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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1913)
18 TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, TUNE 24, 1913. OFFICIAL COUNT OF COMMISSIONERS IN Enticingly Prepared Are Our Special 50c Luncheons See Hanky Panky, Cunning Bears, Sixth Street Window Athena Knit Underwear Wednesday Is the Last Day of Exhibit and the thousands of men, women and children who have already seen this remarkable working model of the Panama Canal proclaim it a most fascinating and exceptionally instructive exhibit. You should see it today and hear the ten-minute lecture, for certain it it that seldom, if ever, have the people of Portland had such a rare opportunity. It's the most realistic portrayal of that marvelous engineering feat the Panama Canal. Every man, woman and child should see this working model today. EXHIBIT WITHOUT CHARGE. Fifth Floor, Zevr Hulldlnc. instantly appeals to every discriminating woman, owing to its fine, soft weave and the perfect finish of every garment. The first thought of the makers, in producing Athena Lnderwear, was comfort for the wearer, and how well they have accomplished this result is evident in the persistent demand women make, who specify Athena Underwear and will use no substitute, lou'll be gratified in your selection if you ask for Athena Underwear Three Weeks' Work of Depu ties in Auditor's Office Required for Canvass. ""en auijyij jug your neeas toaay. First Floor, Main Building; Mall Orders Filled. A. Tie for Every MEASURES BEING TALLIED 19 l?(Y i Shirt i'Vacation Correspondence Record Shows That 17 Failed to He. eelve Total of 100 0 Votes Daly Glvcn 20,510 and IjOw . Man Credited With 2 2 8. After three weeds' work, deputies in the, office ef City Auditor Barbur yes terday completed the official count of TOtes cast for candidates for Mayor, Auditor and City Commissioners at the recent city election. The clerks have yet to complete the vote on the initia tive measures, which will require sev eral days: Following is the complete official count, showing the candidates for May or, Auditor and Commissioners In the order in which they finished in the race: For Mayor. urn Fecond Third Total all Cmnaidldate choice, choice. choice. cholcfs T rt. Albee 1.6.1:; 4.075 1.408 2. .28 A. G. BuahllBht. .1B.0T 2.06:1 -. -L. McKenna... 3.4P3 12.443 JJan Kellaher 2.01O 3.r,S4 W. J. Smith l,7t8 l.bia For Auditor. A. Tj. Barbur 84.880 2.1 2 J. T. Richardson.. 3.K07 6.401 1U, A. Moaer 2.0S0 B.V E. M. Helmo 2,Ho 1.641 , For CommiHeioners H. Taly 12.20.-. B.392 H. Q. Dleck 12.772 W. I Srow-ter. . .11. OKI . A. Bigelow.... 8.461 T. Ptoppenbach O.f.SS " T. M. Hurlhut.... 6.74! 1.733 20.S13 4.2:19 20.177 4.152 10..-40 3,oSl 1.001 734 87.242 4.S25 14.B3S 3.387 12.17 ::., T ti,ow4 Balnh, . Clyde. . .11, 4S O. B. Cellars 5.4119 Gaorce 1. Baker. . 10. OKI Marshall X. Dana 4.424 H. C. McAllister 7.107 John DrlscoU ... 4,42ft V, E. Watklns. . . &.! William A. Munly 4.83:) J. E. Werleln.... 2.007 W. H. McMcnies. 1.M3 Wot. C. Benbow. 3.711 C. C. Craifif William Hchmeer. 1.034 H. D, Wtfnon . . 1.0S7 C. A. Ambrose.... l.SHO F J. Richardson 3, Ml.! ML. c. Mcors S'U yt. Hollinmsworth 1.61 S 1. Gerlinger, Jr.. 035 J. TI. Nolta 2.011 James M.lpuire... 1.325 Mrs. M.l,.T.HI.lden 1.633 1. V. Hampton. 1,723 t,. M. 1-epper . . . R76 H. c. Thompson. 6H0 T. J. Hammer... 1.17 D. TV-. Ward 1.4.VJ A. N. Wills 841 E. Versteeg 02S Dr. y. 1. Oottel. S."i2 T. J. T,ewls 1,670 ft. Invert Baker.. 0H7 1. U Day l.Odl A. IC. Birth wick. S30 T. O. Daly 7VM1 O. R. Hartwig 1.380 J. . P. Koy 1.327 1. M. y.Hhm 1.34U S. W. Winn 700 Krnest House . . . 57(1 A.' W. Lambert.. a 21 M. O. Collins.... 40H a. . B. VanWuter :wt I. . G. Carpenter. . 624 W. T. VauKhn.... 317 J. . lsT. Davis 2rt4 W, Irvinjc Spencer 347 A. H. Davis 270 U P. W. Quimby 242 Ttobert Andrew's. . 412 Ed Ttyan 30O A. B. Crosmnn.. 243 .1. I.eRoy smith. 143 C. It. Deburgh... 13S A. A. Closset 146 J. P. Marshall 171 T. I- Frey 243 .7. I. Wilcox IO Oearire I,onj ... 21 s ". H. Beard .... 1(7 E. L. Stchrlst. . . 217 Aug-ust EfcMe . 101 W. L,. Flledner . . S3 C. . . . . 11, ' IV A. Steinau . . . 05 T. S. Williams. . . 120 M. C. Tleed 17 . C. Etven 87 John Rlttcr M 4.2O0. 4.418 6.40J 3.039 6.733 3.16 C.1'15 2.420 B,1.'.T 1.113 8.:ir.l u.s H.J54 3.-.80 H. 447 .O40 .1.015 J. mi I. MH 1.72 1.2S4 1.0:18 1.078 1.S5B l.St(4 1.227 1.1 18 &0(1 1.0H2 1.103 . 025 r.12 004 si:! Sill 1173 4 rt5 440 445 01 t 733 fill C.08 r, ii o3 MM 522 5)l 450 403 SS(1 S88 Sri4 208 2S3 2H6 273 2.".0 223 210 188 170 1 03 157 158 138 n 121 103 20.S19 1.S50 18.02S 2.173 17.6S2 2.407 17,3". 2.400 17.033 3.05 10.438 1.224 14.S7U 3.113 13.707 1.S52 13.7S8 3.029 13.207 2.441 12.731 4.007 11.847 2.777 11.0S5 2.415 10.502 8.827 10.204 3,001 0.2S3 2.216 3.701 1.048 1.S1S 1.031 2.041 3.348 1.547 2.337 1.407 1.752 1.40S 1.270 1.570 1.704 008 053 1.041 8.926 8.3H3 C.834 Ti.718 P.6S4 B.008 3.408 r..204 B. 230 3.1 4H 4.633 4.405 4.251 3.032 3.401 3.001 3. COl 2.014 1,150 2. RSI 022 Elrt 8mi 703 044 72S 45 4:11 3S5 601 743 70S 2i' 773 323 333 740 603 65U 658 u70 421 403 404 3S7 303 335 258 305 250 273 100 278 272 208 140 147 17S 164 119 ,699 2.60S 2.077 2.007 2.G4 4 2.4 07 2.320 2.198 2,186 2.005 2,051 1.840 1.821 1,704 1.83 1.578 1,526 1.451 1.385 1.261 1.177 1.107 1.104 817 tiOS, S03 779 758 714 B03 . 610 558 512 bl4 JS1 303 386 3t 358 22S ADVEIMTISTS WANT $17,680 Ttain Does Xot Inconvenience Dwell, ers in Tent City. Th Western Oregon conference of the Seventh-Day Advcntists, in session yesterday morning at the campground, East Fifteenth and Kast Davis streets, adopted a resolution to the effect that each member be asked to contribute 20 cents a week to foreign missions. There ere 1700 members in the conference, hlch will mean a contribution of $340 a. week, or a total of $17,680 for the ensuing year from this conference. It was estimated that between 1200 and 1500 people are camped on the rround. and more arrived late yester day. Walla Walla College is repre sented by President E. C. Kellogg and 1-aurelwood school by Professor J. L. Kay. The Portland Sanitarium has a tent on the gorund. President Flaia represents the Union Conference, and T. H. Starbuck, the Southern Oregon Conference. Election of officers will be held this morning. The rains do rot interfere materially with the camp meeting or the campers. The living tents axe floored and safe from damp ness. Meetings are in progress almost constantly from 6:3 A. M.- to 10 P. M. when all lights are extinguished. MUNICIPAL JBONDS SOLD Premium Buns as High as 3.78 Per Cent on 6 Per Cent Issue. Portland improvement bonds aggre gating 1210.063.60 yesterday sold as bl;h as 3.78 per cent above par, one of the best figures brought by bonds of the kind in many months. They run live years at six per cent and brought in an unusually large number of bids. The awards were made as follows: E. Eising, 30,000 at 3.48 premium; $20,000 at 3.58: 30.000 at 3.68; J30.000 at 3.78; United States National Bank, ?20, 000 at 3.50: Lumbermens National Bank, 550.000 at 3.61; Portland Trust Company 16.568.66 at 3.41: City of Portland, $2500 for the police and fire relief funds at par and $1000 for the monu ment fund at par. ALL DEPOSITS For reservations on special train of the first annual home-going excursion of Michigan societies of the Pacific Northwest, to leave Portland for De troit, Mich.. June 27. must be received at O.-W. R. & N. city office, corner Third and Washington streets, not later than June 25. This is necessary, as railroads must know by that time whether or not sufficient people will make the trip to warrant special service.- Anyone desiring to go to Chicago or Dcj odo ur iu ursimauons in Mich lean other than Detroit via Chlran may use special train to Chicago. Mrs. Harriet . wenaee. secretary. Oregon Michigan Society. In case there is not sufficient service to' warrant special train travel will be accommodated in special cars. . i tir a i: j a l . ia o-jr. m-M rnillsaaiYr.aarml R II Choose Today From 4000 With Folks and Friends aedsome Cravats At 17c 3 for 50c Men select your Neckwear supply foi-thc entire avvxi xium iuese uiousanas ot Deautitul cravats; a boundless array of attractive patterns and designs from this season's newest fashions. . " Exquisite silks with large flowing ends in plain and faUCV "Dattpvns. S-rTirfH firrnroo in1 Pm-c-Jn,, ff,.. immense varietv of nlain and fa Crochet bilk J our-m-Hands, and a wondrous lot of Fine Mercer ized Tuhlllav Wflsll Tips in nloi'n nA -P,,-.,T "r.- 1 . - i"ui" emu. ittiicj Hcavra. iuu nave an unrestricted choice from this wonderful assortment of Ties at this phenomenal sale. iviuiii ciA j ul xrxi Dual ctii ujjpui tuUXty B7m K 17 O tT1 fX at Home Makes This Our Monthly Sale of atIonery ' A Very Timely One for You from so splendid an assortment. Choose at, Engraved Cards Are a Necessity When Traveling 100 Cards from vour own plate. 65? 100 Cards and Plate, Plain Script $1.25 300 Cards and Plate, French or Old English $1.9S - 100 Cards and Plate, Shaded French or Old English $2.89 100 ENGRAVED WEDDING- ANNOUNCEMENTS, 8 lines, special, $S.75 100 ENGRAVED WEDDING INVITATIONS, 11 lines, special. . .:. $10.65 Just Inside MorrlMon-St. Entrance. See Morrison Street Window Display Gloves and Parasols With the New Dress! Women's $3.50 Parasols of high prade and very attractive material, -with 22-inch frames on 10 brass ribs. Stunning color combinations. Both plain and fancy. Long, hardwood handles, plain or carved. Spe- flCj f O cially priced for this sale at only ZjJami,i0 ?5.00 Parasols, 154.19 Women's $1.50 Perrin's Gloves of real French imported chamois. Two-clasp style. Natural shades only. Specially t - r priced for this sale at, the pair $ J. Women's $1.75 Bacmo Gloves of white doeskin. One pearl clasp. Sne- tU i r cially priced for this sale at, pair tj) X 3 $3 Gloves 16-butt on of Bacmo make. Chamois and doeskin. White and natural. Sp'l, $2.63 -Vtrmt Floor, Main Building. Mall Orders Killed. 75c Initial Stationery, 24 sh. paper, 24 cor. cards, 4S Env. Bos 59 65c Initial Stationery, Long gold Initial. Box 49 "Peach Pink" Stationery, Newest Shade. Box 50e, 60c and 75r 50c Aeroplane Ponnd Paper, Linen, 96 sheets paper. Pound 24 Envelopes, to match, pksr 11 50c Correspondence Cards, Crane's. Box 432 25c Paper, Crane's. Pound X9 35c Aeroplane . Stationery, Linen, -white, lavender and blue. Box 23 25c Stationery, Coles-Phillips, Fancy Box. Box, 19 25c Note Paper, small size. Box 19 25c Box Stationery, Crane's. Box 17 65c Box Birth Announcements, fancy. Box 59 5c Linen Scratch Pads, 2 for 5 35c Box Children's Stationery, fancy -with pic tures. Box 2S 80c Box Business Envelopes, 6 1-4 inch ; 500 in box. Box 67tf 25c Lunch Sets, Dennison's. Ench .'. 21? 15c Paper Napkins, Dennison's, plain white. per 100 10d 5c Wax Paper 3 rolls, lOt 25c Pkg. Paper Plates, pkg 19 10c Pkg. Sanitary Drinking Cups, pkg 8 25c Doz. Fancy Place Cards, dozen 21 15c Bridge and "500" Score Pads, each lOt 50c Leather Bridge Pads, each 2S 35c Fancy Paper Napkins, Dennison's. Per 100 29? 50c Congress and Initial Playing Card3, pkg 39 25c Bicycle and Narrow's Bridge Playing Cards, pkg 19 "500" and Whist Score Cards, doz 4 15c pkg. Paper Doilies, fancy, pkg 11 50c doz. "500" and Bridge Score Cards, fancv, doz 2S Flrvt Floor, New Btilldlns Mall Orders Killed. Y oil van Terms each-Cottage or bummer oome Economically : ' By Choosing Here During This 5 -Day Sale, Needed Articles at Decided Reductions! Furniture Dept., 4th Floor, Both Buildings " $7 Metal Beds just as illustrated. Enameled white oi green. 4-6 size. A few are sin- C A f0 1 pt.o gle size. Sp $3.25 Upholstered Cots -ideal for beach, :. cottage or Summer home, and a great convenience in the spare room. Substantial ly constructed and braced. Upholstered over springs. Special price d- A q this sale only P A tt7 fiff $18 Buff ets of solid oak. Just as illustrated. Made with lined silverware drawer, linen drawer and two cupboard doors. Specially A a a, f priced at only Pt-'jl-y $1.40 Chairs of hard wood and just as illus trated. Made with brace arms and fiu- QA ished gol den OSC 7 ""h,iiiiTA,FC-I. ' ir"""' oor ftSTRteiST-EREQ U tie DA-r ncr Ostermoor Mattresses "built, not stuffed." A Mattress the most con ducive to restfulness of any made. Made of 4000 layers of felted cotton.' Weight 50 pounds. All & f r ff sizes. One-piece style p lO.UU Two-piece Ostermoors, 50c Extra. . $1.75 Chairs of East ern hardwood. Style as illustrated. Durably constructed with bolted arms. Golden finish. Special at J 1 Q only, each $1,1 $4 Corsets, $2.39 Women the most carefully dressed will find in this special lot of Corsets a dainty and suitable model that will surely give per fect fit and satisfaction. They're made of soft coutil, with low bust and long hip, hav ing three pairs of hose supporters attached. Beautifully trimmed are these Corsets in satin ribbon and lace. Worth $4.00. Spe cial, the pair, S2.39. Second Floor, Nevr Building. Mali Order Killed. $8 Extension Tables of solid oak and just as illus trated. Five -foot exten sion. Finished in wax golden. S p e- d a aq. cial price only P Purchase Your Furniture on Our Club Plan PMffMsNTS English Breakfast Tables a great convenience and an econ omizer of SDace. Finished watt golden, Early English, fumed or natural. Spe cial this week at $2.98 CALL RIGHTS RESERVED For Small Children's Wear at Beach Summer Sewing Is Simplified By the (iWillametteM Sewing Machine for both The Willamette Sewinsr Machine , f.Jo.o ou jiiaiiv Bucciai xeaiures aesisned "u " dcjuj lasss iignt ana easy. The Automatic Tension, which permits you to sew on the sheerest materials then wftrS'WfllSStl. . f mat6rial WithUt readitin in y Elusive A clever little device prevents clogging or tangling of Hirers; you may use the finest of thread, or the heaviest u mates a clean, clear stitch that is the same on sides; all parts oiled from above no throwing off the belt and back the sewing head. A binding' warranty covers each and every part of the "Willamette." Come in and see one demonstrated; $2 with purchase places the lamette Sewing Machine in home, then $1 per week until for. No extras. No interest. F-.vvt.'.yn J wsr Third Kloor. w BailUInc Third Floor. Main BulldlnK Mall Orders Killed Wil your paid Sev eral styles at $32.50 to $40.00. I The- Q.UALITV Sto re- of- Portlan d B rVth, SbcLhv, "Morrisory Aider Sta. Mountainside Home Shown Here First in Portland "What will be the most practical gar ments for the children to wear at the beach or in the mountains?" is the ques tion that many mothers are asking at present. "Koveralls" solve the problem. With no tight elastic bands to stop the circulation; made in one piece, being very easy to slip on and off; so strong and well made that they've exceptional wearing qualities; Koveralls, it will quickly be seen, are the most practical, healthful, economical garments for small children, either at home or for the outing. They save washing, fit and look well and vet are loose and comfortable in every part. You'll find them in two weights the heavier quality for all-the-vear-round wear, in blue denim, or blue and white stripe, genuine hickory; the light weight for Summer wear, of a close-woven mate rial, with blue background and small, white stripes. All are trimmed with fast color, red or blue galatea; pvN sizes 1 to 8 years. Priced, each OC Mail Orders Filled PHONES Marshall 4600 A-6101 A Clever Woman Perfected Until now, the at tempt to make a Silk Hose proof against run-in threads has never been success ful; but at last a clever woman dis co vered that by working- buttonholes in tops of Hose and reinforcing the un der side with a nar row strip of tape, the result, would be the Silk Hose Per fected. Kayser's new But-i-nol Silk Hose have two sets of button holes, for readjust ment of supporters; all are pure silk, with double "soles and double silk tops and are warranted not to run-in the threads; in black only, pair, 5jjl.50. IUT-I-NNL 1 M pf The W Pair m $1.50 SILK STOCKING First Floor, Xew Bulldhis; A New Model Press Form Conforms Jo Present Dress Mode Never before have we offered a reduced price on the new model Hall & Bore hart Dress Form. This style is made with long hips and large waist, making it the most desirable Form for fitting of gowns now in vogue. Regularly $200, we offer these Forms special todav, onlv $1.69. Adjustable Stands to fit Forms, $2.00 .extra. First Floor, Main Bulldins.