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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1913)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN. SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1913. EDITOR TO REPEAT ROOSEVELT CHARGE Secondary Defense in Libe Suit Will Be That Accusa tion Was True. TRIAL ATTRACTS CROWDS Thousand Expected In Marquette When Case Is Called Editorial AIo Aswrted to Haxo Been PrlTilctwd Comment. MARQVETTE, Mich., May 2J. Thou sands of visitors will crowd Into this rity next Monday to attend the trial of the libel suit brought by ex-President Roosevelt aerainst George A. Newett, an Ishpemtn publisher. It Is certain the Courthouse will not hold those who H'l.h ka ni-Ktant when Colonel Roose velt will endeavor to show that Newett was In error when ne puoiisnea. tan October, la his weekly paper, iron urn i,. kimni that "Roosevelt rets drunk and that not Infrequently and all his Intimates know It" The suit brought by the ex-President asks damages for S10.000 for libel. t .ctimoterf that the trial will con- sums two weeks, although the lare number of depositions which will be read and the number of witnesses to be examined make the length of the trial uncertain. Attorneys estimate that a Jury may be obtained In four days, as h tint not been "tried in the newspapers." Fledsea mt Seeieer Kept. r-l , .nil -a. filed Iui)t Flan imn received pledges from both nrH to the suit to refrain from dis eusslnr the case with newspapermen. . w .... auj.rnt the contents of de imi th names of witnesses. tv -i.e-aa have been kept, and no outsider knows the name of a defense witness, except that or an unio news paperman whose paper Is said to have published his testimony. . .v.-.. ho hiiii nt these I k is muun i.. ..... " , i facts. 13 Intelligent and Impartial . Mai. v. oniric! v obtained. The ex-President la expected here Monday. He will be the guest of friend. George Hliulraae. famous as a nhotoa-ranher of wild animals. His et- i.r.u. a r. James IL Pound, of ! i . -. w Q mil. of Marauette. Mr. win he represented In court by William P. Belden, of Ishpenlng. and Horace Andrews, or cieveianu. rl.rr la Politleal lartdeBt, Mr. Newett In the campaign last year i-y, in tiik ranks of the Repub licans and the publication of the Roose. velt editorial was an Incident of that struggle. This only is known of his He will assert that publication of the article waa priviiegea nwnucui ..Kiif .h-jrarl runnlnr for pub lico office, and as a secondary line of resistance, he wUl attempt to prove v.- ,h i i , n 1 u 1 inAki the, truth. The defendant la a man of middle hair, a crooned xnus tache and what local description calls wi.h fivhtinv fam H Is comfort- ably equipped with the goods of the world although not rich. He haa de clined all contributions of money to .let in his defense, according to a The suit is almost the sole topic of conversation in this section, juogo iri-nnr,n ha. net-lined to make reser mn-wr Mrt newsoapermen in hi rourtroom and long lines of .....U.K. annrlatora nrobablv Will form riaiu- hefore the Courthouse to await the opening- of court. AUTOIST DIES AT WHEEL Twitching Hands at Instant of Deatlj Shut Off Power. LOS ANGELES. May 13. Ralph ri.. -... i . . - MtfrM) mnnuf acturer. died at the steering wheel on his mo tor car while driving home last night, but in the instant of death his fingers, twitching against the spark lever and . . . . i v. .. . ,r f thja nnwAr and saved his wlf'e and a friend from probable i.inrv tn an aiitnmnhlla smash. Mr. Smith, who had large Interests In Houston and Fort Worth. Tex, was driving up grade toward tats residence on Signal Hill, when ne ion lorwara, dead. The machine, with its engine shut off by the driver's dylngr hand, swerved Into a ditch, but remained up right. Neither Mrs. Smith nor her friend who was with her could drive and they left the body In the machine while they walked some distance to summon aid. ers" Association dinner at the Multno ijnt.i taat nia-ht Dr. Story de clared for that reason the science of plumbing is tne mosi cioseiy amcu with the general science of preventive M.iAina nt u n v- nt the modern crafts. Dr.' Story declared Portland's plumb ing coae is jeare ucmtiu and explained the obstacles thrown In the way or making it moaeru. The plumbers openea a iwo-aay con vention yesterday and will elect 01- rixora and transact the other real Busi ness of the session today. ARMED MAN GUARDS LAND With Ax and Rifle at Hind, C. J. Cowanlah Keeps Owners at Bay. HILLSBORO. Or.. May 33. (Special.) Charles J. Cowaniah. reputed insane. armed with an ax and rifle. Is holding a road leading to the Reese sawmill. ii ...!!. nt thin ritv. and ie ii nines ...... - threatens death to all who approach. Cowaniah and a brother were dis charged from the Oregon insane asylum about two years ago. in me -! ma, 1910 he sold 80 acres of timber land to John Boeckll and John Langhard for 15200. accepting 11000 down ana a i,ni and mortgage for six years ior the remaining 4200. Boeckll & "R" hard sold the timber to n. r. u . o w., and Kfiwarti Preble. V " . .. v.n v, h oiM:mill. A short time ago Cowaniah brought suit to en- loin them from cutting any niuro w. .i . .n.Hmr that the lumber- lng was impairing his security. The nmud hv the court. 1I1J Li ii v; Liu ii " -- - - , and a jury trial was set for May 31. This morning- i.owanian jtriucu ....... self and refused to allow any teams to go upon the property. NOTED ADVENTIST- DIES Patriarch of Denomination Expires in W ashington. . fiirvpTAv mv Today's session of the Seventh Day Adventists world conference ai J- r ,n .n ahnint end on the an- nouncement of the death of Elder G. A. Irwin, or ixima ijinua, -. the patriarchs of the denomination and an ex-president of the general confer- ence. Elder Irwin aiea iuuujuu j of heart trouble at a local aanim. where he had gone on hla arrival here. The conference aajournea as a. " of respect and all business was laio aside until Sunday morning. Elder Irwin was born near Vernon. Ohio, In 1844. lie -erveu through the Civil war, oraiiumB Colonel In the Federal Army. At the business session oi iu f erence today several reports were pre sented, and Rev. John Fox, oi ew York, secretary or tne Amervu Society. In an address, told or tne re markable Increase in uie cireu"u . the Bible In all parts of the -world. BOISE MAYOR UNDER FIRE Hodges Declares He Is Xot Aware Disorderly House Operate. Tvicr iiiniifi ytav 2S. SDedaL) IlVIL, auwb.w, . - - Mayor Arthur Hodges, of this city, was placed on trial in tne uun;i - 11CI tj luujj v.. - - f erred by J. I. Mills, a business man of Boise, charging mm wim wiuw latlon of city ordinances ana . i.H rmiitini' dJsorderly houses to operate and liquor within them without license. The entire police force, many pri vate detectives and citizens were placed on the stand today to testify for the plaintiff. All Due rwo m mo men testified that It was commonly re puted disorderly houses existed. Mayor tioages aemeu, an amended complaint, mi u knowledge of existence of such Places t- a hrt kmw they did 1QU w - not operate. The case is one of the most sensational in tne nisiory w vo nlclpal government oi noiae. LIVESTOCK LEAVING STATE California Drought Causes Movement of Iarge Bands Eastward. paying duty at a good profit and still undercut present prices pnr For the first time In its history the n i i js.Bn haa reached a Point miuiiu ". - where It can feed Itself cheaper by going abroad. SAN FRANCISCO. May 23. Two years of drought In portions of Cen Knrthurn California have brought the stockmen of the state to a point where they rina on tneir iuum 245,000 bead, of cattle and sheep, which they are unable to feed and which the Federal Government will not allow them to feed temporarily in Yosemite National Park. Despairing of relief, many stockmen are moving their droves out of the state Into graxlng grounds east of the viuii Monnt.alns. Miller. & Lux, generally accounted the largest owners In tne state, nave muv uv,- 000 head In one lot. If .l...tT.. hAA tl Al 1 ASM I (III II V L II H L there would be further and heavier Importations of Australian oeet anu mutton, which can be sold here after ; ftp ' " &?k$ : mmii h i 4yiiiiinuivinmy" T7rl riU Ay -as k. i i ii'H'i il lliii.iirtiriili.llifintfil..JT H sasta-ail I ft?; 'COURTHOUSE NEWHI6H5CHO0 Don't Experiment in realty investment. Invest your money in an established city. Bank on facts, not figures. TJnS. ."Ji' - Rp rrnided bv present-day conditions not promises JL id L41J.WJ. WaJ jXJVav .ansa that nroperty 1 Fortunes have been made in city property for- o, A.t. investments are Isn't it a matter of common sense that property " 0ur Hlllsb0ro prop- Assuming that all real estate Investments are good, and tnat some any " .j - crease In value, doesn't It stand to reason as an elementary proposition that the best 3tm;nt the safest investment the surest Investment Is found In the estamisneo. ony i completely surrounded. Dy neaiiny gru y''J. plied with every city convenience and. Invested with every factor making for profit Is the one real Investment for the man seeking quick action tin his money? tunes are still to be mane, our muiiu ... i ...i... nf a lifetime for the far- eny la t" vypvi f - - - --- sighted man of today. ITie prices are three years behind the market the prices of property con tiguous bear out the truth of thts statement. T-TtilGKi-im k fln established city Has three transportation lines, schools, churches, stores, city n jJLaronte nnH conveniences mi yi w v vii v ...... .. j.. i. hnnia I Three tra " . a. ... tn mivtlilnff In T-T 111 W- ymi won i n - ; . boro It is a city of activity today has several busy manufacturing industries Is the shipping center of Washington County. Its stores and shops are up to date its schools are excellentr it nas every comfort-enjoys the benefits of city and sub urban life. Three transportation lines serve Hillsboro the P. R. & I. passes our pruyci t, Pacific Electric extension Is on one side and the Oregon Electric is Just a block away. Bis: Excursion Sunday-Lunch, Music jfTZrZ t-. TMwOffice Ooen Till 10 Tonight oer i lCKeis m w . . .. . T wlll hn serVed Tou must secure tickets at our office now SO Fifth street excursion Bmlted to 400 be one oi them and enjoy the outing. Train will leave Front and Jefferson street. Sun dav. at 10:30 A. M. There will be music on the train and on the tract. Lunch will be served In Hillsboro we will take yoti around the city in our raacuuiM o."vi c..l. tain you to the best of our ability. Home Sites and Business Sites Right in the Heart of 1 own and Up Our property Is right in the center of Hillsboro Just one block from the Courthouse one block from the opera-house, two blocks to a bank. Is completely surrounded by attrac tive high-class bungalow homes. The land is all ready to build on and the Immediate home builder will not be "pioneering It" In a lonesome district. t- a hnma site here, or buy for speculation on terms so easy that you wlll never miss the money. Come Sunday and be convinced of the merits of this property. and Up illoughby Co. x5et. uaiv uiiu ,xl jtw CALLING OF FULL HIGH COST HITS "ZOO Firm Supply1 Animals at city Park TVitb Meat Kaise Price. The high cost of living has Invaded the city "zoo." The firm that has Deen onnDlvlne meat for the animals for 11 years has served notice on Super intendent Mlsche, of the park depart ment, that unless the price is raised from 4 cents to 6 cents a pound, they wlll be unable further to con tinue the supply. man has been suDDlied at 6 cents a pound, and the dealers will be able to continue to furnUh It at that price. The monthdlv cost of meat is approxi mately 1100. Bids wlll he Invited for the supplying- of the meat. GERMAN ROYAL COUPLE WHO WILL WED TODAY. LAW BARS POLICEWOMEN Snn Francisco Finds Sex Cannot Meet Charter Requirements. SAX FF.ANCISCO, May 2S. Two pro- n hn Kitv fharrar mik It Im possible for San Francisco to add to Its force three police-women. lor wnom the Board of Supervisors recently voted an appropriation. The City Attorney brought out thene facts today: Candidates for the force must pos sess the same physical requirements demanded of volunteers for the United C Avrnv Any provision for additional city em ployes must be adopted by a two thirds majority of the Supervisors. The vote taken was one short, of the neces sary two-tniras. 400 LOP GEM EN ARE FETED Rosebur Hoot to Oddfellows Re turning: From Medford. ROSEBL'RG. Or., M.iy 23. (Special.) Four hundred Oddfellows en route home from the grand lodge at Med ford by special train, were entertained here for two hours today. Upon their arrival they were taken to local ho tels where they were dined by local members of the order. Later they were treated to strawberries and cream at the lodge temple. A resolution was adopted by the visitors commending the Roseburg peo ple for their, entertainment. MODERN SANITATION TOPIC Ir. Georg B. Story Speaks at Master Plumbers' Banquet. That the ancient Greeks and Romans bad nearly as much knowledge of sani tary matters as the people of the 20th Hon to such matters today Is not so much greater than In the days of Noah was declared by Lr. George B. Story, of the Cltv Board of Health. In an ad dress before the Oregon blaster Plumb- 7 Z4 .1 i . i 1 7 j ; Lfs.' - i I - i 1 . i 4 1 K ' " life 1 ' 'i y- t , y a fit - i i ' ' I i : i . - - . . J f t 1 " - PRIXCE EItST AlCI ST OF CTMBEBUSD AXn PRIXCE5S TIC TORI A LLISK. DAUGHTER OP THE KAISL.R- G011IITEE URGED Republican "Conciliators". to Present Request to Execu tive Body Today. TIME TO BE CONSIDERED Leaders to Tiscuss Whether It Is Better to Act at Once or Walt for Fuller Development of Democratic Policy. WASHINGTON. May 23. The Repub lican National executive committee, which will meet here tomorrow at tne call of Charles D. Hllles. chairman of the National committee, will discuss primarily the advisability of calling an early meeting of the National commit tee to consider plans xor mreosiucums the party lines preparatory to the next Congressional campaign. Before determining w vn . mittee together, it wlll oe aeciaea whether the time is ripe for the be n ni-p-nntzatlon for the future, and whether it might be better to wait until the present uemocrwin tratlon has proceeded further on its way; until after the opposition tariff law has been written into mo and its effect on the country analysed. rnilttM Asked to Sleet. m. nnniiiotinn committee named as a result of the recent unicago confer ence met today In Senator Cummins office and deciaea 10 senu wnw v the committee asking that the Na tional committee be assemDiea ana sei- . 1 . v. hM nrncrresslve IteDUD- 11 vwi a to reorganization of the Darty. changes in oeiesnic rcjuo- sentatlons, methods of handling con- onA Mhi.r matters. The letter wlll be sent to the execu- MMmi.tM and the members OX IIVU HJIHii.inti the conciliation committee expect mey mav be called on to appear "before the committee further to explain their Senator Gallinger, of New Hamp shire, who smilingly admitted today he belonged to the "so-called reactionar ies," in discussing the urgent demand ives for a National con vention, declared that when the time came for reorganization the Repub lican party would reorganize usen. a ., cmnn -was of the same mind. and there are other party leaders In and out of congress wnu win uypuac a National convention this year. House to Get Chairmanship- Senator Gallinger. speaking In his capacity of chairman of the confer ence committee, said that the chair manship of the reorganized committee would go to a member of the House. "In organizing the Senators' com mittee to confer," Gallinger continued, "we thought we must recognize the so called Progressive wing of the party as well as the so-Called reactionaries. Senator Norrls waB a revolutioaist In ti. and is a verv active Pro gressive In the Senate. Senator Jones, i suppose, is tnree-quariera jr. slve, whatever that term means, Senator Townsend. I suppose, is about one - sixteenth Progressive. Senator Clark, of Wyoming, and myself are tne reactionaries, I suppose. McKlnley Favora Joint Caucu. Among the members of the executive committee who reached here tonight were John T. Adams. Iowa; Fred W. Estabrook, New Hampshire; J. P. Good rich, Indiana; Alvah H. Martin, Vir ginia; Thomas K. Neldrlnghaus, Mis souri, and Hoy T. "West, of Illinofs. William B. McKlnley, former chair man of the Republican Congressional committee and manager of the Taft campaign, also Is on the scene. He said tonight he was in thorough sympathy with the plan of the Republican Sena tors for a Joint caucus of Senate and House Republicans to re-organize the Congressional committee and to Include Senators in Its membership, since they are to be elected by the people in the future. "PORTLAND" DAY ARRIVES Moose Carnival at Salem Will Coi tinue tate Toniyht, SALEM, Or., May 23. (Special.) Tomorrow, "Portland day, will be tne ble day of the Moose carnival, which h.nn last Monday. Several hundred Portland "howdy paps" wlll arrive early in ihA mnrnlnar. and the merrymaking will continue from then until late at ( eri f ryv. i - , MQAlm-T)n.llaa dav." and the biggest crowd of the carnival was in attendance. The Dallas delegation was headed by its Brass Band 01 su members, one of the largest bands in u -nrf Harnett a Vnllev. There were l 11 a 1 1 parades in the afternon and evening. O.IJU to ous session from early In the morning until midnight. About 100 prominent oittzens were "arrested" today and taken In the automobile cage to the courtroom, where they were fined from ti ' T ,. The fines tomorrow. 11. nounced tonight, would n." be less than $3. no matter how insignificant the alleged "offenses." so the port ana men had better come wun wen-micu purses. AINSBERRY' IS HELD HERE Oregon to Try Man Who Shot Striker and California Must Wait. eurf nr Vai 23. Soecial.) H.Vl" " I " - . Governor West announced today that ho would not honor a requisition for Clarence Ainsberry, arrested In Oswe go on a charge or snooting a sinner formerly employed Dy tne noma tele phone Company and wanted In Cali fornia for breaking a parole. Deputy Sheriff. Curtiss, of Portland, brought Bell and Wing By FREDERICK FANNING AYER A striking boob of Terse. Boston Post. Absorbing, astounding:, inspiring, baffling. London Academy. Power and originality. ' Cork Examiner. X great work. Boston Herald. Marks of genius constantly. Troy Record, A wealth of ideas. Boston Transcript. Genuine aspiratioii and power. ' Occult Review, England. Astounding fertility. Brooklyn Times, Near tie stars. Portland Oregonian. Prie $2.50 G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, Publiiher, N. Y. the prisoner to this city and conterrrd with the Governor regarding mo ro nnisltlon. It was decided that the of fense for whicti Ainsoerry hum u ar rested at Oswego was far more serious than the one for which he was sent to San Quentin prison and consequently he should be punished In this state. It acquitted of the charge of shooting at the telephone striker with Intent 10 kill the California authorities will have men here to take the man bat k to San Quentin. Ainsberry also is said to have escaped from a prison In Wyoming. Gibson's Second Trial Begins. NEWBCRGH, N. Y., May 23. With a complete change of counsel, Burton W. Gibson, charged with the murder of Mrs. Bosa Szabe, at Greenwood Lake last July, was put on trial today for the second time in the State Supreme Court here. The first trial at Goshen resulted In a dlsngre ement. niinHminiHiiiHiiHiiHiniiniiiiiinnniiiiiiHniiiiiiiiiiiHnnninHiiHHP Don't Look Old Before Your Time WOMAN'S delicate system requires more than ordinary care and at tentionmore care and attention than it is given by the average woman. Neglect it and ills soon creep in, and the look of old age, sometimes quickly. 1 .uDiMi--.m'nm, 4ji..3gq sometimes gradually follows. That backache, so common among women, brings with it the sunken ehest, the headache, tired muscles, crow's-feet, and soon the youthful body is no more youtn ful in appearance and all because of lack of attention. There is no reason why you should be so unfortunate, when you have at your disposal a remedy such as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription recommended for over 40 years as a remedy for ailments peculiar to women. We have thou sands upon thousands of testimonials on file the .jijin ills1"?1 13TTJ ..nmnktloii at 40 Tears testifrilUT to Its effect- ... .-n-j.nn.T--f.inr. nilli Iveness. Neither narcotics nor alcohol are to be found In this famous prescription. Regulates Irrerularitia. Corrects displacements. Overcomes painful pariods. Tones up nerves. Bring about perfect health. Sold by dealers in medicines, b liquid or tablet form. Dr. Pitnxf Medical Adrttmr, newlff r pcara uj-tt-iate edition, answers hottm mfdtiimt Qntmtlon about which ecerv woatait,iinala or marrUd ought (e lutom. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription auuininiiuiut;uiUHnHuiiuiiiiiHiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiMiiiiiiiiiii'"'i'iiiiin when you tire of rough, strong high proof whiskey bottled at drinking strength W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon