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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1913)
Q THK MOKM.NG UKt.OMA, FRIDAY. JUNE 13, 1913. 19 FOR KENT. Kurultbed Uoonin In Private lamilj. ROSE CARNIVAL -visitors can find desirable accommodation; cool, airy rooms, large lawn, porches, splendid view parade, at moderat rate. Call A 5250. 575 Coucb at., comer ISth. 'tW:.V furnished room in private family. East Side, with or without board; 16 min utes' walk from 3d and Washing-ton sts. by Steel or Broadway bridges. Call Home phone C 1270. JSICELY fumlshtid rooms, modern, pleasant surroundings, very close in; minute to busineas filstrlct ; reasonable rent. S09 11th it flCL, light front ronm.2oC 12th L Rooms With Board. NORTON 1A HOTEL. lltb, Jut off Washington St. American and European. Beautiful dining-room, tearoom and root garden. Very attractive rates to families and bachelor. MODKR.V- -E I-E OA N T EXC LUSTVE.""" American and European plan; near City Park, convenient lo carline. SPECIAL RATES ROSE CARNIVAL. THE HILL. Washington, at 23d St. Residential and Tourists' Hotel. Attractive rate to permanent and tran sients. Main 7584. FOR Y. M. C A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable la price; fireproof build- Irig, vacuum cleaned; shower hatha, swim mtug pool, club facilities; special rate at afeteria, and 1 00 other feature. Full particular at business office, cor. Jth and Taylor sts. THE WILLAKD HOTEL. MORRISON AND PARK STS. European and American, $2 per day with meal. Rates by the month and week with or without m eals very reasonable. New, modern and fireproof. ELTON COURT. Select Family HoteL Modern rooms with excellent table board, very reasonable rate. 11th and Yamhill at. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 8-86 Montgomery st., at Wit Park, mod em convenience; room with or without bath ; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular and transient guest. THE WHITEHALL, 253 6TH ST. A residential hotel, large sun porch; rooms with or without baths; home cook Ing; table, board a specialty. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 24th year; room with board, use of sewing room, 11 hrary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, tup, THE LAMBERSON. 554 Couch, cor. 17th; outside room ; steam heat, running water; special rates for good table board. THe'mXnTtOU. 2l 13th SL ' Excellent table, large, airy room Summer rates. "J" car at Depot. THE HAZE L Large outside room, steam heat, running water; with or without meal; moderate price. 3S3 3d at. CHOICE single rooms, tlrst-clas table board. 33 N. 17th; block from Washington. Bonni i i I t m tn LARGE, pleasant, attractively furnished room with splendid board, in easy walk ing distance, on West Side; every modem convenience and home privileges; two young ladies v. ho are employed and would like a permanent home preferred; $22.5u per month. Phone Marshall 243. LEWIS LODGE. . 725 Prospect drive. Phone Main 1057. Just thPi plac for business people to .spend the Summer, a few minutes to the center of city; all modem conveniences. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS RESIDENCE OFFERS ROOM AND BOARD TO PEO PLE DESIRABLE OF EXCLUSIVE SUR ROUNDINGS. MAIN 5934. NICE comfortable rooms, with breakfast, ooard, hot and cold water, bath, piione. walking distance, reasonable. 120 N. ISth comer Glisan. M. 3097. NICE room, with 2 meals, in private fam ily for one or two young people, walking distance, $21 per month. B 3230. LARGE, airy room, reasonable, close in. with or without board. 353 12th. Marshall 4410. 841 N. 22D ST.. well furnished room, porch and grounds; excellent meals. Main 20 71. N 1CELV furnished rooms with board, walk ing distance. 153 ltitli St., N. Main 0654. COM E out to clean, restful Irvlngton ; roon nd hoard reasonable., phone East 322tf. FURNISHED rooms with board, sleeping porch. 320 11th St. Phone A 163ft. PLEASANT, airy room, use of piano. Ml 10th St. Main 8312. Apartment. LUC RET I A COURT. Lucretia si-, near Washington and 23d. Most modern unfurnished apartment house in the city; 2 to 5-room apartments. Investigate before deciding elsewhere. References. Manager. Marshall 1518; Jan itor. Marshall J 500. FIX large room, hardwood floors, water, heat, private phones, large sleeping porch, front veranda, new and every convenience. (trace Apartments. 797 Northrup. THE WAYNE. Largo ft-room apartments. Inquire Jan. or. King's It 111 Apt s.. King and Wayn ALCO APARTMENTS. Union ave. and Couch sL. modem new furnished 2-room apts.. walking distance, SSQ. K ATHEUINE Apartments. 3 49 53 St., for rent, a-roora apts.; private bath and phone. Take 23d -St. car and get off at goyt K1NUSBURV. Ford, near Washington at. High -class apartments; one unfur nished of 3 rooms, with private bal- cony ; reasonable rent. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. m Park St. at Madison. Modern 3 and ft-room furnished apart ments by the week or month. Till: ORMONDE, -4 and 5-room apartments modern, furnished or unfurnished. Bum mer rates. 36 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main GENEVA APTS., 8 AN FRANCI3CO. " 840 Van Ness Ave. First-clus. modern. 2. 3-room. furnished; linen, silver. yUKNISHlNOS of three-room outside apart -ment for sal cheap or rented. $30 per month. Inquire Janitor, st Croix Ant Phone Marshall 445. WHY NOT have n apartment with private balcony? Furulhed Or urtfurnieheu ; right prices Hddon Hall. 414 11th st. Marshall 1171. o-ROOM modern flat ; fruit, roses S-mlnute walk from Po toffies. 54S Fifth Main 7065, A b5wl. ALB ERMAKLH. X and 4 apartments, modem. Summer rates. $ 1 o to $30. East 4198. 3S3 Wil liam ae. FOR RENT -Win rent unfurnished apart ment, three rooms ; heat furnished, no children ; apartment nleely situated in first-class residence district. East 268-3. THE M'KINLEV APARTMENTS. East 7th and Morrison st. Very central ; 2 and 3-room apartment, furnbjhed com p'etely; private baths; from $110 to $21.50. I-JROOM modern furnished apartment; heat, light, phone, water, furnished, for $23.30. IfoO E. 2Sd st., 1 block north Hawthorn avenue. East 16T8. THE MARLBOKUVUB, Nob BttU district 0 room apartment every convenience. Main 7516. BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison 2 and 3-room apart mauu; best serv ice. Apply on premise. THE DEZENDORJ ' 208 sixteenth, near Taylor. One unfurnished 5-room apartment. "IDEAL APARTMENTS." Beautifully furnished single and suites. 536 Couch, cor. HJth. FLORENCE, 8SS 11TH. I and 4 rooms, completely furnished; up :o date; roof garden; from $27.50 up. THJfl 6 TAN F 1 E L.D, New 2 -room apt., light and ga in -cludsd; 15 to $25. 204 I'orter st. M. T392. THE D rick ton. 44o lltb Nicely furnished 2 and It-room modern outside apt,, near Heights. Mrs. F. W. Mr.'ui.. Marshall 57. 421 WEST 1' ARK Furnished 3-room apnrt mem . desirable; no children. Inquire 3So Hall. A RDM AY TERRACE. Exceptionally large livinc-room ( 16x20'' ery convenience. 12th and Harrison sts. BANNER Apartment. 4S9 Clay st. Modern - rooms, completely furnished, $16, $18 nd $-u. Marshall 2074. PAGE APARTMENTS Beautiful apartments, furnished and un . :nae J. including fire place, etc K. 356a 3566. ALTON1A. Marshall and 19th sts. Large, airy 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; quiet ana exc;utve neighborhood. LINCOLN APARTMENTS fourth and Lincoln All outside :-room apts; summer rates: walking distance. BKN MAW K APTS.. 1S5 E. 15th. near 1 imhii;. 4 -room apt., modern. IL"iH.EE ATH.7"4ST Taylor 2-room apart n.ents. fii furnished. $17 and up. J"fc LAiTON large rooms, apt., porches, eer conv pnlence . low rent. 58 Flandera SfS1!?! 400 Hal1 "t- building, furnished, modern. raiM alj 1 linra- -Oom apartment, modern. J.. Main, Phone East 144P. 3 nS?? h In! rooms, nicely fur- n tshvd. .ss i At y, - t Ny2 ifrfi" il nln av- an5 Sacramento 4 EE0E&i nifli. 'u-nihed flat, nice .ocatlon. Phone B 212. FOB REM. Apartments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT rOL'R SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartment from 2 to 5 rooms, from $15 to $57-50 per month.. If you want one. telephone Main 2015 Sunday or A 2015 Evenings call Mr. Balden, Marshall 2290. Our automobile will call at any address with our agent, who will be glad to show these apartments. References required. We own or control the following; Cecilia, 22d and Gltsan sts. Clayp&ol, 11th and Clay sts. Ford ham, 170 Ford sC Hanthorn, 251 12th St., near Main. Hanover, 165 King st., near Washington. Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near 11th. Orderielgh. 82 Grand ave. Et. Croix, 170 Clair at., near Wash. 6t. Francis. 21st and Hoyt sts. Wellington, 15th and Everett sts. MORGAN. FUEDNER & BOYCE, ' 503-506 Abington Bldg. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS. 2-d and GlUan Ste. Walking Distance. Very exclusive, elegantly furnished. 4 reom apartments; all large, bright outside rooms. References Required. Marshall 8162. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets. Walking Distance. Furnished complete, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments ; building new and strictly modem; service first class. CARMELITA. Jefferson and 13 th Sts. 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments; exceptionally well arranged; walking dis tance. Rates Reasonable. Modem. References. New. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS The House of Tone. Laj-gest and finest apart ments on the Pacific Coast. In heart of apartment-house district. New. and mod ern in every particular. Apartments fur nished and unfurnished; exclusive bachelor quarters with clubroom in south wing ; sleeping-porches in every apartment; high class service; refined clientele: no disap pearing furniture; terms reasonable; in spection Invited ; references required. rnone Marshall nut. THE BARKER, cor. Xlmt and Irving sts. This new four-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall . electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of closet rooms; both phone, vacuum cloaner free to patron. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phone A 1744. Mu. rah a. 11 2061. STELWYX APTS.. Corner St. Clair and Washington. Largest and most beautifully furnished hlgh-clas apt., sleeping porches and roof garden; Ideal location for Summer; high class service, reasonable rates; references required. Marshall S060. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast. Furnished Complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking Distance. References. WELLBJSLEY COURT. East 15th and Belmont, 4 block of Mor rison. Biggest and best on Sast Side; 4 itory, modern, 100x100; furnished and un furnished; walking distance. THE MITA'ER APARTMENTS. 350 H Morrison st., three blocks from P. O.; clean and respectable; elevator service, etc. ; housekeeping rooms, single and en suite; also office rooms; rate very ifdsunaoie. i our patronage solicited, or flee phone Marshall 1126. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia. 2 ard 3-room ana rt merit, furnished atrlctly modern and new; references; close wti.amg q.Kiaiicc; service first-class. WESTFAL 410 BTK. Lowest rate in Portland; easy walking distance, modern, private baths, auto matic elevator, wei 1 furnished, all con veniences. Call before locating. A 2U3S, Main 2079. DESIRABLE 4-room apartment .furnished or unfurnished; arranged for 2 bedrooms; best in city, considering rent, location, service, etc.; outside rooms, private bath, direct phone. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 272 Broadway, cor. Jefferson. THE AVALON The nearest to Union Depot of all East Side apts., 3 blocks of Broad way. Beautiful furnished, 3 and 4-room apts. All linen, silverware, private phone, bath and sleeping porches. Summer rates. Phone East 1167. 285 Koss. THE WINSTON. 341 14th St.. at Market. New two and three-room apartments, completely furnished ; walking distance; prices reasonable. Main 1739. GRANDEST A East Stark and Grand ave.; new building, nicely furnished 3-room apartments; private bath and private phone, $25 to $27.50; walking distance. Phone East 208. LUZERNE APTS. Cor. 3d and Hall, cozy 2-room furnished aptd.. building new and strictly modern; all outside room ; 8 in In. to P. O. Rates very reasonable. Marshall 4637. THE EMERSON. 2. 3. 4-room apts., furnished, unfur nished, $12, $30: cor. Williams ave. and Emerson St.. Lhree (.-arllnes. phone Wood lawn 653-3173. i'HE PARKHURST, North 20th and Northrup Hts Homellke furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments, outside rooms; balcony to every uilo: all convenience, ref. Phone M. 117S. CUMBER LAN r West Park and Columbia sts., 2 and 2-room completely furnished apt., all moacrn convenience, choice lo cation, facing the Parks. Only 5 minute' walk from bumes center; reference. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS, 16th and Everett 2. 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished: private baths; $20 and up; completely ren ovated ; under new management; walking distance : convenient and beat service. THE EVERETT, 44 Everett, between 20th and Ella Sts. Furnished 3-room apartment, located in on of the choicest residence districts ; modern: walking distance. KEELER APARTMENTS, 14TH AND CLAY STREETS First-class 3-room apartments, unfur nished, private vestibules, bathroom and phones ; rof erencea required. ORDEKLElQH 82 Grand Ave.. 8-room apurtments, completely furnished, private baths; new management; modern and con venient; walking distance; best of service rate f 15 to 530. BROWNE APARTMENTS, Cor. 14th and Taylor. Unfurnished 2 and 3-room apartment Strictly modem. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Third and Montgomery; new, modern, out side furnished 2-room apartments; eleva tor; close in; $20 to $30. Main 9466. MEREDITH Modern, newiy renovated 8 room apartment. $20 and up; good Jani tor service, walking distance ; referencea 712 Washington, opp. 22d. Main 7134. ELK APARTMENT, 34th and East Belmont st. Two and three rooms ; reasonable rates; private phones and bath: outside apartments; references, phone Tabor 543 THE LOIS, 704 HOYT ST. A large 8-room apt. furnished or un furnished, outside rooms, sleeping porches modern in every way. SL'MMER RATES. 3-room nicely furnished apartment; all large, cool, outside rooms; $22.50; bath, phone and on carline. B 3041, Tabor 2293. THK CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders st. -. 4-room modern apartments, furnished or unfurnished, both phone; hot water private baths each apartment. iats. &-ROOM modern flat; fireplace, fruit, roses 8-mlnute walk from Postofflce. o43 Fifth street. Main 7060. A 60 01. MODERN T-room flat cheap. 12 Mill SL Ap- &-ROOM modern flat, sleeping porch: fine location. 2t5't F- 21st. Tabor 15&L FLAT of 0 100ms and bath; 731 Hovt u Inquire 130 6th st. Phone Main 6278. room mouern na cnoicest location West Side. Inquire 173 16th, corner YamhiU. 8-ROOM flat, bath and gas, $10 per mo Inquire :v40 Tillamook t. MODERN 4-room flat, walking distance very reasonable. 5S1 8d st. HOLLADAY ADD., walking distance, near " '1 vv asco st. East S805. ftTOB RJCNT One new, modern nve-roorr. flat- $2o p4r month, at 773 Wilon at. FOB KENT. I R VIN GT ON. 5 rooms, hardwood floors, tile bath, pri vate front porch, screened sleeping; porch, gas range, steam heated, excellent janitor service. Thi building 1 in the heart of Irvlngton, among fine home. 1 block to 2 carlines. 409 E- 16th St. N. - F. E. BOWMAN ft CO., E. 22d and Braxee E. 936. C 2522. $25 5 ROOMS E. 1st st., near Broadway, new stove and gas heater, fixtures ana shades; gooa neighborhood. 525 6 rooms. ICS 10th St., near Mor riou. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 40 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. 8eJ, A 2653. ls MODERN 5-room, nice residence lo cation. West Side, front and back yard ano porches, gas and electricity, ga range and water heater and linoleum. Marshall 817. 5-ROOM flat, 780 Glisan St.. near 23d st. car; new. modern, convenient, hardwood floods, fireplace nd furnace; select neigh borhood. Morgan, Fiiedner & Boyce, 503 A:lngton bidg. TWO deslrab!e 5-room flat, rent $18. ad joining Page apartments, East Burnsloe and oth sts. ; walking distance keys at W oodarde. KM 2d L NEW flats, large porches, Dutch kitchen, c ab Jnata, n ear L, Q and Krf c ra. 1 1 a Commercial at. MODERN 5-room flat, 2 block east end Steel bridge, 10 minutes' walk to Wash- JJIMB street, only $18. 2btf Holladay MODERN apartment, four room, bath and uater heater. 58 Lucretla Place. Phone Marshall .... ; - TWO new modern 4 rooms and bath flats. 100 ft. south Walnut Park; $16. Wood lawn 1 149. MODERN 4-room flat $16 : porch Hs. base ment. yard, linoleum, range, gan plate; adulta. 7S0 William ave. Wood lawn 426. Furnished f lats. OOM furnlahed flat for 3 month; rent reasonable: nice lawn, lot of rose. Call MODERN 6 -room furnished flat. S East 12th N. Marshall 797, A 7131. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th andMarshall Slav Furnished for housekeeping j gas range, electric lights, hot water, batn. laundry free; $12 per month up; a clean place; best In the r-ltv fnr th mmbv i from Union Depot. Take' S or 16th-st. cars north, get off at Marshall. No dogs. $1.50- TO $2.75 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone E. 6u3b. 406 Vancouver. 203 Stanton. "U" car THE UPSHUR. 406H 2tfth et., furnished 2 roora apt., steam heat, light; 17 up. Main 8B9. Take "S," 23d or "W" car north, FURNISHED L, k. and Kleepl ng-roorns, $1.25 to $1.75; two rooms. $2.26. 2U1 ON L front two-room and one single h k. room; light, bath, phone; $4.50, $2.50. 410 Jefferson. NEW furnished housekeeping rooms heat, light, baths. $15. 1144 Union. Furnished h. k rooms, cheap, Cambridge bldg., 3d, cor. Morrison. Phone Main 945. THE GILMAN. 1st St., cor. Alder Furnished housekeeping room, $1.50 week up. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East Sth, nicely furnished housekeeping suites reasonable. Honfaekeeping Rooms La Private Family. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, light, bath and cooking gas, phone and heat furnished, in fine locction. walking distance. East 3926 181 E. 15th st. ONE. two or three clean, nicely furnished rooms, first floor, piano, gas range, sink, bath, phone, light free; close in; very reasonable. 420 Market st. pL'.SO PER WEEK, front corner room, on second floor; light, clean front room with kitchenette, gas range, 388 5th st. Main 3304. SPLENDID 2-room apartment; large lawn; all conveniences for housekeeping: walk ing distance to city; $2.50 to ?5 week; fcraies Dymontnijot;cor. 18th, TWO rooms furnished for housekeeping $j per week. 128 13th st., between Wash ingtou and Alder. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, private "t'Hiij , electricity, pnone and gas. S4i Front st. $2.50 FRONT ROOM, first floor; nice olean corner room, bath, phone; also sleeping room. 388 6th St. Main 3304. 3 FURNISHE D housekeeping rooms ; rent, cheap, close to Broadway bridge. o82 E. 1st N. Phone East 2496. SL'ITE newly furnished sleeping rooms, la East 7tli. East 1929. TWO or three connecting rooms, hath, gas phone. :0 E. 13th st. North. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping room, hot water heat. 7S1 Kearney. Marshall 4337. $14.00 FOUR furnished H. K. rooms, gao piate, range, on 1 in. Aiain THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, $12 yvi mum it. oon reuj grove, aaain TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, clean modern. 234 E. 18th. East 1440. STRANGERS Fine, lisht H. K. rooms. 407 jo tiers op. Modern, clean, fine bath. NEWLY furnished modem h.-k. rooms. $.1 ycf wectv, twan. ntn soutn. Houses. $12.50 4-room cottage on Woodstock oar. J12.SU 5-room cottage on St. Johns car. $16.10 5 room, near Woodlawn school. $!S-tH i roomd. modern. 997 Commercial. y-JO-OO 5 rooms, 051 Overton t., near 16th " f . PAL.MJEK-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bids. Phone M. SfittO, A 3653 1-ROOM bungalow on 2 acre cleared land water piped into house, chicken-house and j-tt.u. oifnuy location ; I .. per month eix block from Multnomah. See Wciien; securities Co.. thrt or at 730 Chamber of PALMYRA BUNGALOW. New and modern. 7 rooms, exclusive district, near Mt. Tabor carline, 4 blocks, city in view, rent reasonable. Particulars NEAT 5-rOOm bUIltalow. 1 rnr1i.a fly,-. place, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, 50x 100 lot, good car nervico; will lease for 1 year to responsible people: $21. See my agent, Mr. Leonard, &2 1th st. OR RENT Houses, fists and apartments, lurnlshed and unfurnished; a large list to select from. UMBDBNSTOCK & LARSON CO. 2S6 Oak St. DKS1IIABLE houses and flats to rent, all parts city. NATIONAL REALTY & I XV. CO. Main 512V. FOR RENT Modern tf-room house, bath and pantry, large, airy ?ot, E. 18th and E Taylor sts. Inquire 660 E. Taylor sL Phone East 2008. FOR RENT- 6 -room house on Beacon St., near Brooklyn school ; price MS near li carline. Apply to E. Willis. 003 East Oth st. Phone Sellwood 878. tOR RENT Fine 7-roora house with con veniences. Roso City Park, one block car line, rent $25 per month. Apply 833 Oak streete. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT HACKER A THERKELSEN CO 306 SpaldinK Bids Main 7682. FOR RENT 6-room house, in good con dition, 206 Whitaker st. Key at 821 Front at, MODERN 7-room house. West Side; full basement, furnace with water colL Phone Main 4607, A 48S8. SMITH-WILLOUGHBY. No. 90 Oth st. Best rental list, new bungalows, 825; will build homes, s.15 month. Ask Hoover. FOR RENT West Side, 7-room house, ce ment basement, porcelain plumbing. 510 Market at. Phone Main 243, A 4S32. LRVINGTON Elegant S-room home; east front; - block Tennis Ciub; $50 month. Phone East 1470. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, l block west from Union ave., 1015 -Garfield ave.. cor. Maegley. Inquire next door. RENT House on 16th and Belmontl ISP't. on 15th nd Bttmont lnqur 101 E. lflth, corner Belmont. Ea ST-dlDE Cottage, 7 rooms, bath bae ment. walking distance. $20. inquire room 801, Dokum bidg. $1- FOUR rooms, modern, solid oak floors. butK-ln bed. Take WW car, get off ajt 46th. lggg E- 46th. or phone Main 7637 FOR RENT Modern house, 12 rooms all or part of furniture for sale. 315 11th st corner Clay. 5-ROOM cottage. 288 Cherry. Phone East 341 1. 518 6-ROOM cottage, 482 East Ankeny J. J. OEDER. Grand ave. and E. An ken y . NEAT cottagp. C4o Clinton, rent $12 Edward Co.. 191 1st st. Appiy 5-ROOM cottage, $13; 67 East 8:h it. Nona Call 47 Eat Sth North. Phone B 17DS. " HOUSE of 5 room and bath. 69 E lith B Inquire 180 6th it Malp 6278. SEVERAL homes for rent, Irvlngton. Eas 273. W. H. Hrnjnan. NEAT, modern, up-to-date cottage West Side, cheap. Morris. Main 6976. Main 4947. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house Wasco, near East 1st. Phone East 244-ti m b-KOOM nouse m good I condition, $15. 5-reom cottage. Inquire 925 E. Stark at. J NICE 6-room hOUe. 1S. 812 E. Alder cor SOth. 914 E. Alder. $17. GOOD roomy liouee, close in; cheap rent 527 Eat Surnslde st. 5-ROOM modern house. $18. Phone C 2S18. 418 6an Rafael. S-ROOM cottage. 2tj-5 Cherry. pMcne East FOB RENT. liousr. HOUSE, garden and chicken grounds of 1H a--res. will rent to responsible partle for one year, at $25 per mouth; modern house of eight rooms: has just ben built, cost $4O0u; outbuildings for chickens and pig eons. a!i built, plenty of etrawberries ana small fruit, to protect insurance on place) must rent at once ; property located at 40th and Francis ave.. on W-W carline. J. L. Bowman, owner, at Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, 3d and Morrison. Furnished Ho FOR RENT, immediately, splendidly fur nished 5-room bungalow, rlneet corner location in Sunnyslde. large sunny rooms, fine basement and lawn; everything for coxy, comfortable home ; reasonable rerfj to desirable permanent tenant. Call Quick 1094 E. Morrison. COMPLETELY 657 Schuyler i year or more. Front st. furnished six-room house, L. Irvlngton. Will lease for Apply W. H. Wallace. 194 3-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE. $9. N.lce yard and trees, close to car and school, on 8L John line. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 932 C. of C Both phones. $20 COMPLETELY furnished 5-room bun galow: modern, ell furnished, gas, elec tric lights; East Side. 30 minutes from Fostofflce. Address J 331 . Oregonlan. N INK-ROOM. West Side, furnished modern residence, with largn sleeping porch, to responsible party. June 25 to August 25; good neighborhood. Main 4974. 'OMPI-ETELY furnished 5-room cottage, gas. lawn, special rate to permanent ten ants. 1024 Williams ave. Key I0I8 Wil liams ave. NICELY furnished 5-room modern cottage; good yard; in nice neighborhood; bargain If taken at once. 66 Jarrett t. -ROOM house, fruit, some garden. $18. From 9 to 5 P. M. today. 877 Oberlln sL. Portsmouth. 0-ROOM bungalow furnished completely; piano and linen. Apply 5108 42d st.. S. E. v canine. .-- -i i-ou. Nlt'ELY furnished ti-room house, June 1ft to September 15; East Side. Overlook Add. Phone Woodlawn :il3P. 8-ROOM furnished house. West Side. 779 Johnson at. Marshall 4041. -ROOM cottage, shade trees and roses, block from car. $15. McCroskey. Main 4768. Summer Resort. FOR RENT. 2 comfortably furnished cottages at Sea view. Wash., close to sea; Ave rooms each ; fireplace, water in kitchen. Tele phone Main 8539. ST. MARTIN SPRINGS Now open for campers; take steamers Ballev Gatzert or Tahoma and S. P. & S. R. R. to Carson, Wash. Camperw must bring tent. GEARHART cottage for rent; 6 rooms, in grove; good location. Inquire A. R. Zel ler. 592 Williams ave. Kast 1088 SEASIDE Completely furnished cotutge desirable; bath, electricity ; ready for oc cupaccy. Main 2097. FOR RENT Seaside; furnished cottage, close in; near river and ocean. Woodlawn 107. CHEAPER THAN RENT Six-room hous-. furnished, at CJearhart. $20 down, balance $1Q0 per year. Woodlawn 5S0. FOR RENT At Seavlew, 7-room furnished house; fireplace. Marshall 4847. A 5390. "-JtOOM furnished house, fireplace large yard; Ocean Park. Wash. Marshall 4041. i-ROOM furnished cottage for rent at Long Beach. Wash . Tioga station. Main 450. CENTRALLY located well furnished cottage at Seaview, Wash. Call East 324C Store. WASHING TON -ST. store, near 10th, splen didly fitted for delicatessen, fancy gro ceries and liquors; surrounded by hotels and apartments; very reasonable rent; SPACE in modern basement, ventilated and well lighted. N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts., suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc. Morgan, Fliedner & Boyce, 503 Abington bldg. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity to lease promi nent corner in center of business activity on Washington st. ; also- store 1st and Alder sts.. entrances on both streets. Full information. treasurer's office. People's Theater bfdg.. West Park and Alder sts. PARTY wanted to share half of attractive store, suitable for manufacturer's agent; storage and office room, large dlsplay wlndow. central location; rent $i pe"r month. Inquire 91 1 1th st. STORK and four rooms above at 101 Plrst t. ; thie is a-sood location, between Alder and Morrison at.; will give lease. G. L Parker. 140 First st. WILL lease ground floor space in Chamber of Commerce to some first-class company Must have references. Pacific Title & Trust Co. STORE, brick building. Belmont, near Grand ave. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. i Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR RENT Stores, No. 248 and" 250 Haw. thorne ave., cast end of bridge. Apply Hajwthorn Dock Co. Phone East 2003. NEW brick grocery store and market in good location. Owner, ."17 Railway 'Ex change bldg. Phone Main 549. LARGE brick store, with dry storage base ment. $30. Main 7157, East 4890. BTORES," STOREST STORES W. II. W EBB . 401 Yeon bldg. Main 4818. '0xl00-FOOT room, 1S4 Morrison sL, per month. Phone Main 1346. Office. CONNECTING offices, overlooking Morrison st., for rent In Tilford bidg., reasonable terms; ask at elevator any hour. Phone Marshall 518 between 5 and 6. MOST centrally located office; very reason able; all-night elevator service .303 Swet land blag. Fifth and Washington sts. ROLL-TOP desk, phon-f. reception-room lights, etc.. 87.00 per month. 723 Cham btr of Commerce bldg. FINE location for light manufacturing tail or or offices. AS 945. Oregonlan. OFFICES and halls, best location, mode rati prices. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. ilRlU. HALLS for rent at Yamhill and 1st: newly furnished, all conveniences. Apply to Elm- RiHI Tatlnr L.-m SfT bidg. " e-UI BULSlXEbS OPPORTUNITIES. I have a high -class promotion proposi tion, thai for safety and certainty, beat anything that has been put across, fcftund closest invest igatiou. The proposition Is mine, I have Uftd sell lug j)!an and know the business. Will make a ground floor proposition to the right party, now much can vou tn j vest? X 111. Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Tith high-grade - '-oi-"c' a- vjupieie equip ment to train for this coming vocation. Not run to make money, but for the good oi men. See or write Supt. of the All the Vear Hound Y. M. C. A. Day and Nigh bchoojscorner 6th and Taylor sts. MO ING PICTURES Owner shows in small towns and he wants a partner he can de pend on to help him ; experience not necessary and only 8225 required. Ho will guarantee you 85 day and expenses 819 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. WANTED A steady sober man who can be depended on to drive delivery rig in good little safe cash business that will pay you $35 week. S23 Lumber Exchange 2d and Stark st. GROCERY; best location, big business, big sacrifice; old establishment, modern; good thine for good merchant; $6500 G 131, Oregcnian. COLLECTION BUSINESS Partner wanted to help him in dfflce and do outside work part of the Unje; pay J10O month salarv, also profits. Call 31 Lumber Exchange. BOND issues, JIOO.OOO upwards negotiated Railway. Gas, Timber, Water, Mining Mfe Corporations Organized. L. N. Rosenbaum Jfc Co.. 281-233 Height bldg.. Beattle. NEW brick grocery store anamarketl In good location. Owner. 317 Railway Ex change bldg. Phone Main 548. STRICTLY cash grocery for sale cheap energetic man can make the sale $75 day. 318 Lumber Exchange, YOUNG man with $600 as partner in busl ness. See Ortday, 321 Washington. ONLY photograph gallery in town of 1530 bargain. Box 1133. Wlnlock. Wash. PARTNER with $300 and services, Wll establlshed business. C 132. Oregonlan. PICTURE chow, wiii rent cheap. Don't miss this. B 115, Oregonian. itESTAVRAXT for sale cheap If taken this week. 990 Belmont st. CIGAR STORE 111 Sixth St., a bargain If taken at once. J. T. Duck. ONE of the best meat markets in the "city for sale at a bargain. J 145, Oregonian. BARKER shop for sale; 3 chairs. Esmond Hotel. Front and Morrison stt. WANTED -Lady partner in fine paying; busT nes. call Room 4, jggjf Morrlon i CLEANING, pressing establishment doing good business; must sell at once. East 203. j FOR SALE Barber shop. 4 chairs 3 baths Address Box 214. Hoquiam. Wn. 3-CHAIR barber shop, good location Side. A 112, Oregonlan. VACUUM cleaner free. Phone Marshal' 552" and save $10. AT Invoice, confectionary and notions low rent. Phone Woodlawn 2363. ONE of the finest restaurants on the Caet" -ul consider r-artner. AV 66. Oregonian. HOME-LOVIG young lady, not over 30 with tftPO. an partner. T lu9. Oregonlan. GARAGE anc repair shop, first-class busi nss; fine location. F 113, Oregonian. BLblNESS OPPORTUNITIES. ALFALFA AND HOGS. I will sell half Interest In the best al falfa and hog proposition in the N. W. ! a remarkable money maker. The more yon Investigate the better it will look. State how much yon have to put In. Address owner. B 94. Oregonlan. ONLY $275 secures small farm; terms will pay buyer share in profits, guarantee 7 per cent : ideal climate ; good markets ; fine Investment whether you ever move on land or not. Write uulckly for views and particulars. G. W. Deen. Box 472, Way cross, Ga. POOL AND BILLIARD HJLLL, candies, to bacco and cigars; only placa in town ot 500 people; business clears $126; gooa reasons for selling ; price $150O; terms. Water system to be installed this Sum mer, call or write Carl A. Kahle, La fayette, Or. BUSINESS for quick sale, including stock, safe, office furniture, etc; '$500. Pool hall, including confectionery, ci gars, etc., and 0 living-rooms, in good town; rent only $1S; clears $200 per month; price $2100; terms. 301 HENRY BLDG. CAUTION. BUYER. Before closing deal for so-called Inter est In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, F. L. PURSE. Secretary, 81S Chamber of Commerce. FOR BALD Hardware, store in Hpi ingfrld. Or.; all new stock, good busineas. In a town that has the best future In the Willamette Valley; will take about $7500 to handle it; owner has good reason for sailing. Address Box 32S. Springfield. Or. IF you are short of money when buying a business we will furnish it. If vou must sell your business or lodging-house we will make j ou a cash offer. C. V. Ryan &. Co. 419 Abington bldg. MAN with $3500 cash can secure . 1 -X i terest in 500-acre hog ranch which will pay 35 per cent to 50 per cent profit reiereacea requirea. B 10 H, Ure gonian. ARE you willing to invest $150 or more in . wnoiesaio ana retail, your own business, high-class, very profitable; Southern, East ern Oregon, Washington and Idaho ter- rawrf open; investigate, bit Henry bldg. OPPORTUNITY for experienced man to in vest $10,000 to $15,00v in operating factory in Portland; wide field with unlimited op portunity for development. T 108, Orego- WANTED Partner in established collection outness; must De capable of taking charge of and managing business; $100 salary guaranteed in addition to profits; must "a1 at least ouo casn. A ij. Oregonlan BUSINESS man who can invest at least s-ouu In a safe, crowme business can so cure a position that will be profitable to " w t amcuiars ib . Cstark et. GROCERY ton, dolnir strict lv cash bu?i ness. fine location, close in, low rent. gooa lease, living-rooms m connection Call East 2238 or AF .114, Oregonlan. IF 3 00 per cent net annually with gilt-edyeed real estate security interests you see Lan dis. C10 McKay bldg., for proof before ....... aeposic. 50 ROOMS, choicest location in city, 2 blocks from business center; will sacri fice for prompt sale; owner in hospi tal aim must eeii. i-. oregonlan. A BARGAIN for shoemaker, small shop with shine stand, complete: must be sold at once account sickness. Call 43 North 6th st., city. $250 AND services, owner of rash llHglll.J wants rnllablc man us partner, will guar antee iuu Tnonin. I'articuiars oiarK si. lOOxlOn, J25. 000. NEAR MUNICIPAL DOCK. X'ALL AND SEE LIST. COGSWELL. 414 STEARNS BLDG. 10 1 ice fourth or J uly at Vale. Or. ; no license to carnival and show companies, free to all. Write chairman of Fourth of jiiiy committee. RESTAURANT Partner wanted to be cash ier and oversee the help; good pay and very little money required. 319 Lumber E-Rcnange, Zo and stark. A FIRST-CLA3S opening for restaurant or ice cream parlor on the best corner In Kenton; location is a money-maker. Phone vv uooiawn .000. REAL opportunity; half Interest in good paying manufacturing business for right nam wnn iwi' to sio.oou. tan dra $35 weekly. Call 1341 Corbett t. TIN SHOP, 6-room house and good corner 101 1 or saie cneap ; man ing money ; part M'FARLAXD. 300 Yeon bide. SMALL lunch counter that will pay you $6 Gaiiy oesiae your uviny. .'. iiJii Lum- Der Excnange, i:a ana tstark ets. NICE stock and fixtures: clfrari. mnfc tionery ; reasonable offer accepted. 51S asnmgton si. WANTED Partner, capable business man; no investment required J own .50ut goods AT 120, Oregonian LONG -ESTABLISHED confectionery. Ice cream, cigars, fruit stand, long lease, cheap rent, money-maker. 203 First st. 1 HAVE a market to sell; good location; your own price at your own terms. Frank L. Smith. 22S Alder. . FOR SALE Dancing academy, in cltv of 12.000; oniy place of its kind In "city Phone East 1010- DO YOU look for business? Tou can get hair of my business; come and see It. 112 North Oth st. - TRANSFER and storage business at a great bargalnj can mako $200 month, best of reasons for selling. Call 248fr Stark st. WANTED Young man to invest $100 and start in business for himself. E 132, Ore gonlan. RESTAURANT for sale or trade on account of illness; established 3 years; ha not changed hands before. G 115, Ore on ian . PHOTO STUDIO, Including building, rea sonable; good location. Arleta Station, Mt Scott car. RESTAURANT, good location, small amount of cash, terms your own; other business out of town, must sell. AP 130, Oregonian. GROCERY Good location, clean stock, pay ing business; must sell on account of ooor health. AB 142, Oregonian. PICTURE theater. East Side, seating C50. excellent location, one of the prettiest in Portland. C 183. Oregonlan. 5-10-15 AND 25c store In good valley town For particulars uddress P. O. box 223. Independence. Oregon. FOR SALE Bicycle shop, tools, stock ana sundries, at invoice. Address AV 64, Ore gonin. MILLINERY store for sale by owners; well established place ; small amount of cash will handle this. Phone IS. 6101. FOR SALE A 40-barrel flour and feed mill For particulars and, terms, address ow ner AV 74. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT doing $45 daily choice lo-cation-. owner must sell. Price Is low. Call 24a M Stark st. FOR SALE Bakery, well suited for whole sale business on small ecale; No. 3 mixer AN 144, Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. IF your buslneses Is one of merit but in need of assistance on the sale of your pro duction or merchandise, I am ready to help you. Write full details in confidence for personal interview. A. D. Mann P. O box 703. AN experienced watchmaker and Jeweler wants b?nch room and chance to do the repair work for concern handling a line of Jewelry ; references fjven. Address Jeweler. Box 107. Coburg, Or. WANTED A -country hotel; wfO lease fur nished or buy lease and furniture; must be flrst-olas and money maker; full par ticulars in first letter. Manager, 671 Co ronado St., Los Angeles. Cal. LABOR and management together with financial interest In suitable apartment house, from 25 to 35 suites; no agents. Particulars and price conndentlal. O 137, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. 14 ROOMS. MODERN. Best West Side location; corner, with large grounds; steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms; quartered oak furniture, B. B. carpets, ful of good-paying room ers: rent $5; receipt $14t; $000 cash balance of $3C0 in easy payment O. C. ELLIS CO. Room 309 Board of Trade. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAIN S350. IT rooms, 4dir f urnlahlngs, close in : must go this week. KUPPER & HUMPHRY 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. ROOMING-HOUSE, low rent; Union IvT and Belmont at. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. .Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LEASE and furniture of first-class apt -house for sale, within 3 block of P O house ha best reputation, price " and terms. Phone East 435C. B 2332. 21 ROOMS, elegantly furnished, xnodu dwelling; will sacrifice; cash, easy terms or trade; clears over $100 per month net Ownr, 655 Flanders, near 20th. 12 ROOMS, housekeeping, nicely tarnished worth $SuV; must sacriflc; price $450 cash; no trade. Owner, 3S7 Third st $ 1 2 5 C LE Al , 1 0-ro ora house" W est Side clears S35 per month. 11IGLET & BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. 8-ROOM XM house, furnished for hous"kn'; z nt paid lOtb July. $250. 328 13th su t Washington and Alder. ren be KoOMING-HOUSE or sale. $700 worth of i urnmin-. n i a. r. r-ri mx once. 430 Stark. aD-KUuai rooming-nous-, only 8300 Min 774. 519 Henry bldg. an LOST AND FOUND. THE following Is a list of articles found on -cne cars ot the Portland Railway, Light A Power Company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may se cure same by applying at barns a Indi cated: Savier-street earhouse. phone A 6131: 1 suitcase. 1 handbag. 1 pkg. mdse.. 1 roll blue print. Ankeny barn, A 131: 1 purse. 1 book. 2 hand grips, l pkg. shoes, l pkg. lace, 1 pkg. books. Sellwood barn, phone A6131 : 2 pair of shoes. 1 strap, l valise. 1 grip. 1 bucket of pickles, 1 sweater. Piedmont barn, phone AS131; 1 suitcase. 1 grip. 1 lunchbox. 1 pair glove. 1 dinner bucket, 3 miscellaneous articles. 1-OST Lady' gold watch and chain on morning June lj. between oth and alorrl-on-st. bridge. Initial on front of cae. L. P. W. Return lo New Perkins Hotel ; offer liberal reward. LOST Dark brown coin purse, containing fiu urn -fcuu, Det ween corner iuin and Salmon and 10th and Morrison si p. Finder please call Main 2130. Mrs. Lxmr. LOST Tan purse containing saving of win-King Kin, on uroaaway or urana ave. Finder return same to 413 E. Pine st. and receive reward. LOST $2i reward for return of gold nsmmon waicn ; V. tv is. on outer or ; presentation inscription inside; no quo tt": a ---s - . 1 . t-:. loueh, Hotel Pe.ktii. LOST Trunk taken in error from Salmon- at. dock., marked Bruce Burnett. Notify Oregon City Transportation Co.. Portland, Or. LOST Mt. Scott car, ladies gold watch, with fob. watch initialed "B. V. W." Re ward. Return to 341ft 37th ave. S. E. Ptione Tabor J95. LOST Shotgun, on Macadam road. Liberal reward return to Aslin Restaurant. 201 Stark st. LOST Agate stiok nin; finder return to C. J. Westwood. 5. 10 and 13c store office. ana receive reward. LOST Pa book, containing railroad passes. Return to 374 Vancouver ave. Reward. Phone East 4469. LOST Bull pap, white and brlndle, 6 moi old, near 13th and Glisan. Finder phone East 801 ; reward $10-. LOST South end 10th St.. seal ring, initials . w. a. ne ward to nnaer. r. a. Bogue. 30 17th st. North. Marshall 1O03. LOST One auto side light, near East 39th and Morrison. Return 186 East 39th. Re ward. 6PECLAL NOTICES. I'rupoMi Is Invited, IN the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon- In the matter ox co-operative supply Mouse, inc. bank rupt, request for bids; I. as trustee in bankruptcy, will receive sealed bid for the following stock and fix turr-e situatod in the building former b occupied by the Co-operative Supply House. Inc. corner East First and East Aladison streets, Portland. Oregon : 1. Aiercr.nnaiso consisting ot groceries, glassware, queensware, building material, hardware, etc., gents' furnishings, etc., clothing, shoes, dry goods, notion, etc., of the inventoried value of $12,061. 2. Machinery. Implements, etc.. of the Inventoried value of $11,215.6$. 3. Fixtures of the inventoried value of $1,806.63. 4. Mailing list of the inventoried value of $JOO. Total. $2u,283.32. Bid will b.j received upon said prop erty up to and until Tuesday. June 24, 1013. at 12 o'clock noon, at my office, the same to be received upon parcels as above set forth, numbered 1. 2, 3 and 4, and for the property as a whole. Should the total of the highest bids for each of the parcels as above set forth be greater than the highest bid for the whole, the said bids will be accepted sub ject to the approval of the court for said parcel; but should the highest bid for the whole be greater than the total of the highest bids for each of the parcels, the said highest bid for the whole will be ac cepted subject to the approval of the court. All bids must be accompanied by cer tlQed check for ten per cent (10) of the amount offered. Inventory of the above stock and fix tures may be seen at my office and the property inspected upon appointment. R. L. SABIN, Trustee, 7 First bL, Portland, Oregon. Dated at Portland, Or.. June 10. 1013. IN the matter of A. M. Lara & Co., of Bend. Oregon, scaled bids will bo re ceived by mo up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday. June 16, 1013, for a stock, of merchandise and fixture located at Bend, Oregon, of an inventory valuation a fol lows: Shoes. $5080170; men's wear, $5036.21 ; dry good. $3317.26: toy, VX58.14; hardware, $378.01 ; groceries, "S4.".2'j, making total merchandise $14, U24.58, together with dry goods, imn and grocery fixtures amounting to Trms cash and a deposit of lo per cent of amount offered must accom pany each bid and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and property may io insp-ccted at Bend. R. L. SABIN 7 P"irr iriM Dated at Portland. Oregon. June 7. 1013 OFFICE Dept. Q. M-. Chronicle Bldg.. San Francisco. Cal., May 9. 1913. Sealed proposal will be received here until 11 A. M. June 16. 1913, for furnishing coal required at posts in Western Department during fiscal year commencing July 1. 1913. Information furnished on app'lica tion. H. S. Wallace. Colonel, Q. M. Corps. Mlncellaaeous. NOTICE of annual meeting of Music Edu cation Association Notice is herebv Riven that the regular annual meeting of the Music Education Association will be held on Tuesday, July lo, 11)13, at s clock P. M.. at No. 716 Everett st.. Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, for th elec tion of trustees and transaction of busi ness properly coming before the members at such annual meeting. F. H. WHITFIELD, Sec. June 12, 1018. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of the stockholder or tne .Mexican kudw culture company will be held on Tuesday. July 8. 1013. at 11 o'clock In the forenoon, at the office of the said company, room 014-A15 Wil cox building. Portland, Oregon, for the election of directors and for the trans action of such other business as may law fully come before th meeting. F. C. BARN ES, Secretary. XINANCIAL- WE BUILD ON EASY PAYMENTS. WB Ft'KNISH PLANS AND MOXEY AND BUILD YOUR HOME OR APART- MlP. ft l U. 1A1LUK tJL .ll.Ul.Mi CO.. COti M KAV BLDG.. 3D AND STARK STS. WE will furnish the money Dkt a low rate of interest aim h e you mora than the hmk erage of 2 per cent If we Co the planning and building for you. It will pay you to h-e u-i. j it. xajie i u., inc., rfi.4 ADingt on CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Western Bond & Mortgage Co.. $jj Commercial Club Bldg. I AM in the market for United States Cash ler stock. What have you for sale and what 1 your price? M. E. Thompson, room ot iienry ounuing. $2600 OP. less to loan at 7 per cent on close in farm and city property; give full par- FIRST and second mortgage and building . . .i . .i 'uubiu. xu. o. .u liter, tin AD ingt on bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (1st and 2d), equities purchased. r. ri. jjsjwia at co., a Lewi bidg. MONEY to loan on farm and city property, no delay. Nelson Bros., S0 Lewi bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate. $500. $100u AND upwards on improved real estate. Favorable terms: no delays; no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg TO LOAN $30,000 OR LESS. FA BRING TON. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. tJEE Ofl TODAY" for loans on improved city property. 6 to S per cent, $3uO and up. CELLAKS-M L RTON CO., 825 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on olty property; lowest rate-i. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 2-v2 McKay bldg. Third and Stark sts. $2U0.0i;O TO loan in sums to suit ; buildins loans; lowest rates. W. O. Leek. 315-310 Falling Bldg. LOANS on Improved and unimproved city and suburban real estate. mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 44S Sherlock bldg. MO.NE i" to loan on improved city property, at current rates. Lawyer's Abstract at Trust Co., room 6, Board of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 0 AND 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON. 22f STARK ST. MORTGAGE LOANS at current rate. L. H M AX W E LL. tig C ham her of Commerce! 9SM0 AND $1000 on improved realty. Mr O., 424 Hamilton bldg. $3500 OR part to loan on improved rea' estate. 722 Yeon bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE sv. xt. n aa u i jio tn. or com. STATE FI NDS. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, nni Mult noma h County. 4QO ch. of Com. LOANS on real estate, diamond an a dry. Wra. Holl, room ft, Washington bldg. $1500. per cent. years; no commission must bu first class. H. R. Lacy, 328 I Oth L PRIVATE money to loan on first mortKace ecurlty. l'hone Main 8429. $1000 TO $10,000 to loan on real estate Phone today. Tabor 77L CITY ana I Ar.M iftsni. anv amount Henry C Pruohi'mme, ggfj Wilcox bldg. SHOUT-TERM loans r-n real or collateral security 207 Oregonlan bldg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Keml Estate. 6 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN. F, Kqu,,abl Iire Assurance Society will make loans on approved home prop erty to be repaid by fixed monthly in stallments over a period, of 10 rears, with the addition! provision that in event of death of borrower, loan is cancelled by a poller of life insurance issued there with, luterest 6 per cent. These loans are made only in the better residence dis trict and only on improved homes. Others need not apply. Home Purchaso Dept.. Fquitable Life, 306 Oreaonian bldg WE HAVE FUNDS TO LOAN. Any Amount. On Approved Real Estate. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, MONEY TO LOAN Su-r.lMF.14 l'-L' HEAL ESTATE FOR Bl ILDINU PURP08B8. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO. U16 SPALDING ULDG. . TO LOAN. J HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT 5 TO B PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL. 3O0 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ON improved city property or for building purroes. 3 to 8 year' time: liberal p- -ment privileges; money advanced a building progresses. The Equitable S - lngs A Loan Association. 240 Stark; St. LOANS from $1500 to $10,000 on good Port land security. HACKER & THERKELSEN. 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 702. $1000 TO $100,000 TO LOAN. Portland City and Farm Propertr. Current Rates. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 10 A second St.. near StarltL WE have money to loan on vour real es tate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. $ltO0 AT 8 per cent; agents need not ans war. 732 Pat ton Road. Main 83SO. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W, H. Selt & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. MORTOAGE LOANS, any amount, no de:a. Henry C Prudhomme, S0H Wilcox bldg. Money loaned, real estate contracts Ac bought. BL Miiey. 204 Gerlinger bldg. Money to Loan Clint tea ana Salaries SALARY LOANS ON PLAi N NOTES 10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. HOOKS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. SATURDAY TO P. M. STATE SECURITY CO.. ."OS FAILING BLDG. NEED MONEY T We can procure mouey for you on short notice and at reasonable rate on your furniture, piano, auto, storage receipt or your plain note. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. 413 Macleay bldg. 4th and Waan. open 0 A. ML to 8 P. M. Saturday evening until a. ELBY CO. A private place to obtain money ou watches, diamonds, jewelry, Kodaks, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. rjy Lumber Ex. Bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; coniidenital. D. H. Toiman. room 317 Lumber Exchange. A DESIRABLE place for ladies and MHU iiii iu vumiw money on diamond, ana jewelry at Eastern rates. Diamond Pai-ai-, :;;;4 Wasnington, opp. Owl Drugstore. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rate charged by broker. Marx Bloch. 74 3d t. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on chat tels; mortgages bought. Bauer. 20e Alder street. SALARIED people wishing credit are cor dially invited to see Mr. Drake, 323 Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 3d, near Alder. MONEY sold on installments; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton, Henry bldg. Loavo Wanted. FIRST MORTGAGES for sle; amount of $2oU to $lov0; net 8 per cent. HENRY C. PltUDII OMME, 806 Wilcox bldg. $2000 AT 7 per cent on strictly first-class property worth $oOOO, close in. Apply at 207 Oregonian bldg. Phone Marshall 322 or A 3uo3. rEUSONAL. i i Al K-H A I R-H AIR-HAIR. $12 34-Inch switches $4. to $0 2ti-im h switches )LBBj Hairdressing .a Faoe massage .-" Shampoo 20 Manicure, -25c. 6 for l.uw 12 scalp treatments S.OO Superfluous hair removed by electric neeuie ; -guaranteed not to rettxrw. Cut hair in any shade; switches any length. Prices halt. Sanitary Parlors, 40v 412 Dekum bidg., 3d and Washington. SCIENTIFIC electric spondylo treatment for all nervous and chronic disease. Pa ralysis, lung, stomach, bowels, kldne. bladder, pervic. heart trouble, etc. Hlgn blood pressure reduced. Also goitre, warts, mols, hair removed. "302 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington st. GERMAN TRAINED NURSB AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumDago, etc.. massage and baths. 22 U 13th St., between Maii: and Salmon. Marshall 3033. Open Sundays. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE HeUdngfors graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under phrsieian's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th et.. second door south trom East Ankeny car line, phone East 2i0, B 1S03. FEB VET & I1ANEBUT. leading wig and toupe-makers; finest sto'-k of human hair good; switches from I3c up; hairdrcKsiiig. manicuring, fact nd scalp treatments: combings made up to oru r. 117 7th. near Morrison. Main EIGHT years of unsurpassed nrcs, m treating sick ma and women of Portland. 1 use radium, light, hoat, every knot a electric! treatmeut. baths, 'massage, manipulations and adjustments. Dr. W. E. MaUory. naturopath. ;;ij Rothchild bldg. SCALP SPECIALIST. Don't lose your hair by ntglect. I guar antee lo cure all sca!p diseases and make hair grow ; consultation free. W4 Swetlund bld&. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. Superfluous hair, moles and warts per manently removed without pain with elec tric needle; $1. Satisfaction guaranteed. f04 Swetiand bldg. Mrs. Stevens, IS yrs. Portland's leading palm ist, has her late oook, "Palmistry Mad Easy," on sale. W7 Vt Williams ave., cor. Knott. Office hours. 10 A. M- to 3 P M DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothe cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on rips repaired. 1.50 month ; prompt call ana de.;veries. Unique Tailoring Co.. $09 Stark MISS PERRY, Eastern graduate masseuse New York School of C. and D.. treats rheumatism and nervous cases. 2$JQ lath t. 13th or Jefferson cars. Phone Main 7661 REV. MRS. COON, spiritual teaoher and healer; circles Tuesday and Friday even ings. 106 Weal Park, between Wash in g toii and Stark. Phone Marshall 5945. BOSTON graduate nurse, sanitarium trea " ments, raediua; gymnastic. 387 Yamhill st.. u; one flight, room 7. LOKENZ Nerve Tablets resiore lost vitality. t50 per box, boxes $1.25. on - x a j mr TREATMENTS for rheumatism. 324 Good nough bldg.. opp. P. O., 5th st. Trained nurse. elect patronage. HOMC rOttl INVALIDS, nervous and agea people, fine location ; beautiful view. Miss Tower. Mt. Tabor. Tabor 4159. DIVORCE El SW $1 down, $1 a week. Free advfoe. Wood. 439 Chamber of Commerce. CHIROPRACTIC treatments and steam baths for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. 413 Northweai bldg. Open Sundays. Main 37JS. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Price. ings, healings dally. Circles Tue. 2. Wed mna Bptt. S. :I04 Montgomery. Main 7227. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. 95c; curls and puffs, 73- San itary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg MRS. S. C MORRISON Steam baths no. maaiage for rheumatism. lumbago etc 333 Madison. A 4470. Marshall 39-C8. MANICURING, face and scalp treatment. 412 Northwest bldg. Main 37UW. Open Sun days. EASTERN trained operator gives massage. 125 6th St., room 2. CITY or country. $10 vacuum cleaner free; no fake. Marshall 5S22. UuLl. superfluous hair removed. Mr I D. Hill, 42'. Fliedner bldg. Main 347:: LADY'H barter shop. 30O- Couch St.. bet. 5th and tith. Face mastage 3Ac. MRS. DR. WRENN, Kpirltual dvlser: n ings daily. 34 N. lith. Mar. 42o0. A iWil BALM OF FIGS. Compound Royal Tonic Tablets. .Oti Davit st. Phone M a in 921 M A NI(M'RINJ, face and fcalp treatuv vu Hfiampco. 401 Northwest bid., forme.-lv m)T. Basset' Native Herb for ciii."-a -.'" tablets for 25c: all druggistK. L- Morlarty, dead, trance. piritusl medium Reading! dally. 34 N. ICth t. Mar. 429.