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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1913)
10 BEAU CROP FAILURE Serious Condition in California Producing Sections. SPOT STOCK VERY LIGHT I-oca! Jobbers Announce Another naif Out Advance In Small and Large Whites R,n Xow Would Be Too Late. Wholesal. r.n yesterday ced .noth.r half cent advance In amaH srhU. and larg. mhlte beans. Th. .former ar. Ill quoted .t , cent. n t th. Utter at cents. This commodity has gona op u prie. m full cent to th. put fortnight. Th. atrength of tha market U duo to the serious crop situation Id California, whoro .11 of these kinds of bean, ar. grown. The outlook U especially bad In tho Coast dis trlct all tho way from San Joaa to Santa Jtarhara. Thl. haa been tho driest season In many years and tha Jong hoped for rains that usually follow a dry Winter nnv. proved to oo light showers of Uttla real alue. It la now so lata that even should thera bo ood rain, tho damage already done could not ba fully repaired. The rainfall In that section has beon about seven Inches, which Is only a third of tha -i mho have water average. mv available are Irrigating and possibly may obtain fair crops, but mo ui. v- - jt a uDon tha ral alone. Tha situation Is aggravated by th. fact that th. rainfall of th. pr.ceain, v. .o. ---below th. averag. and ther. la Uttla ra ..rv. water In th. ground. Tho soil Is moist to a depth of llv. or six Inches, but thl. can hardly be mad. to carry tho crop, to maturity, even with th. best Ullage. It la now ao lat. In the season that th. chance, of having a soaking rain, such a. Is ; ar. slim indeed. All of th. conation, hava a tendency to creato strong feeling on ail kino, of beans. Th. only section In the Stat, of California which has bad suf fielnt ralnfsll Is the country south OX San ta Barbara, or th. Lima bean section Praper. blocks of all kinds of beana In California are smiller than last year. Especially Is this t-a case with small whit, beans. It Is ooubted If ther. ar. aver .0 carloads an hand In tha antlr. slate. RICK MARKET ADVANCING STEADILY Mluatioa la South la Stronger, Especially oa nwosru. Th. rlc. situation In th. South la a little stronger. Head rlc. has advanced U cents, according to grsue. daya. Th. Japan typa remains about jo stationary. Th. latest Talmaga circus. says: . The msrket Is certainly stronger, and as attractlv. pnrcels sr. becoming scare, t:,. outlook now points to sn advanced range of values. Japaus hav. been largely neglected for some time, but as th. higher rl..i of these styles aro being more sought after on account of their proportionately low price, tha whole market for the Ja pans also shows a belter feeling. Honduras grades aro alwaya mora In requeat because of greater variety of quality, and thera haa been a quiet under current of buying recent ly going on, especially for tn. better grades, which haa resulted In slightly advanced figures." nrprLY or strawberries is mmtted Receipts From tha Soolu Today Will Also Be Light. Strawberry receipts, as expected, war. mall. Light arrival, from California Ire looked for again today. Tha market In the South la firm, owing to dry weather and strong demand. Florin Dollar, wera .old on th. .treet at S1.75- No Jessies wera re ceived. Tha supply of Oregon berries was also small, bales wera mads at IS.&0 to A eteady Increase In receipts U looked for, owing to the fine ripening weather. Lemons ar. selling well and ar. rery tk nranre movement la checked by tha high prevailing price. Bananas are well cleaned up on the street. t" .it,. Batiirdar. Limited regetsble arrivals In the fast two days are responsible lor a maienai re t in stocks. SUDPllea of peas. .,.iinnr and asvaragua are closely cleaned up. W HEAT QI IET FOR LACK OF SLFPLIES Operation In the Coontry Are Now About I tr.r Coast Market. Strong. I-arlt of suppVs In the country Is fast l.i .- w.. . t radins- operations to a ..-.. ...m in tha secondary markets locally, atrength U Imparted by the ateady California demand and the Interest shown hr Oriental buyers. Club la quoted at Kt cents, forty-fold at 94J9S cenla. and red Russian at 1 cents. Oats are firmly held at 32 with a num ber of aales reported at this price. Sentiment In the barley market was sf . ui th weakness at Ran Francisco. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by . k vrrhatiu' Exchange as follows: tiTim( Tlsrlev Flour Oats Hay 14 11 T,,-rfv 3T IK T 7 1 13r,2 2:os T 7 1 14S2 131S 14 Wednesday ... 23 4 Tear ago 1 1 iasoD lo date 1MM 2215 13 lo 2625 Tear ago H'mi World's Hop Crop Is Good. Commenting on the general hop situation ti'b tivImst ef latest date, says: Ttnslnesa locally waa confined to small sales between dealers at unchanged quota tions. 21c to 23c for prime to choice states t -.ill thi nrevalllr . ftrure. Un-stat. . . . , i .i n. .,m tst Imnnrt.nM ijuj.i. . . ...... ..... beina- reported. On -le Pacific Coast 20o bale, ef Inferior qu-,Hy hops were sold at jj cents. Few conr-acts are being made for tbe coming crop a the prices asked by the growers are considered too high by bivvers In view of the present exceiifm ennamon ni . , i n -i-y KAf-1 1 riti which lndl- th plants In every section. cates very large yieiu. nrMsM Meat. Are Weak. Dressed meats are the weakest feature of country produce markets. .al i-ales the drag orsr, ana a tww - - - ' fjuotea on me www , w - 12 cents. Th. recent decline at the yards . , . . i I n th4, lln. caisea an easier htchh . Poultry Is moving at unchanged prices. Rrreipts sre fair and dealers una no oir . , i . i- i ; nt th,m. The eac mar' V.f hnlHa ,1.,. mil unrhsBZd at 18 H to to cents for rus count. Batter and cheese are steady. Bavnk Clrmzinrs. Rank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesieruay were h iuiiuws. Portland 1.;27.;52 216.602 1. 3.017.5H4 2 22.24J Ta.oma u!2.7-'' Spokane 702.306 Bl.iUtf rORTULXD MARKETS. Urmln. Flour, Feed. Etc. WHEAT Track prices: Club, 83c; blue stem. $ll.ul; 40-fold, ViUVic: red Rus sian. lc: valley. 93c. riX)CR Patents. $4.T0 per barrl: .trslghts. $4.10; exports. $3.85!l.95; Taller. (4 0; craham. $4.60; whole wheat. $4.80. OATS No. 1 white. $31 per ton. CORN Whole. $2.30; cracked. (2S.B0 per tor Mi LISTCPTS Bran. $:t.50623 per ton: si.orls. $-'. 0077 per ton; rniddlinis, $31 per ton. BARLET Feed. $rf.00 per ton: br.winr. nominal; rolled. $!?.302S .' per ton. HAT Eastern Oreiton timothy, choice. $lf Oil; alfalla. $18014: straw. $7. . rrnits aad Vegetables. l-eral Jobbln quotations: TROPICAL. FRUITS Oranges. Navela. $4.J0fii.M; inortd I rape trull, $4.$0.!0; -.iiromis IKT.TS ner bos: 81clly, iviuwi T per bos: pineapples. ef7o per pound. ONIONS Oregon, i... p.r . muda tl iuei Per crate. ... VEGETABLES Artichokes, T5c per doxen, asparagus. Oregon. 1161-33 per o0,en: beans. 108 1-e Pr pound: cabbage, : . ",..h- ,.mi-,- 2 ter crato: ecgplant. iiSo pound: bead lettuoe. -50 per crate: peas, otvoo per wuu. - r 35 a) 40c per poun.l". radishes. 10l-c per dnxen: rhubarb, l2c per pound; spinach. Tic per box: tomatoes. J 2. GO, 3 per bos. gsrllr. 7 use per pound. POTATOES Buruank, 40e30c,per hun dred: new, 23c per pound. GREEK FRUIT Apples, B0ce2 Pr b' sccordlng to quality: strawberries, Oregon. 3.BfsS.TS; Florin. I1.T3 per crate; cherries, n ner box: gooseberries, 74Sc P" poumi. 6ACK VEOrrABLls-i"'"'!"' ' sack; parsnips. SI per sack; carrotl. l per ssck. Jalry and Country Produce. Local jobbing quotations: POULTRY nens. 13c; broiler. :3c. turkeys, live, l20c: dressed, choice, zsc. ducks, old. 16HH1SC; young. J49-'c. 'Gbi"ncb, case count. HHO 10c pVr doseS: candled. 20ff 1 frrt CHEESE Oregon triplets, 10c; 4c: Young Americas. ITVie. BUTTER City creamery butter-cubes, zs per pound: prints. 2S I4o per pownd. " pork Fsncy. 11 12c per pound. VEAL Fancy. 13148 per pound. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia River, one-pound tails i23 per doxen: half-pounl flats 11 40; one-pound flats. S.45: Alaska pink. one-prund talis. 65c; sllversldes, one-pound tails. J1.25. HONEY Choice. 3KS 03.73 per case. NUTS Walnuts, loo per pound; Brszn nuts. lSeiSc; filberts. 14 6 15c: almond lie; peanuts. B6V;c: cocoanuts. 90c l per doxen: chestnuts, lie per pound; hlck orynuta, 810c: pecans, 17c; pine, 1T O20C li.- BEANS Small white, 6Viot larg. white, 6c; Lima. 6-SOc; pink. 4 lie; Mexican, 6c, bmBUGARFrult and berry 5.15; Honolulu plantation. 15.10: beet, $4.95; extra C, 4 65; Jowdered, barrels, 3.40; cubes, barrels. SCOFFEE Roasted, !n drums. 2Hi0e per pound. . SALT Granulated. $14 per ton: naif ground lOos, 10 per ton; iOs, glo.TS per ton; dslry. 112.30 per ton. .., RICE No. 1 Japan. S5He: cheaper grades. 4e: Southern haad, SiiSHt DRIED FRUITS Apples. 10c per pound, apricots. 12tfl4c; peaches. 8611c: prunes, Italians. S10c, allver, lUe; figs, white .nd black, 6407c: currants. V0; rnlsins, loos. Muscatel. 6e74c: bleached. Thompson lHc; unbleached. Sultanas, 8c; seeded. THtySHc: dates. Persian, TixOSo per pound; farU. 1.S per box. FIGS Twelve 10-ounce, 83c; 80 e-ounee. 11.S3: 70 4-ounce. 2.50; 30 10-ounce. lilS; loose, CO-pound boxes. 6HB7c; Smyrna, boxes. L10aL25; candled. $i per box. Pro visions. Local jobbing quotations: HAMS 10 to 1 pounds, -nw'vnv. to ti pounds. 19H20Vic: picnics. lSVic. cottage roil. inc. BACON Fsncy. 2930c: standard. 24 25c: English, 22 fl -3c LARD In tierces, choice, 14VbCS com pound, imc. . , DRY SALT MEATS Regular short clears, 18wai3c: short clear backs. 12 to 10 bs.. 141jWc; short clear backs. 18 to 25 lbs., 14313S':: exports, :5016c. 810; incsa beer, 819; plate beef, t-lli rolled boneless beef, 130. BARRELED PORK Beat pig JW-. pickled pork, $23. Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS 1B13 crop. 10il5o per pound; 1918 contracts. 13$13c per pcund. 1-KL.TS Dry. 12c lambs, Z59oe. v.'iiol Eastern Oregon. lOSloc; Valley, 14T16o per pound. .I.-...-.- ...... - iji , ' Twmndt nwr.3oiiru iiivn, . , salted caif. loalT'.o; salted kip. 12ei4c; green mues. uc; ory niae, - Cilf No. 1. 25c; No. 2. 20c: sslted bulls, 8c. 11UHA1K ii clip, .wgm Linseed Oil and Turpentine, ... ntT Daw k.M.1. Kftr tSAllod. l,li.o&au wa. -" - . . bsrrels. 0o; raw. cases, d3c; boiled, eases, die. OIL MEAL F. o. b. Portland works: Car. lota. 833: 5 and 10-ton lots, 834: ton lots. 8J5. I TURPENTINE Bsrrels. P4e; cases, oiu. STEERS HOLD AT TOP CATTLE MARKET IS FIRM FOR BEST QUALITY. Hogs Are Steady at Unchanged Prices More Than Usual Activity in Sheep Division. n-1 nn mstnHal ehsnffH in mar- t . ji.i... . , ih. atnrkvarda vesterday. .TI VUU..WW - All classes of stock sold within the previous rang, of quotations. The day's run waa not heavy. a ,iMri was offered that th toD orlc. of S9. The . .B.I. 1 1 f,, h.ifar. was sold at (8 and cows and bulls moved at former prices. i ih. hnv division oniv a lew suio no.v raoorted. One choice load waa taken at The sheep market was more ku' i usual. Wethers ranged in price Irom j to and good ewes sold at to. The range from tr,.;,0 to S.1". the latter price being pula lor a imati wuiitu Y 7' , , Kt-ceipts were 152 cattle, S3 hogs and 10o4 sneep- ,. .,..,,. u blllTPerS were tv unaoii , veil. vasn.. cars 01 iuwi;, . Kooseven. x 1 -"l ' v . , Co.. Uluoula. ilont.. 4 cars of cattle; 8. I. 1 u.,Mviilft- CuL 2 cara of cattle, and I K. veal, uaiiiDu, vm . " The day . aaiea were 28 heifers ,J 18.00 1 heifer 10.10 23 eteer. .... .... .- stars ........... 23 llrt ........... Uf teers ........... ::i weihers .......... iS(l wethers 53 ewes 17 ewes 5 lamb ........... 7o lambs ........... 90 wethors ......... 62 ewea 67 lambs ............ 14 lambs 1 row ............. 1 etas; 4 cows ............ 3 cows ............. 1 calf ............. steera ....... 2 steers ........... I bull 1 cow ......... 1 calf 1 bull 2- steers ........... 5 steers ........... 11 steers rt steers 11 steers ...,. 4 steers 1 steers ... '2 steers 1 cow 1 cow ...... 1 stuK ............. 3 stass 1 bull 4- mixed sheep. . 2H mixed sheep 19 mixed sheep...... ti sprlnK lambs 13 spring lambs..... 8 hogs ... 81 hoKS 'J hops 2 ho.s 1061 117 1KSO X4 104 lot f-4 At 8.75 S.75 a75 8.73 n.o 6.(10 6.00 4.110 B.30 7.00 6.00 , .-..oo 6.03 8.10 7.i3 7. IK) ."0 7.-3 ..... WJ , 113 - li'J 110O ..... IO! JW3 f-T-. ..... 150 ..... fro1 - li':ti ..... ttio 13i ..... 14jll 112.-. 70ii 701 8Vt ..... "O" 10i7 ..... ' 04. i:i-'i '" 9.VI ..... 10.111 ..... 070 I".". ..... 101 1:10 71 71 sor. 2"-' 2iVi a4n 8.30 7.00 8.10 3.31) tl.DO S.30 .0rt .oo 7.U0 7.110 7.O0 7.00 s.oo 8.30 6.111 5.30 7..-U 8.00 :t.6n 4.00 8.3d 7.O0 7. 8.3 8.23 7.U3 174 8.o3 lit nogs - ' The ranf. or pncea fc 1 follows: en on Cbolce steers .... ..o-v - - 7.76 $.53 I "J 7.75 ........ T.OOt T.73 .30i 7.00 ........ .00ml 6.50 8.00 1? $ 00 ........ 6.30J 7.&0 6.iJ .40 Good steers Medium steers Choice cows Good cows ....... Medium cows ... Choice calves ... Good heavy calves Bulls Hoes Lleht 8.25 9 S.S5 8.30 7.30 Heavy S.009 7.00 Wet here Bwea Lnibs 5.30W 8.10 Chirms. Uveetock Market. CHICACJO. Msy 21. Cattle Receipts, llooo- market steady to a shade lower. Beeves. $7.10s-l0: Texas steers. $.7o 7 70;-Western steers, $78.15; stockers and feeders, $3.8097.b5: cows and heifers, 3.80 7 00: cslves. $S.S09.25. Hon Receipts. 22.000; market steady. Llsht. $n.M S.75; -mixed. $8.40S.72V '. heavy $s. 13 Sf 83: roujth. $S.138.30; pigs. $0.'f-40: bulk of sales, $S.50 S.7K. ihrpRrcelpte. 18.0O0; market. slow, steady te weaker. Native. $34(wrt.l0; West ern $3..Vim 10; yearllnss. $0Sr(V25; lambs, native, ti7.; Wesieru. $8al.ti THE HORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY. MARKET IS NARROW Stock Leaders Move Within Range of Point or Less. BULLISH OPERATIONS FAIL Heary Over-Subscription of Chinese Loan Abroad London Is Buy er In Wall Street Oil Shares Are Heavy. NEW YORK, ilav 21. Union Pacific, - . , , o. i h. anrlr market nPBQlUg 4111(1 iirci, mo leaders, moved n-ithln a. range or a. point or less toaay. xnc " " j narrow fluctuations of these specu- . . . . I . ... V. n mAttSlirA ft I jauve lavoriLes bb,vo w ----- the market in general, which was dull a.nd spiritless affair. Traders sought In the early session to inaugu rate a bull movement on the BtrenK-tn of the flotation of the New ork City and Chinese bona issues. W Qlie l II e iyju. .v. " provement In sentiment abroad on ac count OI HIS Ilt'.iX V 3 Vvco .Jf , . the Chinese loan, and LondonT)OUght . ,. ' .- . i-1 , thArs VU nO correspondlna; change of feeling hero. Kirorts to put up me mioi ".-.--short by the decline In the New YorK City bonds below the average price or $100,159 obtained by the city. ,neayy sales being made at 100 and a S9. A small gain was lost and the day came to a close with most of the prominent shares under yesterdays final prices. - - vvniie tne cny uu.iu ;r ' strated that capital is available, when . . . a A rHn f1An 1 I the hign rate ot wwren sra ... " of the borrower make the offering un usually attractive, doubt was expressed that the result of the offering would tend to stimulate the investment mar ket as had been hoped. The need of new financing by railroad and other corporations is heavier than for many years past. . -av,. tradine was renewed liquidation in certain quarters of the list. tne pe troleum shares were especially heavy. The bond market was under pres ture Total sales, par value, .were f t 325.000. of which $1,500,000 was new 12 city bonds. United States bonds were uncnangea on CIOSUa BTOCK QUOTATIONS. Renorted by J. C Wilson Co. Lewis building, Portland. Closing Salu. Araal Copper Am Beet 8ugax. - Am Con Co 3,200 do preferred.. iO High. Low. Bid. 75 7T 73? Si S2',t 32 wii va 24 40,, 41 so :t o7H 66 06H lol's Am car at ray Am rultnn Oil.. 4CH Am Smel as Kef 1.100 do preferred.. ..-. Am Sugar do preferred.. ...... Am Tel Tel.. 400 111 11H 2i7 87 122 NH W.n 18H 81 237 4?i 13 12H 107V 12S4 "sii t2 21 06 2H "oBVi" ls 12Sii 237 Am Tobacco Anaconda ...... 400 Atl Coast lyina.. -v-"i AT Santa Fe 2.400 do preierreo.. ...... AOhlo ... 100 D.MV r Trim.. fi-llhft Canadian f ao .. 6,H C O WW o a w C4.N W 107 H 23 C. M & tit Paul. Central Leather CtOO 2 2115 Ceulral OI .N J. LL- Chlno W Col Fuel Iron 100 Coio Southern Conaol Gaa .... "00 88 . B84 81b S0 181 ii 131 1K1 8ns 174 D 1 & W n Mr It ti ...... Distilling Eecur. Erie Gea Electric .. 200 Gt North pf ... 1.20O Illinois Central. iK Interboro Met do preferred,. 5o K n Southern 10- 2S 131 12t)i 114 14 -V fit)1 ioi" 'iiu 2sii 2S 12 114 141, 60?, ici" "iTs 'is" 86 2S 1-S 126 114 14 50 23 Lehigh Valley.. 1.50O ln4 i:il 20 10 Louis & isasn - Mexican central i, vo m. a p a Mo. Kan & Tex. 00 Mo Faclllo 1.20O National Lead - 84 47 112 Nat Biscuit itn nrpfei-eed. . 111& N Y Central . . . 1,200 100 28 9 2S W 28 MISA V Y Ont & Wes ow Norfolk & West . Northern Pao... 300 1144s 114 114 21 30 S Pacmc Mall Pacific T T An nreforred.. Pennsylvania ... 3,i00 110 ii 110 160 "iTi HO Peoples os Heading 2D.40O Republic 8 A I Rork Island Jo. 2.700 Southern Pac .. 2.400 Southern Ry Union Pncltlc .. 14.200 do preferred.. ...... Unlt'd Rda 8 F U 8 Steel 10,500 do preferred.. Utah Copper ... l.Si'O Westing Elec . . 100 1M 22 17'. 7 17-t 24 HI4 idi 140 S3 22 r4 105 105 60 . 105 lOOSi r.9 105 105 02 HI 50 Wisconsin Cent. Total sales for the' day.' 160.500 shares. BONDS. Reported by Overheck Cooko Co., Board 01 xraae ouiiaing, ri" iwuu Bid. Asked. 04U 01 Atchison general 4s Atlantic Coast IJno first 4s Baltimore & Ohio sold 4s. . B R T 4s Chesapeake & Ohio 4(j... C 11 & St P en 4 -lis C R I col 4s Cal Gas Rs C B Q joint 4s JSrio general 4s. .......... - ni flL'U 57 72' 02 H 00 . S7 H"i IMS 7.1 is 76 03 70 85 i" 03 ' 1S4 119 V, 94 Ml soii 75 S Louisville Nashville unl 4s... Wi Missouri Pacific 4s JS New York City in 1 N or w lirsr con ...... Northern Pacific 4s Oregon Hhort Una ref 4S, Oregon Hnilway Nav 4s., Pacific Tel 6s Penna Con 4s Reading general 4s , 801. 081, 00 04 U 89 i fil St L, A S F ref 4s Southern pacitlc col .s... iiouinern ri.-inc Southern Railway 6s J 74 02 lull V4 57 . 80 5 82 100 liVlii 10.1 , 114'4 114 V Soutnern rtauway , rnlted Railway Inv 4s.. 8ki l nlon Pacific first and ret 4s.. Ill Tnitea states Steel Ss 00T4 Wesr lihore 4s..... Wshasb 4s . . Srt .. 804 '.'. 81 " . .100 ..100 hi ..102. . .102i ..": -.114 Westinghouse Kleo conv os. Wisconsin Central 4s Western Pacific 5s United State. 2. registered. United states -s coupon r.itl utariii .Ms e.crlRtered. Cnted Ftatea Ss coupon.... I nttert Males is rrgiamrm. United States 4s coupon. . . . Stock, at Boston. KOSTOX. May 21. Closing quotations: Alloues .32 Mohawk 49 Amale- Copper.. 7.1-y Nevada Con .... lilv A Z 1 & Km... S2i;Nlpissiiir Mines. S :;:vnrth "ftutte 2.S1A Arizona Com .. olN'orth Butte. 28 4 1 40 S3 -n x. . C A M. IH. North L.aKe. . . Cal A Arlxona.. tWaiOld Dominion.. rl A. Hec a. . . . "li-i is:.i Centennial laVQutney -. 2 Cop Ran Con CO Mianmm n V. Tlutta Con M. 11 hi Superior 27 Franklin 3V, Sup Bo. Mln.. 2 Glroux Con .... ll ramaracu imnhv Con ... 62 U S S R M... 89 Greene Canaries. Hi do preferred... 4V4 1 Royalie (cop; r.tiii'n . Kerr Lake 84;Utah Copper Co. 60 Lake Copper.... lli Winona li l. slle L'ouuer A wolverine ovv. 22i, Miami copper. Money Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK, May 21. Money on call steady. 2f3 per cent; ruling rate closing bia. : oitereu. Tim. loans eteady. Co days. 304 per cent: 00 days. 84 : six months. 4. Price mercantile paper 6y 6V per cent Sterling exchange ateady with actual busi ness In bankers- bills at $4.S305 for 0-day bills and at $4.8660 for demand. Commercial bills, $4.83i. Bar silver. 6o,c. Mexican dollars. 48c. - Government bonds steady; railroad bonds easy. LONDON. May 21. Bar silver easy, 87 15-16d per ounce. Money, f$Shi per cent. Tbe rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 8 13-16 per cent; three months1 bills. 3 3 13-18 per cent. 8N FRANCISCO, May 21. Sterling on Lonaon. ou oil., r. "'; ,, w Sliver bars 603.. Mexican dollars nomi nal. Drafts, sight, par; do. telegraph. 02. riHiilnn of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, May 21. The condition of the United States Treasury at ine Degin ning or Dusinew wu.i .Woiklns o in oanits ana i-i.iu jj y m . ., , .580 kmv n VMienuiv ............. . Th surplus this fiscal yea; t. $4.2 1 7 .408. year as agaiust a oeiicit oi i.,ib..ii j . , Hi.l.T.V.ft tti n lent.. J iie xigurea ior jwiiji - - Canal BUrUlUB UUU urm.iL ..i ..... . anu pUDUC aeot irsnsiiui-ioiis. 8AJf FRANCISCO PKODPCE MARKET Price. Quoted at the Bay City for Tereta- mm. i- i-iit.M. r. ir. n . . tw. . VTV.TO.0 U.. 91 n"Y . follow- ajvi) rivaiivww j - - - i n.i.., -current here today: . . . . . . I .- T.r. -.1 , 1 Kit. UAT(.,n limes. r run rtpi'i". r rt- Oftlifornla lemons, cholcej i.50 A ri- n(nunnies. iwa.w. cuiiniiuii. , w . - . . jt i65c; River white. 0c; new. Ifr2c; sweets. 8 Cheese New. 14 914; Young Americas. 16c- . ' . . ... t:- t 1.. lac lancr raiicu, .ou mv WhoL 123 iS' 25: wheat and oa nta. J21.0022; alfalfa. $1214: barley, HSU econds. 3utter r ancy cre.ici j , -. r-nmh.r. J2.50ft2.75 green i B0O2: string beans, 5S7c; egg plant, zoiffiiuc Onions Nevada, 73C3J1 per cental: new. yel- rea. eonr'oo per , "sn7i iti' low. !' ;;""'"' kiVi.v. Receipts nour, i m"-' . . , 1C25 centals; potatoes. 8160 sacks; hay, 81 tons. Coffee and Sugar. . o, fntiT.M opened barely steady at a decline of S i to 1. points unaer ui..lvj)-j"liu, . predictions of Increased Braslllan recelpti and report, of a disappointing spot demand and Price..0ld ott to . n.t lo , .f 20 to . 7 se.lers. or sT iTttlo suppor, from bullish sources. The . elos. was ateady oer. 11."'!. ---' IV-' b, tjo. 7. naic: Bantos No. 4. 13 He. Mild coffee. dull. Cordova, 1417c, nominal ,oa CRaw' oniet.. Muscovade , 2J7 2.80c 9 2.55o; rexinen, quiww Kew York Metal Market. Spot to July 15.870 offered: eleotrqlytlo, 15.87 I8.OO0; lake, l.00c; castings, lo-o-c. Tin firm. Spot and May. 48.12(P4S.50c June? 48 1248.37c; July. 4t4047.75c. l.eaa steauy, ..-. Spelter weak. 6.35 66.45c a1l. Antimony dull. Cooksons, 8.78SJ9.00C. iron oull ana raco. .,.. - i. . u.orl o si fnllflWH : 1 ID. "iu" '""A- .o;T-i,,., rout n. Cop- Qumt: spot. -"---:.;,,;,,,.- tas 1US. per. u et; epoi. .o V-4 Iro Cleveland warrants. 60s 6d. Omaha Livestock Market. - A....r. I .1 A1 Pa t .1. S( 11 i I 11 IJillAXlJV, " 1 J - : 1-1 n v.H. .tii.ri "borcow. snd heifers, .e'flT.BO; yest.rn steers. w.o? "7J range cows aua npnw r HRcceiDt750O. markHt lower. Heavy, SJ5&8.40: light, $8.406.45; pigs, 78iB; buik 01 sales n.ova'o.-. , Sheep Receipts, SO00; market higher. Tearlings, $6.S0f7.30; wethers, $6.250.5, lambs. $7.60 8.65. Hew York Cotton Msrket. ' vrtDir xi.. 91 Cnttnri futures i-r.r. . 1 , r-'-i. -r. -vr.v... closea teaay. o . i.,r.V 1 1. Obc; June, ii.viAu -w---. 1.45o;;s.p,ember. 11.61c; October lUBj 11.14C. 1sAA Spot closed iicaay. miu-uioiiu v do iulf. 12.-WC3. Salea gOOO ba-le. Chlrffo Dairy Produce. rTTtri a i Rutter easier. Re - 0 Cp ceipts, -'S"T'': ,Vi ..... Eggs uncnangea. 7it. TiZZ Cheese hlgner. o'"lr, 1 . ' ' 134fl3Hc; Toung Americas, MUffiino long norns. l814e. Duluth Unseed Slarket. Tr ,r.w 01 Pin.. T.1ns.ed ti ku: Mar. $1.33 nominal. July, $1.33 - , . , r, 1 .. .1. mr . flrtnh.r llo; septemoer, .1.07. v. , l.B4'l bid. nrled Trull, at Xew Tork. wn. vnvir luv 01 .rivnnoratM apples 1. . 111111, .- -. quid. i 1 11 iin . .... . -w Hops at New York NBW TORK, May 21. Hops quiet. IDAHO WOOL SALES LIGHT Price Paid Kanges From 1! 1'5 5-8 Cents a Pound. to vtmtv Tdnho. Mav 21. (Special.) Although there were 500,000 pounds of wool in the warehouses, dui iou.uuu nn.inii. sold nt the sale at Moun tain Home. The price ranged from 12 to 15 cents a pound. R. F. Bicknell and J. B. Gowan, local buyers for Eastern houses, took the bulk of the nr.,,i Ttlrknell biddlnar in 34.000 and Gowan 50.000. The hljrh price ot the sale, 15S cents, was paid orr but 8000 pounus. TherS were 15 bidders present and . i ,n . V-fa.l mnnv n the -erroxv UW111& . ll " ....... j . . thmush shearina- veL the bidders wera not active. Many bids j- f wAa i-ii 1 1 : H Ulicicu " i u -' - oni.. riii i... haM In Western Idaho and Eastern Oregon as follows: Pilot Rock, or., .May zj; weiser ana Payette, May 29 and June 11, sales being conducted at both places on the - n,A. Aioiintnln Home. .Tune 2: Hit! 11 G M 11 1 1 J ' Cambridge, June 11; Ontario, June 9; Vale, June iu. TWO PRISONERS GET AWAY Boys Squeeze Out Through Window Gratinff at County Jail. When feeding time arrived at the County Jail yesterday morning the .ji -ii.- a a mnd that two Drison- ers had escaped during tne nignu me wiihnr Dean, aired l. recently re- tnenoii from SDOkane to answer to a charge of passing bad checks, and Ca- vonl Helmer, agea 10, a runaway uj from Marshfield, Or., being held for . . U . i Hir reiuin iv ...j. - The boys were not in ceus, dui in a room with several' other minor offend- n-1 . .. n q l.u.1 tn tu-lut the wire era. iiicjr iuotio-u - - - - netting over the window suiricienuy imi.T. T n r nil tr n IV mi ui. i . - The police ana Bueruis m uuu counties in Oregon and Washington have been notified to loon out tor tne boys. Five other prisoners In the room i . - ,.A 1 .1 a rnf 11 c 1. ll to t .1 V fl.dVan- H1U1 I iiw. . . - tage of the opportunity to escape, but did notlling IU prevent mo oja .vu. maKing tneir senwa). BURKE MUST FILE BIG BOND Xew Collector of Customs May As sums Post la 15 Days. -It is regarded doubtful if Thomas C Burke, of Baker, will succeed Collector ri.tnm. ATaJcolm by June 1. as it is estimated that 15 days will at least k. ,.i,-.,i for him to file a bond, have WO iVwS. ww 4 .nnrAViiii &t WashiiiK ton. and after Ha" v w receiving his commission, take oath of office. As coiiecuons ur. uuues cic ji t:nn nnn o n niifl.11 v ft. bond In the CALCCU mvw,vv ' Sum of ?10U,yUU ,1S requirea aa it bij- r ha T n A rilSLUUl 1U1 Llia v CI 11 - mont tn Venulre security In that ammint TThen the revenue in a dis l I. mrirn thftTl S.lUU.UUU. a j a onrl Insnflptnr in the A3 JCUs.ef x " Custom House are under civil service no changes are looaea lor wiu urn in troduction of the new collector Into office. As a matter of fact much the same organization in the force thas been maintained xor je. Fire Alarm System Ordered. trnrvn PTVF.R. Or.. . May 21. Spe .ioi i The recent fire here on tbe Vmiinail t n the srroiinn on 1 u III uo y " ' account of failure of the department to be notified promptly oy amim, na. caused the City Council to reconsider action taken last week, when the pro- , ....l,ni.. an a 11 tnmfl tf 1 HVR fp TTI posai w iiun.ii.1.. . was postponed, and the City Recorder ii ril.f mr-n 1ntriirterT tn rilir- U. II Ll flic -"I ' rhnae and Install an automatic fire MAY 22, 1913. llWHEAT PRICES SOUR Sudden Boom Gives Shorts Lively Shaking Up. ti UNFAVORABLE CROP REPORT Conditions in Oklahoma and Parta of Kansa Xbt as Gooa as Here tofore Kumors of Further Export Transactions. nnfmn u.v "i More life and strength developed in the wheat mar ket today than at any previous time for weeks. The chief reason was tne receipt of many unfavorable crop re ports from Oklahoma and from South ern and "Western Kansas. Closing prices were buoyant lc to lf over last night. Corn made a net gain were Of kC IO 7H U T ... , , TL 7f&in and rirovlsions at a decline of 2o to zoc. Kumors or export oaio, - nled. were influential against the what hears. The latter, in the early part of the session, had everything their own way, mamiy - r. tiful moisture in the spring crop belt. SelUnsr was overdone, however, and the consequence was a lively shaking up of the shos-t interest, especially in Ja" .i,.. .nfl flour today equaled 634.000 bushels. Primary hui ware 316.000 bushels; a year ago. 274.000 bushels uorn jameu wnu ncv - suit of curtailment of offerings from Iowa ana eorasna. xuvuo, was not large. . , , , Oats closed at the highest of the session except for May. The rise was i nAt-lnn .r urn Pat. Dili alsS because Illinois rains were said not to be helping mucu. Liquidating sales by longs weakened . c.A.,4w n-rf.fil for UOiTS provmiuns. liii-'i" j sorved only as a temporary Prop. The leading iuxures ii'eu - WHEAT, Open Hlsh .poh " .80 .01 k liOW .90 4 Close Way $ .0H July .PSH Sept. .?T5s Dec .v0 .92 .00 .9114 .Si .89 97. CORJf. JiSti .66 .86 14 .67 .67 H .671 .65 .5514 OATS. .06 .55 .56 .551,1 .80 .no .86 14 .ys .30 Tt .89 H .:o .37 Mav .ROW .86 Vi .36 T4 July ..... Sept. ..... Deo. .J7 PORK. May 39.00 Julv ! 10.82W 19.82 10.70 19.o 19.32S 19.70 19.70 19.40 Sept. 19.60 10.50 IiARD. 11.02H 11.00 11.05 Mav 11.15 , ...... 11.0214 -....11.03 11.15 11.0214 11.10 RIBS. 11.30 ll-034 10.05 11.0214 Julv St. juir 11.M14 11.05 1157 11.10 6ept 11.10 11.15 casn prioes wr; -.Corn,, .NO. I yeOow. r loZ 5745714o; NO. . white, 6BS50HC; Ka 4 yellow, 58ffl65io. rtye jo. a, "i--Barley, 464(160. Timothy. 2.853.65. Clover, nominal EuroDean Grain Market. t rtvnnv -Mav 21. Carxoes on passags steady, llmlteu ueuiauu. English country mn.i kcs iju"i. French couutry markets Quiet. LIVEF.POOL. Slay 21. Wheat Spot ..... C,.,... T (. -) fl V HU'. 13 Oil. rfUlJl. IS 4 (1 , umumi, i -i Mlnnraoolli Grain Market. . - ... . , n, nin, . w ii.t' ftc; July! 9014c; September. 90T4C r. . ....ij Qj.v.A- no 1 Northern. V??."?.?; i-r"-o "vVx-Vn sftwaooc x-V? hBrd' Montana. 02 'Ac; No. 3 wheat. 87 'ie 88 lie. 1'lax'n. Barley Unchanged. riHiln. In San VranclsCO. KX FRANCISCO, May 21. Spot O.uota- -nr..ii. viulla X 1 . 5 4i 1. 67 "A C : rieo Russian. 1.6214S. l.5: turKey rea .-sr '"3? D'"l"i"!. Ti' '"i u. ,V.v(. white dlinge, jsi.wa'j-.vyi . 5 Ti.niher rn hoara xitifn:? "iwuji . 1.42 A; May not quoted. Puget Sound Wheat Market. . 01 lTint Ttluestem. OBc?' fortyfo'ld. 00c; club, SOc: fife, 89o; red Yeaterday'B car receipts Wheat, 19; oats. 11; barley, 12; hay, 18; Hour, iz. mis-nun Mt . si. wheat Bluestem 98c; tortyiom. v.,. ,. onr receiy is vv ucai, i jw - i; nay, i. WIRES REACH COTTRELL Electricity Soon to Replace Power on Mount Hood Railway. PT.E.4RANT HOME. Or.. May 21 (Special.) Trolley wires of the Mount Hood Railway have been strung to Cot- ..oii , th.. -WAV to Bull Run. The 1. a .lo.tHfni. tin line is tro WOlft v. J ...ry . grossing rapidly between Portland and Bull Run. i A considerable force of men Is employed, ana soon eiectnuny will take the place of steam as motive power. The Women's Civic League will hold a meeting irriday ai me noiue m G. W. Ingram. A silver tea and special programme has been arranged, oev i v-..d will rtA received. Gim ucw 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 u i i ..... t - - Miss Ethel Wilkinson was eiecieu .. ni fisa Helen Hoss was elected primary teacher of the Cottrell mr tr i mr inp husuiuk j-a. Will CUBO i- nun;. nci fii XfnnnTV. who Was StTUCK bv a motorcycle a tev days agro In Portland and seriously injured and was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital for a,' a. . 1 anVPrintr irO L1I1C1J. V, o a - o- W. A. Proctor, Sandy banker, bought 1 - (. Dlaacont TTOTTie. Which lid will Improve In the near future. F. R. Frost bougnt a nomamnj v he will erect a nome a) COMMENCEMENT DAY' SET Willamette Plans Joint Tro Old gramme Friday Xight. SAIBM. Or.. May 21. (Special.) - The medical department of Willamette TT.I.r.ll. Will nOlU US VV"- "i. Z..!,., In this city Fri- dav night at tne xinoi Church partme i. Beginning neii icn.. 11. i. - 1.11.0 ipii in Portland. ... i j.n..imnit will have Its iue aw ui . , , commencement at the same time, this being the first year oi There are 23 law graauaies. i" largest it number in tne msmrj , Hia .tidiiiitRs in medicine. school Li i, ttua i &. . , ..mmfl will be as follows: The Section. -Th. Ro,o M-W" '.O- chestra -Gypsie John" (Clay), R- B. Walsh, solo address, degrees Fletcher Benjamin iouue, y - "-;y-"t of M. D. and L.U t)., Pref,e" Homan; solo, "Haymaking" A1Jcia 1 i icm w fMriton Smith: Adelaide to medical class. Dr. 1. F. Griffith; . 1 1 . n n i. . 11 Bur" chargo chars. i to law cituiB. . ".i,. nett ;t: "'lslons oi ouimw T,h. .: nresentatlon of Tamiesie medal- Ths tra 'hip" (Holzman), orchestra; nepeaimi TV Disastrous Fate Pursues Man. HIIXSBORO. Or., May 21. (Special.) A new barn on the John Withycombe ranch, two miles south of the city, burned Monday night. Ralph Withy combe, son, resides on the plate, and First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 900,000 Oldest National Bank West of tha Rocky Mountains eoErrEB fibst axd Washington sts. L ADD & TILTON BANK Zstabliflhed 1899. Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 Burpluf and Undivided Profit.. 1,000,000.00. Commercial and Savings Accounts Utters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks iaauodaTailabls in all parts of tho world. ImMs. !,, THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERY1CE aaBBBBSSBBBBBBaaajaja, assaaasBaMMasISSSSlaBa tsasMsW aasJfaSaaBa.jaa.l..M aMBsaBsssSJaaasMPsS MHsa.BsMsssBassssl.SBaSBsa Wishes yonr account and in return offers the most com plete, up-to-date service obtainable. Give us an opportunity; to demonstrate this fact to you. Merchants National Bank Under Government Supervision Founded 1886 Washington and Fourth Street3 Sailings from I.A PROVENCE """ a IJIKRAINE Juno T'Rtrinsw) ......... Juno 2 1-V lokkaik -"y 1 'TwiMcrew- i tQuaaruplo-scr.w steamer. SPFXlAt SATCIuiAY SAIXDJCS FROM KW YOKK. II 1 M. M SU ! Ky", Dorsey B. Smith. 6th st.t A. C. Bboldon. 100 &,l Irt. H. ificksonT US d'stls Kortll Bank Boad. 6th and Stark tt... ateats. Portlaod. TRANS-ATLANTIC LINES a UTBTfl A V T.TTTR ri ,., rum ...... , .. . K-.T.-piymouth-Cherboarg-Soothampton ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE w York London Direct RED STAR LINE Kew York Iover Antwerp WHITE STAR LINE . n T.IrrVWll 1 OiK yurruKmn s. " i N.V.-lynwtU-Cherbouri-HouthumptoTi -., -porlc and A. E. DIS.syCOXVnd B8te.h?pR Aen7lOM , 4..- ,.t.w1 from visltlnff the Pythian Lodge in Hlllsboro. when the J - HTitk..MmKsi haQ fl ft fl fire broKe out. : a chapter or losses In the last six months. His house was destroyed by fire early in the Winter, and during the V . y.ta hnraa was killed by January o.v. hnromine tangled In a loose wire car- rvin an electrio current. Mr. and rylng an eiecw buirey Mrs. wiiiiyuumuo . z when the animal receiver wnen ie anin,.. When the house burned he and his wlie escaped only with tneir ciouuqb 1. .. . !... A PMiaoeipms, "- - h ,hl sludfmrtbrhabits. evolution and variations of tre. snails. A Bitulithic street in front of that home of yours would mean less dust and dirt in the house this Summer. ESTABLISHED 18M jtt9ineers FINANCIAL AND ENGINEERING REPORTS VALUATIONS OF RAILROADS AND PUBLIC UTILITIES 85 SECOND ST., SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS STOiV. CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS PUBLIC SERVICE PROPERTIES FINANCED and MANAGED BO Plna Street New York THE MOST EFFECTIVE. QUASSIA CHIPS AT lOW PBIC1S. Directly imported 200 tons of Quassia Loss from Japan and chipped in our fac Wry! W alio T handle the best BUNGO Sul phur and Whale Oil Soap. FRANK MTTOMA CO, Hop j rowers' Supplies. Phono Main 7311. Independence Or. Rnh.14 n. TTnvarA. Is-. flBanlaa J. W. Idd7 Asst. cashier. Walts r hi. Ooolc. A., CaUlaA ComDfc4nie Ge'neraJa Transatlantique ri t in. to HmTre-Farla (France) Now York .very Thursday at 10 A. M. f France (New), Thursday, June 5 ' -a-a 5.? 1 1-IM r. CANADIAN SEKVlCb 6iiinfcs Uvtsry Tawtday From Montreal and Quebec BY 1UE LARGEST CANADIAN LINERS InrlndloK tha JArRBTNTIO TECTOTJIO MJiGAKTlO CANAUA Send for fold-m ef the Bh"rt Ind- i.u.rf Ht. lwrenoe Kout. to Kurop. Boston Mediterranean Kfypt. CHERRT, TKAVKIKMS- GUIDE. AUSTRALIA TAHITI AND NEW ZEAXAND. Bonnd Trip Hate. I Is claaw to Tahiti i io irsusrH. ' sjn-cisa Fslr1o deesn Tour (Inolofllm Boot h gZ'to Bydn.y via TahitL Barotoo,. iZa N.w Zand and r.turnln. to San to WsJlLOa-taat fzs7j, mm nyanrT rttwm. and New ilnni an4 r.turnln. to lu Francisco lor v mi wu . - " FUlor Bamoa and Honolulu. 8a. 1st olass. Btiprer. anr point. ood on. V 6. In.sfrom Saa tfxanclsoo April S. Apsll S4. to I rrnloa Bteaimahlp Co. Ifass Ksste-a. d. May 8. o. (MM: " Market Btr. " I,f3 AKOEXES AKT SAN DTBOO , BTEAMHHJPS YAM AND BABTAAB Railroad or any stumer to Ban Francisco, th. Kxpo City. fastast and th. ONLY strlctlx first-lass passenger .hrps oa th. Coast. Averag. .pee 2 mil P hour; cost $2,000,000 each. 6AN FBASCISCO, 1 OKTLANT a) I. A. 8. S. CO., ltaln 36. Frank Bollam, Agent. A 489s. IS Third Street. '. vii.'isadsissWisa.Ma.i"M"iMa BAHIA. KIO DE JANK1RO. 8ANTOH,' urn, r. ror i-stoa. etc a-ply local U-llet anenls. L BUSK DANIEI.S.Oiersl A'e"is, Rdl TTiollce cxcnsini, .-. " i.. COOS BAY LINE STEVMSHIP "BKEAKWATEB" sails from Alnsworth Dock. Portland, at " m.. May 10. IB, 20, 25. 30 thereafter every five days. 8 A. M. Freight received dally until 6 P. M. except day previous to sailing, previous day 4 P. M. P""nf fares: First-class. sfO: second-class. T, in eluding birth and meals. Ticket office at Alnsworth Dock. PORTLAND COOS BAY 8. 8. LIXE. L. H. KEATING. Agent, ihone Main . A SSii. a3vil ! I ... tl s I V A': &! J Ei.l-KrS SItA.MliliS f OB San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE S. S. BEAR. 0 A. M., Mar S3. S. S. HUSK CITY, Mny 27. THE SAIS'FRANCISCO l'OKTLANO 8. CO. Mcket OHice 3d and Washington (wlt O.-W. K. N. Co. Fhon. MarsliaU .500. A tUL San Francisco, Los Angeles , and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder. taU Every Wednesday Alternately al NORTH PACIFIC S. S. 00. Ill A Third tU- Fhons. Main lalt, A. lsl4 J.CWILSON&CO, STOCKS. BONDS. CKAIX AND COTTO-1 MEMBERS KEW YOKE. STOCK EXCHAXOB, MEW YORK COTTON EXCHANC.B, CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADB, rBX STOCK AND BOND E ACHANGsV ; BVN FJBANCIAOO. PORTLAND OmCE: Lewis BuUding, 269 Oak Street. - Pboawt-Ma.rsiaaLllliOL A 4182. .