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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1913)
1 ALASKAN DECLARES El Flowers, Smiling Countryside and Undeveloped Riches Assets Enumerated. MINERS ARE AGAIN ACTIVE Vniicd Slates Mcrsbal II. P. SulU Tn. Ftormet-ly Portland Man, on Vlalt He-re? nd Tells About Northern Territory. Freh from the pansy beds and rtis;htless day of Alaska. Vnlted fUtl Marshal and Mrs. Hanrey P- Sullivan residents of Valdea. tn the northern country. are passing two days ia Fort liml on their way baric home. With them Is Teputy Marshall U. G. Belter, of Cordova, a "sourdough" of the ro mantic days ot the early old rush. The Oovernment offlclala came down to place an Insane Alaskan at Morn Ingslde. - -Alaska la Just bealnntns: a new era cf develrpment." said Marshal Kulll van at the Terktna Hotel last night. -Tou should see our flower beds and rosobifda. You would think you lived In Uncoil to see the green thlnga and the smiling countryside. The snow la almost all off the hill" and the gold miner are already taklns; out their thousands and thouaanda. -Tf I think that for a Federal di Tlslon that spreads over 17 degrees or lonaltud. .we are dolns; very well. However, a degree of longitude In the latitude of Valdea ta rather ahorter than a degree of longitude In tho lati tude of Portland. Pertlaad Forsaer Hoase. Mr. Belter formerly lived In Portland but has been tn Alaska IS years and absolutely refuses to live anywhere else. He conducts a hotel at Cordova whlrh he asserts la as up-to-date aa any fn Portland, with steam beat, electric light and all the comforts ot home. Tve been all over Alaska and East ern Siberia." declared the Ieputy. who ta a former horse-racer, "in the days of the rush to Nome I right there on the ground floor. I. staked out one of the first lota and sold It next day for IIO.OBO. Then I worked the beach after the big wind drove the sea back from the shore and my partner and i hauled the gold out in wheelbarrows. "Then I worked through the other big pay rreks Anvil Creek and the Teat. Money was the cheapest thing we had and a man with a good broom could sell It for two ounces of dust, or HZ. Focd was high and labor was paid II and $i an hour, but we all took out ao much dust that we didn't care. Now that the railroad has opened up new flelils we look for a bigger prosperity than ever. They haven't even scratched the country yet. It's the land of plenty. Vh-n our coai and oil are developed we'll see big things the biggest things the L'nlted states bss ever known." riaggrahrlsaa Are traded. Mr. Bflter does not share the senti ment of many residents of the States against the OuKgenhetms. "They complain agalnat the Guggen heims for trying to grab the land." he aid. "If we had more Guggenhelma we would be better off. For every dol lar they have taken out. they have paid In three. They are the real developers and the people ought to know It." Both Mr. Belter and Mr. Sullivan apoke warmly of at least one cold proposition Child's Glacier which they described aa the wonder spot of the North American continent. One may see great chunks of Ice break off before his eyes and aa they splash In to the water, the force throws salmon high In air along with the spray and fragments of Ice. The glacier Is 49 mil from Nome and la spanned by a 1 1.000.00ft bridge. The party expects to start back to the North tonight, sailing from Seattle May 10. FIFTY PASS EXAMINATION From Thet IS Will B? Chosen for Director In Playgrounds. Fifty candidates for appointment as directors In the playgrounds of Port land for the cumins' Summer passed the Civil Service examinations. These grades averaged between 75 and V0.S. From this list of . applicants selec tions by the Park Board will be made, probably Wednesday. There are six directors held over from 4ast Summer and there are about 1$ places to be fllld. The list of those passing the exami nation is: Gertrude Denhart, H. M. liarr. Belle Kade. Jean Burrell. Elisa beth XV. Spetrh. C. K. Peterson. Edith A. Wright. I. X. Miller. Carl J. Holllngs worth. Cecelia N. Boyd. Luclle Cogs well. Catherine Morlarty,. Brlnton Zed rter. Helen Phillips. Catherine E. Pad den. Mabel U. Sonda. Ellen S. Wise, Hazel Hardle. Grace Sh-. Idella Pat terson. Mary C. Coman. Grace O. Kudd. A gat he Grondall. Evelyn Nlcolal. lora K. Baker. J.ose B. Fouls. Edna J. Con verse. Amanda, G. Sraidt, Nora Hansen, Ernesta A. Byers,- Agnes Stevenson, John llessemer. Alice V. Joyce. Will lam I. Kyan. Relna Knapp, Jessie E. Young, Margaret 1. Creech, Anna H. Henry. Alvin K. Bradford, John C liartz. Rose Thtbert. Margaret Nylo neu. Rhea Benson. Emma I Knapp, W. P. Murphy. Ian P. Foster, A. E. Hall. Winifred Forbes. Thomas E. Lake and Laura W. Brophy. ESCAPE IS CELEBRATED Mrckburg Itlk Observe Annlver. .rj of Arrival In America. AURORA. Or.. May 25. (Special.) A reunion was this week held at Macksburg by the Kraxberger family, to celebrate" the I4th anniversary of the landing of the amlly in America. Forty-live members of the family were present, among them being the eight brothers who left Austria because the governmental restrictions became so galling and Irksome that they could no longer endure the persecutions of government officials. At that time the brothers were forced to leave Austria secretly, as the government allowed no one to leave without permission. Casting their lot In America, they have become Influential citizens of Macksburg. They propose to make the observance of the anniversary an an nual event. HEROES OF OLD RECALLED "The Hunohhank" FVatnrc of Xew Bill at People's. The days of the swash-buckling hero were recalled yesterday at the Peoples m k BEGINNING Theater, where an especially Imported three-reel Eclair, under the title of -r k. - M,in,.hhaf-lr was ttresented 8S the feature. The hero, a brave courier of France daring the reign or iouis av thA honor of a woman and prove the nobility of a maid, goes through numerous hair-raising adven tures. It is a film In which the act- I mini m i m I v InVf ltUr &nd general effects were of a superior kind. The comeay was rurnisneo j. man Nlzhtwiare." The Ad Club Quartet gave vocal selections. The Arcade Theater opened a pic ture yesterday under the title of "The Doom of the Uunmen or new . ..-I., nt nitnrx of life In tne great city. Its temptations, trials and tri umphs. In a graphic manner It shows the development of a lad under slum life, until he Decomes, in ronui, slave of the political grafter. His final undoing and redemption are powerful ly described. The Star Theater oners i - tooed Arm." a picture containing tyi entirely new and thrilling Western plot; "Runt and the Blacn nano, little story of a child a Jealousy and ... fatal .onsouences. and Toplltsky." a funny Keystone comedy. The Sunnyswe ineamr ..t-y- in... vo.ri Kir Bee: the Gaumont Weekly, and "The Foreman of the Jury, another comical uu woo ing Keystone. GAY WEEK IS PROMISED BRIDES-ELECT TO BE HONORED AT FESTIVITIES. Prennptlal Social Karora Being; Ex tended to the Mlse Rothschild, Lanrltaen and Fljnn. Th. nrii! calendar heralds a num- k. r .riii.-htfui affairs for the early part of the week, but Informality will mark the majority of the social func tions. Today Miss Henrietta Roths child and Miss Alma Laurltxen, brldes- ii - - mi a theater party, at which Miss Gladys Howard and Miss eonwe r leury w tain. Tomorrow Miss Irene Flynn. wnose wwwing " " " " . Cathedral on June 4. will be feted at a theater party witn nss iwn. nan as hostess; and Wednesday the same popular girl will be complimented at a tea given by Mrs. J. P. O'Brien and Mrs. Co McKenna. Mrs. David A. I'atlulio nas asaea -m -i i - i n i ma on Wednesday irT ' " " ' - . . i k. n t 1,a IrhlhBld anernoon in hwmwi MacGllL who recently came to Port land to live. The MacGills are occupying the Adolph Dekum residence on Montgom ery Drive. day Is the card party which will be given Dy air. . a. rurK trl Oreaon. Ten tables will be ar ranged for bridge. n Thnriitii Vlia Marv Monks will to Miss Alice and Miss Gertrude Conlan. of Spokane. The Misses Conlan win arrive iomur row to be the house guests of Miss Monks. Miss Alice Conlan Is the Sane Fk.v r.tviiiiama- of Snokane. their engagement having been announced on Saturday at the home 01 me orioe- elL-tt- a r . . . Vnlvhl rinrlt Mrs Jo. .HIS. mttm o - . . --. seph L. StafTord and Mra. May U Nichols have Issued cards for an elab orate bridge party, at which they, will i - t .. n K XI f a r.thfirlna ffl. vach. an attractive bride-elect, will be the honored guest. M'.ss Helen Gulllford. of Eugene. Is spending the Summer at Ilwaco, Wash, the guest of her granamouier, airs. F. I. DeGraff. a a Portland club women will enjoy a unique outing on Thursday, when they will be the guests of the Union Meat Company at Its plant on the Peninsula. The affair Is arranged under tne aireo tion of the home economics department of the Portland Woman's Club. Mem bers desiring to attend may make reservation by communicating with Mrs A. King Wilson, chairman of the department, or by Miss Helen Gillespie, of the committee or arrangements. Special cars will leave Third and Yam hill streets at :45 A. M. Luncheon will be served after the inspection of the nlant. It Is expected that 150 housewives, members of the club, will be in the party. Timm ata Dnrnthv Porter, dausrhter of Captain and Mrs. H. J. Porter, 233 East Sixth street north, became Mr. Edward II. Savage at a pretty wedding ceremony on May JO. The bride' fam ily formerly lived In uediorosnire, t'no-v, n.l Mr. Savaaa la a resident of Tacoma. Wash. The marriage service was performed by Kev. turner n. uy- ott. a a Mr. and Mr. Harry M. Ogden, who passed the Winter and Spring in San Iieao and Lo Angelea. have returned and have taken a cottage at Newport tor ins atruavu. a a a r a f a rn.rl.nn whA has Jill. jirHi . . . . . 1 1 -. T"l A oeen viamng nir biii", Pattullo, returned to her home In Ar lington last week. The many friend of Mr. J. M. Hughes will regret to hear that her sister Is seriously 111 In Crookton, Minn. Mrs. Hughe came from Arixona last week, after passing the Winter with her son. Chester Hughes. Mrs. Nathan Harris has returned from a trip to The Dalles. On Thursday evenlng St. Andrew- Social and Dramatic Club will pre sent a Western drama, entitled "The Ranchman." William L. Morgan. son of Mr. and Mrs.W. L. Morgan, 723 Schuyler street, was host one day last week to a num ber of friends at a box party, given at the Orpheum Theater and followed by a lunch at the Haxelwood. Those pres ent were Irene Barnes, Arthur Mlch Irfer. Margaret Versteeg. Jack Wright. Maurlne Elrod nd Jane Flledner. The party was chaperoned by Mrs. W. F. Fllendner. MICKLE VISITS MEAT PLANT Dairy and Food Commissioner and Deputies See Inspection Work. Desiring to come In closer touch with the meat inspection work of the Bureau of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture. J. D. Mickle. Dairy and Food Commissioner, and his three de p uties. W. B. Duncan. G. W. Fullenwlder and M. S. Shrock. passed Saturday at the Union Meat Company' plant on the Peninsula. Thl plant 1 under Gov ernment Inspection. Nine men are em ployed by the Bureau Of .Animal In dustry and every step of the work at the abbatolr passes under the critical eye of trained Inspectors. By order of Dr. E. C Joss, inspector In charge of the work In the North resU Dr. W. B. Hennebergcr. who is In charge of the work at the plant, gave his entire time for' the day to the commissioner and hi deputies, carefully showing every detail of the work. Every animal Is Inspected at the yards before slaughter. Immediately after slaughter, the head, heart, lungs, liver and Intestines are Inspected. If any suspicion arises, the entire car cass Is inspected. Condemned car- VOLUNTARY TESTIMONY BY SEATTLE CITIZEN Opinion Freely Given of the New Vegetable Remedy, Plant Juice, by This Man. Mr. C E. Wilkin 1 among the many c.ya "i m--n - v b n hivi tented Plant Juice, the new tonic that Is being in troduced In the Northwest, and report satisfactorily on it. Mr. Wilkin is a draughtsman In the city engineer' of fice In Seattle and his personal ad dress Is Station T In that town. He has many friends who will be Inter ested In the following statement from him: "T v. a Bnfr.Mj rfantlv with stom- . tmiiiiU anA i n A f sTM tion. had fre quent attack of what I was told -was gastritis. I have been iroumea in n" way for the last two years. I have only used one bottle of Plant Juice up to the present time ana reel Detier in n t Ihlnlr Plant Jlllce WaS Just the thing I had been hunting for." Indigestion nervous oeouuy stomach troubles are the curse of mod- Hm., Th.v am thA nrlce that we pay for the rush and hustle of every day life. Thousands go inrougn tired and half sick, tired and listless i . i. ,. , ir-mwtna inat what la the mat ter or not taking the time to find out. They spur themselves on ana the final crash cornea and they are mental or physical wreck, or both. There I no need for all this. Plan Juice assist nature, strengthen and avatam. eliminates poisons from tho blood, clear the liver and puts It into acuve wormns '" . .... ka Atomarh. steadies the luuaa uk . " bi-w...-.-... nerve, give you restful sleep, in a word doe tne spring nuut-i.i.... for your entire body and renovates and puts Into order the whole system. If your appetite Is poor. If you feel tired or worn out from work or worry, are i... mt Aliht and wake ud tired and grouchy. Just try Plant Juice: It will fix you up in inon mur.. n,.. T..l. mn la at The Owl DrUg Co. Store. Seventh and Washington streets, v-all and get a Dome " today and If you are not satisfied with the results, he will refund your money. casse were seen and examined by the state official and their process to the sealed tank watcneo. a eotnuii a -tuberculosis lung ' obtained and preserved In alcohol by the commis sioner and la now on exhibition In the office, in the Worcester building, be side a section of a healthy lung. 11. ri.vla la after some of the filthy slaughter-house and markets through out the state ana a closer of the Government work will be of great assistance to him and hi depu ties. Y.M. G. A. WILL EXHIBIT POULTRY TO , BE DISPLAYED XEXT SATURDAY. Member of Club to Enter Bird and Eggs In Contest for Lint of Prize. . Pnnltrv and erg will be exhibited In competition by members ot the Port- i- -t n a Pnnitrv Club in the association auditorium Saturday aft ernoon ana evening, ino nnuiuoi. -i .. v. u hn ralalnar noultrv l HO WUW " " " ' " . with this contest In view, and have held weekly meetings to siuay in scientific 'aide of poultry husbandry. Due to tne interest mm. imwj taken In raising tneir w .. able exhibition ia expected. a ii... nl-ia tnr the contest bas been prepared by G. C. Hatt. leader of the ciud. inere win no e .-i A nrnnil and third DrlseS for hatching, health, the most com plete recoras ana ir tuo uimwi dosen of eggs. Tne pnxea win i o feed and article of ue In the poultry yard. They have been donated by Individuals and by business firms. ti.. .,H-ino. win ha hv C. I. Mlnton. a well-known poultry expert. The ex hibition will be tree ana open w w public. The T. M. C A. for several years has taken a great Interest In encouraging boy and girls to take up- poultry ral t .4..,. ,h ,kbi Aril noultrv con- test for school children in Portland. and has lnnuencea a numoer ui 1 . . n n - nn rhlrken farming on a commercial basis. During the past year the Poultry CluD nas oeen cunuutit for both seniors and junior, and all of Its meetings have been open to the public The club has been helped great ly by literature and speaker furnished . . i i huahanrirv danartment u y idb iivutu j " of Oregon Agricultural College. 500 GO TO BONNEVILLE Portland Transportation Club En joys Excursion lp Columbia. "Members of the Portland Transpor tation Club and their families, 600 strong, were guests of J. IL Young, president of the North Bank railway. In an excursion up the Columbia River to Bonneville yesterday In the steamer Bailey Gatxert. This excursion is the first of a series of monthly outings which It is intended shall take the place of the monthly "at home" parties held in the Multnomah Hotel during the -Winter. Dinner was served to the excursion party on board the boat Just before they reached Bonneville, and at Bonneville Park the party went ashore for three hours. A baseball game between the Transportation and the Harrlman Club waa won by the latter with a score of 1 to 3. The diamond was rough and the game wa played for the sheer fun of it by both sides. A visit also was paid to the fish hatcheries before the party returned to Portland. Members of the committee In charge of the excursion were: . Steve Mac Donald, W. O. Robert and A. D. Wick. J. H. Keck arranged the baseball game. The Portland Railway, Light 4 Power Company ha invited the club to visit F.atacada as Its guest next montti and Invitations have been ex tended for excursion In August and September. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. May tS. Maximum tempera ture. 7 degrees: minimum. 38 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M., 1S.0 feet: change in last 24 hours. O.S foot rise. Total rainfall (S P M to S P. M. ). none; total rainfall inca September 1, 112. 4.2T Inches: nor mal rainfall slnca September 1, 41.8(1 inches; deficiency of rainfall ilnca September 1. ll12 7.53 Inches. Total sunshine May ZS. l.- hours, 1 minutes; possible sunahln. In hours, 10 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at S P. M.. 29.95 inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. High atmospherlo preasiire obtains over th Lake region. Ohio Valley and southern portion of the Appalachian Highland; in other portions of the country the pressure ia In ganeral moderately low, with the barometer reading loweat this evening at Edmonton. Alberta, showers have occurred within the last- 24 hours tn Northwestern Washington. Southern Idaho, Wyoming, the Dakotaa. Nebraska. Iowa, Illinois. North Carolina, the middle and north Atlantic slates and St. Lawrence Valley. Thunder storms ware reported from Boise, Wlllla loa North Platte. Boston, Pittsburg and Montreal. The weather la much cooler In the Lake region and Nebraaka, and It Is somewhat warmer In Southern Idaho. South Dakota, the Southeaatern atates and Mani toba. The conditions are favorable for showers PORTLAND ACCORDION PLEATXNO. K. Stephen, accordion, side pleating, buttons covered, goods jponged. 383 Alder. M. 93i3- AeAbKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAi' OFFICE Laboratory and ore-teatlng worn, iw rni" - WELLS CO.. mining engineers, chemists ana assayers. -"4 w asnioK'."" ATTORNEYS. SARGENT SWOPS. 18 Cham, of Com. Ref.: Merchants' Nafl. Hartman Thomp son, Bankers, and Dorr E. Keasey a Co. AUCTIONEERS. We buy furniture for cajih. Geo. Baker Co.. 186 Park. Main 33 12. A J5b7. BOAT BCILUING. o. P. GHAHAM Boatbuilding and repalr Ing. Marine ways, foot Abernethy at. CARPET WKAV1NO. NOKTHWESI KLG CO. Hugs from old carpets, rag ruga 133 Union ave. CELLCLOIU BUTTONS. .UGK8. THH IRW1N-HODSON COMPANY. 92 6th St., phones Main 312 aad A ISM. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Dewane Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors S02 Qerlluger bldg.. S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Offices 429 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. CK1ROPK.UTIC PHYSICIANS. PR. M. H. M MA1ION, 121 4th. delivers tne goods at 10 a month. glO.uuO equipment. Board, room and treatment. IIP a ween. Dr. Lehman. :'17 Ablngton bldg.. has no f,' 000 equipment; 10 a week, expert worn. COAL AND WOOD. EDELFSEN FUEL CO.. East 03, C 2W, lor staowooa not wiicibwbmu. ALB1.NA FtEI. CO. fur Summer orders green slabwooa. COLLECTION AGENCY. NETH aV CO., Worcester blug. Main 1796. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Kl I.I.BERO A BBCKMAN, repairing of all klnda neatly done at moderate prices; get our estimates. 171 13th ft South. A 49bo. Main 0451. DANCING. HEATH'S Dancing Schools, 109 2d St., bet. Wash, and 8tark eta., and AHsky bldg... 8d and Morrison sts. Lessons dally, waiti and two-step guaranteed In 4 lessons. Class Friday eve., 8 to 10, at 109 2d at RINGLER'S ACADEMY, beit Instruction; aoclal dance Monday, Wed.. Sat. eve. 314 Morrison. DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING BCHOOL ACADEMY Parisian SclentlUc Dressmaking and Tailoring. Teachers wanted. 3S4l,j Morrlaon st. VALENTINE'S aystem ladles' tailoring, dressmaking taught. 162 Grand ave. ELECTRIC MOTORS. WE buy, sell, rent and exchange new and eecond-band motors; repair work a spe cial yatarnElectrlcWorfcWttn. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators, bought, sold, rented i . . '. t A aii klnrla rtf ranalr- Ing and rewinding: all work guaranteed. lug and rewinding: all work guaranteed. vi vi h ri,,i Co.. 21 First St. North. Phone .lq"Mi-: gon Pl.tinr Works. lOtn-A.u.r. - ZVTTiizBc. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS BOTSFOKO ADV. CO., Board of Trade blag. K AYE Adv. Co.. Inc. Commonwealth biog. Mitchell. Lewis Stavex Co.. Morrison & 20. JOHN DEEKE PLOW CO.. Morrison 2d. ... . . . . . - . . . . . i . , . ., u.Bih.m. ave. it. at. w ana at u.-" AKCHlTtCTt KAL HIKE AD IKON WKS. jfi3rtina w ire a iron v n.. " a -v- ik x I i::V THPfl. DUBRUlLLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 200 2d St. A UTOMOB1LES. Mitchell. Lewis - Slaver Co., L. Mor. ft -d. HOWARD Automobile Co.. 14 and Davla N W. AUTO CO.. 617 Wash. Reo. Hudson. AUTO LAMPS AND RAC1ATOK REPAIRING. ... PORTLAND AUTO LAMP CO., 510 Alder St. BALLOU W RIGHT. 7th and Oak. Baggage ft omnibus Transfer. Park & Davla BAKER CONfECTlONERS' SUPPLIES.. IjKA I, ai L.EiA. SE X-cr.x, O V Lewls-Stenger Barber Supply Co.,10th Mor. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO.. 72 Utn. St. . . . i ' 1. II I IE3 Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 48 Fifth St. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES SUPPLIES. UALLOU dt WltlUUl, UO nn. POPE F. P. Keenan Co., 190 4th St. BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. DAYTON CYCUB CO., 247 Ash St. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES. Bruuswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 4o Fifth St. BOOTS AND SHOES. GOODMAN BROS. SHOE CO., 80-82 Front. 7 BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery at Conf.. inc.. 11th and Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE1NHARD. 13th and Burnslde, CANDY MANUFACTURERS. J. N. MATSCHEK CANDY CO.. i:70 First at COFFM AN'S CANDY CO.. 43 Front street. CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING. N. 4 8. WEINSTEIN. 5-7 N. lsU Mar. lSott CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER, p. T. CROWE ft CO.. 45 Fourth St. COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSET ft DS VERS, 1-11 N. Front St. BOYD TEA CO.. 209 Salmon at. DAIRY AND CREAMERY SUPPLIES Monroe ft Crlssel, 128 Front. M. 640. A 5429. 'mta AVI. KllKKT METAL STAMPING. WESTERN Tool ft Die Works, S06 Pine st. Monday in Western Washington and North western Oregon and for generally fair weather In the remainder of this district. It will probably be cooler Monday In the lower Willamette Valley. Southwesterly winds will obtain. THE WEATHER. STATIONS State ol Weathar Baker Boise Boston ........ Calgary Chicago Colfax Denver Dea Moines.... Duluth .... Eureka ....... Galveston Helena Jacksonville ... Kansas City Klamath Falls. Laurier , Los Angeles... Marshfleld Montreal New Orleans... New York..... North Head.... North Yakima. Pendleton Phoenix Pocatello Portland Roseburg Sacramento . . . SI. Louis St. Paul Salt Lake San Francisco . Spokane Tacoma , Tatooah Island Walla Walla... Washington ... Wenatchee . . . . 80 0.001 8:NW 840.00 4 NW 62'0.06' 8NE 78 0.0012 W 40,0.04: 8 N 78,0.00 . . 82: T. 10 NW B8 0.28 1OJE 3SO.OO 12'N (MA". 00 8 N 7S 0.001 8 S Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Pt. cloddy Pt. ctoudy tjiouay Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy 78U.OO,J2W 7(j0.0Ol b;.Mt ruin rwv1-?is 8O O.OO1 4 NW 7(O.0rf 4S 6S O.00I I SW 74 0.IK) 4 NW 6 0.12 12 NW 75 0.0) SW V10.W 4;NW Cloudy Clear PL cloudy Clear Pt, cloudy Cloudy , Clear ' 82O.0O" 8'SW 6 0.00 4 W Clear 9SI0.0O 800.00; 781 T. SHiO.OO 92,0.00 7 T. 4 K e'sw 4 sw 4 N 8 8 Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear 12 SE i'i.t ivn 8 E n.oo!i2:NE i 62;0.0(l!20 W Clear le.t'.u" 1 63 0.00! 4 N 5410.24:12 SB 82.0. 0O 4 SW 78 0.00 4 SW 84;0.00 4,8 Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear - Cloudy Clear FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Probably showers and cooler; southerly winds. ' Oregon Generally fair except showers In northwest portion; cooler in northwest por. tlon: southwesterly winds. Washington Showers west, fair east por tion: southwesterly winds. Idaho Generally fair. THEODORE F. DRAKE, ' Acting District Forecaster. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At residence. 48 Burnslde St.. near 14th it,; furniture, etc., of 10 rooms. Sale at 19 A, M. Geo. Baker ft Co., auctioneers. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A, M. Furniture. 16-8 First St. Ford Auction House. 211 1st. Furniture, carpets, ate Sale at 2 P. M. , MEETING NOTICES. CAMELIA CHAPTER, NO. 27. O. E. S. The social club will give a dancing and 500 card party this (Monday evening at Ma sonic Temple. All O. K. S. Invited. Admis sion, 25 cents ALICE MYERS, bee BUSINESS DIRECTORY F.YK. EAR, NOSK AND THROAT. Treatment by specialist. Glasses ""ed- Dr. F. F. Casseday, 418 Dckum bldg- od-Wan. FURNITURE MOsriTAL. BOWERS ft PAS30NS. 100 V4 Front, M J4 Furniture Hospital. Packing and ahipplng. HAT FACTORY. EASTERN HAT FACTORY. S4-66 3d street. Men's soft and Panama hats cleaned. Best la Hat on earth for men. INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon fire Insurance company. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. BETTER landscape and general gardening. SWISS FLORAL CO.. East 6320. C lol. PACIFIC Landscape Garden Company, 515 Roth child bldg. Phone' Marshall i30. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. . i aJ StROVVBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S.18. 189 Front St. , ur REAnrNG. KING SCHOOL for the deaf and hard-ot-hearlng. 30 Central bldg. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY Messenger Co., day and night serv ice. Phone Main 33. A 2153. MUSICAL. VIENNA CONSERVATORY OF SIC. 3S4H Morrison; instruction violin paw. cornet, etc; Summer course half price. fanamasier x-ei. PIANO STUDIO, modern methods. 269 14th. Main 88W3. Arrangemcma w EMIL THIELHORN. violin teaoher. pupil Sovclk. 325 Flledner bid. A 41Q0. Mar. lb. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Grovar. apecialist in paralysis, nervous, chronic dlseasea. 703 Oregonian bd. M. Sl-. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. br R. B. Northrup, 415-10-17 Dekum oo. Nervous and Chronio Diseases. Phon" office, M. 849; res.. East or B 102 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGLNG. W. M. SMITH A CO.. 539 .WUUam'-,?: i.-actln. wall paper, tinting, painting. prices low; work guaranteed PAPERLNO. painting, tlntin. rea-.onabl. Metropolitan Decorating Co.. Main PAINTING AND PAPKRJLXG. TINTING, 2.50 and up; wail paper 60 and up. B. T. Crane, the practical painter, W! imh near Morison St. M. 23-0. PAINTS. QlLfi AND GLASS. COAST-MADE Paint and varnish Is best adapted to the Coast climate. BASS HEUTM PAINT CO.. 191 1st St. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Facto and 54ih and York sts. Main 34S. PATENT ATTORNEYS. "WASHINGTON, D. C. VelaU Bldg. n ti 4DTTM PORTLAND. 408-t Cham, ot Com. MQg- Piw.'"V,LJU.MPent"o: Booklet free. 110 Board of Trade bldg. PATENTS. R. C. WRIGHT years; practice U. S. and foreign patents. 00 DeVum bldg. , " niuhlni enameling. ' Ore- Nickel plating, polishing, enaiu.nug. Clarke-Woodward Druif-Co., Alder at Park Blumauer-Frank Drug v.o.. r' " DRY GOODS. FLEIBCHNER-MAYER ft CO.. 20T Ash St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. STUBBS ELECTRICAL CO.. 8th and Pins Sts - - .. . . ivn nooils. J. C. BAYER. Front and Market sts. lion, .....j MALARKEY ft CO.. Inc., 149 Front St. PORTLAND FISH CO., 34 Front St. . . 'i- l- u a a. I r ' 1LOUR MILLS. CROWN MILLS, Board of Trade bldg. . t ' l U-AKM AIR. J. C. BAYER, Front and Market sts. GRAIN Mt.KLiiA.yo. h.,, Albers Bros., Milling Co., Front and Marshall KERR, GIFFORD ft CO., Lewis bldg. BALFOUR-GUTHRIE ft CO., Board of Trade H. M. HOUSER, Board of Trade. NORTHERN GRAIN ft WHSE. CO., Br . Tr, THE W. A. GORDON CO.. Board of Trade. GROCERIES. . ALLEN & LEWIS tEst. 1851). 46 N. Front. WADHAMS ft CO., 09-75 4th St. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAPSEK HAT CO.. 63-65 Front St. HAY. J J. H. Klosterman ft Co.. leading hay dealers. mnL L rVT t'A U'OOI. AND FURS. KAHN Bftua., VL r roin pi- HIDES. FURS, PELTS, WOOL. TALLOW. THE H. F. NORTON CO.. O3-0O front at, HOP MERCHANTS. WNEFF BROTHERS, 614 Worcester bldg. IKU.1 nunao. PACIFIC Iron Works. E. 3d and Bnrnslde. Complete stock of struetural steeU Architectural Iron. Castings. KODAKS -A If 11 w 1 11 Duiiuiiu. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 149 8d. HERTSCHB BROS.. 804 Pine SL CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO.. 74 Front Leath er of every description, taps, infr. findings. . , ITIVI? Ill C Balfour. Guthrie ft Co.. Board of Trade. F. B. MALLORY" ft CO'., 231Pine St. Loggers ft Contractors' Mach. Co.. 71 Pth st. win nitnKR FRANKLIN ft CO.. 132 Front St. . . .-a v-11 u'liurv'A KErHHrKAK. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 03 Fifth st. MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL ROYAL ARCANUM meets at K. P. Hall, 11th and Alder streets, the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 8 P. M. Vis itors cordially welcomed. WILLAMETTE LODGE, NO. 2, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Monday) even ing at 7:30 o'clock. Work In M. M. degree. Visiting brethren wel come. W. S. WEEKS. Sec. HARMONY LODGE, NO. 12, A.- F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Monday) eve. at 7:30 o'clock. Work In the M. M. derree. Visiting brethren wel come. W. M. DE LIN. Sec. ,v, - MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER. NO. 14. O. E. S. Stated meet fiSs. lag this (Monday) evening. East 8th Iw1 and Burnslde. Degrees. Order W. M. V BELLE RICHMOND. Sec DIED. CLARK In this city. May 25. at the resl- ' dence of his mother, 347 Wheeler street. Dr. Henry R. Clark, aged 23 years 4 months and 23 days. Remains are at Holman's Funeral Parlors. Announcement of funeral later. SCHULZE May 23, Caroline F. Schulse, aged 44 years 8 months, beloved wife of Theodore W. Schulie. ot 499 Market street. Funeral notice later. PLIMPTON In this city, May 25, S. B. Plimpton, aged 81 years, 8 months. Father of W. W. and Ortley Plimpton and baran F. Wlnterbotham. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. HUNTINGTON In this city. May 25, Alice M. Huntington, aged 59 years 4 months 14 days. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's Undertaking Parlors at 3 P. M. today (Monday, May 26). Remains will be for warded to Kelso. Wash., Tuesday morn ing where concluding services will be held at the Kelso Christian Church. In terment tn the family cemetery plot. EMEP.ICK In this city. May 25, Joseph H. Emertck, aged 64 years. The funeral services will be held this evening (Mon day. May 2) at 8 o'clock P. M. at tho new chapel of J. P. Flnley ft Son. Mont gomery and Fifth streets. Friends re spectfully Invited. On Tuesday morning, Mav 27. the body will be taken lo Philo math. Or., where Interment will be made in the family plot. STUHR In this city. May 24. at the family residence. 64, East Morrison street. Fred K Stubr, aged 03 years. 8 months, 20 days. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's Funeral Parlors at 2 P. M. today (Mon day. Mav 20). Concluding services at Portland 'Crematorium. Davenport and Des Moines papers please copy. BAY At the family residence, 774 East Couch street. May 24. Fred W. Bay, aged 05 years 10 months 25 days, beloved bus band of Mrs. K. D. Bay. father of F. N. Bay Friends Invited to attejd funeral services, which will be held at Holman's Funeral Parlors at 10 A. M. tomorrow. Tuesday! May 27. Interment G. A. K. Cemetery REFRIGERATORS AND ICE BOXES. Built to order, any size. 7.50 up. P. C Bed Co.. B4 Union ave. South. Phone East Hi RUBBER STAMPS. SEALS, BRASS SIGNS. rAciriv; wa.x 231 Wash. St. Phone Main 710 and A JT10. . , t . 'n CT . , U A.-1U U"i -it., .nnriv u.nriw muPIVV 92 8th at. Phones Main 312. A 1254. SEWING MACHINES. NEW, all makes, factory prices;- seconrt- nana, - up; nwuiiiiw . paired. Main 9431. 190 3d. near Yamhill SHOWCASES. BANK & SHOW FIXTURES. WESTERN FIX. A SHOWCASE CO.. lutn ana lavls. tnowcases to oruer mm , THE LUTKB MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co.. Olh and Hoyu K. Lutke, manager MAUSiiALL MFG. CO.. 4lh and Couch; new aiiu uiu Hriiiuuff uiyij uiu ' -- SHOWCASES. BANK STORE FIXTURES WESTERN FIX. & SHOWCASE CO., lOtn and Davis. Showcases to order and in stock. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. STORAGE in tlreprof building with track age facilities. You don't have to carry lira Insurance, our building la reinforced con crete; no vermin: absolutely clean; we will store your furniture at 1 cent per cu bic foot; give estimates on uacking and shipping same; rent entire floor or part; rent special private rooms and give per sonal key. paciflo Storage Co., East Madl. son and 1st, phone E. ell. B 137. POltTLAND Van & Storage Co., cor. 15th and Kearney eta.. Just completed new fire proof warehouse for household effects, pianos and automobiles contains separate fire and vermln-uroof rooms, steam-heated piano room, trunk and rug vaults, track age for carload shipments; vaaa for mov ing; reduced freight rates on household goods to and from East in through cars. Main oo-lO. All qegarmiBniB. C O. PICK Transier & Storage Co., offices and commodious 4-tory brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts.; pianos and furniture moved and packeu lor shipment, special rates made on goods In our through cars to ail domestic and Xoreign pons. Slam oau, a M-v. OREGON TRANSFER CO., .74 Gllsan at cor. 13th. Telephone Main 69 or A 1108. General transfer and forwarding agents. We own and operate two largo class ' A warehouses on terminal tracks. Loweat Insurance rates in tne city. pianos and furniture moved and packea for shipment 87-b9 Front St. Telephoua Main b47 or 2247. T YPE WRITERS. ,16 TO 35 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER; rebuilt as good as new; all makes to choose from at Gill's. 3d and Alder: terms to suit; every maohlns guar anteed. Call or phone for representative. Main 8500 or A 6008 WE are the exchange for the largest type writer uuuucm U" w.. -, -" all makee,- all prices. The Typewriter K-change. 31 Washington St. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407 TJPHOLSTE RING. TABOR 4702, Hawthorne Upholstering Co. Furn. repairing, B . pets cleaned, laid, refitted. 1104 Hawthorne. Mir riVfRV BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sta uatiidiVII li! llKTHlKnTmU. XHOR ft PE LUXE. APEX CO.. 124 12th St. v j ivn 4 x; f V J :ill 1 1 IM MILLER SlMlNOTON, Calhoun Co.. 46 4th. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire ft Iron Wke.. 2d ft Columbia. - PAINTS. OILS AND VARNISHES. RASMUSSEN ft CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and laylor. W P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davla Ot A UIM KOHLER ft CHASE. 875 Washington it. manufacturers ana wmciB PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 180 First St. PAPER BOXES AND SHELF BOXES. Portland Paper Box Co.. 92 Front. Cartona iritai.cio v.a . KNIGHT PACKING CO., 474 East Alder. ....- a.' .J 1 VII V 1 V IT I . A It PIPE, PU'E PITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-80 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM (SUPPLIES. M. L. K1.1NE. 84-stt Front St. M. BAKDE ft SONS, 240 Front St. POULTRY. EGGS, CALVES, HOGS. HEN xt A t,yj!irvviiivi , 1 - ....... vtilv nrvuuiuuinv Aili'.RrllANTS. EVERD1NG ft FARKELU 140 Front street. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. ' SAND AND GRAVEL, COLUMBIA D1GGE R CO., Foot Anksny St. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER ft CO.. 12th and Davis. t, .iiliv b uirinVLvHT. PORTLAND Iron Works, 14th and Northrup, SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. 50 cheaper than elsewhere. 24 Union ave. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. 68 Front st. WALL PAPER. Ft-nest Miller Wall Paper Co.. 12 1st St. MORGAN "WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. WINES AND LIQUORS. JOHN ECKLUNU. 123-125 First st. rluBi a X. I, U-IRK KOPK. John A. Roebling's Sons Co., 89 6th St. m 1 nr, a.iv . . w -, . . Portland Wire ft Iron Was.. 2d aad Columbia ...... . , ,v wtttw tvnncH FUNERAL NOTICES. WRIGHT In this city. May 24, Mrs. M. C. Wright, widow of the late Henry W. -..-. .,. .,, mnihar of Mrs. A. P. Johnson, of Seattle; Mrs. James Scobee, of Salt Lake- Captain W. H. Wright, of Nelson. B. and Mrs. J. I. Bushnell, Mrs. George Robertson, E. W., Clarence L.. Fred B. and Edith A. Wright, of this city. Fnnera1 services at the family residence, 868 East Fifteenth street north at 10 A. M. Mon day. rvr r t M.v i4. Joseoh C. Colt, aged 23 years, beloved husband of Burgetta Colt ana son ot jr. ana ,ii. juii : i.v.,rai win leave residence. 605 East Eleventh street, Monday, May 20. at 1:30 P. M. Services at tne uremsmnum ai P. M. Friends respeciiuny inviieo. no mains will be placed In a vault. DAHL Of Grove, Oklahoma, In this elty, Hfnv 2.1. Charles H. Dahl. aged 56 rears. The funeral service will be held at the new chapel of J. P. lniey at son, inoni gomery and Fifth streets. Tuesday morn ing, May 27. at 10 o'clock. Friends re spectfully Invited. Interment In Green- wood uemeiery. FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. MR EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading fn. neral director, 220 Third street, corner Sal mon. A.auy asautaut. a aoaa. inaui vi. J. P. FIN LEY SON, FUNERAL SERVICE. Lady Attendant. Montgomery, at Fifth St. S. DUNNING. INC. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder St. East a zoi3. DUNNING A M'ENTKE, funeral directors, 7tu and Pine. Phone Alain 43U. Lady at tendant. Office of County Coroner. LEKCH. undertaker, cor. East Alder and Sixth. East 781, B ! Lady ntteiidant tiKLWES UNDKKTAK1NG COMPANY, 3d and Clay. Main 4 tog, a gagi. i.aciy attendant A. K. ZELLEK CO., East 10X8, C 1088. Lady Attendant. Night Service. MEMORIALS Portlnnd Marble Works, 264 41b, opposite city Hail. Main at4. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM, 580 Glen wood ave., Portland, Or. Open to visitors daily from 8 A. M. to s r. ai. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE NO. 320 UNION AVKiVUF., COR NER. MARKET STREET. Phone Uaat 14L B 2515. Horse ambulance for sick ur disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cruelly to this office. Open day and night. NEW TODAY. 50x100 ON GLISAN. NEAR 23D with good ten-room house; a bargain if sold at once. Owner, 171 N. 6th. Main 1906. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT 1'ARK. Portland's Perpetual Care Cemetery. Large. Permanent. Modern. Both pa one SEAT SALE TOMORROW. I1EILIG THEATER. 3 BeS Next Thurs, May 29 Special price matine Saturday. Werba & Luescher Freent America's Vrize Lautfta-Maker, EDDIE FOV and the 7 LITTLE FOYS WITH A COMPANY OF 8". In the musical comedy "OVER THE RIVER." Evenings: Lower floor, HI rows ?2.00; 8 rows $1.50, 4 rows Jl. B:ili-ony. SI, "5c COc Special price Saturday Matinee: Lower floor, $1.30, 1. Bulcony, 1.'J0, 75c, DOc. BAKER TIIKATER Main 2. A 5360 Geo. 1. B.ik-r.MRr. The popular Baker Players. Tonight, bar. KRin nlsnt, ail Sfais inc. u f--iv. ........... Wed. and Silt. One ol the greatest of an roooern plays. DAVID UAKl'.M." Dramatized from the famous novel. Ai plaved by William H. Crane. An Imraens hit'ninavs Read the book, see the play; genuine treat. Evening prices, 2.1, 3"i. VK All matinees 2nc. Next week "The llolf. MATINEE DAILY. Main . A lit MISS CECELIA LOFTTS Matthews and Shayae Harry IleCoe Irene Berrwny WHIard and Cain Girl From Chk-ajeo and Five Hursleye EDISON TALKING PICTURES. WEEK HAT Bud Anderson In a , serfej of refined athletic exercises. McPnoe a Hill. Ia Petite Alva. Brownlnr Lewis, Martini ft TtoIho, Emll Hoch A Co., Pan- tageacope. (Special an --lies, ViJV " Goose tilris. ropuiar pne-, li '. Boxes and first row balcony reserved Bo, A --tu, Main iov). " - - WI f Tiff ft ITT HIT. Hal Stephens Vincent & LrOrne NATHAL TRIO fls it maji or ape? 4 Melody Monarch "Broomstick," Elliott . m T . .-. b rl Xflll Vm t m ANY MATLNfcE ISIrT 15c Ntghtn. lie, IS. LYRIC WTTEK 1AY td The . New Comlo Opera Company will present "THE LOVE CCRE." a rial ni fun A musical hit. Tuesday night. atbletlo contest. IVlday night, chorus girls contest. Prices, nights, 15c, 2 sc. Matinees, any seat, tfff. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally er Sunday. Per Line. r, .1 1-tl Same ad two consecutive times 22o Same ad three consecutive time ; Same ad six or seven consecutive times.. 56c The above rates apply to ndverti.seinenls under "New Today" and all other classifica tions except the following i Situations Wanted, ..line. (iltuatlons Wanted, Female. For Rent, Rooms, Private Families. Rooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms, Private Families. Kate on the above classifications Is 7 cents a line each Insertion. .HTMIwniBiit la not run In con secutive Issues the one-time rate applies. Six average worm count as one nue on cash advertisement a and no ad couuted for less than two lines. On "charged" advertisements charge win be based on the number of lines appearing reirarilleaa of the number of words In each line. Minimum charge, t lines. The Oregonlan will accept classified ad- . i , - ... Ih. telenlione. uroviduis rrnisruirina " - - - - - the advertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No prtres will be quotea over me pnuun ... bill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad .. ui.Motinna Wanted and Per- Vei-i.isniiini.fcp. . , . - sonul advertisements will jiot be acceptod over the telephone. Ordere for one Inser tion only will be accepted tor hub r Rent Furniture for Hale," "Business Oppor tunities,' "Rooming-houses" and "Wanted '"iheO gonlaa will not guarantee eccurs icy or assume responsibility for errors occurring In telephoned advertisements. In "New Todav" all advertisements are eharx-eo. by measure only, 1 lines to the Inch. . . Remlttancea must, scronitfmiij uuv-w.-.. orders. NEW TODAY. East Broadway A Good Buy 100x100 on East Broadway, be tween 17th -and 19th the street with a great future. There are two houses on this prop erty in fine shape with an income of $55 per month. Price $10,500 Terras can be arranged. BARRETT BROS. 303 Board of Trade Building. CITY & FARM LOANS Loans of 11000 and up at lowest rates on Good Improved City or Farm Prop erties. If you need money call today. Our Installment payments are attractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 20a McKay Blag.. Third and Starte Sts. Mortgage Loans If you have A-l Keal Estate security wa can loan you any amount at lowest rates. CALLAN & KASER 722 -24 Veon llMtf. Mortgage Loans Improved Property Only. Commerce Safe Dep. & Mortgage Co. 01 Third St.. Cham, of Com. Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Kates. JOHN E. CE0NAN lH)g Spalding Ulds. Portlnnd, Or. PRIVATE MONEY To Loan on Portland Realty. Current Rates Quick Action. BEELKV t CO.. atll Board of Trade. MORTGAGE LOANS MOXKV TO LOA AT REASONABLE RATES. George P. Dekum 22i HENRY Blll,ni6. MORTGAGE LOANS Our O n Honey ot Current Rates. WESTERN BOND MORTGAGE CO, Commercial Club Bide, l'ortlaad. Or pivA ' :CT7.y-.''?:I'"H-'" 1