities. It never causes biliousness be cause it's always well aged. No Mefal XiO ntouch -zz HI You don't like one does. skin; no RflRIS GARTERS are so made that no metal can touch you; the locking fastener insures your garters staying up; the rubber cushion loop prevents tearing the hose. Paris Garters are the best Have more than one pair to change for freshness as you change your linen. Lcoijir the name PARIS en the back of the shield A. Stein & Co., Makers Chicago off before the Centralia "M" Club, and was one of the best ever seen here. In a four-round preliminary Joe Hennessy and Young Jose, of Tacoma, fought to draw. That Fishing Trip ? Every of the fisherman worthy name is going some where on the Fourth. And now that the weather has settled, the fishing will be very good on all the fa vorite streams. So that it will depend a good deal on the angler having the right kind of good tackle. Selling tackle that catches) fish ts one of tbe best things vre do. Backus&'Morriis 223 Morrlor Street, Bet lit & 2nd St,' This by the Star Brewery (Northern Brewing Co.) Portland, Vancouver metal next